JUNE 2015 Óscar Romero Beatified Noticias En Español, P

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JUNE 2015 Óscar Romero Beatified Noticias En Español, P NORTH COAST CATHOLIC The newspaper of the Diocese of Santa Rosa • www.srdiocese.org • JUNE 2015 Óscar Romero Beatified Noticias en español, p. 19-20 (Savior of the World Square) under the Monumento al Divino Salvador del Mundo. The cause of Archbishop Romero, who was gunned down in March 1980 at the height of El Salvador’s civil war, had provoked some debate because of initial uncer- tainty as to whether he was killed out of contempt for the Catholic faith or for taking political positions against Salvadoran government and against the death squads that were operating in his country. As head of the San Salvador archdiocese from 1977 until his death, his preaching grew increasingly strident in defense of the country’s poor and oppressed. He was also suspected of having an affinity for so-called Liberation Theology, which many—including the Vatican—consider a Marxist take on Christianity and thus incompatible with Catholicism. Andrew Pacheco Ordained His former secretary, however, recently confirmed that the archbishop had no use for Liberation Theology. While a Transitional Deacon he met with its proponents and they left him their books, Santa Rosa—On Friday, June 5, at 7pm, Bishop Robert their ideas never swayed him. F. Vasa ordained Mr. Andrew Pacheco of Ukiah to the Pope Benedict reportedly “unblocked” the cause for transitional diaconate. beatification of the Salvadoran prelate, and Pope Francis Men who are to be ordained to the priesthood receive also indicated that he hoped the cause would advance ordination to the diaconate prior to the priesthood. These Bl. Óscar Romero quickly. The issue was settled in January when panel of men are referred to as “transitional” deacons because they theologians appointed by the Congregation for the Causes are in the process of making their transition to the priestly San Salvador, El Salvador—On May 23, before an approxi- of Saints concluded Archbishop Romero had indeed been status. Look for more information in the July issue.. mate crowd of 300,000 people, Angelo Cardinal Amato killed in odium fidei (i.e., “in hatred of the Faith”). beatified the martyred Salvadoran Archbishop Óscar Salvadoran rightists murdered His Lordship while he Romero. Beatification is the last step before canoniza- celebrated Mass at a hospital chapel in San Salvador. Key Papal Advisor: Synod Will tion. To achieve reception into the Church's canon of During his General Audience on January 7, His Holiness saints, Romero must have a miracle attributed to his quoted words Romero had spoken at the funeral Mass of a Reaffirm Church Teaching intercession. priest assassinated by Salvadoran death squads: “We must Vatican City (CNA/EWTN News)—George Cardinal Pell, Ceremonies started Friday evening, May 22, with a all be willing to die for our faith even if the Lord does not prefect of the Vatican's Secretariat for the Economy, spoke torchlight procession through the streets of San Salva- grant us this honor.” in May on issues surrounding the family and the upcoming dor, the capital of El Salvador, and a Mass celebrated by Salvadoran native Raul Lemus, pastor at St. Ordinary Synod of Bishops, saying a synod is unable to Honduras' Óscar Cardinal Rodríguez Maradiaga. This Joseph Church, Cotati, was generally pleased with change Church teaching. was followed by a vigil that lasted until 5am on Saturday. the beatification of his homeland’s first saint. “As a Referencing papal documents such as those of Pope The beatification Mass, where Cardinal Amato, prefect native of El Salvador,” said Father, “I hope that St. John Paul II on marriage and family, he said Church of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints read the Bl. Romero’s intercession brings unity and peace to teaching can’t be “abdicated, [because] it’s based on the official decree, took place in Plaza Salvador del Mundo El Salvador.” teachings of Christ.” “Christ is very clear about divorce, very clear about adul- tery; and not quite as important, but still very important, (see Synod p. 6) Pope: Equal Pay for Equal Work Marian Sisters to Hold Annual BBQ Fundraiser Yountville—On Sunday, June 14, 2015, starting at 3pm, Vatican City (Catholic Herald, UK)—His Honess Pope Francis has called for the Marian Sisters of Santa Rosa will once again hold equal pay for women, calling the difference in income between men and women a their summer fundraiser at the Smith Family Ranch in “pure scandal.” Yountville. “Our wonderful sisters continue to grow,” The Pontiff was speaking at a catechetical reflection on marriage and family at his said event hostess Carole Duncan, “and this is a great weekly General Audience in St Peter’s Square on April 29. chance for everyone to join together in