Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Dating Do-Over Real TV Take 4 by Wendy Lawton . Kimberly Corman is the protagonist of 2 and a visionary who foresaw the Route 23 pileup. She is also first visionary in the whole series to succesfully cheath death. Kimberly's premonition at the highway. Contents. Biography. Kimberly was born in June 9, 1982 in White Plains, New York to Michael Corman. She is very close to her father, especially after her mother's death during a carjacking at a shopping mall. Kimberly continues to blame herself for what happened since she stayed behind to watch a news feed on Tod Waggner's death, while her mother was killed. Kimberly attended college with her friends Shaina McKlank, Dano Estevez and Frankie Whitman, and was originally going to spend her spring break with her friends in Daytona Beach, Florida. She is shown to be an irritably overprotective and interfering control freak . . Kimberly, visiting . Kimberly decides to take Route 23 for the road trip to Daytona Beach. Before entering the highway, Kimberly has an ominous vision of a highway pile-up caused by a log truck. She rudely and cowardly parks her car on the on ramp to prevent other drivers from entering the highway. Moments later she and the other drivers watch as the pile-up occurs. To her surprise, a truck smashes into her SUV, killing her friends. Afterwards, Kimberly and other survivors are interrogated by Officer Burke at the police station. There, Kimberly explains the similarities between her vision and 's, and expresses her fear that Death will still be after the survivors. Kimberly after Tim's death. The survivors disregard her theory, until survivor Evan Lewis dies in his apartment later that day. Kimberly and Thomas consult the help of Clear Rivers, the only survivor of Flight 180 to save the remaining survivors of the pile-up. Clear leads Kimberly and Thomas to mortician William Bludworth, who claims that only new life can defeat Death. Kimberly concludes that if pregnant survivor Isabella Hudson has her baby it will ruin Death's plan and they will all be safe. Kimberly after she "cheated" Death. The other survivors reunite at Thomas's apartment to look after one another until Isabella has her baby. After Nora Carpenter's death, the others leave to find Isabella. Along the way their van's tire suffers a blow out and they crash onto a nearby farm. After Eugene Dix is rushed to the hospital, Kat Jennings and Rory Peters each meet their demise. Kimberly, Thomas, and Clear rush to the hospital, and Kimberly has another vision that Dr. Kalarjian will strangle Isabella. After Thomas immobilises Dr. Kalarjian, they see Isabella give birth and believe they have cheated Death. However, after Kimberly has another vision of someone with bloody hands in a submerging van, she realises that Isabella was not on Death's list. After Eugene and Clear are killed in an explosion (which nearly also kills Burke until Kimberly intervenes by pushing him out of the way), Kimberly decides to sacrifice herself for Thomas sake by driving a van into a lake. Thomas manages to rescue her and she is resuscitated by Dr. Kalarjian, thus granting her "New Life". Sometime later she and Thomas go to a picnic with the Gibbons family, who tells them that if it wasn't for Rory their son Brian would be dead. To everyone's surprise, Brian is blown to pieces by a malfunctioning barbecue grill moments later. Possible Death. Five years later, Kimberly went to a hardware store to ask for directions, where she encountered Burke. As they greeted each other, an unmanned vehicle began to drive down the road until it crashed into the store, nearly killing Kimberly and Burke. They rushed outside the back door at the last minute only to come into contact with a wood chipper, Kimberly got her coat caught inside the machine and was slowly sucked in. Burke tried to save Kimberly, but in the process, he got caught in the machine as well. The Associated Press eventually detailed the circumstances of her death in an obituary. The full text of the article, which is also accessible in the DVD version of , is presented below. Survivors of deadly crash die in bizarre accident. REPORT - Faulty woodchipper to blame. White Plains, NY (AP) - In a strange end to a long running mystery that has kept conspiracy theorists and supernaturalists occupied for years, New York police Officer Thomas Burke and Ms. Kimberly Corman - the last survivors of the infamous Route 23 Pileup - died instantly yesterday when they were pulled into a malfunctioning industrial woodchipper. Both were pronounced dead at the scene by local paramedics. According to eyewitnesses, Ms. Corman stopped at Goldstein's Hardware on North Way for directions. She was surprised to find Mr. Burke also in the store, having stopped by to purchase a fire extinguisher. Neither had seen each other since they were witnesses at the death of