Our Mission To invite all on our journey to: Learn Orar (Pray) GiVe Evangelize

All Are Welcome! If you are a visitor, we hope you will find our bulletin to be a reflection of our vibrant and spirit filled parish, and that you will consider becoming part of our family! To join us, please register online at www.stmarktampa.org/join or call Valerie at 813-907-7746 x 333. Once registered, you will be invited to attend a Welcome Reception hosted by our pastor, Father DeJulio to learn more about your new church community. Our next Welcome Receptions are: English: Sat, June 24th at 9:30am (San Giorgio Room - Venetian). Spanish: Sun., June 24th after the Spanish (St. the Room). For more information, visit our website at www.stmarktampa.org or call Mary at 813-907-7746 x 329.

May 20th, 2018 Pentecost Sunday Mass Schedule Pastor Parish Hours Rev. David DeJulio, Saturday Vigil: 4:00 PM [email protected] Monday & Tuesday: 9 AM - 5 PM Sunday: 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, 5:30 PM Assisting Clergy Wednesday & Thursday: 9 AM - 9 PM Sunday in Spanish: 12:30 PM Father Jacinto Vera Friday: 9 AM - Noon Monday* & Thursday: Noon [email protected] Phone: (813) 907-7746 Fr. Ed Lamp (retired) Fax: (813) 907-7556 *Mondays that fall on a holiday: 8:30 AM [email protected] 9724 Cross Creek Blvd Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 8:30 AM Fr. Carl Last (retired) Tampa, FL 33647. Reconciliation [email protected] Website: www.stmarktampa.org Saturdays 3 PM - 3:45 PM (or by appt.) Moises Gutierrez Facebook: Facebook.com/stmarktampa Sundays 11:30 AM -12:15 PM (Spanish) [email protected] Email: [email protected] Deacon Jose Moronta Liturgy of the Hours and Rosary [email protected] Events Calendar and Tickets Every weekday half hour before Mass Deacon Scott Paine www.stmarktampa.org/events Miraculous Medal Novena & Rosary [email protected] Thursday 7:00 PM in Chapel Bulletin Submissions [email protected] Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Weekly deadline: Thursday by 5 PM Mon-Thu: 8 AM - 8:30 PM, Fri: 8 AM - Noon the week prior to publication, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament earlier holiday deadlines TBA First Wednesday of Month: 9 AM - 7:30 PM Followed by Benediction at 7:30 PM Big Screen Submissions Hearing Assist Receivers Available [email protected] Sign-Out Required in AV Room Per Ministry Guidelines

Ministry Contacts Sacramental Preparation

To find our more information about our many ministries or to contact the ministry leader visit our website: Please call (813) 907-7746 to sign up www.stmarktampa.org/ministries for required pre-baptism classes. Or contact our Ministry Coordinator at Brochures, forms, and sponsor letters can [email protected] be found online at: stmarktampa.org/baptism. Sign Up Now! www.FORMED.org Marriage Couples planning their marriage should call Enjoy Catholic content (like Netflix!) all in one place! (813) 907-7746 ext. 317 at least six months Enter our Parish Code 93G688 on the homepage. prior to their wedding date in order to complete Create a personal account with your their pre-marital assessment, discernment, username/email & password. and marriage preparation enrichment. For info go to: stmarktampa.org/marriage.

RCIA Adults, older children, or teens who have not 1118`:HVGQQ@8HQIL I:`@ :I]: been baptized, or have been baptized in another Christian Community, who desire to enter into full communion with the , please call (813) 907-7746 ext. 317. For info go to: stmarktampa.org/RCIA 11181J :$`:I8HQIL :`@ & Adults who have been baptized, but have not received their First Communion and/or Confirmation, should call (813) 907-7746 ext. 317. 1118]1J V`V 8HQIL :`@ Children and Teens: Students must attend two consecutive years. Preparation in the parish is necessary for the sacraments (even for those at parochial schools). Brochures and forms can be picked up at the 1118 11 V`8HQIL :`@:I]: Parish Office or found online at: stmarktampa.org/communion or stmarktampa.org/confirmation-1 Together... with the help of the Holy Spirit

WE have Ensured a Home For God’s L.O.V.E

Good Work St. Mark!

On May 1st, the building loan we have been paying for the last 3 years was converting from an interest-only construction loan (with the freedom of paying down the principal) to a standard 5 year balloon mortgage. We put out an all-call to the parish to help us get the principal down low enough (at least $2.5M) so that our new monthly (P/I) payments would be affordable over the next 5 years.

