
Alliance - Deepen Your Understanding (USYOGA1609A)

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SHARON CYRUS: " Membership friends and yoga community. Thank you for joining us again for the seven part series about understanding . Today we will be focusing on the crown . Please take time to fill out the survey on your screen. We would love to know where you are joining us from today. My name is Sharon Cyrus I am a member support representative for Yoga Alliance. I am going to introduce Caroline shola Arewa. She is a leading figure in the role of spirituality and wellness. She has been delivering her award-winning work internationally for over 30 years. She is the author of five books. Today she trains and mentors wellness professionals all over the world. Thank you so much for joining us Shola.

SHOLA AREWA: I'm trying to make sure I do not get lots of... Let me get myself back. There we go. Welcome, welcome, welcome. I actually feel as if I have got to final session of one of my courses that are in person. We did reach the crown chakra. All the way to the crown chakra. I'm going to read something to you. It is actually one of the first things that you will find an opening to spirit. One of the first things that I have. It is called Spiritual Body. In your body... Enriched by seven continents, sorry encircled by seven continents. The rivers are there too. The seas, the mountains and the plains the gods of the fields profits to be seen in it. Monks, places of pilgrimage and the deities presiding over them. The stars are there. And the planets. In the sun together with the moon. There too are the two cosmic forces. That which destroys and that which creates. And all the elements ether, air, fire yes in your body are all things that exist in the three worlds. All performing their prescribed functions around Mount (unknown term). He alone who knows this is said to be a true . And this comes. He who knows this is said to be a true yogi. When I came across that passage I felt as if I think it is about 400-3300 something pages I feel that quote directs us inside. It tells us everything we have been exploring over these seven weeks, the different things we seek, the questions that we have. All of those things are found inside. For me it was powerful to find that quote. It talked about Miru being the mountain that is in Tanzania which is where humans first took their kind of first steps so it sums up so much. I'm choosing to read it now as we reach the crown chakra. One of the things I was taught about the ground in relation to all the other chakras was that really you cannot speak of the crown chakra. You cannot speak the crown chakra. The reason for that is the crown chakra is the place of oneness. It is existence, knowledge and bliss. It is a place where the created, that's you, and the creator whatever we refer to as our Creator whether we call that God or the goddess or whatever names we have that creates a force where you and the creative force become one. So I think of it as sitting on the lap of the goddess. Sitting on the lap of the Goddess. So when we work with the creator, there is nothing to say. There is just oneness in the crown chakra is really about that oneness. It is an energy, as we go over the others actually it's an energy to know, to come to a place of knowledge, knowing, awareness, understanding, connection of those things. That is where the real information about the crown chakra is. I hope that is making sense. If you think about it the crown is really that space where everything trickles down. From here is that place of oneness and at the inner eye we have the two pedals that symbolize duality. This is a Yoga Alliance - Deepen Your Understanding (USYOGA1609A)

place of oneness that we cannot really speak up. Once we begin to speak at the crown chakra. Then really what is happening is we are stepping down to the inner I where there is a duality. Where I can speak to you. Where I can speak with you. Where we can exchange. Where we can connect. It takes duality for that. Otherwise, there is just oneness. Just oneness. There is no separation. Just really have that understanding of that.

One of the other things I was taught is if you want someone to understand something, let's say for example that I want you to understand the taste of honey. Assuming you are not begin and if you are then you can say the taste of agave of course. If I want you to have an understanding of how honey really taste, I could say that it tastes really sweet, it's a little bit sticky. It comes in all different colors and I could start trying to describe it to you and you can see already I'm not doing too well actually describing honey. Instead what I would do is say here have this little taste. Have this little taste of honey, have this little taste of agave. And then you have your own experience of that. When it comes to talk was. All the chakras, that's what we need to do. We need to develop a daily spiritual practice for ourselves. This is not about for students. This is really about for you so that you can taste that honey so you can start to develop an understanding, awareness and taste of the energy and the chakras. I sat down and entered this deep place of and I started just spontaneously chanting and it wasn't a gent I knew, I just started spontaneously chanting and something just moved right through me.