celebrating their Speaking on the subject of family dissoltion, the Pope said, “The Christian seed new vocations as well as helping them raise much of radical equality between men and women must bring new fruits,” in our time. needed funds for this growing communty of consecrated Arguing that “the witness of the social dignity of marriage shall become women in this Year of Consecrated Life that has been persuasive,” proclaimed by Pope Francis.” The Pope said that “as Christians, we must become more demanding in this regard: for The event will feature barbecued tri-tip and chicken, example, [by] supporting with decision the right to equal retribution for equal work; chili, salad, fine Napa Valley wines, great desserts, and disparity is a pure scandal.” fellowship. In addition, attendees also can enter a raffle However, he added, we must also recognize “the maternity of women and the with great prizes from Ignatius Press and an “Instant Wine paternity of men as a perennially valid treasure for the benefit of children.” Cellar Raffle,” the winner of which will take home three Speaking about the crisis of marriage, Pope Francis said, “Today, society is cases of the finest Napa Valley wines. confronted with fewer marriages. Cost of tickets in advance is $50 per person “In many countries, separation of couples is increasing, while the number of and $90 per family. Cost at the door is $60 children is decreasing. per person and $110 per family. Furthermore, to enter the “These broken marriage bonds affect the youngest of all, as they come to view raffle will be $25 per ticket or 5 tickets for $100. See Calendar marriage as something temporary. Section for more information. One option for payment is to go “Perhaps there is a fear of failure which prevents men and women from trusting to the Sister's web site (http://www.mariansisters.com/ in Christ’s promise of grace in marriage and in the family.” donate.html) and donate through PayPal or a credit card. Doing good for the right reason Beans and Tacos and First At the time of his election in March 2013 Pope Francis It is clear that educating well, even with no religious Holy Communion, Oh My! talked about walking, building, and professing. In regard content, is an admirable goal. It is a goal consistent with to professing he said, “We can walk as much as we want, we the kingdom of God. But it is not the same as educating for by Mrs. Mara Russo can build many things, but if we do not profess Jesus Christ, the kingdom of God. A very good public school can have things go wrong. We may become a charitable NGO, excellent teachers who have a genuine love for “Mooooooom!! Mama! Mommie!” (It is an unspoken rule in but not the Church, the Bride of the Lord. the children they serve, and every child’s handbook that if a parent doesn’t respond within … When we do not profess Jesus Christ, the this is consistent with the an eighth of a nanosecond to the first call, the child should saying of Léon Bloy comes to mind: ‘Anyone kingdom. then repeat in varying versions the parent’s name, and do so in who does not pray to the Lord prays to the But perhaps this represents the increasingly irritating tones, until said parent either begins to devil.’ When we do not profess Jesus Christ, we “charitable NGO” referenced by twitch uncontrollably or jumps to attention). profess the worldliness of the devil, a demonic Pope Francis. The work done is The crisis was this: As my darling son was putting on his worldliness” (Homily, Pope Francis, Mass for very good, but it is not the work of shoes, it became apparent that the growth hormone fairy had the Cardinal electors, Sistine Chapel, March the Church, the Bride of Christ (cf., had a bit too much to drink, came staggering into our house, 14, 2013). Eph 5:30-31; St. Augustine, En. in Ps. stumbled into John David’s room, and showered all over him These are very powerful and challenging 74:4:PL 36,948-949). the contents of her stomach. In turn, this resulted in feet that words which we must take to heart. They touch The same concepts are necessar- were now clearly at least a half size too big for the shoes that on the meaning of Catholic Action and lead us From the Bishop ily applied to Catholic charities and fit him a week before. He fretfully claimed that he needed new to essential questions. What does it mean for Catholic hospitals. Doing charitable shoes. Now. a school to be a Catholic school? What does it work or doing the work of healing Did I mention this was 10 minutes before we were supposed mean for a hospital to be a Catholic hospital? Bishop Robert F. Vasa is is good and noble, and both of these to leave the house for this boy’s first holy Communion? My kids the sixth bishop of the What does it mean for a very good charity to are entirely consistent with the king- have impeccable timing.
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