June 20, 2021

Dear Friends in Christ,

This Thursday, June 24th, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Nativity of St. . Generally, the feast day of a marks the day of his death, because this day marks his heavenly birth. But there are two exceptions to this rule. The Church celebrates the birthday of both the Blessed Mary and St. John the Baptist. Why are the Blessed Mother and John the Baptist honored in this way? Because they alone were free from the stain of original sin on the day of their birth. By the prevenient grace of God, in light of the merits of her Son, Mary was preserved free from original sin from the moment of her conception, which we celebrate each year with the on December 8th. John the Baptist was cleansed of original sin in the womb of his mother, Elizabeth, at the Visitation, when Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth, which we read in Luke 1: 39-45. “At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, where she entered Zechariah’s home and greeted Elizabeth. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. She exclaimed in a loud voice: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy. Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!”

And although Christmas may seem a long way off, this Solemnity anticipates the celebration of the Nativity of the Lord. The birth of Jesus is observed on December 25 at the time of the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, while the birth of His forerunner is observed six months earlier at the time of the summer solstice, the longest day. John said of himself and his relation to Jesus: “He must increase, and I must decrease.” So, for the rest of the year, as John decreases, the days will grow shorter and the light will decrease, until we celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus at Christmas, after which, the days will grow longer and the light will increase.

Traditionally, St. John’s Nativity has been celebrated with feasting and a bonfire. The St. John's Fire symbolizes Christ the Light, the light that does not die, the light that will chase away the darkness of sin and death. And so, to mark the Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, we will celebrate with the South Carolina version of a bonfire feast, a potluck cookout, organized by our Office of Evangelization and Family Life. Hotdogs and hamburgers will be provided. Please look inside the bulletin for more details. I invite everyone; especially our families with young children, to come and celebrate this great feast of light, enjoy time with the parish family, and learn about this great Saint, who points us always to the Lamb of God.

Fr. Morgan

ST ANDREW JUNE 20, 2021 12TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME THIS WEEK IN ST ANDREW SCHEDULE Weekend Saturday LITURGIES 9am (First Saturday) | 4:30pm | 6:15pm SAT 06/19 4:30PM Rogelio Dacanay † Sunday 6:15PM Miriam Jones † 7:30am | 9:15am | 11am | 5pm | 7pm (Spanish)

SUN 06/20 7:30AM Maria Yvonne Perez † 9:15AM Deceased Members of O’Neill & Daily Mass Gilarski Family Monday - Friday | 9am 11:00AM Pro Populo 5:00PM Terry Byrd † RECONCILIATION 7:00PM Santa Misa Tuesday & Thursday | 8:15am* Wednesday | 5:30pm* MON 06/21 9:00AM Angela Stoshak-Vitale † Saturday | 2:30pm TUE 06/22 8:00AM Exposition & Confessions *with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 9:00AM Angela Stoshak-Vitale †

WED 06/23 9:00AM Dan Schommer † PARISH STAFF 5:30PM Holy Hour Rev Roger Morgan Pastor THU 06/24 8:00AM Exposition & Confessions 9:00AM Karen Ross † Rev Jacinto Vera Mejia FRI 06/25 9:00AM Maria LiNam † in Residence 7:00PM Massa Robert Barlow Deacon George Ferland SAT 06/26 4:30PM Ken Varley † Deacon Scott Ross Deacon Anthony Russo 6:15PM LaVerne Sack † 8:00PM Vietnamese Mass Gregory S. Allen, MA

SUN 06/27 7:30AM George Kost † Pastoral Associate 9:15AM Frank Majewski † 11:00AM Pro Populo Madeleine Elswick 5:00PM Peter Intervallo † Parish Business Manager 7:00PM Santa Misa Ceferina Meli Parish Administrative Assistant