And all of a sudden I kind of had this experience of real one, so what happened was there was no longer an earth underneath me or water, the sun or the moon, all of a sudden I experienced it all is one, so my body kind of dispersed and there was no boundary, no physical body anymore and I was in this place of just vibrating with this powerful energy and these words, and sounds moving right through me and I just sat in this place and just gently, gently, gently. -- Chanted, chanted and just been at one with those elements.

Maybe at that moment I would consider it a peak experience but also think of it is kind of connecting with my true and since -- essence in nature. I also think it is the reason why sometimes maybe when we aren't feeling good, feeling a little bit down you want to get out of the four walls and we tend to go to nature. We tend to want to go to the ocean, might want to go climbing or just sit in the park. You want to connect with nature because it gives us the potential to know our nature.

And for me this is the kind of energy, see energy of the crown chakra and space for not doing but just being. Just being and so in terms of some characteristics around the crown – excuse me – so the colors of the crown are sometimes kind of disputed. So sometimes people will talk of the crown as purple, or they will talk of it as white, or will talk about it as gold, so I have something that I just colored and I just used all of those colors.

And it is also the thousand, thousand petaled lotus so if you think we have come from the four petals and we've gone up, and we've gone up and we've gone up, too is a multiple of everything that is below and now we have come to the place of infinity, so it is not that someone said and counted 1000 petals but that is infinite, the 1000 represents infinity of the chronic.

The sound is a sound from the crown chakra. I was going to do a beautiful practice. I can share the things I wanted to share with you, so let us do a practice, a powerful practice for the crown, so create a solid base.

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So you might want to sit with your legs – I like to have mine crossed. When we sit with her legs crossed it causes the root chakra to connect and really be on the base, not on our feet, but another root chakra and then just elevate your spine.

Elevate your spine. And the shoulders just drop and relax. I am going to do a practice which is called chakra rotation and I actually put together a couple of different things that come from the contract tradition and we will work with the energy from the root going up the front of the body to the crown and back down to the root and I'm actually going to use terms for their chakras because it has a different vibration and I am going to call the energy of each of the chakras so we are going to do several rounds.

And so just so you can really tap in Endo where we are, if you get lost at any change, we know the heart chakra and we think it sounds like heart so it is on a heartre and and for most people when using Sanskrit you are probably not pronouncing it correctly no matter how hard you try.

We want to connect and resonate with the energetic vibration. So we are going to start from the root and go up and what happens we change speed. I am going to change the speed and do a couple of rounds and then I'm going to go quiet and a little faster and once that is done when I stop you can still work through a couple of rounds.

So let's begin. Just take in a breath and start up the front, down the back. , , Anahata, Swadhisthana Swadhisthana, Muladhara, Manipura, , Swadhisthana Anahata, Manipura Swadhisthana, , Manipura M, anipura Sahasrara, Anahata, Manipura, Swadhisthana, Manipura, Muladhara, Muladhara, Anahata, Manipura ,Manipura, Sahasrara, Manipura, Swadhisthana, Manipura, Sahasrara, Manipura, Swadhisthana, Manipura, Sahasrara, Anahata,

Just bring your attention back to and draw energy back down to your root chakra and the grounding energy and root and when you are ready just take in a breath, nice expansive breath.

Grounding energy in the root chakra When ready just open your eyes. If you want bring your hand to your heart center in your left hand or your sacral chakra to help balance the energy system.

Taking a deep breath and putting your hands together just to complete that practice. Thank you. Thank you for joining me for that practice. What I would like us to do now is to take some questions. I would like to hear from everyone. So take some questions and I also want to let you know some different ways that you can continue this kind of journey with the chakras. Some ways you can continue to work with myself. I have a little gift for you as well. Let's hear what some of the questions are. If you come out of the practice and shift energy from something really internal to kind of asking questions you might want to segue into that. Moving your body a little bit with a spinal twist for taking your arms up. Whatever feels right for you and your body right now. Let's hear some of the questions.

