Historical Record of the First Regiment Maryland Infantry, with an Appendix
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V,J / HISTORICAL RECOKD OF THE First Regiment MARYLAND INFANTRY, WITH AN APPENDIX CONTAINING A REGISTER OF THE OFFICERS AND ENLISTED MEN, BIOGRAPHIES OF DECEASED OFFICERS, ETC. Hint of tf,e Mflfio.u 1861-65. COMPILED BY CHAS. CAMPER AND J. W. KIUKLEY, (Membtmof the. Ktgivient.) WASHINGTON: GIBSON BROTHERS, PRINTERS. 1871. ES 5 Entered according to the Act of Congress, in year isTl, hy CHARLES CAMPER AND J. VV. KIRKLEY, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washing! on. TO THE OFFICERS AND MEN OF THE FlRST /VlARYLAND, AND TO THE ME M R Y O F I TK G A L L A N T DEAD, THIS VOLUME IS Respectfully Dedicated. PREFACE. THE object of the compilers of this volume is to present a plain and unvarnished history of the of organization, movements, battles, <fcc., the FIRST REGIMENT OF MARYLAND VOLUNTKKR INFANTRY, during the Secession Rebellion of 1861-65. Brief sketches of the general movements of the Army, Corps, Division-, and particularly of the Brigade with which the regiment served, are also given, in order to better illustrate its own history as well as to render the book inter esting alike to the general reader and the sur viving members of the command, who, in perus ing these pages, will recall the scenes some pleasant, many sad through which they passed during their arduous service under the starry emblem of our nationality. In the preparation of the work every effort has been made to obtain all available data, of ficial and unofficial, pertaining to the service ot VI PREPACK. t1u j regiment.o Some omissions ami inaccuracies may, notwithstanding the great care taken to if such he the prevent it, have occurred, and case we crave the kind indulgence of those nil rcied thereby. To the gentlemen who have so kindly and materially assisted us in the compilation of the work we desire to express our sincere thanks. C. C. J. W. K. TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. (From April, 18G1, to March 1, 18G2.) Attack on Fort Sumter Call of the President for Volunteers Procla mation of Governor Hicks Efforts of General John R. Kenly and other Loyalists of Baltimore and elsewhere in the State to Raise Troops for the Support of the Government Letter of General Kenly to the Adjutant-General at Washington Refusal of the Government to Accept any more Three Months Troops A Card Organization of the First Maryland Regiment Camp Cooper Camp Carroll Colonel John R Kenly Assumes Command General James Cooper Presentation of a Flag to the Regiment Arrest of Marshal Kane- Colonel John R. Kenly Appointed Provost-Marshal of Baltimore Abandonment of the City by the Police Authorities, and Organiza tion of a New Force by Colonel Kenly General Banks Order Re lieving Colonel Kenly as Provost-Marshal Letters of Governor Hicks and lion. Henry Winter Davis Movement of the Regiment to Western Maryland Camp Williams Camp Banks Presentation of a Flag to Company H Duty on the Potomac March to Darnes- town To Ball s Bluff and Edwards Ferry A Night s Work Return to Darnestown March to Frederick Sudden Movement up the Potomac Battle of Hancock A Hard Night s March Congratula tions of General Lander Reassignment of Companies Along the Potomac -Marr-h to Williamsport CHAPTER II. (From March 2 to May 23, 1802.) Crossing of the Potomac at Williamsport March to Martinsburg Drumming-Out of a Deserter Bunker Hill Reconnoissance to Winchester March to Stephenson s Station Skirmishing with the Enemy Occupation of Winchester March to the Shenandoah and Return Battle of Kernstown Pursuit of Jackson Marches up the Valley Capture of Rebel Cavalry Woodstock Narrow-Passage Creek Mount Jackson "Stonewall" Jackson at Rude s Hill Re- freat of Rebels and March to Harrisonburg Skirmishing Return Down the Valley March to Front Royal Battle of Front Royal- Casualties Rebel Accounts of the Battle General Banks Official Report Movements of Company "E" viii TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER III. (From May 23 to September 1(5, 1802.) RECORD OP THE PRISONERS OF WAR. Prisoners Marched Back to Front Royal Thence to Winchester- Singing of the Star Spangled Banner in the Town Release of Colonel Kenly and Others March to Lynchburg Sergeant Lucas Diary- Thrilling Incidents of Prison Life" Belle Island Release on Parole and Arrival at Annapolis Casualties Among the Prisoners at Lynchburg and Belle Island Outline of the Officers Movements.... 