
Woman’s Missionary Union

Camp La Vida, located in Winnsboro, South Carolina is owned and operated by South Carolina Woman’s Missionary Union, Auxiliary to South Carolina Baptist Convention. Money allocated from the Janie Chapman Offering for State Missions, Missions Education, and Great Commission Living provides for the operation and capital needs of Camp La Vida. During the summer of 2018, 1,250 campers attended Camp La Vida. There were 67 professions of faith made during the summer, along with 26 rededications, 37 commitments to mission service, 12 commitments to Christian service, 25 wanting to speak to their pastors about decisions, and 13 other decisions. A total of 180 decisions were made during the camping season. Campers attending Camp La Vida during the summer of 2018 were asked to share about their camping experiences as a part of the Camp La Vida Essay Contest. Listed below and on the following pages are the winning essays from the 2018 Camp La Vida Essay Contest.

Camp La Vida is Special to Me Because ….

Every story has a beginning or something that is a major plot twist. Camp La Vida was that switch to turn on a lightbulb. It brightened my world, my path, my mind, and even my heart. Five days with 13 amazing girls. All of them with different magical tales. Hannah, my cabin leader, Mirksa, Emma, Jada, Kalin, Kaylee, Madilyn, Lorena, Aston, Eva, Ella June, and Lauren gave me a time I can never forget. With the British accents and families, I found a part of myself I never knew I needed. Of course, camptivities, canteen, and the food was fun/great! I can totally see myself being a missionary now! All thank to Camp La Vida.

Taylor B., 13 years old Essay Winner, June 11-15

Camp La Vida is special to me because of the staff. Every night, before we went to bed, our cabin leaders came around and hugged us and said they loved us. Whenever someone that I don’t’ know says they love me, I feel like they are just saying it to say it, or to make themselves look/feel good. But, with them, it was different. I felt like they actually did love us, because they loved God and they know God loves everyone. Well, that’s not exactly what I mean because I can’t put it into words exactly. All I really know how to say about the way I feel is that they made me feel liked they cared about me and everyone else. I think that’s really special, or it is to me anyway. I will remember my cabin leaders forever, just because they made me feel loved. It showed me how powerful God’s love is. So…yeah. All the staff, not just the cabin leaders, made me feel loved. When I got homesick, they didn’t make me feel stupid, like most people do. They made me feel like it was ok. There are countless other examples but I don’t have room for them. Morgan G., 12 years old Essay Winner, June 11-15 (Over)

To me Camp La Vida means to get to know God and talk with him. Also to learn how to pray and Camp La Vida wants you to become a Christian. Basically, Camp La Vida means to me that they want you to have a relationship with Jesus and God. Camp La Vida to me is a really good Christian camp. Meredith, 9 years old Essay Winner, June 11-15

Camp La Vida is special to me because I get to learn more about God and missions. So far, I have learned to listen to God every day. I have learned to try new things and meet new people. I have also learned to share a bunk or cubby with somebody or someone. I have learned you need to get use to a lifestyle that no everyone can get. I have also learned that if you never try it you will never succeed. I have also made new friend with people in my cabin and people outside of my cabin. Everybody in my cabin and the people in Camp La Vida. I love the camptivitys pottery, flying squirrel, crafts, hiking. Love your camper, Kamber R.

Kamber R., 10 years old Essay Winner, June 11-15

What Camp La Vida means to me is a week full of opportunity, learning and FUN! I’ve waited all year to come back. I was so excited when it was time to go and I still have that excitement! I don’t want to leave. I’ve got to try new things like the flying squirrel. I also Love hearing different Jobs missionaries get. So that when I grow up I can choose what missions work that I and God want me to do. Every day I try something new and I love It. Camp La Vida has made me want to be a missionary. So, Camp La Vida means a lot of different things to me, one thing is it’s a life changer. Michaela P., 10 years old Essay Winner, June 11-15

Woman’s Missionary Union

Camp La Vida is special to me because you learn to worship God. They tell you how to pray, how to connect with God, and how to build a relationship with him. You also make new friends. Such as, cabin mates, counselors, staff, and people around the camp. With all sorts of people that will help you on your path to Jesus. We got to meet cool missionaries Who teach us how to change the world for the better! They also take time to plan activities to teach us about their awesome lifestyle. Those are just some of the reasons that Camp La Vida is special to me. Gretchen, 11 years old Essay Winner, June 11-15

Camp La Vida is special to me because this place is so fun. The leaders are so awesome, they are always ready to help you out when you need help. I have been going to camp for 3 years, and this has been the best year yet. The camptivities are so fun. I think every year I come I learn something new. Mrs. Cindy is so nice, she is always ready to help anybody when they need help. Mrs. Flory is so sweet and her food is amazing! When I come to camp I always feel loved, like everybody cares for you. I love camp, and one day I Hope to become a junior staffer, and maybe a leader. And that’s why I love Camp La Vida. Kayleigh P., 13 years old Essay Winner, June 11-15

