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Corset Sate S L Y " C U ' R I S ' a N F S - Establishment

Corset Sate S L Y " C U ' R I S ' a N F S - Establishment

'FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1970 : ;;v- Avera$fe IWIy Net Press Run PAGE THIETY-TWO The Weather iHaurlffHtpr 1£upftin0 iftra lft ? ’or TOe Week Ended December 20, 1060 J’artly cloudy, cold today, to­ warden of Friendship Lodge, is Cliaiiiinade Sees iFountain Village Owners night and Sunday. High In the Registration Next Week Skating - Cpasting Masons Plan general chairman. 1 5 ,8 8 0 20s, ' to near 30 in southern Table Lodge is for Masons Pinto Pictures arcaiia Dow tonight 6 to 16, ; only, and Is. condi^cted on the 4 Involved iri Damage Suit Manchester— 4 City of Village Charm For Adult Evening School Table Lfodge Entered Apprentice decree. The Chamlnade Musical Club will hold Its annual potluck and An $800,000 damage suit has owed the Society of Savings and VOL. LXXXIX. NO. 79 (SIXTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY .3, 1970 ((ilaaelfled Advertising on Page 18) PRICE TEN CENTS A Table Lodge, celebrating a note of $600,000 As owed the R«jlstratlon for the winter for openings in these existing guest night Monday at 6:80 p.m. been brought by two of the foijr term of the Manchester Adult classes: Algebra I, Thursday, 7- the Feast of St. John the Evan­ Brozek To Call Connecticut Bank opd Trust Co. gelist, will be held by Manches­ in the Robbins Room at Center owners of Itountain Village McKeown and Dalene claim , _ , n . , 9, Room 101; Intermediate typ- This is -^ e wecknd sidiedult Evening. School Mdll be held Thursday, ter Masons next Thursday, Jab. Square Dance Church. against the other two, it is that the offer by Downey and for jcoastln^ond skiing in town: Tuesday and Wednesday from 7 g .30.8 R„om 110; brush-up 8, at the Masonic Temple at Guests lor the program will pending In Hartford County Su­ Hudson , was repeated on Aug. 1, Coatting until dark today,'and A1 Brozek of Oxford will be to 9 p.m. at Manchester High shorthand, Monday and Wednes- 6:30 f).m. be Mr. and Mrs. Reginald' Plri- perior Court, 1969 and that they (McKeitwn State in Bid Church Views ’ s :30 to dark tomorrow and Sun­ guest caller/ at Manchester School. Classes will begin dur- day, 8.-9, Room 122; inter- Host for the occasion is a. Jbhn McKeown of Tolland and and Dovinnoy) accepted It on day. Square. Dance Club open dance W of 371. W. Middle Tpke.,. who Agnew: GIs Won’t Be Sent Ing the week of Jan. 12. The mediate shorthand, Tuesday Friendship Lodge of Masons^ Ame Dalene of Blast Hartland Aug 7, 1969. Birth C«ntrol Skiing at Northview on Her­ tomorrow from 8 to 11 p.m. at will show slides of their recent term will' end March 19. and Thursday, 7-8, Room 122. trip to "Portugal. - Recorded are suing Emil Downey of Can­ T o Avert BoI t ON (AlP) — A col­ cules Dr. da Until 6 today, and ^Waddell School. He will be as­ McKeown and Dalene contend • Classss will not meet in the Also, advanced' shorthand, ton and James Hudson of Sims­ umn I n '^ n y ’s edition jjf the 6:30 to 9 tonight; tomorrow, sisted by Mr. and Mrs. Russell music of Portugal will also be that, vrith that action, the*'part- week of Peb. 23. Tuesday and Thursday, 8-9, bury, They have placed on $800,- official Catholic ArchBloce- 1 to 6. White who will cue the round played. ner^lp was terminated. Courses are non-credit, opeh Room 122; graphic communlca- 000 attachment against the 314- san newspaper, 'Die Pilot, To War Unless Cause Just There is no skating., dancing. The event is open to all Pinto IS'i'a photographer with On Aug. 21, 1969, McKeown to Manchester residents 18 tions, Tuesday, 7-9, Illing; ad- imlt apartment complex. BV)un- said the Church may have OiJtddor sports information area club ^uare dancers. The .Manchester Evening Her­ and Dalene state, they entered . HAR'TFORD, Conn. (AP) BANGK.OK (AP)'i—Vice use of American ground troops been made In U.S. Naval patrols years of age or older ahd riot vanced woodworking, Wednes- taln Village is on W._ Middle into, an agreement with W a r i^ to re-examine Its position In Lium or Tlialland. guarding Formosa from Com- ' can be obtained by calling 64i3- ald. ■' State education commtaalbner President Spiro T. Ajfnew attendlng public school during day, 7-9, Rpom 143; fire tech- The guest oailer is a Grade 6 Tpke., opposite Wickham Park. K. Novlck, wherein Novick was , • 'll on -artificial -contraception. munist China and that "the cov­ 4700. teacher in the Naugatuck school Mefnbers of the club are re­ Speaking with reporters on the day. The registration fee^is nology, Thursday, 7-9, Room McKeown and Dalene charge to purchase the interests of WlHam J. Sanders appointed a,^ "'The world Is In n new sit­ said'today President Nixon erage of the straits is to some system. He started sqUare dance minded to bring their own place uation,” wrote the Rt. Rev. Air Force Two, Agnew said Nix­ $2 per course for residents; and 161; art for beginners, Monday^ that Downey and Hudson haye Downey and Hudson. nriedtator Friday to try to avert extent "even, greater than It was calling in 1954 while in col­ settings. Msgr. George W. CSisey, au­ would not send U.S. combat on’s support of the curb ’’Indi­ |6 per course, plus the $2 regia- 7-9, Room 207; watercolor, Moij. failed to honor the terms of the cated the President’s conviction before these changes were ■ Public Records lege, and while in ‘ the ,service On Sept. 11, 1969, Downey and a possible teachers’-' strike In thor of the column "Drift- troops to Asia “ without tration fee for non-residents, day, 7-9, Room 9, Illing. agreement entered into by all that we would hot become In­ madq. Warnuitee Deed he started ^uare dance classes Hudsonj^ormed M cKeo^ and Hartford. •• vfrood,” the very antithesis of Fees are payable at registra- Also, intermediate drawing four in May 1966, when they congressional approval and volved In any other combat ac­ In' addition. Agnew said, "our Oliver B. and Ann Jylkka to at a USO in Clarksville, Tenn. Delene ’by letter that they what prevailed in the begin­ tion, and students are expected and ■ painting, Tuesday, 7-9, formed a real estote partner­ His action came after the unless some very extreme, tivities with our troops In Asia vessels will stop at Taiwan as a Ludovic F. and Gilda M. Agos- He now calls for the T ^uores About Town withdrawn their offer to sell city’s board of education de­ ning when Jehovah said: to pay for their textbooks., sup- Room 9 Illing; advanced sew- ta, property at 11 Durant St., ship known as Foimtaln Village unless some very extreme, port of coll to give evidence of of Thomaston, the Middletown Miss Judith Lance, daughter and that they were continuing , clared negotiations witiT'a teach­ 'Increase and multiply.’ provocatory and substan­ plles, or laboratory fee’s. A ing, Tuesday, 7-9, Room. 130; conveyance tax $22.55. ' Associates, the partnership, the Writ states. tial action Uxik place.” provocatory and substantia] ac­ our continued commitment and course may be withdrawn be- tailoring, Thursday, 6:30 - 8, Square Dance Club, and the Ox of MaJ. and Mrs. Kenneth Under the terms of the May er’s union over salaries were at "Anything but that seems .support.” He stressed that the, j Attachment Lance of 8 Garnet Rd,, has McKeown and Dalene contend the good thing for mankind Agnew gave this as a reason tion took place Chat might make cause of insufficient enroll- Room 130; tailoring, Thursday, Bows of Oxford. 1966 agreement, McKeown and an impasse and asked for non- changes that have been made in Helen' D. LaCroix against been named to the dean’s list that, as a result of the action, now, but If, in this juncture, for the administration’s en- it necessary for him to seek re- ment, and fees will be refund- 8-9:30, Room 130; rug hooking, Committees for the dance are Dalene claim, any one or more . binding mediation. tile patrols' "do not reduce our Gerard LaCroix, property at 272 at Middlesex Community Col­ by Downey and Hudson, they the Church has not thought , do'rsement.of the curb voted by evaluation by the Congress.” ed. Wednesday, 7-9, Room 244. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Clark, door of the partners could sell their Meanwhile, the Hartford Fed­ over-all ’strength.” Main St., $30,000. lege in Middletown where she is were unable to comply with of anything but .saving the, t'-dngress last month on possible Agnew also said changes have duty; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sur- Interests to an outside interest, eration of Teachers announced At the same time, the vice These new courses will be of- Registrations will be accept- Marriage Licenses a sophomore. their agreement, with Warren pre.stige of the mogisterium fered in the winter term, with ed for openings in existing prenant, refreshment chairmen, provided that the selling part­ plans for a meeting on Sunday ______:______president disclosed that the Richard Wayne Poucher, 120 K. Novlck. teaching authority, no prop­ assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ ners, gave the remaining part- to consider taking a strike vote Aston leaders with whom he has classes held at MHS unless classes from persons who have Grandview St., and Rebecca Mias Linda Llee Arruda of 19 osition but the Improve- liam TIanner and Mr. and Mrs. irters first option to purchase, 'They claim substantial mon­ on Jan. 16. ‘ talked so far, rather than fear- btherwlse stated: had some experience or training Lynn Garlits, Rifle, Colo. Meadow Lane is listed in the ment of rhythm, then the Jbhn Thiellng. , etary lose and damage, and Jan. 16 is the deadline set by g , • , snw , . r g I ing subversion and Infiltration, ^ Reading Improvement; Mon- in these subject areas: Book- Kevin Connolly, 18 Fairviow 1969 edition of "Who’s Who ’The option was to be for W world Is not going to look to William Campbell charge Downey and Hudson with the union for embarking on a are afraid of total attack, not day, 7-9, Room 110: Learning to keeping, Monday and Thursday, St., and Jan Lee DelGreco, 167 Among Students in American days. the Church for .help and Justice Department rrooe read with purpose, developing 8-9:30, Room 121; beginning McKeown and Dalene claim breach of agreement. "no-contract,, no work” policy, •' I Infiltration'—an unmlMokable Grandview St., Jan. 10, Church and it^m em bers -will provide Doesn't Eat Clothes Universities and Colleges. A. ^Idance.” critical reading power, evalu- woodworking, Monday, 7-9, of the Assumption. that, in March 1969, Downey according to a vote taken sev­ f .1 ■ T l attack by another power which the potluck; guests will be the The moth itself does not eat graduate of Blast Catholic High Msgr. Oaspy, urged that ating literature, recognizing in- Room 143; beginning reading and Hudson offered to sell them eral weeks ago. would be an act of war.'’ members of Manchester Lodge clothes; it ooiild not even if it School, she is the sweetheart the Church look to the future Of Fantners Heaan Uuietly tonatioh, inference, and crlUcal and conversational French, their interests for $450,000 in Tile mediator apixiimed by “ ^ , While he did not say so pre- Accuracy of Masons. wanted to. Like other butter­ of Tau Kappa . Epsilon F’rater- and pointed especially to the assessment, and . developing Monday, 7-9, Room 114; reading cash. In addition, the plaintiffs PROJECTOR LAMPS Sanders is Kenneth H.* Lundy, By L a u r e n c e s t e r n strict silence on charges by '’-Isely, the Implication The statistical analysis made - William Campbell of Fair- flies and moths, its mouth is in nlty, secretary of her class, problem of control Of over­ wider reading interest. and conversational German, were to assume the defendants’ a member of the State Depart­ The Washington Post Black Panther leaders and their new’s w o r* was tlmt any U.S. by the weather bureau Itself as field will be the guest speaker.' the form of a soft tube which and the _1969 Homecoming AU Ty|M Always in SHock population. Astronomy-Geology, Monday Tuesday, 7-9, Room 241; begin- portion of the outstanding ment of Education’s division of WASHINGTON — Working in sympathizers that both the de-, action to carry out lU treaty well numerous, informal He is a past grand master of cannot Injure clothing. The Queen, ^__ WELDON DRUG CO. "It seems fair to say,” he 2 7-9, Room 128: Topics Include ning reading and conversational encumbrances. administrative services. carefully guarded obscurity ' partmpnt and bureau have In Asia, groups reveals a national Masons in the state, and pres­ moth is the adult stage of the said, "that most thoughtful 3 scope of the universe, life of a Italian Tuesday, 7-9, Room 114; The writ filed with the Super­ MUn SL .. MsiiciMeter Federation president Anthony ' within the Justice Department, conducting a vendetta against niasslve external atta^ck, scope average accuracy of close to 85 ently serves as grand secretary. insect, and it is the caterpillar Manchester Veterans Council men are becoming Increas­ enameling on metal, Wednes­ ior Court states that a mortgage MS-SSSl R. Anderson said the union a small force of government the militant black party that ^ confined to naval an , star, sun, northern lights, gla- per cent in its weather fore­ He was grand master in 1966. or larval stages that are so will meet Monday at 8 p,m. at ingly concerned about the ci.rs, earthquakes, volcanos, day, 7-9, Room 207. of approximately $3,600,000 Is would mediate In good faith lawyers has been preoccupying lays heavy stress on armed self foi'ce*- ______casts. Russell W. Schlatter, junior destructive. • the American,Le^on Home. survival Of.humankind.” and mountain building. Films with the board,'but added: "The Itself this past year with the defense' and fiery rhetoric . Agnew ^talked ^ . "It also seems fair to say and filmstrips will supplement board has now declared an Im­ activities of the Black Panther against the authorities. route from ° ’ passe, meaning that we are Chat they could expect the lectures land discussions. Town Asks Bids Church to have something to since the enucago police .raid Investments and the Stock headed for non-binding media­ The task force consists of „n Dec. 4 that resulted .In' the ^eW-reUant*^ tion. say about this, something for Market, Tuesday, 7-9, Room On New Cruisers all mankind, not only for its middle class career pub- yning of two Panther leaders, «,mhortlnir South Vlet- 111: Fundamentals of invest­ GREAT ANNUAL JANUARY "If the lack of good faith ne- confluents, something help­ 4eN:ervdnts who regard them-Fred Hampton, 21, and Mark ^ « w w T ^ ” ^ f m S ? ^ e ^ y _ Bids will be opened Jan. 16, * gotiations prevails in mediation, ♦reives, on the whole^ as racial cinrk 22 there has been a ' wlH'® Y ing, types of Investments, stock ful, something bilave and It appears that we are headed market operation. Invekment ^ ^ ^ Municipal nerw.” objectives, and basic methods Building, for seven new police for a confrontation of the most They report directly to the favor of the revolutionary proup ^ of investing. cruisers. The bid specs call for serious magnitude,” Anderson heads of ithree principal Justice in the ghetto and in the borde™ Creative Writing, Wednesday, models, to be two-door se- STARTS said. corset sate S l y " c U ' r i S ' a n f S - establishment. “ ^ 7-9, Room 111 : Emphasis on the four-door sedans, or At Issue in the dispute Is the short story and related areas. oambinatlons of the two. question of toacher salaries. An* Giving a checkerboard-like effect to the landscape is this pattern of freshly n i r T^;y ire reiJ^ctWely J. states, are aware of ^ Crime Hits Walter Yeaelev J^ris Leonard Southern ChrisUan significant support which Beginning Sewing, Wednes- Being offered in trade are derson said that contracts^ now lice paddies in war-torn South Vietnam. It is one of the many valleys in Md Will Wilson I ^ c r s h lp C on fere^ , call^ Thailand Is giving to the efforts. day, 7-9, Room 18 Illing: Selec- sU used cruisers, vrith an ag- SOFT-SKIN in effect with ,the city give the tMlPiowlands 5f northern Binh Dinh province. (AP Photofax) tion of equipment, fabric and gregate mileage of approxi- TODAY federation the right to bargain • ^ r toterdlvlslonal unit was le ^ e m resist Corn- In Capital created bv Attorney General Panther groups. If we let them aggression,” Agnew parttem, basic fitting, InserUng mately 440,000, mUes today, now for salaries ^n the I97d-71 * John N. Mitchell eL ly In'- 1969 suppress the Said, adding that Its ”^ f - ^ zippers, finishing seams, at- Of the sSx used cruisers, two school year. WASHINGTON (AP) — Mur­ to coordinate the department’s next group on the list wUl be attitude has Impressed the tachlng set-in sleeves, collars, are 1969 Dodges and four are In a morning press conference der, rape and robbery reached effort In dealing with Black people of the United States and and waist band. Each student 1968 Plymouths, all elght-cy- Friday, the Rev; Richard A. The National Urban League respect In vChlch an all-time high in the nation’s GIs~Repel Viet Cong Attack Panther activities. makes at least one garment. Under and all with automatic STOREWIDE Battles, school board’ president, and American Civil Thailand Is held In my coun- Office machines, Wednesday, transmisslc^ts. ’The new vehicles made public the board’s request capital in 1969 and many Wash­ SAIGON (AP) — American his' unit’s night defensive -posi- zone, the first since last Dec. 1. , Viotor ... C. Woerhelde, the sen-me- " investigation of ...... w *Uxx 7-9, Room 124: 10-key adding also will be eight-cylinder and for mediation. ington law enforceipent officers tnfantrymen defending a hilltop tlon during the New Year’s A U.S. light observation plane attorney in M ^ n e u s ^ ^ kUHngsaiiQoVa ahd police attacks. Agnew was greeted by Uie machine, full keyboard adding with automatic transmissions, WORLD'S GREATEST GIRDLE VALUE REDUCED He said the negotiations had say there will be no slowdown position south of Da Nang re- cease-fire, kiting eight Ameri- on a reconnaissance mlsslDn ^ ' Francisco NAACP director Roy Wilkins, Thai ^ prime minister,______Field Mar- machine, rotary calculator, All are to be of solid colors. reached an Impasse because of until Congress acts and court at­ pelted an enemy attack early to- cans and wounding five others, over the southern half of the ^ ^ e oi acUvl- the very symbol of black mod- ^ *{^anom Klttlkachom, For- printing calculator, key-driven _------' CLEARANCE EVEN FURTHER FOR JANUARY "iinrealistic and excessive sal­ day and Inflicted heavy casual- "The battalion commander DMZ was hit by machine-gun ™ eraUon, said the Incidents elgn ----- Minister- Thanat Khoman cremator, . transcription ma- E84»p^e Back in JaU ary demands oil the Hartford titudes change. ties on the attackers...... commander------...... fire and a South Vietnamese ...... Ues a r -' of“ Block . . Panther leaders hnmp of the " • ' • teke . on the aspect of J Police Chief Jerry V. Wilson .anrt myvrtrtH wioTuoi,,, ..rtif ..vo, ^ regi«i^the home Of the onthnritiet j HAR’TFORD, Otmn. (AP) — FederaUon of ’iWchers and their The U-S. Command said seven failed to observe, order and su- mored cavalry unit was shelled vendetta by police authorities.” ^ Rug b r ^ d b ^ Gerald Mlrante, 20, of Norwich' refusal to present a reasonable released charts labeled to show Americans and 29 enemy sol- pervise the proper night defen- twice. A spokesman said there noovemenx s nojuomu g One Panther leader, educaUon receiving full military c^eteria 2 BYanklto B i d ^ Choose frorn all our famous brands in proposal.” that crime turned upward, here diers were killed when the ene- slve procedures,” a division were no American or South second lederal minister Ronald Hewitt, took a honors at Bangkok Airport, Ag- ^ ^ e t Junior High Sch^L ^ j men's,, women's, boys', girls', infant-s' rag. 2.50 ’The Board of Education ac­ Fashioning reversible rufir ^ wear and homemakers' needs! This is in 1963 after investigative ar­ throughtoe use of harmonious ^e escaped from on Nov. tion was termed shocking by the president of the Hartford rests were stopped and acceler­ colors, butted bemds, fancy pat- your chance to save up to V7 and more Lightweight-a joy io wear, giving just enough support Federation o f ' Teachers AFL- ated even faster after the , Su­ terns, and multiple braids. during this gigantic storewide clearance. that fired 20 shells Into the ixiiilard Black Panther chief of tional headquarters In aan Bhumibol and Queen Slri- CIO, Arthur Brouillet. Brouillet preme Court decison in the Es­ teck this week to cause serious not Identified. * south Vietnamese wmored col- was s o r t e d on Dec. Francisco. "It used to take two ® Intermediate Cake Decorat- ^ where needed. Mode of knitted puckered lastex with Ing, Monday or Tuesday, 7-9, ft a Mend’s home in N«w Brl- Also values in our nylon panel front. Guaranteed non-run. Washes like Bald that plenty of time re- cobedo case in 1964 and the Mir­ American casualties. The out- The U.S. Command reported umn were located within 600 3 for’ gaylng to a crowd of more pigs (police) to harass an as in other st6i » on hlz R ^ m 136: Open only to s£u- ‘ ain. He was charged with pos- o hanky. Four different styles for your choice. Select maiiu for an agreement to be anda case in 1966. I^st was manned by troops of three significant incidents Fri- yards of each other jvst Inside thAn 100,000 In San Fnancdsco armed Panther selling the party fj.nation Aslan tour,. Agnew’s A the Americal dents who have completed the session of narcotics and stolen the ones you like. Come in or order by mail. White reached, and the board of edu­ These ‘ decisions established wvrt VO Dl^vislon s 11th day inside the demilitarized the southern ha'f of the DMZ. In during the Nov. 15 mobilization newspaper,” said Hewitt. “ Now Thailand was designed cation Is not bargaining in good Brigade. basic cake decorating course, gtxxls, as well as escape. lANUARY WHITE SALE strict rules regarding question­ both cases U.S. Army artillery observance: takes ten — two to do toe reassurances that toe only. S, M, L, XL. , .