
Introduction to Programming

CISC1600/1610 Computer Science I/Lab

Spring 2016 CISC1600 Yanjun Li 1


 This Course  Computer  Programming

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1 This is a course

 In Programming  For beginners  who want to become professionals or who would like to know something about programming  who are assumed to be bright  Though not (necessarily) geniuses  who are willing to work hard  Though do need sleep occasionally, and take a normal course load  Using the ++

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Learning Goals

 Learn  Fundamental programming concepts  Key useful techniques  Basic Standard C++ facilities  After the course, you’ll be able to  Write small sound C++ programs  Read much larger programs  Learn the basics of many other languages by yourself  Proceed with an “advanced” C++ programming course  After the course, you will not (yet) be  An expert  A C++ language expert  An expert of advanced libraries

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2 The Means

 Lectures  Attend every one  Outside of lectures  Read a chapter ahead, and read the chapter again after each lecture  Read actively: with questions in mind, try to reorganize/rephrase the key points in your mind  Review questions/Terms in chapters  Drills  Always do the drills, before the exercises  Exercises

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The Means (Cont.)

 Lab projects  That’s where the most fun and the best learning takes place  Don’t wait until lab section to start the project  Start to think about the project early  Finish up & get help during labs  Exams  Midterms  Final

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3 How to be Successful?

 Don’t study alone when you don’t have to  Form study groups  Do help each other (without plagiarizing)  If in doubt if a collaboration is legitimate: ask!  Don’t claim to have written code that you copied from others  Don’t give anyone else your code (to hand in for a grade)  When you rely on the work of others, explicitly list all of your sources – i.e. give credit to those who did the work  Seek help: tutor’s room, my office hours  Go prepared with questions  The only stupid questions are the ones you wanted to ask but didn’t

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 This Course  Computer  Programming

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4 What is Computer System ?

 Computer System is a system capable of  Performing computations  Making logical decisions  Works billions of times faster than human beings  Components of a computer system:  Hardware 

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 The hardware components are the electronic and mechanical parts.  hardware devices  Keyboard, mouse, etc.  Screen (monitor)  Disks  Memory  Processing Units

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5 Major Hardware Components

 Input devices  Obtains from outside of the computer.  Usually a keyboard, mouse, disk or scanner  Output devices  Makes info available outside the computer.  Screens, paper printouts, speakers

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Major Hardware Components

 Processor  or CPU  The brain of a computer system.  It does the fundamental computing within the system.  Responds to and processes the basic instructions that drive a computer.  Directly or indirectly controls all the other components.

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6 Major Hardware Components

 Memory  holds data and programs that CPU is using, and save results of programs.  Rapid access, low capacity (relative), short-term, temporary “warehouse”.  Often called main memory, primary memory, or Random Access Memory (RAM)  “4 gigabytes (4GB) of RAM”  One megabyte of memory is enough to hold approximately one million characters of a word processing document.  0/1 – one , 8 = 1 byte, 210 =1024 bytes = 1 kilobyte, 10242 bytes = 1 megabyte, 10243 bytes = 1 gigabyte

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Major Hardware Components

 Secondary storage  Stores programs or data not currently being used by other units on secondary storage devices (like hard disk and flash drive)  Long-term, high-capacity “warehouse”  Takes longer to access than primary memory

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7 Questions

 Imagine that you are using a word processor to write a letter.  Where (in the computer system) is the program you are running?  Where are the characters you have typed before you hit “save” button? After you hit “save” button?

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 Where (in the computer system) is the program you are running?  In main memory. (A permanent copy will also be in secondary storage--the hard disk).  Where are the characters you have typed?  In main memory. (When you "save" your document, they will be copied to a on the hard disk or the place you specified.)

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8 Outline

 This Course  Computer  Programming

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What is ?

 Programming is communicating between programmer and computer.  Computer Programs are called software  sets of instructions that data  guide computer through orderly sets of actions specified by computer  Programmers write instructions that comprise software in various programming languages

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9 Types of Programs

 Two categories of programs.  Application programs are programs that people use to get their work done.  Word Processor, Web Browsers, etc.  System programs keep all the hardware and software running together smoothly.  is a kind of which is developed to make using more convenient. Windows, Unix, Linux, Macintosh.  The difference between "application program" and "system program" is fuzzy.

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Types of Programming Languages

 Three general types of programming languages  Machine languages  machine dependent  Assembly languages  machine dependent  High-level languages  most are portable  Specific languages include C, C++, Visual Basic and Java

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10 of C and C++

 C evolved from two previous programming languages, BCPL and B.  They were used to develop operating- systems software  C initially became widely known as the development language of the UNIX operating system.  C is now available for most computers and is hardware independent.  A standard version of C is available.

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History of C and C++

 C++, an extension of C, was developed in the early 1980s.  C++ provides a number of features that "spruce up" the C language, but more importantly, it provides capabilities for object- oriented programming.  Objects are essentially reusable software components that model items in the real world.  A modular, object-oriented design and approach is more productive.  Object-oriented programs are easier to understand, correct and modify.

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11 C++ Standard

 C++ programs consist of pieces called classes and functions  C++ Standard Library :  Rich collections of existing classes and functions  Reusable in new applications  Two parts to learning the C++ "world."  Learning the C++ language itself;  Learning how to use the classes and functions in the C++ Standard Library.

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 Reproduced from the Cyber Classroom for C++, How to Program, 5/e by Deitel & Deitel.  Reproduced by permission of Pearson Education, Inc.

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