Camp La Vida is special to me because it gave me an opportunity to make everlasting friends. It opened my eyes about different missions around the world. I loved my cabinmates so much! My counselor Lanie was A-MA-ZING! Our junior staffer Mattie was so fun. The amount of laughs we shared in cabin 13 was endless! Learning how to be unshakeable with my faith really inspired me to go home and stand firm in my faith. All the different missionaries stories were so breathtaking! My heart feels heavy for those who have never heard about and are fighting for their lives, hope, and peace. I’ll be 18 next year and would love to work at Camp La Vida! I’m grateful to my mom for sending me here. Tip: you should put Camp La Vida socks in the camp store, preferably tube socks! Also, the pool was great! Also, this paper is awesome, where can I get some? It’s like magic! Magnolia D., 17 years old Essay Winner, June 11-15

Camp La Vida means a fun church camp that a lot of girls at my church talk about, so they talked me into going so I went. When I got here I thought this is going to be a pretty good week. One of my favorite parts about coming to Camp La Vida is learning a lot of more stories about Jesus and making a lot of new friends. My counselors name is Ms. Jessica. She is pretty, and she is nice. I went to Archery for my first camptivity with Jessica. My 2 favorite camptivities are the flying squirrel and sewing. When I went to sign language, I learned a lot with Ms. Julianne. I met a lot of missionaries here at Camp La Vida, they all touched my heart when they talked to us. I learned about a woman who has been bleeding 12 years straight and she was uncleaned but when she touched Jesus’ coat the bleeding automatically stopped. I learned that Jesus has a plan in mind for everyone and that he will lead us to where we have a purpose to be and he will show us clues in our life to where he wants us. Madolyn B., 10 years old Essay Winner, June 11-15


Camp La Vida is kind of like a get-away for me. For the past 6 summers Camp La Vida has been the highlight of my summer vacation. Camp La Vida means that there is a whole staff of people that love and support me. Camp La Vida means that I will make new friends and have fun with them. Camp La Vida means that I can spend a week away from home and find another one. And even though I will be making friends, having fun, and eating pretty awesome food, (thanks Mrs. Flory) I am growing as a Christian and closer to God with the help of counselors and staff. To me, Camp La Vida means that I can find sanctuary with people that love and support me, with godly friends, and a great time growing and learning as a Christian. Charley O., 12 years old Essay Winner, June 11-15

Camp La Vida is special to me because when you come here and get to see all the cabin leaders. I love just not worrying about “streaks” on snapchat or any other social media. I think it awesome how you don’t have to worry if you’re fat or skinny or the color of your skin, but not any way you look. AT camp we’re just a huge family. It’s also special to me cause the cabin leaders gives us hugs. People here like Racheal, Sierra, Laney, Jordan, Deidre, all the staff and leaders past and present who has impacted us. So, with that being said Thank y’all for making Camp La Vida special to me, and thanks for the memories that will last a lifetime. Mattie P., 13 years old Essay Winner, June 11-15

Camp La Vida means meeting new people, having fun and getting to do things you might have never fun.

Camp La Vida is amazing you meeting missionaries from around the world. You get to do camptivities and try new things you haven’t done. Counselors are giving their time and effort to help the campers stay safe.

This camp has good food because Mrs. Flory and the other Lunch Ladies can cook great. I have never had as much fun as I have had at Camp La Vida. I hope other girls have the chance to learn about Jesus and have the opportunity to come out here and have a great summer. Even if you miss your family you’ll forget and have a great summer.

When you come to Camp La Vida the counselors have great sing along songs that the campers call sing while they wait for Lunch, and Dinner they also have breakfast.

Camp has this amazing thing called the flying squirrel, and you can tell how high you want to go. It might sound scary, but it’s so fun. You can go swimming if you want but to be able to pass the swim test you have to swim in the deep in, they have diving boards you can jump off if you pass.

Camp is so much fun. I loved my summer here and it was amazing. I just hope other girls in Acteens or GA’s can take their time to come. Mary Kate M., 11 years old Essay Winner, June 11-15

Camp La Vida means to me to get closer to God. Also, to have fun with new friends. To try new things and do new things. Camp La Vida taught me that I can be a missionary all I have to do is tell about Jesus. I really liked canoeing. Jules S., 10 years old Essay Winner, June 11-15

