(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,687,438 B2 Su Et Al

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,687,438 B2 Su Et Al USOO9687438B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9,687,438 B2 Su et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jun. 27, 2017 (54) METHOD FOR ENHANCING COLLAGEN (58) Field of Classification Search SECRETION AND PREVENTING None CUTANEOUS AGING USING See application file for complete search history. CHENOPODIUM FORMOSANUM EXTRACT (56) References Cited (71) Applicant: TCI Co., Ltd., Taipei (TW) U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS (72) Inventors: Hsiang-Ling Su, Taipei (TW); Chin-Hsiu Yu, Taipei (TW); Ying-Ju 2010/0330239 A1* 12/2010 Tsai et al. ..................... 426,250 Chen, Taipei (TW) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (73) Assignee: TCI Co., Ltd., Taipei (TW) TW 201102107 A1 * 1, 2011 TW 201102108 A1 * 1, 2011 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this patent is extended or adjusted under 35 * cited by examiner U.S.C. 154(b) by 25 days. Primary Examiner — Susan Hoffman (21) Appl. No.: 14/636,561 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — WPAT, P.C., Intellectual Property Attorneys; Anthony King (22) Filed: Mar. 3, 2015 (57) ABSTRACT (65) Prior Publication Data Provided is a method for enhancing collagen secretion and US 2015/0265527 A1 Sep. 24, 2015 preventing cutaneous aging using Chenopodium formosa num extract. The Chenopodium formosanum extract (30) Foreign Application Priority Data includes active ingredients that are able to effectively enhance the ability of collagen secretion of dermal fibro Mar. 20, 2014 (TW) ............................. 103 110528 A blasts as well as prevent the glycation of collagen and resist the damage of ultraviolet light exposure. The preparation of (51) Int. Cl. the Chenopodium formosanum extract is environmental A 6LX 8/97 (2017.01) friendly and is able to promote the economic value of A61O 19/08 (2006.01) Chenopodium formosanum; thus, the present invention is (52) U.S. Cl. suitable for applications in the development of food prod CPC ................ A61K 8/97 (2013.01); A61O 19/08 ucts, especially beverages, skin care and cosmetic products. (2013.01); A6 IK 2800/522 (2013.01); A61 K 2800/92 (2013.01) 14 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Jun. 27, 2017 Sheet 1 of 10 US 9,687,438 B2 Chenopodium formosanum Mixing the Chenopodium formosanum with water in the ratio of 7 to :O Extracting for 30 minutes Chenopodium formosanum eXtract F.G. U.S. Patent Jun. 27, 2017 Sheet 2 of 10 US 9,687,438 B2 838.33 S. '''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ************* ************************** ************************** ************** Cairo Treated with {}.2 mg/mL reated with (3.2 g/mi. of wheie grain of cicited (in-dehuied Chenopodium Cheiapodium forinostinuin &xtract forinosanith extract FG. 2A U.S. Patent Jun. 27, 2017 Sheet 3 of 10 US 9,687,438 B2 FG. 2B U.S. Patent Jun. 27, 2017 Sheet 4 of 10 US 9,687,438 B2 FG, 2C U.S. Patent Jun. 27, 2017 Sheet 5 of 10 US 9,687,438 B2 100% st 90% 80% 70% is 8.9% 62.2% 62.1% a 60% : : & : s: 50% is 40% 30% 20% E 10% 0% s 8 ...: ...: % 2% 4% 6% 8% O% g FC 3A U.S. Patent Jun. 27, 2017 Sheet 6 of 10 US 9,687,438 B2 38 888 . : si, 3.................x................................x.................-----------------eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee----------------- xtra reated with reated with aniogasidine Chenopodiu in (330 g/mi) formosaintin: Xtract (0.0% FG 33 U.S. Patent Jun. 27, 2017 Sheet 7 of 10 US 9,687,438 B2 Treated with Treated with Chenopodium 3Einiog asidize firinoSainuin extract {330 agfini) (100% FG, 3C U.S. Patent Jun. 27, 2017 Sheet 8 of 10 US 9,687,438 B2 S.8 {:::::::: {i, 3) U.S. Patent Jun. 27, 2017 Sheet 9 of 10 US 9,687,438 B2 :::::: 33% : :::::::::: &: % 8:8: 33: xxii; 38% :33::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: (, 3. U.S. Patent Jun. 27, 2017 Sheet 10 of 10 US 9,687,438 B2 ***** :38: 3 US 9,687,438 B2 1. 2 METHOD FOR ENHANCING COLLAGEN is known as Maillard Reaction and would give a final SECRETION AND PREVENTING product called advanced glycation end-product (AGE). The CUTANEOUS AGING USING accumulation of AGES not only results in cutaneous aging CHENOPODIUM FORMOSANUM EXTRACT but also angiosclerosis. Besides, AGES exhibit neurotoxicity and would damage nerve cells and lead to neuron-associated CROSS-REFERENCES TO RELATED diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. APPLICATIONS Thus, collagen Supplement or method for enhancing the secretion of collagen of cells is critical regarding prevention This application claims the priority of Taiwan Patent or amelioration of cutaneous aging. Moreover, preventing Application No. 103110528 filed on 20 Mar. 2014, which is 10 the glycation of collagen can not only maintain the flexibil incorporated herewith by reference. ity and tightness of skin but also preclude diseases caused by accumulation of glycated protein. Collagen-related products BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION now available in the market are mainly collagen Supple ments; however, when directly applied to skin, it is almost 1. Field