Blind in the Torah Service
Committee on Jewish Law and Standards of the Rabbinical Assembly OH 139.2003 THE PARTICIPATION OF JEWS WHO ARE BLIND IN THE TORAH SERVICE RABBI DANIEL S. NEVINS This responsum was adopted by the CJLS on January 15, 2003, by a vote of sixteen in favor, none oppossed, and no abstentions. In favor: Rabbis Abelson, Bergman, Dorff, Drazen, Fine, Frydman-Kohl, Geller, Kurtz, Nevins, Norry, Plotkin, Prouser, Rabinowitz, Rembaum, Roth, and Spitz. vkta1 Can a person who is blind read Torah by memorizing the parshah, or by placing a scanner on top of the Torah text that would translate the text into braille? vcua,2 /sh 'yh trehu :‡v h¬¦b£t Whe«k¡tN«¥ ,t¬¥¨ r¨h§u k«·J§f¦n iT¦¥, t¬«k rº¥U¦g h´¥b§p¦k§u Jr¥ º¥j k´¥K©e§,Ît«k« Do not curse the deaf nor shall you place a stumbling block before the blind; you shall revere your God--I am Adonai (Leviticus 19:14). Throughout Jewish history, Jews who are blind have functioned as full members of the Jewish community, and in many cases, as spiritual and educational leaders too. In contrast to many ancient societies which scorned and persecuted people with disabilities, Judaism has taught us to see the infinite worth of human life and to preserve the safety and dignity of all people. One measure of a person’s dignity is the extent to which he or she is included in the ritual expectations of his or her community. There is a substantial halakhic literature regarding the obligations of Jews who are blind to observe the mitzvot and their ability to fulfill various ritual requirements on behalf of themselves, their families and the congregation.3 In this responsum, we will review the debate 1.
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