Laura Allison Barbara Bowers Jennifer Diaz MINISTRIES Religious Education SUNDAY 06/20 5PM Educacion de Monaguillos (CLC) 5PM Práctica Musica (Foyer) Scott Bowen 6:30PM Vietnamese Music Practice (REC) Youth Ministry Director MONDAY 06/21 7PM Cursillo (Gym) Francesca Schaeffer 7PM Family Life Workshop (CLC) Music Director TUESDAY 06/22 1:30PM Faith Sharing (REC) Clark Slawecki 7PM Brazilian Community (Gym) Facilities Manager THURSDAY 06/24 5PM Choir (Church) 7PM Summer Come & See (CLC) FRIDAY 06/25 OFFICE HOURS 11AM Funeral (Church) Mon to Thu from 9am to 4pm | Fri from 9am to 7PM Family Life Workshop (CLC) SATURDAY 06/26 12n 12PM Quinceañera (Iglesia)



COLUMBIETTES HOLIDAY BAZAAR Fr Anthony Montesinos Columbiettes Auxiliary #5086 is looking for crafters for their bazaar to be held on Saturday, November 13th from 9 to 3pm at the St Andrew Community Life Center. The Columbiettes are currently accepting reservations on a first come, first serve basis. Space sizes are 6 ft and 8 feet - $25 and $30, respectively. Must bring own table. If you have any questions or would like an application, please contact Pat Martelli at (908) 938 1433.

CATHOLIC CHARITIES PEE DEE need volunteers to help families register for back to school assistance during the weeks of June 15th –July 31st. All families must be pre-registered for this event. Shifts include: Please pray for the peaceful • Tue & Thurs mornings: 9am to 12n repose of the soul Susan • Mon & Wed afternoons: 1 to 3:30pm Underwood who passed away • Scheduling six (6) appointments every 30 minutes recently. • Assisting clients by filling out the Back to School Eternal rest grant unto them, O registration form with them If you are interested in volunteering for this Lord, and let perpetual light shine program, please call Catholic Charities at 843-438- upon them. 3108.

STEWARDSHIP I am a student of St Andrew Catholic (check one): This Week’s Collection _____Grade School ____Religious Ed in grade _____. ’S ANNUAL APPEAL

Next Week’s ______Student’s Signature PETER’S PENCE

Being a Good Steward of God’s Gift of Time. I am FISCAL YEAR 2020-2021 attending Church on the Lord’s Day on ______Description June 13, 2021 at ______(time) Mass. Please drop in collection Sunday Collection ...... $22,1771 basket or mail slip to: Weekly Budget Needs ...... $21,5001 Madeleine Elswick Year-to-Date Total ...... $923,1201 St Andrew Catholic Church Year-to-Date Budget Needs ...... $1,053,5001 3501 N Kings Hwy #102 Surplus/Shortfall-to-Date ...... ($130,380) Myrtle Beach, SC 29577