SHARON CYRUS: Would like to know if you remember what it was you spontaneously started to chant when you were on the beach that day?

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SHOLA AREWA: I know what it was about. I don't remember exactly but I know it was words like I am the earth. I am the water. It was just really kind of merging with everything that was around me becoming one with it.

SHARON CYRUS: Can you tell us the meaning of the Sanskrit words you were chanting? We know those are the Sanskrit terms for each chakra, but is there like a little background on some of the ones you can give us? Like I know the crown chakra sounds like the goddess (unknown term). I don't know if there is a connection between the two.

SHOLA AREWA: It's definitely not her. She is much lower. All of the meanings of all of the Sanskrit names for the chakras are definitely in Opening To Spirit. You can definitely find the meanings to each one of those Sanskrit terms in Opening To Spirit. It's one of the things I explain in there. Like being on struck and the city of Jules, the sea of opposites, it's not so different things. But I think it's a better use of time to take some other questions when you can literally go and see all of those in one place in Opening To Spirit. Nice question.

SHARON CYRUS: A lot of comments. Like what page is it on.

SHOLA AREWA: What pages what on?

SHARON CYRUS: The page of the opening when you started the session.

SHOLA AREWA: Let me see. You see you made me run right in the middle of the book and you might have missed one of the most important things. This is how far at the front it is.

SHARON CYRUS: Right there. Perfect. As soon as you open the book.

SHOLA AREWA: And that is kind of everything. I also want to say something else around that as well. That we sometimes miss things, simple things. I know I've had people, I have had a couple people who might be on this call, I am not sure. They bought the cards. The chocolate empowerment cards. There are 56 cards. If I can find them there are two cards that relate to the crown chakra. This is one of the crown chakra cards. It is called enlightenment and the other one… There's another crown chakra specific. I will find it. It is a unity conscious card but it's interesting because a couple of people have contacted me and said that is not in my pack. The card is missing. One card is missing out of 56. And to me I find that amusing because first of all if you count 56 you will know nothing is missing but not just that. For me it is the focus. It is where our focus is at. If you have 56 cards, it's a lot of cards, are we going to focus on one that we think is missing? And so, sometimes it's about how we process information. So how you do anything is how you do everything.

So if you focus on lack in a full pack of cards then you can also focus on lack in a full and rich life. So we want to look at that sometimes how we process. Let me see if I can find the other one will it take the next question. Here it is. This is the next one which is the unity in diversity card. So unity and diversity. We know yoga is about unity but it is about unity and diversity. The crown chakra is where all that really comes together as one.

SHARON CYRUS: Madeline would like to know throughout the course you have given

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exercises to channel into a specific chakra. Are there more exercises we can do to channel all of them at the same time?

SHOLA AREWA: To channel all of them at the same time, I don't think I understand the question. Let me know what you mean in terms of why he went to channel them all at the same time? Just so I can be clear what you mean. While you answer that and write a little bit more let's take another question. Let's not forget that one.

SHARON CYRUS: OK. Is there a chance I can use during a Reiki treatment as a practitioner?

SHOLA AREWA: Is there a chance you can use during a Reiki session. To chant during that for me would be overload. I think focus – if you have the great privilege of working with somebody and putting your hands on their body or working with them you want to be 200% focused. And I think that using the symbols in Reiki that is enough. You don't need to also have your attention dispersed. And quite honestly ultimately it would be really kind of connection and crown chakra so that you would not need to use anything at all ultimately because you would be resonating with that vibration and entering that place. As a practitioner, I am a Reiki master but I don't mention that. I have taught somatic therapies a lot and when I am teaching and maybe demonstrating some kind of bodywork the energy that is created from 200% focus of myself but also every single person in that room. I kind of entrained, kind of were you a line in module everybody in so there is that real kind of sharp, sharp concentration and energy. That, for me, is the most healing energy we can create. So in some ways it is, you know, we are really going beyond all of those things so we come to a place of becoming. Remember yoga is a practice. It is yoga practice. So use all those things to practice. You know, they are all the things we are using to fine-tune and hone and to align and to elevate our system.

