RtConnors State College Lib · 1, Box1 000 r,ary Warner,DK 74469-9700 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED PRS RT STD U.S. POSTAGE PD. PERMIT#l7 WARNER, OK 74469 e 1ve Serving Muskogee, McIntosh & HaskellCounties with subscriptions in fourteen states Vol. XIV - Issue 15 � Tuesda , Janua 4 2000 -- - -� y ry , Tobacco still a majorproblem among U.S. teens The president of the American heart disease and stroke in the com­ Heart Association today called at­ ing century," Smaha says tention to two alarming trends in to­ Of particularconcern is the rise baccouse: Smoking is on the increase in cigarette smoking among teenag­ among U.S. teens and smoking-re­ ers. An estimated 4.1 million U.S. lated deaths around the globe are adolescents ages 12 to 17 are smok­ expectedto triple in the coming cen­ ers. tury. During1988-1996, there was a "Anyone who sees these sta­ 30 percentincrease in the numberof tistics should be very concerned," U.S. teens ages 12 to 17 who took up says American Heart Association the smoking habit. The number of president Lyn Smaha, M.D,, Ph.D., these teenagers smoking on a daily referringto data includedin the 2000 basis increased by 50 percent. Heart and Stroke Statistical Update, "That means that each day an annual report released today. more than6,000 young people trya Already,smoking is blamed for cigarette forthe first time and more about 1 in 5 deaths from cardiovas­ than 3,000 become daily smokers," cular diseases,Smaha says. An esti­ Smaha says. "If those trends con­ Ronald & JiJJ Blanchet mated 430,700 Americans die each tinue, about 5 million of these teen­ yearfrom smoking-related illnesses. agerswill eventuallydie froma smok­ Ronald and Jill Blanchet cel­ Ronald is a math teacher at Musko­ Picturedle.ft to right are Wenona Martin an1 Alberta Dennington. Mrs. "Smoking costs U.S. residents ing relateddisease." ebrated their 25th anniversary on geeHigh Schooland Jill teaches at Dennington turned87 years old on Decemher 29th. Mrs. Martin is an estimated$130 billion annually in "These trends are particularly January 2, 2000 after the evening WarnerMiddle School. Directorof Social Services at CountrysideEstates. medical care. This includes costs re­ worrisome becauseabout 80 percent worship serviceat Gore 1st Assem­ lated to smoking during pregnancy, of adult tobacco users began their bly of God.Their children, Brandon Ronald is the son of Mildred which has been associated with low habit before they turned18," Srnaha and Tammy Blanchet and Elizabeth Venekamp ofHobart,OK. Jill is the birth weight babies. Other costs in­ says. Blanchet helped withthe reception. daughter of Ouida Boyd of Warner, clude lost workdays, lost productiv­ In addition, an estimated 43 Ronald andJill weremarried on OK. Many members of their fami­ ity from early death and disability, percentof U.S. childrenunder the age January 4, 1975 at 10:00 am at the lies, church family, and friendsat­ and the costs of fires caused by of 12 are exposed to environmental Warner United Methodist Church. tended. smoking," he says. tobaccosmoke in the home. In 1996, The World Health Organiza­ an estimated15 million children and tionreports that globalmortality from adolescents under age 18 were ex­ Ouida Boyd celebrates tobacco use is projectedto rise from posed to environmental tobacco 3 million deaths per year in 1990 to smoke in the home, the reportsays. 80th birthday 10 million a yearby 2025. "That's an In a swvey of U.S. nonsmok­ alarming trend that should get the ing, workingadults age 17 and over, world's attention," Smaha says. nearly 48 percent reported beingex­ According to the World posed to tobacco smoke either at Health Organization, the risk of coro­ home or on the job. The report adds nary disease decreased by 50 per­ that 'the risk of death fromcoronary cent in the year aftera smoker kicks heart disease increases by up to 30 the habit and within 15 years, an ex­ percent among those exposed to en­ smoker's relative risk of dying from vironmental tobacco smoke at home heart disease approaches that of a or at work." longtime nonsmoker. Picturedleft to right areformer Wamer gra:luates Pete Hisely and Steve "Smoking is a risk factor that For over two decades, the Lynch holding All-State Coach plaques. Steve is the son of Clarence and people can control. Thereforeit's a American Heart Association has Jean Lynch & brother to Keven Lynch. Pete ;s the son ofMaggie and Jerry logical place to focusour attention worked to advancepolicies and regu­ Hisely. in our effortsto reduce deaths from lations that support cleanindoor air. Man plans to Eliminating cardiovascular disease would live entirely increase life expectancy by seven years If all major fonnsof heart and cade sooner than women, the risk leveled off. Smoking is on the in­ blool vesseldisease were eliminated, begins to rise as women approach crease among U.S. teenagers,and is online