SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH The Diocese of Charleston 206 North Main Street, P. O. Box 812, Abbeville, SC 29620 Church Prayer Garden Most Rev. Robert E. Gulielmone, Bishop of Charleston MISSION STATEMENT Pastor-Reverend Robert Sayer “In the spirit of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, we are called Pastor office Phone: 864-852-3149 to holiness to celebrate and proclaim the love of Jesus E-mail:
[email protected] through Word and Sacrament. Through the spiritual Emergency only Phone 843-957-2198 growth of our youth and our service to others, we strive Church Address: 206 North Main Street, to create a legacy of faith with a special love for the P.O. Box 812, Abbeville, S.C. 29620 Eucharist, Mary our Mother, our Parish Family and the Phone: 864-366-5150 entire Community.” Office Manager: Jeff Bolte Email:
[email protected] Web site: Feast of the Holy Family Parish Office Hours: Sun. after Mass and by appointment Mass Schedule: Tuesday 6 pm, Thursday 6 pm December 31, 2017 Sunday: 8:30 am Confession: Tuesday & Thursday after Mass, Sunday 7:30-8:00 am, and by appointment. First Friday Mass 6 pm Good Shepherd Mass Schedules: Wednesday & Friday: 9:00 am Saturday: 5:00 pm, Confession: 3:30-4:30 and by appointment. Sunday: 11:00 am Baptism: Please call the Pastor for an appointment. Marriage Preparation: Call the parish office at least six months prior to the wedding to schedule an appointment with the Priest. Pastoral Care: Holy Communion may be received at home, in a nursing home or in the hospital.