Random Roads: Conferences of Chaos

An adventure for characters on the road.

Written by Neil Nolette Edited by Lea and Mike Nolette Art by Lucy Freeman

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United StatesSample of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of file Wizards of the Coast. ©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800 Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK. Down a Random Road “It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your be in poor taste to kill them. One may even say the door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep heroes were the real monsters after all. your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.” Location —J.R.R Tolkien The reason the heroes run into this meeting is The Fellowship of the Ring. because the monsters need to have it in a neutral location. Beside that it doesn’t truly matter where the meeting is set. If your campaign is based in the Introduction desert then the meeting place would be an oasis, if it In my years of adventuring I have always found is set at sea then the meeting is at an abandoned travel in DnD to be one of the most dividing issues. pirate base, if you are just traveling through the Some people love it: facing 2d4 bandits in the middle woods then the monsters are using an abandoned of day during a randomly rolled snowstorm while on mill. an island. Some other people think that the former is The monster’s home is nearby but no delegate will quite mad. For this second group the game is found tell the heroes were it is, and when the heroes finish in the secret lairs of cults, and the halls of barons. So, up with the monsters the delegates will still be when this group is told that they will be traveling for working for several days. For the heroes to find the the next seven days to get from the lair to the hall caves they would have to wait out the meeting and they sink in their seats, uninterested in facing down stealthily follow the delegates but that is beyond the the random “encounters” that come from the tables scope of this encounter. of the DM. So comes this series of encounters that can be fitted into road travel to engage the players that love Opening remarks the deep stories of DnD, and those that want to track As the heroes are traveling, they awake one rations, liters of water, and the dead in their wake. morning to another group of travelers running into And, perhaps most importantly, this is for the DM them. with the divided table travel. Finishing up your morning meal you are startled to hear a set of high-pitched A Conference of Chaos? voices seemingly talking to you. “Pardon Keep on the Borderlands is one of the more famous me warm-bloods, we seem to have been starting adventures that DnD has had in its lifetime, turned around. Could you assist us?” and the dungeon found in the module is just as famous. The Caves of Chaos is one of the more Four kobolds have wandered into the heroes’ camp. interesting dungeons in DnD because is has its’ own This would be the kobold delegation led by scale ecosystem and politics between the monsters that singer . The delegation, which is described in full live there. They wage wars, make deals, and set later in this encounter, was trying to avoid the sun boarders between their monster kingdoms and then and so traveled at night, however got turned around the heroes come along and play the role of an in the process. Dirk, now starting to feel the sun invasive species and killing everything. sickness set in, begs the heroes to help him and his party make it to the meeting on time. Should the This random road takes those monster politics heroes agree they can easily find the meeting in the and puts in front and center as the heroes come next few hours without the need for check. They across a gathering of several monster factions and could also kill all the kobolds, in which case congrats are asked to weight in as a neutral party to help on finishing the encounter. deiced a few key issues the monsters are having. Depending on how the heroes rule they will get a After a few hours of walking the group arrives. little boon from one or two of the factions and go on their way. Of course, they can also just try and kill everyoneSample at the meeting, and higher-level parties are file likely to do so easily, but considering that the monsters are trying to have a civil meeting it would

