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Bangkok Harbin BANGKOK Universiade 2007 General Assembly HARBIN - BELGRADE Universiades 2009 ERZURUM - SHENZHEN Universiades 2011 72 Trimestrial Oct. / Nov. / Dec. 2007 Trimestriel Oct. / Nov. / Déc. 2007 Bulletin of the International University Sport Federation Bulletin de la Fédération Internationale du Sport Universitaire P 50 11 26 2 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE P re s i d e n t KILLIAN George E. (USA) F i r st Vice-Pre s i d e n t GALLIEN Claude-Louis (FRA) V i c e - P re s i d e n t s BERGH Stefan (SWE) CABRAL Luc ia no (BRA) CHIKH Hassan (ALG) ZHANG Xins he ng (CHN) Tre a s u re r BAYA S G ALAN Danzandorj (MGL) F i r st As s e s s o r RALETHE Malumbete (RSA ) As s e s s o rs AL-HAI Omar (UAE) BURK Verena (GER) CHEN Tai-Cheng (TPE) DIAS Pedro (POR) DOUVIS Stavros (GRE) DYMALSKI Marian (POL) EDER Leonz (SUI) JASNIC Sinisa (SRB) IGARASHI Hisato (JPN) KABENGE Penninah (UGA) KIM Chong Yang (KOR) MATYTSIN Oleg (RUS) ODELL Alison (GBR) TAMER Kemal (TUR) ULP Kairis (EST) Continental Associations Delegates CHOW Kenny (HKG) Asia-AUSF GUALTIERI Alberto (ITA) Europe-EUSA JAKOB Julio (URU) America-ODUPA LAMPTEY Silvanus (GHA) Africa-FASU Au d i t o r GAGEA Adr ian (ROM) Secretary General SAINTROND Eric (BEL) © Publisher FISU AISBL Château de la Solitude Avenue Charles Schaller, 54 1160 Brussels/Belgium Tel. 32.2.6406873 Fax. 32.2.6401805 E-Mail [email protected] Internet Edited by DUFOUR Yvan (except when mentioned otherwise) Photos: Nicolas Messner (except when mentioned otherwise) Photo Cover Page by Nicolas Messner: Judo was a compulsory sport for the first time at the Bangkok 2007 Universiade. Realisation: médialem - Brussels (Brisson from France Winning his fight against Jurcik from Slovakia). Reproduction of articles and pictures published in this publication is permitted as long as the source is mentioned. ISSN 0443 - 9805 Contents Sommaire The President’s Message 3 4 Message du Président General Assembly 6 Assemblée Générale Universiade 2007 Bangkok 8 Universiade 2007 Bangkok 14 Athletics Athlétisme 20 Artistic Gymnastics Gymnastique artistique 24 Rhythmic Gymnastics Gymnastique rythmique 28 Judo Judo 32 Fencing Escrime 36 Table Tennis Tennis de table 40 Tennis Tennis 44 Swimming Natation 50 Diving Plongeon 54 Waterpolo Waterpolo 58 Basketball Basketball 62 Volleyball Volleyball 66 Football Football 70 Softball Softball 74 Taekwondo Taekwondo 78 Shooting Tir 82 Golf Golf 86 Badminton Badminton 90 Participation Participation FISU Conference 94 Conférence FISU Universiade 2009 Harbin 96 Universiade 2009 Harbin Universiade 2009 Belgrade 98 Universiade 2009 Belgrade Universiade 2011 Erzurum 100 Universiade 2011 Erzurum Universiade 2011 Shenzhen 102 Universiade 2011 Shenzhen FISU Committees 104 Commissions FISU FISU Calendar 106 Calendrier FISU 4 It is with great pleasure that I take this o p p o rtunity to thank the membership of FISU t is with great ple a s u re that I take an abund a nce of ve r y Our ove rall plans for the this opportunity to thank the t a le nted no m i n ees fo r for the honour of Commission fo r me m b e rship of FISU for the ho no u r e ach of the allowing me to again U n i v e rsity Sports of allow i n g me to again serve as c o m m i s s i o ns, many D eve lo p me nt are just in your Pre s i de nt for ano t her four ye a r mo re than we could s e rve as your Pre s i d e n t t he initial stage s, we t e r m p o s s i b le ac c o m m o d a t e. hope to have the plan As I stated to you during the In addition we added a