We were so incredibly blessed!!

You all came through and... not only did we make our goal... we SURPASSED it!!!

Our new 5 year balloon mortgage is $2.3M and our affordable monthly mortgage payment will be $15K. God Bless You All!

Keep Praying for St. Mark and our Parish Family! Together, We Can Accomplish God’s Good Works!! Parish Schedule & Mass Intentions

Sunday Pentecost Sunday May 20, 2018 Wednesday May 23, 2018 Readings: Acts 2:1-11, 1Cor12:3B-7, 12-13, Jn20:19-23 Readings: Jas 4:13-17; Mk 9:38-40 The Venetian: STEWARDSHIP SHOWCASE - Outreach Ministries 8:30 AM Mass (Vocations) Sign-Ups On the Piazza 9:00 AM SMARTS Meeting (The Venetian) Marriage Workshop 9:30 AM Be My Witness Journey 2 (St. Michael) Divorce Catholic Ministry 6:30 PM Lighthouse 2.42 (The Venetian) 8:30 AM Mass (Thomas Callaghan (d) Christine & Patrick Grady) 7:00 PM 70 Questions (Luke 2) 10:30 AM Mass Mario & Michele Cacace (L) Larry & Shari Burkhardt) 7:00 PM Adult Confirmation Preparation (Luke 1) 12:30 PM Prayer & Life Workshop (Mark 1 & 2) 7:00 PM Be My Witness Journey 2 (St. Michael, St. Therese) 12:30 PM Mass (Felix Moreno (d) Eva Silva De Moreno) 7:30 PM Spanish Bible Reflection (Mark 1 & 2) 1:30 PM Spanish Welcome Reception (St. Michael) Thursday May 24, 2018 2:00 PM Cursillo Apostolic Hour (Blessed Sacrament Chapel) Readings: Jas 5: 1-6; Mk 9:41-50 5:30 PM Mass - Honoring Graduates (Parishioners of St. Mark) 9:30 AM Be My Witness Journey 2 (St. Michael) 6:30 PM Graduation Reception (The Venetian) 12:00 PM Mass (Margaret Frascone (d) Nick & Lydia Piscitelli) Monday Christopher Magallanes May 21, 2018 4:30 PM Children's Choir (St. Cecilia) Readings: Jas 3:13-18; Mk 9:14-29 6:30 PM Healing Hearts (John 1) 9:00 AM Legion of Mary (Mark 1 & 2) 7:00 PM Novena (St. Michael) 12:00 PM Mass (Tony Rigdon (d) Kasza Family) 7:00 PM RADIATE (Youth Room) 6:30 PM Columbiettes General Meeting (Luke 1 & 2) 7:00 PM Spanish Charismatic Prayer Group (Chapel) 7:00 PM READER Training (St. Therese) 7:00 PM Spanish Choir (St. Cecilia) Tuesday Saint Rita May 22, 2018 Friday St. , St. Gregory VII, St. May 25, 2018 Readings: Jas 4:1-10; Mk 9:30-37 Readings: Jas 5:9-12; Mk 10: 1-12 7:00 AM Wiregrass Ranch High School Breakfast (The Venetian) 8:30 AM Mass ( Blas Cascares (d) Gonzalo Casares) 8:30 AM Mass (Helen Notaro (d) Margaret & Alan Rezai Zaveh) Saturday Saint Philip Neri May 26, 2018 10:00 AM SMARTS Cards (John 1 & 2) Readings: Jas 5: 13-20; Mk 10: 13-16 6:30 PM Boy Scout Court of Awards (The Venetian) On the Piazza 6:30 PM Boy Scouts (John 1 & 2) Divorced Catholics Ministries 7:00 PM Be My Witness Journey 2 (Mark 1 & 2) 9:00 AM Costanza Funeral Brunch (The Venetian) 7:00 PM Filipino Choir (St. Cecilia) 10:00 AM Funeral Service (Nave) 7:00 PM Spanish Children's Choir (Matthew 2) 4:00 PM Mass (Marilyn Horne (d) Doug & Maryann Gephart) 7:00 PM Venezuelan Choir (Matthew 1) Sunday The Most Holy Trinity May 27, 2018 Readings: Dt 4: 32-34, 39-40; Rom 8: 14-17; Mt 28: 16-20 To View the Online Calendar: www.stmarktampa.org/schedule On the Piazza To Make Room Scheduling Requests: Divorce Catholics Ministry [email protected] 8:30 AM Mass (Parishioners of St. Mark) 10:30 AM Mass (Biju Raj (d) Prabhu) 12:30 PM Mass (Greg Ortega (d) Familia Ortega) 5:30 PM Mass (Matt Belovarac (d) Janice Belovarac)

