PMR: Pilgrimage in the : a reader – Whalen

ETP: Early Travels in Palestine – Wright et. al

JP10: Pilgrimage, 1099-1185 – Wilkinson

JP11: Pilgrimage to Jerusalem and the , 1187-1291 – Pringle

PJM: Pilgrims to Jerusalem in the Middle Ages – Chareyron

CAT: A Case for Computer-Aided Textual Criticism – Brefeld

JMN: Jerusalem in Medieval Narrative – Yeager

MEP: Medieval European Pilgrimage, c.700-c.1500 – Webb

WP: Writers and Pilgrims – Howard

MIT: The Medieval Invention of Travel – Legassie

EM: An Empire of Memory – Gabriele

PP10: The Pilgrimages to Palestine before 1095, Steven Runciman, 68-78

JPBC: Jerusalem Pilgrims Before the Crusade – Wilkinson

*: texts may not be available

670 The Pilgrimage of Arculf: Frankish Bishop, PMR, ETP, PP10, JPBC (& Adomnan)

722(?) The Hodoerporicon of Saint Willibald: first Englishman(?), Anglo-Saxon Bishop, PMR, ETP(721-727), MEP (experienced difficulties from Muslims but also viewed with "equanimity", in Soldiers of Christ), PP10 (722-729), JPBC c. 750-800 Epiphanius the monk: guidebook, confusing state – author identity(?), JPBC

867 The Monk Bernard's Journey to Jerusalem: Carolingian(Frankish) monk, PMR, ETP, PP10 (w/passport from Muslim emir), JPBC

*986 Gerald de Avelena: MEP

*990 Abbot of Stavelot & Thorvald Kodransson Vidtforli (missionary to Iceland), PP10

*992 Kolskeggr: Scandinavian, Varangian Guard, PP10

*997 Count of Verdun: PP10

Millennial Devotion and Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: French monk & chronicler Rodulfus Glaber's account, more diverse pilgrims, PMR, MEP (Ralph Glaber)

*1000(???) Olaf of Norway & Harald Hardrada (1st Scandinavia pilgrim?), MEP, PP10 (Hardrada 1034, Olaf 1st Christian knight of Norway) & Lagman Gudrodsson: king of Isle of Man, PP10

*1003 1010 1038/39 Fulk Nerra: MEP (notorious), EM (Count of Anjou, met Robert of Normandy 1035), PP10

1027 The Pilgrimage of Richard of Verdun: French abbot, PMR, MEP (1026-27 Richard of St Vannes), EM (1026 led 700 NOTABLES)

*1032 Bishop Avesgaud of Le Mans, EM

*1034 Ademar of Chabannes, EM (died same year)

*1035 Robert I: MEP, EM (duke of Normandy, met Fulk Nerra), PP10

*1035 Bishop Ulrich of Orleans: EM

*1035 Abbot of Helmershausen: EM

*1054 Archbishop Lietbert of Cambrai & Bishop Laon: EM (led 3000 aristocrats & ecclesiastics)

*1064-65 The German Pilgrimage: Large groups, mass pilgrimage & famous, PMR, EM (Archbishop Siegfried of Mains & Bishops [Gunther of Bamberg & William of Utrecht & Otto of Regensburg etc.], 7000-12000 people)

1070s Peter the Hermit's Pilgrimage: inspired First Crusade, PMR, PP10 (unsuccessful???)

*1089 Robert I of Flanders: successful pilgrimage during a chaotic time, PP10

*1100(???) Fulcher of Chartres, good observer, JP10

1102-03 The Travels of Saewulf: crusader, PMR, ETP, JP10, WP (English, tells "SARACEN ships menanced the pilgrims' ships")

1105 The Pilgrimages of Bohemond of Taranto: crusader, recorded in !!Fulcher of Chartres, PMR

1106-07 Pilgrimage from Russia to the Holy Land: Abbot Daniel, crusader, PMR, ETP, JP10(1106-08)

1107-11 Sigurd, ETP, JP10 King of Iceland

1137 Peter the Deacon, librarian, JP10

1140 Nikulas Bergsson of Pvera, JP10

1150 Anonymous Icelandic, detailed, guide, JP10

1155 Belard of Ascoli, monk, personal, JP10

1160 The Itinerary of Benjamin of Tudela: Jewish traveler, CHRISTENDOM Jerusalem, PMR, ETP, JP10(1166-71)

1169-74 Theoderic, interested, JP10, WP

1170 John of Wurzburg, JP10, MIT (Descriptio for Theoderic, description, pilgrim guide)

1185 John Phocas, descriptive, JP10

1211-12 Wilbrand of Oldenburg, German canon (later bishop), JP11

1217-18 , German cleric(?), JP11, PJM (seen elsewhere Dietmar, Franciscan, moderate tone about Islam)