Mr. Brian Gibbons, a young man associated with the Route 23 mystery. At the same time, the brakes failed on an unmanned Camaro parked at the top of the hill, which rolled down and crashed into the front of the store. In their effort to escape, Mr. Burke and Ms. Corman ran out the back door, where a large industrial woodchipper was being serviced for a malfunctioning safety guard. Subsequent details are unclear, but apparently Ms. Corman's coat got tangled in the woodchipper's spinning blades, and when Mr. Burke tried to save her, they both fell into the machine. "I'll never recover from seeing what happened to those two, said a shaken Mr. Norman Goldstein, owner of the hardware store. "And I don't think I'll ever get the side of the building cleaned off." Mr. Burke and Ms. Corman were the last survivors of the highway pileup on Route 23 five years ago. Several people were prevented from going on the highway by Ms. Corman, who allegedly experienced a premonition that the crash was about to occur. Soon after, however, each of the survivors was killed in a series of odd accidents. This fueled speculation by some that dark forces were at work to make sure they died. While both Mr. Burke and Ms. Corman were exonerated of any involvement in the deaths, the stigma impacted them severely. Mr. Burke was reduced to a desk job in the sheriff's department while Ms. Corman dropped out of school to pursue "other interests." Their deaths might have signaled the tragic conclusion to the Routh 23 Pileup mystery, but several facts surrounding the deaths of Mr. Burke and Ms. Corman seem to ensure that it will be discussed for years to come. The camaro that rolled into the front of the store used to be owned by Mr. Evan Lewis, one of the other survivors from the Route 23 pileup who had been killed outside his apartment. The woodchipper belonged to Mr. Peter Gibbons, who owns the farm where several of the other survivors of the Route 23 Pileup perished in a strange car accident. He is also the father of Brian Gibbons, at whose odd death both Mr. Burke and Ms. Corman were present. Finally, the attending physician who signed the death certificate was Dr. Ellen Kalarjian, who delivered a baby whose mother was near, but not involved with, the Route 180 Pileup. These coincidences were not lost on those close to the victims. "This is the weirdest thing I've ever seen in twenty seven years on the force," said Sheriff Mortimer Perry, who was Burke's commanding officer. "Thomas was a good man who deserved better than what fate clearly had in store for him." Ms. Corman's father Michael Corman released a statement which stated "My daughter lived a full life, and in death has hopefully escaped whatever it is that haunted her." Funeral services will be held at the Bludworth Funeral Home this Sunday. The scene that reveals their deaths is only featured as an optional part of the Choose Their Fates special feature on the "Thrill Ride DVD Edition" of Final Destination 3 , that allows the viewer to choose between variations of scenes playing out, which can result in a substantially different viewing experience. It was not featured in the theatrical cut of the film and is generally considered to be non-canonical, though producer Craig Perry has said that the scene 'can be canon'. Signs/Clues. The Newspaper about an article of Kimberly and Officer Burke's accidents. Molly Harper. Margaret "Molly" Harper is a main character and the deuteragonist in . She is the girlfriend of Sam Lawton and a survivor of the North Bay Bridge collapse. Unlike the other survivors, she was never meant to die on the bridge, and was therefore not on Death's list. Molly was the sixth survivor of the bridge collapse to die. Contents. Biography. Molly lived in New York, and worked at Presage Paper's local sales division. She was dating Sam Lawton, but breaks up with him so he will pursue his dream of going to Paris to be a chef. She has a Scottish accent. Final Destination 5. Molly is on her way to a business retreat with her colleagues when Sam has a premonition that the bridge they're crossing will collapse, killing everyone on it, except for Molly who he manages to get safely across the bridge. Sam convinces Molly to leave the bridge with him shortly before it collapses as he predicted. PREMONITION - Molly reaches her hand out to Olivia. Days later, Molly meets with the other survivors at the memorial service. Later, Sam stops by Molly's house so they can talk, and she reveals the reason why she broke up with him was so he would pursue his dream of going to Paris to be a chef. When Sam says he turned down the job so he could be with her, she convinces him to go without her. The next day, Molly returns to work where she shares a drink with Sam, Peter, Nathan, and Olivia. Afterwards, Sam convinces Molly to go to Paris with him. After learning about Isaac's death they rush to the Ming Yung spa where they met the