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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-88993-3 - Dostoevsky and the Russian People Linda Ivanits Index More information Index “accursed” questions 2, 3, 7, 31, 48, 54, 159, 193 Apocalypse 4, 90 The Adolescent 5, 112, 134, 136, 147–48, 152, Antichrist 4, 90, 212; see also The Idiot 154–56, 158, 224, 227 Apocrypha 6, 43, 175 and gap between narod and upper classes 136 Arianism, see Incarnation Makar Ivanovich Dolgoruky: as bearer of Arina Rodionovna 35 folklore 155–56, 227; as elder 155;as Atheism 123 embodiment of popular Orthodoxy 134;as atheism 31, 32, 34, 37, 48, 137 “Vlas” figure 154–56 Attila 119 the merchant Skotoboinikov 156 Avseenko, V. G. 151, 192 Notebooks to 156 Sofia Andreevna Dolgorukaia as embodiment Baal 34 of popular Orthodoxy 134, 147–48 Bakhtin, M. M. 4, 187, 194, 224 adoptive brotherhood (sisterhood), see cross Bakunin, Mikhail 119, 120, 220 Afanasev, A. N. 40–41 Beggars in Holy Russia (Nishchie na sviatoi Rusi. and mythological school 41 Materialy dlia obshchestvennogo i narodnogo “The Religious-Pagan Meaning of the Slav’s byta), see Pryzhov, I. G. Dwelling” (“Religiozno–iazycheskoe Belinsky, V. G. 17, 107, 137 znachenie izby slavianina”) 40–41 Belovodie 90; see also sectarians, Runners Russian Folk Legends 43, 54–57, 60, 88, 92, 160, Berezhetsky, Ivan 12 175, 231 Bernard, Claude 167, 186 Russian Folktales 42 Bessonov, P. A. 42, 63, 64 Akelkina, E. A. 225–26 Bethea, David 86–87, 214 Aksakov, Konstantin 148, 149 Bibina, Uliana 147 “Akulka’s Husband” 28–29, 200 bible 20, 167, 168; see also Apocalypse;New and Passion 29, 96 Testament; Old Testament alcoholism, see narod A Bitter Fate (Gor’kaia sud’bina), see Pisemsky, Alena Frolovna 9, 10, 13, 31, 38, 148, 151, 190, 192, A.
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