The Chanticleer Editor in Chief G,)Ins to \It LIP Senate, Where He Has Chaired the Ath- All I Can to Make Sure We Get It Done." Hc.Rc
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Musical "Superstar" will Check out our Gamecock have you in rapture- p. 5 Baseball/Softball insert! acksonville State Universit Cook, Kilgore run for SGA presidency .. -- By Ben Cunningham "I'm not Kilgore has served two years in the to go for and I get elected, then 1'11 do The Chanticleer Editor in Chief g,)ins to \it LIP Senate, where he has chaired the ath- all I can to make sure we get it done." hc.rc. ;~ndguarantee' letic support committee and co- Kilgore told The Chanticleer last Two Senate veterans are vying for ~OLI.or promist' chaired the constitution and code of week. "I think it's a great idea the SGA's presidency in next month's ~ou anything." laws committee. He is a member of because you can save money by get- elections, Chris Cook and Zach Kilcurr" told the Delta Chi, and has held the office of ting them in advance." Zach Kilgore audience Monday Kilgore. want to get my ChriSCoOk alumni secretary with that group. Cook also supported the idea, point- The candidates kicked off the goals accom- night. "I pledge to Both candidates have said they ing out that often students register for spring campaign season Monday plished, because I want to benefit the you to carry out each one of those 17 would favor a measure asking a class and purchase the textbook list- night with speeches after the regular students at Jacksonville State to the best of my ability. I'm not University administrators to make a ed at the bookstores. only to find that Senate session. Both candidates University," Cook said. "Another rea- going to do anything less than that, list of required textbooks available to the professor doesn't use it. "I think stressed a willingness to give students son is I care what the students' opin- and I'll do more than that if I can." students when they register for class. it's a great idea," Cook said of the pro- what they wanted, though neither ions are, because that's who 1'11 be Both candidates have experience in The Senate has discussed a resolution posed change. "It would save stu- offered any specific proposals. working for." the Senate and in greek organizations. endorsing such a change over the last dents money." Cook called the SGA "a big Kilgore also said students' concerns Cook has served in the Senate dur- two weeks. In theory, some Senators Students will choose the next SGA machine to get people to accomplish would be his concerns. "We're not ing the current academic year, chair- have argued, providing students with president at the polls on March 4 and their goals." He stressed a 100 per- here to do what I want to do, I'm not ing the blood drive committee. He is that information would allow them to 5. Voting will take place in the TMB cent attendance record in the Senate here to do what the Senate wants to do a member of Kappa Alpha Order, and save money by giving them time to auditorium, on the building's third and at fraternity and Interfraternity ... it's the Student Government was that fraternity's representative to purchase their books from sources floor, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Council meetings. He also promised Association," he said, stressing the the IFC, where he served as secretary besides Jacksonville's two bookstores. word "student." and tr&surer. "If that's something students want Students live in deteriorating dorm U JSU hiring- for By Jamie M. Eubanks two showers. These bathrooms I The Chanticleer News Editor and showers each contain sev- eral stalls One of those con- Approximately 50 women tains lo stalls, according to chief's position are using three toilets and two Wood. showers, the paint is chipping "The first seme$ter, we had By Miranda Bryant applied for the job. said off the walls, the trash is over- about 50 g~rlstrying to use The Chanticleer Staff Writer Cusimano, but only three to flowing and one of those show- three shower stalls," said six will be interviewed. ers is clogged. No, these aren't Jessica Reid, president of the the conditions in a prison camp. Daugette RHA. "It was mainly Before a new director of "The committee will be These are the conditions stu- 50 girls trying to use two show- public safety can be named looking for multiple crite- dents in Daugette Hall are liv- er stalls, because one of the in April, JSU must form a ria based on experience and ing in. showerheads is really low. So committee to review the list education," she said. Monday n~ght,the Residence you can't get in there if you're of applicants, said Dr. Alice