SÈNAT Chair of the Internal Economy, Budgets

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SÈNAT Chair of the Internal Economy, Budgets SENATE SÈNAT CANADA The Honourable Terry Stratton L honorable Terry Stratton January 25, 2011 The Honourable David Tkachuk Chair of the Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration Room 401, Victoria Building Ottawa, Ontario K1 A 0A4 Report to the Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration Trip to: Santiago Chile to attend the international Conference on 1 ransparency and Probity in Congress and in the Political Party System From: January 12 and 13, 201 / By the Honorable Terry Stratton Objectives of travel: To paricipate ith fellow parliamentarians from other countries, on ways to make parliaments more accountable and transparent by hearing from attendees present what their respective parliaments are doing to achieve these goals (sec attached program tbr details). Meetings held: January 1 1 the Attended two meetings: the first was with a small group of parliamentarians in order to develop a draft declaration to be considered at the conclusion of the conference. The second was a meeting with our Canadian Ambassador and her staff; along with Senator Oliver, representing I PU and Ms Karen Shephard. Lobbying Commisioner for Canada. The Ambassador gave an overview of Chile and the Canadian government's position regarding the drat declaration. Senator — Red River. Manitoba Senateur — Red River (Manitoba) January 12h and 13th: Sec attached conference program. Achievements: Successfully passed a declaration. a draft attached, that participants were encouraged to support by signing it personally as a parliamentarian, wherein it stated that the objectives that all parliamentarians everywhere should he encouraged accept the principles described therein. Conclusion: I believe that the conference was an overall success with enthusiastic support from all in attendance. Those attending included parliamentarians from North and South America, and Europe. Hopeadly the enthusiasm will continue into the allure. Next Steps: It is the intention of the conference organizers to pursue the advancement of the declaration at future international gatherings of parliamentarians, such as the I PU meeting planned tbr this tall in Canada. Senator Oliver has graciously stated that, as head of 1PU, he would ensure that this would take place. Travel Expense Report (including all costs, per diems and total). Air fare: $7597.10 plus processing tee of $86.90 Total per diems claimed: $552.24 (calculated on $130.1 7 per diem. For details please see attached Travel Claim and Appendix A) Transportation: 4x S50 as apyrp_ked by Internal Economy, Budgets & Administration. (See attached Appendix A) 4 /P on c.c. Mr. Gary O'Brien. Clerk of the Senate INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PROBITY AND TRANSPARENCY IN CONGRESS AND IN THE POLITICAL PARTY SYSTEM PROGRAM (Provisional) Santiago, Chile, January 12 - 13, 2012 Updated to December 12''' 15:00 pm FIRST DAY - THURSDAY 12 REGISTRATION 8:15am 8:30am GENERAL OPENING SESSION 8:45am - 9:15am - His Excellency Sebastian Piliera, President of the Republic of Chile - Senator Guido Girardi, President of the Chilean Senate PLENARY SESSION 1 TRANSPARENCY AND POLITICAL REPRESENTATION IN CONGRESS AND POLITICAL PARTIES AS THE BASIS FOR DEMOCRACY 9:20am 11:00am Objective: Examine the current stale of transparency in politics and the challenges posed by the new demands of social movements affecting political parties and congress Speakers: Jose Miguel Insulza. Secretary General of the Organization of American States. Heraldo Mohoz, Regional Director of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) for Latin America and the Caribbean Maria Otero, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs. United States of America, Director of the Open Government Partnership Enrique V Iglesias, lbero-American Secretary General Moderator: Senator Mr Heman Larrain Break 11:00am - 11: 30am PLENARY SESSION 2 PROBITY AND TRANSPARENCY IN PARLIAMENTS: COMPARED EXPERIENCIES OF BEST PRACTICES 11:30am - 13:00pm Objective: Review various regulation models of parliamentary transparency and 1)/01)0 Evaluation and discussion on their possible implementation in other Parliaments Speakers: Jose Gonzalez Mot fin. President of the Mexican Senate Juan Carlos Mendoza Garcia, President of the Legislative Assembly of Costa Rica Mike Quigley, Member of the United States House of Representatives and Chairman of the Committee for Transparency (along with Congressman Mr Darrell Issa) Diana Wallis, Member of the European Parliament (United Kingdom) Anders Anundsen. President of the Standing Committee on Scrutiny and Constitutional Affairs, Norwegian Parliament Mrs Jean Crowder. President of the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics, Canada. Moderator: Senator Mrs Soledad Alvear Lunch 13:00pm