MEL BULLETIN 53 PROPOSALS FOR CATECHETICAL RENEWAL MEL BULLETIN N. 53 - December 2018 Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools Secretariat for Association and Mission Editor: Br. Nestor Anaya, FSC
[email protected] Editorial Coordinators: Mrs. Ilaria Iadeluca - Br. Alexánder González, FSC
[email protected] Service of Communications and Technology Generalate, Rome, Italy MEL BULLETIN 53 PROPOSALS FOR CATECHETICAL RENEWAL BROTHER ENRIQUE GARCÍA AHUMADA, FSC* 2018 *
[email protected] TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 8 CHAPTER I The SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL AND POST-CONCILIAR CATECheTICAL TEAChiNG 1.1. Basic Documents 11 1.2. The Mission of the Church is to Evangelize in order to Extend the Kingdom of God 12 1.3. Evangelizing Involves Four Stages 12 1.3.1. The Missionary Stage Prepares the First Christian Announcement 12 1.3.2. The Second Stage is a Brief proclamation of the Good News Calling for Conversion 14 1.3.3. Given Christian Kerygma, the Third Stage of Evangelization is Catechesis 18 The RCIA Indicates Three Liturgical Steps to Grow in Holiness 20 The Catechumenate is a Model of Initiation into the Christian Life 23 1.3.4. The Fourth Stage: Formation of the Community or Incorporation into the already existing one 25 Mystagogy 26 1.4. The Council Focuses the Ministry of the Word on the Bible and Tradition 30 4 1.4.1. Faith is a Response to the Revelation or Word of God 31 1.4.2. Prayer is Basically a Dialogue with the Word of God 31 1.4.3.