UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Pa9e 82 Date 15/06/2006 Time 4:59:22 PM


Expanded Number S-0907-0005-14-00001

Title |tems-in-Heads of States - Kampuchea

Date Created 26/01/1973

Record Type Archival Item

Container S-0907-0005: Correspondence with heads-of-state 1965-1981

Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit MKP/SR/ CC: SG/ BF: RVAR/JPB/FMG/IL/MC

Le 7 dgcembra 1978

Monsieur 1'Ambassadeur,

Je vous remercie d1avoir bien voulu me fairs parvenir le texte du message en date du 24 nobfernbre 1978 -gue'Son Excellence Monsieur , President du Pr^sidausm de 1'E'tat dxa Kampuchea D^mocratique a adressS aux Chefs d'ltat des pays ayant des relations diplomatiques avec le Kampuchea D&nocratique. ." L J'ai lu avec attention cette communication efc vous sais gr^ de me tenir inform^ des d^veloppements concernant votre pays et votre region. Vouillea agr^er, Monsieur 1'Ambassadeur, les assurances de ma tres haute consideration.

Kurt WaldheiKi

Son Excellence Monsieur In Wat Ambassador Extraordinaire et Pl^nipotentiaire Dil^gation du Kampuchea D&nocratique DELEGATION DU KAMPUCHEA DEMOCRATIQUE New York, le

Monsieur le Secretaire General,

D'ordre de mon Gouvernement, j'ai 1'honneur de vous adresser ci-joint, pour votre information, la copie du message en date du 24- novembre 1978 du President du Presi- dium de 1'Etat du Kampuchea Democratique KHIEU SAMPHAN aux Chefs d'Etat des pays ayant des relations diplomatiques avec le Kampuchea Democratique. Je vous prie, Monsieur le Secretaire General, d'agreer 1'assurance de ma tres haute consideration.

Pour la Delegation du Kampuchea Democratique

NAT Ambassadeu- r Extraordinaire et Plenipotentiaire


Respectee Votre Excellence,

Depuis la fin de 1977 et au cours de cette annee, Votre Gouvernement a bien voulu tougours porter son attention aux actes d'agression et d'annexion perpetres de facon barbare par le Vietnam centre le Kampuchea Democratique. Au nom du peuple et du Gouvernement du Kampuchea Democratique, je Vous exprime mes chaleureux remerciements.

Oomme Votre Gouvernement le sait, le Vietnam nourrit depuis de longue date 1'ambition de faire entrer le Kampuchea dans la "Federation Indochinoise" placee sous la domination du Vietnam afin de 1'avaler au bout djune periode determinee. En meme temps, le Vietnam veut prendre le Kampuchea comme tremplin pour assouvir son ambition regionale dans le Sud-Est asiatique. Cette ambition regionale vietnamienne s'accorde avec I1ambition expansionniste mondiale de I1Union Sovietique.

.../ 2 - 2 -

C'est pourquoi les actes d'agression du Vietnam ne frappent pas settlement le Kampuchea, mais encore menacent directement la securite, la paix et la stabilite en Asie du Sud-Est, en Asie et dans le monde.

Ges menaces se sont aggravees depuis la signature du "Traite d1amitie et de cooperation" entre le Vietnam et I1Union Sovietique. Ce traite place le Vietnam integralement dans le bloc sovietique. II lui confere le statut legal de poste avance et de pion de I1Union Sovietique en Asie du Sud-Est, au service de 1'ambition et de la politique de cette grande puissance dans la region et dans toute 1'Asie. Avec ce statut, le Vietnam devient plus arrogant et intensi- fie encore plus ses actes d'agression et d'annexion centre le Kampuchea independant, pacifique, neutre et non-aligne.

Malgre les lourdes defaites de ses attaques d'agres- sion et d'invasion de grande envergure a la fin de 1977 et au debut de 1978 en vue de s'emparer du Kampuchea d'un seul coup suivant sa strategic "attaque-eclair, victoire-eclair", malgre ses innombrables difficultes inextricables a 1'inte- rieur du pays et malgre qu'il soit demasque sur le plan in- ternational, le Vietnam s'efforce de poursuivre frenetique- ment son agression contre le Kampuchea. Cela parce que 1'Union Sovietique et le Vietnam considerent le Kampuchea independant comme un grand obstacle a leur plan d'expansion en Asie du Sud-Est, Au cours de la saison seche qui commence avec ce mois de novembre, le Vietnam s'aventurera a lancer encore une fois des attaques d'agression et d'invasion de grande envergure contre le Kampuchea Democratique. Plusieurs divisions de l*ariaee vietnamienne sont deja pretes. Quant a I1Union Sovietique, avec la couverture legale du "Traite d'amitie et de cooperation", elle a encore envoye de nombreux conseillers et d'importantes quantites de materiel de guerre au Vietnam.