^ 1 faith. Striking about midnight, the Intermediate Knitting, ’Tues- 'n » « e other, persons who es- ing, arrests and subsequent In­ returned toe flre^ silencing toe -w c wlU kill Rixtoard Nixon, harassing and eight to watch fj^ited States plans to maintain enemy troops attacked under day, 7-9, Room 110: Open only naped at the same time were The teachers’ union struck terrogation of suspects and the mortars, the U.S. Command we will kdU any'm ~...... thaiT toe community.” ifg Aslan treaty comnriltments cover of a 60-round mortar bar­ Peers, Probers to students who have had prior ^pture dearller. . SHEETS, CASES, SEREADS, for two working days in Novem­ manner in which confessions said. Enemy losses were not stands In the way of our free- It Is not surprising that ad- stressing Aslan self-rell- rage that pinned down the de­ known. dom.” ‘ ministration officials are loath ance. training in knitting. ber 1968, the first teachers’ could be taken and used In Introduction to Data Process­ DRAPES, TOWELS and Mora! strike in the history of the city. fenders. They charged the peri­ Visiting My Lai The U.S. Command______said__ there_ The ______official policy___ of ___ the Nix- to give _ what might be- cohsld- ...... chat with reporters court. meter firing rifles and machine ing, Monday, 7-9, Room 111: “ I do not In any way wish , Since 1958, Washington’s Total were i7 enemy rocket and’mOr- on Admlnistratdon on the Black ered as toe slightest corrobora- aboard Air Force Two, Agnew guns, and toe fight lasted-four ______History of data processing, bas­ to minimize the seriousness of Crime Index offenses have | in­ CIHU LAI, Vtetnem_ (AP) attacks throughout South Panther party was enunciated tlon to toe charge that toe Pan- indicated strongly that there is N ic concepts of computers and this situation,” ' said Battles, creased nearly 600 per cent,® ac­ hours. Following a minesweep team Vietnam' during toe 24-hour pe- by a spokesman for Attorney ^ther raids are federal policy. some confusion In the places he Uieir use in business and in- "since the representatives of the cording to Wilson’s figures. This "No enemy were reported to and a scout dog trained to sniff ^od ending at 8 a.m. today, but General MibcheU. The Justice Despite the bureau’s current jg visiting about toe precise iMyiM/lU/iUiflUl; .Wietry, IBM keypunch and sort­ HFT have given, every indica­ uniform FBI reporting device have penetrated the perimeter,” out mines and boobytraps, Lt. only five of the attacks caused Department, saifl the carefully "no comment” posture, FBI dl- meaning of the Nixon Doctrine er available, field trips* to com­ tion that they will refuse to for cities lists seven crime cate­ the U.S. Command said. Gen. William R. Peers and his casualties or damage. All of toe worded statement, has "never rector J. Edgar Hoover gave outlined by toe President on puter centers. follow the legal steps set up to gories: Homicjde, rape, robbery, Field reports said 100 to 150 Army investigators poked casualties were Vietnamese. had any policy of concerted ac- some explicit indications recent-' Guam last July. Begiimlng 'Typing, Monday resolve this situation and are aggravated assault, burglary, North Vietnamese soldiers at- through the ruins of My Lai most significant of the' tlvlty with local police In order ly of the lederal penetration of "They’re frightened and they and Thursday, 8:30-8, Room preparing to conduct an Illegal larceny and auto theft. tacked from two dlrectiors and hamlet today. attacks South Vietnamese ^ harass any members of the toe Panther movement. want reassurances that toe 117: Learning the letter and strike.” In 1958, Washington had 10,'612 hurled hand grenades at the The three-star general, pfob- headquarters said four mortar Panther Party.” He told a House appropria- American presence will contln- number keyboard and type­ Battles said that the school lq,dex cases; in 1962 there were Americans.,. The North Viet- ing whetoer field commanders ghells hit a civilian hospital In Charges that toe federal gov- tions subcommittee last April ue,” toe vice president aid, add- writer parts and their Uses; board ” ls still prepared to con­ 15,019 ahd four years later it namese broke off their attack trie(L to cover up toe alleged jbe provincial capital of My ^rnnient Is masterminding a 17 that toe "revolutionary ing that he has been giving such Major course emphasis is on BRIEF 1*98 tinue negotiations.” ^ jumped to 29,479. And 'Ip the several times when illumination massacre of My Lai inhabitants 34-miles southwest-of Sal- niossive series of arrests and -stand” taken" by black assurances at every stop, learning the keybilard . and Last fall, the teachers union first H months of 1969, the dis­ flares were fired ovSr their posi- by U.S. troops, made a house- Three civilians were re- shoot-outs between Black Pan- nationalist groups “ has made It Agpiew said hq does not expect building of speed and accuracy. announced a salary demand of trict’s report totaled 61,617. tions, then renewed the assault, to-house search of the hamlet ported kil’ed and 17 wounded. thers and police are now a mat- necessary for toe FBI to Inten- . to get Into specific ^details of High School Equivalency I*ro- $8,800 for a beginning teacher The defenders called In artil- and walked Its perirrieter ankle- ■ u.S Command' an- ter of extreme sensitivity to the sify Us Intelligence operations force levels for U^S. troops In gram. AU classes 7-9 as follows: For the district police officer? with a bachelor’s ■ degree to Washington’s Bail Reform Act lery and armed helicopters deep in mud. Rain fell steadily, nounced that Gen Crelp-hton W. administration. in this field throUgh the penetra- this southei social studies, Monday, Room $I7;600 for a teacher at the is a major headache. which fired high explosive extremely Abrams U.S ciimmander In ‘'We’ve tried to lean over back- Uon of these groups with In- ing his tvi^dAys of talks hero. 224; mathematics, Tuesday; States has already master’s-plus level after eight ” It’s murder,” one officer shells, rockete and miniguns h;lpful,V an aide said. "The Vietnam, was released from the wards,” said one authoriatlve formants and sources In order The Uni Room 101; English, Wednesday, years. At present, teachers are said. into the. North Vietnamese posl- general was looking for certain hospital today and was com-. government source. “ We’ve to be kept aware of their plans withdrawn some 6,(HK) of its Room ■ 211; general science, even been . trying to cool It on and objectives. 48,000-man force,) Agnew said- paid.$7,000 to $13,400 on a 14- The act ma^es if*mandatory J areas and buildings that fi- pletely cured of pneumonia. ’Thursday, Room 128. The pro­ grand juries around the coun- , "This penetration has been Before leaving Formoea, Ag- step schedule. that the court release the ac- The commjander of another gure In the testimony.” Peers A spokesman said the 55- gram is desig;ned to assist per­ made at all levels. Including toe new assured the Chinese Natlon- Battles sold that the federa­ .„cus'ed on his own recognizance, Americal Division company was ni^y return to My Lai for anoth- yeariold commander would take sons who have not completed The Federal Bureau of Inves­ tion has reduced its original de­ if unable to post ball, if he has relieved because enemy sappers - high school to earn a state di­ tigation is' also maintaining (See Page Fifteen) (See Page Elgb$) CREAM-OF-THE-CROP mands, but still wants a 15 per ties in the community. A recent slipped through the perimeter of (See Pago Eight) (See Page Eight) ploma by passing an equivalen­ cent over-all salary increase, court decision prohibits the cy test given by the State De­ L O N G LEG up to $2,200 a year for some court from considering the sus­ partment of Education, -Bureau GIRDLE teachers." ’This would Increase pect’s danger to the commimity. of ‘ Continuing Education. PANTY GIRDLE 2.98 salaries to a total of $2*^ mll- Clogged criminal courts have Americanization. • Reading, llan a year, the equivalent of caused some judges to dismiss Ohit for Annie Critics Eye writing, and speaking of Eng­ MAIL AND PHONE ORDERS FILLED GIRDLE T.98 In So Many lish, American history and cus­ DRESSES (See Page Eight) (See Page Eight) S, M, L. Sizes 3 4 to 44 toms, and preparations of can­ ' HOVSB and HALE, 946 Main St., Mancb?«tec, Coon. 06040 J G ARMENT Price and XL @ 2.98’ Words: Gloom Clean-up Vow didates for U.S. (Htizenship. .Be­ li Please send me the 'Real-form girdle indicated ai right. Two .Grains Too Many ginning English for the foreign FROM LEADING MAKERS (§1.98 HONG KONG,(AP) — A Hong. WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi­ bom, Tuesday and Thiuaday, 7- , Nam e. Kong newspaper prtoteid today dent Nixon has announced a top * Not 9, Room 213; Advanced English BRIEF on article of 611 words under @1.98 Available priority for the attack on pollu­ for the foreign bom, Monday REGULARLY SIZES 5-15. 10-18. Address- the - headline “ Foellng-s After tion, but some critics contend and Wednesday, 7-9, Room 213. 4 GIRDLE @ 1.9.8 Claimed Her Life at 18 Iteoding' toe New Year Pio- the tools available for toe fight 1 4 V 2 - 2 4 V 2 Registrations will be accepted $16. to $23. City------nouncemenCs of the Heads of have blunt edges and broken LONG LEG Nal helpful, so we could hardly 'Wntcli. We expected to see no @3.50 By FRENA BLOOMFIELD States and Other Great Penson- handles. GIRDLE Available The Manchester Guardian more of her. 'I . □ charge occt— k abandon someone who had come ages.” The 611 words were all 9.90 Amt. of order However, she turned up again "Federal efforts are scat­ adrift on our kind of philosophy I______——— ------ADOJScrOarOSTAOi ANDHANDilMO' IX&NDON—Three In the morn- toe .same word: "Gloomy.” tered, lied to under-funded pro­ A ^rn-al d re s s .s;ile! 't’o u ’ll I k - dcliKhl<’ii dres.ses that give you the look you want. ' M O R f GREAT JANUARY CORSET SPECIALS FEATURING COUNTRY'S FOREMOST NAMESI dy as far as conventional socie­ ed. She had needed the money •- I-,-.It 2 fiom em ade through quiet suburbs, straining to score H up In the west end. says a report compiled by the toward central London In _ a ty was concerned. WTiatever our confusion of reasons, we -lifted Alky grabbed hold of her and Democratic Study Group for cracked-up old van. Suddenly I some 140 members of the her up and took her Into the said: "Th?s is where the ex­ SELECT GROUP OF DRESSES was smashed against the wind­ FBI Teatirln House, mostly liberals. matder^onn® van, where we tried to talk to planations start.” .Stephanie screen as Alky stamped down "Critics rightly conclude that RAVIOLI her. She was taking six grains of FROM LEADING MAKERS COSSARD on the brake pedal, and .we we have nefther a national poli­ She was 17, homeless, and heroin a day Knd anything else Bombing Probe TRIC-O-LASTIC LYCrA p o w e r NET swerved past the wild figure cy on the environment nor the H. PASQUALINI. SECRET FORM" DACRON very frightened. She' had drop­ which was going free. She had COORDINATE BRA LONG LEO PANTY which had just leaped Insanely MORGANTOWN, W Va. (AP) ability to protect the public In-i "“ANSWER” NYLON, COnON BRA ped some LSD and had been been . a ufeer tor about six Into our path. Gov. Arch A. Moore’s office leresl,” the report continues. 246 Avery St., Wapplng REGULARLY SIZES 5-15, 10-18. LONG-LEG PANTY trlpijlng for an unknown num- months, ever since her boy Style Almost before we had stop­ said today dozens of state Inves­ "Few national problems are 14V2-24V2 f 4 J » bei OT hours, wandering the friend luid taught her the habit. $26. to $33. 7136 3.69 4.98 ped I was out of the van and tigators and FBI agents are, handled with such a diffusion of streets, walking obsessively She had a job once but now that, T E L 6444604 10.99 running over to the dark heap teaming up In a massive at­ administrative^ attention and re­ The bra with stretch all Slim-thi Ibng leg panty of surrounded by a disjorted and .she needed the time for hustling 15 .Made from nylon and ly- jEmbroidered cups of ea*y- In the gutter. It was a girl— she could not spare the hours tempt to find those responsible sponsibility.” around. lycra® spandex shear tycray spandex power huluclnated -world. I took her , crai® spandex power net In care Dacron polyester, nylon not dead, os I had dreaded, but for maiming Joseph Lnurita Jr..' For Instance, - present a n tl^ - Oiitsl.-mding v:ilues; for gre;it ix- stretchei everywhere, net with double front, side and cotton filled with soft hands and kept telling her it - for work.- a proportioned size. Inner just curled up tightly against ^ Monongalia County’s, prosecu­ hition law enforcement and pro­ e;isioM S. Tetnptalions Itx) pretty to around and under the cups', and back panels, faget seam Kodel polyester fibetfllh Ad- was alPright, she had just taken She h-ul come from an ordin­ all across sides ond back. front. Buttons, S, m, I, x l' in beutds, control comfortably, the world. That was how we ary middle-class home— a little tor, In an automobile bombing.' grams are scattered through re.sisL Hurry in for your favorite bonelesBly. 8, M, L. White. lustable shoulder straps n bum trip and she would come A , B, C cups. White. average, all. White, pink, add shape and: proportion 3 first met Annie. too clean, a little too 'cold, but . I..uurlta, 32, his wife and their nine cabinet-level agencies, the WANTED .styles. blue. She was young and l)|^h out back Safely — anything to keep President’s office and a serpen­ where needed. White, cham­ her In touch with reality. not a bad home. She had found three small rhiUlren were being dpan. Late Model D-cup 4.49 reg. $5 ’’ pagne. Sizes A32 to 36j B of her mind—very reluctapt to friends through junk. People guarded to prevent any attempt tine linage of Interagency com­ HOUSE It seemed to help. By ti tlme\ M. and C, 33 to 38.*. come down and meet us, try­ )0 who knew jiist how It was to bo on their lives, mittees and boitvds. U SED C A R S - ing to shut us out by ravlijg. we rounded Into our own North ' high, low, sick, for a shot, or A bomb ripi>ed thr,ough the In toe House alone, six differ-^ llop Priees Paid ' We could have taken her to the Ixdidon territory she was much flying—people ^wtio shot exactly front of Laurltu’s car at O 'a.m. ent (ommltlees consider envi­ r WE HONOR ] nearest police station, or called calmer. We put her to bed and ronment legislation. Aiut crucial ^rAUMakesI the same moods Into their blood Friday as he started it In front 945 Main St. . ' (AP PtaXnjfax) an ambulance- or even -Just have - sal with her until she fell deep­ as she did, even to sharing the of his home on the outskirts of declslonH In this area, as In all ICARTIR CHEVROLETI /iMstef' qharge-1 -left her to be run_QVer., but we ly asleep like an exhausted others, Is made by yet a revento ( THi INW People-Reeler ^ same dirty needle to do It. this northern West Virginia are niembers of her society. child. - City.. „ . . • - • committee, appropriations. ; CO., INC. MondiGstat, Conn. Bruce Taylor shows how he reels in his catch— She had worked In a London 1289 ^ 8 4 . O j Ol'Sh? We were two of the people A -Next morning she had gone— 'store^-a boring job. Had lived LSurita, who campaigned vl- . Existing law, the report aaya, people lost at sea. The Australian lifeguard uses a who said that pot-smoking was /together wjlh ‘ three pounds ' Plloaot49-52S8 reel, line and fishing rochto haul in swimmers. harmless and acid coul^^ .be ($7.20) of/^WnV and Alky’s (See Page Eight) (Se« Page Eight) /\ ~ (lee Poga Bight)

■ n ’ .■.'A '•V A V MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, A^ANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY.\JANUARY 8, 1970 PAGE T W a MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER ,:c i iNN.. SATURDAY, ^A ^A R Y 3, 1970 PAGE THREE t ; Aircraft , to beat the first full - MOVIE AUDIENCE In Rochester: scale hybrid rocket engine for Stock Market o«****»GUIDE* *♦*•*■• Sheiiiwold bn Bridge Subway Fare Smith Reviews UAC 1969 the Sandpiper target missile. A SERVICE OF FILM-MAKERS todayv FUNNY [uest Other development, projects un- AND THEATERS. l e a r n t o l o s e Hike Scored^ United Aircraft Corpo- iurbofan also powers the Gen- airborne integrated data sys- dertaken by the West . Coast Opens Year Theie rstinpt Apply to filrrtii, AT RIGHT “nM E Decide ration contributed to ad- Dynamlcs-AIr Fonie F lil,'terns were delivered for flight"fbekOt division during 1969 In- rvloatod fitter N(>v I. 1968 NORTH To Free Hess Tricky vancAn in fliirKi- tnnlr a “ twin-engine aircraft that had evaluation by three overseas eluded a solid propellant first By ALFRED MHBINWOLD K7 By Lindsay Confidently THIS SEAL KJJ vifnl in tb ’ IC f • “ massed more than 60,000 hours atrlines? Hamifton Stondard dur- stage for NASA’s Sedut launch Since this column specialises By HUBERT J,KBB \ flew to BritainErit in 1941, he.sought Vital in ^ m e nistonc night by the end of 1969. Ing the year carried out produc- vehicle and a Navy missile to (>10 9 3 W ho’ll Run City Hall 6li/lN6 UP by DON BATTLE In s d i Indicalet the film was In tricks and devices tb help, NEW YORK (Ap) — The 20- Assoidated I’ress Writer peace so Hitler Could have a manned missions; to the Florida Research and tlon of Jet fuel controls, air inlet loft meteorological instruments submitted and approved under I 1098 cent transit fare goes the well- AP Biulnesa Writer you win, you may bo astonish­ ROCHESTER, N.y. (AP) — be called. Roche shouted his TALK|lf /l^uT BERLIN (AP) - The United free hand against Russia. moon, and .put about one- Development Center, Pratt & controls for the. F ill, .electron into the atmosphere, the Motion Picture Code WEST EAST traveled route of the nickel beer 6 ed to fffid some advice on how Michael W. Roche who was vote, without being recognized. States, Britain and France wUl But there also is the preetdent billion dollars into the Con- Whltney Aircraft entered the bea/n welders, and boron (lla-“ UTC continued manufacture NEW YORK (AP) — The of Sell-Regulation. 0 10 8 .1 4 J96 2 and other bargains today but But there also Is the precedent to lose. But don’t fling,me news­ elected (6 me City Council lost The Dempernts recorded the ask again thaj the Kremlin necticut economy during^ test phase in development of a ment, Borsic-aluminum tape, Techlte, a strong, lightweight 109 8 74 Q5 the controversy qvcr\the new stock market rang In the new 1] Suggested for GENERAL paper Into,the poached eggs. I Novembet* hua two homes. As a vote as, a 4 4 tie. The Republi­ IT WlU-66, three other Spandau , inmates high-performance turbofan it is and related products In the field fluid-conveyance pipe that grew A 8 - 0 7542 »n ' a-gren to release Rudolf Hess, 1969, President - Arthur E just want to tell you when to result, Rochester noiw has two 30-cont levy Ilngetls on. wlien mey were declared too ill Sm ith said in hLaM ^^^ propo^ng for the projected Air of composite materials. out of the division's experience year on an optimistic ,npte the audiences. A2 ♦ 753 cans recorded it as 5 to 4 lij lose a finesse 'so that you can mayors and two City ttounclls. their favor. Mayor John 'V. Lindsay the one-time deputy of Adolf to live much longer. ^ nis annual re- scores of hospitals and medt- fabricating rocket cases, and past week, with the Dow Jones Suggested for MATURE" .SOUTH Hitler. view of the corporation’s make sure of your contract. The government turmoil .^ppar- Rochester’s council’’ elects the blamed Gov. Nelson A. Rocke­ In his own way, Hess sees his era. Work continued in Florida. <5al . centers ordered Hamilton completed a new plant for the industrial average, showing its 4 A 54 operations. audiences (parental discre­ South dealer. • e-tl.Y will have to be settled in mayor. The R e g u b I i c a n s feller fbr^the amount of, the In^ PART Ofo But me timing of such n move role as the sole captive of four on the U.S. Army's ST9, a com- Standard telemetry systems-for manufacture of ^ e ta l prt^ucts. weekly gain since late Oc- (? A 62 depends a great deal on Hess’ powerful nations as symbolism (Smith lives at 38 Raymond Rd., tion advised). Both sides vulnerable. court. claimed to have elect (touncll- crease after the Transit Author­ raonitoring patients' "physiolog- Electronir Coniimnents 0 K J(6 Manchester.) pact, 1,600-shaft-horsepower tur­ RESTRICTED — Persons Opening lead—Ten of Hearts. Roche’s election gave Uie Re- man Stephen May mayor by a ity voted Friday to make the health, particularly his response of another sort: Lingering tertl- bine for vertical and short take-’ leal functions, and thd division United Alfcraft's mlcroelec- K Q 6 4 to hospital treatment of a bleed­ mony to me powerful role in In 1969, the corporation placed introduced a new unit for trans- trie division. Electronic (Jompo- Vicious yearend selling for under 16 not admitted, un­ West leads the ten of hearts publicans a 5—4 majoiity on the 6 -4 vote. new fare effective at 12:01 a.m, off and landing aircraft, includ- .South West Nqrlh ing ulcer. If surgery becomes world affairs Germany once X^money Into the state's economy mitting and recording heart nents, emphartzed concentration tax purposes ended with the against your contract of three East ^ouncll’^. • ^ but ---- Democrats..ww.uvo charged L^mb tald the vote was 4 to 4 , Sunday. less accompanied by parent 1 NT Pass 3 N T All Pass necessary, the ' allied request played. 'a t the rate of nearly J20 million helicopters data by telephone. on the communications and con- new year, and .the market threw not trump. “ Oho!" you sky to Roche lived in an apartment in and he was still mayor. "You can’t run the system on ______in or adult guardian. EC) W 9 by-HCA, i«c. could come soon, regardless of Hess hod a cihristmas Eve a V^ek in wages and salaries recorded progress Sikorsky AlroraR hne of semi- off a yoke that analysts said had yourself. Or perhaps you say suburban Chill, not in Roches­ Lamb recessed the meeting words and promises,’ ’ replied to (id jm e cU cu re m ^ ^ r'ste te “ dvancing the technology of ter. political reasons for gbing slow. reunion last week with his wife The Sikorsky Aircraft division Conductor devices, hybrid helped to hold down prices for Persons under 16 not ad­ "Aha!" And you put up dum­ knock out West’s other ace and and the Democrats walked out. William Ronnn, chairman of the and loc& taxes, and purchases “ Shtwelght composite materials Roche, 32, a teacher In me TA. He said the Increase was The political factors Include and soiv—the. flrs^ he had,agreed produced large and medium- microcircuits, and integrated weeks. mitted. Tbit age restriction my’s jack, because if East has make your contract..- The Republicans stayed on. say-’ an allied dialogue with Moscow from (Donnectlcut suppliers? “ ‘vcraft engines with suc- Gates—Chill District, says the I 'g Mayor-elect May had not needed immediately in order to Muliny Brews to in 28 years of confinement. size helicopters for military and circuits. “ It's not unusual for the mar- may be higher in certain the queen you still won’.t lose What if East started wim on Berlin tension, and other Even though total employ- .cessful operation of a JT8D fit­ apartment is just a weekend re­ called a recess. meet the Jan. 16 nayroU. commercial users and introduc- The .division, located in Penn- ket to begin the year like this,” the trick. 