
Benefits Guide

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The Top 4 Benefits of Hemp- Related Products

Hemp is a type of plant from the family.

May people in today’s western society think that hemp is a bad thing and think that it can get you “high” … but that whole mindset is changing right before our eyes.

Here Is why:

President Trump signed the Farm Bill in December 2018. This allows the cultivation and sale of hemp products across America. Since, there has been a massive boom in the United States in hemp related products. Below are the top health benefits that you derive from hemp.

You may be pleasantly surprised to see how healthy hemp products can be. Especially since we in America have been terribly mislead by politicians and industrialists for the past 70 years.

Hemp seeds, oil, and fiber can be used to make variety of products such as , healing oil, hemp and hemp foods that highly possess health benefits. The benefits of hemp products may be based on their nutritional value.

One out of two Americans will die from the effects of cardiovascular disease (CVD). One out of four Americans will die from cancer. Researchers believe cancer erupts when the immune system response is weakened. Pioneers in the fields of biochemistry and human nutrition now believe CVD and most cancers are really diseases of fatty degeneration caused by the continued over-consumption of saturated and refined vegetable oils that turn essential fatty acids into carcinogenic killers. And if this is not scary enough, more Americans are succumbing to immune deficiency diseases that ever before. Sadly it is ignorance of human nutritional needs that will cause this overwhelming majority of Americans to die slowly from these afflictions…the greatest killers in affluent nations.


Hemp Protein

Hemp products provide a complete source of protein.

They provide all of the 10 essential amino acids. They contain as much protein as soybeans. The essential amino acids are the primary building blocks for proteins and since the human body can never produce the 10 essential ones, they must be absorbed through the diet.

Few plants contain all the essential amino acids, which makes hempseeds ideal for a vegan or vegetarian diet. Arginine, an essential amino acid in hemp products, is necessary for heart health.

When the body has sufficient amino acids, it can produce enough enzymes for metabolic reactions. Essential amino acids are also necessary for strong immunity. Hemp protein and hemp seeds, therefore, help the human body fight against disease-causing pathogens.

There are eight amino acids the human body cannot make and two more the body cannot make in sufficient quantity, so they are essential to life. A diet without any one of them will eventually cause disease, and in some cases, death. These essential amino acids, along with eleven others the body can make from them, are chained together in accordance to genetic guidelines, via RNA formats from DNA blueprints, into structural proteins that give the body life and into enzymes (globular proteins) that carry out the mechanics of living.

The nine essential amino acids, which you must acquire through your diet are: ▪ Arginine ▪ Histidine ▪ Isoleucine ▪ Leucine ▪ Lysine ▪ Methionine ▪ Phenylalanine ▪ Threonine ▪ Tryptophan ▪ Valine


They're vital for functions such as protein synthesis, tissue repair and nutrient absorption.

What Are the Health Benefits of Hemp?

Hemp is a plant grown in the northern hemisphere that takes about 3-4 months to mature. Hemp seeds can be consumed or used to produce a variety of food products including hemp milk, , hemp substitutes and hemp-based protein powder.

Hemp seeds have a mild, nutty flavor. Hemp milk is made from hulled hemp seeds, water, and sweetener. Hemp oil has a strong "grassy" flavor.

Hemp is commonly confused with . It belongs to the same family, but the two plants are very different. Marijuana is grown to contain high amounts of (THC), the chemical that is responsible for its psychoactive properties. Hemp describes the edible plant seeds and only contains a trace amount of THC.

This feature is part of a collection of articles on the health benefits of popular foods. It provides a nutritional breakdown of hemp and an in-depth look at its possible health benefits, how to incorporate more hemp into your diet and any potential health risks of consuming hemp.

Hemp products can also improve the condition of hair and nails. In addition to eating ground or whole hemp seeds, the oil extracted from hemp can be applied topically and is often found in high-end cosmetic products. The oil in hemp seeds absorbs into the inner layers of the skin to promote healthy cell growth — the recipe for smooth, soft skin. Some lab studies show hemp seed oil can have a positive effect on atopic dermatitis, a skin condition that causes inflammation and dryness. When the oil was applied regularly, subjects of the study showed improvement in their symptoms.