Parallelement a ses preparatifs militaires, le Viet- nam a mene de nombreuses activites diplomatiques. II repand

.../ 3 - 3 - partout des mensonges sur son soi-disant desir de paix, son soi-disant respect de 1'independance et de la souverainete d'autres pays, et ce, au moment meme ou il poursuit avec impu- dence son agression centre le Kampuchea Democratique. Ces men- songes sont destines a caclier son visage d'agresseur du Kampu- chea et celui de pion de 1'Union Sovietique en Asie du Sud-Est. En meme temps, le Vietnam a depuis trois mois, fabri- que de nombreux mensonges, tels que les soi-disant insurrec- tions contre le Gouvernement du Kampuchea Democratique dans 16 provinces„ Et le Gouvernement vietnamien lui-meme a lance des appels a la revolte contre le Gouvernement du Kampuchea Demo- cratique. Le Gouvernement vietnamien sait pertinemment que 1'opinion publique mondiale ne manquera pas de denoncer et con- damner vigoureusement ces impudentes ingerences et incitations a la revolte qui violent de facon arrogante le droit interna- tional, les principes du non-alignement et la Charte des Na- tions Unies. Neanmoins, le Gouvernement vietnamien continue avec obstination a recourir a de tels actes car ils font partie integrante de son plan d'agression et d1 invasion de grande ,.en- vergure de cette saison seche. Le Vietnam a besoin de faire de telle propagande pour camoufler les attaques lancees par son armee. Il utilise constamment, tant chez lui que dans d'autres pays, cet odieux stratageme qui montre bien son hypocrisie et sa perfidie. Dans son agression contre le Kampuchea, le Vietnam n'a aucunement hesite a employer a plusieurs reprises des gaz toxi- ques causant la mort de plusieurs jeunes et vieux parmi la po- pulation innocente. G'est la un nouveau fait qui montre claire- ment que la guerre d'agression du Vietnam contre le Kampuchea Democratique n'est pas un probleme ordinaire de frontiere. C'est un acte criminel visant a exterminer la nation du Kampuchea.

Le Gouvernement du Kampuchea Democratique, en Vous presentant ces quelques points, espere que Votre Gouvernement apportera sa contribution pour s'opposer aux actes d'ingerence, d1intervention, d'agression et d'annexion du Vietnam contre le Kampuchea Democratique, et au plan d'expansion du Vietnam et de I1Union Sovietique en Asie du Sud-Est. .../ * Le Kampuchea Democratique n'a pas d'autre desir que de vivre en paix, dans 1'independance et la souverainete dans son integrite territoriale, dans 1'honneur et la dignite na~ tionale. Avec le Vietnam, le Kampuchea Democratique desire entretenir d'etroites relations d'amitie et vivre en bon voi- sinage avec lui. C'est pourquoi en juin 1975> au moment meme ou le Vietnam occupait nos iles Koh Way et violait ainsi gra- vement 1!integrite territoriale du Kampuchea Democratique, nous avons propose au Vietnam de conclure un traite d'anitie et de non-agression. Depuis lors, nous avons successivement souleve avec le Vietnam ce probleme de traite, ivlais le Viet- nam n'a pas voulu prendre en consideration cette bonne volonte du Kampuchea. Au contraire, il a intensifies ses actes d'agres- sion centre le Kampuchea Democratique. Malgre cela, si mainte- nant le Vietnam cesse son agression centre le Kampuchea Demo- cratique, abandonne son ambition d'avaler le Kampuchea et sa strategic de "Federation Indochinoise", et s'il respecte par des actes concrets 1'independance, la souverainete, I1integrite territoriale du Kampuchea Democratique et le droit du peuple du Kampuchea de decider lui-meme de sa propre destinee, le G-ouvernement du Kampuchea Democratique proposer ait a nouveau au Vietnam la signature d'un traite d'amitie et de non-agres- sion.

Mais dans la situation qui prevaut actuellement, le peuple et 1'Armee Revolutionnaire du Kampuchea elevent con™ stamment leur vigilance pour resister au Vietnam parce que ce dernier poursuit avec Destination ses actes d"agression et d'annexion centre le Kampuchea Democratique. Us mettront en pieces tous les actes d'ingerence , d'intervention et d'agres™ sion du Vietnam jusqu'a ce que la strategie d1agression, d1ex- pansion et d'annexion du Vietnam et de 1'Union Sovietique con- tre le Kampuchea Democratique subisse une defaite totale.

.../ 5 — 5 —

Le peuple et I1 Arm.ee Revolutionnaire du Kampuchea portent toujours haut le drapeau de 1'independance nationale et celui de 1'honneur et de la dignite nationale. Par leur lutte opiniatre et resolue, et avec la sympathie, I1encoura- gement, le soutien et 1'aide de tous les pays epris d1inde- pendance et de justice dans le monde dont fait partie Votre pays, le peuple et 1'Armee Revolutionnaire du Kampuchea ont defendu et assure la perennite du Kampuchea Democratique, en tant que pays independant et non-aligne. Le Gouvernement du Kampuchea Democratique est convaincu que le Kampuchea indepen- dant constitue un facteur favorable a la cause de la defense de la securite, de la paix et de la stabilite en Asie du Sud- Est et repond aux interets de tous les pays d'Asie et du monde.