Orar ~ Pray

Pray for Our Heroes Get Well Prayers Brian Artienda Meier Ulio & Francosco Arocho Yerandy Molina Frank Lauro, Sarah Plummer Morgan Boruty Merridith Morrison Tanya Buckley Brandon Nidasio Dearly Departed *Ron Caputo Ismael A. Olivo-Alvarez Neal Cheramie Anthony Orcajo Keitel Alfonso Diaz Ryan Clisset Christopher Parkes Please send your requests to [email protected] Tyler Emerick James Phillips *Jorge Farchakh Paul Pita Christopher A. Garcia Daniel Sabarese Sanctuary Candle *Ian Garia *Cory Singleton Andrew Gephart *Justin Singleton Kevin Howell Maura Stepanski Burns the week of May 20th Kyle Howell Nicholas Stiegler in Memory of Stan Chmura Robert *Bryan Hunt Ana Maria Vargas by Lydia & Nick Piscitelli *Ryan Irwin *Camilo Andres Vargas Woodards Mark Kieweg Disney Velez Harold La Rock Khiry White Jason Larson Daniel Woodard Mass Intentions * No Photo *Antonio Lopez Steven Woodard *Marc Mainguy Robert Woodards Contact the Parish Office at 813-907-7746 Jack Manning Learn ~ Aprender Teachings from this Week’s Liturgy - Deacon Jose Moronta

What does the word Pentecost mean?

The English word “Pentecost” is a translation of the Greek word pentekostos, which means “fifty.” It comes from the an- cient Christian expression pentekoste hemera, which means “fiftieth day.”

But Christians did not invent the phrase “fiftieth day.” Rather, they borrowed it from Greek-speaking Jews who used the phrase to refer to a Jewish holiday. This holiday was known as the Festival of Weeks (Shavuot in Hebrew). This name comes from an expression in Leviticus 23:16, which instructs people to count seven weeks from the end of Passover to the beginning of the next holiday. After those 49 days, on the fiftieth day, they had this celebration.

Shavuot was the second great feast in Israel’s yearly cycle of holy days. It was originally a harvest festival as explained in the book of Exodus, but, in time, turned into a day to commemorate the giving of the law on Mt. Sinai.

When did Pentecost became a Christian celebration?

This day became especially significant for Christians because, seven weeks after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, during the Jewish celebration of Shavuot/Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was poured out upon his first followers, thus empowering them for their mission and gathering them together as a church. For Christians, Pentecost is a holiday on which we com- memorate the coming of the Holy Spirit on the early followers of Christ.

Before the events of the first Pentecost, which came seven weeks after Jesus’ death and resurrection, there were follow- ers of Jesus, but no movement that could be meaningfully called “the church.” Thus, from an historical point of view, Pen- tecost is the day on which the church was started. This is also true from a spiritual perspective, since the Spirit brings the Church into existence and enlivens it.

What’s my response to this gift from God?

After the Holy Spirit fell upon the first followers of Jesus, Peter preached a sermon in which he cited a portion of a proph- ecy from : (Acts 2:17-18; Joel 3:1-2)

«G I will pour out my spirit upon all people.

Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.

Even upon your male and female servants, in those days, I will pour out my spiritG»

On that special day of Pentecost, for the first time in history, God began to do what he had promised through Joel, em- powering all different sorts of people for ministry. Until that day only a few selected persons had been touched by the Ho- ly Spirit, for a particular mission, , prophets, and some leaders of Israel. After that wonderful day of Pentecost, all women and men will be able to receive the Holy Spirit in its fullness.

Although this truth would not mean that every Christian would be gifted for every kind of ministry, it did imply that all be- lievers would be empowered by the Spirit. The Church is a place where every single person matters.

Am I serving God through the power of the Spirit?

Am I exercising the gifts of the Spirit in my life, both in the gathered church and as I live for God in the world?

