


This issue of Wings sheds light on two very different and largely understudied groups of . The first article looks at the impacts of oil spills on marine . The other two essays focus on ; one introduces us to a citizen-­science proj- ect studying in Colorado, and one to the fascinating of camel spiders.

The Changing Landscape of Conservation Scott Hoffman Black Page 3.

Oil Spills and Scott Hoffman Black, Michele Blackburn, Celeste Mazzacano, and Candace Fallon Oil spills leave millions of gallons of oil in our seas and oceans every . Each spill has impacts that can affect invertebrate communities for decades. Page 6.

The Colorado Survey Paula E. Cushing Spiders are woefully understudied. A fifteen-year-old citizen-science program is changing that situation for Colorado arachnids. Page 13.

Hairy, Scary, Haarskeeders Paula E. Cushing, Jack O. Brookhart, and Jen Rowsell Camel spiders are fast-moving and fearsome desert predators. Page 17.

Conservation Spotlight Dr. Karen Oberhauser, scientist and advocate for monarch .Page 22.

Invertebrate Notes A roundup of new books and recent research. Page 24.

Staff Profile Meet Matthew Shepherd, our communications director. Page 26.

Xerces News Updates on Xerces Society projects and successes. Page 27.

2 WINGS The Changing Landscape of Conservation

Scott Hoffman Black

I have worked on the conservation of restore sand dunes degraded by human rare and declining for more activities for tiger , or ensure that than twenty-five . For invertebrates enough water flows through streams this has typically meant addressing the harboring rare stoneflies. Work such as conservation needs of animals living in this is vital to ensure the survival of en- a small number of easily identified sites. dangered species and will continue to be This type of conservation work is often a focus of the Xerces Society. straightforward: You prioritize specific Unfortunately, the conservation issues that help the species thrive on landscape is changing, and over the last the habitat that remains and, where fea- few years we have started to see declines sible, work to expand habitat. We man- in widespread and common species. age livestock to prevent overgrazing of The rusty patched bumble used to meadows that support rare butterflies, be common from the upper Midwest

It is becoming increasingly apparent that even species that were once common or widespread are disappearing from our landscapes. Rusty patched bumble bee (Bombus affinis), photographed on catnip (Nepeta) by Christy Stewart.

SPRING 2014 3 to the Northeastern seaboard. It is now fications for monarch migration, and only found at a few dozen sites across its in the coming years monarchs range and warrants be missing from many areas of North protection. An analysis of the status of America where they were formerly all North American bumble bee species, common. The loss of monarchs has undertaken by the Xerces Society in been tracked thanks to a loyal band of conjunction with the continent’s lead- enthusiasts; other common butterflies ing bumble bee scientists, shows that have also suffered marked declines but approximately one-third of all species these have generally occurred with little are of serious conservation concern. public awareness. Many of these were the ones you would A few years ago, I gave a keynote have seen in your yard. talk on the status of North American Widespread species are butterflies at the International Butterfly also becoming less common. Monarchs Conservation Symposium in Reading, have declined from perhaps as many England. In preparation I compiled in- as half a billion butterflies in the mid- formation about the continent’s but- 1990s to only 33 million today. That terflies. The data from NatureServe, an may seem like a large number, but it organization that produces scientific ­represents a drop of more than 90 per- assessments of , suggested cent. This could have serious rami­ that more than 17 percent of butterfly

With a dedicated following of gardeners and advocates, the monarch is a flag- ship species for conservation. Steep declines in the butterfly’s population mean that it may be missing from gardens in coming years. Monarch (Danaus plex- ippus) nectaring on blazing star (Liatris), photographed by Bryan E. Reynolds.

4 WINGS species were at risk of . But major cause of milkweed loss through- this data has a limitation; it shows only out the Midwest and are thought to be whether a species is at risk of extinction, a principal reason for monarch decline. not whether it is in decline. Millions of acres of farms and urban I next asked a series of questions land are also treated with insecticides. of many of my colleagues who have Neonicotinoids, the most commonly decades of experience in studying and used insecticides in the world, have been conserving butterflies. I was amazed in the spotlight because the science sug- that most of the responses to the last gests that they are having a profound question—what is the most important impact on both terrestrial and aquatic take-home message about butterfly and other invertebrates. Diseas- conservation in North America?—were es spread from managed bumble a variation on the same answer: Com- may be playing a major role in the broad mon butterflies seem to be declining decline in native bumble bees. The last across broad landscapes. significant factor is climate change, Here are three comments that reso- more accurately referred to as climate nated most deeply. Dr. Jaret Daniels, of de­stabilization. A year of drought is bro- the University of Florida, said, “what ken by intense rainstorms, winters seem should be most alarming to all of us colder and blizzards more frequent, the is that this downward trend has now hurricane season sends powerful storms spilled over to include many previously further north: animals have a lot to con- more wide-ranging and common but- tend with. terflies.” Dr. John Shuey, chair of the So how do we address large-scale, Lepidopterists’ Society’s conservation widespread declines of species we for- committee, noted that “many species mally took for granted? Putting fences we once took for granted are in serious around habitats will not work. Large trouble.” This was underscored by Dr. areas of high-quality, insecticide-free Art Shapiro, of the University of Califor- habitats will be needed and these habi- nia at Davis, who has been monitoring tats must be connected wherever pos- butterflies on the same sites in Califor- sible. This is not an effort that is restrict- nia for nearly forty years: “My research ed to distant wilderness, but a cause in group can say that lowland butterfly which everyone can take part. Home- faunas, including ‘weedy’ species, are owners and farmers can plant native declining precipitously.” flowers and work to limit the impact of Why is this occurring? We don’t insecticides; land managers can provide know for sure, although there are sev- resilient habitat for a variety of species; eral likely contributing factors. Habi- and all of us can vote with our pocket- tat loss due to urban development and books by buying sustainable, organic, large-scale agriculture are key concerns. and GMO-free products. Farms now cover vast areas and many Aldo Leopold wrote in A Sand Coun­ grow genetically modified crops that ty Almanac, “One of the penalties of an allow herbicides to be used on a much ecological education is that one lives larger scale on and around them. These alone in a world of wounds.” It is time to “Roundup-ready” crops have become a heal as many wounds as possible.

