Book 20120901.Indd
Editors: Rod Holling-Janzen, Nancy J. Myers, and Jim Bertsche Authors: Vincent Ndandula, Jean Felix Chimbalanga, Jackson Beleji, Jim Bertsche, and Charity Eidse Schellenberg Copyright 2012 by Institute of Mennonite Studies RépubliqueCopublished with Institute Démocratique for the Study of Global Anabaptism du Congo (Democratic Republic of Congo) CHAD CENTRAL AFRICAN SOUTH SUDAN REPUBLIC CAMEROON Banjwadi Kisangani UGANDA REPUBLIC Mbandaka OF CONGO GABON Goma Bukavu RWANDA Bandundu BURUNDI Vanga Pungu Ilebo (Port-Francqui) Mweka Kinshasa Kikwit Idiofa Ndjoko Punda (Charlesville) Cabinda (ANGOLA) (Léopoldville) Luebo Mutoto TANZANIA Kananga (Luluabourg) Feshi Tshikapa Mbuji Mayi (Bakwanga) Gandajika Kahemba Lubondai Mwene Ditu ANGOLA Kolwezi Lubumbashi (Elisabethville) ZAMBIA MOZAMBIQUE 02100 00400 ZIMBABWE NAMIBIA Kilometers Map by GMI Editors: Rod Holling-Janzen, Nancy J. Myers, and Jim Bertsche Authors: Vincent Ndandula, Jean Felix Chimbalanga, Jackson Beleji, Jim Bertsche, and Charity Eidse Schellenberg Copyright 2012 by Institute of Mennonite Studies Copublished with Institute for the Study of Global Anabaptism Carte régionale des dé (The region of Menn GABON BANDUNDU REPUBLIC OF CONGO Kasai Kwilu Pung Kikwit Cabinda M (ANGOLA) Kafumba Nzaji Mukedi Gungu N Kandale Shakenge Kahemba ANGOLA Kamayala Kajiji Editors: Rod Holling-Janzen, Nancy J. Myers, and Jim Bertsche Authors: Vincent Ndandula, Jean Felix Chimbalanga, Jackson Beleji, Jim Bertsche, and Charity Eidse Schellenberg Copyright 2012 by Institute of Mennonite Studies Copublished with Institute for the Study of Global Anabaptism ébuts mennonites en RDC nonite origins in the DRC) KASAI i OCCIDENTAL Basonga gu KASAI ORIENTAL Madimbi Banga Ndjoko Punda Karuru Lubu-Kakese Kananga Nioka Kakese Nyanga Mbuji Mayi Kalonda Tshikapa Lulua Kalamba Mwene Ditu Loange Mutena Kasai 0150 00200 Kilometers Map Editors: Rod Holling-Janzen, Nancy J.
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