47 CHAPTER IV. (From May, 1862, to July 11, 1803.) Remnant of the Regiment Ordered to Baltimore Release of Colonel Kenly Visit to Washington, and Interview with the President and Secretary of War Organization of Maryland Brigade Colonel Kenly Promoted Brigadier-GeneralAssumes Command of the Brigade- Threatened Raid of Rebel Cavalry into Baltimore Movement to Hagerstown March to the Support of the Pennsylvania Militia near r Williamsport Occupation of the l own Governor Curtin s Letter Review of the Brigade by Governor Bradford Camp Kenly Capture of Rebel Pickets Correspondence between Generals Kenly and Wade Hampton March to Maryland Heights The California Flag- Presentation Ceremonies Speeches of Hon. F. F. Low, Archibald Sterling, Esq., and others Expedition to West Virginia Battle of Winchester Evacuation of Maryland Heights March to Frede rickReturn to the Heights Action with the Enemy Iron-clad Oars Letter of General French March to Boonsboro Brigade Attached to the First Corps, Army of the Potomac HI CHAPTER V. (From July 12, 18C3, to April, 18G4.) Advance of the Army to Funkstown Skirmish Lee Crosses the Potomac March into Virginia Service on the Rappahannoek and Rapidan Lee s Attempt to Flank Retrograde Movement to Centre- ville Battle of Bristow Station Action at Hayrnarket Victories at Rappahannock Station and Kelley s Ford Battle of Mine Run Duty Along the Orange and Alexandria Railroad March to Paoli Mills Rebel Cabins March to Culpeper Winter Quarters near Pony Mountain Reconnoissance to the Rapidan Consolidation of the Army General Kenly Assigned to Another Command Fare well Address Testimonial Re-enlistment of Veterans Furlough, and Entertainment in Baltimore IOC. TABLE OF CONTENTS. ix CHAPTKR VI. (From April, 1864, to May 20, 1804.) Indications of an Early Move General Meade s Address to the Army- Abandonment of Winter Quarters Battle of the Wilderness The Maryland Brigade Engaged Casualties Battle of Laurel Hill and Spottsylvania Court-house Departure of the Non-Veterans for Home Their Arrival in Baltimore and Muster Out Return of the Veterans to the Front Battle of Harris Farm General Movements of the Army 125 CHAPTER VII. By the Left Flank Battle of North Anna Shady Grove Bethesda Church Cold Harbor Transfer of the Army to the South side of *he James Assault on Petersburg In theTrenohes The Mine 148 CHAPTER VIII. (From August 1, 1864, to March 25, 18G5,) Another Movement Toward the Left Battle of the Weldon Railroad- Colonel Dushane Killed Immense Slaughter of the Enemy Attack on the Picket Lines Execution of a Deserter Action at Poplar Grove Church Peeble s Farm Chapel House Constitutional Elec tion Muster-out of the Purnell Legion Battle of Hatcher s Run Presidential Election Thanksgiving Day Presentation of Flags to " the Brigade The Hicksford or Apple-Jack" Raid Battle of Dab- ney s Mill Death of Colonel Wilson Attack on Fort Steadman Ififf CHAPTER IX. (From March 27 to July 2, 1865.) Preparations for the Final Movement Against the Rebel Army of Northern Virginia Battles of the Quaker Road White Oak Road- Five Forks Pursuit of the Enemy Surrender of Lee s Army at Appomattox Court-House March to Washington Grand Review of the Army of the Potomac Muster Out of the Fourth, Seventh, and Eighth Regiments Muster Out of the First Maryland Return to Baltimore Final Discharge from Service Concluding Remarks 102 Plan of the Battleof Front Royal, facing page, 46 Diagram of the Battle of Weldon Railroad, facing page 171 ADDENDA. Presentation of the California Flag to the State Authorities 213 Letters of General Warren Relating to the Services of the Brigade 221 General Grant s Letter to Corporal J. R. Tucker, Company G, Fourth Maryland 226 x TABLE OF CONTENTS. APPENDIX A. Register of Commissioned Officers of First Maryland ^ii .i APPENDIX B. Biographical Sketches of Deceased Officers ^~>1 APPENDIX C. Roll of Honor 257 APPENDIX I). Killed, Wounded, and Prisoners 201 APPENDIX E. Company Histories and Rosters 207 APPENDIX F. Outline History of the Several Regiments of the Brigade, with u Ros ter of the Officers 20!) CHAPTER I. (From April, 1861, to March 1, 1862.) ATTACK ON FORT SUMTER CALL OF THE PRESIDENT FOR VOL UNTEERSPROCLAMATION OF GOVERNOR HICKS EFFORTS OF GENERAL JOHN R. KENLY AND OTHER LOYALISTS OF BALTI MORE AND ELSEWHERE IN THE STATE TO RAISE TROOPS FOR THE SUPPORT OF TIffi GOVERNMENT LETTER OF GENERAL KENLY TO THE ADJUTANT-GENERAL AT WASHINGTON RE FUSAL OF THE GOVERNMENT TO ACCEPT ANY MORE THREE MONTHS TROOPS A CARD ORGANIZATION OF THE FIRST MARYLAND REGIMENT CAMP COOPER CAMP CARROLL COLONEL JOHN R. KENLY ASSUMES COMMAND GENERAL JAMES COOPER PRESENTATION OF A FLAG TO THE REGIMENT AR REST OF MARSHAL KANE COLONEL JOHN R. KENLY APPOINTED PROVOST-MARSHAL OF BALTIMORE ABANDONMENT OF THE CITY BY THE POLICE AUTHORITIES, AND ORGANIZATION OF A NEW FORCE BY COLONEL KENLY GENERAL BANKS 1 ORDER RELIEVING COLONEL KENLY AS PROVOST-MARSHAL LETTERS OF GOVERNOR HICKS AND HON. HENRY WINTER DAVIS MOVE MENT OF THE REGIMENT TO WESTERN MARYLAND CAMP WILLIAMS CAMP BANKS PRESENTATION OF A FLAG TO COM PANY II DUTY ON THE POTOMAC MARCH TO DARNESTOWN TO BALL S BLUFF AND EDWARDS FERRY A NIGHT S WORK RETURN TO DARNESTOWN MARCH TO FREDERICK SUDDEN MOVEMENT UP THE POTOMAC BATTLE OF HANCOCK A HARD NIGHT S MARCH CONGRATULATIONS OF GENERAL LANDER- REASSIGNMENT OF COMPANIES ALONG THE POTOMAC MARCH TO WILLIAMSPORT, the twelfth of April, 1861, Fort Sumter was attacked by the rebels, and on the fif- teenth of that month the first decided step was taken toward offensive efforts on the.