As Coronavirus Cases Surge, Israeli Cabinet Approves Sweeping New
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NETFLIX Opinion. Tradition. AIRS IS NEW MORAL ANNE TIMES EDITOR VS. POLITICAL FRANK AN ANTISEMITE? DECISIONS DOCUMENTARY A2. A10. A11. THE algemeiner JOURNAL $1.00 - PRINTED IN NEW YORK FRIDAY, JULY 10, 2020 | 18 TAMMUZ 5780 VOL. XLVII NO. 2462 As Coronavirus Cases Prosecutors Call for Three-Year Surge, Israeli Cabinet Sentence for Ex- Approves Sweeping Nazi Camp Guard New Restrictions BY DPA & ALGEMEINER STAFF A 93-year-old man standing trial in Germany for his role in the Holocaust should be given a prison sentence of three years, prosecutors said on Monday. “The accused is charged with accessory to murder on 5,230 counts,” prosecutor Lars Mahnke told a court in Hamburg. The defendant, Bruno Dey, was aged 17 and 18 when he served as an SS guard at the Nazi concentration camp in Stutthof between August 9, 1944 and April 26, 1945. He is being tried by a juvenile court, because of his age A bartender and customers wear face masks, at a Tel Aviv bar, June 4, 2020. Photo: Reuters / Amir Cohen. Ex-Nazi death camp guard Bruno Dey is pushed into a courtroom, in Hamburg, Germany, July 6, 2020. BY BENJAMIN public swimming pools and basis and is dragging along — Photo: Christian Charisius / dpa / Pool. wedding halls; a limit at restau- contrary to what we have been KERSTEIN rants 20 customers inside and told — severe cases in its wake.” at the time of the World War II crimes. The Israeli cabinet, following 30 outside; a limit at synagogues “Today, there are around The prosecution argues that Dey had known at the time recommendations of the Health of 19 worshipers; a cancellation 90 severe cases and the number what was happening at the camp, located near the city of Ministry, approved on Monday of cultural events; a limit of 20 is doubling every four days,” he Gdansk, namely that people were being shot in the crema- sweeping new restrictions in an passengers on buses; and a limit of noted. “If we do not act now, we torium. He is said to have recognized that the regime’s mass attempt to curb a sharp rise in corona- 20 people at public gatherings. will have hundreds, and perhaps murder of Jews was wrong. virus infections in recent weeks. At a Monday cabinet meeting, over 1,000, severe cases in the “In such a situation, loyalty to the perpetrators must The restrictions include, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin coming weeks, which will paralyze end,” Mahnke said, arguing that the man should have quit among other things: an immediate Netanyahu said, “The pandemic our systems. Therefore, we must Continued on Page A3 closure of clubs, bars, gyms, is spreading — it is as clear as the take immediate steps that will sun. It is rising sharply on a daily Continued on Page A3 Should Statues ShabbatCalendar Parshat PINCHAS Times for New York City, Friday Candle Lighting Shabbat Begins: 8:10pm | Shabbat Ends: 9:16pm פרשת פינחס Have Been Erected P.O.B. 208 East 51st St, Suite 185 New York, NY 10022 page A8 Tel: (718) 771.0400 | Fax: (718) 771.0308 Email: [email protected] © Copyright 2020 The Algemeiner Journal - All Rights Reserved. A2 | FRIDAY, JULY 10, 2020 Opinion. New Managing Editor at New York Times an ‘Antisemite’? Check It Out First News Syndicate, appeared (not in the Times, stories with anti-Semitic undertones can be story they publish, as any managing editor but elsewhere, including The Algemeiner) expected to double down on its anti-Jewish might do.” As for the effort to depict her as IRA STOLL under the headline “Antisemitism gets you slant with Greensit in place.” antisemitic, Chua-Eoan told The Algemeiner: BOSTON fired at Labour and hired atthe New York People who actually know Greensit say “In 20 years of knowing her, 12 of those Times.” It accused Greensit of tweeting a the depiction of her as an antisemite is totally working with her, this characterization is “lie about Israel training American cops to inaccurate, a false accusation driven by a completely alien to me, would be to any of us commit human-rights abuses.” Tobin added misinterpreted tweet of content she didn’t who have ever worked with her.” Allies of the incoming managing editor of that “blood libels have been a staple of anti- edit or even necessarily endorse, but that was Greensit herself deleted the old tweets The New York Times editorial page are pushing Semitic propaganda since the Middle Ages,” published by her then-employer. and clarified on Twitter: “Just bc someone back against a poorly substantiated, yet widely describing Greensit as “someone who spreads Ken Kurson — a former aide to Rudolph tweets co-workers’ articles (variety views/ spread, accusation that she is an antisemite. anti-Semitic blood libels.” Giuliani and the former editor of The New opinions), it doesn’t