mysterious William Bludworth who explains that Death is still after the survivors, and if they wish to cheat death they must kill someone else and take their remaining lifespan. Molly and Sam rush to warn Olivia who has gone to the eye doctor to treat her myopic vision, but they arrive too late. The next morning, Molly finds Sam trying to figure out the order of how they died on the bridge, and they deduce that Nathan is going to be next. Molly and Sam rush over to find that Nathan has accidentally killed his co-worker Roy Carson in a warehouse accident. Moments later they witness the death of their boss Dennis. Afterwards, Molly tries to convince Sam not to go to work, but Sam assures her that maybe something doesn't. Molly, hiding against Peter. want him to die, since he received the vision of the bridge collapse. Later that night, Sam reserves the restaurant for a date with Molly. An insane Peter interrupts their date, and attempts to kill Molly as he was jealous that she survived instead of Candice. Jim Block arrives shortly after, but is shot by Peter. Nonetheless he continues to pursue Molly and Sam to remove any witnesses. Just as Peter is about to stab Molly, Sam intervenes by stabbing him in the back with a large skewer. In theory, this intervention added Molly to Death's list, since she was saved by a person on Death's list from someone who was not. However, Peter had only gotten his name erased from the list moments before. Because of that, it is entirely conceivable that Death itself would have saved Molly if Sam couldn't have done so. Death. Two weeks later, Molly and Sam board Flight 180 to Paris. As they take their seats, she watches Alex Browning and Carter Horton fight and get thrown off the plane with several others. When the plane takes off Sam starts seeing the same omens he saw before the bridge collapsed. Molly screaming as she is sucked out of Flight 180. The plane then begins to break apart in mid-air, and Molly is sucked out of the side of the plane. Sam attempts to hold on to her, but when he can't hang on any longer he lets her go, and she is bisected by the horizontal stabilizer. A Christian Writer's World. Lena Nelson Dooley is an award-winning, multi-published Christian novelist and screenwriter. Pages. Home About Me My Books Contact Me LINKS FOR REFERENCE - when writing novels. Tuesday, April 29, 2008. Author Wendy Lawton - THE CAPTIVE PRINCESS - Free book. Today we're visiting with a multi-talented lady. I first knew about Wendy as a literary agent. Now I find she is the author of a middle school aged series about historical girls. And she creates dolls for each character. Wendy, I'm very glad to have you with us today. What has drawn you to writing for children? I love children’s books. I often say that the finest literature has been written for children—think Sarah, Plain and Tall ; Because of Winn Dixie ; Little Women ; Chronicles of Narnia ; Lord of the Rings ; Walk Two Moons ; The Witch of Blackbird Pond . My whole professional life has been tied to children’s books. As a dollmaker, over the last thirty years, much of my doll inspiration was drawn from children’s literature. I’ve licensed and produced dolls inspired by Anne of Geen Gables , Raggedy Ann , Mirette on the High Wire , Mailing May and hundreds of others. What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done? I’ve done a lot of out-there things in my life. It’s hard to name the quirkiest. Perhaps it would be appearing a number of times on QVC. Oh wait, that was the most terrifying. When did you first discover that you were a writer or illustrator? I wrote and illustrated my first book when I was five. Titled Skunky’s Baby Book , it came out in a very limited edition of one. Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading. I love books—it’s hard to narrow it down. In my current job as a literary agent I try to read bestsellers to keep on top of the current zeitgeist. I’m fond of mystery writers like Anne Perry, Elizabeth Peters, Laurie R. King. I’ve been an avid reader of C. S. Lewis and the Christian Classics. I love the gothic romances by Victoria Holt and have reread them many a time. I love character-driven women’s fiction, but I also devour historicals. I like gentle reads and I’m always catching up on the classic writers I missed. What other books have you written, whether published or not? I’ve written a total of twelve books so far—Seven in my Daughters of the Faith series, four in a teen series called Real TV, and a nonfiction. Here’s are the titles: The Tinker’s Daughter Courage to Run Almost Home Ransom’s Mark Hallelujah Lass Shadow of His Hand The Captive Princess Changing Faces Flip Flop Less is More Dating Do-Over Impressions in Clay. How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world? Sanity? We’re supposed to keep that? Seriously, I’m great at compartmentalizing. When I write, I block out time and give