Acceptez, Excellence, mes salutations les meilleures ainsi que 1'assurances de ma tres haute consideration.

Phnom Penh, le 24 novembre 1978

KHIEU President du Presidium de 1'Etat du Kampuchea Democratique ttnranfe)K'"')0

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1 © 4 u sre CONFIDENTIAL

Notes on a meeting held in the Secretary-General's office on 6 October 1975 at 3s35 p.m.

Presents The Secretary-General His Royal Highness "Prince , Head of State of Kampuchea (Cambodia) , Chairman of the National United Front of Kampuchea Mr. Sarin Chhak, Minister for Foreign Affairs Ambassador Thiounn Prasith Mr. Roberto Guyer Ms:. Rafeeuddin Ahmed

Prince Sihanouk stated that Cambodia was now free and united after going through a terrible war in which great destruction had been wreaked upon the country. They had been forced by national necessity to undertake the armed struggle which had now successfully ended. Since February 1975, there had been a state of peace in the country. The Secretary-General took note of the statement of Prince Sihanouk and assured him that, if requested, the United Nations would be ready to assist the Cambodian people in their efforts towards rehabilitation and reconstruction of the country. Prince Sihanouk thanked the Secretary-General for this offer but added that for the present they intended to do without external assistance - the only exception being help from China, which was a true friend. This did not exclude assistance from others in the future. The Cambodian people were working day and night ever since liberation, and they had made plans which were not too ambitious but rather realistic in order to rehabilitate their economy. In this effort, they had already achieved notable success0 The question of food had been solved and the seven and a half million people of Cambodia were being adequately fed. Distribution was controlled by the State and free markets had been abolished. Prices had come down, e.g., rice cost 15O per cent less than it did before the liberation. Everybody was engaged in production, including the Royal Family. By adhering to the principle of self-reliance, they had achieved in five months results which surpassed those attained over the ' previous ten years. The Secretary-General enquired about the proportion of the populace in cities and villages. Prince Sihanouk remarked that the new regime had sent the people back to the villages. The capital, , whose population had swelled to three and a half million, had now about 10O,OOO people. Previously, these people had been consumers only. Now they were also producers. The People's Army is also engaged in production* Next year, Cambodia hoped to be able to export cereals. All - 2 - this was being done without external aid« The problem before the Third World was whether, it could develop on its own or not. The new leadership in Cambodia, which is dynamic, has decided to opt for self-reliance. The Secretary-General asked about the programme of opening the air and sea ports. Prince Sihanouk replied that the Cambodian people had themselves destroyed most of them during the armed struggle and the rest were badly hit by the United States at the time of the Mayaguez incident. They were now being repaired and already ships from China were being received. As regards diplomatic relations, Prince Sihanouk said that they had started with China, North Vietnam, South Vietnam and North Korea. Later two or three other friendly countries might also open missions. This would gradually grow and eventually the United Nations would also be represented. He emphasized that the new regime supported the United Nations as was symbolized by his being sent to the General Assembly. In a few years, they hoped to develop fruitful co-operation with the world Organization. The Secretary-General asked for confirmation of his understanding that for the moment the Cambodian Government wished to rely on its own efforts and only later might it seek the assistance of the United Nations and its related organizations. Prince Sihanouk said that they had gone through a terrible war. The new leadership in Cambodia was concerned with conserving the liberty of the country. They wanted to serve the United Nations. The Organization should welcome such members who were not looking always for assistance. The Secretary-General expressed his understanding over the desire of the new Government to depend on its own efforts in pursuance of the objective of self-reliance. He, however, reiterated the willingness of the United Nations system to assist if and when called upon by the Government. In this context, he also referred to the readiness of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to co-operate with the Government in regard to the refugee problem. Prince Sihanouk expressed his appreciation for both the United Nations and the UNHCR. As regards the refugees, they had not chased them from the country. They were prepared to examine their cases on an individual basis. Those who are not traitors will be accepted by the Government in the country. He, however, wished to make it clear that there was no refugee problem inside the country. The people were content. They were receiving equal treatment in an egalitarian society.

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Le 16 octotoa


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Casibodge Nations Street ay^ Lesdngtosi Suite I302*O3IX HSY» 3.001? , 4 >; MKP/az ccs SG Mission Bf. RA/GH/FMG/TR/IL

13 oetolar© 197 5

Waldheiia se ^oiat a taei powr feres ©l&e&rcn&nfc

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Waldheim r • »• - MKP/az

13 octobre 1975

Monsieur I'toibassadeur,

SecsrHfeaire g&n&ral vous serait rceonnaissand bien vomloir fair© parvenir la l©tt:r© ai«-joint@ a ^Itess© Eoyale le Shrince Uoro^ooa Sihaiioiik, Chef de l*Btat du Cembodge,

