EPC Exhibit 138-24.4 April 24, 2014 the LIBRARY of CONGRESS
EPC Exhibit 138-24.4 April 24, 2014 THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Dewey Section To: Jonathan Furner, Chair Decimal Classification Editorial Policy Committee Cc: Members of the Decimal Classification Editorial Policy Committee Karl E. Debus-López, Chief, U.S. Programs, Law, and Literature Division From: Michael Panzer, Editor in Chief Winton E. Matthews, Consulting Assistant Editor Dewey Decimal Classification OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. Re: Post-apartheid period of the Republic of South Africa Relocations From To Topic 968.06 968.07 1994- [968.065] 968.071 Administration of Nelson Mandela, 1994–1999 [968.066] 968.072 Administration of Thabo Mbeki, 1999–2008 [968.067] 968.073 Administration of Kgalema Motlanthe, 2008–2009 [968.068] 968.074 Administration of Jacob Zuma, 2009– 968.206 968.207 1994- 968.406 968.407 1994- 968.506 968.507 1994- 968.706 968.707 1994- On February 12, 2014, Rose-Ann Movsovic, Collections Manager at University of Reading Library, UK, posted the following message on AUTOCAT: Subject: [ACAT] Dewey classification for post-apartheid South Africa We are struggling to find an usable Dewey number for post-apartheid South Africa. The schedules have a general number for South Africa from 1961 onwards and specific numbers for each persidential administration: 968.06 Period as Republic, 1961- 968.061 Period of prime ministership of Hendrik Frensch Verwoerd under republic, 1961-1966 1 968.062 Prime ministership of B. J. Vorster, 1966-1978 968.063 Administration of P. W. Botha, 1978-1989 968.064 Administration of F. W. de Klerk, 1989-1994 968.065 Administration of Nelson Mandela, 1994-1999 968.066 Administration of Thabo Mbeki, 1999-2008 968.067 Administration of Kgalema Motlanthe, 2008-2009 968.068 Administration of Jacob Zuma, 2009- Now that there have been four post-apartheid presidents there is no number that brings together South Africa from 1990 to the present, except for the general number that includes the apartheid era.
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