

Students identify the BACKGROUND DOING THE ACTIVITY features that distin- Not just flying, but walking, running, swim- guish the five different ming, and jumping, arthropods are an SETTING THE STAGE classes of arthropods extremely diverse group of . Al- 1) Ask the students to recall what features and observe though all arthropods have jointed legs, an make an arthropod an arthropod. ( All pictures or specimens , and segmented bodies, their arthropods have segmented bodies and to determine the diversity lends to further classification. jointed legs.) to which they belong. Scientists use arthropod features such as 2) Have them give some examples of presence of wings, number of legs and how arthropods they read about in the previ- they are attached, number of body parts, ous activity. Ask, “Are all these ARIZONA SCIENCE and number of antennae to classify them. arthropods the same?” (no) “How could STANDARDS There are five classes in the phylum Arthro- you tell the from the other SC04-S4C1-01, poda: arthropods?” (They have six legs.) SC03-S4C4- 1. Arachnida (, 3) Explain that there are five groups or 01&034SC-F4, , , ) classes of arthropods, and that insects are SC04-S4C1-02 one of them. Tell them that they will be 2. Crustacea (crayfish, learning what the five classes are and how crabs, shrimp, sowbugs) to classify an unknown arthropod.

OBJECTIVES 3. Diplopoda () ARTHROPOD CLASSIFICATION Students should: 4. Chilopoda () 1) Pass out a copy of page 1 of Student · Identify the charac- Handout - Unidentified (Flying?) teristics of the five 5. Insecta (insects) Arthropods to each student. classes of arthropods. 2) Read through the descriptions of each · Classify unknown See the Key to Arthropod Classification in class with the students, defining terms. As arthropods based on a group, have them identify which picture their features. the first page of the student handouts to understand what features distinguish these is an . Have them draw a line from the insect picture to the insect part of the MATERIALS groups. By setting up stations in your classification key, then write the word · copy of Student classroom that show photos or specimens of “insects” on the line below the picture. Handout - Unidenti- each of these classes, students can use this Next to “insects” write the name () fied (Flying?) simple key to determine to which class of from the list at the bottom of the key. Arthropods Pages 1 arthropod each belongs. 3) Have them repeat the process for the and 2 for each student other pictures individually. When they · pictures or speci- GETTING READY have finished, go over their answers as a mens of arthropods Make a copy of pages 1 and 2 of Student group. Tell them they will need this key from all five classes Handout - Unidentified (Flying?) for the next part of the activity. · magnifying glasses Arthropods for each student. Assemble 4) Hand out a copy page 2 of Student (optional) specimens or pictures of arthropods from all Handout - Unidentified (Flying?) five classes. (Kid’s nature magazines like VOCABULARY Arthropods to each student. Show them Arachnid “National Geographic World” and “Your Big the different stations. Divide them into Backyard” are good sources of pictures. groups and direct them to the stations. Check the resource list, page 2, for other 4) Have them fill out the worksheet at each Insect sources as well.) Set up numbered stations station. Remind them to look carefully at around the room that display the specimens features like wings, legs and body seg- or pictures of each arthropod class. ments as listed in the key. 5) Discuss the answers as a group. Teacher Information Desert Discovery Class ©2000 revised 2008 ASDM STUDENT HANDOUT - UNIDENTIFIED (FLYING?) ARTHROPODS PAGE 1 Draw a line from the ’s picture to its class. Write Key to Arthropod Classification the name of the class on the line under the picture. ARACHNIDS no wings no antennae 1 or 2 body segments 8 legs

CRUSTACEANS no wings 2 pairs of antennae 2 body segments 10 or more legs

MILLIPEDES no wings 1 pair of antennae many body segments 2 pairs of legs on each body segment body round

CENTIPEDES no wings 1 pair of antennae many body segments one pair of legs on each body segment body flat

INSECTS 1 or 2 pairs of wings (sometimes none) 1 pair of antennae 3 body segments (head, , ) 3 pairs of legs

For insects, arachnids, and , choose a name from the list below and write it on the line next to the class. CICADA CRAYFISH Teacher Information Desert Discovery Class ©2000 revised 2008 ASDM STUDENT HANDOUT - UNIDENTIFIED (FLYING?) ARTHROPODS PAGE 2 Answer the questions at each station to figure out what kind of arthropod is there.

STATION 1 Does it have wings?______If so, how many?______Number of antennae:______Number of legs:______Number of body parts or segments (if more than three write “many”):______To which arthropod class does it belong?______


Does it have wings?______If so, how many?______Number of antennae:______Number of legs:______Number of body parts or segments (if more than three write “many”):______To which arthropod class does it belong?______


Does it have wings?______If so, how many?______Number of antennae:______Number of legs:______Number of body parts or segments (if more than three write “many”):______To which arthropod class does it belong?______


Does it have wings?______If so, how many?______Number of antennae:______Number of legs:______Number of body parts or segments (if more than three write “many”):______To which arthropod class does it belong?______


Does it have wings?______If so, how many?______Number of antennae:______Number of legs:______Number of body parts or segments (if more than three write “many”):______To which arthropod class does it belong?______

Teacher Information Desert Discovery Class ©2000 revised 2008 ASDM