U.S. life expectancy would rise by menopause and continues to in­ expected to increase significantly In an effortto provehow wired almost seven years and the nation crease steadily with age. Although worldwide in the coming century. the world has become,a 26 year-old woud be more than $300 billion women have firstheart attacks at later Despite ex1ensive information richer, according to the American Pictured leftto right are Jill Blanchet, Ouida Boyd and Joyce Perryman. former computer systems manager ages, theyare more likely to die from concerning the benefits of regular Heart Association's 2000 Heart and Ouida Boyd celebrated her 80th birthday on December 29, 1999. walked into an empty Dallas house them. Within one year of having a physical activity forpreventing heart on Saturday with a laptop computer StrokeStatistical Update, an annual heart attack, 25 percent of men and disease and stroke, only 22 percent and said he doesn't plan to leave report released today. 38 percentof women will die. of all U.S. adults report regular, sus­ Ouida Boyd turned80 years old entire family, including Joe and' until 2001. The report updates statistics "Many women also don't re­ tained physical activityof any inten­ on December29, 1999 andcelebrated Joanne Perryman, Kelly Cox, and His plan is to live exclusively on death and prevalence rates for alize that stroke is as serious a prob­ sity lasting 30 minutes or more five at 2 :00pm with the residentsat Coun­ Brandon and Tammy Blanchet took online, including ordering food, fur­ cardiovasculardisease and stroke. lem forthem as it is formen. Not only times a week. tryside Estates Nursing Home in her out fora steak dinner at Amarillo niture and clothes and hosting a 24 "We've seen remarkable is stroke the third leading killer in the The statistics also point out Warner. Family members present Mesquite Grill in Muskogee. hour live video feed of his life. progress in fighting heart disease United States, it is also a leading thatmore than 110 million Americans were daughters Joyce Perryman and "Grandma's"whole familywished her "Our vision is that the new and stroke during the last half cen­ cause of major disability,"says Dr. - including children as young as 6 Jill Blanchet along with son-in-law a very happy 80th Birthdayand are online shopperswill go to our site to tury, but cardiovascular disease is Smaha. Stroke claimed the lives �f years old - are classified as either Ronald Blanchet. Granddaughters all veryproud of their "matriarch". learnhow to utiliz.ee-commerce,' said still the No. l cause of death forboth 97,227 women. By comparison, obese or overweight. The American JodiCox and ElizabethBlanchet and Mitch Maddox, who legally changed men and women," says American 41,943 women died of breastcancer. Heart Associationrecently identified great-granddaughterCollin Cox were Walk'nFaith, a Christianband, his name to DotComGuy and set up Heart Association President Lynn Risk factorsof particular con­ obesity and being overweight as a there also. Family friend, Dale played and sang during the birthday a company,DotComGuy Inc., forthe Smaha,M.D.,Ph.D. cern for women include elevated major risk factorfor heart disease and Whitby, came by to take the "Birth­ celebration at Countryside Estates. stunt. Nearly 60 million Americans blood cholesterol, which affectsa stroke. dayGirl's" picture! Mrs. Boyd's granddaughter,Liz, is a Afterlocking himself inside the have some form of heart or blood higher percentageof women over age High blood pressure is also a Later that eveningMrs. Boyd's memberofWalk' nFaith. rented house Saturday, he added: ves�el disease, which claimed 49 than men, physical inactivityand problem - affectingan estimated 50 'Tm going to come out beinga loon." 953,l 10 lives in 1997, the most recent smoking. Obesity is alsoa significant million Americans- the reportsays. Maddox's first monthly pay­ yearfor which data areavailable, the risk factorfor both women and men. That's 1 in 5 Americansoverall and 1 Warner businessmannominated check fromthe companywill be $24, report says. Cardiovascular disease as is diabetes. In fact, if a woman in 4 adults. Of those with high blood but it will double very month as in­ accoontedfor about 41 percentof all develops diabetes before meno­ pressure, only about 27 percent have for Y2000edition of "Who's centive to stay in the house. deaths, or one out of every 2.4 pause, it greatly reduces her lower­ received medical treatmentand have The "live part of the deaths, and was listed as the primary risk advantage compared to a man. the condition under control. DotComGuy stunt involves 24-hour or a contributing cause of death on "If women underestimatetheir Who"in America streaming video fromdozens of digi­ more than 1.4 million death certifi­ risk of heart disease and stroke, they The prevalence of high blood cates that year.
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