Comox Valley Ribfest
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2017 Volume 59, #15 The Battle of Britain con- The Battle of Britain is radar stations on the south flict took place between often described as having coast. By sinking merchant July and October of 1940. four phases, the dates of ships, Germany would pre- It was the first major mili- which seem to vary. vent the British people from Battle of Britain tary campaign in history to receiving the commodities be fought entirely in the air. Phase One - required for their existence. Commemorating 77 years On July 10, 120 German July 10 to At the same time, it was bombers and fighters struck August 12, 1940 hoped that it would draw Comox Air Force Museum a British shipping convoy out the British fighters from Attacks on Channel Ship- in the English Channel, their bases so as to analyze ping: On July 16, Hitler while 70 more bombers at- the strength of the Royal Air issued Directive No. 16, tacked dockyards in South Force, determine the speed which called for prepara- Wales. and efficiency that it could tions to be made for Opera- Although Britain had deploy its squadrons. tion Sealion - the invasion of fewer fighters than the Ger- Intermittent bombing Britain. He demanded that mans, it did have an effec- raids took place on Ports- “the British Air Force… be tive radar system, which mouth, Falmouth, Swansea, eliminated to such an extent made the prospects of a Newcastle and Merseyside, that it will be incapable of sneak attack unlikely. but these weren’t consistent putting up any sustained But in the opening days like the Channel convoy opposition to the invad- of the Battle, Britain need- raids.
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