'You 'will he able to three hearth'? Tlien the suit East-West contact^. But there is ment was down from 1968, the with a first-stage fan equlp- areas. Check theater or treat and his legal residence is The Republicans continued In British Navy ed performance - improving sylvanla, introduced hermetical- stfld Monte Gordon of Beche & win it with tfiis acS of hearts. breaks evenly, and you can Roman said me TA was $1.37 a growing international clamor corporatlori's payroll was at a ped entirety with boron-alumin- advertising. at me home of his parents in the meeting, recording wim Shrubs Disappear modifications in its S66, S64 and ly sealed,, high-frequency, high- (Do. “ We won't know if it's a Well, you have wasted a per­ easily afford to lose two hearts million in the red and that to release Hess on humanitarian record level. United Aircraft composite blades reptesent- Printed as a public service Rochester. each motion that me Democrats Over Rum Rule power transistors for use in trend until next week." fectly good exclamation because and two acea. Thursday’s, tentative contract grounds. ' LONDON (AP) — Blockber*^ paid an average of about $66 “ *0 Per cent weight saving ' by this newspaper you aren’t going to make three The dual government devel­ did not vote. After the Republi­ rles, wild roses, dogwood and _ The Marine Corps and the Air severe environments and ex- Many Many traders traders were absent agreement with transit workers LONDON (AP) — Britain’s When the request comes, it million a month in wages and over conventional titanium notrumn any more. When you Dally Question oped FYiday when me council cans ended their meeting, the spindle trees are among shruba salaries to lU Connectfaut em- blades. division reTeW^d ^ ^ panded its positlo.1 as a supplier ,rom the action in the holiday- would cost $120 million over two Royal Navy may face “ minor will be the 19th time the allies knock p u t an ace, West -leads Partner opens witli one heart, met to organize. Democrats returned and ad­ which are begiiuilng to dlM p-' ployes in 1969, Smith said. The the largest aero propulsion con- the SM, the largest of tronsistor, chips to ^ e shortened week, he noted, years. have asked the Soviet Union to THEATER TIME hearts until you take- dummy’s and the next player passee. You Roche took his oam of office, journed theirs. mutiny if it insists on cutting off pear from p a ^ of the British He said the city could have let Hess go frpe. rompany's employment is ap- tra ct- $4.7 m illion- involving c o ^ ^ n y s production computer Indystry. It also trading day king. West gains the lead witli hold: Spades, Q-lO-8-3; Hearts, but his name wasn’t mentioned When Roche’s two residences its sailors’ daily rum ration, a countryside. SCHEDULE saved the 20-cent fare by voting . Hess, now 78, has been in Ber­ proxlmately ?3,^K) person^ advanced composite material^ c fn t e f b r l l w ! » f broadened its line of Integrated ^est gain, his other ace in time to defeat 10-9-8-7-4; Diamonds, A-8; in the first roll call. Democrats became known’ after the elec­ According to research scien­ to subsidize the system' for its member of Parliament said to- lin's Spandau War crimes prison more than 66,000 of whom work ^ e r awarded by the Air Force government as the first in a “ Research I.aboratories D ow -a blue-chip' indlca- the contract wim the rest of Clubs, A-2. held a council majority under tion, the Democrats sought in day. tists, farmers needing extra SATURDAY 7.3 million workday fares. "The since receiving a life sentence the hearts. What do you say? the old administration, ' and U.S. District Court to have his mayor’s plan provides no mon­ “ There is dismay and outrage land to increase melr output * " T ^ " S ^ e n t s to the atate of ® 136-hellcopter Order to be filled Advances in such technologies Burnside — Oactus Flower, Democratic Mayor Frank T. election voided. They. were at Nuernberg In 1946. On Nov. i under a U. S. - German co- as propulsion, lasers, metallur- ^ Delayed Finesse Answer: Bid three he.arts- ey at all at this time," he said. inIII theiiic Royalxvuyui NavyI'iiivy over this,”inis. „. , ^ ^ have ploughed upu|/ o,ww8,000 milesluii^ %n of ^nnectlcut to c it ie B and ed during 1969 in non-aeronauti- production program. - The ^ and electronics were gain,for the week, 7:10,9:16. 1 The correct technique is to This promises 13 to 16 points, Lamb; as the presiding officer, turned down but broughT-ran- "It was .surely clear to anyone -Ian)®"’ Wellbeloved, former L lltary‘'LTp‘im f hedgerows in which the shruba Cinema I — Newington towns wtnm ^ e came to cal applications for P&WA’s Austrian government ordered S- achieved in 1969 by United Stocks slid downward Monday play the low heart -from dum­ with strong heart support. In refused to recognize Roche other suit hi State Supreme who studied the facts that there • a Labor-repre- 'j, flourish. Oactus Flower, 1:30, 3 :30, 6 :30, The council’s first vote was Ctourl; where a ruling la expect- but particu­ m it L A ^enS'fl turbojet engines, with units sold 66s as search and rescue vehi- Aircraft Research Laboratories, “ "der the influence of the tax- my at the first trick winning this case you have 10 points in were realtetlc ways tor Gov. sentatlve in the House of Com The scientists foresee some 60 7:40, 9:40. whether Roche’s name- should ed Monday. larly Britain in whose West Ber­ species of flowers ax)d shruba m y>^and ^ c e ^ ^ r o S f ^ delivered for such jobs as cles. central research arm of the cor- 1° ““ then bargain hunt- in your hand with the ace. Lead high cards^'and 2 points tor me Rockefeller and Dr, Ronajj to mons. “ I .shall press for a de­ __ I * C lnem ^II — Newington — lin sector he Is held—want Hess that might become extinct In 40 n ^ u t suDDlfaii ^ '>'ectrlcal power generation, S61 helicopters, in a number poration. The organization ca- e^s tempted by low prices one of the minor suits. West doubletons, but you should count keep the fare to 25 cents, if bate when, the .House reassem­ necucui suppliers totaled ap- natural gas transmission, — ^ takes his ace and leads me nine released so mat the problem of o,. gg y ^ r s time, proxlmatelv $300 million ' ------— — — . and of configurations, were deliver- rie’d out a'wide' ra n grof "bai'c '""''e d in to help keep prices one ■ extra point for the fifm there was a will to do It,” the bles after the Christmas re­ his confinement can be elimi­ of hearts. cess.” Propu'afon. Installations ed to military stations in the and applied research Intended moving upward with buying or- ^ heart, gl-vlng you enough l6r me mayor said. nated. He is the sole remaining You can’t play dummy’s king forcing raise. Administration Mulls Wellbeloved ^aid sailors didn't 's ^ c e S i t U m ^ T A l r c ^ ordered during me year includ- United States and abroad. Navy to widen United's technical base ^ East Windsor Drive-In — Rockefeller had labeled ’’im­ prisoner in the four-pgwer pris- . -Aircraft ed a jet-ppwered bystem for S61s recovered a total of twelve and to explore areas of poten- Wednesday saw the third because West might have the Capyright 1970 practical’’ .me mayor’s pJan____ to dare protest the no-rum rule, o.n. There is also the’ pBfcJlblllty pecopcied significant achieve- generating electricity deep in astronduts safely at the end of tial products highest trading volume on Downhill the Racers, 9:00, Anyone queen. Play dummy’s jack of Can Play, 7:30. General F'eatures Corp. levy statewide taxes to support '^®*’® barred by law from- that Hess could die in prison or 3 ments aunng the year, Smith the Sahara Desert and gas tur- £he Apollo 9*. 10, 11 and 12 mis- m flight propulsion the lab- New York Stock Exchange dur- hearts with a gallant smile. lansion of Missiles mass transit and Republican "'•^tlng to members of Parlla- the hospital and "no one wants Manchester, Drive-In — On iTon" t„rhnfn« 30,000-ton slons. oratories began advainced de- ‘ng 1969 and the ninth highest This is me time to lose me Couple Wed 45 Years leglslative leaders rejected an- ®ot he said 68 Royal Uiat,” one source said. Her Majesty’s Secret Service, finesse. vanced-technology engine built being built in West Advanced models of the S64 velopment of a low-volume ram- “ver at 19.38 million shares. WASHINGTON (AP) — The it might hurt me arms llmlta- ' * other Lindsay proposal fo In- *^®" defied reguia- Soviet _ refusal______to free Hess is 9:10; Death Rides A Horse, 7:00. If West has led from a five- ABM’s at missile sites in Men­ by its Pratt & Whltnw Aircraft military Skycrane, capable of jet propulsion system and work- It was an aU-Ume record that ____ Nixon administration, narrow Mr. and Mrs. Roger G. Wil­ son, N.H., and Roger G. Wil- crease the Gasoline tax and re- “ “ <1 written protest letters' based on mree points: State 'Hieatr.e — 101 Dalma- card suit. East is unable to con­ tion talks. division powered the new rocketry, RLIO engines i'fting and carrying 12%-ton ed on hydrocarbon - fueled day on the American exchange, tiona 2:25" 4 '46 7-00 NOW ■victor in its fight last summer liams of 1768 Tolland Tpke. were K-ams Jr. of Los Angeles, Calif.; gistration fee only in the city. to him. . .., 1. They wanted Hess sen- ew K..IU T->i ij /■ ,1, . “ j ■ j 1 .1. ------” ■ '— ------z:zo, » : « , ( :uu, 9:16; The tinue the hearts after winning ENDS No final decision has been honored on New Year’s' bay at two daughters, Mrs. Edith Boeing 747 superjet on built by> P&WA s Florida faciU- payloads as compared to the supersonic combustion ramjets, with a turnover of 11.36 million Tattooed Pnlieo Horae 1-<10 DRIVE-IN tor the Safeguard missile de­ After the contract agreement 238 years, British sailors tenced to death at Nuemberg *“ lu fimeMenad a..oneaaf..1l.. o= aorliar ..eralor'a looda _ jf. ______j ______. ______. . ______a r . ______, ______j ■-______laUOOeO rOllCC WOrSC, 1.30, with the queen. No matter what SUN. made on whether to include a 46m wedding anniversary ,Schoell of Manchester and Mrs. Lindsay proposed a third plan have been glven_ a free tot of and have not changed their maiden flight early in the year as earlier version's ten-ton loads, advanced gas turbine engines, shores. The previous record was 3.50 3 .qj 3.30 W : ■ -..I I? . . . fense system, is considering ex­ pow2rplants for the East returns you have time to 3 1 money for a Safe^ard expan­ surprise party at their home. Barbara Tulls of Willlngtoh; designed to hold the increase to *’um every day. Last month me minds. and through a rigorous flight Centaur were builit for the U.S. Army in and a ■ gaseous core nuclear set on June a^ratorles eJro moved ahead 276.0. Standard & Poor’s 500 thickening- ABM defenses to Coimeotlcuit , Public ■* Elxpendl- Bristol and others'. . unson trlcal power required to run ’ wo-posltlon nozzle that will en- throughout 1969 on advanced ^ w m p reh ^ lv e jMPgram stock index rose 1.1 to 93.00, and Cinema n — Newington — tack, which would destroy much guard me bomber force. mayor said. "This was a fight ®^''® ^^® orders, not tor the sea- eqidpment aboard me command ®‘“ ® ‘‘’ ® ®"*^*^ perform well Paint Your Wagon, 2 :00, 5:00, f^t^b»ifone€kutI% aff lures Council (CPBC) on aala- The number of firemen in the ^orth flghUng, and if the gover- '"® " ^ho carry mem out. vertical takeoM and landing air- dw el^m ent of hlgh-temper- the New York Stock Exchange Love, of me U.S. deterrent. The Rus­ Some Pentagon o'fie!al.«i are' __1 W «,< .A ^ $•&... X ia n 4 r v it m r1 A w n 4 4 n AO __ ^ r i ______,- ries^and fringe benefits of toe town fire department Is 43, Dr. Ronan and I were unit- L’i'iuor is moauie.module. Whilewniie astronautsasut>naucs were both near-earm —.w. and deep- its Turbo- ature «alloys for use in gas index of some 1,200 common 8 :00. sians, according to current re-, suggesting that FTesident Nlxmi not permitted — Plus — in me lunar rnodlue, mey were engine ^ Trains in r ^ a r passenger- turbines. stocks gained 0.81 to 52.10. Chnerama — Goodbye, Mr. E A S T w m s o g ports, have more than 260 SS9s might like to have enough mon- state’s full-Ome municipal fire- while me population listed for gd in this battle on behalf of the “ board U.S. Navy ships “ Sweden Heaven end HeU” men shows toaJt Manchester Manchester is 47,600. This fi- city's subway rider I Candy Kitchen kept alive by environmental 1“ suitable tor use in carrying service between Bos- ^n omer areas, me laborator- o f the 1,758 individual issues Chips', 2:00, '8:00. DRIVE-IN W RT 5 am cer­ oi>erational or under construe- ry in hand to move into an ex- fireflghbers are among too high- gure compared to other town.s ' Where Quality Candy Is Made Fresh Dally controls designed and built by NASA's proposed space shuttle, ton and New York under con- adapting advanced aero- traded on me Big Board, 1,160 East Windsor Drive-In — tain we could have vron.” tlon, up from the 230 estimate ponded ABM defense if an ur- est p^d in too state. of similar size seems low, but the Hamilton Standard Divlslf His annual salary, $43,269 University of Virginia. processing incoming or outgoing Brescia. For each day, thousands upon ed flight time in 1969, w to its gustaining system for the multi- ^ " a Boeing buUt by Israel Aircraft Indus- to a 34,527 total. The figure was Reagan said ' through , a month. mailings in the fully. computer- He made hia owii breadnond spokesman that he would "pro­ In addition to his teaching du­ thousands qjjmupons'addressed Aurbines in service wim 120 air- ^ '^rth-orbltlng *^®^ during the year tries; and Canada's Saunders 36,291 for me corresponding BERLIN TURNPIKE ized operation.' wove the cloth for his suits on a NI XT TO TWO GUYS ond CR ANTMOOR ceed as quickly as possible to ties, he- will work as chalrinan Ip “ Mr. Retailer” and a post of­ Hnies throiyhout me world staUon. m ^Do 11 “ ST27.. First flights ware also re- week last year. NOW But the clearing-house func- rudimentary hand loom, fice box number pour in here OrSN SDNDAnt The y W ^ b r o u g h ^ e gammon Standard produc- ' Douglas DCIO sim- corded by three BeU heUcopters, Bridgeport, with 5,184 claims, find the most qualified person of the American Bar Associa­ tion is not the end service of the Relatives .sometimes supplied m Hartford Road TODAY and SUNDAY—“ 101 DLYIAIATIANS’’ SHOWN AT tion’s newly created special for discounts on everything Manobester, Coon. leA JR -ePJML ginning b t full-sc^e produ on i'variety of equipment, in- r> ♦ each of which is powered by was the state leader last week, javallable" to become chief jus­ operation, Pape says. him with tobacco and salt. • 2T:86 - 4:46 - 7:00 And 0:15 committee on standards of judl- 'from deodorants to yogurt. Daily te te M M of me JT9D turbofan,■ -^ ® ^ UiULUJlKeluding environmental controls, a,_ coupled together on a « was followed by Hartford tice. ' "W e’.re Involved in market re- The few people who knew htip Aor Traynor wa# appointed to the cial conduct. And flowing out of Clinton by C o m m u n ity riiftnT" 8ATURDAT8 ,plant tor me Bpeing 747 " “ U<1 ...... ehgine fuel controls, starters, J g output shaft produCOng wim 4,161 New Havenjrtth 4 - search,” he says. "After ■vye’ve ggj^ he withdrew to the moun- court in 1940 and named chief ^------mall are thousands of free sam­ made payment to the retailers taink ' after the ghventment We H onor and engine pr^sure ratio t r ^ - to 13 the n i ^ r ^ f horsepower. 117, and Wabenbury with 3,131 justice in 1964. In his tenure the ples of merchandise, from cold fori their coupons, 'we develop would not grant him a war pen- Manchester ranked 18m pills to shaving cream, from among the state’s 19 offices. court gained a- reputation in le­ Jarvis Drops stalistics for toe manufacturer gigg ^ e suffered a serious leg wsBM certificated last spring by ______“ ; risrsisrsfi.rj's.s flignts, the booster stage Visitor T o gal circles as perhaps the best epokies to the latest in instant on the success of his redemption g ^omb explosion. !EN SUNDAYS-^LOSED SATURDAYS 2 Only. Willlmantic, wim 418, re­ coffee: o- ported less claim:^ than Man­ of the state supreme courts. One Request . ''Ue did. not own a radio set, twyaHtwi tn Miter commercial SL“".srr."“UTS'ii.*s: sianers, ana auxuiary center has functioned flawless-- ‘Sesame Street’ “ Mr. Retailer” is the A.C. tratlofi to enter com m erce ^jj^jt jt jg developing for ly. chester. Among the best kno-wn deci­ T^e end result; says P“ P®, 1“ had never seen a television, and NEW YORK (AP) — In a rare sion . in which Traynor partici- qj three zone change Nielsen Co. coupon clearing a breakdown for the cl ent of.^g^ jold that astro- service, and by y w ’s w d ijoekheed 1011 TriStar. house, a division of toe 'firm UTC supplies me twin solid public . appearance, Emel Ken- paled: requests submitted to the Plan- how his product stacks . up nauts had landed on the moon. 1* ^ division also began de- propellant boosters, ten feet in nedy vlsTt^ and taped an ap- —A decision in 1948, which Zoning Commission by which also provides TV ratings. against his contpetition in indi­ orders tor more man velopment o ' twr> oHvanevH j i ___ -_____j „„ ___ - ______l e "Between incoming and out­ V, CORDUROY RIOT rrens in nieht teats of me ■— '"V — ^ advMced diameter and 86 feet tall, mat pearance mi "Sesame Street,*’” ^ANCHEST. Held Oyer — Both 1st Run WALT Traynor wrote, striking down Alexander Jarvis has been vidual market areas—the same J :!? •o,; P’^opellers, one under a three- deliver me rocket’s liftoff mrust me educational Ty series for The -Latest James Bond . CAlltornla’s law against Interra- vvithdrawn. going mail; we handle about sort of market breakdown ,the 3 ^ l e , ,hi-lo, heavyweight wide wale and thick and/thin 8Ut. lUN NuiCrt 800,000 pieces a day for J’liel- I tl’r ^ ^ n ^ ^ t ^ w t m - i^ a t e d with.Air of nearly 2.6 million pounds. A preschool youngstera produced I plus Newfest Lee Van Oleef cial marriages. a , request tor a change Nielsen TV ratings provide.•* DISCOUNT PRICES all Induced to this Idw price. Valuedio $2.00 "yd. / ' ■ yd. 0 9 C . H funding »*bulld a 26-foot laiger, more powerful version of by Children’s Television Work- DISNEY’S —A decision in 1955 that evi- Residence -A- to Business- akn," says E.J. Murphy, suj^r- ’.’Essentially,” he say^ "we ALL DEPARTMENTS ort sending out visible 9nnoke fleimonetration propeller for tilt-, the booster was static-tested shop. FARUPimOUT! SPOTacular dance illegally obtained is not ..y/ center and intendent malls in Clinton. do here in the food and drug in-' aM generated le% nolae th ^ transports, and the second during the year at me com:, In a segment running five or cartoon feature admissible in a trial. The U.S. gt , ^ga withdrawn yes- "That's a'botit a million and a dustry on the movement of the largest c u n ^ commeroiai ^ four-propeller system, pany’s California development six minutes, Mrs. Kennedy read FAR MORE! > half pieces per five-day business ARTHUR DRUG Supreme Court made the same ^g^^gy no reason was glvep. products what we do In. toe tele­ jets, eveamough it is more than 23 feet in diameter, for a West center.* - a fcdok entitled “ Sam,’•’'’Which la James Rond 007' week, or around 76 million vision industry on the watfching decision tor the nation six years parcel is across the street ",gggg of*m^lT*vear Murphy' twice as powerfid. (Jerman tilt-wing aircraft. UTC began a progtam for about a misunderstood Negro later. of TV shows.’ ’ , 'V_ The 6,0m JT8D turbofan Qrummem selected Hamilton NASA to design, build, and fire boy, to a group of youngsters in isbaekll from Foreign Cars of Manches added.' BONDED WOOL! LOOK ACRYLICS 3 —A ruling that declared un­ ter and fronts for- 264 feet on The clearing house acts as the came off P&WA s assembly line gtandard to provide wing-sweep a high-performance . hybrid me studio. The segfment proba- constitutional a housing meas­ 58”-60” wide, 100% acrylic bonded to acetate. Compare McKee St. and 149 feet on W. redemption agent for about 250 in 1969, and me 5,(X)om JT3D gduators tor me FT4A fiehter. rocket for upper-stage use. It bly will be presented on me pro- ure which its foes said would our low prices, then sew and save. wUl be d e liv e ^ in January jjj electronics, computerized received a contract from Beech gram in February. Center. food and drug product'man^ac- 1970. have permitted racial dlscrlml- gj^g^ jjg„g change appll turers who issue coupons—a bil­ Easy going TOYOTA Wim shipment of a JT3D nation. Voters had overwhelpi- ggtigng from Jarvis plus one lion of them through the first 11 early in 1969, P&WA delivered Ingly adopted the measure. . jj.ggj David and Ann BarUett months of _ 1969—through______clipout „ . CORONA. its l2,0(X)m commercial jet en­ CHECK SHOW TIME —A d e cls l^ that in civil cases heard by the Planning adveitlsemenU or d irect’mall- Easy going pricie^ gine. involving defective merchan- gjjj Zoning Commission at Its j„gg gj coupon packets. . disc, a manufactJirer has-.the In military flight, me divi­ public hearings Monday night. The firm represents "about 86 COTTON CANVAS PRINTS burden of proving the merchan­ sion's TF’SO was selected as me of the top 60 couponing manu­ ••*1 dise was not negligently manu­ Famous spin make cloth with matching solids, 45” wide. • engine tor the Navy’s F14A facturers in the country,” says Trirvral Tfe___4 __1 -i AtideosMCMMimiMmixi factured.. Ideal for jiffy jum ^rs. Reg. $1.19 yd. yd. fighter, under development by Duplicate Bridge, Richard Pape, vice presidejit. full]? equipped "Traynor 'was protecting the Grumman. This afterburning ''^LEEVANCLEEF The .firm’s services Include small consumer before anyone Results last night in a dupll- redeeming discount coupons for •nniniii iiliiiiliiiiili!! JOHN PHILUP LAW. O M I A M I L ^ ever, heard, of Ralph Nader,” cate bridge tournament at the retailers, judging contests, su­ says one of his former law Itallan-Amerlcan Club are Mr. pervising sweepstakes, sending DELIVERED clerks, Andrew Weisz, now a and Mrs. A1 LaPIant, first; Beverly Hills Municipal Court Sidney IVyde and Michael Lan- PRINTED ORLON CHALLIS TECHNICOLOR^ judge. dau, second; Myles Walsh qnd AlfllRI R BROCCOLI .-H4RHVSA11/MAN Pine Pharmaey, 45” wide, machine washable, easy to sew, washes a n d ^ ^ 2 8 ij^ralh {urtf'* TODAY Mid SUNDAY—"TOE TATTOOED POLICE HOB8E" __ "The effect of that decision,” Donald Lewis, third; and Ken- Weisz said, "was the introduc- neth HIckmw and Sidney Me­ Cor. of Center & Adams ’21316(1 your hindi on a Toyota...you'll never let go iTioivioiTifl drys in minutes. Compare $1.98 yd. yd. PublWied Daily Ehccept Sundays- SHOWN AT 1:80 - 8 :0 0 .8 :0 0 Mid 8:M Hanoliestec^-848-9814 ** ' 1 Auwmobll* MitiuUoiut«r 1,‘lra lVliU-4 aod Hoiidsys at 13 Bissell Street JAMES BOND llon of the theory of wairanty. Kenzle, fourth. Vanotieater, Conn. (06040) - IAN fll MING'S RKSa — The Story taf an Off-Beat Trotter! Previously, it had been up to the The 'annual open team cham- Whitman’s and Sohraft’s Telephone 643-27U llttle guy—who probably knew plonshlp tournament sponsored GIFT CANDIES Second dasa Poetace Paid at WALT DISNEY Ksnoheater, d>nn. "ON HER MAJESTY’S nothing'Uibout how the merchan- by the Manchester Bridge Club Complete SUBSCRIPTION RATES dlse was manufactured—to will be held FYiday, Jan. 9, at Prescription Service (DBA LYNCH MOTORS) Payable' in Advance THE TATTOOED / OTEN SUNDAYS-CLOSED SATURDAYS SECRET SERVICE" prove negligence on the port of the .club, 185 Eldridge St. This EBiBE D E U V raV Oeeter 8)., MABOHtSTER. 843-5185 “ •’Vh!™** Ona Y ear ...... ;... .$30.00 PANAVISION TfCHNICOLOR TECHNICOLOr TECHNISCOPE Six ICootba...... U.60 P O L IC E HORSE the manufacturer." _ - event was originally scheduled Tlurea Montlia ...... 7.80 ■ United Artists I |M k^ UniMAptiBti During Traynor’s years, th’e tor lost week. One M oolh ...... 2.60 m ^ O>on*|i

1 .