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. CoC 1 The room you enter is packed to the brim The Cultists with humanoids. They are quick to draw on your party, but Dirk lets out a series of The newest faction in the caves is the Cult of quick yips and the whole mob seems to Blackstone. Founded by a former adventure who calm down. The group is made up five was escaping gnolls, the cult is centered around a orcs, four goblins, one hobgoblin, and dark stone which the adventurer found in the dark two humans in dark robes. depths of the cave. The cult grew as the adventurer was given clerical spells from the stone and the Dirk looks up. “Now that you are here power to raise the dead. The cult is growing quickly maybe you help us just a little more.” and would really like to bring all the other delegates into the cult. The two delegates are Alec Veers, a former adventurer, and Roselyn Waters, a run away The Delegations miller’s daughter. The two work as a team to try and The members of the cave have a lot to discuss but make the cave an easier place for cultist to enter. there are a few things that could use an outside opinion. As heroes are kind of the fifth group to most The Kobolds often use the cave, the group agrees to let the heroes The smallest faction in the caves, the kobolds are act as a tie breaking vote. The party has a whole gets somewhat isolated in one of the smaller caves. They one vote, and if they themselves are tied than the are led by Dirk, the bard of the wyrm Maty the player with the highest persuasion choses the vote. Powerful. Maty is a real red dragon, but is sadly only Before the meeting start the kobolds need to get three years old. The kobolds saved her when a band settle and so the heroes have time to talk to the of adventurers fought her mother and have been other groups that have come to the meeting. working on raising her ever since. Wanting to ensure their dragon master lives long enough to become an The Orcs adult the kobolds want to make the caves a calmer The orc delegation is led by Talk-Talk an aging place where it will be less likely for a group to kill all female orc filled with stories of the caves and the the kobolds in one night. The other kobolds are many wars that have been fought over them. She is named , , and Bagh Nakh. the most senior member in any delegations and uses that to her advantage putting down younger member for their lack of knowledge about the cave. The Matters on The Table Most orcs think this meeting is dumb and that life in This whole encounter is going to play very the caves is going fine as normal. This means Talk- differently with different groups, and how long you Talk is likely to try and put down any talk of change want this to go on for is up to you. Provided are or rules, unless given major concession and perks. several examples of issues the delegates are facing. The rest of the orcs are just muscle and go by The heroes can leave at any time, but before they go Snaabog, Rabiz, Sudbad, and Celenog. have them address “The Adventuring Problem” as this is a fun issue to have the players end on as each The Goblinoids side has a different idea, and they are the intended targets of the resolution. Each act will be read aloud Besides the bugbears, all the goblinoid creatures are by the delegate who wrote it and then the monsters under one banner. The delegation is led by Captain will give their brief thoughts on it. The DM can see Point, the hobgoblin. The Captain used to be part of a who will be voting which way, and in all cases the massive roaming horde, but when he and his fellow matter will be a tie as that is the only time the heroes goblins suffered a massive defeat, they dug into a set will be asked to weight in. of caves nearby. Since then they have been rebuilding. The most organized of all the delegations The heroes may ask any one of the delegates Captain Point seeks to add some structure to the questions and can propose slight changes to the acts, caves as to allow the goblins to recover further as do but nothing major can be changed. If they demand a to all the minor battles they have been unable to major change this is a no vote, and the monsters recover to comfortable point. The other goblins go move on. They can also convince other delegates to by Breag, Tibs, Ez, and Cold. change their votes if they wish to attempt to. In SampleAppendix A: Flavoring there arefile Acts that apply

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. CoC 2 directly to the modules that Wizards of the Coast buy sell swords because it is all going to Maty. They produce. think the bugbears are a good enough. The Right of Growth Act The Gnoll Removal Pack

Dirk of the Kobold delegation stands up. Talk-Talk takes the floor. “Here today “The caves in which we live have grown are those of us that know warfare and too small for all of us. For this reason, diplomacy go hand in hand. We may hate we must allow mining and the steady each other, but when some rules need to growth of all the natural parts of the be set, we come together to set them. The caves.” The Kobold sits allowing Talk- gnolls have no such sense. They consume Talk to take his place. all the game within miles and would consume us given the chance. I hate the “Many of us here lack the skills and idea, but we must remove them, together.” tools to mine. Mining could also lead to tricks and traps, or secret tunnels into Alec Veers takes the floor. each other lands. Mining should be banned, only growth is by conquest!” “We may be newcomers to the cave but isn’t this what’s been going on for ages? Cultists: For the act. The caves could be made much We have come to discuss rules not more appealing and roomier if we could mine. The invasions. If you want the gnolls gone natural walls turning into smooth corridors. then you must remove them yourself.”

Goblins: Against the act. Having the best gear in the Kobolds: Against the act. They lack the numbers to caves the goblins want to resist the possibility of one go on the offense and the gnolls will keep the other of the other groups finding metal and forging better groups in check giving the kobolds more time to rise weapons or armor. their master. The Mercenary Procurement Act Goblins: For the act. A joint invasion would give the goblins some need practice and training, used with The Hobgoblin captain takes the floor. some tactics they may be able to get the “We are all aware of the local bugbear other factions weak enough to sweep the caves. population that have acted as mercenaries for our groups in the past. This has The Common Corridor clearly set a precedent and means we should allow the hiring of other sell Roselyn Waters of the cult takes the swords, to fill out our ranks.” Talk-Talk floor. “The cave is a twisting maze of of the Orcs rises to speak for the caverns and tunnels, and each group has opposition. the right to claim that which they can hold. But to make it easier for hunting “We hire the Bugbears because they are parties and raiders to return. We put part of the caves. Seeking foreign arms forth the idea of a small common corridor is not only cowardly but invites unwanted which will be off limits to fighting so eyes and may see these sell swords trying these groups can return without harm.” to carve out their own kingdoms in our cave. Leave the fighting to those of us Dirk of the Kobolds speaks for the in the cave.” opposition.