it 100%. When I sculpt or design—same thing. I’m there in the moment. My job as an agent is my fulltime job, and I keep the blinders on for 40 or 50 hours a week. How do you work together as a team? I have a great team of people in my life, but most of my work is solitary. What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of, besides family? I have had so many wonderful things happen in my life. I received a Lifetime Achievement award for doll design in 2006; I was granted an honorary Doctorate from Wilmington University in 2004 for my work as a dollmaker and author; Last year ACFW awarded me their debut Agent of the Year award. I guess I’m proudest of the fact that God has blessed the work of my hands, whether as a sculptor/designer, a writer, or now, as an agent serving other authors. If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why? I happen to be madly in love with a certain golden retriever so I can’t imagine anything better in the animal kingdom. What is your favorite food? Great crusty homemade bread. (Oh yeah, I’m gluten intolerant, so when I eat aforementioned great crusty homemade bread it brings on swelling and arthritis-like symptoms. I hobble like an octogenarian. But I do imbibe and hobble all too often.) I can almost smell the wonderful aroma of homemade bread right now. Is it hard to break into the children’s market? At this time in publishing, it is very difficult, especially if you are a picture book author. Middle grade is a little better, but it takes stellar writing. What advice would you give to an author wanting to do that? Be persistent. Join SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators) for the inside information. Keep honing your craft. Write the book today’s children want to read, not the book you loved to read. What would you like to tell us about the featured book? The story of Pocahontas is one we’ve all heard— of course many of the tales have been pure fabrication— but I’ll bet you didn’t know that her life was a journey to faith in the one living God. Writing this book at the 400th anniversary of the founding of the Jamestown Colony was wonderful because recent archeological findings on the grounds of Pocahontas’ village, Werewocomoco, yielded all sorts of information we just didn’t have before. Since the whole story is told through her eyes, it made her setting come alive. It sounds interesting, Wendy. How can readers find you on the Internet? Thank you for spending this time with us, Wendy. Readers, check out her doll site and her personal web site. And for a chance to win a copy of The Captive Princess , leave a comment. AARP The Magazine. Matthew McConaughey Is on a Mission to Heal America. Big screen star reflects on his career and explains why he wants to help unify the country. Cover Stories. The iconic actor opens up about his childhood, family. At 60, the father of twins is still charming audiences. Oscar-winning actress has a whole lot of confidence. A candid interview with 'The Boss' about family, loss. He wants to make films ‘with a level of poetry’ Our Top Picks. Mobile Stroke Units May Speed Up Brain-Saving Treatment. Every minute counts after a stroke. Mobile scanners may be the breakthrough doctors need. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's Fight for Racial Equality. 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You'll start receiving the latest news, benefits, events, and programs related to AARP's mission to empower people to choose how they live as they age. You can also manage your communication preferences by updating your account at anytime. You will be asked to register or log in. Dating Do-Over: Real TV Take 4 by Wendy Lawton. Perhaps he didn't notice the SUV parked across the road. If he did, he wasn't troubled by its blacked-out windows or any nagging hint of familiarity about its presence. In fact, if Tiger Woods thought so much as twice about what he was doing, then Mindy Lawton had no inkling of it as they enjoyed a secret assignation in Tiger's Cadillac Escalade 4x4 in a church car park soon after daybreak during a Florida spring. But every move of that alfresco encounter was recorded by a surveillance team of reporters and photographers from one of America's biggest- selling tabloid magazines. It was a scoop - the first example of what we now know to be a pattern of infidelity on Tiger's part. 