< ' \r - -7 \ i " v\ "\ I, \ ■ ■ 7.V 7 „1 - 'V ' ^ ■V"' hfr ...V A > .- MANCHESTER EVENING HERA^D.^M ANCH E^R, CONN..' SATTlRDAY, JANUARY 3, 1970^ PAGE FIVE PAG& POUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1970 How Best Grand Teton Army Commendation Medcd Hoff a Loses Smith With Tufts Group economic stability of so many powerful- W ed d in g MitnrIfPBtpr ^ ' nations upon the trading”of arms to poor To. Imp rove lerers Awarded Clarke in Vietnam His Bid For On South America Trip nations lacking plows, schools and hosr ., V. Friend - Beach Ifpraid U.S. Army'Spec. 4 Jeffrey P. pitals.” ' _ Man^s Lot? Mrs. Ruth M. Beach of 22 Are Exultant Clarke of- 61 Plymouth Dane Kimberly Smith, two other professor of omlt)iology a t ’Tiifts rCBUHHElD BY THE New Trial Both Soviet Russia and the United- V\Viranoko Rd. and Dr. Amos ^ was awarded the , Army Com- - Tufts University student's, and and Harvard and one of ,the HERALD P R IN T m O CO.. INC. By NATE HASBLTINE two Tufta and Harvard llnlver- world's orchid authorities; and IS B lu ell Street E. Friend of 79 Comstock Rd. MOOSE, Wyo. (AP) — Ptful mendatlon Medal with "V ” De- By BYRON DAVIS Mmncheeter. Conn. states, if they had conscience in such The Washington Post ally- faculty members left from Dr. I.cslle Garay, curator of the THOMAS F. FEROUSON’ r f and his climbing team Assocliiti-d Pres* Writer WALTER R FEROUSON matters, would cringe before the Pope’s WASHING’TON — A number the Ihc llnlvni-Hi-tvUniversity r’lnhClub ofnf Hart- , j action on Nov. 26 in Vietnam, iMgnn Airport In Boston today Harvard, orchid - herbarium. PublWiera of the nation's top ' scientists ford- retqmed to the lowlands Friday,, army spokesman announced, CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. ( A P ) ’ tor a one-month field trip to They will return Jan. 28. Founded O ^ber 1, 1881 Indictment, for botfi specialize in having have dreamed up some intrlgu- The Hon. Charles S. HbUsc, at last cpnquerors of 13,766-foot ' Spec. Clarke was 'serving with - Teamsters President James America, s. Both the special course In Puldlabed Every! Eventns Except Sundays their own giant military-industrial com­ ■ Their purpose Is to adfl bet- orchldology at Tufts and the and Holiday*. Entered at Ui(. 0 Post OHlce at ^ ways man oan Improve his ustlce of the Supren)e Court Grand T6ton Peak. ~ ' Co. A, 2nd Battalion, 12lfi Cav- / Manciieiter, Conn., aa SeoSecond (3ass Ma.ll plexes extend service to other smaller •othwe on «irth, . Cxmnectlcut, performed’ the The 61-year-old , PetzoMt, o'ry, during a rocket attack R, Hoffa lost his bid for a new specimens of orchids now in field' trip, are results of the stu- M auer. ^ client nations. The ideas ranged from create Ceremony which was attended kriown as .the'-' Old Man of the "ear Song Be, when hi* unit trial when .Judge Frank W. thcHlakes Ames collcc^on of the dentx' Initiative and their powers BUBSCRIPnON RATES , ing a vlolet-hued riuie to muni- by only the immediate families Mouhtalqs for his climbing ex- came under Inteiuie rocket and Wilson; of II.S. District Court Harvard herbarium, and Search of persuasion with Dr. Sweet, Payable In Advance ’There is less direct governmental re­ One Y ear ...... $30,00 pulaUons to make humans amal- of the f news dl^Mtches credited to It or not other­ that governments think it advantageous York Academy of sciences -and "A classic climb.’ ’ A graduate of Manchester codefendants were convicted in Rn*^^ord-^-Rd., and Is a senior and Medellin, Colombia. Using wise credited In this paper and also the published in its. December issue ’This was the fifth time Pet- High School and Union College at Tufts. the cities im bases of operations,. local news published here. Judge Wilson's court in 1964 on to have smaller nations help maintain ot its monthly "The Sciences.” zoldt has led'expeditions seek- in Schenectady, Spec. Clarke All rlshts of republlcatlon of special dis­ VISITINa HOURS evidence that wand, Maine; Dr. Herman Sweet, the Andes, graphical errors appearing In advertise­ their own home governments’ alone. ftr hiw^irwrL/«Yeen the human brain 4 „ *8 p m the 22-man party struggled ------:------New York. Chicago. Detroitlit and Boston. through the wind and 40 below King, Campbell and Parks Is-vApplauded by Scientists These smaller nations are going to buy ^ an eleotronlc computer, for iiitei'islve Care and Coronary MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULA- zero cold and made it to the top.. have completed three-year sen­ better memoir storage with an ca re: Immediate famUy only, In Red China: TIONS. themselves arms somewhere; better, He had planned a second at­ tences, but Hoffa Is Imprisoned By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Prugh, who led the fight to over-riding human emotional anytime, limited to five min- at the federal penitentiary at ' Dr. Salvador E. Lurla, a 1909 change the system, said "HEW Display advertising closing hours therefore, to be the nation which does control. ^ tempt on the summit, striking Pot Monday — 1 p.m. JVIday. out from a base camp 500 feet Lewisburg, Pa., where he began Nobel„Prize winner In medicine, 1" l>c congratulated In its ^ r ^esday — 1 p.m. Saturday. the selling to them, because that at least Beloved Old-Styl^ Drama For Wednesday — 1 p.m. Monday. —A suggestion by Dr. Adrian Maternity: Fathers, 11 a.m.- below the top, on Friday, but serving an elPht-year term in says he applauds, the decision move- to eliminate unconstltu- For Thursday — 1 p.m. Tues^y. is some kind of guarantee the arms won’t K^tnowltz, cardiac surgeon 12:45 p.m., and 6:30 p.m. 8 that foray was called off' be­ the spring of 1967. , by the- Detrim ent of Health, tlonal and Inappropriate types For Friday — 1 p.m. Wednesday. who ^las been working on heart p.m .; others, 3 p.m.*4 p.m., and For Saturday — 1 p.m. Thursday. be used against you yourself. cause of poor visibility and Bootlegged to Audiences During a eW-day hearing here Education and Welfare to relax investigation, Clasalfled deadline — 6 p.m. day be­ pumping anafsta, that "the 6:30 p.m.-8 p.m'. in August, defense attorneys security procedures for - part- "It (the blacklist) hot only de- fore publication. 6 p.nd. Friday for snow. Satunlay and Monday publication. If it did any good to speculate on feoUon of an auxiliary veiitri- Ago IJmits: 16 in maternity, * Petzoldt, who runs the Nation­ By ROBERT 8. ELEGANT •\ In wholly new form, by 'So "less brought’ more than 20 FBI ^'"le advisers that led to unoffi- prived the government of the what kind of world law we ought to have cle for the heart might well 12 in other areas, no limit in al Outdoor Leadership School at The Los Angeles lim es than Chiang Ching, who In her agents and employes to the wit-blacklists. services of Dr. Lurla and oth- prevent development of chronic self-service, Saturday, January 3 • it would be an easy matter to determine Lander, said there ‘was only one fow private moments Is 'wife of neas stand. Luria, of Massachusetts Instl- ers, but it was also unjust, un- myooardtal InXarotion or other - smajl___ ... casualty______during „ the trip. - HONG KONG — The purltanl- the semldefled Chairman of the Many said under questioning Technology, is known to fair and provided no legal re- that there ought to be a law forbidding evidenceFv+ Iof heart Callure;' administration reminds brother, Eldon, 66, suffered cal Chinese rulers ordered a few Communist party. Moo Tse- that the FBI hod monitored tele- be one of an estimated several dress," he said. f (Common Sense Safer Now? the international sale of weapons and r ^ ilHf" '’18‘tors that with construction ^ case of frostbitten toes. years ago that men should po Tung. phone conversations involving hundred prominent scientists on should a question of foyalty or 3 munitions of war. ^ under way, parking * p ^ is -Eldon’s fine," said Petzoldt. longer play women’s roles on The great proletarian Cultural Hoffa nad other Teamsters offl- blacklists. - suitability arise under the new In on« of those unguarded ^ remarks Frank- Uitote^ Visitors are asked to .-n be better if he didn’t the stage, as they had for cen- Revolution, which convulsed cials InJDetrolt and Las Vegas, depa/tment announced system, the nominee would have With such a law, everybt^ would be with which the late President Eisenhow-^ the ^ e pr“ b I e r ‘’ilSito J " } * ? - ‘“r!""'”.. ' ...... 'o'- several years. challenge, the evl- relatively as secure as now, and there ten toes, but he’s okay.” But the so-called ’’conserva- la In a sense ending where It It was during the hearing that elaborate security clearance dence against him, a right pw er sometimes displayed his own sanity, Unlversity of Pc&insylvanla, would be a lot less kill-power waiting Despite the low temperatures tlves” have struck back with a began. As early as 1961, Chiang a high-ranking FBI official dls- P^'oecdures for part-time ad-vis- vlously denied, he once expressed his amazement over Philadelphia, who said, '"nie and winds that reached 40 miles nianeuver the Maoists call "in- Ching'began rewriting the six closed, for the first time, the ex- consultants that led to prugh said "I think there to be used. hawks -would catch the pigeons, Patients' today: 246 are the fact that Communist China had be­ an hour, Petzoldt said, "We had gijloygjy only_l'new-styIe” Peking .operas to istence of a mysterious "June nnoR*cial blacklists of possible bugs in the new syssystem and the wilderness would begin ADMITTED YEJSTERDAY: come such a closed, forbidden topic to And there might be more money in fun. We did not suffer. gj.g fjjgn playing women’s roles make them conform -to new Bile" kept by the FBI. politically suspect scientists. —and 4’d like to wait until we Courteey The Artist to flow back over the cities.’’ Mark J. Alderuccio, Garnet but women are playing men’s Maoist doctrines, __ There should be no criteria American policy makers. the world for plows, schools, and hos­ — ------— X— .1 — 0 ------„ . Charles Bolz, chief of the ac-. i ..,1 ..,1.. , see how thei.ikx new programuiuxiajn will wm THE CHENEY HOMESTEAD: Pen And Ink By Bruce” Kingsbury This fatalistic a/ttitude was Ri/fge Dr., Rockville; Mrs. Lois roles, which is something new.' From that small beginning, bountlng and fraud section of ^ c h a n c e Investigations for administered before saying it pitals. ^untered by the one of Albert Brown, 36' Kenwood Dr., Angelo ___ ...... ______.. __.jA nnv Ion with Tho trovomnnxwitany job av. with the government ex­ ./ -» "Bootleg theatrical troupes," R'® cultural revolution grew the FET, said the "June File is perfect. Some scientists will The same safe position from which he Task Forces cept for those that have sensi- o ' ‘he camposeo, 801 Main St, Mrs. which are entertaining Chinese "nttl it engulfed China. contained transcripts of all con- have strong reservations about could make such a remark—he vm a both Institute for Muacle Research at Henrietta Case, 817- Pleasant reasons for national securi- tensely back in the direction the htorine Blodogioal Labors- vally Rd., South Windsor; Milo audiences sick of propaganda Chiang Ching is In semi- versations bugged by the agen- *17* loyalty oaths Imposed, I plays, are a political problem of ®®I*P®® today and■ ’ her model ovcy. _ ‘-y’ . *-‘0*30 saia. . He urged i . tnat . a general and a Republican who would Needed: New Highway De-Icer Wonders of the Universe- from which the Ught came. ’This tory, W o ^ Hole Maas., who Dayton, 1343 Sullivan Ave., Set Meetings think.’ the first Magnitude. dramas are undergoing treat- Hoffa’s attorneys won, ever agencies take not be accused of treacherous appease­ is v^hy the full moon is so start­ Connecticut Yankee a d ^ a t ^ do nothing.” Windsor; Frederick Dix- To the list of those things we keep on lingly bright and the quarter My inability to Improve on John Harkins, coordinator of ment, except by the John Birchers— has doing even though we may have an un­ Working on the Moon moon so faint. By A.H.O. nature onryTide^^mys^ J to ’o°“ ""ilrs^‘" Ma^dritee ^=e^•® ”c:D^P% ^un- “S TampaVTabreiut: '^l^eTT^or.lr f^rnTd^ the H^W o^fLTlnS^^^^ When There’ s a Will been handed down to the Nixon admin­ ’The earth is not subject to easy feeling the' damage from them may miration deeper,” Dr. Szent- poster Windsor Locks- Wil- Develapment Action Plan) suppression" In a nation that ^ ^ Wilson for the FBI to turn over rity no longer has power to bar DENVER (AP) Prior to hla this back sootter and so the istration. rules and institutions, one might ,y,;.d u.,h. “ ■ sr ““ *"“■'" SempSS S S.-T m * , S,. U, J ™ outweigh their service to us add the salt­ amount of Ught falling on the Any sensible review of the Dr. Rene Dubois of Rockfeller have thought that any benevo­ Sprtogs; Marcus R. Hamilton, lie to ^ a ^ t^ m e ej^^ces. ^ s of toe p„ggogggg truly acute preap- Denver London-born Sydney ing of our winter highways. ' During the Night moon ■will be proportional to the “ Sixties” in Connecticut poUtlcs University agreed that "any at It finds Itself capable of making ex- , lent providence would have con­ . , . , . - - uij fulcsLForest x%u., Rd., x-A/vtruiiy, Coventry; jviio.Mrs. j j a occupy all its enc^ I'ne ^Jiunese oossess » polntment investigation of ouj suite-.w ajmiLuSmith uc«ji'decided lie wanted a wed­ area of the earth lUuminated would have to Ignore .the pre­ The Chinese {xtssess a keen Salt works better than sand on high­ sidered the state entitled to tempt to alter the human body „ „ Hovt 43 Fntev <« - 'Th® tosk forces, comprised of gigs. ^ ® Government attorneys insist- bllitv and lovialtv dineding cake from Harrods In his ploratory overtures toward Communist By DB. I. M. UEVTTT, lunar phase becomes a quarter by thq sun. ’Thus, the amount cise dates and begin with the state election of 1958. some praise and some peace. M''-' , the rales of -the'" s^. ther^ Hofte authority to appoint ad- home fity. China and of doing so in a political safe­ way ice because it melts the ice.- DIRECTOR moon or less, the light falls off of earthshine falling 'on the ethical monstrosity 111 Bell 'Yisory Committee, are prepar- pore the new antics The Fels Planetariiim . a^vofvjr, xxx ” ii_-i t J w.. the lUlfore, c, Isj is tellinglm.i 1.1 f l y o>aDsabotage of'the w"^„WAH /xbtoi.,x.A u visers ------: on the basis----- of. ------profession But store officials told him ty which would never have extended it­ It has become cheaper to handle salt precipitously. But this Is hot moon will be high at all times 'That 'was the' year in which, ’The Supreme Court decided, = i ; ^ " ‘r ^ e s , Nobeiist as obtained throu^ al suitability and competence they couldn’t- guarantee aafe ar- for physics. University of Cali­ of ’The Franklin Institute true of the earth aa seen from except when the earth becomes for the first time this century, otherwise, and contributed the St.190 : UnionMrs. Josephine St.; Kenneth Krauzaitis. C. La- j®®tives in their various cate- stage,q for, switching sexes is just niodel plays. Which were intend- eavesdropping and accused now wih, a ^ » ------— self to similar efforts on the part of a than sand, partly because salt runs off "deliberate sabo- ed to introduce a new em in Hoffa’s la t e r e of ^ '‘‘''a'- ^ S'"*"* to Londpn, Contrary to popular belief, the the moon. a tWn crescent, and iour astro- the Democrats carried a state main part of the Cmmeotlcut fornia, Berkeley; would reduce and doesn’t have to be swept up again. man’s size and give him a long­ Liberty, 564 Graham Rd., Wap- j v,. « » tage. ’ Chinese art aumand v.,iujieseChinese lue.life. rummacerummae-e thronp-hthrono-h thetho tu b- ^ x approval ‘ ‘ ------•" of — the ------HEW»*“> and owici, he numnn and hi* sister, Marsha Johnson or a Humphrey administration. astronauts will be able to work ’The earth has a diameter ( na|fts, even when “ hjght election by something more story of the Sixties with Itg one er life cj^;le, "particularly a ping; Colette G. Lareau, East The goals and obJecUves, af- ..ggi, . dgdared writers, di- ■ That is only the beginning ern ^ n ?‘« ^ secretary. Now the prospective smith, brought back the three ’These are definite arguments for the on the lunar surface even dur­ about four-times that of the-’ cometh,” can work while there than a narrow squeaker mar­ man on^ vote decrees. Hartford. ter review and possible accept- rectors and actors in ‘spare- of the "crimes" of the bootleg in n 9d n®‘fn<‘ ’® ®W®‘ Hvai. farmer te s u fI n ^ a ,lw g ^ t a n t a d ^ ’’ ing Communist China’s place in the precarious but tremendously as much earth room to work in, lyn, N.Y.; Carol M. pehl. West ^ f is nlaved bv a d rl in "Raid President Uu Shaoeg- his eye lens be capable of re­ 8 and 16 nun. Movie Pro­ base itself on tile principle .thRt there the moon is directly in line wlth- On the earth, we find by a c ­ Billy performed imtll 1959 jectors—sound or sUeqt, also ment, and occasional trees and shrubs to cut forms were likely to miss Islature for some new aggrand­ m ust. be some way .in which all three the. sun, the side of the moon tual measurement that the when he fell and Injured his son, .jectlves o f the seven task forces , Bfndlts’ Stronghold,”, a indicate the nature 85 mm. slide ptojeoton. SUNDAY the salt. ^ ■ the fact that the content could izement to replace its loss of tra­ suit him for space travel. Illuminated by the siin is turned quarter moon' yields only one- •arms and .shoulders. As a 45- dition and continuity. 'We are 424 W. Middle Tpke. will be presented to the Board ‘’®i’°to drama of the destruction jjjg character they are por- giant^, Russia, -the United States, and and did change. Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg, Nobel WELDON DRUG CO. All Medicinal Services Available away from us and the moon is tenth as much light as the full year vetertm aeriaUst, he going to have to live for a lohg of Directors later this month. ® Nationalist Chlnese-affillat-'trayfeg mainland China, can all coexist. laureate for chemistry and 767 Main gL-fTel. 6U-0821 invisible— what we call the moon, despite the fact that the worked with such stars as “ Tuf- time 'With what happened to us chairman of the Atomic Energy They win be on the board’s ®‘‘ "band of brigands.” .______455 HARTFORD 1^. ' ~ 643-5230 The election in 1958, however, agenda for approval at Its The new character was one "new moon.” ' area has only been decreased by fy” Genders, Wayne Larey and began the change in the Con­ In the Sixties, and..the only clear Commission, suggested linking Animal Lovers PlaviuR It Safe To summarize, the emphasis would Bigger Trucks Blocked Again Now picture, yourself on the March 3 meeting. the Chinese call ” a sprig of two. The raasbn is that the'lunar AntoinetteCon cello. Antoinette; necticut —forms, by decision verdict possible now Is that no brains and computers "so peo­ CAPE TOWN, South Africa mqon. ’The sun has been out of Between March of this year flowers,” in other words, a seem to be on common sense principle The stepped-up lobbying campaign of surface is coated with a curious the only woman In history ever 'still accomplished within the old decade in our state history ever ple could learn during sleep Score Gina For (AP) — In times of drought God the ' sky for iabout seven days and June of next year, the female romantic lead. The self- Instead of ideological nightRiRiism. the American. Trucking Association ‘has type of material which possess­ to accomplish the triple somer­ rules. did quite so much to us. Wheth­ and carry on productive work Intends men to pray, not (ire gOals and objectives will be sacrificing, puritanical libera- failed to dispel the doubts of the public and you see the earth. While es a high “ back scatter.” ef­ sault from the flying trapeze, er it was also for us, some during waking hours.” Tigerskin Maxi rain rockets at the sky, a dele- Just aa only the Eisenhower adminis­ and leg'slators over the widsom of allow- the aim is below the horizon ^— ficiency ^— light which strikes now directs the aerial ballet for Having demonstrated this ca­ other decade will have to de­ refined, will be reviewed for tlon army officer was given a Infe toW ^ DTovlnclaT^svmoir o^ actually below your feet if you the moon is reflected most in­ the “ world’s greatest show." pacity for change, vrithin its old cide. LONDON (AP) - Wildlife en- estimated costs, and will be list- gtrLfrlend. ^ ‘®jJ^l,erduitee G e r ^ /f's Time Again To Register For tration could safely deal with the late ng lo.-ger, wider and heavier trucks on highways. are standing near the lunar thuslasts critloized Gina Lollob- ®‘‘ priorities, based on need Rdd Flag was horrified. The* Kerk one of South Africa’s equator—the earth may be di­ All But th^ Smell Senator JoseiXi McCarthy, which it did, For the moment, motorists who. feel “^’’1 . addition of a girl friend hurt three’ powerful Calvinist Dutch rectly overhead. But when you NEW YORK (AP) ^ J '""''ie MANCHESTER ADULT EVENING SCHOOL intimidated by those big trucks won’t so it may be the Nixon ad.minlstratitxi observe the earth the entire' side f°m or- 3t3r, today because of her tiger it ^ e s d a f a'^ked ‘’®®'^“®®, «'® Reformed churches. He and oth- have additional worries. Congressmen, row’s garbage man wlii which has the power to uhdo the longest- facing you is illuminated-by the H >>e a - -n maxl.pnnt i Z ’ o wstronghold” is one of er.. delegates contfinced of the Imth for 'and against a measure that ' By W hitaker magician. .BUii—a "full earth.” ’The phases ' • " PropTnm nminvx ^ Work chiang\Chlite’s most favored— sinfulness of rain rockets inltlat- WINTER TERM CUSSES Ungering McCarthy heritage, our two would permit the road gfiants agrCe tiiat He will turn the millions of •It must have taken 10 tigers Program progress report to m o^t^m edlately political ed a long discussion, ended by o f ttie moon and earth are com­ tons of trash and garbage now to make that Uger maxi—and ^^*® ' decades of abnormal relationship with a the legislation is as good as dead. plementary. 'When the earth is, —dramas. acceptance of a resolution that JANUARY"6tJt 7 regime we were on ‘the verge of per­ ’The bijl currently languishes in the full, the moon is new and when In the first place, toe stage the use of the rockets is not ex­ House Public Works Oomnjittee where srrjT'p'sr •" •“ performances "undermine pub- pressly forbidden by Scripture. the earth is new the moon Is John H. Abr^am s Jr., manag- world,” said an oili­ mitting into the United Nations whea it la expected to remain. ’The subcom- “ One'^Represgntative Uc opinion and prepare for a However, the synod decided. full. of environmental polluUon ®*®* ,th® Dally Mall’s World mittee on roads, which held extensive er MANCHESTER HIGH SCHOOL Senator McCarthy either terrified Secre­ Imagine a few days have Control programs lor the Glass Wildlife Fund. "So one woman The sun is about 4009 times restoration of oapitalism,’ ’ said such rockets should always be hearings on it laSt summer, reported tary of State Acheson, or gave'him an passed. ’The sun is approaching Container Manufacturere Instl- ‘® wearing one 60to of the broader than the moon and al- R®d Flag, toe Communist fired with a deep awareness of 7 to 9 P.M. to the full committee < without recom­ its rising point on the moon and tute. world’s tiger population." so about 40 times' farther away party’s ideological journal. man’s dependence on God and excuse lor reversing our intention, by mendations. ’This was almost a death from the earth. The perspective In the, second place, they droughts should always be seen the earth is now becoming "Hie time Is close at hand Miss Lollobriglda, In London going to Wheeling and making a speech sentence. ' ‘ '' of distance makes both look tamper 'With holy words —^ the as a way In which God brings smaller, going into its gibbous when we will be able to salvage with an assortpient of fur Coats NEW CLASSES OPENINGS about c*rf-d-carrylng Communists in our Despite the vigorous campaign staged phase. A few more days pass about the same size from earth, six "model dramas" produced his people to submission. by the American Trucking Association, everything but the smell In the for a television appearance, State Department. and the sun rises suid the earth garbage can,” he said; said her coat contained only IN EXiSTINS CLASSES: and the hard work of some congress­ has slimmed to a quarter earth. TO BE STARTED IN: men, the subcommittee could not be per­ He explained that studies are about three skins and "the tl- After another week the earth- la currently in progress to sep- gers in my coat were already suaded to report favorably on the new and the moon is Jully Il­ Reading Improvement Englhih for the Foreign Born arate out and reusfe such compo- dead. I didn’t kill anything ’’ High School Eiqulv. Classes rneasure which, would'^allow maximum luminated by the sun. X Astronomy-Geology Pope Paul To The Armorers truck width to go from eight to eight and This constant cycle of 'light S i^ttle^^d‘"?ar.*^ipe“ ‘-»°‘>H8ida is'not a Algebra a half feet, permit trucks to be "lO feet Inveetments and the Stock Market "Lord,” prayed Pope Paul in his ob­ and dark can be used to do use­ L t a l, wood, r ig i a id ^ “ “ f®* Brush-Up Shorthand long' and raise their maximum per- ful wprk on the lunar surface. waste Dowdlng, head of an' antlkilllng Creative Writing Int, Shorthand servance of New Year’s Day aa a World missable gross weight from 73,280 ' ’The only time when the light H -«ld reite of there prod- *®:!;^® ®®»®‘> Adv. Shorthand ( : 6 P.M - in the P.M . feeg. Sewing Peace Day, “we are today more heaylly pounds to 108,000 pounds. level may be so low as to make ucU, such as paper, metal and the'D ally Mall. A^v! Sewing The A^TA arguments are ho more con­ work Impossible on the surface "I m afraid by continuing to V Office Machines armed than ever we were in centuries rasfs, can be processed for Int. Typtog vincing now than they were last year is just before the earth becomes jjg wear furs she shows her age.” ,V'' Rug Braiding past, and we are so provided with in­ retire, whereaz others can Watercolor when the bill was defeated. Besides the a new earth and the sun is still converted into entirely new The Italian'^tar is 41 years OPEN TONIGHT till 9:30 Beg. Typing ,Int. Drawing and Painting struments of death that" we could in a fact thai passenger car drivers would below the horizon. At this stage products, such as compost and old. Int. KnltUng Art for Beginners single instant set the world ablaze and l>e intlmUbled by trucks even larger only the stars provide light and building materials, Lady Dowdlng said the young­ than today’s behemoths, the other objec­ this is quite faint. er generation was awpre of the Int. Cake Decorating Fire Technology perhaps even destroy mankind. tions have not been overcome. ’The na­ One question arises:' 'Why threat to wildlife but "older Intro, to Date Processing Adv. Woodworking tion’s highways would be tom up at a can’t we work on the,earth un­ „ Original Meaning women can’t get out 6l their Graphic Oommunloations "Lord, we have based the development Tailoring ^ faster rate thus adding a substantial fi­ der the light, of a moon that ^ ■ Bookkeeping^ and prosperity-of many of our giant in­ nancial burden. ’There still is reason to is at the quarter or less? Cer­ The orlglnai meaning of the *y*‘ «'"® “ »« n m word "genOle” waii| "peoples" *"®>‘®® ‘"'P®*'- Rug Hooking dustries OB the diabolical capacity t o ' believe that the bigger, heavier trucks tainly we can do usefm work are likely tb be inordinately