Cultists: For the act. Being human they have solid “We kobolds make most our money off access to nearby hamlets and could swell their ranks snagging and sniping the rare group that with sell swords that may be turned to full cultists in is trying to get home. If we make a time. corridor it would stop a needed means of loot, not mention it can be used by Kobolds: Against the act. Not only are the Kobolds people like them,” He points at the badSample at talking to others they don’t have the money to party, “To sneak up on fileany group.”

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. CoC 3 Orcs: Against the act. Much like the kobold group much of a fight, and the monster would know how to the orcs often pick off other raiding parties and steal get through it without a cut. their stuff. They also would likely lose the most territory to such a plan. Conclusion Goblins: For the act, The Hobgoblins may be able to pass through the current tunnels easily but they After the heroes’ rule on The Adventuring Problem would like a tunnel their dumber members can the delegates call an end to that day of the meeting, safely use. they give the heroes thanks or curse depending on if they supported or went against them. Count up the number of times the heroes went with each group The Adventuring Problem giving them one point with the group per item agreed on. Whichever group the heroes aided the Dirk clears his throat. “Now we move to most comes forward with a gift at the end of the the final point of the day.” He casts his meeting. If there is a tie you can decide which group eyes towards the party and thinks for a comes forward, or both groups can give them gifts. moment before gesturing for you all to Once they get their gift the heroes are asked to leave come forward. “None of us agree on what so the delegates can finish up the next day and to do about people like you.” All the return home. delegates nod. “We work hard enough to The Orcs: Talk-Talk knows the fury of adventures live with each other, we don’t want and her respect for them has only grown. She gives random humans — Well, other random humans the heroes an item from an adventurer she killed to keep wandering in and killing the when she was young which she never had use for. doormen.” You can hand pick a magic item, otherwise it will be a Cloak of Elvenkind. The Cultists seems ready to interject but hold their tongues. The Goblins: Captain Point is quite happy that negation has gone his way and thinks he will get a “You have proven yourself. Go talk so you promotion out of this. For their help Captain Point can help us decide how we will be keeping gives them Ez, one of the goblins that came with him, you out in the future.” Ez will be a loyal follower of the party but is an evil creature which is like to cause trouble in civil The Orc Plan: Talk-Talk believes orcish shamans settings. can summon a large amount of vicious wildlife in the The Cultists: Veers and Roselyn gives praise to the surrounding area to put off adventures. Killing dire Black Stone and the heroes equally and even offer boars has little appeal as they are mean as hell and the heroes a spot in the cult if they wish. Before they don’t carry any gold. leave, the two cultists evoke their god and give the The Goblin Plan: Captain Point thinks that the party a Blessing of Health, DMG 228, that lasts for delegates could work together to build a small fort at the next 30 days. the entrance of the valley where the cave is. Manned The Kobolds: Dirk is hopeful that thanks to his by every group they could send warning down the meeting the kobolds will be able to make more deals line should people show up and a common defense and keep their small state in the caves safe. In return could be mounted. for their services Dirk offers a gem that he found a The Cult Plan: Veers and Roselyn have just learned longtime ago deep in the cave. The Gem is as black as from the cults leader that they have the power to night and is part of the Black Stone the cult worships raise the dead. If the other groups handed over their but isn’t magical. It is worth 500 gp or three times dead from local conflict the cult could set a small that much if solid at auction in a major city. undead host at the mouth of the valley to act as a vanguard for the rest of the area.

The Kobold Plan: Simply put: traps. Dirk thinks they can design a massive maze of traps leading up to the cave that way most adventures will be too injuredSample by the time they get to the caves to put up file