Woman’s Missionary Union

Camp La Vida is special in this way to me. To me it means that you can be yourselves no matter what happens, Camp La Vida is a great influence on me because I love the counselors. They are so nice to me. CITs too! I hope I can become a Counselor like Betty! I love Camp la Vida! I want to stay here forever and ever! I LOVE the panda I got from the store. Thanks for all you have done for me and letting me come! Love you Camp La Vida! Shout out to Jordan who helps do activities. I love you Jordan! Thanks to all the People who work here and hard! #5 loves you! So, I want to be in the same cabin again next year! So, please put me in #5 again next year! I want to have as much fun as I can on my Last Day! I’ll see you next summer Camp La Vida! Thanks for being the best Camp ever! Love you for always and forever! Maeven T., 8 years old Essay Winner, June 11-15

To me, Camp La Vida means to grow a stronger relationship with Christ. Also, the missionaries that each us about what they do and why they do it is also a big part about Camp. In addition, I like to try new things and meet new people. I love how energetic Camp La Vida always is. Another big part about camp is worship. In worship, my favorite part is when a missionary comes up and speaks. I also love the counselors’ voices when they sing. It’s amazingly beautiful to hear them sing altogether. In addition to what camp means to me is how you can relate camptivities to God. When I went canoeing, the thing that related canoeing to God for me was that sometimes life is shaky and hard but if you believe in Christ he will help you all the way. There are so many things about what Camp La Vida means to me. Allie N., 9 years old Essay Winner, June 11-15

Camp La Vida means allot to me because my favorite part is learning about the Missionaries. This is my 3-year coming and my last year coming. I used to do Tae Kwon Do and my Masters moved to Cambodia to be missionaries. And won day I want to go with them to teach the children and Adults about Christ because I LOVE Jesus and I want others to know about Him. I really enjoyed Camp this year. My other favorite part was the rock wall and flying squirrel. PS. (I’m a blackbelt). My favorite scripture is Ephesians 4:26-27: Be angry and do not sin. Don’t let the sun go down on your anger, and don’t give the devil an opportunity. Annisten G., 11 years old Essay Winner, June 11-15

This year I came to camp alone. In previous years I always brought a friend. I was afraid that I would not make friends because I am more comfortable around people I know. BUT Cabin 13 completely proved me wrong! These ladies have such a huge love for God and for each other. I will always remember our bible studies and prayers together, because of how our cabin leader (Lanie) motivated us. She is and will continue to be an inspiration to me. Growing closer to God with them will be the highlight of my summer! Feeling God’s presence with them is SO powerful!

Missions has always been something that I love hearing about. Our missionaries this year have been so amazing! I can see God speaking to me through them. They have all taught me so much. I have learned how to have an Important meaningful conversation with someone about Christ and missions. I am so thankful to God for bringing these people into my life!


This summer I will be Coming back as a Jr. staffer, and the staff here are now so motivating. Elena P., 15 years old Essay Winner, June 11-15

Camp La Vida is a place I can go to escape drama and spend extra time with God. It’s very close to my heart, and It’s close to my cousins. Even though Rachel and Meryl have been my only cabin leaders, I still enjoy spending time with the other ones. During the missionaries speech, I feel like I’m somehow called to do missionary work. When I go to a camptivity I have time to talk and meet new people and cabin leaders. Its’ so much fun to be able to visit the other leaders for next year. When I get home I’m so excited for my family to listen to how I got closer to God, and how He changed my life during that week. God is always busy, but He has had enough time to spend time with me during every year of my life. Thank you, Camp La Vida, for allowing me to come closer to God, and to worship God. Cheyenne S., 13 years old Essay Winner, June 11-15

Camp La Vida is very special to me. It is special to me because all of us Christians can come together to have fun and learn about what God is calling us to do. You can meet some really nice missionaries. You can find out what a missionaries life is like. These are some reasons Camp La Vida is special to me.

When you go to Camp La Vida you can find out what God is calling you to do. You can listen to God. Listen to his calling. Who knows, he might call one of us to becomes missionaries. This is one reason Camp La Vida is special to me.

Another reason is you can praise God and not be afraid to be who you are. No one gets made fun of. No one gets bullied. You can completely be yourself. This is another reason Camp La Vida is special to me.

Camp La Vida helps lead many people to Christ. Camp La Vida is where you can go and freely worship God. It is a period of time away from phones and any other electric device. So, you can actually see and observe God’s nature, and see his perfect design. Camp La Vida is very special to me in so many different ways. Skyler J., 14 years old Essay Winner, June 11-15

We get to learn from missionaries and learn about God. I have learned so much about God this week. The food is AMAZING! I have learned so, so much! I have made so many friends. Miss. Charlene and Miss. Hannah are so friendly, SO SO KIND and wonderful Christians. I love the leaders here. Our leaders are such great role models. Canoeing was SO fun! I will never ever forget my first time here! I am definitely coming back next year. Miss Charlene was so kind to me and I am going to cry saying goodbye! Thank you Camp La Vida for everything. There was a rat in our room and Charlene slept on the couch and made sure we had a place to sleep, she made me so comfortable! Thanks so so so much! I’ll see you next year. Maggie J., 12 years old Essay Winner, June 11-15

Woman’s Missionary Union

I got to make new Friends, and I had a lot of Fun with camptivities! Camp La Vida is special because I get to spend time with my mom, I had fun playing percussion. Me and my Friend got to play in a band and marched all over the camp! I had a lot of fun at the canteen ordering pushup pops and Fanta! And I passed my swimming test! I swam in place for a minute in a half!!!