ST ANDREW CATHOLIC CHURCH JUNE 20, 2021 12TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PARISH & AROUND THE DIOCESE NEWS... DIOCESAN OFFICE OF FAMILY LIFE - PROJECT In the News: Defending Religious RACHEL MINISTRY GROUP Freedom We are pleased to announce that Reg Platt, Coordinator "I never imagined I would be fired for of Project , which is dedicated to the healing of being a Christian," said Student Senate men who have been a part of a loss due to an abortion President, Jack Denton, after winning a decision, will be speaking on Sunday, June 27th at 7 pm via federal lawsuit against Florida State a Zoom conference. This will be an hour long event, open University (FSU).(1) to everyone and will include testimonials from the men. His First Amendment freedoms of religion and speech During this wonderful year of St. Joseph, the patron of were denied after his private message conversation Project Joseph, come join us and learn more about how among Catholic students was screenshot, shared on men can regain their peace of mind after having suffered social media and went viral, leading to dismissal from his a loss due to an abortion decision, even if it has been paid leadership role. years. "If I stay silent while my brothers and sisters may be Project Joseph serves the men who were a part of that supporting an organization that promotes grave evils, I decision, as well as those who regret having suffered the have sinned through my silence. I love you all, and I want (2) loss due to someone else’s decision. It also embraces the us to all be aware of the truth," said Denton. men who have married into the lives of the women who "To me, faith is the most integral part of who I am. I have had a loss due to abortion, and have felt that affect can't separate it, and I wanted to talk about the hope that their marriage. I personally have found in Christ…," said Elizabeth (3) For more info, please call 469-720-2273 or go to Turner, a Michigan HS valedictorian. However, www.projectjosephdallas.org and find the link to use on the principal demanded she remove references to faith Sunday. from her graduation address. Elizabeth had written, "For me, my future hope is found in my relationship with Christ. By trusting in him and choosing to live a life RELIGIOUS FREEDOM WEEK dedicated to bringing his kingdom glory, I can be (3) 2021: SOLIDARITY IN FREEDOM confident I am living a life with purpose and meaning." takes place June 22 – 29. The First Liberty Institute attorneys sent a letter to the Week begins with the Feast of Sts. principal demanding Elizabeth be allowed to reference and , her faith in her speech. "Graduation is a time for ends with the Solemnity of Sts. celebration, not censorship... All public schools should Peter and Paul and includes the Feast of the Nativity of protect the private religious expression of their (4) St. John the Baptist. Many resources are available to help students." The school then revised their decision. the faithful pray, reflect, and take action on religious "Public schools have no business compelling teachers liberty, both here in this country and abroad. Resources, to express ideological beliefs that they don't hold…," said including graphics, lectionary notes, bulletin inserts, and an Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) attorney daily prayers and reflections are available on the United representing a Virginia teacher suspended for voicing his States Conference of Catholic at usccb.org/ objections to two proposed school policies during the ReligiousFreedomWeek. public comment period of a school board meeting.(5) ADF explained the school board's actions violated the Virginia Constitution when it punished the teacher by retaliating against him for expressing his conscientious Living in His Holy Divine Will. It is the answer to the Lord’s beliefs in a public forum, and also violated his free Prayer, “…thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven”. exercise of religion by discriminating against his religious The Divine Will Cenacle is not a devotion, it is a way to live beliefs. in God’s Will through readings, discussion, prayer & the (church militant.com, 5/28/21(1); christianpost.com, 5/28/21(2); rosary. The knowledge of how to toddstarnes.com, 5/27/21(3);globenewswire.com, 5/26/21(4); live in His Will is revealed. Monthly lifesitenews.com, 6/2/21(5) meeting 10-11:30am or 7-8:30pm every last Thursday of the month. Next meeting is June 28th in the Community Life Center. Contact John Keenan (803) 840 4101 for further details. THE BLESSED JOHN DUNN SCOTUS FRATERNITY invites you to fraternity life at the beach. The Fraterity meets on the third Saturday of every month at 9am at ST JAMES CATHOLIC CHURCH IN CONWAY St Michaels Church PAC Hall in Murrells Dr Philip Michels, PhD, a clinical psychologist will present Inlet, SC. For more info, please contact God’s Gift of Consciousness on Tue, July 6 from 6:30 to Roman, OFS (Formation Director) at 8:30pm. This will be a practical, potentially life changing 843-516-2508. If you like, come join us at seminar to help cope with difficult times and draw closer the 8am Mass. Pax Et Bonum to God.









• Learn about July Feast days & discover fun and easy ways to incorporate them into family life

• Each family will receive a July Liturgical Living at Home toolkit full of resources and ideas