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. CoC 4 would show weakness and the orcs can’t stomach Appendix A: Flavoring such a humiliation. If you are running one of the published adventures The Goblins: For the act. While they want a fight, for Wizards of the Coast then consider adding an they aren’t ready. They want glorious battle and care issue that relates directly to the adventure. little for the loss of some of their gold if it means that Lost Mine of Phandelver/Dragon of Icespire one day, they can field a mighty host once again. Peak (The Separate Treaty Act) Princes of the Apocalypse (The Apocalypse Talk-Talk takes the floor. “A number of Pact) other races surrounds us. Goblins tribes, Captain Point takes the floor. “Recently Orc clans, and wild druids all make their we have received several emissaries home in Neverwinter wood. We as a people directly from the Cults of the Elemental should be able to deal with these people Evil. They seek to use us in their wars as we wish and join them if that is our and conflicts, and so we must agree not wish.” Dirk stands to oppose. to allow these cultists to influence us and cut them out of caves.” Talk-Talk “And what happens when those others stands to oppose. attack human town? Or they upset dragon? That wrath will fall upon all those in “I haven’t seen any of them enter the the caves, not just those that make deal. valley yet. They offer items and magic in Unless we all make deal no one make return for services. This trade is a deal.” benefit for us. We will not join them but to ban them from the valley would cut us The Cult: For the act. The Cult is always pulling in from a good source of income.” new members and convincing one of the nearby groups to join their cause would really make the The Cult: For the act. The other cults have been Black Stone a cult to reckon with. pulling away people from the Black Stone, and while The Goblins: Against the act. They have already the Black Stone may be related to the elemental cults been rebuffed by the Cragmaw goblins and so don’t the cave cultist want to enter negotiations much wish to see any other group become stronger from later when they have more power. outside aid. The Kobolds: Against the act. The Cult of the Eternal Flame has already given a sizable gift to the kobold’s Tyranny of Dragons (The Dragon Tax) dragon master Maty, and would like to keep the Dirk takes the floor. “We all know the money coming in. massive moments of the Cult of the Dragon. Each of us have been approached Out of the Abyss (The Rights of Binding) by them and told that we should join or Veers takes the floor. “The number of die. Well I have made a third option demons that have appeared in our region available. We as a group give some money is a worry to us all. Therefore, the Cult to pay off the cult, and then they go wishes to use the power of the Black away.” Veers takes the floor. Stone to trap and bind demons to ensure our safety in this dire time.” Captain “You were only able to talk to them Point stands to oppose. because you are dragonkin. The Cult would move to destroy us at the slightly hint “You simply wish to try and turn these of disobedience and run off with most of deadly beasts into your servants. Should our funds. If they want us, they can come you fall more of these things will flock get us!” here than we ever would have gotten if we simply just killed the ones that wandered The Orcs: Against the act. Not only do they not wish into the area.” to giveSample up any or their hard-earned loot, but to do so file

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. CoC 5 The Kobolds: Against the act. Being followers of The Kobolds: For the act. Dragons and giants are Tiamat in the long run, they don’t trust any kind of long standing foes and giving any of Maty’s food or demon to be safely used by anyone. gold would be heresy, and deadly, for the kobolds. The Orcs: For the act. Not only do they have their The Orcs: Against the act. While Talk-Talk hates the own binding rituals but the idea of trapping and idea of giving tribute she has also lived long enough tearing apart the demons they capture is a bonus. to see what a group of giants can do. They simply must hold the mouth of the valley and starve the Curse of Strahd (The Lycanthrope Act) other groups out. Talk-Talk takes the floor. “We live in a Tomb of Annihilation (The Animal Husbandry harsh land and we must be allow every Act) advantage if we are to survive. In the past we have all battled the were Dirk takes the floor. “There are some creatures of the wood, but why not take tasks in life that are just better suited that power for ourselves and allow to some beings than others. So why do we Lycanthropy into our ranks?” Roselyn not want their use? This land is filled stands to oppose. with helpful creature that we should be allowed to keep and raise to do that work “You would have all the work we are doing for us.” Veers stands to oppose. today done away with. If the curse takes hold in the cave then it won’t matter “These creatures you speak of are what rules are set forth and every full dinosaurs. Creatures which require moon will see us ripping each other’s massive amounts of food, produce a throats out.” massive amount of waste, and foul the limited air space we have in the cave. We The Kobolds: Against the act. Lycanthropy is a thing can’t have these creatures because we all mammals get and do. Not only can the kobolds not enjoy breathing.” take advantage of the curse but they don’t want to be rule by the phases of the moon. The Orcs: For the act. The shamans of the orc tribes The Goblins: For the act. They even know the have a solid relationship with the massive creatures location of a were-bat that could give them the edge and could see raising them to be quite the east task. in this cavernous warfare. The Goblins: Against the act. Unlike the kobolds who share a kinship with dinosaurs the goblins have Storm King’s Thunder (The Big One) none, are much smaller than the dinosaurs, and often accidentally enrage the creatures they own. Roselyn takes the floor. “Recently a hill giant has moved into one of the outer Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage (The cave sections, and has demanded we give him food and tribute. He is a danger to Xanathar Ban) us all, and unlike the gnolls has no wish Captain Point takes the floor. “We all to stay in the caves for any long period know that the Xanathar have quite the of time. We must deal with this threat struggle hold on several floors of the and all agree not to feed this giant.” dungeon. But if we allow this organize Captain Point stands to oppose. into our borders in the hopes of trade or protection none of us will rule the area, “The giant is a herald from a much larger the Xanathar will.” Dirk stands to tribe. Should we fall to appease the oppose. giant then he may call forth a larger host of giants to get what he wants regardSampleless of what we do.” file

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only. CoC 6