SPRING 2014 5 Oil Spills and Marine Invertebrates

Scott Hoffman Black, Michele Blackburn, Celeste Mazzacano, and Candace Fallon

The names Exxon Valdez and Deepwater oil impacted almost every habitat in Horizon are seared into our collective the northern Gulf, including the deep- memory as environmental disasters sea floor, and moved through the water without parallel. In 1989 the Exxon to coastal wetlands, estuaries, beaches, Valdez smashed into rocks in Alaska’s and mangrove stands. Prince William Sound and spilled at These may be the events people re- least 11 million U.S. gallons (42 mil- member best, but they are by no means lion liters) of oil—some calculations es- the only significant oil spills in the last timate that the volume was twice that half century. In 1969, the barge Florida much—which ultimately spread across sank in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, 400 miles (650 kilometers) of shoreline. spilling 185,000 gallons (700,000 liters) As the oil fanned out, it coated rock sur- of fuel oil. The Tsesis oil tanker spilled faces and penetrated sediments, caus- about 252,000 gallons (955,000 liters) ing widespread mortality and morbid- of fuel oil along the coast of Sweden in ity among the coastal and intertidal the Baltic Sea in October 1977. The Ixtoc I mussels, echinoderms, amphipods, platform blowout in 1979 released an es- and crabs that made their homes in timated 140 million gallons (530 million Prince William Sound. Exposure per- liters) of oil into the Bay of Campeche in sisted for as much as twenty years at the southern Gulf of Mexico. The North those sites where oil remained trapped Cape barge struck ground during a storm in sediment. off the coast of Island in January This was the largest single oil spill 1996, spilling an estimated 828,000 gal- in U.S. waters—until April 2010, when lons (3.1 million liters) of fuel oil into an explosion occurred on the Deep­ Block Island Sound. water Horizon drilling platform in the More than 200 million gallons (757 Gulf of Mexico, killing eleven crew million liters) of oil are spilled into the members and injuring sixteen. Two ocean by humans every year. Most of days after the initial disaster, the strick- this oil is spilled during small events en platform buckled and collapsed into and routine activities, including the the Gulf. The blowout, which occurred discharge of ballast water from oil tank- at a depth of five thousand feet, left a ers, waste from oil refineries, and such ruptured wellhead spewing crude oil on-land sources as effluent from sewage into the waters of the Gulf for nearly treatment plants and runoff from roads three months. A vast plume of oil— es- and parking lots. timated to contain at least 193 million In the aftermath of an oil spill, the gallons (730 million liters) of oil—was news broadcasts often show images of dispersed by wind and currents; this dead mammals or of birds covered with

6 WINGS oil, but we almost never hear about the they play critical roles in essential eco- impact these spills have on inverte- logical processes. Despite their impor- brates. There are some valid reasons for tance, the vast majority of marine inver- this lack of coverage: we know much less tebrates are poorly known. According to about the invertebrates that inhabit our Spineless: Status and Trends of the World’s oceans than we do about the mammals Invertebrates, a report produced by the and birds, and they often live near the International Union for Conservation ocean bottom or are small animals that of Nature (IUCN) and the Zoological float in the water column, making them Society of London, there are between difficult to notice. It makes sense that we 200,000 and 230,000 described marine track the larger, easy-to-see animals fol- species, with more than two million es- lowing an oil spill, but research suggests timated to exist in total. Invertebrates that such spills in our oceans can have make up more than 95 percent of all a long-lasting impact on invertebrates, marine species. Living in a wide which in turn has the effect of disrupt- range of habitats, from tropical waters ing the entire food web. to the polar seas and from the surface Marine invertebrates are key com- to the deep ocean, marine invertebrates ponents of all marine ecosystems, and display a vast diversity of forms, sizes,

More than 200 million gallons of oil are spilled into the oceans each year. Oil-coated shores are an obvious result, but most of the oil is dispersed into the marine ecosystem, where it can have decades-long impacts. Photograph © Danny Hooks, iStockphoto.

SPRING 2014 7 The Gulf of Mexico is one of the planet’s most biodiverse water bodies. Coral reefs pro- vide habitat for many species, including several of economic importance. Photograph courtesy NOAA Photo Library. and adaptations. They range in size oceans. They are an integral part of food from microscopic zooplankton to the webs, comprising part or all of the diets giant squid, reported to be up to twenty of many fish, birds, and mammals. - yards (eighteen meters) in length. plankton (tiny , mollusks, Widespread threats from climate and , and the embryos and lar- change, exploitation, habitat degrada- vae of other invertebrates), which are tion, and other natural and anthropo- the dominant component of pelagic genic sources are increasingly putting (open water) communities, form an im- marine invertebrates at risk, but the portant link in the marine food web, full extent of these impacts is largely transferring energy captured by mi- unknown. There are more than thir- croscopic phytoplankton (single-celled teen hundred species of marine inver- photosynthetic organisms) to higher- tebrates included on the IUCN Red List order consumers, including fish, whales, of Threatened Species. Of the assessed and birds. The invertebrates inhabiting invertebrates, about a quarter are threat- the benthic zone (the sea floor) are an ened with extinction, while for another important food source for other inver- quarter we lack adequate information to tebrates such as lobsters, crabs, snails, even guess at their risk of extinction. sea stars, and octopuses, as well as birds, What we do know is that these ani- fish, and marine mammals. Marine in- mals are essential to the vitality of our vertebrates are also key prey items for

8 WINGS sensitive species such as the federally support the world’s largest wild sea scal- endangered loggerhead sea turtle (Caret­ lop fishery, which yielded 57 million ta caretta), blue whale (Balaenoptera mus­ pounds (26 million kilograms) of meat culus), and right whale (Eubalaena spp.), worth some $450 million in 2010. and the rufa red knot (Calidris canutus The commercial value of marine rufa), a shorebird that has been proposed invertebrates is not limited to their con- for threatened status. sumption as food. Many of them syn- Marine invertebrates also have great thesize complex chemical compounds commercial importance, in the harvest- for defense, communication, competi- ing of lobster, crab, sea scallops, shrimp, tion, and prey capture, and thus have squid, oysters, and sea cucumbers. Glob- substantial economic importance as a al production of wild shrimp totals 3.75 source of unique chemical compounds. million tons (3.4 million metric tons) a Some thirty thousand natural products year; the shrimp trade, valued at $10 bil- have been isolated from marine organ- lion, is the largest commercial fishery in isms, the majority of which are from in- the world. U.S. oyster harvests yielded vertebrates. These products are used in 28.5 million pounds (13 million kilo- a variety of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, grams) valued at $132 million in 2011, nutritional supplements, and pigments. and in 2010 the commercial catch of Coral reefs have significant tourism blue crab exceeded 222 million pounds value as sites for such activities as scuba (100 million kilograms). U.S. waters also diving, snorkeling, and recreational

The feathery “branches” of the marine polychaete Christmas tree worm (Spiro­branchus giganteus) have a dual purpose, collecting food and acting as respiratory organs. The ­remainder of the worm lives in a hole bored into the substrate. Photograph courtesy NOAA Photo Library.