Una cople de cette lettre est jointe^ powr

agxrSerA Itonsieur I'AaibassadstaK^ les de ma tras' haute

Ferdinand Mayshofor Assistant Splbial Secretaire ion Monsieur B^l^fation. du Camibodga de I8Organisation des nations Unies Eog©r Smith Hotel 47th street and Lexington Suite 1302-1311 How York, H.Y. 1OO17 MKP/az cc: SG Mission Bf. RA/GH/FMG/TR/IL

13 octobre 1975

Madame Waldheim se joint a taoi pour vous remercier tres sineereaaent ainsi q«© S»&.H. la Princesse Moniqtie pour les beatoc bbjefcs d»art que vous aves bi^i voulu nous offrir a 1» occasion de votre visit;© au siege «5e 1' Organisation nations

Mous avons £te tres s^nsibles a votxe ainiable geste et t

Veu:UlXes agrHer, Altesse, les assurances d© ma plus haute consideration.

Kurt Waldheim

Son Altesae Royals Le Prince Norodom Seflianoulc Chef de 1'Stat du Casntoodga Pnom Penh

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'^•'.^f'v-VC^ • . UNITED NATIONS Press Section Office of Public Information United Nations, N.Y. (FOR USE OF 'INFORMATION MEDIA — NOT AN..OFFICIAL RECORD)

Preiss Release SG/SM/2255 6 October 1975


Following is the text of a statement by Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim at a dinner given tonight at United, Nations Headquarters in honour of Prince Norodom Sihanouk, Head of State of Cambodia:

The United Nations Organization is always honoured to receive the Head of State of one of its Member States, since this is certain evidence of the interest given to it at the highest echelon by the responsible parties of the international community. This is why -I am happy to welcome you here at the, Organization's Headquarters, This afternoon, the General Assembly listened to you with great attention; many delegates then remembered the inspired statements that you have made during preceding sessions, including those of 1958, I960 and 1961. Things have certainly changed very much since then in the world and in South-East Asia. While you addressed the General Assembly this afternoon you noted how the face of the world had changed since your last visit. In 1958, 79 delegations were present to listen to you; today 1^1 countries are Members of our Organization, While universality is not yet complete, we are constantly getting closer to it. Every day the United Nations reflects better the world as it is and deals with its real problems. Non-aligned countries, which were few in the past, today form a very important group whose action can be felt in the political, economic and social fields. This was evidenced during the seventh special session when the Group of 77 worked, as did also the other groups of the Assembly, to arrive at an agreement which would be acceptable and reasonable for all. All that was required was for Governments to be inspired by the same will, a will to use the United Nations as an instrument for negotiations, conciliation and co-operation. Concerning South-East Asia, this region, whose population endured for several generations the sufferings and destructions of war, is now able to work courageously and peacefully for the reconstruction and the development of their countries, As I have several times had the opportunity to say, the United Nations Organisation and its specialized agencies are ready to participate in this economic and humanitarian task, if Governments wish them to,

(more) Fretocol and Liaison 6 October 1975


Hosts Tlie Secretar-y*43eiaera;!. and UTS, 'U'a.ldhelm

SB£gi.§^2lL,!lSiS?l: H.B.H. Prince boredom SxlianoiAk., Presite-it of the National United Fi*ov>:b of KarapuGhef > &n& H.rR.H,, F^incess Sonique Sihanouk

Mesibex-s of Their Royal KiffhnsKr'.ea Party +.**.-ni«*fc»mwii'>-t«u«.tii^ai4tiu-*^.ixvi^jx--vii-ajIri-.wtr? jjwj^Tbiio-ti-i^.'t-- >• - *.^ .i. ji-f/...-.\'-. i'WJ ^i -.^Dtm.ni^i-.iVt H.E, Mo Savin Ctfaaic Minister for Foruicj

H,,St Mo EfiaA; Cbhon.


H.B. M. Thlomm PKislt Aaabaseador


The President of the

The President of tka .rioy Council

UE0 Mr, Oloi' R . and Mra. ji W«aTh- al ife. -/••»mi« Presiden* * uim-T - t*i of th" ~ e ~ Sco^oralc nnd. Social Council

H.S, Mr* Icjbal A. Altfumcl, Ferr:iar:.a.ut IfeprreGcn-oatv^G of Pakistans . sad Mrs. Ahhxaid

Eat*PsreBidents of the General Assembly Uv*^J»»wv.-™wn™>«»h»o«^vJi^»jai1a»,T««iig*m»Tt^ ,u fj^'^'ft-wjj-Jvje-ifc-r-jjrTTllj, Algeria

H.E. Ma Abdelasia Bouteflilca Minister for Foreign Affairs • Indonesia

Mr. Adan Malik - NO, not in Hew Yorlc Minister for PoreigH Affairs

H.E. General Carlos P« Boiaulo Minister for Foreign Affairs Polarod Treposydski Minister for Foreign Affairs and Mrs,

for FOi-eiga Affairs prcoent in Hei,~ York ^;'J^Trrt-^T^lT-^-J'rg^^--^

H.E, M. Nesti Kace

H.E. U Hie Rione Byelorussian SSR

Capfe Verde E.E. M. Abilio Augusto Monteiro Central African Republic H.S, M* Antonio Frauds it V