to 15:OOpm ROUNDTABLE 1: STANDARDS OF PARLIAMENTARY BEHAVIOR 15:OOpm - 16:30pm Objective: Examine the specific content of the codes of parhamenki►y coriduct. Review public and private conduct that must be consistent with their positrons and responsibilities as members of Congress. Speakers: - Kevin Barron (MP), President of the Ethics and Parliamentary Standards Committee from the United Kingdom House of Commons. Zakaria El Goumin CEO of the Inter American Cooperation Network Program of the Organization of American States Rafael Blanco. Adviser of the Council of High Public Management Efren Chavez, Professor, Autonomous National University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico Moderator: Senator Mr. Eugenio Tuma ROUNDTABLE 2: TRANSPARENCY AND RIGHT OF ACCESS TO INFORMATION IN PARLIAMENTS 15:00pm - 16:30pm Objective: Reflect on the principle of the right of access to information and its application in parliaments. focusing on the causes for exemptions. its application, and the criteria for denying informatioil Speakers: Alejandro Ferrero, President of the Transparency Council, Chile. Manuel Aris. Executive Director. Smart Citizen Foundation, Chile. Alvaro Caviedes Baraliona, National Press Association; Chile Carlos Ayala Corao, Ex President of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Venezuela Heather Brooke, Independent Journalist (United Kingdom) Moderator: Representative MI Marco Antonio Nunez Break 16:30 - 17:00pin ROUNDTABLE 3: INSTITUTIONAL MODELS OF MANAGEMENT FOR TRANSPARENCY AND ETHICS 5:00pm - 6:30pm Objective: Review the different systems established in the compared cases, of organization. powers and procedures of internal and external bodies that ensure transparency and ethics in State agencies, especially in Parliaments Speakers: SimOn Gaviria Munoz, President of the Chamber of Representatives. Colombia Paula Maria Bertol, Representative of the Nation, President of the Parliamentary Modernization Committee, Argentina Representative of World Inter-Parliamentary Union Representative of World Bank Moderator: Representative Cristian Monckeberg ROUNDTABLE 4: OPEN DATA POLICY: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN THE SERVICE OF THE LEGISLATIVE TRANSPARENCY 17:OOpm - 18:30pm Objective: Discuss the slandaids for delivery of public information, its conservation, publishing fonnat arid technologies developed in comparative experience and its possible application in parliaments, considering the expectations of civil society and its role overseeing iniblic actions Speakers: Soledad Ferreiro, Director of the National Congress I ibrary, Chile Tim Kelsey, Open Government, United Kingdom Hernan Charosky. Executive Director, Poder Crudadano, Argentina John Wonderlich. Policy Director at the Sunlight Foundation. USA Francesca Fanucci, London-based human rights lawyer ,Hid col isoildor specialised in freedom of expression and media pluralism Senior Associate at Free Expression Associates. United Kingdom Moderator: Representative Mr Felipe Harboe ROUNDTABLE 5: NETWORKS OF PARLIAMENTARY INTEGRITY 17:00-18:30 Objective: Analyze the work that parhamentanans ale (1011Ig to promote initiatives designed to strengthen transparency and probity and exchange Alex; on how to strengthen rt, both within countries and internationally Speakers Senator Senator Donald Oliver President of the Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Own (IPU) Camacho Ouiroz. Former Senator and Representative. former We President of the Latin American Chapter of the Parliamentarians Global Grout) Against Corruption (GOPAC), Mexico Carlos Marsh Representative of AVINA, Argentrria Member of the Interparliarnentamy Group Pro Transparency. Chile Moises Sanche7, from Proacceso, Chile Halo Pizzolant • . International Consultant on Parliamentary Social Responsibility Moderator: ,Jos6 Loss Menden) Lawyer Secretary of the Transparency and Ethics Committee SECOND DAY - FRIDAY 13 OPENING SESSION 8:45am - 9:15am Representative Patricia Melero A , President of The Chilean Chamber of Representatives Cristran l_arroulet, Minister Secretary General of the Chilean Presidency PLENARY SESSION 3 TRANSPARENCY AND POLITICAL REPRESENTATION. 9:15am - 11:00am Objectives: Reflect on transparency and representation of the activities of political patties, based on citizens' demands and peireptions Speakers: Carlos Bararbar. Senator, Uruguay Esperanza Aguirre, President of the Madrid Community, Lsparia Manuel Alcantara, Professor at the University of Salamanca. specialist in parliamentary elites, political parties and legislative powers in Latin America and the electoral behavior and public opinion Juan Pablo Luna, Professor of the Political Science Institute, Catholic University, Chile Sebastian Soto. Head of the Legal Division of the Secretary General of the Presidency. Moderator: Senator Mr. Jose Garcia Ruminot Break
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