Pentecost is a good time to ask God to help us to understand our mission, and consequently, practice stewardship. Learn ~ Aprender Year of Prayer - Kevin Fritz, Director of Liturgy

We have been examining the Mass as part of our Year of Prayer here at St. Mark. We completed a look at the first two parts of the Mass: The Introductory Rite and the Liturgy of the Word. Before we continue, this is a good time to reflect on the Year of Prayer. In prayer we develop a personal relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit. During this Year of Prayer we considered how we can pray based on our personality types with a presentation by Brian Lemoi in February. We learned that there are many different ways to pray and each one of us needs to find the way that is best for us. This is different for each person. We offered an experience of the Divine Mercy prayer on Divine Mercy Sunday on April 8. We also offered an experi- ence of the Liturgy of the Hours when we celebrated Vespers (Evening Prayer) together on the Feast of St. Mark on April 25. On May 19 we offered an experience on the Rosary. We are working on more experiences of different types of prayer as we continue this year. Please watch for announcements in the bulletin. Our relationship with God is personal in many ways as we have learned. We seek to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Jane Regan notes: “While personal in nature, the relationship with Jesus is not individual. We are called into communion with Jesus Christ in the context of a community of faith. It is within the faith community that each person’s relationship with Jesus is defined and strengthened” (Toward an Adult Church: 159). The most important way (not the only way) we pray together as a community of faith is in the celebration of the Mass. This is why we have been reflecting on the Mass with the hope that as a community here at St. Mark we will grow in a fuller, more active and conscious participation in the Mass. When we offer ourselves to God at Mass, we allow God to transform us and do something beautiful for us, among us, and within us. We are doing this in these weekly articles as we reflect on each of the parts of the Mass. I hope this has been helpful. You can access copies of each article on the St. Mark website under Faith Formation/Adults/Adult Faith Formation (or stmarktampa.org/adult-faith-formation-at-your-convenience). We also provided a video presentation by Fr. Mike Schmitz called Altaration: The Mystery of the Mass Revealed. This was done over a period of six weeks before Mass during Lent. Many people missed parts of this and have asked about seeing it. It is not available on the internet since it must be purchased. We will present the full video (one hour) for those who wish to view it. Please watch the bulletin for more information once we can schedule a time for this presenta- tion. Hopefully, we have grown and can continue to grow in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ within the context of our faith community here at St. Mark as we continue this Year of Prayer.

“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who produces all of them in everyone.” – 1 CORINTHIANS 12:4-6

All of us are blessed, regardless of our own individual circumstances; God has given each of us many gifts. How we use those gifts is our gift back to God. For God’s plan to work, each must do what we are called to do and guess what – we are not all called to do the same thing!

"Hay diferentes tipos de dones espirituales pero el mismo Espíritu; hay diferentes formas de servicio pero el mismo Se- ñor; hay diferentes trabajos, pero el mismo Dios que los produce a todos en todos". - 1 CORINTIOS 12:4-6

Todos nosotros somos bendecidos, independientemente e nuestras circunstancias individuales; Dios nos ha dado a ca- da uno de nosotros muchos regalos. Cómo usamos esos regalos es el regalo que hacemos a Dios. Para que el plan de Dios funcione, cada uno debe hacer lo que estamos llamados a hacer, y adivinar que: ¡no todos estamos llamados a hacer lo mismo!

You are Invited to Explore Spiritual Direction - In the midst of a busy life, many people find it difficult to notice God’s presence in their daily affairs… Prayerful Meditation for the week: We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings hav- ing a human experience. -Pierre Teilhard de Chardin To make an appointment for spiritual direction contact: Claudia Garcia at: [email protected] This month’s showcase will be held This SUNDAY during coffee and donuts and will feature: St. Mark’s Outreach Ministries

Nursing Home Ministry (Visitation) St. Vincent de Paul Cancer Support Healing Hearts (Bereavement) Communion to the Homebound Divorce Support Jail/Prison Ministry Seekers