1229-39 GUIDE, 2nd part, prescriptive & descriptive, CHRISTENDOM, JP11

1229-39 Anonymous IX & X, JP11

1244-65(???) The Ways and Pilgrimages of the Holy Land, description of 2 itineraries, Provencal copy in Vatican L & English copy in Norman French in Cambridge L, JP11

1250-59 Matthew Paris, English Benedictine monk, JP11

1251 Geoffrey of Beaulieu, French Dominican friar, JP11

1253-54 Greek anonymous, JP11

1271-73 Friar Maurice, Norway Franciscan friar, JP11, MIT (record en route)

1274-85 Burchard of Mount Sion, German Dominican friar, most detailed, JP11, PJM (Burchardus, geographical description), WP (1232 1280 interesting personality, great tolerance of MUSLIMS etc.), MIT (famous)

1285-89 Philip of Savona, HRE Franciscan, JP11

1288-89 Riccoldo of Monte Croce, Italian Dominican monk, JP11, PJM (Florence missionary, wrote info about refuting), WP (Ricoldus de Monte Crucis, Florence, interested in people's beliefs), MIT (in Livre de merveilles)

1250-1350(???) Greek anonymous, JP11

1321 Marino Sanuto: Secrets for True Crusaders to Help Them Recover the Holy Land, with map, WP

1322-56 John Mandeville, ETP, PJM (mysterious, Englishman / Burgundy, SOME IMAGINATIONS, success), WP (a romance of travel, "exemplary" "objectivity & tolerance"), MIT (in Livre de merveilles)

1323 Symon Sermeonis: Ireland Minorite friar, "desire to inform himself about Islam", literary taste, PJM, MIT (Simon/Symon FitzSimons, record en route)

1332-36 Willem Van Boldensele: German Dominican penance, geographic & historical, PJM, WP (source for 1st half of Mandeville), MIT (William, common trade route & wrote Liber for cardinal)

1335 Giacomo Da Verona: Augustinian monk, rich detail, spiritual & contain description about environment, PJM, MIT (Jacopo/Giacomo, record en route)

1336-41 Ludolph Von Sudheim: German priest, in Jerusalem as chaplain to knight w/king of Armenia, wrote for Bishop, contain geographic & historical, diverse observations, PJM, WP (Ludolf von Suchem, interest in infidels & tolerance), MIT (famous)

1344-45 English anonymous: Itinerarium cuiusdam Anglici, depictions of Muslim, complained most, JMN

1345 Niccolo Da Poggibonsi: Tuscan Minorite friar, 4yrs, "see everything", daily life & people, PJM

1384 Lionardo Di Niccolo Frescobaldi: Florentine noble family, civic offices, Twenty, rich & personal, traveled with BELOW 2 PERSONS, PJM

1384 Giorgio Gucci: Florence plebeian family, father civic, ambassador to , chronicle & expenses, traveled with ABOVE & BELOW 2 PERSONS, PJM

1384 Simone Sigoli Di Gentile: Florentine noble family, traveled with ABOVE 2 PERSONS, PJM

1392-93 Thomas Brygg De Swinburne: English lord, mayor, magistrate of Bordeaux, written by chaplain(~), expense recorded, PJM, CAT (Thomas Brygg: , not route, succinct, chaplain/squire to De Swinburne – the prilgrim), WP

1394-95 Niccolo Da Martoni: Italian legal notary, some misfortunes, Jerusalem(?), PJM

1395 Ogier D'Anglure: Champagne noble family, ancestor in Crusades before, PJM, CAT (French, verbose)

*1413 Nicolo Da Este: Italian, w/retinue, written by scribe, comments on things, WP

1414 Margery Kempe's Pilgrimage to Jerusalem: Englishwoman writer(?), PMR, PJM (Englishwoman, pilgrimage part of autobiography, feelings, "no trace of a description is to be found"), WP ("holy mad woman")

1418 Nompar De Caumont: French feudal lord, Chtistian ceremonies & relics, PJM, CAT (Nompar II: seigneur, depise Arabs)

1420 French Anonymous: piety+curiosity, landscape, types of Christian, PJM

1420- Emmanuel Piloti: Venice merchant, believe in Christian RECONQUEST of Jerusalem & plan for invasion, PJM

