Plant Database

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Plant Database compiled by Fuji Mountain Plant List as of 3/19/2008 Tanya Harvey T22S.R6E.S15 *Non-native FERNS & ALLIES Grossulariaceae Cardamine bellidifolia alpine bittercress Dryopteridaceae Ribes roezlii var. cruentum shiny-leaved gooseberry, Sierra Cystopteris fragilis Caryophyllaceae fragile fern Rosaceae Minuartia obtusiloba alpine sandwort Pteridiaceae Holodiscus dumosus dwarf oceanspray Silene suksdorfii Cheilanthes gracillima Cascade alpine catchfly lace fern Rubus lasiococcus dwarf bramble Cryptogramma cascadensis Crassulaceae Cascade parsley fern Sorbus sitchensis Sedum oregonense Sitka mountain ash creamy stonecrop TREES & SHRUBS: CONIFERS Ericaceae Cupressaceae HERBACEOUS DICOTS Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) Monotropa hypopithys Juniperus communis pinesap common juniper Ligusticum grayi Gray’s lovage Orthilia secunda Pinaceae one-sided wintergreen, sidebells Sanicula graveolens Abies amabilis Sierra snake-root, sanicle Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Pacific silver fir Asteraceae (Compositae) Lupinus albicaulis Abies lasiocarpa sickle-keeled lupine subalpine fir Agoseris aurantiaca orange agoseris Lupinus latifolius Pinus albicaulis broadleaf lupine Whitebark pine Antennaria rosea rosy pussytoes Fumariaceae Pinus ponderosa Dicentra formosa ponderosa pine Arnica mollis hairy arnica western bleeding heart Tsuga mertensiana Dicentra uniflora mountain hemlock Aster foliaceus leafy aster steer’s head TREES & SHRUBS: DICOTS Aster ledophyllus Hydrophyllaceae Aceraceae Cascade aster Nemophila parviflora Acer glabrum var. douglasii small-flowered nemophila Erigeron cascadensis Douglas maple Cascade fleabane Phacelia heterophylla varileaf phacelia Caprifoliaceae Hieracium albiflorum Sambucus racemosa white-flowered hawkweed Onagraceae red elderberry Hieracium bolanderi Chamerion angustifolium Celastraceae shaggy hawkweed fireweed Paxistima myrsinites Hieracium gracile Epilobium clavatum Oregon boxwood alpine hawkweed club-fruited willowherb, Talus Ericaceae Hulsea nana Epilobium lactiflorum Cassiope mertensiana dwarf hulsea white-flowered willowherb White mountain-heather Rainera stricta Polemoniaceae Phyllodoce empetriformis tongue-leaf luina Polemonium californicum pink mountain-heather California jacob’s ladder Stephanomeria lactucina Phyllodoce glanduliflora large-flowered wirelettuce Polemonium pulcherrimum ssp. yellow mountain-heather sky pilot Brassicaceae (Cruciferae) Vaccinium membranaceum Arabis platysperma Polygonaceae thin-leaved huckleberry flatseed rockcress Eriogonum marifolium mountain buckwheat Vaccinium scoparium Arabis sp. grouseberry arabis Eriogonum pyrolifolium oar-leaf buckwheat Arabis xdivaricarpa spreading pod rockcress Oxyria digyna Cyperaceae alpine sorrel Carex halliana Polygonum newberryi Hall’s sedge Newberry’s knotweed Carex microptera Ranunculaceae small-winged sedge Anemone drummondii Carex multicostata Drummond’s anemone many-ribbed sedge Aquilegia formosa Carex nigracans western columbine black alpine sedge Ranunculus eschscholtzii *Carex ovalis Eschscholtz’s buttercup hare’s foot sedge Rosaceae Carex pachystachya Luetkea pectinata thick-headed sedge partridge foot Carex rossii Potentilla villosa Ross’ Sedge villous cinquefoil Juncaceae Saxifragaceae Juncus parryi Heuchera merriamii Parry’s rush Merriam’s alumroot Luzula hitchcockii Mitella breweri smooth woodrush Brewer’s mitrewort Luzula parviflora Saxifraga rufidula small-flowered woodrush western saxifrage Poaceae Saxifraga tolmiei Elymus elymoides ssp. californicus Tolmie’s saxifrage California squirreltail Scrophulariaceae Festuca sp. Castilleja arachnoidea mountain bunchgrass cotton paintbrush Koeleria macrantha Castilleja rupicola junegrass cliff paintbrush Poa sp. Nothochelone nemorosa one-sided bluegrass woodland beard-tongue Trisetum spicatum Pedicularis racemosa spike Trisetum parrotbeak Penstemon davidsonii Davidson’s penstemon Penstemon rupicola cliff penstemon Violaceae Viola bakeri yellow prairie violet MONOCOTS Liliaceae Maianthemum stellatum starry false Solomon’s seal Trillium ovatum western trillium Xerophyllum tenax beargrass GRAMINOIDS.
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