I E> R.AR.Y OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 020.6 AMB BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION VOLUME VIII JANUARY-NOVEMBER, 1914 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 78 E. WASHINGTON STREET CHICAGO 1914 CONTENTS 1914 January MISCELLANEOUS March MISCELLANEOUS May MISCELLANEOUS July PROCEEDINGS OF THE WASHINGTON CONFERENCE September HANDBOOK, 1914 November . .MISCELLANEOUS I \\'M-J> INDEX A separate detailed index to the Proceedings of the Washington Conference is on pages 401-407 and its entries are not repeated here. Affiliated organizations, 433-34 Leather and paper, 512 Affiliation of state associations, 26-27 Leipzig exposition, announcement, 20. Berkeley conference, 1915, announcement, Library labor saving devices, exhibit of 510 (Thompson), 34-35; 65-66; clearing Binding, committee on, report from, 25-26 house for (Thompson), 507-09 Budget, A. L. A. 1914, 3; Publishing board, Lobby conference, topics for, 64-65 1914, 6 Meetings of A. L. A., places of, 417 Charter, 410 Members, 438-501 Chicago midwinter meetings for 1914- Membership, dues and benefits of, 411, by 1915, 504-05. states and classes, 419; (growth of), Clubs, library, 437-38 503-04 Committees appointed: advisability of ap- Necrology, 501-02 proved list of periodicals; status of Officers, 422 school librarians, 66 Officers, past, 420-421 Committees, standing, 425; special, 427 Periodicals, list of library, 434 Constitution, 411-416 Plummer, Mary W., Campaign of library Council, meeting of, 7-19; personnel of, publicity in the general magazines, 423-25 15-17. Dana, J. C., letter from, 10-12 Publicity, report on possible newspaper Dues, 411 (Kerr), 8-9; campaign of library p.
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