r A xV I ' ' - " V ' - J . v , :v A • t A V' \ , I . Y'. ■ i ■ \ i, I), ■■■;’ ■ ■ ■ ■- ■ ',■ ■•■: . ■ ■■ ■ '■ ' PAGE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, l^ANCHESTERy CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 8. 1970 MANCHESTER EVENING HERA.LD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY'S," 1970 /•

STAR T.olland By CLAY R POLLAN- Area Churches LItRA- ARIES JM Your Daily Aclivily Guido ^ strr.T. 22 r-f-i School Wing C h 11 r h e s M A R . II According to Iho Starts_' Union Congregational Churoh Sooond fiongiegattonal Uhurcb 81. M ary^ Oinnih \ ocr.f. 2222^1^ To New Low - ^ A M . I* Kockville United Church of Chijat R*. M> Coventry Business Bodies Second ConKreiratlolial Church St. Bartholomew’s Church St Mary’s Episcopal, Church To'develop.messoge for Sunday, The Baby Has ■T?\20-21-3M3 2-32-44-63/T; Rev. Paul J. Bnwman, Minister Btj *tA , Coventry ■ Rev, F. Bernard Miller, Faetor Expected Ready t7i^ted Church of Christ Rev/ Fhillp Hussey, Pastor Churdh and Park Sts. :Sj)51-61-79-84 reod words corresponding to numbers 65.7281-86(5* i ■ ' Rev. George F, Nostrand, of your Zbdioc birth sign. Rev. Lyman D. Reed, Rev. Rbbert Beohtold, Minister Rev. RIohart F. Rongban, Blit R^eover S8S N. Main St^ • Rev, Edward M. LiaRose, j f . TAURi|S SCORRIO Aaslstant Pastor B y Jan. 15 Assistant Actuary.... teaching the appraisal courses Ices departmeiit oiM^ubleln in Rector 1 K eep 31 C o n 61 To Associate -Minister Rev. Felix M. Davis, Assistant Pastor - a m . jo ocr. jj> ew David 'niomos of Scott . Dr. at the University, of Hartford 2 T im e ly 32 Action 62 Even 10 a.m.. Service .of Holy Corn- #J YORK (AP) -- The 1666, bixiame assoclkto brand Minister Rev. Russell Allen N O Y . 21 ■! ‘ David Cook, chalrnlan of the was promoted to assistant actu­ ( ^ M A Y 20 3 Tone 33 For 63 Bring 9 a.ni.. Church School, Grades muniem.' CBiurch School. Miasaes at 7:80, 9:80 and 10:48 bond market dipped early the B een Nam ed and has taught at the Universi­ manager In the Spirits 6^d Wine Rev. Ernest S. Harris, 7:30, 9, 10:15 and 11:30' a.^., Rev. Timothy Carberry rf\1M3-25-37 4 T ry 34 Sidetfocited 64 To 7-12-24-34y building committee for the addi­ ary at Connecticut Mutual Life. ty of Connecticut. Division In 1967. He atoqmed Associate Minister Masses. • Rev. Ronald Haldeman ,^46-58-69 5 A cce p t' 35 O ccu r 6 5 Y o u 45-57-78 B through 10., ' 4 p.m.. Junior Pilgrim Fellow- a.m. past week, with long term gov­ tion to the Mcadowbrook School, A Phi Beta graduate, ’Diomas ■ 6 To 36 A s s e ti 66 Sensible ^ His offices will continue to be marketing responsibilities GEMINI 67 Resentment SAGITTAfUUS 9:30 a.m., Adult Study Class ship. .announced yo^iterday he is hope- 7 D on ge r “37 W ill Wesleyan United Methodist ernments hitting 1969.lows. But received, his B.A. in mathema-- at 40 Marlon Dr. an<) 283 E. Heubleln Full-Strength and ! 10 a.m.. Morning Worship. St. Bridget Church 7;30, 9 and 11 a.m., /A^he may 21 B D ow n 38 D otes 6 8 'A re In library. i . 6 p.m., Youth and ^Junfor fal the new wing will flmilly be 9 Y o u r 39 W ith 69 Y o u Church the market later recovered to Center St. , quet Cocktails in July 1966. Liturgy of the Lord's>rd's Slipper.Supper. O f C .2 1 ^ 1 10:30 a.m.. Church School, Choirs. Nursery through Church School Rev. John J. Delaney, Pastoi^ c'VjUNf 20 10 Fine 40 O n 70 p h on e /* Polncko, Connie Jean, daugh(!er at BMword and Lillian completed and ready for .iise on Holy Communion. Sermon at 71 O p p o rtu n ity Infants through Grade 4. , 7 p.m. Con/lrmaUon Classes. Crystal Lake Rd., Ellington post net price .improvements in Grade 8. Communion meditation Rev. Kenneth J. Frisble 4- 6-19-36 11 Liberol 4 l'" Y E S " 5-15-23-35^ Gauthier F^alacko, Plnney ,Rd., Box 95, Somersvine. She waa Jan. 15. ' BRAND MANAGER BRIEFS by the Rev. Mr. Davis. Rev. Harry McRrien the 9 and 11 a.m. service by 1 748^68 80-90 120» 42 To 72 .Recognition 4 7. 5^ ^ / 10:45 a.m., Worship Service. 8 p.m.. Senior Pilgrim Fel- Rev. Harvey W. Taber, Pastor most departments, according to Cook met ’ yesterday with ' -a 13 C re d it 4 lB e 73 Y o u r born Jon. 1 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal John E. Ruddy, 53 Le)and Dr., ■ Charles E. Robinsoti o t 1 _____ the Rev. Mr. Allen. Church CANCER CARRICORN Sermon topic: “Our Greatest lowshlp. Salomon Brothers & Hutzler! 14 C h e c k 44 C o u ld 74 M o k e grandparents nre Mr.-and Mph. Frank Bodura, SmTiersvllIe. reprcsentativn of'the contractor,' has been named to a new po­ French Rd. observed Ms 40th an­ Masses at 7, 8. 9:15, 10:30 In 'CHb Class and Nursery f J U N f 21 15 T h in g s 45 By 75 Agreerrjent O fC . 22 ^ Problem." The Rev. Mr. Bow- 9:48 a.m., Sunday 42 School national Investment firm. Northington Construction Co. of North United Methodist Church 46 Be 76 K e e l ‘ Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pa- sition in the Arrow Liquors Co., Care at 9 a.m. 16 T h in g s JA N . I* man preaching. Service of Holy Bolton Congregational Church Classes for all ages. Governments over' 20 years niversary 'at the Tra'velers In­ 300 Parker $t. the church. 9:15, 10:30 and 12:00 ij u ir '} i 47 W ith o u t 77 M o s t i. Avon, Meadowbrook School ‘ 9:50 a.m,', Sunday Morning 17 Resist 11 a.m.. Worship Servloe. Nur­ lacko Sr., 19 Brandon St., Stafford Springs. a unit of Heubleln, Inc. surance Co. on Dec. 80. He Ip Bov. Earle R. 'Custer, • In the auditorium. \14-26-38 49 18 Temptotion 48 Which 78 Insincere 17-18-27-28^ Communion, Reception of new Bolton Center Rd> eatabllShed, 1969 lows in Mon­ Principal Donald Parker, Mrs. 'The appointment was am Coffee House. 19 Free ' 49 By^^ 79 Profitable 39-73-82-871. Rev. J. Stanton Conover, sery. day’s tax-loss selling, however, associated with the /casualty Pastor ' —:------^------39-60-70 8 0 T ie d members. Barbara Kaias, Board of Edu­ 20 Inside 50 An AQUARIUS Mottle, Janlne Gail, daughter of David and Csmthla nounced recently by A E. Bou- property field operations of 7 p.m.. Evening prayer. LEO . 81 From 6 p.m.. Junior Pllgrrim Fellow-- . Minister 8.p.m., Wesleyan Youth. they later rallied to regain 1)4 Gary Klose and Howard Mayer St. James’ Church 21 In fo rm a tio n 51 P u l 4 AN.-20 Ward Mottle, 58 Hickory Dr., BOast Hartford. She was bom cation member, and Alex To- rassa, group brand manager for Travelers. 22 D oy 52 C o m in g 82 Hord-eorned ship. 6:80 p.m., Flaat and Prayer. . 1 points, Salomon Brothers said. Pastors-ln-Tralnlng Msgr. Edward J. Reardon, 4 ^ » 83 O f Dec. 25 alt' Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her j matomaJ biasen, superlntondcnt of build­ .Arrow. ^ Trinity Convenant Church r-^ ..AUG. 22 2 3 T h o t 53 Plon s f f i : It 7:16 p.m.. Senior Pilgrim Fel- 10:30 a.m., Chui*ch School. 7 p.m.. Evening Prayer. Most short-term rates estab­ ' Pastor • . 24 B e in g 54 Be 84 Use . «■ grandmother £s Mrs. Richard Ward, Longmeadow, Moss. ings and ^fo'uhds, in a effort Ruddy, formerly associate A regular quarterly dividend 302 Hackmatack St. 55 Conservotive 85 On 3- 8- 9-53i 9:30 and 10:30 a.m.. Worship. lished record highs during the 9 and 10:30 a.m.. Worship Rev. Joseph E. ViiJs 1-16-29-40 25 Fociliiies 54-55^66 1 “ lowshlp. ■to ’4* • • « to deterrole when the (ichool brand nianager for Heubleln of 12)4 cents per share on the Rev. Norman E. Swensen, '50-62-76 26 T o d o y 's 56 Disploying 66 Higher-ups Service, St. Maurice’ Church, BoMon week. Three-month Treasury will be^ ready. Service. Sermon. “Start with Rev. Thomas Barry 27 T o 57 Someone 87 Cosh RISCK Avery, Michele Lynn, daughter of Richard and Carolyn Full-Strength _ common stock of Gorin’s, Die. Pastor VIRGO 58 Offered - 88 Plans 7 p.m., Senior Pilgrim Pel- Rav. Robert W. Crmiln, Pastor bill rates rose 17 basis points Toudi!” Rev. Vlnoent J. Flynn 28 Speculoie f i t . I* United Methodist Church LaRose Avery, 32 Holl St., Manchester. She ■was bom Dec. 28 Cook said that quite a bit of was voted recently by Its bocud /gj'AUG. 22 59 Messenger 89 h - above their previous 1969 high 9 a.m.. Church School. Nurs­ 29 R u n n in g Rt. 44A, B«^toa lowshlp. at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents thg finish work has been com* of diractors. Dividend payment 22 30 Soy 60 Or 90 Up MAR. 30’' Mdsses at-7, 8:80^ 10 and 11:30 but later slipped back some. ery and Grades 3 through 8. Masses, 6, 7:30, 9, and 10:30 9:30 a.m., Sunday School. Col­ 1/4 Rev. Hugh A. GUUs, are Mr. and Mrs. Normtui DaRose, 48 Blssetl 9t., Manchester. ,pleted in the last few. days and will be made Feb. 14 to stock­ lege and Career Discussion, 0 \1 0-22-33-52 Adverse ^^Neutril 30-41-42-71^. Eastmiiurter United a.m. Other, money market instru­ that the main holdback is the 10:30 a.m. Church School, a.m., noon, and 5 p.m. 5764-75-85-88 7-5o' 74-77-83-891& BUniator . Her paternal grandparent are Mr.'and Mrs. Atl>^ Avery, lOO^ holders of record as of Jan. 37. Nursery, Kindergarten and ______; along with the Adult Classes Presbyterian FeUowshIp ments closed at or slightly be­ carpeting- "He said this .should low their 1969 highs, with bank­ Lydall 9t., Manchester. Shc-has a brother';\|Fllfihard, 2. ' Richard Moed Among the stores owned and op­ Grades 1 and 2. Sacrament of and High School meeting at the 9:30 a.m., CSiurch .School. Rev.' Gordon Bates, Mlniater Rockville United «Methodlst , / \ * *1 * »i *• be delivered next week. erated by Gorin’s, Inc. Is Kfoue® Church of the Assumption Keeney St. School. All .other Churtdi ers' acceptances showing the 1968. In his n ^ position, he will Holy Communion both services. Adams St. and Thoihpson Rd. Morning Worship. Sermon: Geo^e Slye School, OBooth, Lisa Jean, daughter of Robert 'and. L orei^ OrcUtt He plans another . mpetlng on and Hale, 945 Main St. 6 p.m.. Junior and Senior classes and Infant nursery at Kingston Dr., off Oak St. 148 Grove St. largest increase. The federal Jan. 14 at 8 p.m. at the Meadow- be responsible for the operations Rev. Edward S. Pepin, Pastor News for Senior Gtizens ‘.‘Sleeping, or Going Forward.” funds rate rose 'while Euro-dol- Booth, 82 North St., M-nncherter. She waa bom Dec,,29 at Man- MYP. the church. East Hartford Rev. Willard E. ConkUa. chesJter Memorial Hosp’taJ. Her maternal grandparenta are brook School for a final deci.slon and development of 'the Medi Manley B. Glaublltz of 57 Rev. Ernest J. Coppa 10:45 a.m.. Morning Worship. Sacrament of Holy Communion. lar closed with a net de­ Mart drugstores in the ktate. 6:30 p.m.. Membership class By WALLY FORTIN 11 a.m., Preliminary Charge Minister Mr. and Mrs., Harris Orcutt, 96 North St., M anch^er. Her on the movlng-ln date. N Tudor Lane has been named su­ TTie Rev. Mr. Swensen will OIRECtOB _ 10 a.m.. Worship Service and cline for the first time since ear­ patemal grandparents ore Mr. and Mrs. ,George Booth, 13 David lliomas He is a graduate of the Brook­ perintendent In the field control­ to be held at church. Masses at 7^ 8, 8:16, 10:30 preach on "God so Loved the Conference! ly November, Salomon Brothers lyn College of Pharmacy and a . 8 p.m.. Young Adult group ^nd 11:46 a.m. Hello everybody! Well, now Rose Bowl Parade In the mom- 7 p.m.j Methodist Youth Pel- School. 9:80 a.m.. Church School, Emerson St., Moncheeter. ' , ' lers department at the Hartford will meet at the parsonage. World.” Niu'sery for pre-school nursery through adults. reported. e -«i • * Walerbury Gets tics in 1950. He joined OML's member of Temple Beth casualty and surety division of­ children. that -the holidays are over for mg, then football, football, and lowshlp, (Corporate bond prices im­ aotuarlal department following Sholom, Hadassah, ORT, and St. John’s Eplsot^ial Church 10:46 a.m., Mommg Service,' Boggtni, Jill Elizabeth, dav^hieT ot Charlies and Jane fice of Aetna Life k Casualty. Unitarian Universalist Society 7 p.m. Family Night All another year, we here at the even a game of you know what ------1 proved slightly in the absence of Housing Grant graduation but soon left to .spend B’nal B’rlth. . Calvary Church Center can start gettmg back in the evening. Think that was gt, George’s Episcopal Church Rt.' 30, Vernon nursery through Grade 4. Tarca Bogginl, 132 Ba’dwin Rd., _Jtonche^er. She was bom of Manchester youth groups will meet. Rev. Robert H. Wellner, any new issues. Seasoned and WASHINGTON (AP) — The two years with the U.S. Army. (Assemblies of God) 466 Main St. to normal agam. Thmgs have ladles? Well, l^k out for . Rt. 44A, Bolton Nov. 17 at Hartford Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are ftogers Corporation has sold Rector Trinity Evangelical Lutheran recent issues , scored gains of Mr. and Mrs. Bund! Tarca, 683 W. Middle Tpke., Manchester. Department of Housing and Ur­ He was named actuarial assis­ AI’PRAISAL SERVICES for use in Japan its molded and 647 E. Middle Tpke. John B. Fttxgerald, Pres. South United Methodist Oiuroh Just been too dam quiet around v ^ k m d Rev. Robert W. Ihloff, Vicar about % point. Next week’s tant in 1959 and n.ssistant secre­ Alfred P. Werbner, sales Rev. K. L. Gustafson, ' Church Her p-'temal grandparents ore Mr. and Mrs. N. Charles Bog­ ban' Development has approved printed circuits technology to Rev. J. Manley Shaw, D. D., here and I’m sort of glad to see and tomorrow, as there Is more corporate calendar will be n 3614,745 federal grant for a tary, actuarial, in 1966. He is manager for the Jarvis Realty Pastor the hoUdays go by, so's I caii football In store for television. 8 a.m., Holy Communion. (Mtosourt Sjmod) ginl, 71 Spencer St., Manchester. Her paternal great-grand­ Nippon Mektron Oo., Ltd., 10:30 a.m., Service.^ Church Pastor 8 a.m., Holy Communion. 85 Proapeot St., Rockville moderately heavy with two 3100 mother Is Mrs. Louis Boggini, Manchester. She has three 4.4-acre liouslng project in Wat- an iis.soclate of the Society of Co. and managing agent of the Osaka, a wholly owned subsidi­ School. Nursery. Rev. Carl W. Saunders, start seeing oU those smiling „ ioTlis‘';.m” ''Holy Chmmiinion. mtlllon utilities topping the list. erbury, Copn. Actuaries. Jarvis Agency, announces the 9:30 a.m., Sunday School -with _Bev. Bruce Rndoll brothers, Dtivld, 5, Glenn, 3, and Andrew, 1. ary of Nippon Oil Seal Industry Associate Pastor faces again , ' Children’s Pageait. Nursery The January calendar now Rep. John' S. Monagan, D- formation of the Manchester missions em pha^. Co., Ltd. The sale was for cash Gospel Hall Rev. Gary S. Cornell, To get everyone back to to- although I’m a ^ d church School. stands at 31.5 billion, about 3500 Conn., .said 'Friday the money DISTRICT MANAGER Appraisal Services for the pur- payments over a three - year 3 10:30 a.m., Worship. gethemess again, you’re all m- stations were football Coffee and Cem- 8 and 10:30 a.m., Wonlilp WaJtman, Shawn Wavne, son of Rtohard and Rose Rohr- 415 Center St. Associate Pastor million above the 1969 monthly 3 Service, Holy 0>mmunlcm. bach Wa.'fm'an, 424 W. Middle Tpke., Manchester. He was bom is for work on Ifie Abbott Av­ Richard ' Moed, 112- Downey po.se of real estate appraising period and lauter roysdtles. 7 p.m., Gospel ser^ce St. Peteir's Eplscsopal Church average. ' ------vlted to take a trip with us to versatlon. Sand Hill Rd., Sooth Wlndscir 9:15 a.m., Sunday School. Dec. 30 at Manchester Memor'ail Hoso'tal. Ws nmterml grand- ■ enue renewal project. It will be Dr., has been named Connecti­ an'l consulting work- John E. Ruddy 10 a.m., Breaking bread. 9 a m., Sunday Morning Adult the Land of White Alice. Now center wasn’t tod much with ® P'*" ’ Group skating During the week municipal put toward site acquisition and cut district manager for .Medi Werb»(jr is a senior member Barbara MeliotKof East Hart­ Concordia Lutheran Church Bey. James A. Birdsall, Achdt InstructicHi Class. mother is Mri. Genevlve Wn’ters, M'lton, Pa. His patemal 11:45 a.m., SundAy School. Discussion Group, Susannah this Is a trip to Alaska and they party. bonds continued to show price grandparehls are Mr. and Mrs. Chari'es Waltmon, Columbia, demolition of 22 .strictures to Mart drugstores, a division of of the American Society of Ap­ Cocktails, was promoted to ford, recently won a five-foot 40 PiUdn St. w only (jne day of activity gomg Vicar improvement. The calendar 7 p.m., Gcjspel meeUng. Wesley Hall. , tell me , , the , scenery .-I-., along we v'fionj,,'iand/1 „„ ve already told .._f.you ------Unitarian FenowBhlp Pa. He has a sister, Michelle. 2)4. make way for an «0-tor90-unit Stop & Shop Inc. according to praisers and has been an inde­ brand manager of these same plush Santa Claus from Rev. Joseph E. Bourret, 9 and 10:45 a.m.. Morning way is simply beautiful. Oh yes, however, was light. about It- First Ccmgregatlonal Church 8 and 10 a.m., Foinily Serv­ of Glastotibury « -toi to tol 4t housing project for low-income Donald A. Gannon, president. pendent fee appraiser - for the products. Temple's Carpet and Floor Cov- Pastor The Salvaticm Army Worship. Service of Holy Com- we’ll see some snow, I’m sure, Of Veraon The most important issue was and moderate-income people. Moed joined the company in past 16 years. He is currently He joined the ^marketing serv- eringi 308 lifaln St. Rev. LchiIh E. Bauer Jr., Now for the coming week, ice. Baby-sitting provided. Academy Junior High ^ Nash, Pamela Ruth, daughter of Bruce and Patricia Av­ 681 Main St. munloii. The Rev. ^ Hiaw but It will be a cleaner looWng ^^.,1 ^ ^a^^ Rev. John A. Lacey, 339 million Tn double-A bonds is­ ery Nash, RPD 2, Rt. 30, Rockville. She was bom Dec. 30 at . Assistant Pastor the Main St., Glaatoabury sued by the Los Angeles Depart­ MaJ. Kenneili Lancse, preaching. Sermon: ’’Prayer Is snow than what we’ve been groove as our schedule will Ministor' Avery St. M-ancheSter Memorial Hospital. Her m'atem-al grandparents Officer In Charge Effective.” Church School for sioslUng through these past ’ scneuuie ment of Water and Power. The 9 and 10:30 a.m.. Holy Com­ Rev. Randall P. Ferrara, Christian Reformed Church 10:30 a.m.. Service, Nursefy are Mr. and Mrs. Bari Avery, Stafford ■Sprihes. Her patemal infant toddler t h r o u g h ^ t e couple of weeks. 6 We’re going to be back with Assistant Ministor tax-exempt bonds attracted grandparents ore Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fogg, Stafford Springs. munion, Church Schcx>l and 661 Avery St. and School. three bidders, although two Sunday, 8 a.m.. Prayer XT 2 41.p.m., ’B4 II Senior Vkt High etil Methodist 1a 4V«a ^g.,i •• departing evefor thist-aMv vriAA’our big •W * WVM ^e sd a y , ^41/^4 program, CSSSS* awvRev. » » Betsy aF.« mwXA%f%mp Reed, South Windsor She has a sister, Susan. Nursery. ' Breakfast. Youth Fellowsiup will l ave in around 2 p.m. Wednesday Arts and crafts m the mornliw. Minister of Chrlstiaii EducMttion weeks ago it failed to sell be­ church to go tobogganing at Rev.. James A. Bonnetna, Messiah Evangelical Lutheran cause of a 7 per cent Interest 9:30 a.m., Sunday School afterncx>n. By the -way, 3rou just featuring colorful airtlflcial Minister Church ' Ellis, Matthew Edward, son of £dwnrdf and Renee John­ First Church of Christ, (CIaa.ses for all ages). Wickham Park. can’t go wrong at the price, be- flower makmg, and also some- 9:25 and'10:66 a.m.. Chimed limitation. The bonds, offered son Bllds, RFD 1, Gilead St., Hebrwi, He Was bom Dec. 30 at Scientist. Wlseonsl nSynod Tuesday, were reoffered public­ 10:45 a.m., HoUness Meeting cause It’s free, compliments of thing very useful, especially for School, 9:45 a.m., Sunday School for 896 Buokland Rd., Wapping M-anchekter Memorial Hospital. Hte malbemal grandparents "Mom, 447 N. Main St. (nursery provided). Church of ChijUt the Southern New England Tele- this time of the year, outdoor- ly to yield 5.65 per cent for the 9:30 and 11 a.m., Worship jji ages, Rev. Karl B. Gurgel, Pastor 1971 maturities to 7 per cent for are Mr, and Mrs. EmeSt C. Johnson Sr., 23 OeJk Grove St., p.m., Ooen Air Meeting. Lydall and Vernoii Sts. phone Co. So we’ll' be iook'nj type floor mats for knocking off Service. ’The Rev. Mr. Lacey ^ Worship Service, Mandhester. HU patemal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ken­ 11 a.m., Church Service, Sun­ Eugene Brewer, Minister Ixinds due In 2000. At the end of 6:30 p.m.. Prayer Meeting. for you to enjoy this colorfiU all that snow and stuff. preaching. Nursery care avail- Murserv ^ 10 a.m., .Sunday School. neth Elllis, RFD 1, Hebron. day School and Nursery. “God” 7 p.m., O vation Meeting. the week about 32 million of the movie with us! ' We’ll have our Hot-Meal pro- able. 7 p.m.. Evening Service. 11 a.m.. Worship Service. is the subject of the lesson-ser-- 9 a.m., Bible Classes. Like last week, because of the gram of Beef Stroganoff over issue remained unsold. mon. The Golden Text: Mat­ 5 p.m.. Junior Pilgrim Fellow- Next week’s calendar is O’Brien, Gall Carroll, daughter of Joseph“and Elizabeth United Pentecostal Church 10 a.m.. Worship. Sermon: ”A Monday, our activities at the rice, deriled -eggs, stuffed ship. MeVey O’Brien, 2815 Ellington Rd., Wapiplng. She was bom tiow can you •• D A l l A X r A f l ** .•v . . - ^ . t . a. . ■ « _ moderate—about 3148 million thew 4:10. 