of the Invention 15 impossible for the collagen Supplements to penetrate stratum The present invention is related to a method of using corneum and reach the dermal fibroblasts in dermis due to Chenopodium formosanum extract. In particular, the present the large molecular size of collagen. Although injecting invention is related to the method for enhancing collagen collagen can immediately reduce the amount of wrinkles on secretion and preventing cutaneous aging using Chenopo skin, it is complex and costly since regular administration is dium formosanum extract, which can effectively enhance required. The injected collagen is likely to be digested by collagen secretion rate, prevent glycation of collagen, and enzymes in the body. On the other hand, when the collagen resist ultraviolet light damage. Supplement is taken orally, upon reaching the gastrointesti 2. The Prior Arts nal track, the helix structure of the collagen would soon be Chenopodium formosanum, commonly known as For digested into polypeptides then into Smaller molecules and mosa lambsquarters, Taiwan quinoa, or Djuli, is a unique 25 finally into amino acids by different digestive enzymes. annual or perennial herbaceous plant with good drought and These amino acids can be utilized to build proteins but not salt tolerant abilities found in the mountainous region of low exclusively collagen, therefore, the effect of collagen to middle elevation in Taiwan. Chenopodium formosanum is Supplement via oral administration is limited. edible, wherein the use of the plantlets, shoots, leaves, and In light of above, enhancing the secretion of collagen of spikes thereof are found in recipe, while the dehulled seeds 30 the human dermal fibroblasts is more effective regarding the thereof, in particular, can be grinded into flour and mixed production and utilization of collagen comparing to collagen with water to make food products such as rice balls and Supplements. Furthermore, preventing the glycation of col dumplings. Chenopodium formosanum is rich in protein and lagen can retain the flexibility of collagen and, hence, dietary fiber, therefore, is anti-oxidative. Moreover, Che maintain skin tightness. In addition, the amelioration of nopodium formosanum is a popular flavor additive used by 35 cutaneous aging can be further promoted when ultraviolet aboriginals in Taiwan during the process of brewing liquor. (UV) light damage can be eliminated. However, there is no As for traditional Chinese medicine, Chenopodium formo safe and effective product in the market that can simultane sanum is mild and moderate, and can be beneficial regarding ously enhance the secretion of collagen, prevent glycation of the treatment of fever, diarrhea, abscess, and itching skin. collagen, and resist UV light damage available in the market, Hence, Chenopodium formosanum is often regarded as “the 40 particularly, food products, for an all-inclusive protection ruby of cereals' due to its wide uses and advantages set forth and prevention of cutaneous aging. hereinbefore. Collagen is a biological macromolecule and the most SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION abundant protein found in vertebrates. For humans, collagen takes up to one-third of the total protein. Collagen is mostly 45 As a result, the present invention provides a method for presented in the extracellular matrix of connective tissues enhancing collagen secretion of skin comprising topologi and serves as intercellular scaffolds. Collagen is found in cally applying or orally administrating to a subject a com cartilages, corneas, vascular walls, and internal organs. In position containing, as active ingredient, a Chenopodium particular, collagen is found in skin and provides Support to formosanum extract, wherein the Chenopodium formosa the skin cells in order to maintain the tightness and flexibility 50 num extract is obtained by solvent extraction of the Che of skin. Current researches indicate that, apart from aging nopodium formosanum. In one embodiment of the present and accumulation of damages caused by environmental invention, the Chenopodium formosanum is whole grain factors that lead to the decrease of collagen secretion and (un-dehulled) Chenopodium formosanum and/or dehulled synthesis by dermal fibroblasts, glycation is also a major Chenopodium formosanum. The collagen is a connective cause for the depredation of collagen in skin. When the rate 55 tissue collagen. of lost of collagen is greater than its rate of synthesis, In one embodiment of the present invention, the solvent wrinkles and loosening would appear on the skin accord comprises water, alcohol, and acid. The solvent extraction is ingly. performed in a Chenopodium formosanum to solvent ratio of Glycation refers to the chemical reaction in which glucose 1:7 to 1:10 (w/v) and at a temperature of 25° C. to 70° C. The is attached to protein and promotes protein molecules to 60 Chenopodium formosanum extract obtained has, preferably, aggregate and interconnect. Once glycated, the flexibility of a polyphenol content of 70 to 340 ug/L and a flavonoid collagen would be lost, and the fibrous glycated collagen content of 80 to 430 ug/L.
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