So we want to do that to such a degree that in some ways we don't even need those things because we are right there. That is what we need to practice. So you need to be practicing that to kind of go beyond. I hope that answers your question. If it does not, but a bit more there.

SHARON CYRUS: I will check for a follow up on that when two. Karen wants to know does insight of (unknown term) meditation that focuses on sensation overlap with chakra meditation? Chakra meditation seems to involve a bit of visualization. At some point does it become more of a physical sensation though? Thank you.

SHOLA AREWA: It's a nice question. I tend not to overlap things. I will allow things to be what they are because actually what I found in my 30 odd years of experience is actually they do not tend to overlap so what you want to do is have an appreciation, and understanding, of things in their wholeness. So insight meditation in its wholeness. Chakra work, healing work in its wholeness. However we would say that many paths would lead to the same place. If we are climbing Mount Maru for example which spiritually, that's what we are doing we are climbing Mount Maru then that is another part. Insight meditation is a very powerful part. It's a very powerful part. You will have that sensation. If you are particularly kind of kinesthetic so some people are going to feel much more. Other people are going to come to knowing in different kinds of ways.

SHARON CYRUS: That is a pretty loaded question. We have another one hear from Janine. Janine says she has been meditating on the chakras this week bringing awareness to each one

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in turn. She noticed that the experiences of moving energy from the sacral chakra to the heart and from the heart back to sacral were very different. It had her wondering about the protective qualities of the sacral chakra i.e. fight or flight instinct and moving between interpersonal and personal energies. She is wondering if you can speak a bit more about the flow of energy between those two talkers. Is there any reason to use caution drawing energy back down from the heart to the sacral chakra?

SHOLA AREWA: First of all, I'm not sure what we are missing out the solar plexus. You're talking about the heart to the... It's interesting for me that would be missed out both times. That in and of itself will give some insight. The solar plexus the fiery one. It's the ones that not caution but the ones that most people are kind of afraid up. We need to be able to go through the fire so to speak. Not hop from one to the other into the other to the other. And not to somehow miss out going through the fire. If you drop off in a practice like that it's really interesting to know which chakra you kind of fell out at. I can give you some information.

So is there anything particular – there is nothing really in between the different ones in that respect. So in terms of cautions, you will see. Anyone who has been on these calls with me for the past seven weeks you will see I don't have a lot of caution. Not a lot of caution in our practice. I have a lot of caution when it comes to teachers and how they teach and how they kind of practice with people. I will have cautions there but in terms of our experience I'm more thinking our experience is something that is very beautiful. Something that is kind of very expansive and something that is not going to hurt us or harm us. That's how I see it. I don't see it as worried about my own check was or my own energy picking up somebody's energy or all of those things. Some of the things around caution, they come in, how to describe, the kind of common It is really difficult to describe but sometimes it is about elevating. If I was to say to you we have to be really careful about doing this and doing that and you can only do it this way or that way what I am saying is I'm elevating me and you can't quite…to XYZ, so those kind of dynamics sometimes come in when you were working with energy and working with this kind of work, and for me I try not to fall into those kinds of traps.

I have a very optimistic, very expensive view of all of these things so I don't think – I do think we need to do cleansing practices. I have a whole chapter, Chapter 5, is just full of things that can be done to kind of support the system if we are going to start intensive chakra work but I also don't want to get tied up in the sort of cautions and fears and those sorts of things. I hope that answers your question.

SHARON CYRUS: Madeleine was following up and was to clarify other exercises that help connect to the flow of energy in Trevor -- energy traveling through all the chakras?

SHOLA AREWA: I'm sure there is. I'm sure there's practices that kind of support is to kind of bring them together but the reality is they are already together and we tend to separate them as a means of practice or study so that helps us to kind of get a deeper understanding of all the different energies and experiences of energies, but they are already together and we separate them to really study.

SHARON CYRUS: There's really good questions and they are justified in our. Kimberly was to know do you have a recommendation –

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SHOLA AREWA: All the questions are good.