Thank you, Mrs. Cindy, and WMU. Kensliegh, 7 years old Essay Winner, June 26-28

Camp La Vida is a special place, it is where I learned how to make new friends and be myself! I might only be here for a couple of days, but it sure is very fun! Almost the whole entire cabin are my friends! I learned more & more about Jesus and had so much fun! I love this camp and always will. It’s one of the funnest camp’s I have ever been to! All of the activities are very fun, everybody is so friendly, the food is great and so is everybody else! I can’t wait to come back next year!! Ila J., 9 years old Essay Winner, June 26-28

Its so fun. The activity leaders find a way to connect the activities with what we’re learning that day. The food is amazing and we get to listen to real missionaries! They like to put on funny skits and me and the girls in my cabin like to try to do them too in our own cabin. I’m really glad I got to go to Camp La Vida. Eleanor, 9 years old Essay Winner, June 26-28

Camp La Vida means a lot to me because it is a place where people can get to know Jesus. At camp, people can learn about missionaries and their story.

Camp La Vida is very special to me because I learn about missionaries. I love hearing the stories of different missionaries. When I went to camp in 2017, I loved hearing about Disaster Relief.

Another part of camp that is special to me are the staff. The staff are friendly and will help you if needed.

In conclusion, some of the things that make camp special to me are the missionaries, the staff, and the opportunity to get to know Jesus. Emily P., 12 years old Essay Winner. June 26-28

Camp La Vida is a great place to have fun, learn more about missionaries, and learn about other things. First, I loved everything but quiet time wasn’t my thing. Some of the things I did were learn about missions, make new friends, had fun, liked my cabin, and I would like to come back. My favorite part was when we did the camptivities and my least favorite part was when we had quiet time. Some things I learn about camp is that you aren’t always with your buddies and I learned about missionaries. Something I would tell a new camper is you meet missionaries, make new friends, and most importantly you’ll have fun. This is my 3rd time coming here. So now you know that Camp La Vida can be an awesome place to have fun, learn about missionaries, and learn even more cool things. Lauren D., 10 years old Essay Winner, June 26-28 (Over)

Camp La Vida?!..Wow! I adore Camp La Vita!! I only have been here almost two times! I Love listening to the missionaries and adventures they’ve had. I Love another part of the day too. Quiet time and Bible study in the cabin. I Love, adore, worship, and respect the one and only Lord. “The King of Kings, Lord of Lord’s!” I Love God. But, sometimes when you’re listening to someone talk about the Lord, his miracles and acts that he does can sometimes be hard to believe. But when you think about it, you see how powerful the Lord is. That’s what I like about Camp La Vita! They talked about these things. That’s how I knew. I always get the most outstanding cabin Leader. I always understand what their meaning are when we are in Bible study! I very happy to be at Camp La Vita! I what to come as many times as I can. No matter how far it can be! I will always come to Learn more about my holy father at Camp La Vita! Gods amazing! I love camp La Vita!!!!!! Emma S., 10 years old Essay Winner, June 26-28

Camp La Vida is special to me because I love to meet new people and create new friendships. I also love to meet new missionaries every day. Even though I’m away from my family, I’m with all my friends. My favorite part about Camp La Vida is swimming and the food. I Love my counselors this year, not that I haven’t every year. Abby and Megan are amazing and funny. Oh, they’re also wonderful singers, all of the counselors are. I wish we had longer days here, because they are super fun and I don’t want them to end. I can’t wait for next year because I’m going to the week-long camp!! Oh, and one more thing I love the gift shop and canteen. They are so nice here to let us be able to do that. I wish I could be a C.I.T. or a counselor right now, but I have to wait. I can’t wait to come back next year! Abby H., 11 years old Essay Winner, July 9-13

Camp La Vida is so much fun. I thought I would not make any friends. But like my whole cabin is my best friend. I’m so glad that I’m here. I love everything that I do. I love the cabin, I love the activities, I love the food, I love the snacks, I love the leaders. I love everything. And my favorite thing to do is be with God. And like you people say, God is unshakeable. Everyone is so nice. And everything is so funny and everyone. My favorite snack is the Ice-cream. My favorite activity is the flying squirrel. And my favorite missionary is all of them. Miss. Stephanie is a great cabin leader. She teaches us very nicely. She has given us grace, mercy, and lots of love. She is the best cabin leader of all. She is very funny most of the time. She loves the movie Lilo and Stitch and our cabin song is from that movie. And the nurse is so kind when I had a really bad migraine she was kind and helped me through it. I really want to come back next year and I hope you do to! Your camper, Erin Erin L., 10 years old Essay Winner, July 9-13