for another four year finalized in the mo n t hs I G e n e ral Assembly of FISU in new commission which t e rm a he ad so that we can B a ng kok I take this re s p o nsibility ve r y I personally felt wa s begin wo r k i ng with the s e r i o usly and will strive to fulfil all yo u r lo ng ove rd u e, that of a le ade rship of each of ex p e c t a t i o ns. Wo me n ’s Commission. I was very de l i g h t e d our Cont i ne ntal groups in a very sho r t that the committee felt like I did and w h i le. This commission is one in which I For the past ye a r, the FISU Exe c u t i ve a p p roved the addition. You will shortly be h a ve a great personal int e re s t . Committee fo l low i ng the mandate of the re c e i v i ng the list of names that make up G e ne ral Assembly in Izmir, Tu r k ey has been t hese commissions (cf page 104). As you can see we have a hu g e task in c o nd u c t i ng a wo r ld w i de search for a new f ro nt of us if we are to cont i nue the S e c retary Gene ral to be employed by the A no t her key item on our committee age nd a g rowth and deve lo p me nt of this gre a t newly elected Exe c u t i ve Committee of FIS U . was to establish a new pro c e d u re for the f e de ration. The FISU Exe c u t i ve Committee I am ex t re mely pleased to report to yo u b i dd i ng and selection of a candidate city a nd the FISU Staff look fo r wa rd to yo u r that Mr Eric Saint ro n d curre nt Dire c t o r for both the Winter and Summe r participation in he l p i ng us obtain the s e G e ne ral of FISU was unanimo usly ele c t e d U n i ve rs i ades for the year 2013. We spent new go a l s and obje c t i ve s. by the Exe c u t i ve Committee to fill this an ino rdinate amo u nt of time on this ve r y P lease help us to suc c e e d . position. The me m b e r ship of the Exe c u t i ve i m p o r t a nt subject because we felt that the Committee lo o ks fo r wa rd to wo r k i ng with p rev i o us pro c e d u res of bidd i ng and Best personal re g a r d , Mr Saint ro n d and the other me m b e r s of the s e lection for a host city we re no lo n ge r S i nc e r e l y, F ISU Staff as we begin our work under this a p p l i c a b le to our future go a l s and new form of gove r n a nc e. o b je c t i ve s. As the final date for the G e o rge E. KILLIAN s e lection of both Unive rs i ades in 2013 is P re s i de nt D u r i n g our re c e ntly completed me e t i n g, we less than one year away we will know in a devoted cons i de ra b l e time to the very short period of time if our new me m b e r ship of all of our mandated FIS U p ro c e d u res are suc c e s s f u l . C o m m i s s i o ns. I can really say that we had The President’s Message Message du Président 5 C’est avec grand plaisir que je profite de C’est avec gra nd plaisir que je a s s u rer que nous avio ns l’occasion qui m’est Nos plans conc e r na nt la p rofite de l’occasion qui m’est u ne liste très longue de donnée dans cette C o m m i s s i on pour le donnée da ns cette page pour p e r s o n nes vra i me nt D é v e l o p p e m e nt du Sport re m e r c i er tous les me m b res de aptes à fa i re partie de page pour re m e rc i e r Un i v e r s i t a i re sont da ns la FISU de m’avoir fa i t ces commissio ns, bie n leur phase initiale; no u s l ’ ho n neur d'être choisi comme plus d’ailleurs que no u s tous les membres de e s p é r o ns pouvoir les P r é s ide nt pour une pério de de n ’ a v o ns pu en cho i s i r la FISU de m’avoir fait f i naliser da ns les mo i s C q ua t re ans f i na l e me nt.
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