• Bring the entire family - an activity will be provided for kids






20 de junio de 2021

Queridos amigos en Cristo,

Este jueves 24 de junio la Iglesia celebra la Solemnidad de la Natividad de San Juan Bautista. Generalmente, la fiesta de un santo marca el día de su muerte, porque este día marca su nacimiento celestial. Pero hay dos excepciones a esta regla. La Iglesia celebra el cumpleaños tanto de la Santísima Virgen María como de San Juan Bautista. ¿Por qué se honra de esta manera a la Santísima Madre y a Juan el Bautista? Porque solo ellos estaban libres de la mancha del pecado original el día de su nacimiento. Por la gracia preveniente de Dios, a la luz de los méritos de su Hijo, María fue preservada libre del pecado original desde el momento de su concepción, que celebramos cada año con la Inmaculada Concepción el 8 de diciembre. Juan el Bautista fue limpiado del pecado original en el vientre de su madre, Isabel, en la Visitación, cuando María fue a visitar a su prima Isabel, que leemos en Lucas 1: 39-45. “En ese momento, María se preparó y se apresuró a ir a un pueblo en la región montañosa de Judea, donde entró en la casa de Zacarías y saludó a Isabel. Cuando Isabel escuchó el saludo de María, el bebé saltó en su útero e Isabel se llenó del Espíritu Santo. Ella exclamó en voz alta: “¡Bendita tú entre las mujeres, y bendito el hijo que darás a luz! Pero, ¿por qué me siento tan favorecido para que la madre de mi Señor venga a mí? Tan pronto como el sonido de tu saludo llegó a mis oídos, el bebé en mi vientre saltó de alegría. ¡Bienaventurada la que ha creído que el Señor cumpliría sus promesas! "

Y aunque la Navidad parezca lejana, esta Solemnidad anticipa la celebración de la Natividad del Señor. El nacimiento de Jesús se observa el 25 de diciembre en el momento del solsticio de invierno, el día más corto del año, mientras que el nacimiento de Su precursor se observa seis meses antes en el momento del solsticio de verano, el día más largo. Juan dijo de sí mismo y de su relación con Jesús: "Es necesario que él aumente y yo disminuya". Entonces, durante el resto del año, a medida que Juan disminuya, los días se acortarán y la luz disminuirá, hasta que celebremos el nacimiento del Señor Jesús en Navidad, después de lo cual, los días se harán más largos y la luz aumentará.

Tradicionalmente, la Natividad de San Juan se ha celebrado con banquetes y hogueras. El Fuego de San Juan simboliza a Cristo la Luz, la luz que no muere, la luz que ahuyentará las tinieblas del pecado y la muerte. Y así, para marcar la Solemnidad de la Natividad de San Juan Bautista, celebraremos con la versión de Carolina del Sur de una fiesta de hogueras, una comida al aire libre organizada por nuestra Oficina de Evangelización y Vida Familiar. Se proporcionarán perritos calientes y hamburguesas. Consulte el interior del boletín para obtener más detalles. Los invito a todos; especialmente a nuestras familias con niños pequeños, para que vengan a celebrar esta gran fiesta de la luz, disfruten del tiempo con la familia parroquial y aprendan sobre este gran Santo, que siempre nos señala al Cordero de Dios.

P. Morgan

ST ANDREW CATHOLIC CHURCH JUNE 20, 2021 12TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Decimosegundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario 20 de junio de 2021 Canten y alaben al Señor, porque él ha salvado la vida del pobre. — Jeremías 20:13


La ayuda para el regreso a la Escuela para el año 2021 esta disponible para las familias del Condado de Horry.

Llame a Catholic Charities Pee Dee por favor al teléfono 843.438.3108, del 24 de mayo al 30 de julio de 2021 para concertar una cita.

Citas son para los primeros que lleguen hasta llenar el cupo.

¡La Asistencia sólo estará disponible para las familias que están pre-registrados y tienen una cita el día del evento! MEDITACIÓN EVANGÉLICO - ¡NO EXCEPCIONES! ALENTAR ENTENDIMIENTO MÁS PROFUNDO DE LA ESCRITURA

Cuantas veces, en medio de las tormentas de la vida, nos hemos preguntado: ¿Dónde está Dios? ¿Acaso está dormido? ¿Por qué no acude a nuestro auxilio? Sin embargo, Dios está ahí entre nosotros, en medio de la tormenta, en medio de la pandemia. ¿Dónde estás Jesús que no te veo, que no te siento? Le preguntamos, muchas veces desesperados y ya sin aliento. ¡Escúchanos Señor, no nos abandones! Para comprender cómo actúa Dios, debemos meditar y reflexionar en su Palabra. Escuchemos lo que narra el Evangelio de hoy.