SPRING 2014 9 fishing. In the Florida Keys, reef-based protection valued at $212,000 per year tourism generates more than $1.2 billion ($86,000 per year for a hectare). annually; dive tourism in the Caribbean Invertebrates are already threat- generated $2 billion in 2000; and reefs ened by pollution, habitat degrada- in tourist areas of Indonesia have been tion, and global climate change, and oil valued at $2.6 million per square mile spills represent an additional persistent ($1 million per square kilometer). threat. We know that oil spills are hav- The habitats created by marine in- ing a negative impact on invertebrates vertebrates are ecologically and com- even though this effect has not received mercially important in a variety of widespread publicity. Oil spilled by ways. Coral reefs support nine million the barge Florida in 1969 moved into different species— 30 percent of the marshes where it killed crabs, amphi- oceans’ total—and catches from reef re- pods, worms, mollusks, and other ben- gions account for 10 percent of fish con- thic invertebrates, and continued caus- sumed by humans. Coral reefs also form ing harm for more than thirty years. living breakwaters that dissipate wave Six years after the tanker Arrow ran energy, prevent erosion, and increase aground off the coast of Nova Scotia in sedimentation rates near shorelines. 1970, spilling 294,000 gallons (1.1 mil- Similarly, the dense beds formed by oys- lion liters) of oil into Chedabucto Bay, ters not only create habitats that support soft-shelled clams were still being ex- a diverse, abundant fauna in intertidal posed to oil trapped in sediments, and areas, but also stabilize sediment and their populations were consistently protect shorelines from erosion. An acre lower at oiled locations; impacts to ben- of oyster-bed habitat can provide coastal thic invertebrates were documented for

Oil compounds accumulate in invertebrates, and the contamination is passed up through the food web. Photograph from Wikimedia Commons/4028mdk09.

10 WINGS Gorgonian soft corals are a highly diverse and important part of deep- water communities. Photograph of Iridigorgia pourtalesii courtesy NOAA Photo Library (Aquapix and Expedition to the Deep Slope 2007). twenty years. When the Amoco Cadiz and mussels and snails on shorelines ran aground off the northwest coast of suffocated after being coated with oil. France in March 1978, spilling about 64 Zooplankton in the water column were million gallons (242 million liters) of exposed to oil at levels known to cause oil into coastal waters, high mortality mortality, and commercial fishing for of zooplankton was reported and am- crabs, shrimp, and oysters was suspend- peliscid amphipods were completely ed because of contamination. The sea- absent from sites where they had been son in which the Deepwater Horizon spill the dominant population; it took elev- occurred may have increased the sever- en years for amphipods to recolonize ity of its impacts, as the disaster corre- impacted areas and reach pre-spill den- sponded with the spawning period of sities. Following the Ixtoc I spill, zoo- many corals, crabs, shrimp, and oysters, plankton suffered massive population and the early life stages of these animals decreases for three years. Soon after the are especially sensitive to oil. North Cape grounded on the beaches Given the diverse key roles that ma- of Rhode Island in 1996, spilling more rine invertebrates play in deep-sea and than eight hundred thousand gallons coastal habitats, potential ecosystem (three million liters) of oil, nearly three service losses related to oil spills are of million dead lobsters washed ashore. enormous concern. The impacts of the Four years after the Deepwater Ho­ Deepwater Horizon spill continue to be rizon spill we still do not know what its seen today, as invertebrates still exhibit full impact will be, but the effects on impaired disease resistance, decreased marine invertebrates were immediate growth and , and slow pop- and acute. Deepwater corals exposed to ulation recovery. Oil remains trapped in the oil plume were found dead or dying, sediments of both coastal marshes and

SPRING 2014 11 for example, IUCN specialist groups are working specifically to determine the extinction risk of many marine inverte- brates—but funding sources are lacking. In addition to expanding our base- line knowledge of invertebrates in coast- al, coral-reef, open-water, and deep-sea habitats, more research must be focused specifically on marine invertebrates in the aftermath of oil spills, both to mon- itor immediate and long-term impacts, and to increase our understanding of the process of recovery. Despite regulations intended to prevent such events, spills occur when oil is transported, as well as during ex- Gastropods such as the flat periwinkle ploration and drilling activities. No (Littorina obtusata) are common in inter- tidal environments, and thus vulnerable number of precautionary measures can to oil contamination of shorelines. Photo- guarantee that spills will never happen. graph by Sandy Rae/Flickr. Thus, if we are to protect marine wild- life, we must reduce our consumption deepwater habitats, which may extend of oil while simultaneously following the impacts on invertebrates by decades. best practices to reduce the possibility Oil spills have affected— and will and impact of oil spills. This includes continue to affect—invertebrates and developing our understanding of where their habitats across the globe. There it is relatively safe to drill, as well as of is no question that spilled oil is highly technologies and practices that can be toxic to marine invertebrates and that used to stop or minimize spills. Through this toxicity is long-lasting, but, because conservation of our natural resources, of the extreme diversity of marine inver- cultivation of a thoughtful approach to tebrates and the relative lack of research, where we drill, and the development of we still know little about the ultimate better technology, we can ensure that ecosystem-wide impacts of these events. the important animals that form the More —and more precise—baseline data base of the food chain are protected. are needed on existing populations of ocean invertebrates, so that we can bet- ter understand how these important an- The authors are all Xerces Society staff imals are being affected—not only by oil members. Scott Hoffman Black is Xerces’ spills but also by cumulative additional executive director; Michele Blackburn is a impacts such as other types of pollution, conservation associate with the aquatic habitat degradation, over-fishing, and program; Celeste Mazzacano directs the climate change. A tremendous amount aquatic program; and Candace Fallon is a of scientific expertise is available glob- conservation biologist with the endangered ally to conduct these baseline studies— species program.

12 WINGS The Colorado Spider Survey

Paula E. Cushing

Each year, natural areas in the Ameri- and butterflies, but such information can Intermountain West are profound- about other is lacking. One ly ­affected by population growth and group that is particularly understudied by the expanding development that is the order Araneae, the spiders. Little such growth brings with it. The result- is known about spiders of the western ing habitat degradation acts to drive United States, making it difficult to wildlife out of formerly pristine areas. know how habitat changes are affecting Those ­affected by these changes include particular species. not only the mule deer, bighorn sheep, Although spiders are often regard- bears, elk, coyotes, and other large ani- ed with consternation, they play an mals for which this area of the country important role in the environment. As is so well known, but also smaller and predators they consume countless other often overlooked animals such as spi- arthropods, reducing pest populations; ders and insects. indeed, some are now recognized for Researchers have documented the their valuable contribution in manag- distribution and species diversity of ing crop pests. Spiders are also often several groups of insects in the western prey themselves, and are, for example, states, including , grasshoppers, a significant component of the diet of

Spiders can be found everywhere from deserts to flower gardens, but are largely understudied. In Colorado, a statewide survey is helping to expand our knowl- edge of these animals. vatia, photographed by Bryan E. Reynolds.