Camp La Vida means fun to me. At Camp La Vida you get to learn about Jesus in cool was. Also, you get to play with friends. We get to learn songs. Also we get to go hiking and swimming. You get to sleep on bunks. WE get awesome counselors. Camp La Vida means a lot to me because you get to be a girl and have fun. You also get to learn more about God. Which that is the most important thing ever. Laurel T., 10 years old Essay Winner, June 9-13

Woman’s Missionary Union

Camp La Vida is special to me because, I get awesome staff to take good care of me. This is a great camp and I love going to it. Every year I’m like “I want camp to come, when is it going to come.”

I love the cabins and I love the kids in the cabin.

I love it. This year when I went this time it was great. I loved the camp this time because, there were great kids. There were also great leaders.

I can’t wait to come next time and the times after. I also can’t wait to see how the camp grows. The missionaries are great and I wish they had the same one’s each time. Claire L., 10 years old Essay Winner, July 9-13

Camp La Vida is amazing! I love all of the staff and counselors. From my point of view as a camper, I’ll be telling you the things I love about Camp La Vida and why!

Every time Camp La Vida comes around I get a little nervous. But once I get here, that changes. I learn so many things. My cabin leader is always amazing and everyone is welcoming. I love that feeling.

The pool is a fun time to socialize and talk and make friends. At Camp La Vida the girls are so sweet and amazing. For example, our camp leader, Hannah!!! She always makes sure you’re okay and participates in things we do! She plays our games and talks in British accents! She makes our cabin really fun and its hard to get homesick with her here!

Overall, everything about Camp La Vida is great! The food is amazing, the activities are fun, and the people are fabulous! What do you love about Camp La Vida? Lauren H., 13 years old Essay Winner, July 9-13

Camp La Vida means a lot to me. One than is it me home a place where I can go and learn the troth the only troth. It means friends and a place where people treat others fairly and say no to bullying and yes to being respectful to others. But most of all it means family. The cabin leaders are like moms cause they are nice and sweet. The other girls are like sisters cause there nice. Calina B., 10 years old Essay Winner, July 9-13

Camp La Vida is special to me because its wonderful, loving environment. Every counselor is caring, and their faith is strong in God. They let us have lots of fun without us doing dangerous. Along with the counselors, your fellow campers make camp really special. Its’ rare to be able to meet so many Christian girls and make friend with them. This is my 8th trip to Camp La Vida, and every year I have a blast. I want to become a counselor soon; then I can help mentor and love the campers like the current counselors do for us. Camp La Vida is


a safe, educational place that truly meets your needs, whether it be emotional, spiritual, or physical. No one is overlooked, and the counselors even welcome complaints! This camp has become a tradition for me, and I will encourage my friends to come too! Ultimately, Camp La Vida is special to me because of the incredible love here. The counselors love, staff’s love, and especially God’s love shines through here. I am immensely grateful that I have the opportunity to come here. I am truly blessed! Rachel E., 15 years old Essay Winner, July 9-13

Camp La Vida is special to me because I have been looking for a camp that just right for me. I was looking for one online and wall I was looking, Savannah asked me if I wanted to go to go to Camp La Vida and I said yes. I am so so so very thankful. I came. Things I love about Camp La Vida, I got to learn truth about Jesus and more, CIT where encouraging, trustworthy, and I felt if something was wrong I could go and talk to them to. Nurse was so helpful and the best part of camp was learning about how God call’s missionaries to share the word of God and inspire people to grow to Jesus and know he is your true and amazing God. I want to be a missionary to share the love of Christ. Kally L., 11 years old Essay Winner, July 9-13

When I found out my friend was going to camp I was excited to go too! When I got here I was surprised to see how fun it already looked. I was not even out of the car! Life has put me through hard times this year. I lost my dad last year. It has been a really hard time too. So, this means a lot to me the way this is set up, like the schedule is making me want to set up my day like this. Also making friends has really hard for me and this week end I have made 3 new friends. So, I want to say thank you to all the staff and leaders. Sadie W., 11 years old Essay Winner, July 15-17

We learn about missions and have a relationship with God. Worship is my favorite we learn about missionaries around the world. I love singing about the Lord and to the Lord. When we go to activities we don’t just do them, we have a stronger relationship with God! Abigail, 10 years old Essay Winner, July 15-17

Camp La Vida is special to me because of the counselors, because the counselors at Camp La Vida help through our problems, all the way through camp!! And because of the friends I make at camp, because we work together every day! Also, the fun activities we do at camp, cause we made friends! To learn about God, cause he’s our father, son and holy spirit! I love Camp La Vida also because we can pray love and have fun with our new friends! Allie R., 7 years old Essay Winner, July 15-17