“Al atardecer de aquel mismo día, Jesús dijo a sus discípulos: ‘Crucemos a la otra orilla del lago’. Despidieron a la gente y lo llevaron en la barca en que estaba… de pronto, se levantó un gran temporal y las olas se estrellaban contra la barca, que se iba llenando de agua. Mientras tanto Jesús dormía en la popa sobre un cojín. Lo despertaron diciendo: Maestro, ¿no te importa que nos hundamos? Él entonces se despertó. Se encaró con el viento y dijo al mar: ‘Cállate, cálmate’. El viento se apaciguo y siguió una gran calma. Después dijo: ‘¿Por qué son tan miedosos? ¿Todavía no tienen fe?’” (Marcos 4:35- 40). El miedo paraliza, el miedo hunde y destruye muchos planes y buenas acciones. En el caso de los AÑO FISCAL 2020-2021 discípulos, el miedo pudo haberse superado con confianza en la presencia de Jesús, aunque estuviera Descripcion 13 de junio de 2021 durmiendo. Ahora bien, en los casos actuales cabe la Colectas del domingo ...... $1,122,177 pregunta. ¿Cómo supero las dificultades? ¿Vence el Presupuesto Semanal ...... $1,121,500 miedo o la confianza y fe en Dios? La respuesta debe Año Hasta la Fecha ...... $1,923,120 salir del fondo del corazón y es muy personal. Presupuesto Año Hasta la Fecha ...... $1,053,500 Superávit (Déficit) ...... ($1130,380) ©LPi



Chúa Nhật thứ XII Mùa Thường Niên Tháng Sáu, Ngày 20 Năm 2021




INFORMACIÓN: Si alguien desea comunicarse MONAGUILLOS: Para los niños y jóvenes con la con el Padre Morgan ó el Padre Jacinto para inquietud de servir en el altar, por favor solicitar algún Sacramento ó alguna Celebración contactar a Verónica Hernández, al (843) 251 Litúrgica, lo puede hacer llamando al: (843) 448 7928. Favor de dejar mensaje, se le regresara la 5930. llamada. HOSPITALIDAD / MINISTROS DE BIENVENIDA: REGISTRACIÓN: Si desea unirte a la comunidad Las personas interesadas en unirse a este puede registrarse en el sitio web de la ministerio, favor de comunicarse con Pedro parroquia (https:// Garcia al (843) 251 8471. www.standrewcatholicchurch.org/join- registration) u al terminar la misa de la 7pm MINISTROS DE EUCARISTIA: Las personas puede pedir una forma de registro con interesadas en formar parte de este ministerio cualquier servidor. Es necesario estar favor de contactar a Normina Morales al (843) registrados y activos en la parroquia para los 455 0254. sacramentos de bautizo, 1ra comunión, confirmación y matrimonio; así como misas de LECTORES: Las personas interesadas en unirse Quinceañeras. a este ministerio, favor de comunicarse con Erika Martinez al (843) 241 2759. SACRAMENTO DE LA CONFESIÓN: El Sacramento de la Confesión se ofrece todos los SACRAMENTO DEL MATRIMONIO: Las parejas sábados a las 2:30 pm. interesadas en contraer matrimonio deben hacer una cita con el Asociado Pastoral, señor CORO: Hay ensayo de coro los Domingos a las Greg Allen, llamando a la oficina. La 5:00 pm, en el gimnasio. Favor comunicarse preparación para el Sacramento del Matrimonio con Vicente Aguirre, al (843) 251 7928. se realizará dos veces al año. Las clases son a las 5:00 pm durante siete domingos consecutivos. Favor comunicarse con Blanca EXPOSICIÓN DEL SANTÍSIMO CON Domínguez, al (843) 458 7550. CONFESIONES: La hora santa es el primer viernes de cada mes a las 7pm en español. PLANIFICACIÓN FAMILIAR: Aprende un También los martes, jueves a las 8:15 a.m. y método natural y efectivo para lograr o para todos los miércoles a las 5:30 p.m. en ingles. posponer un embarazo. Las clases se ofrecerá en la sexta y séptima charla del programa de SACRAMENTO DE BAUTISMO: Los padres que preparación para el Sacramento del Matrimonio deseen bautizar a sus hijos (menores de siete y a solicitud de las personas interesadas. años) deben hacer una cita con el Asociado Favor comunicarse con Alba Lucía Franco, al Pastoral, el Sr. Greg Allen, llamando a la oficina. (843) 997 5274. Para niños mayores de siete años, comuníquese con Jennifer Diaz al (843) 626 6353. CURSILLO CRISTIANDAD: Todos los lunes en el gimnasio a las 7 pm. Para más información, QUINCEAÑERA: Las personas interesadas en llame a Rene Reyes, Coordinador, al (843) 315 una Misa para Quinceañera, se deben 4869. comunicar con Concepción Romero al (843) 446 5294, con seis meses de anticipación. Favor de ENCONTRO DA COMUNIDADE BRASILEIRA: dejar mensaje, se le regresara la llamada. Todas as terças-feiras no ginásio às 7 da noite. Para mais informações, ligue para Norma Barreto (614) 848 9775.