that person edited The New York Times announced June 22 The Tobin article also contextualized York Observer — told The Algemeiner that (not my role) / endorses.” In plain English that Charlotte Greensit would start July 6 as Greensit’s hiring as part of the Bennet-Cotton he knows Greensit via her late husband, Jim that means, “Just because someone tweets “Opinion’s managing editor and associate Edito- fiasco. Tobin wrote that Times publisher A. Frederick, who was a journalist and author. co-workers’ articles that express a variety of rial Page editor.” That triggered a flurry of intense G. Sulzberger “vowed to change the way the “I have known Charlotte Greensit for years,” views or opinions, it doesn’t mean that person scrutiny of her paper trail, which included tweets opinion section operated, and to do that, he Kurson said. “Jim Frederick was a close friend edited the articles, which is not my role, promoting content from The Intercept, a left-of- has hired Greensit.” Those familiar with the and Charlotte is a good friend, too. They have or endorses the articles.” Greensit’s twitter center website focused on foreign policy and typically glacial pace of personnel decisions at been guests at our Shabbos table. I find these bio also now emphasizes: “Sharing articles national security issues where she had served as the Times, however, say it’s likely that Greensit’s efforts to portray her as a bigot outrageous doesn’t = my opinion.” managing editor since 2015. hiring was in the works well before Bennet’s and disgusting. More to the point, efforts to tar Greensit’s LinkedIn profile describes The Times opinion page has been a departure and that it is not the product of a anyone who is suspected of an unauthorized her as a 1997 graduate of the University of scorched-earth battleground in the culture publisher-driven search that took only a mere view of the Middle East as an antisemite feed Newscastle-upon-Tyne. She spent 12 years wars. Editorial page editor James Bennet three weeks from inception to fruition. into one of the most destructive tropes there at Time. Her LinkedIn bio describes her as resigned under pressure on June 7, and one The Tobin column was widely circulated; is — that the Jewish people are so fragile we a specialist in “building and leading teams; of his deputies was reassigned after the Times it was picked up in one of Israel’s largest circu- are endangered by an errant tweet. Charlotte planning and operations, budgets; partner- published an opinion article by Senator Tom lation newspapers, Israel Hayom. Another is a great journalist and she’ll do great things ships; personnel management and mentorship; Cotton, Republican of Arkansas, calling for the pro-Israel columnist, Caroline Glick, picked at The New York Times.” managing communications, audience, product deployment of the US military to quell what the up the same theme in her own Israel Hayom Howard Chua-Eoan — who worked with and newsletter teams and strategies.” article called an “orgy of violence” and “rioters column. Greensit “participated in the left’s Greensit at Time and described her as one Longtime Algemeiner readers know and looters” in American cities following the newest blood libel that Israel is responsible of his dearest friends — said of her tweets: that I’m not exactly timid or reluctant when death in police custody of George Floyd. for the alleged systemic racism of American “She was simply sharing stories published by it comes to calling out anti-Jewish themes or A June 26 syndicated column by law enforcement agencies,” Glick wrote. “The her colleagues at the Intercept — my under- tendencies at The New York Times; it’s been Jonathan Tobin, editor-in-chief of the Jewish Times, which has long peppered its news standing is that she shared practically every Continued on Page A3 Why Should We Give a Pass to Those Who Tweet Antisemitism? judge her. Her half-hearted non-apology for given the atmosphere at the Times, where the her past actions notwithstanding, that is, of deviations from woke ideology are, as we have JONATHAN S. TOBIN course, a very low standard. Nor do I think it seen with the ousted James Bennet, harshly Algemeiner Journal is likely that she, or anyone else at the Times, punished. The notion that theTimes ’ hiring (USPS 927800) is published weekly would be as charitable to those who retweet of an editor from The Intercept has nothing to (except for the week of Passover hateful views that they opposed. do with the newsroom revolt at the paper that and Succos) Instead, we are told we should listen to caused Bennet’s humiliation is laughable. The Subscription rate $40 per year Ours is a time when antisemitism is Greensit’s friends, who all vouch for her virtue same is true of any assurance that a person surging and the popularity of intersectional and opposition to antisemitism.