'Naive': Waitress Mindy Lawton loved Tiger Woods and thought he was being faithful to her, according to her family. And it was two years ago - two years before the 'outing' of nightclub hostess Rachel Uchitel and the bizarre late-night car crash outside Tiger's Florida home that set in motion a chain of revelations. Yet during those intervening years, Tiger had seemed what Tiger always seemed - a family man: the ultimate professional, controlled, focused, even a bit dull - because this was a sting that, were it not for last week's ructions, would never have seen the light of day. Tiger's management made sure of that. RELATED ARTICLES. Share this article. Today, for the first time, The Mail on Sunday can tell the story of the affair that preceded that car park encounter in 2007 and the desperate cover-up that ensued. It is a story that goes a long way to answering two of the most persistent questions in the whole Tiger Woods scandal: why did a man whose massive earnings depended on him being the ultimate clean-living sportsman jeopardise everything, from career to family, with such apparent recklessness? And how did he get away with it for so long? Playing around: Tiger Woods and wife Elin in 2005. Today, Mindy Lawton, 34, knows that she was just one of many mistresses taken by the golfer. But, according to her family, throughout their 14- month affair she laboured under the delusion that what she had with Tiger was special and that they were in love. Mindy's sister, Orlando primary school teacher Lynn Lawton, said: 'She is extremely, extremely naive, my sister. She is single, never married, never had children and still looking for a relationship. I have to hand it to him. It was brilliant to choose my sister to play his kind of game.' The unworldly Mindy was easily dazzled and undemanding. She and Tiger met in summer 2006, when Mindy was working as an $8-an-hour manager and waitress at Perkins, a diner only a short drive from Tiger's home in the upmarket Orlando suburb of Windermere. Tiger and his wife Elin would regularly take breakfast there. Lynn recalled: 'My sister told me they came in regularly. Elin would read the paper while Tiger ogled my sister. She is very bubbly, very outgoing. You couldn't help but notice her, even when she was in her waitress uniform. 'Mindy said he and Elin seemed disconnected. There would not be much conversation. Tiger would just sit there, looking at Mindy. She said, "Oh my God, he is so cute!" 'She doesn't know much about golf, but she did know he was married because Elin was sitting there.' One day, Lynn said, Mindy called in a state of excitement: 'She said he had called her at Perkins and said, "This is Tige," - that's the pet name he always used for himself - "Will you meet me at the Blue Martini?" 'She was very excited but nervous so she asked our next oldest sister, Bobbi, to go with her. She was like, "Oh, I'm going to hang out with Tiger!"' It is now known that this nightclub and cocktail bar was a favourite haunt of Tiger's - a place where he could entertain, and be entertained, in the relative privacy of the club's VIP section, surrounded by girls, minders and selected male friends. Again, it is striking how relatively little effort he seemed to make to conceal these clandestine meetings. But, as Mindy was to find out, Tiger's powerful entourage and management were masters in protecting their money-maker's image. At first, according to Lynn, the bouncer wouldn't let Mindy and her sister into the VIP room. 'They stood there for a while and then all of a sudden, Tiger nods to the guy to let them in. Tiger didn't get up. He just sat there. 'He was with a group of Orlando and Los Angeles basketball players. Bobbi bought him a drink and had one of the bartenders take it over. She said Mindy started dancing with another girl. My sister is a real good dancer and Bobbi said Tiger couldn't keep his eyes off her.' The magazine featuring Tiger, which appeared after his affair with Mindy Lawton was discovered. Tiger and Mindy left the club separately. Mindy drove her sister home then met Tiger on his way to his house. She followed the golfer, driving at a discreet distance, and at the gated development was waved in by the guard. Lynn said: 'Mindy told me the next day, "We went to his house and had sex. He was extremely good."' Lynn thinks Elin was out of the country that night. She said: 'That was always the pattern. Mindy would drive her old Saturn car and follow Tiger in his luxurious Escalade. 'My sister was just a little girl on an hourly wage at Perkins. We knew what he wanted her for. But she wouldn't believe it. 'Maybe Tiger thought the security guards would think she was his cleaning lady,' Lynn conjectured. Or maybe they had just seen it all before and knew to turn a blind eye. Truth be told, however charming and cool Tiger appeared as he sat over his breakfast, there was a different side to him, one only now emerging, which his young wife Elin must surely have been aware of. As early as 2001, there had been hints of a wilder side to the sportsman when he went on holiday with a group of friends, reputedly calling themselves The Brothers and consisting of basketball players Michael Jordan and Charles Barkley and former professional footballer, Ahmad Rashad. Together with baseball's most expensive player Alex Rodriguez, they travelled to the Atlantis Resort on Paradise Island in the Bahamas. Jordan gambled, placing up to $5,000 on a single card. Tiger showed his rebellious side, bleaching his hair blond. But that was before he met Elin, before they married in 2004 and before their children, daughter Sam Alexis, now two, and ten-month-old son Charlie, were born. Once the affair between Tiger and Mindy started, it gathered momentum, with the couple meeting at his house for sex every two or three weeks. Incredibly, he continued to have breakfast at Perkins to the point where, Lynn said: 'Everyone was talking about it because he would wait for Mindy in his Escalade and then she would follow him in her car. He was so brazen it was incredible. 