Bilgen Sütçüoğlu, PhD.


Permanent Address: Sarıyer-İstanbul. E-mail address: [email protected]


PhD: European Research Centre, Kingston University; November 2010 Thesis Title: Redefining the Nation: Nâzim Hikmet and Nationalist Discourse in Contemporary .

MA: International Relations and Political Science, Istanbul Bilgi University; September 2001 Dissertation Title: Multiculturalism as a Surrogate to Nationalism?: Questioning the Link between Nationalism and State through a Critical Evaluation of the Debate on Multiculturalism.

BA: International Relations, ; June 1999

Summer School: Ethnicity and Nationalism, Central European University; 17-29, July, 2005


Visiting Lecturer at İstinye University: 2019-2020

Assistant Professor at : 2012-2019

Assistant Professor at Istanbul Arel University: 2011-2012

Lecturer at Istanbul Arel University: 2009-2011

Part-time Lecturer at Yeditepe University: 2007-2009

Part-time Lecturer at Kingston University: 2005-2006


Research Assistant at Yeditepe University: 2000-2002


Head of the Organizing Committee of International Tricontinental Conference 2019. Chair of Department of Political Science & International Relations at Yeditepe University: 2016-2018. Vice Chair of Department of Political Science & International Relations at Yeditepe University: 2013- 2016. Bologna Coordinator: 2013-2019.


Courses taught:

- Introduction to Political Science - History of Political Thought - Concepts in Political Theory - Political Ideologies - Research Methods - Introduction to International Relations - Politics of Identity - Nations and Nationalism - Human Rights Mechanisms - Theories of the State


- (2021) ‘Popülizm ve Dış Politika: Güney Asya Popülistlerinin ‘Önemli Ötekisi’ Çin, Ulusaldan Küresele: Popülizm, Demokrasi, Güvenlik Konferansı (10-11 Aralık 2020), Ödül Celep (Ed.), Işık Üniversitesi Yay.

- (2020) (Co-author, Ebru İlter Akarçay), ‘Multilevel Governance in Post-transitional Justice: The Autonomous Communities of Spain,’ Vol. 13, No. 3, PArtecipazione e COnflitto, 1521-1538. DOI Code: 10.1285/i20356609v13i3p1521.

- (2020) (Co-author, Ebru İlter Akarçay) ‘Uluslararasılasan Kurban Dernekleri ve Bellek Hareketi: İspanya’da Sosyal Sermaye’, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi. DOI: 10.33630/ausbf.678787. 1410---Bilgen-Sutcuoglu---Ebru-Ilter-Akarcay.pdf.


- (2019) Proceedings of International Tricontinental Conference, Editor, E-book, Yeditepe University Press.

- (2012) ‘Doğan Avcıoğlu versus Nazim Hikmet: Two alternative narratives of Kemalist modernization articulated by the Turkish left’ in M. Erdem et. al (ed.) Change and Challenge: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Cultural Studies Symposium, İzmir: Press, p. 91-102.

- (2012) ‘Battle over the formation of ‘Turkish culture’: Two narratives of Kemalist cultural project articulated by the Turkish left’, Inter-Disciplinary net, E-article.

- (2009) ‘Türkiye'de Ulusal Kimligin Tanimini Degistirme Çabasi: Devlet Katinda Nazim Hikmet'in Degisen Imgesi’ in Gönül Pultar (ed.) Kimlikler Lütfen: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti'nde Kültürel Kimlik Arayis ve Temsili, Ankara: ODTU Yayinlari.

- Translation: Calhoun, Craig (2007), Milliyetçilik, Istanbul Bilgi University Press.

- Book Reviews: Özkırımlı, Umut; Sofos, Spyros A. (2008) Tormented by History: Nationalism in Greece and Turkey, London: Hurst & Co., Insight Turkey 11/3 Summer Issue, p: 200-3. - Rubin, Barry; Heper, Metin (eds) (2002), Political Parties in Turkey, London: Frank Cass, Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, Volume 4, Number 2 / November, p: 251-2.


- Conference Title: 75th MPSA 2017 Conference 9 April 2017 Paper Title: Actors in Post-Transitional Justice Settings: Learning from the Experiences of Victims’ Associations in Spain, co-author: Ebru İlter Akarçay.

- Conference Title: The Left and Nationalism in Europe, Paris, 9-11 June 2016 Paper Title: ‘Clash of Modernization Projects: Two narratives of Kemalist cultural project articulated from within the Turkish left’.

- Conference Title: 20th ASN Conference 23-25 April 2015 Paper Title: ‘An Asset or a Liability? : Regionalism and the Search for Justice and Truth in Spain’, co-author: Ebru İlter Akarçay.

- Conference Title: 74th MPSA 2016 Conference 07 April 2016. Paper Title: ‘The Blank Page and the Business-as-Usual Approaches Under Strain: Reckoning with the Past in Spain and Turkey’, co-author: Ebru İlter Akarçay.

- Conference Title: Interculturalism, Meaning & Identity,, Prague, 09-11 March 2012. Paper Title: Battle over the Formation of ‘Turkish Culture’: Two Narratives of Kemalist Cultural Project Articulated by the Turkish Left.

- Conference Title: CSS 2011 Cultural Studies Symposium, Ege University, İzmir, 04-06 May 2011.


Paper Title: Modernization of Turkey as a process of ‘change’ and the ‘challenges’ articulated by the Turkish left.

- Conference Title: 6th Annual Conference in Citizenship Studies: Representing Citizenship, Wayne State University, USA, Center for the Study of Citizenship, March 27-28, 2009. - Paper Title: A Study of Official Representations of Citizenship and National Identity in Turkey with the case of Nâzım Hikmet.


- DESCnet (Developing European Studies in the Caucasus), funded by Jean Monnet Network & Erasmus+, 2015-2018.

- Edited book on structural changes in post-2010 & 2017 Turkey.

- Comparison of the transitional justice experiences in Spain and Turkey with a special emphasis on victims’ associations in the two countries. This project is run with Ebru Akarçay in Spanish, English and Turkish in both countries.


MA Theses: - Beste Batur, (2019), ‘From Ideal State to Good Governance: Evolution of the Concept’. - Sinan Özen, (2018), ‘The impact of Turkey's foreign and domestic policies on Turkish tourism industry’.

PHD Theses: - Nurdan Güven Toker, (2019), ‘A biographical study of a Utopian intellectual: Şevket Süreyya Aydemir’. - Yaman Kepenç, (2018) ‘Chilean – Turkish Relationships, 1926 - 2013: An Account of Diplomatic History’.


- Travel grant by Michigan Humanities Council, March 2009. - Tuition waiver by Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, Kingston University, October 2007-October 2008. - Full bursary to participate in summer school on Ethnicity and Nationalism, CEU, July 2006. - Travel grant, Re-Inventing Europe Project funded by the European Union, August 2003. - Faculty Research Scholarship Scheme by Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, Kingston University, October 2002-October 2005.


- Tuition waiver by Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, Kingston University, October 2002-October 2005.


Association of European Studies for the Caucasus - Advisory Board Member; CONRESS – Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Yeditepe University, Editorial Board Member.


Turkish (native); English (advanced), Italian (intermediate); French (beginner); Ottoman Turkish (beginner)