SPRING 2014 13 The Colorado Spider Survey is documenting the distribution and abundance of Colorado’s spiders, even uncommon ones such as illaudatus. Photograph by Bryan E. Reynolds. many birds, including—somewhat un- ing in science, become actively involved expectedly—hummingbirds. in research. CSS participants identify In 1999, I initiated a regional citi- spiders and record where they are found. zen-science project to rectify the lack Cumulatively, these data describe both of knowledge about the biodiversity of the diversity of spiders in Colorado and spiders in the Intermountain West. The their geographic distribution, creating Colorado Spider Survey (CSS) was mod- a baseline for future studies to demon- eled after the Ohio Spider Survey found- strate whether and how these species ed by Dr. Richard Bradley, author of the distributions change. beautifully illustrated field guideCom ­ People get involved in the CSS by mon Spiders of North America. Both sur- accessing the project’s website, attend- veys are designed to document regional ing a free training workshop, or taking diversity of this understudied group of my spider- offered through arthropods and to engage interested the Denver of Nature & Sci- members of the public in this enterprise. ence. Since 1999 nearly eight hundred “Citizen science” is a term for efforts people—adults, families with bug-­crazy in which volunteer members of the pub- kids, park personnel, teachers—have lic, most of whom have no formal train- been trained. Over the years, almost 20

14 WINGS percent of participants have remained project. A large number become active as active with the survey for some period museum volunteers in the arach­nology of time past the initial training event, collection— curating incoming speci- and even those who do not remain ac- mens, identifying them, and recording tive leave the training with a better collection data, which are compiled and understanding of and appreciation for published in an online database, Sym- these animals. In fact, one particularly biota, a project of the Southwest Col- important aspect of the survey is that lections of Arthropods Network. A few those who participate become advo- CSS participants have pursued graduate cates for spiders and spokespersons for degrees in -related fields or the value of understanding the biology have initiated their own research proj- of overlooked groups of fauna and the ects, and several have presented posters importance of preserving the Earth’s or papers at conferences on their own biodiversity. CSS-related work. Some of those who remain active From the outset of the project some members of the CSS are solely field col- fifteen years ago, it has been important lectors, rarely making an appearance ex- to help the participants stay connected cept when they come to the museum to and engaged over the long term, and drop off specimens. Other participants one valuable tool has been our “arach- become outreach ambassadors, tak- nophile” distribution list. Twice a year, ing the information they have learned we send out a project newsletter, the through the CSS and using it for pub- Beat Sheet, which includes updates about lic programs in their schools, parks, or the project; notices about upcoming clubs; several of the teachers, for exam- classes, workshops, and lectures; an- ple, have involved their students in the nouncements for paid and volunteer po-

A burrowing ( antelucana) watches from its lair. Wolf spiders have excellent vision for spotting prey and long legs with which to chase it down. Photograph by Bryan E. Reynolds.

SPRING 2014 15 vials containing preserved specimens; of these, thirty thousand have been identified and entered into the Symbiota database, with the rest of them in the queue to be identified. Incoming and outgoing loan activity (shipping specimens to and from other researchers around the world) has in- creased every year. The CSS has documented forty-one families of spiders, representing more than 650 species in the western United States; among these is a new family re- cord (Zodariidae) not previously known in the region. The survey’s work has resulted in nineteen scientific publica- tions and fifteen presentations at scien- tific conferences, with seven of these by CSS participants. In addition to serving as a means for gathering critical information about the and distribution of this un- derstudied group of animals, the CSS has become a highly effective model for educating members of the public about the importance of biodiversity by in- volving them in the scientific process. The black and yellow garden spider (Ar- giope aurantia), as its name implies, com- We are creating an army of people who monly weaves its web between garden are informed and excited about arthro- plants. Photograph by Bryan E. Reynolds. pods, and who are serving as advocates within their own communities for un- sitions; participant news (adventures in derstanding and preserving our planet’s the field, arachnid-related natural histo- rich and diverse array of wildlife. ry observations, and other tidbits); and a section on “arachnids in the news.” Occasionally, participants who have Paula E. Cushing, Ph.D. is the curator of been inactive for several years suddenly invertebrate at the Denver Muse­ get back in contact and start sending in um of Nature & Science. Her research spe­ specimens again, almost certainly in- cialty is arachnids. spired by receiving the latest Beat Sheet. For more information or to join the When I began my job at the Denver Colorado Spider Survey, please visit http:// Museum of Nature & Science in 1998, spiders.dmns.org/. The Symbiota database the museum had no arachnid collec- can be accessed at http://symbiota4.acis. tion. We now have nearly fifty thousand ufl.edu/scan/portal/.

16 WINGS Hairy, Scary, Haarskeeders

Paula E. Cushing, Jack O. Brookhart, and Jen Rowsell

Military personnel returning from scribed species, with more species being Iraq or Afghanistan often report being discovered every year. charged during the day by bizarre arach- The oldest fossil solifuge is from nids called camel spiders. Most camel the Upper (Pennsylva- spiders are nocturnal, and it is likely nian) geologic period, approximately that in most instances the individuals three hundred million years ago. These in question had been displaced from arachnids are notable for their massively their daytime hiding places and were powerful segmented jaws, voracious ap- not pursuing the frightened soldiers; petite, feisty temperament, and tremen- in all probability, they were merely try- dous speed. They are important preda- ing to remain in their shadows and thus tors in harsh desert habitats throughout stay out of the direct sun. In doing so, the world, preying upon any inverte- the camel spiders were living up to the brate large enough to provide suste- name of their order, , Latin nance or any vertebrate small enough to for “fleeing from the sun.” The order catch and subdue. And they themselves includes twelve families, 141 genera, serve as food for lizards, , and and approximately eleven hundred de- other desert inhabitants.

The body of a solifuge is covered with long hairs. These hairs are sense or- gans, capable of detecting the tiniest changes in temperature, humidity, or air movement. Photographed in South Africa by Piotr Naskrecki.

SPRING 2014 17 Since they are neither camels nor powerful jaws in order to burrow into its spiders, no one really knows how soli- guts. Although solifuges are formidable fuges got the common name “camel spi- predators, such tales of their prowess are der,” but myths abound regarding these entirely fictional. pugnacious predators, often relating to Like most other arachnids, soli- one of their many vernacular names. In fuges have two major body segments: a some parts of the world they are called prosoma (also called the propeltidium), “wind scorpions,” because of their which combines the head and , speed. In South Africa, camel spiders and an (also called the are known in Afrikaans as vetvreters (fat ). The overall length of these eaters), or as haarskeeders (hair shavers), animals ranges from slightly less than because it is believed that they sneak one inch (two and a half centimeters) into beds at night and snip off people’s to more than four inches (ten centime- hair with their jaws. In some parts of ters), including the legs. Attached to the the Middle East, locals (and perhaps prosoma are the (or jaws), as U.S. military personnel) are convinced well as a pair of leg-like and that camel spiders grow up to two feet four pairs of legs. The pedipalps are cov- (sixty centimeters) long and can jump ered in setae (sensory hairs) that prob- up onto a large mammal such as a horse ably serve to detect vibrations, odors, or a camel and bring it down with those and chemical cues in the environment.