'Everyone in our family knew about it too. I remember one day we were all sitting on our back porch, my parents, my husband and Mindy, and we said, "Do you know he is married?" And she started crying and said yes. 'My husband told her, "The way he is behaving with you, behind his wife's back, I am sure he has a lady in every city." 'It got to the point where our neighbours and friends knew about it too. In a way it was quite clever, him being so open about it because we thought, "Maybe this is just how celebrities behave." 'I am sure Elin knew nothing about it, because she was never home when Mindy was there. But because Tiger was so complacent about it, it never would have occurred to anyone to tell her what was going on. He never said to my sister, "This has to be secret."' Meanwhile, on the golfing circuit, Tiger's brilliance and sheer earning power meant that he never had to explain himself, or his behaviour, to anybody. However many rumours may have circulated, however uncouth some of his habits - such as spitting and swearing on the greens, and being churlish to caddies - his talent provided all the excuse, or shield he needed. Afters: Perkins diner in Orlando, Florida, where Tiger had breakfast and met waitress Mindy Lawton. Tiger was so focused, nobody dared disturb him. At the major championships in Britain, he tended to rent houses rather than join other players at hotels, under the guise of maintaining his privacy. He allowed no visitors and, in recent years, his wife was, at best, an infrequent member of his tournament entourage. On the course, he stared straight ahead, interacting with no one, except maybe his caddie. He demanded utter loyalty of his friends and the proximity of his management. He never divulged anything about himself and for years it was believed that, far from having something to hide, the former child-prodigy was frankly a little bit dull. He said nothing, people thought, because he had nothing to say. It was as if he had picked up a golf club at the age of three and - save for the aberration that was his marriage - never showed any interest in picking anything, or anyone else up since. This was the seemingly impervious image that won him deals with big names such as Nike, Gillette and Pepsi - endorsements that, should he be able to maintain them, could see his fortune increase six-fold to £3billion in the next ten years. But Mindy - and the others - saw a very different Tiger. Lynn said: 'I saw the texts he sent her. One of them said he was dreaming of being inside of her. Another said, "Do you want to get laid?" It was crude. There was no mention of love. She said he didn't talk about his wife.' Had Tiger mentioned Elin, it might have meant confronting the sordid reality that his 'romance' with Mindy was conducted while his wife was pregnant with their first child. Instead, Lynn said: 'He talked very little about anything. She said he never wore condoms. That really broke me up. I was so worried she might catch a disease, especially as we suspected he was promiscuous. But Mindy was in love with him. I think she thought he was faithful to her.' In fact, it seems likely that Tiger's affair with Mindy overlapped with his relationship with Jaimee Grubbs, the 24-year-old cocktail mistress he met in April 2007 and with whom he had a three-year affair. According to a source close to Jaimee, she very much enjoyed her affair with Tiger - perhaps having less romantic notions than Mindy. Rachel Uchitel is said to have claimed Tiger took a sedative for insomnia which also 'heightens sex' Jaimee simply accepted that theirs was 'a physical, not a cerebral relationship'. She has said: 'Tiger might have started out naive, but sex became like an addiction to him.' Jaimee has also claimed that the star took the painkiller Vicoden - a prescription he explained as necessary because of a recent knee injury. Rachel Uchitel, the New York club hostess whose 'outing' as one of Tiger's mistresses supposedly led to last Saturday's marital meltdown, allegedly told one friend that Tiger took Ambien - a sedative prescribed for his insomnia but said to heighten sexual experiences. Porn star Holly Sampson and marketing director Kalika Moquin, 33, both named as mistresses, do nothing to dispute these depictions of the man or his predilections. Another as yet unnamed mistress believes: 'His big problem is, ironically, insecurity. He has never felt particularly attractive. From the age of four or five, he was destined to be a golfing legend but no one told him how to be a man. 