1421 John Poloner: Description of the Holy Land, with map, MP

1422 Ghillebert De Lannoy: Flemish Dutch nobleman, also soldier/chamberlain/captain/knight/ambassador & spy, layout of ports for armed landing, PJM, CAT (1421-23 French nobleman)

1432 1433 Bertrandon, ETP, PJM (Bertrandon De La Broquiere: adviser & squire to Burgundy duke, ill & brought back to Jerusalem, share life of Turks & find ways to defeat them), WP

1435-39 Pero Tafur at Jerusalem: Spanish traveler, PMR, PJM (knight, trials & triulations)

1440-50 Gilles Le Bouvier: French, love adventure, PJM

1440 Girnand von Schwalbach: German, CAT

1458 Gabriele Capodilista: Milanese, specific devotions, PJM

1458 & 1462 William Wey: English learned priest, map & prose itinerary & verses, PJM, JMN, WP (with map)

1461 Louis De Rochechouart: French feudal lord & bishop, reformer & later imprisoned, READER of previous writings, secular & humanistic, PJM

1464 Sebald Rieter senior: German, detailed, CAT

1470 Ulrich Brunner: German priest, keen for money, feel superior to other pilgrims, CAT

1470-71 Anselmo Adorno: with son Giovanni, commercial interests, instructive & customs, PJM

1475-78 Alessandro Arioste: Franciscan apostolic missionary, accuses sultan, form in dialogues, PJM

1479 Sebald Rieter: German patrician, w/Hans Tucher, fresh view, no INFLUENCE from early writings, PJM

1480 Parisian Anonymous: scholar (?), open-minded & personal, PJM

1480 Pierre Barbatre: Norman priest, same SHIP with ABOVE & BELOW PERSONS, "exemplary precision”, PJM

1480 Santo Brasca: Milanese palace functionary, rare to reproduce hymns/prayers/other devotions, PJM

1480-1526 English Anonymous: "An Account of a Pilgrimage to Jerusalem" by Brefeld, CAT

1481-85 Joos Van Ghistele: Flemish Dutch nobleman, discovery, written by chaplain, PJM

1482-83 Paul Walther Von Guglingen: Augustinian then Franciscan monk, very introspective, PJM, WP (same group w/Bernhard & Felix)

1483 Bernhard Von Breydenbach: worthy Dean of Church, less material & world, PJM, WP (guide widely known, 6 MAPS, details & useful)

1484 The Tribulations of Brother Felix: German Dominican preacher, PMR, PJM (1480 1483 : friar, 1st dangerous, 2nd extended, Evagatorium: "documentary summa" w/description+personal), WP, MIT (famous)

1486 French Anonymous: misadventures & criticisms, PJM

1486 Girolamo Castiglione: Italian humanist, Jerusalem(???), PJM

1486 Konrad Grunemberg: German knight, typified German piety, influenced by German mysticism, watercolor..., PJM

1486 Georges Lengherand: English magistrate, observation, PJM

1488 Jean De Tournay: French merchant, detailed account, PJM

1490 Jean De Cucharmoy: Lyon native, difficulties & antiquities & history, less emotional, PJM

1490 Philippe De Voisins: French feudal lord, PJM

1494 Pietro Casola: Milanese learned priest, vivid & satire companions, PJM

1495 Claes van Dusen: Leyden servant to galley captain, more description of Venice than Jerusalem, CAT

1496-99 The Pilgrimage of Arnold Von Harff: German nobleman, PMR, PJM (Dutch nobleman, like adventure)

1506 Richard Guylforde: English traveler, DIED in Jerusalem, written by servant, PJM

1507 Martin Von Baumgarten In Brautenbach: German knight, famous, discussed way of life & Jews, PJM

1511 Jean Thenaud: French Father Guardian of Franciscan, at expense of Marguerite de Navarre, eventful, robed & safe home, sensitive & humorous, PJM

1511 Richard Torkington: Diaries of Englysshe Travell, priest, right before Henry VIII's ban on pilgrimage, JMN

1520 Jacques Le Saige: French silk merchant, old hand, not enjoy art but WINE and FOOD, printed his book, PJM

1532: Denis Possot & Charles Philippe: 1st French priest, died & finished by 2nd, 2nd French feudal lord, PJM

1553 Greffin Affagart: French knight, attack Luther & Erasmus, complained cost "since there were fewer pilgrims on board the galley", PJM

1561 Graf Albrecht von Lowenstein: German narrative, CAT