How to Incorporate More Hemp into Your Diet

Hemp products include hemp seeds, hemp milk, hemp oil, hemp cheese substitutes and hemp protein powder. These products can be purchased at most health food stores. Hemp seeds are easily sprinkled on salads, oatmeal, and . Hemp seeds should be kept in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. Most hemp products need to be refrigerated after being opened.

To avoid damaging the fatty acids, shelled hemp seeds should not be heated above 350 °Fahrenheit.

Quick tips for using hemp:

▪ Purchase meal bars or granola bars made with hemp seeds for a quick snack ▪ Use hemp seed oil to make a salad dressing ▪ Sprinkle some hemp seeds on salads, rice pilafs, oatmeal, or yogurt ▪ Add hemp seeds to baked goods such as whole wheat muffins.

Nutritional Breakdown of Hemp

Hemp is available in a variety of forms, including oils and powders.

According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, a 2 tablespoon serving of hemp seeds weighing 20 grams (g) contains:

▪ 111 calories ▪ 6.31 g of protein ▪ 9.75 g of ▪ 1.73 g of carbohydrates (including 0.8 g of fiber and 0.3 g of sugar) ▪ 14 milligrams (mg) of calcium ▪ 1.59 mg of iron ▪ 140 mg of magnesium ▪ 330 mg of phosphorus ▪ 240 mg of potassium ▪ 1.98 mg of zinc ▪ 22 micrograms (mcg) of folate

Hemp seeds also provide vitamin C, some B vitamins, vitamins A and E.


Hemp Fiber

Hemp products contain fiber.

Products from hemp stalk, seeds, and flowers contained enough fiber that can enhance the digestive system. In the seeds, much fiber is available in the outer hull or shell. Be aware that de- hulled or shelled hemp seeds, also known as hemp hearts, contain very little fiber because the fiber-rich shell has been removed.

Consumption of hemp fiber in everyday diet would help in weight management, health of the gut, and stabilization of blood sugar levels. Hemp fiber reduces appetite and discourages overeating, which may cause weight conditions such as obesity. Fiber from the hemp products is also necessary for optimal digestion and food ingestion; hence, reducing constipation and enhancing human health .

Whole hemp seeds are a good source of both soluble and insoluble fiber, containing 20% and 80%, respectively. They contain high amounts of fiber…both soluble and insoluble…which benefits digestive health.

Soluble fiber forms a gel-like substance in your gut. It’s a valuable source of nutrients for beneficial digestive bacteria and may also reduce spikes in blood sugar and regulate cholesterol levels. Insoluble fiber adds bulk to your stool and may help food and waste pass through your gut. It has also been linked to a reduced risk of diabetes

Unsaturated Fats

There are concerns about the health problems associated with saturated fats such as animal fat. Saturated fats can cause cardiovascular diseases and other health conditions such as obesity, high-blood pressure or hypertension.

Hemp products contain an alternative, which is actually good for your health…the essential fatty acids previously discussed. The unsaturated (essential) fatty acids in hemp include the omega…3 fatty acids (alpha- linolenic acid – ALA) and omega-6 fatty acids, which are good for hearth and brain health.


The unsaturated fats are equally distributed in hemp products. On the other side, hemp products are low in saturated fatty acids; hence protects the body from too much trans-fats that can cause detrimental health conditions.

The essential amino acids are necessary for brain health. They enhance memory and improve cognition. They may prevent mental health illnesses such as development of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, which are associated with cognitive decline.

Minerals and Vitamins

Hemp is high in minerals, and also contains an impressive array of vitamins that the body requires for numerous purposes.

Some of the minerals that hemp products introduce into your diet include iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. These minerals are essential for good health and proper neurological function. The hemp minerals also regulate the body pH to a level conducive for healthiness.

Hemp products also contain vitamins, which are necessary for strong immunity. The vitamins in hemp products include niacin, riboflavin, folic acid, vitamin B-6, and thiamine. The vitamins help the body fight diseases.


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Life and Energy: An Exploration of the Physical and Chemical Basis of Modern Biology, Isaac Asimov. Avon Books 1962.

Organic Chemistry, R. T. Morrison. 1960

Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology, Kimber, Gray, Stackpole. 19