0113 gpi E[R] ASEAN 5_5905 gp [eu rev]csfr4.qxd 02/07/2013 11:07 Page 1 energy [r]evolution A SUSTAINABLE ASEAN ENERGY OUTLOOK report 1st edition 2013 ASEAN energy scenario 0113 gpi E[R] ASEAN 5_5905 gp [eu rev]csfr4.qxd 02/07/2013 11:07 Page 2 “will we look into the eyes of our children and confess that we had the opportunity, but lacked the courage? that we had the technology, but lacked the vision?” Greenpeace International, Greenpeace South East Asia research & co-authors European Renewable Amalie Obusan, Tara Buakamsri Overall modelling: DLR, Institute Energy Council (EREC) of Technical Thermodynamics, Greenpeace International Department of Systems Analysis and date June 2013 Sven Teske Technology Assessment, Stuttgart, project manager Global Wind Energy Council Germany: Dr. Thomas Pregger, & lead author Sven Teske, (GWEC) Steve Sawyer Dr. Sonja Simon, Dr. Tobias Naegler, partners Greenpeace International Marlene O’Sullivan image WIND FARM IN ILOCOS NORTE. 0113 gpi E[R] ASEAN 5_5905 gp [eu rev]csfr4.qxd 02/07/2013 11:07 Page 3 © LUIS LIWANAG © / LUIS GREENPEACE LIWANAG Efficiency: Utrecht University, Employment: Institute for editor Rebecca Short, Crispin contacts The Netherlands: Wina Graus, Sustainable Futures, University of Aubrey (basic document).
[email protected] Katerina Kermeli Technology, Sydney: Jay Rutovitz.
[email protected] Fossil Fuel Resource Assessment: Grid technology: energynautics design & layout onehemisphere, Ludwig-Bölkow Systemtechnik, GmbH, Langen/Germany; Dr. Thomas Sweden, www.onehemisphere.se Munich, Germany; Dr. Werner Zittel Ackermann, Rena Ruwahata, Nils Martensen for further information about the global, regional and national scenarios please visit the Energy [R]evolution website: www.energyblueprint.info/ Published by Greenpeace International and EREC.