[email protected] for details The Evidence of Plasticity: A Workshop with Catherine Malabou Durham University, Williams Room, St Chad’s, 14.00-18.00, January 26th, 2016 Le Monde for © Gunther von Hagens © BODY WORLDS, InsCtute for PlasCnaCon, Heidelberg, Germany GUILLAUME DARRIBAU/FRACTURES 14.00-16.30 – ‘The Place of the Void’, Ian James (Cambridge); ‘A Plastic Reading of the 17th Century’, Maria El-Turk (Durham); ‘Brains, Pills and Dildos: Neuroplasticity, Pharmacology and Prosthetics’, Sofia Hewson (Cambridge); ‘Philosophy, Plasticity and “History as the History of Addictions”’, Gerald Moore (Durham). 16.45-18.00 – ‘Annihilation without a trace?’ Roundtable on the evidence of plasticity, led by Catherine Malabou. Prof. Catherine Malabou ! (CRMEP, Kingston University)" " 27th January 2016, 19:30, ! Great Hall, Durham Castle! ! ‘The Anthropocene: A New History’" " Outline: I will interrogate the notion of ‘Anthropocene’ as a specific temporal determination situated at the boarder of nature and history. The Anthropocene is both a geological era and a historical moment. Clearly, such a phenomenon requires a new concept of history, in which nature plays a central role and ceases to be the eternal recurrence of the identical to become a genuine source of events. A phenomenon like global warming can thus be analysed as a historical turn of nature. New notions like deep history, negative universal history, neurohistory, are currently used by historians, theoreticians of environment and evolutionary biologists. I will propose a philosophical approach to these new determinations. ! Biography: Malabou graduated from the École Normale Supérieure Lettres et Sciences Humaines (Fontenay- Saint-Cloud). Her agrégation and doctorate were obtained, under the supervision of Jacques Derrida and Jean-Luc Marion, from the École des hautes études en sciences sociales.