PARISH INFORMATION ST ANDREW CATHOLIC SCHOOL 3601 N Kings Hwy ● Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 3501 North Kings Highway ● Suite 102 p: (843) 448 6062 f: (843) 626 8644 Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29577 Deborah B. Wilfong, School Principal (843) 448 5930 ● (843) 448 3947 fax [email protected] (843) 626 4119 (evenings & weekends) www.standrewschoolmb.com [email protected] #standrewschoolmb ● #faithlovelearning www.standrewcatholicchurch.org ● #catholiceducationnow ● #nowmorethanever

PRAYER AND WORSHIP St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School 1300 Carolina Forest Boulevard

Extraordinary Ministers ...... Caroline Paulhus Myrtle Beach, SC 29579 (843) 903-1400 Gift Bearers ...... Priscilla Melton Theodore Hanes, Principal Lectors ...... Caroline Paulhus [email protected] Marriage Prep ...... Gregory Allen setonhighschoolsc.org Musicians & Vocalists ...... Francesca Schaeffer Prayer Chain ...... Ellen Vaught PASTORAL SERVICES Sick & Homebound ...... Position Open Ushers ...... Sal Martelli Annulment ...... Gregory Allen Catholic Charities...... Diocese of Charleston Wedding Coordinator ...... Gregory Allen Funerals ...... Gregory Allen Helping Hand ...... Tina Shuppy Mobile Meals ...... Helene Fawks Natural Family Planning ...... Susanna Bleyer, MD Pregnancy Help ...... Catholic Charities Prison Ministry ...... Paula Loehr COMMUNITY BUILDING Respect Life ...... Tom McElligott Safe Environment ...... Gregory Allen Catholic Medical Assoc ...... Peter Bleyer, MD Church Upkeep ...... Maryfrances Mazzeo Columbiettes ...... Laura Medeiros PARISH CONSULTATIVE COUNCILS Communications ...... Gregory Allen Community Kitchen ...... Sean Mazur Pastoral Council ...... Bob Zuercher Gift Shop ...... Mary Mann Finance Council ...... Jack Moran Girl Scout Troop 703 ...... Devon Barnes Outreach ...... Madeleine Elswick Grand Strand Citizens for Life ...... John Kost School Board ...... Ian Maguire Hibernians ...... Paul Jenkins Hibernians– Ladies ...... Maureen McEvoy-Cahill Hispanic Community ...... Veronica Aguirre CHRISTIAN FORMATION Hospitality ...... Marlene Grover Knights of Columbus ...... Tom Setty Adult Education ...... Laura Allison Knights of Columbus (Assembly) ...... Bob Rooney Knitting/Crocheting ...... Pat Vera Adult Initiation/RCIA ...... Gregory Allen OWLS ...... Ellen Vaught Prep ...... Gregory Allen Rosary Makers ...... Harriet Parrotta Cursillo ...... Veronica Hernandez SC Council of Cath Women ...... Marlene Grover Family Life ...... Jennifer Diaz Social Events ...... John & Caroline Paulhus Youth Ministry ...... Scott Bowen Website Committee ...... Gregory Allen Women's Club ...... Marlene Grover Religious Education ...... Barbara Bowers


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