Sarihan, A. (2021). A new theory of military behavior in the Arab uprisings: ‘Pro- Journal State’ and ‘Pro-Regime’. Journal of International Studies, 14(1), 9-23. of International doi:10.14254/2071-8330.2021/14-1/1 Studies © Foundation A new theory of military behavior in the of International Studies, 2021 Arab uprisings: ‘Pro-State’ and ‘Pro- © CSR, 2021 Papers Scientific Regime’ Ali Sarihan Georgetown University, Department of Government, USA
[email protected] Abstract. Many articles have been published on civil-military relations. But the Received: March, 2020 unexpected events circle that was the so-called Arab spring or Arab uprisings has 1st Revision: created a gap that should be filled by scholars. The article sets forth a new December, 2020 theoretical framework that is pro-state and pro-regime by applying this Accepted: March, 2021 framework respectively to the two different cases Tunisia and Libya. This article provides a comparison of the military’s behavior in Tunisia, which led to the DOI: success of the uprisings, and the military’s behavior in Libya, where the army 10.14254/2071- fought protesters and precipitated in the NATO intervention and about 9 months 8330.2021/14-1/1 of armed struggle. The data indicates that the military’s response to the social protests played an undeniable role in the diverse outcomes of the uprisings. Pro- state and pro-regime framework aids in the exploration of this response by integrating rational choice and institutionalism to develop a comprehensive lens through which we can view this phenomenon. Keywords: Pro-state, Pro-regime, rational choice, institutionalism, Tunisia, Libya and the Arab uprisings.