H0Eo le Chef d'Escadrow Waclal AMell-cades' Kamo«su(? NO, aot ia N0Y0 China

HoEo Mr0 Chiao ICuan«feua and Mrs» Qiang Hia»=.clilfe Cyprus

H0E0 toe, Joto 01. Chria-fcophides and Mra0

e Bohuslav ChH a-ot isa Ethiopia H«B. NO Gambia Honourable Al:Leu Bafei-a W'JLa

H«,Eo Dr, Srlc M0 Gairy MO^ other FRIMB MIMISTER

H0E0 M0 Vietox- Saude Maria MOSPOGCO

H0E0 Dra Ateed Laralci Koasabique

H0S0/ Mz'» Joa,q.uini Alberto Chi •Nepal

H«E0 She Hoxicwrable Krishna Eaj Az^

H»Bo Mrtf

K<,E0 M0 Asssne

«. NO,, other engagrauazvt Ghalib

Br0 Eim&a Eeeo'Tfas? Sslcsa and Senora d« Esc-o^ar Salom SSI?

He3S0 Mar, (Jueorgui Gueorguiyevich S Arab Republic


HoS0 The Honourable Rupiah B, Bemda, M=P,

Members of tte» Security Council mra«*J«ail**mi*»1WrE*i3ap^ki3VB.to1»KTU^^ China

H0Eo Mr, Htsasajs Hua t Keprssentative to the United Ka-feions Mrs. Ho l France H.Bo M. L-oulB d® Ouiringaud Pesfmaneat E^pressja-ka-ljlve to the Uaited Nations and iysaeu da

Yaitov Alelcsanflrovich Malik tepi-eseatative to the Itoited Kations and Mrs. Malik United Kingdom

H»E. Mr. Ivor Eicfeardj Q0C0 Representative to the Unife^. Nations

United States of

Mr0 Daniel P<, Moynihaa «• W09 previous JepS'esentatl'WJ to the United Nations Moynihaa

r*o» !Tciar-hmw-f thei >mwra Unitet xac*


Mr. RafeeuMin Ahmed sad Mrsu SeHoi? Eoberto Enrique CJuy-er

Mre ArlfaSy WiltoJjasvich Shevchenfeo and Mry, l^to*. Teug Ml£ig«.>efcao aafl Mrs* feng M:Uig=»eliao

Mr, Brian S0 Urqt,ihart and Mrs, NOS not in K0*fe Mr* Georg Hennig

.Protoco. _ ----- l

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TO: Mr. Rafeeuddin Ahmed, Executive Assistant to the Secretary-General

FROM: V. Dayal, UHHCR Regional Representative at UN Hqs.\ V "ff-" I SUBJECT-. Prince Sihanouk's appointment with the Secretary-General, 6 October 1975

1. As you know, a number of Cambodians were stranded outside their country of origin when the Government in Pnom Penh changed; others left Cambodia soon after. According to UNHCR estimates, there are approximately 17-185000 persons belonging to such categories, of whom 15,QUO are in Thailand.

2. Amongst them, some have indicated voluntarily that they would like to repatriate; e.g. in the USA, there are li>t> persons, principally in Camp Pendleton (California), who have approached UNHCR with:, a view to repatriation. They have filled-in application forms for this purpose and given them to us.

3. When he was in Hanoi, between 20-27 September, the High Commissioner had. occasion to dine with the Cambodian Ambassador, Mr. Sien An (a lead- ing figure in GRUNK). The High Commissioner indicated that UNHCR would be happy to facilitate the voluntary repatriation of those Cambodians who wished to return home and asked the Ambassador what the position of his Government might be. Ambassador Sien An reacted positively to UIHCR playing a role in this matter. He added that Cambodia indeed wished its nationals to return home. However, as Pnom Penh airport, and port, were still closed (except to a few flights from Peking), he felt that it might be a while before repatriation could actually commence. (On the question of assistance from UNHCR to the internally displaced in Cambodia, the Ambassador likewise expressed interest, but once again referred to the present state of the ports.)

^. In view of the Secretary-General's forthcoming meeting with Prince Sihanouk, scheduled for 6 October, we feel it is important to bring the above to your attention. Should the opportunity arise, the High Commissioner "7/T7" 4 Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees - Office du Haut-Commissalre pour les R£fugi£s Page

would be most grateful^ jlf the question of voluntary repatriation is the r eadine s s ~Qf~tMHClPb6~ ~assi s t^ Nisedless to^say, the sanie applies to the~vast requirement s~of the internally displaced (to whom help could be provided, as is already being done, in North and South Vietnam and in Laos ) . 5. Perhaps I should add that we have also had contacts with Ambassador Ok Sakum in Paris and with members of Prince Sihanouk's entourage in Peking.

cc: Mr. G. Hennii Protocol and Liaison 9 October


K«r Royal Highness Princess Monlque Sihanouk will '/e at tha Delegates ' Entrance vSiere she will be by ffcs^ Waldhe im,,

i/aldhejja will e?jcort Her Royal Hishiisjss to the reserved section In 'chf? General Asoesnbly Hall0