Camel spiders are agile predators, using their great speed to run down prey, including insects, reptiles, and small mammals. pallipes feeding on a cricket, photographed by Jen Rowsell.

18 WINGS These , typically held ex- erae into the soft body parts with a rota- tended in front of the body when the tional, macerating action and reducing solifuge is in motion, are used in cap- the prey to liquid via external digestion. turing prey and burrowing; they are Some species are arboreal, at least to also the means by which the male grasps some degree, while others can climb a the female during . Dangling variety of vertical surfaces to hunt. Still from the underside of the rear legs, close other species have been reported inhab- to the base, are racquet-shaped malleoli, iting termite nests and mangrove stalks. which are thought to be sensitive organs Solifuges secrete themselves under or in of smell. With just two simple eyes on all manner of items, including rocks, the prosoma, solifuges have poor vision boards, logs, cow chips, rodent burrows, and are likely capable of perceiving light and the stalks or stems of shrubs and intensity and little else. bushes. At night, camel spiders can be Solifuges show a strong response to found in illuminated areas, hunting for any sudden stimulus. When threatened, insects attracted to the lights. Many spe- a camel spider rises on its legs, rocks its cies excavate burrows in which to spend body back and forth, raises its pedipalps inactive periods; these may be simply and first legs, and opens its chelicer- a shallow divot in the soil or as deep as ae. Although solifuges do not possess twelve inches (thirty centimeters), and glands and thus can inflict only may be plugged or unplugged. A bur- minor pinches, their behavior can eas- row protects the solifuge from the sun, ily be misinterpreted. Species in some predators, and desiccation, and also pro- families have sound-producing ridges vides shelter for (molting), feed- located on the inner surfaces of the che- ing, and laying. Many solifuge spe- licerae and have been reported to “hiss” cies burrow in desert flood plains where alarmingly when disturbed. flash floods are common; remarkably, Camel spiders are cursorial hunters, individuals can survive up to two hours that is, they run down their prey. They immersed in water. are known for their speed, with some The nature of reproductive behavior individuals clocked at around ten miles has been documented for only a few spe- (sixteen kilometers) per hour. They will cies in a few families (Solpugidae, Galeo- attack reptiles, small mammals, birds, didae, , and Ammotrechi- and invertebrates of all kinds, includ- dae), but in those species the behavior ing other solifuges. The pedipalps, the is similar. When a female first comes chelicerae, and, in some species, the into contact with a male, she falls into first legs are used in the act of capture. a trance-like state. No one knows what Specialized eversible (inflatable) sucto- triggers this female quiescence. During rial organs on the final segment of the this time she is physically pliant, allow- pedipalps allow solifuges to tightly grip ing the male to hold her body with the smooth surfaces, such as the exoskele- suctorial organs on his pedipalps and tons of their prey. Although they twist it so that his chelicerae are situated have been documented scavenging opposite her , or genital open- freshly killed invertebrates, they feed ing. He then inserts his upper jaws (the mostly on live prey, driving their chelic- fixed fingers of the chelicerae) into her

SPRING 2014 19 body, vigorously chewing and kneading Females deposit their in bur- her genital area, and presumably prepar- rows, in quantities ranging from fifty to ing her for sperm transfer (and perhaps two hundred. Almost all studies of the removing a competitor’s sperm). The early life stages have been done in labo- male then releases a sperm packet, or ratories. The life cycle of those solifuges spermatophore, which he either picks studied seems to be univoltine (one up with his chelicerae and places at generation per year); however, some the opening of her gonopore or places isolated studies are suggestive of two- directly on her opening from his own to four-year life spans. Newly hatched genital opening. camel spiders appear translucent, shiny, Once the spermatophore has been and white, and remain massed together, placed inside the female, the male re- wriggling slightly. Their chelicerae are inserts his chelicerae into her body and poorly formed and still soft. The legs are resumes his chewing action, presum- not completely segmented. Eye spots are ably to facilitate release of sperm from formed but the eye tubercle is not. the spermatophore. On a good day, he In laboratory settings the time from will disengage from the female and flee hatching to first instar ranges from nine the area as she emerges from her mating to twelve days. First instar nymphs re- trance. On a bad day, the female revives semble adults except for the absence of midway through his amorous activi- the malleoli on the rear legs. Remain- ties, and on such occasions she tends ing clustered, these nymphs are more to inflict lethal wounds to his prosoma mobile but appear not to feed until the before proceeding to dine on her former molt to the second instar occurs, after partner. The arachnid mating world is which activity increases and aggres- fraught with peril, particularly in the sive behavior is apparent. At this stage, case of camel spiders. the young solifuges begin to hunt and

These large arachnids possess impressive chelicerae (jaws), but do not have venom glands. Photographed in Mozambique by Piotr Naskrecki.

20 WINGS Camel spider nymphs clustered around hatched and unhatched eggs. These nymphal solifuges are relatively immobile and inca- pable of feeding. Photograph by Paula Cushing. capture whatever small prey is available ­already been driven out of existence. (including each other). Only Eremobates Sadly, though camel spiders are an mormonus has been successfully reared integral part of the desert community, in the laboratory from egg to adult, with they receive no formal protection and eight instars reported; estimates for spe- many more species may well disappear cies in other families range from four to before being described. As with all such eight instars before adulthood. The time fascinating members of our Earth’s bio- of development for each stage depends diversity, they deserve attention before on temperature, relative humidity, and it’s too late. time of hatching. The few species of solifuges that have been studied in any detail appear Paula E. Cushing, Ph.D. is the curator of to be both habitat-specific and range- at the Denver Muse­ restricted. This suggests that these um of Nature & Science. animals are quite vulnerable to habitat Jack O. Brookhart is a research associ­ degradation, which increases their risk ate at the Denver Museum of Nature & Sci­ of extinction and also makes them valu- ence and has been studying camel spiders able indicator species for desert environ- since the 1960s, making him one of the ments. In many regions, the transforma- world’s foremost authorities on this group tion of deserts into irrigated agricultural of arachnids. fields or the increasing spread of urban Jen Rowsell is completing her master’s development has greatly reduced habi- degree at West Texas A&M University, tat availability and quality, and it is very where she is studying various aspects of possible that species of camel spiders camel , including courtship that we don’t even know about have and mating.