After the committee Hall Association presented their tall." Cusimano, associate vice chooses the best candidates Powerpoint presentation to the Cobb said she would stay up president of student affairs. from the list. an interview '7n.n . *A'- I I IL m -- . ~ p~ -. Powerpoint presentation to the LoDD sald she would stay up president ot student afiairs. from the list, an interview SG4 Senate. It featured photos until 2 a.m. to get a shower. LJniversity Police Chief schedule will be made, of the conditions in the building Reid recalled watching resi- Nelson Coleman has said Cusimano said, so those and what they have done to get dents walk to the bathroom and he will retire at the end of candidates can meet with have to return to their rooms things changed. March after 16 years with people from the police because the stalls were taken. They have already showed the University. department and student this presentation to administra- Reid sadthere are no longer "We are pulling together affairs. tors before Christmas break. 50 women sharing the bath- a screening committee," "I don't have any inside During that break renovations room because many of them Cusimano said. The com- were supposed to have been have moved out. Many of these information," Coleman made, according to the RHA. women moved because the con- mittee will meet for the said. Jessica Cobb is a student who ditions were so bad, according first time at the beginning Individuals from the lives in Daugette Hall and is the to Cobb. of March to look through police department and the vice president of the RHA, but Alesea Dikoko, a freshman the applicants' resumes, Student Government she doesn't stay there anymore The Chant~cleerIJarnleM. Eubanks who is the secretary of the leaving less than a month to Association are being invit- because of,these condifions. Alesea Dikoko points out one of the only three bathroom stalls used by all the Daugette RHA, said she is on a name a new director of ed to join the screening women staying in Daugette Hall. The paint and plaster is chipping off the walls. waiting list to move out of "I stayed in Fitzpatrick last public safety. committee, Cusimano said. can't be used. One of the other in Daugette. Daugette. year," Cobb said. "It was a lot, It could take longer than Faculty members and showers is constantly clogging. "That's why I came over All three girls said they lot, lot better." April 1 to name a new members from the SGA In Fitzpatrick there are four despite cleaning efforts. here," said Cobb. "I didn't would rather be at Daugette director, said Cusimano, campus safety committee bathrooms, with three showers So why would these students know they were living like this over Sparkman. since spring break inter- are expected to take part in each, on every floor. Daugette live here? though." "There's not as many floors features only one bathroom "I guess since all my friends For a long time, Wood said, of females," Reid said. feres with the hiring the search. "These will be with three shower stalls and stayed, I came back." said he didn't understand what the "Fifty girls is enough." Cobb process. very difficult, but impor- three toilets. Marquis Wood, second vice women in the building were Sixteen candidates have tant decisions," she said. The residents said one of the president of the Daugette RHA. complaining about because the see Daugette, page 2 showerheads is so low that it This is his second year to stay men have three bathrooms and SGA trims budgets Campus sprawls, to fund spring event and students drive ..... .... - - -~ - By Aubrey vines spending - for example. pub- BY ~a~onya~~ant- dealing with environment psy- The Chanticleer Staff Writer lications and advertising - The Chanticleer Staff Writer chology. - - ---.~ ~ until all plans are confirmed. The key characteristics of ~h~ SGA is trimming "Our budget hasn't been Can Jacksonville be a "walk- campus sprawl include a cam- $15,000 from its operating cut," said Case){. "We just friendly campus?" pus that is spread out over a budget to help fund a possible think it's a great opportunity Many students have the Wal- large area, unsightly large park- event this.~pril. for us. for our students and for Mart parking mentality around ing lots surrounding buildings according to T~~~~ casey,the University, and if we're campus - find the closest spot instead of on-campus periphery, director of student activities. that we cut to the door no matter how much the number of automobiles ~h~ entertainment prospect back in other areas. And if it gas or time you may waste, dominate pedestrians, and there and other resources the SGA doesn't work, then we'll have according to Dr.