'He married the dream girl, had the perfect family, but couldn't feel satisfied with that. 'He's not a happy man. When his father died [in May 2006] his moral compass went off. He was caught once and got away with it. He thought he could get away with it for ever.' Which brings us back to that car park, that surveillance team in the spring of 2007 and the scoop that could have exploded Tiger's myth long before now. So what happened? Put bluntly, Tiger sold himself to save himself - or at least his management did. With an exertion of power only possible by the very rich and very famous, a deal was struck. In return for burying the story of Tiger's affair, he would give an exclusive cover interview to a men's health magazine owned by the same company as the tabloid. According to our investigation, when 'Team Tiger' discovered that the tabloid magazine not only had blurry pictures of him and Mindy in the car park but evidence of the consummation, they went into a panic. Then they went to work. Neal Boulton, an editor in the tabloid magazine's company at the time, revealed: 'They said, "What do we have to do not to let this get out?"' The answer was press the magazine's publisher to withhold the story in return for Tiger appearing on the August 2007 cover of its stablemate publication, Men's Fitness. And so Tiger, who regularly declines interviews on the grounds that he is a 'private' person, struck beefcake-style poses and gave tips on diet, exercise and weightlifting. The tabloid's parent company insisted that the exclusive was not a quid pro quo. But it was enough for Boulton to resign in protest at the editorial interference which he perceived as an underhand 'trade-off'. Ironically, had Mindy voiced her own concerns some weeks earlier, Tiger and his team might have avoided everything which followed. Jaimee Grubbs, whom Tiger was seeing probably at the same time as Mindy. According to Lynn, her sister had told her of 'a strange car following her at night'. Around the same time, Lynn herself received a call from a reporter at the tabloid. But then nothing came of it – or so the Lawton family thought. And as far as Mindy knew, Tiger simply dropped out of her life. Lynn said: 'You'd have thought with all his money, he would have paid her off and all the other girls but I guess he thought he had them in the palm of his hand. He treated my sister like a piece of meat.' Tiger ended his affair with Mindy as soon as his management informed him of the tabloid sting. He just stopped calling. For her, there was no explanation, for him there was no story - and that was what mattered. In the final analysis, it was perhaps too much for Tiger's management to hope that all his 'Mindys' would go away. And, crucially, cracks were beginning to appear in the one thing upon which everything - his reputation and his shield - depended: Tiger's game. At the Open at Turnberry in the summer, Tiger missed the halfway cut for only the second time in a major championship in his glittering career. At the time, the golfing circuit was awash with rumours that he had returned to his rented house and taken out his frustrations on its interior, trashing the place to the tune of £6,000 to £16,000, depending on who one believes, though nothing was ever confirmed. In recent months, talk of arguments with Elin and a recent ultimatum simply would not be silenced. Perhaps when the Mindy problem went away, Tiger thought himself immune from exposure. He had been so blatant and emerged without a dent to his image. Perhaps he believed that his image was so artfully constructed that the truth just couldn't punch through it. Perhaps he didn't think at all - a luxury afforded him by his wealth, his management and his power, and one which from here on in, he'll have to do without. Has Tiger fled the Florida wreckage? Tiger Woods was still in hiding last night, amid speculation that he may be living separately from his wife Elin, writes Sharon Churcher . Unidentified 'friends' of the golfer have said the couple are having marriage counselling. But Woods's continued refusal to speak to police about his bizarre car crash has led to speculation that he quietly has moved out of their mansion in a gated Orlando community. One source close to the investigation said last night: 'I'd be shocked if Tiger is still in Orlando. The rumour on the PGA circuit is that there was no Wedgwood china left in the house after their blow-up. No one has seen Tiger. 'One story is that he left his lair after the wreck and took a private jet to New York. Maybe he's decided to party some more.' Woods's attorney Mark Nejame declined to comment when asked if the golfer had left town.