Karen Oberhauser: Tireless Champion for Monarch Butterflies If there were a list of the top five people climate change, insecticide use, and ge- in the world who are working to pro- netically modified crops. tect monarch butterflies, Karen Ober- The U of M Monarch Lab has also hauser would undoubtedly be on it. An created a pair of outreach programs, unassuming powerhouse of monarch Monarchs in the Classroom and the conservation, Karen is a scientist of the Monarch Monitoring Project. highest caliber, an educator who has Monarchs in the Classroom promotes taught many thousands of people about inquiry-based education through re- monarchs, and a conservationist who search opportunities and original cur- regularly works with other scientists, ricula, and organizes an annual Insect federal and state land managers, and Fair to spotlight student research. The policy makers to protect monarchs and Monarch Larva Monitoring Project, their habitat. now entering its eighteenth year, has Karen has been studying monarchs many hundreds of volunteer citizen since 1984. Her research in collaboration scientists collecting data on monarch with John Pleasants of Iowa State Uni- caterpillars and milkweed habitat at versity has helped us understand how more than nine hundred locations in widespread herbicide use has contrib- the United States, Canada, and Mexico. uted to monarch butterfly declines over The central goal of the project is to bet- the past decade. This work has been cen- ter understand how and why monarch tral to raising awareness of the large role populations vary in time and space, that habitat plays in monarch survival. with a focus on monarch distribution Through her work as a professor in and abundance during the breeding the Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, season in North America. and at the Univer- As the director of both programs, sity of Minnesota, Karen leads a research Karen has engaged people directly in group —the U of M Monarch Lab —that science and conservation, changing conducts research on several aspects of and minds while establishing monarch butterfly ecology. Over the an ever-expanding body of support for years, this group has included dozens of these important animals. graduate and undergraduate students, Her influence was officially recog- many of whom are now leaders in con- nized in June of last year, when Karen servation research and education. Their was named a White House Champion work has addressed the butterflies’ re- of Change for her efforts in monarch productive ecology, a protozoan parasite butterfly citizen science and her role as of monarchs (commonly called OE), fac- director of the Monarch Larva Monitor- tors affecting the distribution and abun- ing Project. In announcing this honor, dance of caterpillars, and risks posed by the White House said “Karen is passion-

22 WINGS ate about the conservation of the world’s is a founding member of the Monarch biodiversity, and believes that nurturing Joint Venture, which works with a vari- connections between humans and the ety of partners, including the U.S. Forest natural world promotes meaningful Service International Programs and the conservation action.” Xerces Society, to implement the North Karen’s work (and influence) goes American Monarch Conservation Plan beyond the laboratory and classroom. and to educate people about the plight She regularly makes the case that we of monarchs. Karen and Scott Hoffman need to work to protect these animals. Black, executive director of the Xerces Karen is the principal author of the Society, serve as co-chairs of the Mon- North American Monarch Conserva- arch Joint Venture. In addition, Karen is tion Plan. Canada, Mexico and the a long-time board member of the Mon- United States joined to produce this arch Butterfly Fund and is now, we are long-term cooperative agenda for con- pleased to say, one of the Xerces Soci- serving the monarch and its migratory ety’s scientific advisors. phenomena. The plan outlines critical It is seldom that a person achieves actions needed for the conservation of so much in either academia or conser- monarchs and details habitat conser- vation. To have accomplished so much vation and restoration actions that are in both is rare. Karen deserves the acco- necessary for monarch survival. lades she has received, and has earned Karen is actively engaged in mon- our gratitude for her determined efforts arch conservation organizations. She on behalf of monarch butterflies.

Karen Oberhauser has dedicated herself to researching and protecting monarch butterflies. Thanks to her, thousands of people are involved in conserving monarchs—and the butterflies are a little safer. Photograph by Michelle Solensky.


Chemical Found in Sunscreens Is Toxic to Corals Research by the National Oceanic and The study’s lead author, Craig Atmospheric Administration and part- Downs, believes that working with ners suggests that benzophenone-2 (BP- manufacturers, creating more envi- 2), added to sunscreen to protect against ronmentally sustainable products, and UV rays, is having a toxic effect on coral educating consumers might help reduce reefs. Researchers showed that BP-2 can BP-2’s potential impact on coral reefs. kill juvenile corals, cause coral bleach- (Downs, C. A., et al., 2014. Toxicological ing, and induce mutations. The chemi- effects of the sunscreen UV filter, ben- cal is not typically removed through zophenone-2, on planulae and in vitro water treatment, and is often found in cells of the coral, Stylophora pistillata. the waters surrounding nearshore reefs. Ecotoxicology 23:175–191.)

Mysterious Syndrome Is Causing Sea Stars to Come Apart Sea Star Wasting Syndrome is caus- Voracious predators, sea stars are ing North American sea stars to self- a keystone species and population de- destruct, and researchers are unsure of clines could cause significant environ- its cause. First observed in Washington mental changes. Researchers at the Uni- state in summer 2013, the syndrome has versity of California at Santa Cruz are since spread along both the East and engaging scientists and citizen scientists West Coasts. An affected sea star first de- to help track the syndrome’s geographi- velops white lesions;­ next, its arms pull cal spread. Their data and information away from its body, exposing its internal about monitoring can be found at: http: organs and quickly resulting in death. //www.eeb.ucsc.edu/pacificrockyinter No part of the diseased star regenerates. tidal/data-products/sea-star-wasting/.

Pollinator Habitat on Farm Fields Helps Both Bees and Crops A new study suggests that increasing farms with varied levels of agricultural land set-asides in farm fields in order to land cover. They found that bee num- increase pollinator habitat positively bers and pollination services were both impacts both wild pollinators and the strongly influenced by the presence or crops that depend upon them. absence of habitat within crop fields. Researchers at Rutgers University (Benjamin, F. E., J. R. Reilly, and R. Win- sought to understand the spatial scale free. 2014. Pollinator body size mediates at which land use affects pollinators the scale at which land use drives crop and pollination services, by examining pollination services. Journal of Applied bee populations and crop pollination at Ecology, early view online.)

24 WINGS New Books Tiny, abundant, and practically om- nipresent, insects are one of the most accessible parts of nature. Though we often study insects in an objective and scientific manner, we also engage with them on a personal level. Two charming new books deal with our more intimate interactions with invertebrates. A Sting in the Tale (Jonathan Cape) opens with bumble bee expert Dave Goulson’s good-natured (though often misguided) childhood attempts at con- servation. This youthful fascination grew into his life’s work, and the book chronicles his bumble bee conservation efforts. Weaving together the fascinat- ing peculiarities of bumble bees and a narrative that spans both continents and decades, A Sting in the Tale mixes sci- ence, humor, and an impassioned call to protect our world’s bumble bees. In Bug Music: How Insects Gave Us seventeen-year cicadas, visits a cricket Rhythm and Noise (St. Martin’s Press), orchestra in Stockholm, and spends an jazz musician and philosopher David evening with a singer and a chorus of ka- Rothenberg puts forth an intriguing tydids in the Hudson Valley. Through- theory: that millennia spent listening to out, Rothenberg offers a unique medi- insects has shaped our collective sense tation on our relationship with insects of rhythm and music. The book follows and the subtle ways these creatures may Rothenberg as he plays saxophone with shape both our culture and our psyches.

