The Economic Benefits Associated with Florida's Artificial Reefs1
FE649 The Economic Benefits Associated with Florida’s Artificial Reefs1 Andrew Ropicki, Chuck Adams, Bill Lindberg, and John Stevely2 Abstract in motion a variety of economic activities that result in significant economic benefit to the coastal communities Florida has the most permitted artificial reefs in the nation. near the reefs. This publication will provide an overview of This publication presents the results of several studies to these economic benefits and briefly discuss some studies determine the economic benefits of artificial reefs. It is that have attempted to measure them and highlight the intended as a helpful reference for resource managers, need for continued research. coastal community and state government agencies, reef user groups including fishers and divers, and Extension agents. The authors present findings by region, with sections on Pinellas County, Miami-Dade County, northwest Florida, southeast Florida, southwest Florida, Martin County, and the sinking of the USS Spiegel Grove (off of Key Largo), USS Oriskany (off of Pensacola), and the USS Vandenberg (off of Key West). Introduction Florida has one of the most active artificial reef programs among Gulf and Atlantic coast states. Approximately 3,750 artificial reef deployments are located off 34 coastal counties in Florida (Table 1). Although permitted by the Figure 1. Artificial Reef in Taylor County, Florida. United States Army Corps of Engineers and the Florida Credits: Florida Sea Grant Department of Environmental Protection, artificial reefs are deployed under a set of guidelines established by the Benefits of Artificial Reefs Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Artificial reefs may be constructed for a variety of purposes, These guidelines are specified within the State of Florida each with a set of potential benefits associated with that Artificial Reef Strategic Plan (FFWCC 2003).
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