I think Camp La Vida is special because it is a place where girls from all over can come to learn about missionaries and Jesus. I like it when the missionaries are there at canteen so I and the other girls can talk to them as friends and be reminded their just people. Camp La Vida also has really fun games. Lilly, 11 years old Essay Winner, July 15-17

Woman’s Missionary Union

I love Camp La Vida. It is my favorite camp. Each year I love my leader and CIT. This year all of the staff was new, but my leader was still one of my top favorites. I enjoy hearing the missionaries’ stories and how they spread Gods word. I come to camp, I want more and more to become a staffer when I am older I decided last year that I wanted to be a counselor. I love Camp & I never want to leave. Next year will be my 6th year going to camp. I love having devotion time in our cabins and talking to everyone that I meet at lunch. I love Camp La Vida and I wish I did not have to leave. Mary Katherine, 12 years old Essay Winner, July 15-17

Camp La Vida is great camp and it spoke to me cause I got closer to God. The leaders and staff were very nice and they treated us the way we wanted to be treated. I had a very fun time at camp and I want to come back next year. They had very good food and I really liked the chicken. I want to come back next year, but a whole camp not a mini camp. I really enjoyed camp this week. Peyton B., 12 years old Essay Winner, July 15-17

Camp La Vida is SUPER FUN! It is a place where I can make new friends, share my feelings, learn about God, do fun activities, express creativity, and just be myself! My cabin leader Hannah or, “Texas” is fun, caring, and easy to relate to. Immediately when I walked in to my cabin I found myself already making friends! Camp La Vida is truly like no other! Neely C., 10 years old Essay Winner, July 15-17

Camp La Vida means a lot to me because people here want us to know more about Jesus so that we could believe one day. Also Camp La Vida is so fun and you can be with your friends. Here at Camp La Vida we love to be everyone’s friend. Caroline G., 11 years old Essay Winner, July 15-17

Camp La Vida Is a special place to me. It is fun and the food is delish. CLV is a place where we have fun but also learn about God. CLV is like a second home to me. My favorite part was when we saw the talent show it was so funny and the greatest showman is my favorite movie! What Camp La Vida means to me is a fun, loving, caring camp. Sarah, 10 years old Essay Winner, July 15-17

Camp La Vida means a lot to me because you can enjoy to full adventure camp dream while at the same time we can still love and cherish God. When I think of Camp La Vida I think about the fun stuff like archery, riflery, swimming, and pottery. While on the other hand there is also stuff you can learn, for example, sign language. Every day you get to hear at least one person speak about all of the places they have went to. They go to different places to share about our meaning of God to non-believers. Overall the experience of Camp La Vida is just


wonderful because of many small things like, camptivities, and surprises coming together to form a bond between all of your cabin mates and most of all your thoughtful cabin leaders. Everything about Camp La Vida is amazing, and you can face your fears while doing fun camptivities. I hope you would enjoy coming to Camp la Vida and share the camp experience. Kaydence T., 11 years old Essay Winner, July 18-20

Wow! I cannot believe how much fun I had at Camp La Vida! The camptivities are so much fun! The Campers and staff are so nice! I Love Camp La Vida and so will you!

Camp La Vida there is a store and Canteen right below the Dining Hall. And you get to do tons of camptivities.

Now, my favorite part of camp, learning about the Lord. Missionaries come to teach us more about God and missions. We go to the worship center and do Bible studies to learn about Jesus.

I love everything about Camp La Vida. I think you will too! Hannah W., 9 years old Essay Winner, July 18-20

Meeting new missionaries and learning about them. Learning about Jesus and God. Meeting New Friends. Camp La Vida means a lot to me. My favorite thing to do is swimming. I liked taking a siesta and sleeping in our cozy beds. Karson, 8 years old Essay Winner, July 18-20

What Camp La Vida Means to me is it is so fun!! What made camp more fun was my friends spending time with them made camp a happy place what I learned at camp is Jesus is our Savior forever and I’m more closer to him that I was before all the good activities where fishing and archery and hiking and the great pool and the cooks that made the food it was good!!! And that I got to come to camp and I want to come next year for the week long… Navy, 8 years old Essay Winner, July 18-20

It means to me to learn about God and make new friends. To have fun with friends. To learn about missionaries around the Lord. To clean up after meals. That is what Camp La Vida means to me. Sam, 9 years old Essay Winner, July 18-20

Since I’ve been to Camp La Vida I’ve had a blast. People are friendly and always trying to include you in things. The activities are great for meeting new people and learning new things. All in all this has been one of the best experiences of my life. Camp to me means an experience of family, learning and friendship. Tim F., 17 years old Essay Winner, July 18-20

Woman’s Missionary Union

Camp La Vida is special to me because there are so many welcoming friends for you to meet, there’s caring counselors, and all of the staff make the camptivities a blast!

