FEBRUARY 1, 1996 35( PER COPY JCCRI Forced to Make Cutbacks by Neil Nachbar That Job Will Be Done In-House
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•••••••**'**•••••••5-DIGIT 02906 2239 11/30/96 ** 24 R. I. JEWISH HISTORICAL ASSDCIA 130 SESSIONS ST. PROVIDENCE RI 02906 Rhode Island J8w1sn Tu B'Shevat HERALD PAGES 10 & 11 The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts VOLUME LXVI, NUMBER 11 SHEVAT 11, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1996 35( PER COPY JCCRI Forced to Make Cutbacks by Neil Nachbar that job will be done in-house. Another change at the center Herald Associate Editor Weisman said the number of is that the Rhode Island Holo Due to a decrease in funding JCCRI members has held steady caust Museum w!ll no longer from the United Way and in and the cost of a membership be connected to the JCCRI. It creased expenses, the Jewish will not go up. "We can't keep will be its own agency, with its Community Center of Rhode raising prices," she stated. own board of directors and its Island, 401 Elmgrove Ave., Weisman admitted that the own phone number (453-7860). Providence, has had to make opening of a Gold's Gym nearby The museum will still use some some cutbacks. hasn't helped membership, but of the center's services, how "Cuts from the United Way added that the JCCRI offers ever, such as custodial. have decimated places like us," much more !hart a gym. There have been a few staff said Executive Director Vivian changes at the JCCRI as well. Weisman. "Like a good family, Karen Hollands was hired a we have to live within a budget." ''Like a good family, couple of weeks ago as a full According t0 Weisman, some we have to live time sports specialist and soon staff members have been lost there will be a new director of due toattritionand those people within a budget." health and physical education. will not be replaced. Vivian Weisman Under Hollands' leadership, However, Weisman assured hockey (for adult women) and that the;:e will not be "heavy "Do I wish there wasn't a in-line skating will be added to layoffs" and the JCCRI "is not Gold's Gym? Yes, but people the sports program. going to close its doors." don't join the center just to join a The JCCRI also has a new One ar€a that the JCCRI will gym," said Weisman. '.The center phone system, purchased by the be cutting costs is publi c is a very good value as a fitness Jewish Federation of Rhode Is relations. Roberta Segal and As center, but the nursery school is land. sociates used to handle public popular and there are a lot of For more information about relations for the center.Now <1ctivities that go on at the center." the center, call 861-8800. _Israeli Official Says Pluralism Taking a Back Seat by Debra Nussbaum Cohen to fight in Gaza and die there," In Hirsch's view, Ramon's NEW YORK (JTA) - Advo he said, alluding to the possibil statements "indicated a lack of cates of religious pluralism in ity that Netanyahu would re deep understanding of Israel A Polar Bear Is Waiting Israel have long regarded Haim ve~se the Labor government's diaspora relations. He could use Our friend here lives at Roger Williams Park Zoo. This is Ramon, Labor Party star and peace policies. some education about diaspora his kind of weather. For suggestions on zoo activities, and Israel's interior minister, as an "Because you want Reform Jewry." other ideas on how to keep the kids happy and busy during ally. conversions my child will be Peres told the rabbis that he vacation week, see our Ocean State pages, 2 and 3. So when Ramon made it clear killed? I cannot agree to that," he would establish "some kind of to a visiting group of 55 Reform said. 'That is my orderof priori forum where these issues would rabbis last week that he will push ties and I am ready to pay the be negotiated anp resolved sat First Female Rabbi Ordained aside the cause of religious plu price of no Reform conversions isfactorily," though he did not ralism if it means that Labor has for another five to 10 years." . (Continued on Page 19) a better chanc_e of winning the in Israel Takes on Pluralism upcoming government election, by Todd Winer tiated by Israel's Ministry of they were taken aback. Chicago Jewish News & JT A Education. Known as the The rabbis met with Ramon / CHICAGO QT A) - Ameri Shenhar Commission, the three and Prime Minister Shimon can-born Naamah Kelman, the year investigation into the Is Peres and Likud opposition first female rabbi ordained in raeli school system reported that leader Benjamin Netanyahu, in Israel, seems to be a cautious most students in its secular separate meetings, as part of a optimist. schools, whichabouttwo-thirds trip organized