Lantana Camara (Verbenaceae) in South Africa
Past and present initiatives on the biological control of Lantana camara (Verbenaceae) in South Africa J-R. Baars & S. Neser ARC - Plant Protection Research Institute, Private Bag X134, Pretoria, 0001 South Africa Lantana camara, a highly invasive weed in many countries, has been targeted for biological control in South Africa since the early 1960s. An earlier review in 1991 indicated that, despite the establishment of several natural enemy species, the programme has largely been unsuccessful. In this paper we review initiatives undertaken during the 1990s and discuss (i) the status of the natural enemies established on the weed, (ii) factors that have limited the impact of these agents, (iii) the potential of eleven new biocontrol candidates currently under evaluation for re- lease and (iv) the problem of expanded host ranges of imported natural enemies under labora- tory conditions. Ultimately, the success of the programme will depend on the establishment of a suite of natural enemies, attacking several parts of the weed, which are able to cope with the ex- treme variability and wide distribution of L. camara in South Africa. Despite the problems associ- ated with the programme, L. camara remains a candidate for biological control in South Africa. Key words: Lantana camara, varieties, biological weed control, natural enemies, host-specificity testing, Lippia. Lantana camara sensu lato (Verbenaceae; Fig. 1), a compounds, notably the pentacyclic triterpenes floriferous, prickly, thicket-forming shrub, which (Kellerman et al. 1996), lantadene A and B (Morton is commonly known as lantana, originates from 1994), which if consumed can cause photosensiti- tropical and subtropical South and Central Amer- zation, liver and kidney damage, paralysis of the ica (Stirton 1977).
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