One reason why Camp La Vida is special to me is because of all the welcoming friends for you to meet. For example, if it’s your first time at camp, a girl will come up to you and introduce herself, and then you guys will be friends!

Another reason why camp is so special to me is because of the caring counselors, for example, if you are ever upset, they will comfort you.

A final reason why camp is so special to me is because of the awesome staff that makes camptivities a BLAST! For example: they always, are so pumped up and make camptivities awesome! Camp La Vida was a fun experience and has so many things that are special to me. Sophie C., 10 years old Essay Winner, July 18-20

This is my first time coming to a camp and I’ve had such a great time. I really want to come back. I learned so much about many different things. They teach about God in many different ways and I think it’s really cool to learn about God in ways I wouldn’t of thought about. Everyone is so nice and they really care about the things they’re doing no matter what it is. I also really like how they have camp activities based around God. I love meeting new people and its cool meeting people that have my same interests. There is so much to do and I’m always excited for the next activity. Camp La Vida is an awesome camp! Alyssa S., 14 years old Essay Winner, July 18-20

I love Camp La Vida. I have learned so much about God and how much he loves me no matter what I do. You will never be board at Camp La Vida. One important thing I loved about Camp is that when I went hiking there were so many thing God created. I love thinking about God painting a canvas and painting all the Beautiful animals, and plans he made. The leader on the hike asked me a very important Question, “What out in nature makes you think of God?” The thing out in nature is the grass and hills. Grass reminds me of God because when you fall God will always be there to help you back up. Hills also remind me of God because up and down, high or low God is always there for you. I enjoyed talking with the missionaries and about God! I enjoyed Camp La Vida when can I go! Back! I love God, Camp La Vida and being a GA! Rachel M., 11 years old Essay Winner, July 30-August 3

What does Camp La Vida mean to me? Camp La Vida is an amazing place. It has great food, great people, and great lessons. This is my fourth year at Camp La Vida, but I have learned more this year than ever. I have learned to be grateful for what I have, how to pray in front of


people, but most of all how to strengthen my faith in God. This week I met Mr. Cameron, Mrs. Cindy, Mrs. Laura, and Mrs. Tess. They taught me about missions, refugees, and the Cooperative Program. They also reminded me why I wanted to be a missionary. So, to me Camp La Vida means everything. What does Camp La Vida mean to you? Anna L., 13 years old Essay Winner, July 30-August 3

What Camp La Vida means to me. When I hear Camp La Vida, I hear fun, laughter, and what I want to hear and learn about. Camp La Vida means meeting new people, hanging out carelessly, and making new friends. I feel as if God himself has sent me to this camp. I don’t know why yet but, I feel as if God will give me a sign. I feel that HE will prove to me that I was put into this world and that He was the one who led me here to Camp La Vida. I knew that God loves me, but being here this week has reassured that love, mercy, and grace. I have learned just how much he loves each and every one of us. God has a plan for every one of us, we may not know what it is yet, but one day we will! What Camp La Vida means to me is bringing people together with Christ and uniting very many Christians. Lucy L., 11 years old Essay Winner, July 30-August 3

Camp La Vida means the world to me, because I can play games make new friends, and especially learn about God. Because they make learning about God in really fun ways. Like for starts, riflery because God’s the gun and we’re the BB and he’s shooting us to our targets and our goals. Then there’s baking. The dough isn’t good to use or eat. And then you cook it and its better. This shows that you start off bad and you get better and better and better. Then there’s also fishing. The pole is you and the fish is people and you are fishing for people to bring to church with you and some other things. But yeah. That’s my S.A. (essay). Arden, 10 years old Essay Winner, July 30-August 3

Camp La Vida means a lot since I’ve stopped going to church and people in my cabin and my friends that I make here are now like family. So, this camp gives me family and friends. And a home. This camp is like a second home. But not like my home in South Carolina this is my holy home. Caitlin, 9 years old Essay Winner, July 30-August 3

This is my fifth year coming to camp. Camp means so much to me I can’t express in words. It means so much to be because, to be able to make friends, do regular camp activities, and most of all learn and love God. Also I would not be able to handle not going to camp, let alone if the camp stopped running! The missionaries also play a big role in what camp means to me. The missionaries are something I look forward to each year. They share their stories and serve God greatly. As anyone would, I love all the activities! The CLV games are really fun! The counselors are funny and awesome! The food is GREAT! I will always come to camp until I am too old. Then I will become a counselor! This is why camp means so much to me! Marah B., 11 years old Essay Winner, July 30-August 3

Woman’s Missionary Union

Camp La Vida is special to me because I LOVE hearing about the missionaries adventures around the world, and I also love the activities. My favorite activity is the flying squirrel. Camp La Vida has had such an impact on my life: I’ve come for four years, and at the end of my first year, I was saved.