'pom0 Her Royal H!ehuer.;e will attend t!\e rscepfcion given by Hiss Royal Higju'teric Pr.incs Moi'odom Sihonouic for the Chairmen of D>; legations and Permanent Rspressn- tatives in the Wc-st Foyeru

O poffiu Hie. Royal Highness and IlW 'Royal Kighns Sf..? SECort-ed to the '.Joutii Lounge whf.ir-jr' the invited to the dhm«r will ha.ve gatii^/

M JVt ' Protocol ojid Liaison 2 October 19T5


p0mo His Bo-psl IH.gtaajJS Prince f'iorod.wi Giha'-.-ouJf, President; of the national United Frvnt of Iwiapuc^-^,, tfill arrive at the Secretariat Kntxarice, accompanied by the Eenbars of hia party, where hK will he rece'ivc-d by v;-,o ^ecrc-!:.ary-Gen3ral0 The ?-ses'etai"y---G.:.:-rit:f->;:.I vl.ll •-•.;.cor:: Hi;: '.""oy-^l Hlgiiaess and the r.tmbera of his paxty by wpv-caxl c'l^Viio-' to the 38fch Floor,

i'll be rar- '.*/.- in tbc i-'.rcrr.r.Tr.y^.^r.orsJ.'s Office foi- t-hw ^iiotosi-Jtphs-.:'1: to r&co.•>•(.' : the vi^it,- Ills iioya'i Hi^hi7.e-js- uiil cooler viiUi th?.- 3

;5 pu£a. lu.r RoyAl HltSiir-K:;^ -uill b'.: :.\'.-.^:-iroM -chcoug-i the corridor on Uw- >Bth Floor to the c".Tic<-; of th? F?^:;ld.ont of th-s Geno

His Royal Ilishoes'-, vlll be tsesr?:-;<:l 'by ti\e Chief of Prertocol to the Trmsteeajhir. Council vln-^'s i-ie ^•I'.ll address th® JJon=Allgaed Groupo 5sOO p^aio " His Koyal Hl^msa.:* irill be escorted tjy th« Chief of Protocol to Horn Gf\-200,

His Jtoyai }U;.ih»ie9fe5 '.nil tidiatii^ tire Gensral A

After the addreat,,, Hi:'5 Royal J'i;-ibne::.d Be n ieriOn-b in the West Foyer.

3s 30 p0mo Ills Koyal Hlglmt~:«s u.od Her ltoyn.1 tli^t'^ •:•<"• Rrincess Moniqu© vill '08 eaccrcr.d 'i;o xhe South Lr>L,ng« vvi^re fcli© gussts to th 11?. s d.i.nn'.'ir will "be cer«ed., I'h^ diniV:?.?1 v.U'( ft

10^05 p0mo Tne #assBtP, j-tteadins thfs O.j^nc-'- .-Jill t-xxc I.C-WG of Their sses and tJi-s- fjee.itf-fa.s-y^'^j't-al and MifSo V/aldh«lei in th© Loffi.se „

'fhfeir Koys.1 Hi^VoViSijes an;\ thf? wej'jbvrifs of t.?i«lr partj1 vlll leave i'^i 1'rof'i the oec RR/mc NOTE FOR THE FILE CAMBODIA

The Foreign Minister came to see the Secretary-General at 9,OO p.m. on 24 September 1975 to inform hisi about the forth- corning visit to New York of Prince Norodom Sihanouk. He gave the Secretary-General a formal request for assistance in obtaining US visas for Prince Norodom Sihanouk and the members of his party* The Foreign Minister stated that tentative dates for the visit were from 3 to 7 October 1975 and discussed with the Secretary-General possible alternative arrangements for the programme of the visit. r The Foreign Minister raised the question of security measures during the visit both in the United Nations and outside, Ee also asked the Secretary-General's assistance in securing through the US Mission, reservations at the Waldorf Astoria. The Secretary-General said he would look into these points. 1 called .ambassador Bennett this morning and conveyed the above information to him. I requested his assistance with regard to the issue of visas. A formal note was then sent to the US Mission by Mr. Suy. Ambassador Bennett told me that they would act on this request but in future we should call attention to the fact that there is a section in the Mission specifically for dealing with the question of visas for delegations from Member States, including those with whom the US does not have diplomatic relations. GH informed me later and I passed the information on to Ambassador Bennett that Prince Norodom Sihanouk would be leaving Peking by 3O September and it was therefore necessary for instructions to be kindly sent before that date to the US Liaison Office. I also conveyed the request of the Cambodian Minister for a bullet-free car for Prince Sihanouk for his stay in New York. Or» the question of hotel accommodation Ambassador Bennett said this was a matter for the delegation to take up directly. Mr* Morse tried to assist but to no avail. The Cambodians were informed of this by GH and they are likely to confirm the reservations they had tentatively made at Essex House.