SHARON CYRUS: Kimberly wants to know you have recommendations for introducing chakras and energy to young teens who are being introduced to yoga for the first time?

SHOLA AREWA: I think for young teens we are not talking about anything that different than those for adults, and to be honest, even little ones, introducing it to small children as well and with the little ones I might focus a little bit more on the colors and some of the different kind of qualities that relate to them so that young people can get a different language and means of communicating what they feel, experience and a really short time actually I think I was in Hilton Head and I talked about the chakras, colors and feelings and how to communicate and I was with them for 45 minutes and I said…my energy is in my throat and is and they really understood and really got there.

You know young folks, they are closer to that kind of connection, then we are and as you get older you get further away from that, so we want to reconnect them and take them back. Ask lots of questions, listen to them. We don't listen enough to young people, so really listen to them. What do they need to say. Where are they at. Give them some space and time and don't try and fill them up with stuff. Let them express.

SHARON CYRUS:} -- Clarissa said how beautiful and powerful the exercise you gave was and she said made her think meditation would be a good option to stimulate the crown chakra and is a good way to stimulate it and in your opinion what she could use for new students that approach first time to this practice and need special guidance to meditate?

SHOLA AREWA: What we have to understand everything we are doing is working on the energy, the energy field, it kind of a side effect of everything we do if you're working with yoga, so what we want to do, more than techniques and let us do this and that, what we want to do instead is really honing and kind of enhance our awareness of what is already happening.

And it is more that than piling on more and it is how can I get into the place of stillness. How can I really pick up what is happening inside but in terms of postures, headstand, it is one of the main postures and that it is why it is a kind of game of all the postures because it kind of activates and works the crown chakra and the pituitary gland as well and it reflects -- affects all of the body.

SHARON CYRUS: How do I energize the Manipura chakra?

SHOLA AREWA: We are doing crown chakra today. Not Manipura

SHARON CYRUS: Susan was following up on your statement about young people being closer to the source and you think young people – in older people are closer as well?

SHOLA AREWA: Yes, I do and that is why they are really good together. Old folks and young folks together, magic happens.

SHARON CYRUS: A lot of more questions coming in but I am sure you have more to discuss.

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SHOLA AREWA: With all the questions that are coming in, and I love going through them actually, so I will go through the questions and if there is anything poignant or if you want to re- ask it you can do that and wellness revolutionaries which is my Facebook so you can definitely come in there and ask questions, so that is one place we can kind of continue this conversation, so I want to make sure you are aware of that.

And like I said I will look at questions that come in today and at the very top the beginning of the course I talked about the Chicago quiz and assessment and I did give you the relationship when, the chakra quiz, relationship one and some people already have it, but what I really, really wanted to share with you and now I can is a "complete" chakra test so answer some questions and really get a sense of what is happening with each of the individual chakras and get an overall sense of what is happening in each and now that is possible, so I'm really excited about it because it is what I wanted to give you at the very beginning, I kind of overlook, it is something I do when I am physically with people, I have this kind of quiz, but we have excelled in terms of how I can bring that to you now and that is in my chakra page on my website and were going to put the link there for you.

So do go ahead and do this test and it is really going to give you a sense of what is happening in each individual chakra and is really taking me from the beginning at first weeks to months, and now to be able to kind of get the way that we have it so you can find, not just an overall score but what is going on individually as well.

So go ahead and do that. Obviously, go and get the book because it is really in-depth and there is so much in the. Some reeded front to back and others will use it in a very similar way and how they use the cards and someone was telling me today was telling me that is how she uses open spirit and she opens it up and takes a reading from it and some people I know they already have two or three books that they are reading so if you get this read it like that until you are able to read it from front to back, so do you get that. If you are getting it and you want cards, remember you need to go in the chakra page and buy them together to get the discount and if you buy them separate you cannot. So to buy them both it is both on the chakra page.