We will be featuring an umbrella of ministries each month during coffee & donuts in The Venetian. Join your fellow parishioners in learning more about these ministries & the wonderful works being done within our community. Stewardship Spotlight - Andrew Plummer, SVDP “Ending Poverty through Systematic Change”GG.. Is the phrase that describes The Society of St. Vincent DePaul on its website http://www.svdpusa.org/. However, what does that really mean to the average parishioner at St. Mark? SVdP President Andrew Plummer initially took it as a calling to lend his help and direction to the Ministry’s annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. The Plummer family became members of St. Mark’s in the summer of 1999, and when Andrew had an oppor- tunity to attend a SVdP meeting that Fall he lent his suggestions from his old parish on how to utilize different resources to make the Food Drive run more effectively. Later, when the acting president of St. Mark’s SVdP Ministry announced she had been transferred out of state, she nominated Andrew as her replacement. “The rest is history,” as Andrew puts it. There have been a few other presidents of SVdP at St. Mark’s since that time; but Andrew is again leading the Ministry in the parish. He is blessed with a fantastic team of roughly 40 core volunteers who help run a food pantry, which operates every Tuesday out of the rear of the Venetian Center, and helps anywhere from 25 to 45 families per week with various groceries donated by St. Mark's parishioners. There are other members who are “case workers” for SVdP who return phone calls from families requesting financial assistance with utilities, rent/mortgage payments, car repairs, and medical or other miscellaneous one-time needs. SVdP members make home visits in pairs to determine if they can help those needing assistance, or if they need to “bridge the gap” for those individuals to other resources that may be better suited to assist. Other SVdP members from St. Mark also volunteer at the Nebraska Ave. SVdP Thrift Store in their food pantry or retail area sorting donations. Lastly, the Thanksgiving Food Drive organized and run by SVdP members, with the gen- erosity of St. Mark parishioners, helped feed over 1,700 families last year; and the Christmas Giving Tree aided over 400 families last Christmas Season. SVdP is extremely blessed to receive 5% of the weekly collection at Mass which assist in their on-going projects and help to augment the “Poor Box” donations received. Those monetary donations are greatly appreciated. Andrew says that they are always looking for new volunteers to help in some of their projects and invites all those interested parishioners to reach out when announcements are made about upcoming events. The Ministry meets every 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Venetian Center and would welcome anyone interested in attending. Andrew can be reached at svdpstmarktampa.org. `VVJ  A Three-Part Broadway Series : .V VJV 1:J 0VJ VJ V`