SG " (* • " New York le 24 Septembre 1975-

Monsieur ie Secretaire General,

•3'ai I'honneur de vous informer.que le Prince ; NORODOM r ^;'!.'•.-,. SIHANOUK, Chef de 1'Etat, du Cambodge, s'adressera -&,Ia Trentiems session de I'&ssemblee Generale des Nations Unies,s ot compte . • . arriver a Nev; York dans la premiere .semaine d''0ctobre-1975. ' : ' . ' ; . .',-. '-i ' •• •' • • Je vous decianda en consequence de bien vouloir, interyenir

supres du Gouvernement des Etats Unis d'toerique en-vue :de la< deliwance des visas d1 entree au Prince et a sa suite dent- . ci~apres les noms : ., .'" ' : -'?; 1~ Madame M8NIQUE SIHANOUK ' - ' . . -../.'; :;. 2- Monsieur KEAT CHHON " ; ' -"•'•' • 3- " LONG NORIN ' . . ' •''". : 4- " MEL SOVAM - ••. ', ' ] , 5- " CHEA SEANG HAK ; ' . r;'1::

6- Madame SAR SAOROTH " ";• " '{:.VV-,-^- 7- " NEANG NAY •' V - .. V V;''.v^ 8- Monsieur ONG MEANG • . . ' : ".. ,•..-• -,.^y' Je souhaite que ces visas soient delivres par la Hepre-r sentation des Etats Unis d'Amerique a Pekin. •-'• - •; ',- ; , •'.'•'. ji> -• Veuillea agr^er, Monsieur le Secretaire General, ,leS'; assurances de ma haute considei-ation. ' .'-."':;. .';<[." '

Son Excellence Monsieur KURT WALDHED1 •'. Secretaire General de 1' Organisation •des Nations Unies Ministre du Cambodge CONFIDENTIAL.

Meeting between the Prime Minister of the and the Secretary-General on 3 December 1974.

'Present: Prime Minister Long Boret Ambassador Chhut Chhoeur Aide The Secretary-General Roberto E. Guyer

The Prime Minister started the meeting referring to the General Assembly resolution, and delivered a message to the Secretary-General from inviting him to visit his country. The Prime Minister went on to say that his Government wished to implement the General Assembly resolution and, in that respect, was withdrawing the prerequisites for negotiation with Sihanouk, i.e. implementation of article 2O of the Paris Agreement: withdrawal of foreign troops and non-interference in internal affairs. In spite of this open and forthcoming attitude, the other side refused to negotiate. Sihanouk contends that such negotiation means partition. The Prime Minister wished to assure the Secretary-General that Lon Nol does not have any type of partition in mind. The crux of the problem resides in the fact that the is not a free movement and therefore cannot act independently. The Secretary-General replied that he would do his best to help the parties, but he thought that, according to article 1 of the General Assembly resolution, contacts should be made first with the powers - to which the Secretary-General could lend his help - and the Secretary-General could then see how he would act. He would be grateful to know how, from a procedural point of view, the Prime Minister envisaged this problem. The Prime Minister answered that he agreed that as a first step the powers should start consulting among themselves. He insisted that by "powers" was meant the countries that were - 2 -

favourable to both sides0 Nevertheless, he thought that a visit by the Secretary-General or his representative would be extremely useful. The Secretary-General referred to the problem in its entirety. He wanted to call the Prime Minister's attention to the fact that Sihanouk had stated that he did not see any future in this type of contacts, and without acceptance from both sides the 'good offices' efforts were difficult to carry out. Notwithstanding, he would contact the powers favourable to both sides to find out what their exact position is, after which he would decide what line of action to follow. At the present moment it would be premature to give an exact blue- print of what his future activities would be. As regards the trip,, whether by himself or a representative, it would have to be considered and decided in the light of developments. *'S


Notes on a Meeting held in the Secretary- General's office on Wednesday. 2 October 1974, at 9.30 a.m.

Present; H.E. Mr. Long Boret, Prime Minister of Khmer Republic H.E. Mr. Keuky Lim, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Khmer H.E. Mr. M. Chhut Chhoeur, Permanent Representative of Khmer The Secretary-General Mr. I. Kittani

The Prime Minister said that the situation in Cambodia remained unchanged and blamed the lack of improvement on the rigid position of the "communists11. He said there was a great increase in the number of refugees. His Government had appealed to the Red Cross and the High Commissioner for Refugees but until now nothing of substance had been delivered. The Prime Minister said that militarily his Government was doing well. They were also doing well politically and economiqajyLv but the question of refugees needed urgent assistance, and/would, therefore, appeal to the Secretary-General to use his influence in this regard. The Secretary-General said that he would contact the High Commissioner for Refugees and his representative in New York, Mr. Dayal. The Prime Minister said that it might be useful if he sent the Secretary-General a memorandum on the subject to facilitate contacts with the High Commissioner for Refugees. The Secretary-General thought that that was a good idea and said he would let the Prime Minister know the results. The Prime Minister said that the situation in his country was ealm and that he had visited Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon. The Prime Minister felt sure that the decision of the General Assembly was likely to have a big impact on the prolongation of the war. The Secretary-General said that it was difficult to foresee how the situation would develop this year in the Assembly as compared to last year. The Prime Minister said that they had maintained contacts with various capitals as well as New York, and -that there were likely to be some changes in both directions. The Prime Minister concluded by saying that they were "not pessimistic"., - 2 -

