Discovering hope and joy in the Catholic faith. December 2018

Celebrate Christmas with child-like wonder There is no greater miracle than the their loved ones by distance, death, or gift of love Christmas represents. We circumstance. Watch for anyone who didn’t earn it and we can’t deserve it. needs a “home” and invite them to St. Dominic of Silos Yet, we get so harried with the yours. St. Dominic was a holiday rush that we miss the wonder Choose peace. Instead of enduring the Benedictine , of it. Ever notice how children Christmas commercials and bad holiday born around 1000AD never do? This year, slow specials, record the good in Navarre, down and shows and watch Spain. celebrate while you relax. Or Recognized for Christmas rent your favorite his leadership abilities, he was like a child. spiritual movies. made , but was exiled for Tie gifts Better still, turn refusing to sell monastery lands with off the television, to the local ruler. He was heartstrings. computer, and welcomed by King Ferdinand I Instead of cell phone, and of Castile and appointed abbot boosting enjoy the silence. "Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you prepared in sight of all the peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel” (Luke 2:29-32). of St. Sebastian’s monastery at credit card Greet the Babe with Silos. Joan of Aza prayed for a balances or draining joy. Seek reconciliation child and saw a vision of St. your checking account, keep what you in Confession so you can receive the Dominic. Her son, whom she give simple, meaningful, and from the Eucharist at Christmas. named Dominic, founded the heart. For example, give a coupon for Sing like an angel. Check your local . babysitting to friends with children. listings for Christmas concerts, Messiah Prepare a meal for someone who needs sing-a-longs, or other spiritual Anticipate Advent a break from cooking. songfests. Host a caroling party in your A rich Advent makes a joyous Offer your hearth. The holidays can home and sing loud with Christmas Christmas. Use the four weeks be lonely for people separated from joy. before Christmas to prepare for Christ’s coming. Offer extra prayers, perform penance, and receive the sacrament of Reconciliation. Why do Catholics "Now, Master, you may let your celebrate Christ’s birth? servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you Every Christmas, we celebrate that a son is given; and the prepared in sight of Jesus, the Son of God, became government will be upon all the peoples, a man—while retaining his his shoulder, and his light for revelation divinity—and died for name will be called to the Gentiles, and our sins and rose again. ‘Wonderful Counselor, glory for your We believe this because Mighty God, Everlasting people Israel” God, who is Truth, Father, Prince of Peace’” (Luke 2:29-32). revealed it. (Isaiah 9:6). God came to “For to us a child is born, to us Earth and lived among us.

© Copyright 2018 Success Publishing & Media, LLC December 2018 Page 2 Honor the spirit of St. Nicholas St. Nicholas is one icon of the holiday season that One legend involving St. Nicholas concerns a has meaning in both the secular and spiritual desperate man on the verge of selling his celebrations of Christmas. daughters into slavery to pay his debts. Nicholas We know that St. Nicholas was born at the end of secretly threw a bag of gold into an open the third century in Asia Minor. His parents died window (some say down the chimney) in the when he was young and left him well off. His uncle, man’s house to stop him. the archbishop of Myra (southeast of Turkey), Our present-day Santa Claus stems from the ordained him and upon his uncle’s death, legends of St. Nicholas, but in the Church he is Nicholas served as bishop until his own death. a , a confessor of the faith, and a holy Throughout he suffered imprisonment and bishop. We can learn from his generosity to the persecution. poor, and imitate his acts of kindness to others.

Luke 2:41-52, What, exactly, Living in the world is meant by “fear of the Lord”? In this reading, the Holy Family heavenly Father but he understood went to Jerusalem when Jesus the time to fulll them would come “Fear of the Lord” is more about was twelve years old. This was later. Meanwhile, he returned awe—recognizing God’s power and an important time in Jesus’ obediently with his earthly might – than about fear of the merciful life. Back then, a Hebrew parents to Nazareth and creator who loves us most. Fear of the boy became a man fulfilled his duties to them. Lord is also known as around that age, and was Jesus respected his “reverence,” and is recognized in a ceremony family, yet he continued one of the seven gifts called a Bar Mitzvah. On to pursue his place in of the Holy Spirit this occasion, Jesus decided God’s plan. The lesson listed in Isaiah: “The to stay behind, causing anxiety is that we can grow in spirit of the Lord shall to his parents. holiness in wherever rest upon him: a spirit This was the rst time Jesus spoke in God has placed us. Christians can of wisdom and of the Gospels and the rst time he be found in neighborhoods, schools, understanding...counsel and of strength, a referred to his identity as God’s Son. He and workplaces. In all these places, we spirit of knowledge and of fear of the spoke of his unique mission of saving have to nd ways to live a holy life in Lord” (Isaiah 11:2). These gifts, when the world. He knew his duties to his the world. used, make us open to God’s love. Fear of the Lord helps us have a healthy respect for God’s majesty. We fear offending God for the same Juan Diego, also Native American. She reason we fear offending someone we asked that the bishop of Mexico build love. If we really love someone, we a chapel for her, and had him carry wouldn’t do anything (on purpose) to roses to the bishop as a sign. When hurt them or damage the friendship. Dec. 4 – St. John Damascene (749). the roses were emptied from his tilma This is what happens when we sin. A Doctor of the Church and the last of (cape), it retained the image of the “The [Christian] no longer stands the Greek Fathers, St. John was born in Blessed Mother. before God as a slave, in servile fear, or Syria when it was under Muslim rule Dec. 28-The Holy Innocents. On as a mercenary looking for wages, but and was counselor to the caliph. He is this day, we remember the as a son” (Catechism of the Catholic known for his writings in favor of the infants massacred by Church, #1828). use of sacred images for devotion. King Herod’s These writings brought him into soldiers (Matthew serious con ict with the heretical 2:16-18). To provide practical ideas that promote Christian emperor. He later became a We also pray faithful Catholic living. monk under the direction of St. Sabas. for Success Publishing & Media, LLC Dec. 12 – Our Lady of Guadalupe the safety of Publishers of Growing in Faith™ and Partners in Faith™ (540)662-7844 (540)662-7847 fax (1531). The Blessed Mother appeared unborn as a Native American maiden to St. children. (Unless noted Bible quotes and references are from the Revised Standard Version and the New American Bible) © Copyright 2018 Success Publishing & Media, LLC