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Q Q` ]`QHVVR $Q Q .V  8 :`@ %1CR1J$ (%JR Parish Faith Sharing News & Events Our Food Pantry Needs Your Help! The Red Wagon Collection This Week is: Canned Pasta Please drop off at the Wagon near the church entrance before all Masses. Thank you for your continued support! If you would like to volunteer to help distribute food at our food pantry please Tues., May 22, 2018 Card Social at St. Mark’s 11:00 – 3:00 PM. go to: www.stmarktampa.org/FoodPantrySchedule Contact: Dee Tyrone at 908-432-5118 or to check the schedule for vacant dates & send an email to: [email protected] [email protected] with the vacant date(s) you would like to volunteer. FYI... the nearest SVDP Thrift Store is located at Wed., May 23, 2018 12310 N. Nebraska Ave in Tampa. (813) 977-7057. SMARTS Meeting in The Venetian at St. Mark’s At 11:00AM. Come early for sign-ins. Married and in Love...Most of the Time!!! Contact: Bob Stucker at [email protected] or 813- Calling all married couples. Would you like to hear about 783-3507 talking in the SAFE ZONE, confronting so everyone wins, Please note change in Date of Bowling couple prayer? Then you will want to attend the one-day marriage enrichment at St. Mark Parish on June 2, 2018 Wed., May 30, 2018 from 9 am to 3:30 pm. This program is designed for cou- Bowling – AMF University Lanes – Start 11:00AM ples of all ages and focuses on the strengths of your mar- 13109 N. 56th Street, Temple Terrace . Contact: Roger or Margaret Menke at riage and ways to make your relationship shine. To 813-866-1434 or [email protected] register or obtain more information contact Terry & Laura Lewis at 813-994- 8031 or sign up at the Parish Office. Complimentary child care will be provided. Fri., June 1, 2018 There is a $40.00 fee per couple/family that covers meals and materials. Pre- First Friday Mass at 8:30AM for Stan Chmura sented by Worldwide Marriage Encounter. as requested by SMARTS. Breakfast to follow at First Watch – Optional. Pilgrimage with Father Ed Contact: Fred Hendel at 813-782-1687or to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe [email protected] Highlights: San Miguel de Los Milagros in Puebla, the site Tues., June 5, 2018 where St. Michael the Archangel appeared to Diego Lazaro Billiards at Peabody’s on Amberly Drive at 11:00AM. Pool is free if you buy lunch. Contact: in 1631, Holy Family Church where we will view the tomb of Fr. Roger or Margaret Menke at 813-866-1434 Miguel Agustin Pro, the Jesuit martyr of the Cristero Movement or [email protected] & the Church of Santo Domingo, the first church built by the Dominicans in 1576 & the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary, the first Rosary Shrine in Mexico. Wed., June 6, 2018 SMARTS Meeting in The Venetian at St. Mark’s We will also be present at the Shrine of Guadalupe to pay tribute to Our Lady At 11:00AM. Come early for sign-ins. at midnight on December 12, to sing the Mexican version of Happy Birthday Contact: Bob Stucker at [email protected] “Las Mañanitas”, together with thousands of pilgrims coming from all around or 813-783-3507 the world for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Tues., June 12, 2018 Dates: December 8-13, 2018 Price: all inclusive is $2,179.00 Card Social at Marlene Lawson’s house - Info: see Father Ed or Bika Miltner at 1(800)-206-8687 [email protected] 11:00 – 3:00 PM. Contact: Dee Tyrone at 908-432-5118 or “Divorced, Separated? You are not alone!” [email protected] St. Mark’s Catholics Divorce Survival Guide Program begins Tues., June 19, 2018 June 6 @ 6:45PM. Billiards at Peabody’s on Amberly Drive at 11:00AM. Sign up on our website at stmarktampa.org by choosing "Ministries" tab, then Pool is free if you buy lunch. Contact: "All Ministries" tab, then "Divorced Catholics" tab, then "Registration" tab. Fill Roger or Margaret Menke at 813-866-1434 out the registration completely and tap "submit" tab. or [email protected] We hope to see you at the first meeting when materials will be distributed and Wed., June 20, 2018 your payment of $30 payable to St. MARKS will be collected, and we will then Game Day to be held at Marlene Lawson’s house – begin with the 1st program presentation. 11:00AM Contact: Marlene Lawson at 813-991-4445 Tues., June 26, 2018 Card Social at St. Mark’s 11:00 – 3:00 PM. Contact: Dee Tyrone at 908-432-5118 or [email protected] Staff Spotlight: Patrick Burns, Facilities Management Patrick was born and raised in Southfield, Michigan. There, he met his wife Valerie in high school and they married in 1982 in New Jersey. They are blessed with two grown children, Patrick and Victoria. His family moved to Florida in 1991. Their family has since expanded and they now have a Daughter-in-Law, Hallie, and their first Grandchild, Ava. Pat has worked in the building maintenance field for over 16 years and managed various facilities within our diocese for 11 years before coming to St. Mark to take on the manage- ment of both of our large facilities - our new church and The Venetian Event Center. Pat and Valerie (who also works for the diocese) are a part of the presentation team for the Tampa Bay WorldWide Marriage Encounter and help with the Marriage Prep Program in the diocese. Their stewardship to each of these ministries is near and dear to their hearts.

Join in on our book share! Look for the cart in the Narthex Reception Area the last weekend of every month!

Keep Your Information Current Go to our website homepage to update your personal information and to receive your contribution statements electronically next year.

Need a Communion, Confirmation, Mother’s Day or Graduation Gift? Stop in to our Gift Shop before or after all masses to see the beautiful selection. Also, items for Baptism and Anniversaries. All Gift Shop profit supports St. Mark.

Support St. Mark while you shop online Click on the black Amazon link box located on our website www.stmarktampa.org to do your holiday shopping. We get a percentage of all sales purchased through our site. It’s a great way to support St. Mark at no cost to you! Finance Council Weekly Report

Help pay our 2018 APA Responsibility of $307,226. Please go to http://www.dosp.org/giving/ to donate online (be sure to choose St. from the list) or pick up an envelope at our Social Narthex Information Desk. Thank you! Tax Free Contribution Information

If you are over 70 ½ and have an IRA or similar retirement account you are required to take annual distributions prescribed by the IRS. These distributions are then taxed at your ordinary income tax rate. A new law was passed on 12/15/2015 allowing you to contribute any part of your IRA including these required distributions to St. Mark TAX FREE! Example: If you contribute $5000 from your IRA to St. Mark and are in a 20% tax bracket, the church receives the $5000 and you save $1000 in taxes. A WIN-WIN for both the church and the parishioner! If you want to contribute from your 2017 required annual distribution or even from your current IRA, instruct your IRA custodian to make the check out to: St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic Church. They can either send it to you or directly to the church. This is a great way to fulfill your pledge and/or contribute your annual offering in a lump sum. Questions: please contact Val at 813-508-2735 Faith Formation & Youth Ministry