And the other thing is that starting – I generally do a coach training so it is been kind of a yoga teacher, I don't really teach yoga in terms of (unknown term) but in terms of looking at the enemy, -- energy, psychology and all of those things is what I kind of bring to my trainings and I have a training, Energy for Life, coach training and I changed it up so training can be done online.

Is going to be starting in January. The training covers so much. We are going to cover energy psychology, it also covers some of the trauma release work so how to work with your clients or students in a really sensitive way so there can truly be release and we are not re-traumatizing.

So the training is going to cover that, it's got energy psychology, it's got the coaching skills, so for some yoga teachers you may want to work – some clients – so coaching allows that to be done so there is lots and lots in this training and I am working on how I can kind of bring it online so if you go on my website there is a tab at the top Wellness and then Wellness Coach training which is Spiritual Coach and there is an allocation for them, there is also a brochure so you can find out what it covers and people who really want to go in depth and also work with other people that is an accredited training that is for that.

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Is a very intense training and I have also a short chakra course – there is a short chakra course that is a self-study course, so the training is in depth so for those that want to continue to work or train with me that is a Spiritual Coach training and if you want to just learn more about chakras there is a self-study course.

One thing I want you to know in terms of how you can kind of continue for those that want to do some work, but do come over to the Wellness page so that we can continue. I just want to say that this is been really amazing just having this opportunity over these weeks to share with people to kind of share my passion for energy and chakras in a way that I know has from all the lovely comments that I have had over the weeks, just really helping people and I felt it had been bit of an anchor to meet every week for seven weeks so I want to thank you for being here and for sharing your energy, for the amazing questions, and really contributing and this is been a two way and not just me, and I really love that and really appreciate that.

I want to share one thing with you before we finish. Is there something you wanted to say just before that?

SHARON CYRUS: We just have a question if your books and other materials, and other formats like audible and things like that?

SHOLA AREWA: Not really.

SHARON CYRUS: OK. We were just checking on that.


SHARON CYRUS: A lot of positive feedback and a lot of thank you so much, asking where you are located in London and you have a studio?

SHOLA AREWA: No, I don't have a studio because my work has always been international and by work has literally been all over the world for the past 20 some years I have literally lifted up and gone to everywhere…South Africa and the States, Canada, Australia, different parts of Europe and everywhere, what is really lovely now that you can do that is people can come work with me online, where as before I would go to say Australia and do the work and then I would leave and then it kind of stops until I go back which I can't keep doing, so it is actually a real kind of magic that has unfolded as well during lockdown in terms of bringing the work and I did start doing that last year online and I do have a couple other programs and entrepreneur and mentoring program and they are all online.

SHARON CYRUS: Yes, and I'm really enjoying your Facebook group. There's lots of conversations going on about chakras and all these other things that you focus on also so I totally recommend everybody joined the group if they have a Facebook account term there's a lot of information there too. I think we are at about time. Is there anything else want to say as we close and finish this amazing series?

SHOLA AREWA: Yes, for myself I just want to say…I just want to reiterate something that has been I think central to everything I have been teaching over the seven weeks. And that is…I can

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never say it too much and that is to do the practice, to really elevate your own energy, look for the answers in the practice. Look for the answers in the practice, not outside, so come back home, come home to yourself and you know do the work.

Committed to doing the work. I also want to point you to just one other place in Opening to Spirit course of back there are some teachings called A Design for Self-Healing and it is right in the back of the book and there's two sections to it and there is one for yourself and one for what we need to do when we're working with others so how we want to fine-tune our vehicle when working with others so please refer to those sections as well at the back there is designed for healing and I think that will really support you as well in your journey of supporting others.

SHARON CYRUS: Thank you so much, Caroline for giving us this amazing, amazing series and sharing all of your knowledge with us. I appreciate it so much and thank you members and community for joining us. Please, again, check out those links so we continue the conversation and if you have any questions you can reach out to us to reach out to Caroline as well and we will see you next time.

SHOLA AREWA: As we leave and as we leave and finish let us just do three oms to finish the seven weeks. We are just going to three oms around chakra. omomomomom, ooooooooooom, ooooooooom.

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