To Love And Regenerate The Earth: Further Perspectives On Written and Compiled by Don Weaver, Co-Author of FERTILE GROUND by Rob Schouten ã 1995 To Love And Regenerate The Earth: Further Perspectives on The Survival of Civilization. Written and compiled by Don Weaver. Copyright 2002 by Don Weaver, to protect the wholeness and integrity of this work. Communications may be addressed to: Don Weaver Earth Health Regeneration POB 620478 Woodside, CA 94062-0478 e-mail:
[email protected] The purpose of this book is to offer the world's responsible people a non-commercial gift of potentially world-transforming information, ideas, and insights on the social, ecological and climatic problems now threatening the future of humanity and the whole Biosphere. Also, to offer potential solutions which respond to the causes of these problems, and which might empower us to wisely regenerate the Biosphere and restore health and balance to the sociosphere. The author/editor is an independent (and interdependent) volunteer researcher hoping to encourage humanity's continued awakening, as well as "the progress of Science and useful Arts," one of the Constitutionally stated purposes of copyright law. In quoting from a broad spectrum of journals, websites, and books, I did not intend to substitute for them nor discourage careful, open-minded study of the entirety of them, nor do I in any way discourage their purchase if for sale. I found very helpful, as you may, the information and guidelines on the Fair Use privilege in books and websites on the topic. Especially comprehensive is the Fifth Edition (Feb.