Ask Jared: When and where Faith Formation Spotlight: was the first official Catho- Registration Now Open lic Church created? Beginning the first week of June, our Faith Formation Summer Office hours will be Sundays (except holidays): 9:30am- We usually consider the "birthday" 12:30pm, Mondays & Tuesdays: 9am-5pm and Wednesdays & of the Church to be at Pentecost, 50 Thursdays: 9am-8pm. In-Parish sessions are filling up quickly. days after Jesus rose from the Visit us in the Faith Formation Office to register today! dead. It was on this day that the Ho- ly Spirit descended upon the Apos- tles in Jerusalem and that Peter and Stewards Wanted the others baptized 3000 people. In We need YOU! If you are interested in being a many ways, this community of over 3000 followers guide of faith to our youth, please call, email of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem was the first Catholic or visit us in our office for more information on Church. how to be a Catechist or Youth Leader.

However, the early Church referred to itself as "the Way". It was in Antioch the the term "Christian" was Going To Mass Card first used (Acts 11:26). And it was St. Ignatius of Do you have a child who finds it hard to sit still through Mass? Antioch, a of St. , who first Try the Going To Mass card. It's a colorful and laminated se- used the phrase "Catholic Church" to describe the quence of pictures that your child can follow along to again and Church as a whole in his Letter to the Smyrnaeans again while in Mass. Come to the Faith Formation office to buy a in about AD 107. The term quickly came into use Going To Mass card today for only $2! as a way to distinguish those Christians in commu- nion with from those who followed false teachings, or heresies. For more questions and answers in video format, visit our YouTube Channel: https://goo.gl/2To8Xy.

Good Shepherd Summer Camp Have a 3-9 year old? Join us for our "Summer with the Shepherd"! Camp dates are July 16-19 from 9am-12pm for only $50 a child. There's a limited number of spots so be sure to visit us in the Faith Formation Office to register today!

Summer Program for Art, Religion, and Culture (SPARC)

School Supplies Needed Do you have trouble getting your About to end one year and start another and we child to Faith Formation every need your help restocking our school supplies! week during the school year? Examples of supplies we need include: We have some great news for Double-sided tape you! SPARC, the Summer Ticonderoga pencils Program for Art, Religion, and Bic Round Stic pens Culture, will be back this summer for 3rd-8th grade! Interested? Sharpie markers More information is available at Expo markers stmarktampa.org/sparc. White Board Erasers Construction Paper Laminating Sheets Bienvenido a tu Sección en Español