187 Woodbrtdge St. Faith That Believes God. Center were held on Monday, celery, Texas toast, gingerbread 7 p.m.. Senior Pilgrim Fellow- The Christian Science Read­ counting issues over 32 million. Dec. 27 at Manchester MemorM Hospital. Her maltemol Robert Baker, Pastor 6 pm., Worship. Sermon and we had a very pleasant sur- with whipped cream, and bever-. ship, grandparents ore Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc'Vey,- 40 Pine Hill St., ing Rcx>m, open to the public ’’Knothole Religion.” Happenings for Teens •The largest sale will be Ala­ prise, as -we arrived at the Cten- ages. Now If that doesn’t sound bama Highway Authority reve­ Manche^er. Her maternal grealt-gTandmother is Mrs. George except on holidays,. Is located 10 a.m., Sunday School. ter Monday morning. / good enough to eat, I don’t know at 749 Main St. The hours are United Congregational Church nues bonds totaling 330 million. Cdpplng, 2^6 Oakland St., ManOhestter. She has three brothers, 11 a.m.. Worship Service. Full Gospel Christian All the .sidewalks were neat- what does, United Church of Christ Magic Number for akUng, Night with bowling and done- Keirln, 3, Tomas, 2, and Joseph, 1)4; and a sister, Marybetfi, 11 a.m., to 4 p.m. Monday 7:30 p.m.. Evangelistic Serv- Fellowship Interdenbmlnatloiial ly shoveled, and we must thank After the heairty meal, we can through Saturday. . ToUand skating and coasting ’on the ing. 4. get so upset about drugs Ice. 4 Orange Hall the Park Department crew for move on upstairs, and sit In Rev. Donald G. MlUer, spot' information Is 643-4700. •Community Y, N! Main St., Rev. Philip P. Saunders, Pastor that. Also, a' godB part of the those lush steel chairs, and go Prairie Farmer J Commuiilty Baptist Church Minister Saturday, Jao« 3 Open 9*10 p.m. Duplin,, Hflchael Harvey, son of Harvey and Unda CSarlke . J ------snow piled up along the sides of o** our trip to Alaska. By then, __ An American Baptist Church Church of the Nazarene *Recreatton Centers closed. Saturdiay, Jan. 10 M ay Turn To Duplin, North iW Vegas, Nev. He waa bom Doc. 4 In Las Ve* 585 E. Center St. /- 236 Main St. 7 p.m., Sunday Servloe. the streets was all taken away, we’ll be In the mood for some Worohlp *Teen Center, School St., 7:30- ‘East Side Rec, School St„ gas, Nev. Hls maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Arnold' Rev. WWiam A. Taylor,-Pastor to give us ample parking space, square dancing, and that should ge_!j„ muiivii 'qy.Vi>w,i Rev. Walter H. Loomis, 11 p.m. — meahberahip cards Open 10-noon; 1-6 p.m. Crops of Trout Clarke, Notlch Rd., Bolton. Hls paternal grandparents are Mr. Minister Churdi of Jesus Christ of F orthls we thanlTthe Mghway top off a rather busy, but In- „ ?? still available at the door for *We8t Side Rec, Cedar St., and Mrs. Harvey Duplin, 20 Hemlock St., Manchester. Hls ______9:30 a.m., Church School. Latter-day Saints (Mormon) Department, and certainly a^ teresting day. 7 five dolla,-= Dance to thia Open 1-6 p.m. great-grandmotihers are Mrs,. EXhel Clarke, Bolton, and Mrs. when you r^lly don^ know m^ni q1o« kz. 7 to 8.30 p.m., Pllgjim Pel- five dollars . WINNIPEG, Man. (AP) — 9:16 a.m.. Church School for Glosses for all age groups, Hillstown Rd. and Woodslde St; predate both departments for We’ll also be delivering — imurfiln “Quiet Ones.” •Community Y, N. Main St., Flora Wells, Manchester. Paul E. Nuttoll, Bishop thinking of us, and having things Hot-Meal to senior shut-ins, and While a Pnaiirfe former -worriee ■»i ■• * « 1*1 all ages. Sunday School for ^0:4S a.m., Worship Service. Monday, Jan. 5 Open 1-6 p.m. about his unsold grain, that wat- Nursery trough Grade 4 con- « P-*".. Young Adult, Teen all ready for us. I’>>^ waiting for names of Teen Center, School St., 7:80 Champ, Eric Christopher, son ot Gary and Sifoan West Although the conditions out- nrior® shut-ins. If you’d like to St. Francis of Assisi ' All schools reopen except -erhole in the back quarter may tlnuing during the worship serv- Junior meeting. 9 a.m., Priesthood. MOC. 11 p.m., Dance to the sound of Champ, Vernon Garden Apts., RoclnrUle. He ivas bom Dec. 28 7 p.m., E-vangelistic Service. 10:30 a.m., Sunday School, side were a little on the slippery and enjoy the company of 673 Ellington Rd. harbor an unsuspected pot of at Rockville General Hospital. HU maternal grandparents are A Ice. MHS Gym, 7 pjn., MiCC vs. ’"rracks„” -j^old. ' ^ . South Windsor A side, we had some 40 at our nice young lady, or man, and 10:30 a.m,, Worship Hour. Classes for all ages. Norwalk’ Staite Tech . . basket------Mr. and Mrs. ’nt'eorer 11.East St., Rockville. HU pater­ Center CoiigTegational Church 5 p.m.. Sacrament Service. kitchen social. I'®-''® delicious meal to go ■with Rev. Gordon B. Wadhams, Researchers from the Flsher-_^ nal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Russell Champ, Pinnacle' a thing about Communion. Topic: ’’Worship ball. *—These activities require We had 38 players on .hand for then how about calling 648- Pastor les Researcil Board’s FYeshwa-’ In the Sanctuary.” A iiursery is United Church of Christ Pathfinders Club, Norman membership cards avaUable at Rd., ElUn^on. He has a sUter, Jennifer, 16 months. 11 Center St. St. John’s Polish National our Monday afternoon pinochle ®310, and let us put you on our Rev. Lawrence Bock, ter Institute at the University of I* »; 4 i« provided In the Children’s Assistant Pastor St.. Alateens, 7:309:30 pm . I*'® Recreation Department, 110 Manitoba.^ Dave discovered that c ~ Building. Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, Catholic Church tournament, with the following Open to aU teens with friertds Cedar St. . . . don’t forget your Brownell, James Chadboume, son of Richard and Mary- Minister Rev. Walter A. Hyseko, winners. Grace Moore, 738; We could also use more vol- rainbow tibut can be grown on Lou Butterfield Brownell, 202 Herllne Rd., Vernon. He was 7 p.m., Junior-Baptist Youth Wiibur unteer drivers to deliver the Masses a t 6:45, 7:45, and 11 “ ■ relatives with a drinking prob- Winter Recreation P r ^ a m Prairie fartns,.profitably. Fellowship,_ Youth Building.^ Rev. Winthrop Nelson Jr., . Pastor Alice Anderson, 683; ------, ^ . j - for a detailed list of activities. bom Dec. 28 at Rockville General Hospital. . Hls maternal Senior iSptlst Youth | Fellow- Minister of Christian Education M essier, 699; Ann Hoffman, 672; meal, and anyone interested-a.m„ and 5 p.m. l^m- 4 Small, sliallow”pothole” grandmother U Mrs. L.B. Butterfield, North Plainfield, N.J. Lee Stelraneyer 672' Inez Ma- the aI>ove number; High Masses at 9 and 10:16 *®ast Side Rec, School St., lakes, firmed in the ice age dot them?” ship. Fellowship" Hall. Masses at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Don’t forget to call the Rev.. HU paternal grandmother is Mrs. A.C. Brownell, Bast Hart­ 9:15 and 11:00 Morning Wor- honey, 656, Cls Wilson, 667; Bess P'*"' farms i for night activities, and I could vVe should arrive In town 6080; Karen Gilmore, after Its use is a felony. Conviction, even with a suspended using LSD, the things the user experienced while'Dn the 9 a.m.. Divine Worship with 6:15 WeathS always feel safe knowing that p.m. However, we’ll Junior High students. five years. and Penny. Holy Communion. Nursery In 6:20 Strictly "'Sports Miasses at 7. 8, 9:15, 10:30 and •East Side Rec, School St., school hours, 649-9276; or Kathi Prom the one lake in wMch a -*1 * I*. * • . sentence, may cause interruption of education, drug may recur unexpectedly. The LSD experience can 6:30 Monitor he would never leave the build- Center open, so those 11:46 o.m. Knapp, 649-9238 anytime. Palish House. 11:00 News, Weath^ Open 6-10 p.m. full Harvest was undertaken, the ' HUUard, Cathl Anne, daughter well secured. We’re sure going than hav- •West Side Rec, Oedar St., Johnson Hilliard, West Rd., Ellington. She ■was bom X>ec. 23 at and Youth Forum. St. Bernard’s Church Open 6-10 p.m. Fimetwl Monday Lionel Johnson, -has netted 3,393 Rockville General HOspttal. Her maternal grandpar^ls are entering a profession, getting a responsible job. While even long-lasting mental illness. WPOP—1414 to miss him around, as we do ^ rider watting,-and have us Rockville ^ 1:00 Dick Heatherton all our members, and like them, loja later than the •Community Y, N. Main St, Forr BuBineg^-ExecutiveBuBine^-Executi table-sized rainbow trout,-aver- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson Sr., Souttiwick, MOss. Her paternal marihuana, which is not a narcotic, does not cause physical ,3. “Ups and Downs”: " 2:00 Tom Tyler Rev. George F.X. BelBy, Open 6-10 p.m. aging .13)4 ounces. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Levi HUUard, Melrose Park, 6:00 Prank Holler I'm sure right now he’s triling gjqjeote^ 10 p.m. Only thing that ■* Pastor T> ,. = NEWTOWN (AP) — Fuiveral dependence, it may-lead to “psychological dependence” 12:00 Ga^ Girard Buckley School, Vernon St., gervioea will be held Monday The yield la about 120 pounds lU. She has a brother, David, 20 months. Excessive use of amphetamines ( “ups”), can drive a WINF—12SR m to move over up there, keep us from going on the Rev. William Schmelder an acre, In coiftparison 'with the THE 5:00 News and n i^ e room for another card man snow Rev. Anthony Mltdien Open 6^:30 p.m. for. Don .C. MUler, 66, of N«w- person beyond his physical endurance and leave him 5:10 Speak Up player. three" pounds an acre from com­ 6:00 News to drop a load on us. ^ town, a former ■vice president mercial fisMng areas like Lake totally depleted physically, since he feels like neither eating BIBLE I’ll bet (hem en enjoyed New MHS Gym — 8 p.m„ MCXJ of B. F. Goodrich Gorp. and M 6:10 World This Week I’m not really , sweating It Masses at 7, 8, -9:15, 10:30, Winnipeg. nor sleeping. The body develops a tolerance to these 6:30 Spe^ Up Years' Day, otJt.1 can’t say the though as Good Lord has al- 11:46 a.m. Basketball vs. Hartford State Textron, Inc. 7:55 lOiiclQ) vs. J BuUetts same for the la^leo. First the Johrison, a biologist in charge AN EXCITING PARTY IDEA! SPEAKS ■10:00 Speak «Up ways blessed us with a nice ------^ Tech, (scrimmage). Miller died Friday In Danbury drugs, with larger and larger doses required to feel the 4” « •East Side Rec, School, S t, Hospital. of the fish population dynamics ^Charles M. Carr day for our tripe ‘ in the pa^, St Matthew’s Chnrch section of the institute, esti­ Customer Ptckellp Buffets, and effects. Long-term hea^ users, are usually irritable, and so why not this one? ToIIaiid \ Open 6-10 p.m. He had joined Textron In Christlon Scisnes Lsetursr Eugene mates 'the experimental lakes unstable, and rhay suffer social, intellectual and emotional Getting back to our weekly Rev. J. Clifford Curtin, Pastor •West Side Rec, Oedar St., Providence, R. I., as a vice cost.less than 320 an acre to Home Deliveitod Buffets Brewer A Thought for Today i,a we won’t be starting Rev. Robert Talmadge, Open 6-10 p.m. presideiit 11 1966 and retired last stock. With each acre producing breakdown. Abrppt withdrawal (“crashing”) for the / •Community Y, N. Main St., fall because of lU health. Be- ill Ready-te>4erve Confoiiwnl You Shall Never Wash My Feet Ing: ”Hey get away from me theN^ painting class or crawel Assistant Pastor '' 120 pounds, and ■with the Fresh­ heavy user can result in a deep and suicidal depression. Yesterday as I drove some embr until next week. . ------Open 6-10 p.m. . . . - (ore that, he. was vice president water Pish Marketing Cforp. For further information ooB o t our young people to a Tomorrow in-• many of the with your oT wet tongue!',’ In •Buckley School, Vmnon St., in charge of marketing tor B. churches, the sacrament of Holy the next picture Snoopy licks the Guess Pu}. pretty weU up to Masses at 7, 8:30', 10 :S0 and now paying fishermen 60 cents a Barbiturates (“downs”) can, iff tegular and .“Why be youth rally In Ifow Hamp­ date, und so here’s-the ■week’s 11:45 a.m. - Open 6-9:30 p.iji. - p. Goodrich, which he joihed in shire, I stopped, near the Communion will be celebrated, hand of Linus as he Is watc’i- , pound for rainbow trout, the GARDEN GROVE CATERERS Ins. excessive doses, become physically addicting. Overdose, schedule: . ------;------■ •IlUng Junior! High, E. Middle 1960. ' trout farmer can expect a 340 . . . 648-5318 or 648-5314 church to ask dlrecUons. On When we think about the setting jng TV. Umfl says, ”Hey, cyt Tpke, Open 6-10 p.m. or abrupt withdrawal forji heavy-user, can cause fenced in? returning, 'I stopped at the of ^he Lord's Slipper, there Is it out.” Snoopy -persists and Monday, '10 a.m. to noon, UiUtarlan Meeting* House net return per acre. The', annual kitchen social, and all attend- 50 Bloomlleld Ave., Hartford •MHS Port, Brodtfleld St., yield for wheat Is estlnmted ^t same store for refreshments one aspect which we consistent- tries to lick hls nose. Linus open 6:30-9:30 p.m. ■death. Barbiturates arc a leading cause of accidental and the owner inquired Ing must bring one can of can- Rev. Nothanlei D. Laurlat 320 an acre. i lyoverl<»k. It. is this part abq.ut gays, ”Do you have to be lick Thuniday, Jan. 8 poison deaths iri the U.S. Amphetamines arc sometimes whether we found the Jesus taking me towel and basin inv nennlp nil thp timp • Tf vhn'ro "ed goods; 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. ______HAMILL ECHS Auditorium, 7:3 . A truly spiritual view of church. To my affirmajUve to wash the feet of hls disciples, not lickimr somebody’s L nds Pl"®edle tournament; One bus 10:30 a.m.. Worship Service. prescribed as “diet pills,” and barbiturates are given 3 response he said. In effect: In oriental fashion, the good host vou’re"“ "? lc X e '* ^ ilm p “ ; 8:?0 a.m.', and two Nursery 'an'd W or*lp Church ENTERPRISES Wizard of Tobmk THIIOC SMAU *1)NU0 SEDAN 3 life can open up unlimited ”I hope it was' ■worth flnd- you're licking somebody's , . OeUveied in Mee<*eetor as prescription sleeping pills, but neither .should be taken provided a servant to bathe the g^oes. Stupid dog"” In the iMt trips, one at noon, the .B

> / / /■ V (

' \' ■V ■■■':: ^: ^•\A\ A ' ^ '.:v A ^ '■ y ' y y y - : " - " , a -. •\ \ ■ ' MANCltESTER EVENING IIERALU, MANCHESTfeR, CONN., SATURDAY,..IANUAliY 3, 1970 PAGE NINE PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1970 '•>7 * parking lot. on Main St., near Armory St., yesterday at 3:40 State in Bid Obituary Israelis Seiz^Radar Station, Police Log p.m. The car had been parked there ,by Robert .MUHot of Mid­ T o Avert I. dletown. ARRESTS "|_8'f^ T T T /"'1 'r « g l ' Mrs. Susan Jakaplo Dismantle It, Carry It Home TOIjLAND — Mrs. . Susan David buphemln, 21, pf There was a two-car accident School Strike JaJcapic, '^67, of Crystal' Lake confirmed that Israeli comnian- man said defending troops McKinley St., charged on Hercules Dr.; yesterday.' at > £ iX v V Rd., the .w4dow of Paul J^apic, Assi^lated Press Writer dos seized a Sovlet-bullt radar killed three of the raiders before failure to ol»y a state traHlc g p yhe drivers involved (Continued tram Page One) USINESS IRECTORY died yesterday ajt a WUUngton TEU AVTV (AP) — An Israeli station In Egypt last week, dls- the post was overrun and Its control sign. Court date jan. la. .^^ere Robeiy Falcone of Vernon n tax increase of three mills. Convalescent homo after a long taslvforce met almost no reslaj "hiantled tt and carried the sev- personnel were taken prisoner, and Nancy Pierson of 87 Arvlne Laury Shustack, 197 Autumn pj he said. illness. “ . tance early today as it nioved * n-ton Installation back to Israel Israeli. sources said 10 of the St., charged with failure to obey ‘.‘This Is completely unreason­ 23, 1882, in Czechoslovakia. She small Lebanese border by helicopter. . 21 captives taken in the rn-id able,” Batitie's said, “ both in ■ lived In Ifoungtown, Ohio, before town, blew up a guard posl. and Describing today.’s raid, an Is- were soldiers. The spokesman a State traffic. control sign.' Court date Jan. 19. David Gower of Storrs report-, light of the city's current finan­ CAMPING HIGH GRADE moving to the West WUllngton returned to Israel with i l pria- raell spokesman said not a shot said the mtack was retaliation ed tQ police that his car had cial plight and of what is nec­ WATKINS-WEST and Tolland area In 1919. A chSr- oners, the Israeli military com- was fired and called the 2Vi- for what he called a number of West struck while it was parked essary to keep Hartford in a JiMniMnHMK ' ■ter member of the Holy Trinity gaid. 5hour action "sm ooth and easy.” incidents on the border, Includ- ' with* ‘ he Purnell Parking lot yes- f u n e r a l EQUIPMENT /wmt $f moKK iK.> PRINTING Lutheran Church of Stafford twonnwhilB reliaibly Ih Beirut, a Lebanese spokes- ing the kidnaping of an Israeli “haj-ge*! with fa ille competitive position.” . Tents, Cots, .Slne|ilng I^ags, lYW O O D it was In December, the board sub- SERVICE .Tot) and C/ommercial Springs"'Ond the church’s Worn- ______L ------1 ------nilht watchmL from a border “ ^ey a state t r ^ lc control ‘ erday. Air Mattressei^ Stoves, \ ihttted a |3l.l million operating nMONSLIUP Printing en’s Guild, she was also a mem- tow. on New Year's Dav to carry a . I^uiterns . bor of the United' Lutheran So- y* r,M*4 earitvi Thofe WHS tui Hcclddit ill ths budget for 4970-71, which in­ ORMAND J. We s t ' Prompt and Eflicient ety of America. Dead Negro GI Buried Although news of the capture Thursday’s accident on Center Pilifrlm Mills lot off Oakland cluded $1 million for any sala­ Director MANCHESTER Printing of Ah Kinds of the Egyptian radar station gt., near Adams, at 1 p.m .That St. yesterday at ,3:15 p.m., In- ry increases which were to be Ivors include a son, Paul SURPLUS SALES CO. n svici Jakaij^ic and a daughter, Mrs. was well-known in Tel Aviv, de- involved cars driv- volvlng the cars of Andre Per- .. TlW iiiitMiin illies photo negotiated under the wage re­ 142 B. CENTER ST. 189 N. M A ^ ST. In All-White Cemetery talls had been suppressed by Brent Flavell of 80 Bette rica of 13^ TanneA St. and Ray- Community Press Susan Mhdi^ed, both of Tolland; opener 'clause in the teachers’ Manchester’s Oldest at Depot Square military censors. and Annette Kelehan of mond Halsted of 63 Bretton Rd. Engaged 254 Brosid St,, Rear a sister, Mary Ritzon of contract. With Finest Facilities Open Dally to 9:00 P.M. two” '^ ;n d ‘- BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) - ’’The cemetery p^ple were ^hile no official announee- East Hartford. Mary Gill of 40 ' The engagement of Miss Ann ’This was the equivalent of a ■ymmgatown ; J. FARR — 643-7111 Telephone 64.3-5727 children. , Pfc. Bill Terry, a Negro soldier very corral and helpful when hgg been made yet, it was _ McKinley St., a passenger in A minor accident In the A&P Kathleen Russell of New York five per cent increase in salary Id Mon- Vietnam last July is we went to pick a Site after the reliably confirmed that on Dec. ihe Kel4an car, admitted ’ ‘ " ------.' ...... The fimeral will be lot on E. Center St. at 11 a.m. city, formerly of Manchester, for teachers and, according to wii reintered today in a for- rulli^,,,„ ^ , th e r F a , ^ , ll said. ^ 26 a Israeli------commando------team------to Manchester Memorial Hos-iwo- yerierday Involved the cars of to Daniel John Carr III, also of Battles, would make Hartford day at 1 :30 p.m. from i£h^ Wil­ WINTER CLEANING CUSTOM MADE liam H. Yost Funeral H< merly all-white cem^ery His We chose a plot near me landed at Ras Ghareb, across pUal with Injuries resulUng Edward KrysZak, 89, of Quebec, New York City, has been an- “ reasonably competlUve’t with DICK’S West Main St., Stafford Spi mother and ^ y ^ - o l d wdfe o ^ front of the cemetery.^'TOere are the Gulf of Suez from the south- from the accident. She is in Canada, and Virginia Hodson of pounced by her parents, Mr. and most of the other school sys- TIME MANCHESTER CANVAS AWNINGS ned a court. order to buy ...... the many graves nearby. It is not In portion of the Israeli-occa" satisfactory condition. Court 31 Laurel St. Mrs. Philip Russell of 33 Cham- terns in the area. with services at 2 at Holy Tri­ -MMOMMuiS sHai al plot near his boyhood a new or restricted area,” the pled Sinai. Peninsula. date for Miss Coccla is. Jan. ------bers St. Quality Dry Cleaning of nity Lutheran Church. The Rev. hom ek . priest said. MEMORIAL GO. Kenneth Mlchnay will officiate. Israeli jet aircraft provided 19. Slippery conditions on Broad Her fiance is the son of Mr. Drapes, Curtains, Slipcovers Silk City SERVICE D w . c „ A brief-.^rvice is planned at ’The gravesite is near Lomb St., near Little, have been and Mrs. Daniel J. Carr Jr. of and Wardrobe Opposite East Cemetery Antiques South Ceme- L a d jr^ ^ Fatima Roman Avenue, a busy east-west ar- cover for the raiders, and when ------658 CENTER .STREET tery, ’Tolland. they located the station, they ACCIDENTS blamed by police for an accl- Kensington, Md. About Towri Quality Dry Cleaning Silk City Anllque.s, located at While these shows afforded Catholic Ohurchs^^er the coffin tery. * dent which happened there yea- Miss RusselU-ls a 1968 gradu- Quality Memorials an excellent outlet for scilijig, MECHANIC ON DU’TY Friends may call at the fu­ is removed from all-Negro Father Farrell said today’s called in heavy-duty helicopters James Martino, 42, of 60 The complete coat of.' the One Day Seiwloe the comer of Bissell and Spruce terday at 1:80 p.m., involving ate of East Catholic High School _ * ^ ''“ ** both Pendletons felt the opening neral home tomorrow from 2 to Shadow Lawn Cemeifery. ^ service "probably will be at- and started to dismantle It with Broad St., charged with dperat- Over 30 Years’ Experience AT A IX HOURS the caro of John Muzzulin of and. a 1967 honors graduate Alterations and Repairs' Sts., is nearing the end of Its of a 'Store would be..hfineficial 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. ” We don’t plan A n ^ n g tended by only the family, ac-tylene torches. mg a motor vehicle while under Glastonbury and Victor, Dupuy of the American Academy of „ „ _ ^ One Day Service on Suede third year of operation. Owned since they could keep their (Starters, Oeneraion, elaborate and don’t enUclpAte a friends neighbors and the news ’The Israelis captured four the influence of liquor, yester- rv. r> IVhen The Waters Call 649-5807 Dramatic Arts in New York All Work Done On Premises Plywood Has Many Uses stock on display and enjoy the Carburetors; Mrs. Patrick Coogan Egyptians and inflicted ’’sever- day, after an accident on Broad Constance Dr. Running” will meet Monday a t by Belle and Jim Pendleton,- Domnstic - Foreign Cars SEE US FOB: large crowd or any e^ltfe-. media.” . . . j, j . City where she is currently em^ A. AIMBTTI, Prop. patronage of friends and rielgh- Mrs. Anne Coogan of KilKen- pient ’ said the Rev Eggene \ ‘"rhe services will be very al casualties,” a source said. St , near iJtoodland, at 8:40 p.m. 8 p.m. a t 22 Oak St. Plvwood Center located at ydu simply • remove it, do what the shop is toe culminajtion of 043-7008 f/ Aluminum Boll Up (X1MPLAINT8 ployed. PARKADE Awnings ny, Ireland, mother of Mrs. Farrell. brie I will have a few remarks The“ informant said that when Police say ay thatth Martino struck Harrison St., Manchester ^ a.3 I Vernon is needed and then drop it back fifteen years of collecting and bors as well as those antique George Yarko of Ludlow Rd. and the raiders returned to the terrl- the parked car of John The home of Everett Frayel, ®*r. Carr attended the Univer- Lapp Plaza, Rt. iw m vemwn g^gpenJed ceilings selling antiques'. ^ For many .lovers from Other areas. That .s Door Canopies . . Terry, 20, asked that hi be and the Rev. John, Porter vrill 137 Broad St., was broken into ®iiy Maryland. He will grad- Members of the Mancheeter Frank C^San of West , Rd. in buried in Southlawn Cemetery if say a fe w ^ r d s ,” he said. tory occupied by Israel, they Willoughby of 134 Birch St. Rod and GUn Club will meet GLEANERS has added indoor-outdoor may bo done by -the man of years the owners exhibited a^ the idea was a good one is s Storm Doors U . Gen. Harm CourT drtt for MarJinr?^^ yesterday between noon and uate in March f r ^ toe Ameri- Vernon;.died la^ n igh t at the survive the war. 1118 Afterward>4ie said mourners were told by 8 tonight at 7 :30 p.m. at the peting to the liist of Itenis car- (.^e house 4>r a..k Mr. Turner to leading shows and flea marketsX attested by the ever growing MANCHESTER s Combination Windows 19. p.m. Rooms were ransacked. can Academy of Dramatic Arts. Next To Liggett Drug pularity of the store. A xillary Hospitol, KllKeimy. mother said it can be seen from ” vrill walk q^teUy along the tSar-LiCV, chief of staff: An October wedding is plan­ Holmes Funeral Home, 400 ried here. This versatile carpet recommend someone to do the thioughout -the Eastern United Manchester Awning Co. ^ e was the wife of Patrick porch ot his boyhood home, sidewalk while the^ttin is driv- ’’What you did was so compli- Robert Russell, 21, of East Main St., to pay respeiks to Where you get low prices STEVENSON’S work for you.______States. Antiques and antiquing have 196 WEST CENTER ST. Mailboxes for apartments at ned. tog Is faalt gaining to populari­ enjoyed a phenomenial growth 3 Elmwood officials said res- en up the street the hi mile, to cated and involved, and carried Hartford, charged with failure Richard Prior, brother of Frank Telephone 049-8091 299 Main St. have recently been and a 10% Bonus Card ty and sa'^es a considerable of interest to the past five years. Survivors also include 4 other 'clauses in contracts the cemetery. out with such precision despite to stop at a stop sign, yester- M or, a member of the dub. . . . To Save Withl amount ot ■work. ItS-la used to Established 1040 sons, 3 other dai^hters, 18 other property owners lim- The Rev. Mr. Porter is i»stor many obstacles, that it seems s MODERN FURNITOBB DEALER IN WASTE floors, spills wipe up and It is dwindling supply of real an­ Samuel Lawrence Havey 84 would not appeal. Day prayer ■v|i^ a^ toe gates of i,.uervlew tod£^4n which Egyp- from toe Pike Coin Laundry another officer said, and Richmond Dr. * Enginie Cleaning 43, O A K STREET and ANTIQUES A town police cruiser driven yesterday. stain reslstamt. Stop In at Ply­ tiques. Fortunately, the field has o f ^ r o L u ^ r S , fa t h e r ^ Father Farroll, white pastor Elmwood. At that tline, he said President ^ m a l Abdel he cited the instance where a ----- MATERIALS * Minor Repairs ''TEL. 049-9937 s Store Stools and Booths wood Center and talk with the expanded to include collectable s Custom Furniture M W h r ot toe predominantly Nem^ par- Negro soldiers lihould rofuse to ” “ ^ 3; by Det. Sgt. John Krlnjak was prosecution witness was not Mlzpah - Spencer Circle of manager, William ’Turner, who immediately available and toe South United .Methodist Church * iJ.’