In the event of a Member asking for a study of the possible consequence of a certain draft resolution to change the representation of Cambodia, the Prime Minister enquired whether or not this study could be made. An example of such a consequence was the office of the Resident Representative and where to place it. The Secretary-General said that he would have t© consult his legal counsel and that his preliminary view was that it would be premature for him to comment on eventualities before they became facts. If there is no change in the representation, things will remain as they are, if there is a change, they will have to deal with the decision accordingly. Prime Minister then mentioned that they were in favour of a dialogue under certain conditions. However, if the Secretary- General wished to consider using his good offices to start a dialogue without pre conditions, he would be welcome to do so. The Secret sry-General said that he was always in favour of settlements through negotations and would see what could be done.

.ccs GE/&P Mrs. Mira Mrs. Mira "^

9 sfey® 1973

J'si I9hoamsur d'accaisei" y®e©ptioa d© instre 26 Janvier 1973 Q»® votr© tobasaadeur 4 Bsa^sc^: m'a &u COUT0 d!wi entretiesi qus jjai sm avec lui daas cefcfce capital® 18 12 fe-4.-d.Qy deraier. Vat re Kepresentant penssaneat aiypres de i'Drgazd-satiosi feticms Ual@s vous a csrtaia^aeat dlj4 fait part d© ason ® a 'avoir pss pu zae raidre a Ftecsa-Psah au COBPS da i -viaite ea Asie. J'ai

<3rtew de votre lettre, qus a'a f cites votre Mjassadeur lors de ssotro

edite occasion pourTOU Sresi^ivQile'p j ^msissir la iss assumnces de ma tfas baxeb®


r 1© Harichsl Ion Nol @ la S UE PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE KHMERE 09*-PRE Phnom-Penh, le 26 JANVIER 1973

Monsieur le Secretaire General,

Le Gouvernement Khmer et moi-me'me nous avons appris avec un vif inter^t votre presents visite dans quelques pays d'Asie, et surtout votre venue a , la capitals d'un pays grand ami et yoisin de la Republique Khmere. Hous aurions etc" reellement tres heureux s'il nous etait permis de profiter de I1occasion pour vous inviter a effectuer une visite officielle a Phnom-Penh afin de pouvoir vous exprifeer de vive voix notre profonde gratitude pour tout ce que vous avez fait afin que paix et securite regnent dans 1'Asie du Sud-Est, et particulierement en Republique Khmere. Nous regrettons infiniment que Yotre Excellence ne dispose pas presentement de temps pour venir a Phnom-Penh. Mais nous souhaitons tres sincerement que cette visite puisse se ma- ter ialiser un jour prochain.

Son Excellence Monsieur EURO} WAEDHEIH Secretaire General de 1'O.N.U. YORK - T.S.V.P. Excellence,

Nous attachons beaucoup d'importance a votre present voyage qui coincide avee la phase finale du reglement de la guerre d'Indochine. Comme vous le savez, nous, Khmers, nous ne demandons qu'a vivre en bons termes avec tous les pays du monde et en particulier avec nos voisins. Nous restons toujours fideles a la Charte des Nations-Unies dans le reglement des differends internationaux. Comme preuve concrete de notre respect a cette Haute Instance Internationale, nous avons en leurs temps signale a sa connaissance les diverses phases de 1'agression des Nord-Viet- namiens et Vietcong centre notre pays, agression perpetree a partir du 27 Mars 1970. A ce sujet, nous sommes particulierement heureux de constater que I1Organisation dans sa large majorite n'a cesse de nous soutenir. Le vote intervenu lors de la verification des pouvoirs pendant la derniere Assemblee Generale, est a cet egard significatif. Et votre present voyage dans les pays d'Asie s'inscrit, j'en suis convaincu, dans le cadre de vos inlassables efforts en vue d'asseoir une paix durable dans le monde. C'est pour contribuer, dans sa modeste mesure, a cette stabilite universelle, que le peuple khmer tient a rester toujours neutre et indepen- dant et observer strictement les accords de Geneve de 1954 sur la cessation des hostilites en Indoehine en demandant simplement la reactivation de la Commission Internationale de ContrSle et de Sur- veillance qui assurera le respect de ces accords parties signataires.

2.S.V.P. Et nous esperons qu'avec le puissant soutien de Yotre Excellence nous verrons Ment&t cette Commission reprendre ses activites en Republique Khmere et faire dispara'itre cette agres- sion dont nous sommes les innocentes victimes. En vous renouvelant mes sentiments de reconnaissance pour votre constant soutien si apprecie, je vous prie d'agreer, Monsieur le Secretaire General, les assurances de ma tres haute consideration ./-

Marechal LON HOI President de la Republique Khmere