Misa en Español Domingos a las 12:30 p.m. Santo Rosario a las 11:50am - 12:15 p.m. Reconciliaciones en Español Desde las 11:30 Horario de la Parroquia Lunes a Martes 9:00 am a 5:00 pm Miercoles y Jueves de 9:00 am a 9:00 pm Viernes 9:00 am a 12:00 m Para información en Español llamar a: Yoceline Rincón (813) 907-7746, Ext. 310 Nuevos Miembros Bienvenida Junio 24 Ingles 9:30 am, El Espíritu Santo sobre los apóstoles En Español Juan 20, 19-23. Pentecostés. El Espíritu Santo es todo: el fuego de la fe, del amor, de la fuerza y de la vida. despues de la misa. En la solemnidad de hoy celebramos la venida del Espíritu Santo sobre los apóstoles el día de Pentecostés. Pero en las Salon San Miguel Arcangel. lecturas de la Misa de hoy nos volvemos a encontrar con la misma dificultad de antes: el problema del lenguaje. En el pasaje de los Hechos de los Apóstoles se nos narra que el Espíritu Santo bajó del cielo "en forma de un viento impetuoso que Grupo de Oración soplaba". ¡Otra imagen! Como el viento que mandó Dios sobre el Mar Rojo para secarlo y hacer pasar a los israelitas por Carismática en medio del mar, liberándolos de la esclavitud del faraón y de Egipto (Ex 14, 21-31); o como ese viento que el mismo Dios ¨La Divina Misericordia¨ hizo soplar sobre un montón de huesos áridos para traerlos a la vida, según nos refiere el profeta Ezequiel (Ez 37, 1-14). Jueves 7:00 a 9:00 pm El mismo Cristo en el Evangelio de hoy usa también la imagen del viento para hablarnos del Espíritu Santo: "Jesús sopló sobre ellos y les dijo: Reciban el Espíritu Santo". La misma palabra espíritu significa, etimológicamente, viento: procede del Reflexión Biblíca latín, spíritus (del verbo spiro, es decir soplar). El vocablo hebreo, ruah, tiene el mismo significado. Y la palabra latina que Miércoles 7:30 pm se usaba para decir alma era ánima, que a su vez viene del griego ánemos, viento. Encuentra la reflexion biblica en el website: El libro del Génesis nos narra que, cuando Dios creó al hombre modelándolo del barro, "le sopló en las narices y así se http:www.stmarktampa.org convirtió en un ser vivo" (Gén 2,7). Por eso también Cristo, como el Padre, sopla su Espíritu sobre sus apóstoles para /reflexion-biblica transmitirles la vida. Sin el aliento vital nada existe. Así como el cuerpo sin el alma es un cadáver, el hombre sin el Espíritu Santo está muerto y se corrompe. Por eso, en la profesión de fe, decimos que "creemos en el Espíritu Santo, que es Señor Exposición del Santísimo: y Dador de vida". ¿Y cómo nos comunica esa vida? Cristo lo dice a continuación: "a quienes les perdonen los pecados, les El primer Miércoles quedan perdonados..." Es la vida de la gracia santificante, que producen los sacramentos: el bautismo, la confesión, la de cada mes, comenzando Eucaristía y los otros cuatro. Él es el Espíritu Santificador, que da vida, alienta todo y "anima" todo. Es esto lo que Cristo después de la misa de 8:30 am nos quiere significar con esta imagen del viento. y terminando a las 7:30 pm En la Sagrada Escritura se nos habla del Espíritu Santo a través de muchas otras imágenes, dada nuestra pobre inteligencia con la Bendición. humana, incapaz de abarcar y de penetrar en el misterio infinito de Dios. En la primera lectura misma que acabamos de referir, se nos dice que descendió "como lenguas de fuego" que se posaban sobre cada uno de los discípulos. Los Cursillistas de La imagen del fuego es también riquísima a lo largo de toda la Biblia. Es el símbolo de la luz, del calor, de la energía San Marcos te invitan a la: cósmica, de la fuerza. El Espíritu Santo es todo eso: el fuego de la fe, del amor, de la fuerza y de la vida. Ultreya Parroquial el segundo Domingo del mes. Pero, además de las mil representaciones, el Espíritu Santo es, sobre todo, DIOS. Es Persona divina, como el Padre y el ¡Cristo cuenta contigo! Hijo. Es el Dios-Amor en Persona, que une al Padre y al Hijo en la intimidad de su vida divina por el vínculo del amor, que es Él mismo. Vive dentro de nosotros, como el mismo Cristo nos aseguró: "Si alguno me ama, guardará mi palabra y mi Padre lo amará, y vendremos a hacer en él nuestra morada" (Jn 14,23). La Despensa de San Vicente de Paúl: Podemos decir que una persona que amamos vive dentro de solicita de tu generosidad para dar nosotros por el amor. Y si esto es posible en el amor huma- no, con mucha mayor razón lo es para Dios. El Espíritu Santo de comer al necesitado. y la Trinidad Santísima viven dentro de nosotros por el amor, Pasta en lata la fe, la vida de gracia, los sacramentos y las virtudes cristi- ¡Dios te bendiga anas. El "dulce Huésped del alma" es otro de sus nombres; por tu generosidad! y san Pablo nos recuerda: "¿No saben que son templos de Dios y que el Espíritu Santo habita dentro de ustedes?" (I Cor La Tiendita de St. Mark 3,16). Tenemos el regalo perfecto para Primera Comunión, Podríamos decir tantísimas cosas del Espíritu Santo y nunca Confirmación, Graduación. acabaríamos. Pero lo más importante no es saber mucho, sino dejar que Él viva realmente dentro de nosotros. Y esto será posible sólo si le dejamos cabida en nuestro corazón a través de la gracia santificante: donde reina el pecado no hay vida. Es imposible que convivan juntos el día y la noche, o la vida y la muerte. Dios vivirá en nosotros en la medida en que desterremos el pecado y los vicios para que Él verdadera- mente sea el único Señor de nuestra existencia. ¿Por qué no comienzas ya desde este mismo momento? Precios razonables ¡Feliz semana! y de esta manera contribuyes con la Iglesia. Por: P. Sergio Cordova LC | Fuente: Catholic.net