2018 Summer Reading Regular QR Code for Summer Reading Pre AP Summer Reading Connections Example of how to complete connection page Example of how to complete connection page Contact Information with any questions or concerns: Teri Eubank
[email protected] (512) 268-1472 2018 Summer Reading Product Checklist Purpose of summer reading: Summer reading is the singular activity that is most strongly and consistently related to preventing academic loss during the summer. The state academic standard we will focus on is 6.8.Fig19C – students will reflect on understanding to monitor comprehension through making connections – textual, personal, and world. Requirements: 1 book Your book choice must come from the BMS summer reading list(s). BMS summer reading lists (different for each grade level) is attached to this document; the information is taken from the district lists provided. Annotations for beginning, middle and end using the Text Connection Log: Text to Self Text to Text Text to World Provided: A text connections log will distributed to students prior to last day of school and will be on the BMS website & The Bobcat Zone by June 7, 2018. Parent Note: Please note that some of the books on these lists may contain mature language, situations, and themes. We strongly encourage parents and/or guardians to preview the books. While the Lexile Framework is a scientific way to match reader with text considered the right level of challenge, the Lexile Framework does not take into account student interest and literary merit. We strongly encourage parents and/or guardians to consider readability, interest, and literary merit when helping students choose books.