BANGKOK Universiade 2007 General Assembly HARBIN - BELGRADE Universiades 2009 ERZURUM - SHENZHEN Universiades 2011 72 Trimestrial Oct. / Nov. / Dec. 2007 Trimestriel Oct. / Nov. / Déc. 2007 Bulletin of the International University Sport Federation Bulletin de la Fédération Internationale du Sport Universitaire P 50 11 26 2 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE P re s i d e n t KILLIAN George E. (USA) F i r st Vice-Pre s i d e n t GALLIEN Claude-Louis (FRA) V i c e - P re s i d e n t s BERGH Stefan (SWE) CABRAL Luc ia no (BRA) CHIKH Hassan (ALG) ZHANG Xins he ng (CHN) Tre a s u re r BAYA S G ALAN Danzandorj (MGL) F i r st As s e s s o r RALETHE Malumbete (RSA ) As s e s s o rs AL-HAI Omar (UAE) BURK Verena (GER) CHEN Tai-Cheng (TPE) DIAS Pedro (POR) DOUVIS Stavros (GRE) DYMALSKI Marian (POL) EDER Leonz (SUI) JASNIC Sinisa (SRB) IGARASHI Hisato (JPN) KABENGE Penninah (UGA) KIM Chong Yang (KOR) MATYTSIN Oleg (RUS) ODELL Alison (GBR) TAMER Kemal (TUR) ULP Kairis (EST) Continental Associations Delegates CHOW Kenny (HKG) Asia-AUSF GUALTIERI Alberto (ITA) Europe-EUSA JAKOB Julio (URU) America-ODUPA LAMPTEY Silvanus (GHA) Africa-FASU Au d i t o r GAGEA Adr ian (ROM) Secretary General SAINTROND Eric (BEL) © Publisher FISU AISBL Château de la Solitude Avenue Charles Schaller, 54 1160 Brussels/Belgium Tel. 32.2.6406873 Fax. 32.2.6401805 E-Mail
[email protected] Internet Edited by DUFOUR Yvan (except when mentioned otherwise) Photos: Nicolas Messner (except when mentioned otherwise) Photo Cover Page by Nicolas Messner: Judo was a compulsory sport for the first time at the Bangkok 2007 Universiade.