I would love to hear more about the missionaries’ adventures all around the world. My idea is that maybe instead of quiet time, we should have more time to spend listening to the missionaries. I hope that you will consider this.

The food here is amazing! I have tried so many new things here and I have so many new favorite foods. I can’t wait for next year’s food for me to try.

I hope that next year, the missionaries are just as good as this year. I can’t wait to come back next year! Audrey J., 11 years old Essay Winner, July 30-August 3

Camp La Vida means a lot to me. It has helped me grow in my faith with Christ. I have learned more bible verses. I also learned when I pray a lot of times I think of myself, but I really should be thinking of other people and give thanks to God. Elle R., 10 years old Essay Winner, July 30-August 3

Camp La Vida is a very special place. It’s special to me and so many other girls. I’ve been going to camp for eight years now. Every single year I come I also come closer to God. There’s just something special about worshiping and coming closer to God with other girls your age. Four years ago, I made the decision to follow Christ and let him take away all of my sins. I’ve never felt so free. The Holy Spirit is here. I always look forward to Camp. I honestly can’t explain what camp means in one paper. Camp is my home, my happy place, a place of fun and worship. Camp is where everyone can be themselves, love each other, and also learn that Jesus loves them too. Camp La Vida is where you can see God work every day. You can see Him work in girls’ hearts, through the missionaries’ stories, and you can feel him every time we sing at worship. I’ve seen many girls make life-changing decisions at Camp La Vida, including myself. Camp means everything to me, and I definitely can’t imagine my life without it. Liana B., 14 years old Essay Winner, July 30-August 3

Camp La Vida means a lot to me because it helps me now God more and all the activities. Some of the activities I have never heard of before and the songs were really good like I loved it. The meals are really good I wish I could have a meal so good every day even thought I do but y’alls food is just so good. I also like how we have different places to learn about missions and how people became missionaries. Also the different places people come from and how they came here to tell us why and how they became one. Halle L., 12 years old Essay Winner, July 30-August 3 (Over)

Camp La Vida means a lot to me. It’s a place where I can grow closer to God. Camp La Vida is a place of having fun while learning missions. It’s a place where I can have fun and make new friends. Some of my favorite things to do at Camp La Vida is learning about missions, learning how to grow closer to God, and making new friends. I’ve been to Camp La Vida seven times and I feel like each time I’ve gotten a step closer to God. The reason I keep coming back to La Vida is because I believe God has called me to be a missionary. Camp La Vida has taught me how to be a missionary. In four years I want to come here as a junior staffer and help other little girls like me grow closer to God. That’s what Camp La Vida means to me. Victoria B., 11 years old Essay Winner, July 30-August 3

Sharing from Camp La Vida Staff

“One caterpillar went out to play, out on the flower’s stem one day. She turned into a butterfly, called to the others as she flew by.” Camp is the perfect place for campers to grow. The metamorphosis is beautiful to witness when a camper “gets it” or has an “ah ha” moment.

But what we forget about growth is that it is messy. The end result is amazing, but the journey there isn’t. I had the privilege this summer to take just a few steps with many young ladies on their journeys. Lives forever changed because they were brave enough to allow growth to take place and the change that comes with it.

To trust the process and just let God guide them. They have inspired me to do the same.

So... •trust the process, God has it covered •don’t be afraid to change, even when it’s hard •find people to join you on your journey, you aren’t meant to do this alone.

Samantha Brewer, Cabin Leader

Nine weeks of Camp La Vida may have been difficult, but this was the best summer of my life. Now that it is behind me, I want to recall some of the lessons I've learned:

1. You will lose every argument with God so go ahead and say yes 2. I should have chosen percussion in band instead of flute 3. Your testimony will reach people you don't expect 4. Don't tell your campers your worst fears because they will mock you endlessly 5. God prepares you for the plan He has for you without you realizing it 6. Electrical tape is superior to band aids 7. Children are dealing with abuse, neglect, and other issues at home that we need to be better equipped to recognize and help 8. Saying you've fallen off the roof is better than saying you see a snake 9. God shows up miraculously when you are at your weakest 10. Camp is not the place for vegetarians 11. I should give my time to love others because Jesus gave His life to love me

Woman’s Missionary Union

12. I am capable of so much more than I think 13. I am the only person that shows genuine love to some campers 14. Once again, don't argue with God when He asks you return to Camp La Vida next summer

God has provided repeatedly this summer. Over this past week I prayed about what God has planned for me next summer. After trying to ignore my calling for three weeks I decided that I will be returning to Camp La Vida in 2019 so that I can build on what God did in my life and the lives of my 106 campers this summer. Hannah Dear, Cabin Leader