Honey Bee Diseases Affecting Wild Bumble Bees Researchers in Britain have found that lieve this phenomenon is taking place wild bumble bees are being infected by globally. They suggest that improved two diseases harbored by honey bees, pathogen control in managed bee spe- deformed wing virus and Nosema cera­ cies is necessary to protect native polli- nae. They report that the prevalence of nators, and that new policies to manage the diseases in bumble bees and honey diseases must take both managed and bees is linked, and that honey bees may wild bees into account. (Fürst, M. A., et be the source of the infections. al., 2014. Disease associations between Though their data are drawn from honeybees and bumblebees as a threat the United Kingdom, the scientists be- to wild pollinators. Nature 506:364–366.)


Matthew Shepherd, Communications Director What got you interested in insects? My fa- ther took an interest in butterflies, and as a child I absorbed that. Later, when I was running a conservation program in Essex, England, insects became an ob- session. We restored many small sites: meadows for ants and butterflies, wood- lands for butterflies and beetles, heath- lands for bees, ponds for dragonflies. How did you hear of the Xerces Society? When I moved to this country in the late 1990s, I came to Oregon and began looking for a job. Someone suggested that I do an informational interview with Melody Mackey Allen, then Xer­ ces’ executive director. Over coffee we ten to music, watch wildlife, and look discovered that I had skills and experi- for shapes in the clouds. ence that could help Xerces’ projects Which books are you currently reading? and Melody offered me part-time work. There are two: Bugs Britannica, by Peter What made you want to work here? Con- Marren and Richard Mabey, and Adam necting people with their environment Bede, by George Eliot. —and converting that into action—has Who is (or was) your environmental hero? long been a passion of mine. Working at John Ray, a seventeenth-century natu- Xerces allows me to do that, while pro- ralist who could be considered the father tecting the animals that are most impor- of , and who was born and tant. And I love working for a nonprofit. did his studies in the same area of Essex I’ve stayed here for fifteen years because where I lived and worked. And Jonathon it has been so satisfying to be part of Porritt, who, as director of Friends of the such a dynamic organization and con- Earth during the 1980s, inspired me to tribute to its growth and achievements. become an environmental advocate. Who’s in your family? My wife, Karen— Where did you study? I was educated in she’s the reason I moved to the United Britain, where I completed a bachelor of States —and our two kids, Edie and Ju- science degree at Plymouth Polytechnic lian, plus various small pets. (now Plymouth University) and a master What do you do for relaxation? Hike, read, of science at Silsoe College (now Cran- play games with my family, garden, lis- field University).


Bumble Bee Watch Is Off and Running In January, the BumbleBeeWatch.org In particular, an analysis of bumble bee web site was launched, creating a new sightings and museum records show way for people to be directly involved that a third of North America’s species in protecting bumble bees throughout are in decline. Action is needed to iden- North America. Bumble Bee Watch en- tify and protect those species at greatest ables people to connect with experts risk, and over the last several years we and other enthusiasts to identify bum- have engaged citizen scientists to help ble bees they see and to learn about their follow a handful of priority bee species. ecology; by submitting photographs, Bumble Bee Watch enables scientists these citizen scientists can help to build from Xerces and our partner institu- a comprehensive picture of where bum- tions to draw upon an increasing num- ble bees are thriving and where they ber of individuals who can contribute to need help. this work. Bumble bees are essential to wild- Bumble Bee Watch is a partnership lands, gardens, and farms. Many recent between the Xerces Society, Wildlife reports suggest that we may be losing Preservation Canada, the University of their familiar buzz from our summer Ottawa, the , the landscapes due to habitat loss, insecti- Natural History Museum in London, cide use, disease, and climate change. and BeeSpotter.

Learn about North American bumble bees—and help protect them—by participating in Bumble Bee Watch. Photograph by Matthew Shepherd.

SPRING 2014 27 A Successful Year for the Migratory Dragonfly Partnership The Migratory Dragonfly Project, a two- the site where it developed into an adult. year-old partnership between dragonfly In the past year, the MDP has grown experts, nongovernmental programs, dramatically: More than twice as many academic institutions, and federal agen- records were submitted to the MDP cies from the United States, Mexico, and website in 2013 as there were in 2012, Canada, works to better understand and the number of migration reports North America’s migrating dragonflies increased by 700 percent! We forged and to promote conservation of the wet- new partnerships with the Hawk Mi- land habitat on which they rely. Fund- gration Association of North America ing is provided by the U.S. Forest Service (as migrating birds and dragonflies fol- International Programs. low similar routes), master naturalists The partnership works via three groups, friends organizations of Nation- citizen-science projects. Pond Watch is al Wildlife Refuges, and Espacios Natu- place-based, with volunteers regularly rales y Desarrollo Sustentable (ENDESU) reporting on sightings of migratory spe- in Mexico. We created new resources, cies at particular locations. Migration including backyard habitat guidelines Monitoring is seasonal, tracking the and a Spanish-language field guide. spring and fall movements of dragon- These efforts have already yielded flies. Volunteers with the Stable Isotope insight into dragonfly migration. Re- Project collect samples for laboratory ports from volunteers are helping us analysis of hydrogen isotopes to assess understand patterns of dragonfly move- the distance a dragonfly travels from ment and visualize patterns of arrival

Sightings of the common green darner (Anax junius) reported by ­participants in citizen-science projects of the Migratory Dragonfly Partnership have expanded knowledge of the timing and extent of the ­species’ movements. Photograph by Bryan E. Reynolds.

28 WINGS for different species at ponds across the answers (and develop new questions) in continent. We appreciate the dedication solving the puzzle of dragonfly migra- of our volunteers and partners as we find tion in North America.

Xerces Expands Its Partnerships in the Business Community The Xerces Society is proud to have a Xerces is a partner in Endangered growing range of partnerships with Species Chocolate’s 10% GiveBack pro- businesses that share our environmen- gram, which supports nonprofits with a tal goals. These relationships expand portion of its revenue. Endangered Spe- our reach and provide support for our cies has just released a filled bar—Blue- conservation programs. berry Vanilla Crème Filled Dark Choco- Whole Foods Market has been a late — that features the rusty patched corporate partner for three years. We’re bumble bee. Inside the wrapper is a pro- excited to say that in June Whole Foods file of this imperiled species, providing Market and its vendors will again be information about how to help Xerces hosting Share the Buzz, an event that protect this and other bumble bees. features events and promotions in many Xerces also has friends in the world of the company’s stores, as well as sales of beauty. Chantecaille, a luxury skin­ of pollinator-­dependent products ben- care company, has released the Save efiting Xerces. the Bees palette of four gentle shades of In addition, two companies are sell- makeup; 5 percent of proceeds support ing products with a Xerces tie-in exclu- Xerces programs. And we have a part- sively at Whole Foods Market. The Suja nership with Aveda, which has hosted Juice Elements Cause Collective features pollinator-awareness days at its Experi- twelve nonprofits, each with a smoothie ence Centers across the United States. that raises money for the organization; Our thanks to these companies and the Jasmine Tea flavor supports Xerces. our other business partners for support- The second company is Cascadian Farm. ing our work and making a public com- Look for their limited-edition Honey mitment to saving bees. Through their Almond Medley cereal, on the back of efforts, messages about the importance which you’ll find information about our of insects and ways to care for them are Bring Back the Pollinators campaign. reaching thousands of new people.