*//." Stamps r items as well as those things Slipcovers and Draperies ter, diedt o ^ * Thursday ^ h ! ! Z v at a HaitiHart ish, helped Terry’s mother and i^ k their lives in combat^ imtll leaders, that ^n^t^e^ntorce'^ronTo IRON ■wlU be happy to show you the wlfe in their five-month court they were assured of burial in ’’judge dismissed the case and a will meet ’Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. •that meet the legal definition Made to Order fOrd area convalescent home. Highway*; Obit For different patterns of Indoor and of antiques. (In case anyone Complete Selection sf Survivors also Include his ®-ction the cemeteries of their choice. of toe Middle East conflict ratm stickup man walked out scot- ^ Susannah Wesley ^House SCRAP METAL outdoor carpeting and quote Materials 'Acar W. AflddleTpke. Joseph free.” oa toe church campus. A rep- doesn’t know the legal defini­ Reuben Plen’s wife, a son, and six grand­ er than a war with Israel. prices. \ FREE ES’TUVIATES Bllllpgs. 27, of 448 W. Middle Many officers who feel courts resentatlve of the Manchester tion; To be considered antique, children. Annie, 18 and PAPER Plywood Center is the place Lower Level of the. Parkade ’The magazine said that at toe Tpke.>received a written warn- have been too lenient in the past office of Child and Family Serv- U m te d R e h t-C U U . an article must be at least 100 Texaco Sfafipn The private funeral will be that offers helping hands to ' 640-6324' Police Here Above Average recent meeting Nasser present- ing for failure to drive at a point to what happened in 1969 ices of Connecticut, will be guest 731 PARKER ST. years old.) Monday from the J. M. Bassiiig- (Contlnuea from Page One) do-it-yourself projects, and 381 Main Street Mori. 81 Tues. 0-6i Sat. 8-8 ed a “ realistic picture” of the -reasonable distance apart. He when bank robberies decreased speaker. Hostesses are Miss Tel. 043-6738 or 043-5879 Because of toe greatly ex­ er Funeral Home, 37 Gardner military situation, noting toe was taken to Mwchester Me- in a small furnished room. Knew drastically Ethel. Goslee, Mrs. Frank Gri- 368 BURNSIDE AVE. many people are finding out panded interest to imtiqu^, St., Warehouse Point, with a In Wages^ Fringe Benefits E^ptian air force h ^ as m ^ morial Hospital wh^re he was ^ ^^^k. Last January 19 financial in- galis and Mrs. Nevin Decker. EAST HARTFORD that plywood makes an ideal knowledge about the field has Phone 643-9149 Mass of requiem aJt St. Philip’s planes as tl^ W l i but lacked treated and released.'-^ car * 3 ’ J stituUons were robbed; then a LUCA’S wall covering. The pre-ftolshed also increased. Newspaper a r-, Church. Warehouse Point at 9 ’The Connecticut Public Ex- Included In these dties are Hydramatic ’Transmission trained pilots. Nas^r was re, was towed away. ^ bank robber was sentenced to 48 Sunset Rebekah Lodge will SELF-SERVICE 289-6333 panels oire easy to install and iicles. magazines, radio, TV, GLASS a.m. Burial will be in St. Cato- pendltures CouncU (CPEC), in Bridgeport W a terb ^ , Nw- LAUNDRAMAT Repairing ported as saying that in fiye ------.Then somewhere along the meet Monday at, 8 p.m. at O d d ,^ Power and Hand Tools to-3 results are truly beautiful. and even Adult Eiducation • For Auto Windshields erine’s Cemetery, Broad Brook. -infi, wi«,Tintai ivwv\rt on the walk, Falrjleld, Meriden,, Bris- Dry Cleaning and Tailoring years’ . time Egypt would have Stephen Neill of 87 Boulder way she had been offered an bad his bail fixed at $260 000 Fellows Hall. Refreshments will Painting and Decorating Of course, plywood is easy to courses all contribute to the All Work Ouarantedd • For Store Fronts and There are no falling hours. . tol, and w W Haven. The sal- Also: Reweaving and custom ’Tools care for and makes your home Pauls Carries Silky_ Texaco Lubrication Service all sizes of windows be served. nnade suits, pants and coots. ever growing field of know­ Memorial contributions may “ larles and fringe benefits of beginning state trooiv S r i t * ^ * ’” "!^ toe a^^ tot'for7 ^ ^ ro to S t i l e ' l l ^ad told her statistics released by Wilson Garden and Land Tools a much more attractive place We Give Green Stamps s For Table Tops Fair pidees, too! Baby, Household, Party Ryplex la the rubber-base flat ledge. But, If one picture Is be! made to the charity of the the ful-tdme poUoe peroonn^ in is $6,980-$8,B40. .forc^ \ o"of wat. way, ttttordtiT^er yesterday, after In an ne- ac- robberies tor a modest sum. Best of all, the state, shows that Manches- ’There are 48 patrolmen, and dropped to two the next month. The Fellowcraft Club of Man- ‘ (I ilindn trrfT" and Banquet Supplies Now that the long holidays interior work and ithls wtrth a thousand words, then OPEN 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. donor’s choice. cident on Harrison St., near nel.' • TARjCmiNQ opco plywood paneling is to­ ter police enjoy fringe benefits a total of 71 persons employed Nasser also was quoted as A» chester Lodgo of Mosotis will ---r CLIANIMO Invalid Needs are over, how -about doing dries In minutes. Apply It seeing the genuine article is SATURDAY 8 A.M.-NOON Pearl, at 1:30 p.m. The other Out of Ignorance—stupidity, if „ „ i„ ______meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. at • LAONOWY lled you do not have to wor- Marlene F. Fine comparable to most other state in the Manchester Police De- saying that the Israelis benefit- i„,,„t„oa ,,, J .1 N w stood at only 60 conipared far superior to reading about it. J J atout” ' n i X ^ '"n a i)^ ^ over some of your rooms? With with a brush or a roller; It goes was Robert toe Masonic Temple. SOUTH Win d s o r —Marlene police forces, while the pay partment; several towns to cd from toe “ latest Western ...... you like-she started fixing. We ^ith J02 in 1968. ry painting papering modern improvements on like m a gic and covers beau- This is probably toe contribu­ TOURAINE LAROCHELLE End Jones of Waterford. Both cars talked about it endlessly, from “ Legislation is needed now— Buy - Sell a room at leguHar inten'als. If tion that antiques dealers make F Fine, month-olddaughter of n “ “"cheater’s poputotion ^ le t '”a i S i r " ‘toe*^ were towed away, 176-17S vmi have not seen the manv PS'***® wallpaper -that tifully. Here again there is no WHITE GLASS CO. our side of society, told her it no, it was needed last year and Members of the Washington to the subject. Anyone Is wel­ Harvey[orvev R.R and MarilvnMarilyn D Fox Bie other towns Of similar size, employ more people.. Included ment and get anything they <- Spnice etrast, COINS Appraise ' d ^ e S D lw o c ^ t h S a r o ^ and pre-pasted. 1> “ painty” odor, and spUta can PAINTS INC. ^ ^ ' ’The report also shows that 98 are httlford {vith 61 patrolmen, want from the Americans.” was all a drag liver diseases, (j,g year before,” one high offl- Social Club will meet today at Manchester d.fferenit plywoods that are on ^ ^ wiped up with a damp come in. Fine of 113 Gordon Dr., died A written warning for failure 3:30 p.m. at the *clubhouse and Golliections Wanted 31 Bissell St.—'Tel. 649-7822 Connecticut towns have full- Danbury with 87 patrolmen. The magazine, edited by Afrl- blood poisoning, pneumonia, one gg(g_ Drive-In Parking We’re Paying Tc^ Current Why'not stop in at Paul's Paint sponge. When you are ftolshed, an antique shop to browse, ques­ yesterday at St. Francis Hos­ to grant the right of way was proceed to Holmes Funeral FOR BEST RESULTS time police forces, leaving 71 Hamden'^tvlth 87 patrolmen, and cans, Asians and Latin Ameri- frantic ' hustle from fix, fix, Plyw<^ Center and look g _ j ^ p^ui Mis- rinse toe brush or roller to wa- tion, discourse, or to general, pital, Hartford. issued to Theodore Poirier, 62, Home, 400 Main St., to pay re­ Prices, Contact Us towns that use either resident Stratford with patrolmen. cans, said Nasser told them death. legislation for controlling crime around; you are always wel- ^^PP^^^ ter, and there you are! learn from the experience of toe She ■was born Dec. 4, 1969 to 68 of Warehouse Point,- yesterday, spects to the late Richard A. We seemed to get through to. in the District, already ap- CONN. VALLEY come. Mr. Turner will be pleas- dealer. In fact, this use o( the Hartford. state troopers, constables, or Although there are more "we’ll see about that later on” after an accident on N. 'Mato Prior, a member. , . , AA. ■ mA advise you about what you will papering is really easy today some other means of pOUce patrolmen and more total per- when asked about reports that her. We went from doctor to proved by the Senate, is await- KIDDIE ed to w p io ln toe many ^ e s .m. The 9 Delmont St., Manchester Qean-up Vow There whs a two-car accident ciety, forgot something.. We wood to make a recreation room easily, dries to minutes. ^ p ^ j.g pg^jt sup- f ^ SUPPLIES Brovowsers Welexmie! den St., Hartford. Eight Charged —Court reorganization—“ han­ meeting is open to yotiig peo­ 649-5531 YOUR HEALTH CAPSULES® on Forest St., near Otis St., yes- forgot that drugs were a dle cases in not less than three toe entire family wlH enjoy. For inside work try Silky, toe s S o n S ^ “ /P^ Phone li 649-8102 Frtends may call at the home (Continued from Page One) ple interested in the drectlon COiylPLETE N by Michael A. Petti, M.D. terday, at 2:18 p.m., involving sytoptom, not a disease. We for- months instead of letting them You can do the work yourself or the paint that goes on as smooth L a u X il oapers Trimz, or D4p varied items a shop PLUS of her parents. At UConn For that the Youth Commision is contributes to situations"such ais the cars of Patricia.Teslk, 32' ®he had been a junkie to ,g o a year or 18 months.” PET CENTER Mr. , Tuimer will recommend as sUk. dries to mlnUtes and has have t o ^ s f y its many MACHINE SHOP Weinsteto Mortuary, 640 < 0 0 LOW HUMiPiry IN VOUR taking. Those attending, may someone, to do toe work tor a wonderfully smooth texture, g ^ y o u ^ alra ^ustomers._ The owners have GE Picketing HOd^E PURINA -friE WIN-fEB. these • Westminister Rd., and Kenneth escape from her own hangups— —Enforced hospitalization of Canaries — Parakeets Fiarmtogton Ave., Hartford is to present suggestions, opinivns or ’Irt^ical 'Fish — Turtles . ky comes in flat and semi- .^ ^ r d ^ v t o r ^^^SaTTlpecialty of catering to SERVICE a ?h c x your $KIN 2 vimii.. .1,. LaCoss of 66 St. John St. loneliness, inadequacy, lack of drug users and methadone problems concerning the town MERCURY you- silky comes rent a papering W d . saving gduits and many of their DON WILLIS charge of arrangements. STORRS, Conn. (AP) —Eight «WIe toe Interior Depart- _____ purpose. We had forgotten that-treatment for herolir addicts. Hamsters —' OerbHs ' At Plywood Center, -they car- gloss and the colors are so love- The family suggests that those youth. __ Travel Agency Mixed Breed BupplM you the expense of buying one. passed into newly -persons have been charged to ment acquires wetlands and oth- Parker St., has been when toe junk was taken away, ------, ry 03 many, as 85 different kinds ly that you will want to use To make your rugs as bright ,g^g^ ^„^gg wishing to do so make mem Aqaarium Accessories, etc. of paneling — all finished, of them in every room In the GARAGE oiial contributions to the char- co""®< tlon-'wlth toe blocking of er waterfowl areas to major fly- blamed by police for an acci- Bie problems would return Onr Own Special Blended and clean as your rooms, rent carrying a general line of an- 5 Norto United Metoedist 643-9571 courte. Knotty pine, k'otty ce- house. When you use Silky M A N C H E S T E f ways, the Agriculture Depart- dent there yesterday at 10:36 When Alky and I set off for FBI Team In Church Junior. choir will re­ Pet Foods a Blue Lustre rug shampro ma- jjgXg_ jj^g ghop has on display 18 Main St., Tel. 649-4531 Ity of their choice. ' Genera] Electric Co. interviews dar, oak, all American hard- there Is no overpowering odor _ ment subsidizes farm drainage P-*"-p involving toe cars of Endinburgh for tl couple of hearse at toe church Monezy ' NO SERVICE chine from Paul’s Paint Supply. ranging from bear rugs at toe University of Connecticut MANCHESITBt woods, walnut, pecan, hlcko^y^of paint to permeate the houte ^ ‘jj^'^'achtoe does a wondertiil oviinn A U T O P A R T rpTvkWta IV,,. Graham CTark of Glastonbury weeks, we had no qualms about Bombing Probe at 3:15 p.m. CHARGE from Civil War Specialiling in ahd warrants for seven more proj cts which dry up t o e ^ ^ James Bettger of m W 'ea^inK Annie on her own to our P ^ CENTER ash, elm, cherrjr. ’Tliere are im- and there is no "'upB and thorough job of cleaning have been issued. Continued from Page Onej to telephone' In- 270 BROAD ST. marsh areas set aside for wild- „ apartment. 'There was very lit­ BESEBVA'nONS FOR • 8 Main St. Manchester BRAKE SERVICE GIs Repel UConn President Homer D. life. Spruce St. gorously^_____ ^ against______criminal_ ele- The WSCS executive commit s HOTELS po«d I™" tl'™ tle to take care of, only her^K Polynesian walnut and two com the cost Is a moderate one. Lincoln memorabella. ’There L Babbidge Jr. had warned on the 1-6 —While toe 'Agriculture >De ments since he took ojlflce early meet Monday at 8 p.m. s AIRLINES OPEN JUP 71 and the cat to feed. She seemed pletely different lirve.s of print the room by evening. Should you wish to do oirer the jg jj.yiy something for every Front End Alignm«nt day of toe incident, Dec. 16, HuPP partment recommends in­ The cais of Dana Wllk, last year, was hospitalized with North United Methodist • STEAMSHIPS Cong Attack timt persons who prevented GE creased' use of^peitotoes, the'Hawthorne St.. and Clarence happy as we said goodbye. ■^>^1^, simulated w <^, with no ^ rtlcu^^^^ floors, make it easy for yourself, take and budget. Since the own .SAT. TO 1 P,M. a fractured righr leg, shrapnel Ghurch. 627 Main St., Manchester General Repair Work / j 8o interviews from taking place Food and Drug Administration Paiarsen, 41 Autumn St., col- We sent three postcards and wounds along toe right Side and ' q!g ‘ interio^ a X h e s a T it by renttoS a' sander and edgep; g „ gtock for rapid turnover anc Ckmtiniied fronif^Pago One) limit to the uses you put washed over and over floo** scrubbers and waxers are reasonable profits, items don’t - . - . a would be prosecuted, VE4, IP The humipity (4- Top condemns food high in pesticide hUed yesterday, on Foster St., phoned twice, but she was out injuries to his right arm. Center Congregational Church ROBIN a few days leave. It was thought The pickets .-were demonstrat- LOVd, moisture £VAR3RATE4 residues and the ’Treasury to- "aar Pearl, at 3 p.m. both times. When we returned, He was reported in fair condi- board of deaconesses will meet y o r ^ l e ^ ^ Y r c L L l^ ^ -^ b t iwitooto k«tog its sheen. Stop Paul’s-Patoti^,g^gi„ ,gng. llkely he would spend It to their solidarity .-with toe FROM Your -^kin demnifies farmers who use apartment was vibrant with tion today, after four hours of Monday at 9 :30 a.m. in toe Rob- GUNLIFFE ANPMAKE4 IT PRY; them. - Two cars collided on-Hartford rotten food, and she was no- surgery. . , ' bins Room. neto from it, use it in anv reem ^ g g^gru."^^- Stop In^at Solom on’s Reign MOTORS In the house, make a storai Bangkok where his family fives. HMith C»p*uUl 91V** h«lpfut'information. —While the National Park "aar Bldwell S|(, yesterday where to be seen. Tru-Flqx toe outside latex = ' " " I f The demonstration was sponsor- It is not intondad to ba of a diagnostic natut^ Gov. Moore, State Police ------MOTOR SALES closet in the- basement, .will see so many things here to K llg Solomon, ruled until he Abrams may meet with Vice 0^ jjy Students for a Demo- Service struggles to preserve at 7 p.m. They were driven by For four months we saw and Supt. R.L. Bonar and Moore’s '.The confirmation class of Rt. 6 4 44A Bolton \ there is no, upkeep once the P owners for they have make your home look like new ^jig^j gje b .C. It is not known {^CAPTAIN MAC’S President Spiro T. Agnew who critic Society and toe Black the Everglades, toe • Corps of Samuel Barnes of New London heard nothing of her. Then ^ a top executive aide, Norman South United Methodist (^urch EXPERT "AUTO BODTr and work is done. ^ SEAFOOD J) is visiting Bangkok today on his students Union. Engineers builds canals that and Evelyn Vigeant of West friend said he had seen her Yost, flew to Morgantown Fri- will meet Monday at 3:30 p.m." FENDER REPAIRS , found toat it will stand up under tor the holidays. Mr. _ J to e r i ^^en he came to the throne, .64J-2764 Plywood Center is your deal­ Aslan tour. Because the general addition to the six per- change water levels and toe view Dr., Bolton. down at Piccadilly Circus try­ day. They met with loc,al and-in the youth lounge, all weather conditions - which is not only ®*P®*'®"®®** j " but the Bible uses the round Specializing in ,Agnew Tells ENAhOiL' and LACQUER er to Armstrong ceiltog tM"s, was hospitalized, Agnew did not g^^s—four undergraduates, a Transportation Department — ing to, score. She had become federal §:Uthorities. and drafted *JOE W. DUOAT, Prop. m e ^ that the exterior of your business .but is always glad to 40 years when speak- BEFIN1SHING8 regular and acoustic. ’The tUea ^^^^g j^gg j^^yg ^ be paint- help you with any problem toat of^the length of'his reign, C - ^ .' Baked Stuffed Shrimp and I..obsteT i eee Abrams when he went to ,teacher and a local woman—ar-^ grants funds for airport con- ’There was a hit and run acci- desperately thin and there were a ’’team’ approach” to toe South United Methodist American tt Foreign ' REASONABLE PRICEJ6 , Oar Bepoln .areare 12”12 ” xx- 12 12”” and piacticiJiypiactiejjl: frequently Oven-Ready For You To Bake ■Vietnam Thursday. , rested on Thursday, two more Asian Views struction which agitates “''the dent fn the Willard Building deep stains beneath her eyes, crime, a spokesman said. Church administrative board BT. 83— VEENON, CONN. YW's Our Speolalty anyorre can install them. It is • Fish ’n Chips • Fresh Fish Daily' ' The South Vietnamese govefii- gtudento were arrested Friday wildlife. win meet Monday at 7:30 to the (Continued from Page One) Just Above the Traffic necereary only to strap and Fine Quality 978 SULLIVAN AVE. — TEL. 644-2313 — (’ lAISED MON. ment filed a protest with the In- „ „ charges of breach of toe Nixon, to signing a bill to cre­ Reception Hall. 0|M>n Tues., W:**!. 10-6, Thurs., Fii., Sat. 10-8, tematlonal Control Cfommisslon peace and trespassing. They ate toe Council on Environmen­ Circle staple titem against the old cell­ MEMORIAL DuPONrS allsts that the United States will ing or they may be installed as Sun, Noon - 8 p.m. (IOC) _____Friday chArging___ ^ . that___ ^verekYtrnr luvinmirAiidentified n,ras Martin...... Simon,, taital Quality, U4iiii. said New . Year’s U.S. Navy Airman Apprentice TEL. 643-0016 CORNER STORE DIAMONDS North Vietnam committed 173 senior from New: ®''®" though it is J ^ iy ^ t ^tl^llutlpn is a “ now Hijacked Jet. Continues Trip a new ceiling. John E. Gallagher, son of Mr', Highly recorhmended -for cel­ • Party Goods, Magazines ' stop ’n Go From terrorist incidents in Souto Viet- Haven, and 18-year-old Harry scekii^ contacts with Commu- qjI never task.” But some con- and Mrs. John F. Gallagher of nam during November 1969, the, Williams ot Stratford, a fresh- nist China. Agngw said recent gressmen fear the council could lars or in sectlorra of the house • GroCeri^, Cold Cuts • Prop: "Rudy’'DuPont 9 F<^er St., completed a'slx- •^RONT END that one might need to gn/n ac- • Fruits—Vegeta!bles' BRAY’S STO^E Foreign Ministry announced to- man. actions by the United States to be just another complication to After 27 Hours on the Ground mOnth Mediterranean cruise day.' cers to pipes,>ipc electrical wiring, • Greeting Cards 275 Main Strefet • Expert Watch Repairing All eight persons arrested restrictions w;ere to solve toe problepi. aboard the attack aircraft parr THjb DYNAMICS etc., are theil suppene'ed Arm- • Fine Selection of Gifts The protest note accused the Thursday and Friday were re- , The council is looked on as By ASSOCIATED PRESS gers and crew'^df 7 under guard ’The message said the revolu- rier USS Saratoga, which op- We. Dc|>ond On You . . . North Vietnamese of 45 assassi- leased without bail after prom- only baby crawling motions . _ 244 BROAD STREET strong celling systems. These Phone: 649-6977 For All Occasions a tfi ” building enviromental consider- PANAMA (AP) A Brazilian ^lot police ringed tlonaries were members of toe er^tes with United' States and You Cun Depend On Ua! s Longtne, Bulova, ' mil's nations. nine abductions, 107 jging to appear to Wllllmantlc to how the piainland aUons into presidential deci (Behind Dairy Queen) may be used in homes and i" aiiuiio , uij , J w . ^i^® t^wln-cnglne Caravelle jet as Palmares Armed Revolutionary n a x o vuhmn r,n* ir.vni-,»>/) Featuring u complete line of Wlttnauer and Goravelle terrorist bombings and 12 at­ Circuit Court on Jan. 27. Chinese rqaet. "slons. It ■will ijot figure to day to Jacked by five revolu- jj sat on the Tarmac, with the Vangtiard, a movfement de-. operations he visited Phone: 649-404t^ commercial eetabllshments. Open 7 Days A Week 3 3 Shell Products plus Watches HOME OF FAMOUS BRANDS tacks on buses. It said toe inci­ As he was talking with var- day head-banging over pollu- tlonaries landed in Panama to- heat Inside described as suffo- scribed as being opposed to the geveral oorto Iru-liid’iiur Vallettii Specializing In With the suspended ceilmg, vc'j till Midnight Front End Geometry General Automotive 787 Main St., Manchester dents resulted to 306 civilians r'^l.mmit'■tloli. Further f-kVMvvVinemphasis ntd on tViothe day yxMon Ooits lime*way to Cuba. 'HViThea catlrg. mdOniMf A ^ > •just drop in each panel, and • Hotpoint • Maytag • Frigldalre • Zenitti ious diplomatic officials to Brazil’s military regime. A Barcelona. Spain. Palma Brahe Service and 646-0293 Repairing Phone 643-6617 killed, 1,026 injured and 88 kid­ ■rreetod pro^*®*" Will come In toe Presi- plane came from Uma, Peru, Flight engineer Silvio Eduar- shortened version of the group’s MaUprica Corfu and'Rhodes should you need to get in hack 352 MAIN ST. • RC'A •gPiiimsoiilc • We»tliighou»c • Hotpoint naped. '■ Peers, Probers Bangkok, Agnew was Shock Absorber^ of one or more of the panels. ^eeiea state Of thd Union mes- where It had remained on the (j© de (Jarvalho Froes told the name Irom Portuguese Is Var- Greece ' —Foreign and Domestio— •-StfweoH • Disfawtiuhero • Rudloa • TVh • Dryon • Etc. byja second cousin from Greece sage later to the month. groimd for 27 hours with me- Brazilian Embassy to Lima that Palmares. __ ^ Visiting My Lai wl»m he had never met—Evy Free Inspection ,, ...A, A Opponents of this -and other chanlcai trouble. if toe Diane could be started the plane had 23 passengers nrm,at No Obligation Open Eves. tNI 9 P.M. al the Paikode Phon* 643-996$ (tontlnued from Page One; b ^ r 1 u ^ c o ^ ^ ^ ° r t e ‘’exrcm In prtnclple see these ’^ e Brazilian hijackers, who flight L u ld conttoue^to iU'next when it took off Thursday from n l c s ^ e ^ T ^ W « t o iT ^ JOHN TBOSIZA, Manager Got A Painting Problem? We’ll Help! Personal Notices tite I w iL e k ^ r of a n w hote“ ^ seeking the lowest said they wanted to escort to gtop at Panama, where special MonUvldeo, Uruguay, for Rio de ^ ^ Q erS toe C Service still means something to us—and service D O N ’T HEAT WITH er first-hand, look, toe aid add­, tive h usekee^r of a new hotel. gon^„,on denominator Havana two small daughters of malntatoance equipment for toe Janeiro. The hijackers took con- p i e r c e '^ 24 Morse Rd and metms spending enough time with you to help'You SETTLE FOR ed. After spending an hour at his geveral departmental points of a comrade jailed in Brazil, kept French-built airliner is avail- i*vl soon afterward, but allowed hi~i«.nrf ^ t. ' vria.. select the right paint finish for that job you're plant-, In lovint; memory of Margaret Peers. was accompanied by hotel, Agnew and his wife went view. “••Mrtro More bureaucracyhnrpftllPrROV need control of i the U a m planeIama 4Utoea. am entire*<«.« gbje . . _From there he said.... It iwo ^r«A«sUrflderly rsac>OAMraA.Mipassengers ..r4»Wwith W X»16 lOrTlldr JVUSS Bi-nMrjn Diana M. Poulin ot 424 Center ning. Sed us for paint anci service when you plan your 1967. lo I«a«ed ayayi Jon. 4. Vietnamese Sgt. Nguyen to Chltrlada Palace for the pres- not bring more action,” said time that it was grounded in the wodid continue to Cuba heart trouble to get off: whwhen toe LESS.. Dinh Phu, who was an interpret- entatlon of moon rocks to toe pep. Leonak-d Farbsteto, D- Peruvian capital. Pofice made ..,1 ,1...^ S .. P'®"® arrived to Buenos Aires, St., .-Ill “o< M^cnesiter,Manchester, recenuyrecently next project. of er with the Americal Division king and qdebn. N.Y.. When the council bUI no effort to interfere. The five young revolutionaries ^he first stop. Each evontWe a (irayor. company that swept through My The presentatioil ul are you. !■ w ^ " " ‘•’"'‘'’'“'‘" ’".jhour visit to'My Lai, and new^ the ^slight, bespectacled king fole, joint committee to deal While in-LAma, the five reyo* 'Neither toe children, the Bn^llan dirltne 'Cruzeiro do lucky, has ^ e n celebrating men were not allowed to accom- and' the black-haired, pretty with the congre.sslo-al side of { itionarle!-: -reihained - inside the mother ppr the father Were Sul,” which means Southern "Tater Day” in honor of toe WJfe, cltildreii and grand- oliUdruD. pony the, investigators. queen. toe issue. plane, keeping the 21 passed- Identified. Cross. sweet potato since 1848.