by the Associa Or she may be a hopeful pes of Israeli youths attend, have tion of Reform Zionists. simist. To the director of educa _ grown estranged from Jewish In what ARZA's executive tion for the Reform movement education. director, Rabbi Ammie! Hirsch, in Israel, ambiguity may come In trying to change that real described as "a rather stormy with the territory. ity, the commission !'ecom meeting," Ramon emphasized Working to win recognition mended that a non-Orthodox his opposition to efforts to make and legitimacy for non-Ortho view of Jewish religion and his non-Orthodox conversions and dox Judaism from the religious tory be introduced into the class marriages legal in Israel because establishment remains an up room. it would cost the Labor Party hill battle, Kelman said, but that Kelmansaid the report stated the support of the Orthodox has not stopped her from push- . that the education.ii· offerings parties in the elections. ingon. must begin to reflect the plural The religious parties, needed A descendantofa long line of · istic nature of the Jewish people by the Labor Party to win re rabbis - she traces JO genera and that "it must open the doors election, have made it clear that tions of them in her fami ly - to alternatives." the price of their support is an she is the daughter of Rabbi "That was a dramatic state end to efforts to legislatively Wolfe Kelman, who led the Con ment for us in the Reform move erode Orthodox control over servative movement's Rabbini ment," she said. "We've only conversion, marriage, divorce cal Asse.mbly for nearly 40 years. been able to get our foot in the and burial. Her grandfa ther, Rabbi Felix door by prying it open." I will "not support our losing Levy, served at Emanuel Con Kelman, in Chicago as a guest the election over the issue of gregation in Chicago, and her of the Association of Reform permitting Reform conversions brother leads a Reform congre Zionists of America, said secu to Judaism," Ramon was quoted Hello Mr. President gation in Jerusalem. lar school teach religion and the as telling the rabbis. Aryeh Raskin is dressed as Thomas Jefferson as his class at Kelman said one of the latest _Bible, and the average high " If we lose the electi ons, Providence Hebrew Day School recently did a project on challenges for her movement schoolstudentknowsagreatdeal Netanyahu will be prime minis famous people. See story on page 12. P~oto courtesy of PHDS comes out of a recent study ini- (Continued on Page 19) ter and then my child may have INSIDE THE OCEAN STATE- .Why Not Visit Th·e Zoo February Festivities at Museum and Planetarium For those still suffering from Voyage of Discovery. · sode each day in the auditorium During School Vacation? Star Trek mania, there will be a Also from Feb. 17 through at12:30p.m.;a planetarium show: planetarium show, Orion Ren 25, visitors can see the actual The Great Space Treasure Hunt Buy One Child's Admission introduction of the animal, dis dezvous: A Star Trek Voyage of command chair that was fea at 11:30 a.m. (Kids will blast off cussion of where it is from, and Discovery, on Saturdays and tured inParamount's "Star Trek: with a friendly alien called and Get One Free! some information about its be Sundays at 3 p.m., through Fel:> Generations," and have their Blea mer i nsearch ofa mysterious There will be plenty of family havior. ruary. Lt. Commander Geordi picture t~ken in the chair for $3. treasure deep in space. Suitable .fun at Roger Williams Park Zoo Twodifferentscavenger hunt LaForge(voiceofnarratorLeVar Proceeds will benefit the forchi ldreningradesonethrough during February school vacation. sheets will also be available just Burton) takes you aboard the museum' s education· depart four.); and on Tuesday, Wednes From Feb. 18 to 23, families . for fun, for both younger and science ship Antares to discover ment. day and Thursday, Ms. Frizzle can save money on admissions older kids. The younger chil black holes, worm holes, and Each visitor can enter a Star and the Magic School Bus work fees. For every chi Id admission dren will have a sheet with dif . other astronomical phenomena Trek trivia contest. Also, the shop will appear in the audito feepaid,anotherchild inthefam ferent pictures to try and spot within the Milky Way. Theshow winner will receive a collector's rium fr.om 10:15 to 11 :15 a.m. ily will be admitted free. (Child during their visit. The older chil is suitable for ages 10 and older. Star Trek ornament and a fam Frizzle, science teacher extraor rates are regularly $2.50 for ages dren will have a more difficult (It is presented fwice each day ily pass to a Cormack Plan dinaire, will explore butterflies 3 to 12.