Pollinator Conservation Short Courses Reach Fiftieth State! When we began presenting our Pollina- idly; in many states we have had to pres- tor Conservation Short Courses a few ent several courses to accommodate all years ago, the aim was to bring them of the people who wish to attend. Given to all fifty U.S. states. We reached that the strong desire for additional short target on February 6 of this year with courses, we will be returning to many a presentation in Hawaii. The one-day states in the near future. We are also im- courses have been widely acclaimed, plementing a new series of short courses with registration typically filling rap- on conservation biocontrol.

SPRING 2014 29 The Xerces Society’s Pollinator Conservation Short Courses have trained hun- dreds of farmers and agency conservationists in ways to provide flower-rich hab- itats to sustain bees and other beneficial insects. Western bumble bee (Bombus occidentalis) foraging on goldenrod (Solidago), photographed by Rich Hatfield.

These courses have been made pos- and manage farm landscapes for the sible through the support of Sustain- benefit of native pollinators. able Agriculture and Education grants This team has just expanded with in every region of the United States and the addition of Anne Stine, who comes with help from our partners at the Nat- to us from the Nature Conservancy in ural Resources Conservation Service. Nebraska. Based in Texas, Anne will Now with staff scientists in five states support our outreach and habitat res- from California to New Jersey, our pol- toration work in the Central Plains as linator conservation team is educating a joint Xerces/USDA-NRCS pollinator people about how to restore, enhance, conservation specialist.

Xerces Establishes Pesticide Program The Xerces Society has initiated a new ways to manage mosquitoes in wetlands conservation program focused on pes- with minimum impact to wildlife. Until ticides. Pesticide reduction is not a new now, though, we have not had dedicated issue of concern for us. We have worked staff time to work on these issues. That with great success to reduce the area and changed in November with the arrival impact on nontarget animals of grass- of our new pesticide specialist, Aimee hopper spraying in the Intermountain Code, formerly of the Northwest Center West, and in the past couple of years for Alternatives to Pesticides. have become a leading voice on the im- Aimee is working with communi- pacts of neonicotinoid insecticides on ties across the United States to establish bees and other beneficial insects and on better regulations for neo­nicotinoid in-

30 WINGS secticides, and she and ­Celeste Mazza­ on protecting pollinators a requirement cano, director of our Aquatic Conserva- for pesticide applicator training and tion Program, are collaborating on ways adds pollinator protection information to address mosquito management at to applicator licensing exams. The bill wetlands nationwide. also creates a task force charged with In the months since our pesticide bringing to Oregon’s 2015 legislative program began, Xerces has worked with session new legislation to address the a group of organizations to promote the threat that pesticides pose to pollinator Save Ore­gon’s Pollinators Act. Spon- health. Although Xerces supports the sored in the Oregon legislature by Rep- Save Ore­gon’s Pollinators Act, we be- resentative Jeff Reardon and signed into lieve that it does not go far enough. In law on March 6, 2014, this Act is the first the coming months, our goal will be to statewide legislation specifically intend- work with the task force to come up with ed to protect bees from neonicotinoid meaningful legislation that will more insecticides. The bill makes instruction effectively address this important issue.

Scott Hoffman Black Assumes Expanded Role at the IUCN As an indication of the growing influ- Committee. The subcommittee over- ence of the Xerces Society, Scott Hoff- sees the IUCN’s terrestrial invertebrate man Black, our executive director, has specialist groups. Scott has chaired the been appointed deputy chair of the IUCN’s SSC Butterfly Specialist Group International Union for Conservation for several years, and Simon Stuart, of Nature’s Species Survival Commis- chair of the SSC, invited him to take on sion’s Invertebrate Conservation Sub-­ the additional responsibility.

WINGS, Spring 2014 Volume 37, Number 1 Wings is published twice a year by the Xerces Society, an international, non- profit or­ganization dedicated to protecting the diversity of life through the ­conservation of invertebrates and their habitat. A Xerces Society membership costs $35 per year (tax-deductible) and in­cludes a subscription to Wings. Copyright © 2014 by the Xerces Society. All rights reserved. Xerces Society Exec­utive Director: Scott Hoffman Black; Editors: Scott Hoffman Black, John Laur­sen, and Matthew Shepherd; Design and Production­ : John Laursen. Printed on recycled paper. For information about membership and our conser­va­tion programs for native pollinators, endangered species, and aquatic invertebrates, contact­ us: THE XERCES SOCIETY FOR INVERTEBRATE CONSERVATION 628 Northeast Broadway, Suite 200, Portland, OR 97232 toll-free 855-232-6639 fax 503-233-6794 [email protected] www.xerces.org

SPRING 2014 31 Specialized communities of tubeworms and mussels form around deep­ water cold seeps, creating dense beds that provide shelter to shrimps and other animals. Photograph courtesy NOAA Photo Library (Aquapix and Expedition to the Deep Slope 2007).

THE XERCES SOCIETY FOR INVERTEBRATE CONSERVATION 628 Northeast Broadway, Suite 200, Portland, OR 97232

Board of Directors Scientific Advisors Karen Oberhauser May R. Berenbaum Paul R. Ehrlich Paul A. Opler President Wendell Gilgert Dennis Paulson Linda Craig Boris Kondratieff Robert Michael Pyle Treasurer Claire Kremen Michael Samways Sacha Spector John Losey Cheryl Schultz Secretary Thomas Lovejoy Robbin Thorp David Frazee Johnson Scott E. Miller Paul Williams Logan Lauvray Gary Paul Nabhan E. O. Wilson Marla Spivak Piotr Naskrecki Rachael Winfree

A $35 per year Xerces Society membership includes a subscription to Wings.

On the cover: Octocorals are an extremely diverse group of soft corals that are an impor- tant component of many deepwater, hard-bottom communities. Their biology is not well understood, and conservation of these species hinges on more research being done. Pho- tograph courtesy NOAA Photo Library (Aquapix and Expedition to the Deep Slope 2007).