Book Reviews
BOOK REVIEWS Eric Axelson. Vasco da Gamma: The Diary of His ices will discover it to be an enjoyable, accessible, Travels Through African Waters, 1497-1499. and engaging account. It is certainly a good buy Somerset West, South Africa: Stephan Phillips for most research or university libraries. (Pty) Ltd., 1998. vii + 102, notes, appendices, bibliography, maps, illustrations. ISBN 0-620- M.A. Hennessy 22388-x. Kingston, Ontario Eric Axelson, former head of the Department of History at the University of Cape Town, is to be L.M.E. Shaw. The Anglo-Portuguese Alliance commended for producing a richly illustrated and and the English Merchants in Portugal, 1654- comprehensive new translation of this diary. 1810. Aldershot, Hants. & Brookfield, VT: Translations or the Portuguese original have been Ashgate Publishing, 1998. xii + 233 pp., maps, published previously in 1898,1947 and 1954. The photoplates, appendices, bibliography, index. US last of these, African Explorers (Oxford, 1954), $76.95, cloth; ISBN 1-84014-651-6. was also edited by Axelson, but it did not address the voyage from the coast of Mozambique to This work marks a further contribution by Dr. India and back. That shortfall has been avoided in Shaw to Anglo-Portuguese history in the seven• this valuable new edition, which also contains teenth and eighteenth centuries, significantly other useful features. developing her earlier studies, among them her The anonymous diary commences with da notable investigation into the serious effects of the Gamma's ship leaving Portugal and ceases some• inquisition on Portuguese mercantile wealth and where off Gabon - Axelson addresses why this is resources.
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