- >

_/ •\ -- A MANbHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATqRDAY, JANUARY 8, 1970 PAGE ELEVEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1970 PAGE TEN THE Sports Viewing FRIDAY fttSO ( 8) NBA: KnIckB '1 By Bucka SATURDAY snows during the game, It "Nelsen, like Kapp, also has NFTj," said Grant. "Look at (38-14) was not Indicative of the EARL Y O S T IrtM ( 8) ColleKe Basket­ ST. PAUL-MINNEAPO- before Jolnlr:g the Vikings three should be In good condition. Sports Editor years ago. Is a blood-and-guts, great leadership. He Is a pocket last year. Cleveland bent Balti­ strength of the two clubs. Former Tips ball : RutKers vs. Drily the weatherman knows Revitalized Celts PrincetDn LlS (AP) Joe Kapp and rough-and-tumble warrior. passer. Joe can come out of the more In the regular season and ' "Dallas has a fine football * the real'story of Sunday's game 2:00 ( S) Stanley Cup Bill Nelson, a pait of take- "Thelf styles are not similar,” pockel( with rollout runs. Maybe thep the Colts bent them for the team. I hope our 51-,3 loss was Notes frfim the the Little Black Book ‘ In 41 Points Hockey said Minnesota dloach Bud that will send the winner into charge quarterbacks, are ho does more things than 'Nel­ championship 34-0. ' not an Indication of the relative Hobbling around on a cane following a ski mishap is 3:00 .( 3) NFL Playoff: Grant. t'But they have the com­ the rich Super Bowl against the sen but they are different types, "Cleveland Is Just as capable strength of these two' clubs.' Bill. Sacherek, ski columnist for The Herald. “ It’s the Face Knicks Next Cowboys ys. the key men in Sunday’s mon Ingredient of being winners. American Football League Over ^^icks both as Individuals and physlcal- of scoring 60 points as we are. strength of these two clubs." first injui'y I’ve had in more than"30 years of skiing,” Bams' National Football League "Kapp Is an underrated quar­ champion Jan. 11 at.New Or- NEW YORK (AP)—.The revitalized Boston Celtics, 1 expect a real butting contest," Both coaches reported their NEW YORK (AP) — 5:00 ( 8) Wide World ^pf title game betwe^ the fa­ terback," said Coach Blanton >y-" . i 'eans. ’’ he explained. . . . Fellow who stays in shape.the year , . j winners of five of thei/’ last seven games, will have he said. clubs In good shape physically. 'Sports: Fabulous vored Minnesota Vikings o’olller of the Browns. ■ "I don't Both Grant and Collier are In­ The weatherman predicts tlje .’round by playing tennis is Al Werbner, well-known lo- Alcmdor and (^nme their new-found momentum put to a tough test tonight clined to:throw out the 51-3 win "The other game was In regu­ The Browns worked out at home high Sunday to reach 18, de­ cal real estate appraiser and sales manager for Jarvis Hawkins, the National Bas MaKlclans and the Cleveland Browns. know what you would want a and fiew here Friday night. as they move into Madjson ^uare Garden to do battle scored by the Vikings over the lar season,” said Collier. "This grees, or about seven degrees Realty. A veteran player for SO i—-i-i—iiketball Association’sa r^r,a< most SUNDAY Game time is 1 p.m. EST. man to do that he hasn’t done." Browns In a regular season ls,a playoff situation. I can’t be­ The Metropolitan Stadium years, Werbner stays In shape with the powerful New York ^nicks. 12:45 ( 3) NFL: Mlnnesbta Nelsen, 28, operates out of . a "Talk about his passing, I colder than it was for the U)s heralded newcomers, show- the ball flutters. He's like Bobby game Nov. 9. lieve there Is the same relation­ field, where Sunday’s game will Angeles-Mlnnesotn game a week ' during the winter season by cswuwic pMvjro . . . csuiiie If. - , -n a." i_i. Boston’s latest victory was a vs. Cleveland pocket because damaged knees knqw It Is not healthy to, have a the Improvement of the Wash- 6 ° why Friday night, 110-92,conquest over the Pistons toe defensive struggle, while, Layne. All he could do was beat . "Nobody la that much better ship as during regular season. be played, has been covered playing three times a week at 3:30 (22, 30) AFL: Kansas limit his range. Kapp, 31, who man open when he throwns.. iiBO- ' ______ington Senators under Ted Wil- ■'Alclndor, the 7-foot-2 rookie at Detroit Friday nlg;t;(t as John Bing led all scorers with than any other club In. the Our Dallas score last Sunday since" last Saturday. Unless it Bloonsfield. He also plays at the City vs. Oakland played eight years In Canada They do'i’t pay off on whether you. Hams can be measured by their ^•’®®' UCLA, erupted for .41 Havllcek led the way with 23 P®to‘ s and Walker contributed Nelpslc Tennis Club during the home record of 47-84 In 1969 potots and he)d Willis Reed to 18 potots and .Bailey ' Howell ^4 for the Pistons, regidar good weather months. over 34-47 In 1968. Their 1968 “ toe Milwaukee Bucks beat dipped to 19. The Knldks also were on the Final League Game in History Sunday Sports Slote road record was 31-49, as the New York Knicks for the The Celtics trailed early in road Friday night but were lees, Flood Marking Time [. Sports Briefs : Offtfae€uff agaltut 39-42—only-three games first time ever 118-106. the game as Jimmy Walker and successful, losing 118-106 to Lew SATURDAY, JAN. 3 One of the area’s better vol­ under the .600 mark _ last The 6-8 Hawkins, who Jumped Dave Bing led the Pistons to a Alctodor ft Co. at Milwaukee, It Enters Meet leyball players .is Dick Tingley, season, from the American Basketball 36-23 first quarter edge, but was only the eighth loss of Ute BOSTON (AP) ■— Herb Ger- Game Plan for Kansas City, East Catholic vs , South Cath- director of athletics at Rock- * * ' Association, scored 24 points, in­ Havllcek, Jim Barnes and Don season against 83 victories for Over Reserve Clause matm of Uve New York Athletic cluding a decisive base line COUNTRY CLUB — Paul olic Bit .ce s e . ville High. . . . Official scorer ’ n T lie r e Nelson paced va second period toe powerful New Yorkersv who Bristol Eastern at Manches- at Ellington High hoihe basket­ Jumper with four seconds left, retallaUon to give their team a *^*'1 hold a oomtnanding lead Jesanis 137-366, Dick Gardella NEW YORK (AP) Former U.S Supreme Court a ' Wide World of Sports this af­ as the Phoenix Sims made Jerry ■147, John Turley 137, Don Be­ ter ball games Is Don B eerw o^ ’, 56-64 hairtlme advantage. ®'’®r * e second pWee Bucks to Justice Arthur Goldberg continued today to prepare again in the Oar- ternoon on TV wUl feature Colangelo’s coaching debut a noit 370, Charlie Whelan , 363. One of Big Qnestion Marks former Rockville High , stand- Boston opened the lead to as 1**® National Basketball Assodn- Curt Flood’s suit against baseball’s reserve clause while ^^ai Cushing i,ooo-yard feature out, now on the Ellington fee- '’^to a 121-120 squeaker many as nine points to the third lion’s Eastern Division. Frank Kiernan 361, Vic Albral- lous Magician basketball team... his client went on national television to state his case. the 44th Knights of Columbus OAKLAND (A P )—The "They’ve had two weeks to ulty. . . . New York Yankee over Son Diego. •quarter, saw It cut to four at 82- After tonight's game, the Cel- tls 138-366. The Mjagirians have appeared in Goldberg called off a sched­ track meet at Boston Garden Oakland Raiders and Kan­ prepare," said Madden. "That’s baseball caravan, headed by Elsewhere,------Baltimore edged - 78 In the final Piston rClly, then Hes move on to Philadelphia for the time you expect them to North Choice uled Saturday strategy session Jan. 10. sas City Chiefs meet Sun­ Manager Ralph Houk, will P ® *^ ^ v e ^ ^ e s to the post Cincinnati 118-116, Philadelphia broke the game open by out- a Sunday aftenioon clash with Big Track Meet Others In the field Include come up with something differ­ make Its (Connecticut appear-held off Atlanta 121-11'^, Los An- scoring Detroit 10-3 at one stage the 76ers, then have acouple of with the veteran outfielder, say day in the last American ent." M ichigan’s John Lilly of Oneton State, Tom Football League game in In American ance later this month at the cornedy geles thrashed San Francisco early In the fourth period. (lays off before meeting the At- Ing he needed time to piwpare In San Francisco Van Ruden of Oregon, European ‘He’s looked good,” Madden Waverly Inn. Tentative .date is ‘ ‘ui 126-96 and Boston trounced De- Nelaon with 18 points and lanta Hawks In the second talf^ the papers and to decide in _ has said In commuting on champion Josef Tlzyely of Bel- history, each team car- Wednesday, Jan. 28____ Speak- Wesleyan footbaU foll^era will t^olt 110-92. Siegfried with 13 were the only of an NBA doubleheader at . Wells. “ He hasn’t been wearing Coach Seen which court to file the suit. sAN FRANCISCO (AP) —The ^um^BUI Lowe of Florlda,. aiid rying One questionable ele- Bowl Contest Ing of the Yankees, for Uie fifth ^ ' ’® ®f® ^ Milwaukee’s triumph was the other (Celtics In double figures In ton Garden Wednesday night." Flood, meanwhile, was sched- first big indoor track and field former Nebraska star Peter ment into the champion- any harness and he looks fine.” straight season the club lost ' ’to video Sunday morn- Bucks’ fourth straight and 11th 'We expect he’ll be ready to uled to appear on ABC-TV’s meet in the United States this ^ Scituate. ship struggle for survival TAMPA, Fla. (AP) — The money to 1,969. . . . Spring train- tog at 9:30 on (Channel 3 ‘!From In . the - last - 12 games and moved Recovering Wide World of Sports (6 p.m., year, wUl be held tonight In San ------on the road to the Super play,” said Stram. "We’ve been heavily favored in this Ing games In Florida ■will start them to within six grames of the EST) along with Marvin Miller, preparing on that basis.” ’ afternoon’s Americari Bowl several days earlier than usual, Russell, who led Wesleyan to Knicks In the NBA’s Eastern Dl- Afternoon Attraction PASADENA, Calif. (AP) — executive director of the Major t\TT u- A r e H ^ games Unknown CoIf Leader Bowl, Wells was one of the keys game Tampa stadium, but ...... undefeated season laat fall,, ^igion. Alclndor’s short Jump b o ^ a l ^ e n u m ^ otf ataM. MISSION VIEUO, Calif. (AP) The questionable elements - sota the first games slated' the first The heart attack thtft prevented League Baseball Players’ Asso- ge numoec ui auun, ' i, ---- '*------— ouiu. Vikings at 1 p.m., EST, to the passing attack guided.by McClendon of Ixmlsiana weekend In March. . . . Dave ''(as later named New England a- 70.aU tie with. Mlchigan football Coach Bo clatlo.i, and Joe Cronin, presl- many of them world record plan for the Chiefs before the Chiefs-Raiders AFL Daryle Lamonlca In taking the South squad Isn’t Amodio, veteran defenseman small tx^ege t ^ c h of toe year jjyg minutes left In' , Pairs Catholic Fives 3 aided touring pro from Laguna and ■ the condition of wide re- title game Is telecast by NBC Raiders to the Western Division Schembechier from seeing his American League. holders and Olympic medalists. ready to lie down and give :ip with the Springfield Kings, Is • ' ^ rtlord C ^^ Sun- ti)^rd period and the Bucks Included are Bob Seagren, Beach, Calif., fired a four under celver Warren Wells for the beginning at 4 p.m., EST. title with a 12-1-1 record. La- ...... reprasentlng the game s estab- till it’s all over. out for possibly a month with tnuYto'^Kht at 8:16 In an past- never headed. Walt Pra- Wolverlnes lose 10-3 to Southern ugiunent. Two unusual high school basketball games ■will b e Dick Fosbury, Lee Evans, Wil- P®*" which stood up four days Raiders — remained the focal Those timing in for the Chiefs- monica connected for a league- Duffy Daugherty of Michigan an ankle Injury. Tonight the ®™ B^ketboll League g ^ e p^gg^ tj,g Knicks with 27 California in the Rose Bowl "I th'nk the owners are under- Ue«Davenport,’ Bill Toomey, and for a two-stroke Ife'ad-Friday aft- points os the teams began the Raiders battle only then will leading 34 touchdown passes, , - v , for the North played today. First East Catholic will be the home team Kings face Providence at alt Bloomfield High . . . The points. won’t keep him out of football » Mmntino- ctniH TTH Curfs Mills drawn-out first round of final countdown for this, 616th get the answers to the major hitting Wells with 14 and Fred State, head coach I® importance of 'winning the tight in a game against South Catholic at the Central Cot- e tlmating me. Flood said Fri- Curts Mills. California Open AFL game that pulls down the questions remaining - whether Blletnlkoff with 12. ? a t.,. . J « o’clock at the (Coliseum: . . . The victory was the Bucks’ for long, detors say. day before leaving his St. Louis games shows in American necticut State College gym at 8. The reaaon b e in g C C SC A spokesman lor 3t. Luke’s Golf Tournament. curtain on the upstart league. Wells, who has been sidelined The defensive unit has been ™ .7. F(x>tball players are not the 27th, matching the total they Is hosting ito own hoop tourney home for New York. ‘"They of Ohio State. Mack Herron of only ones subject to injury. League statistics. Baltimore won last year when they Joined Hospital said Friday that the TomAuiii vjrunciiGorrell tuiuand veteransvcwitnu* The APL legally becomes a with a shoulder separation, can the Chiefs main weapon In com- " -----_ ’ there tonight. Then Manchester think I’m Just trying to gbt Central, Hawks Green Bay Coach PhU Bengton won 23 one-run games in 1968, the NBA. They had lost 10 regu- heart attack was mild and that more money _for next season, Rod Funseth and Chuck Court- part of the National Footbal go at top speed and what of- piling an 11-3 record while Daw- o k ^ % High will host CX3L member ney are tied at 69 and Larry League next season, ending a fense Kansas City Coach Hank son has been recovering from Son State and Bob Anderson, of suffered a broken hip when he ^ season games to the Knicks, after two weeks of rest here, iii^y’d probably begin taking It 1969. Detroit’s WorW (Champ- SOME’THING’S MISSING— Atlanta’s Joe Caldwell went up for a shot but bail In Cage Finals Mowry andi Bobby Nichols are run that began on Sept. 9 .1960. Stxam will .throw at Oakland, a slightly torn ligament in his Gojordo spring through holes in . slipped while loading a TV set Bristol Eastern at the (Jlarke Schembechler should be ^ le to serious arour:d March.” was knocked out of his hands by Hal Greer of 76ers in NBA play last night. when Denver won at Boston 13- With quarterback Len Dawson left knee. scrimmage line and into his car. ^ ^ "I® Colangelo, the Suns’ 29-year- Arena at 8:16. rtum home. " three shots off the pace at 70. in 1968. The Tigero took 28 w e- g^^, ^ g^g^ Flood, who was traded from NEW BRITAIN, Conn. (AP) 10 and kicked off a decade In still hobbled by a leg Injury, With Dawson slowed, • the their own holes when they had * * * ■ AthlejUc Director Don Canham run games in 1969 . .. . This “ ’ South Catholic heads the Hart­ St. Louis to Philadelphia in Oc- Central Connecticut meets which the new league gained Stram employed a ground-based main offensive weapon has been to. as coach when Johimy Kerr re­ said the 40-year-old head poach by Hartford tonight for the champ- Scholastic Basketball Balls ’n Strikes season toe Orioles won 13 of 20 Cheney Tech Absorbs Sixth Straight Defeat ford (Jounty (Conference with a -o'otr, was turned down equal stature with the NST-i. offdnse the last time the clubs . running back Mike Garrett, No. Daugherty knows also that If Ihe New York Yankees rais­ signed earlier in the day. He should be able to return to full Bowie lonshlp ,of the Central Connectl- Enfield 61, Bulkeley 60 games that went iifto extra perfect 2-0 mark and has com­ Baseball Commissioner While a sellout crowd of more met. Dawson attempted only six i on the club In both iMshlng his running game bogs down he ed their team batting average promptly got l\ls first win when duty, "conduct spring training lUs request to be al- cut Baslietball Holiday Touma- Fitch 66, East Hartford 56 piled an overall record of 6-2. and conduct his regular work." Kuhn In than 54,000 is expected to view passes as the Chiefs lost to the and receiving. can depend on the passing arm exactly 20 points In 1969 over ’68 w 2[ lO^S PhoenU wiped out a seven-point lowed to negotiate for 1970 as a ment, after both won first-round Windham 74, Platt 64 East, on the other hand, 1^1-0 Originally the alnment was the historic league-encjlng pro- Raiders 10-6 — their seventh Both teams came through of Mike Shaw, one of. the no deficit in the final three minutes free agent. contests FYiday night. Tolland 62, Granby 43 going a to .284. „ygrtiine games. This year in the conference and has now described as stomach pains ceedings at Oakland Coliseum, defeat In the last eight games playoffs two weeks ago, the tion’s top college quarterbacks, Roy White led the club In ___ with Hawkins scoring eight of Windsor Defeats Rockville, won six consecutive games. He then disclosed his intention Central Colinectlcut broke Stafford 62, Somers 69 Baltl- which struck ’Tuesday. He television viewers are offered at the hands of Oakland. Raiders whipping Houston 66-7 McClendon Is expected to re- the'Sims’ last 12 points. The Eagles’ most recent vic­ to bring the suit against the re- Wfesleyan’s ur,beaten record with Suffie'd 63, East Windsor 68 seemed better on Wednesday Glastonbury 58, Middletown 52 the unique opportunity of seeing Stram has closely guarded his and the Chiefs edging the de- ly on the passing arm of Bill year, with a.V .290______m»rk comoar-_ i « ”;® ^ Toby Kimball’ s layup with 13 tory -wajB'a 66-66 ■win over North­ serve clause, which binds a ^ 70-64 victory, and Hartford all four possible Super Bowl plans for this game but he says, fending champion Nmv York Cappleman of Florida State, ed with hla .267 leading average seconds left gave San Diego a but was taken to the ^hospital came from behind to defeat OT west Catholic. time New player to the team which owns candidates. "We’ll have a few surprises /or jets 13-6, to qualify for gairie who has three excellent recelv- to 1068. Horace Clarke was aec- 120-117 lead but Hawkins sliced SW, Bolton, Coventry Win Just before game Bowdbin 77-76. Newington 74, Simsbury 69 Manchester High, being inex­ Year’s Day. Ills coiilract. CBS will tele'vise the NFL them.” No. 616 — the last of the AFL’s ers in Georgians Dennis Hughes, ond to's season with .286 and J^®!®® 1*^® throws. A wild perienced and lacking in height, Wesleyan also meets Bowdoln East Granby 49, St. Thomas Stowe canned five points. Seminary 45 championship'game between theJohn Madden, the Raider - loth season and the last iji Us Florida State’s Phil Abralra and Gene Michael third with .272... ‘f ’'*®®’ Pass by Elvln Hayes gave the The road of success came next in line. hasn’t been able to put together in a consolation game tonight. An unbalanced scoring attack WILLIMANTIC—Coventry re­ V Southington 56, Woodrow Wll- Cleveland Browns and Mlnne- coach, fully anticipates that. history. Charlie Evans of Texas. Clarke, Yankee second base . . . a winning comiblnation. Bright In the 1969 Rose Bowl game, Louisiana State’s football ------led the club to stolen In shutwta^^ a ' D^^Ma^’s to an abrupt end last night corded its second win of the' soh 56 man. a . . . Denny McLam Windsor when the hosts hurt the Rams- spots on the team Include Chuck Rex Kem became the third Ohio team had the best rushing de- Bon Curl of Chicago, Mlchi- bases. to... 1969 ■with------33, - the------moat '-«ague-le^':^ nine shutouts Hawkins’ ■winning shot. Hayes ir .....o... , ....v,.. season as they defeated Wind­ fense In collegiate football In gan State defensive^ tackle. Windsor Locks 64, Farmlng- ELLINGTON— Paced' by the Lankford in both re^oua^ng State player lo win the player of by a Tatiikee since the heyday *®^ “11 scorers with 28 points. handed V isiting Rotjkyille ham Tech. * The Patiidts, noW and scoring, Brian>ltf^er the game award. ’The others 1969. ’The Tigers )>ermitted an blocked four punts tor the Spar- ton 43 of the late George (Snuffy) ' w7s UnVeVd’ s’ i^lito^ H igh a 56-43 Central Val-. 2-4. has previously drop^d four h i^ e x ;;;;’ J average of only 38.4 yards per tans last season. He also Plain-ville 79, Bloomfield 72 Age of Specialization in Pro Ball J were Fred Moirison In 1960 and BRIAN MAHER game. blocked one extra point attempt. Waterford 79, Penny 69 Stlrnwelss who led toe Amerl- with 60 seconds left Iced victory ley Conference defeat. ncXX: member Ellington. The *" ® J**®' . Peoples and Bill Maher for toelr Dave Leggett in 1066. can League with S3 to 1946. buted four jtoutouts over toe Cincinnati, snapping the Meanwhile, South Windsor High Knights with their fourth Chuck Papanos, playing bril- (Jlarke also topped all of the Royals’ flve-game winning rolled past Ellington High,' 82- g^e 2-6. l‘a"‘ [jPP®‘> H ^ h t seems to be the their opponents have towered Shown in Opposing AFL Placekickers loop’s second basemen last sea- Tiger tot^. In __ streak. Oscar Robertson was 49, Bolton High topped Cheney Bobcats led at all quarter 23, points. He canned 10 from biggest handicap as over them to date. son In four defensive depart- ers recorded a r e ^ IM shut- ,pgg^ ^g.27, and .Coventry High breaks 25-9 43-12 and 60-31 as ‘ be field and added three more ______^ ^ ------Heir Apparent to Job With JetSy meads: Total chances (817), puL outs. The total tor 1969 was Conroe pa •*"®' Tom Perac- NEW YORK (NEA)— outa (373), assists (429) ai«l 134. ______25. ' ' in area actions. ing column. Ja.h Stenerud of Kansas Ndtional Gambling Ring Billy Chinnlngham scored 13 of- 'WINDSOR — After recording As he had done in all of South y*” Smith for losera w m City and George Blanda his 28 points in the final five five consecutive victories the Windsor’s games, Roy topp^ high man with 27 points. He A 5f, Oakland, opposing place- College Basketball Roundup minutes to lead Philadelphia boom ■was lowered on Rockville the scoring with 27 points, 24 loser to hit dou- Woodall, Doesn Y Live Like Joe kickCTs in the American over -Atlanta but Hjal Greer’s in a keyCiVC tilt. Rockville, with coming from the floor. John ble figures. NEW YORK (NEA)—A "We’re in two different a Ettle on the field. His success There are no T-shirt manu- FootbaH League champion­ Jumpshot with 3% minutes left'the loss, dropped to 6-3 and Mason and Terry Stoddard net- Sports Figures '■ ' braokets, if you know what I is the thing that appeals to me fadturers putting Woodall's No. ship gaiito, show how far the put the 76ers In front to stay. Windsor is 5-2. ted 14 points apiece. long, newly waxed, black moan,” he says. but I like his Ufe-styJe.” 18 on the backs of their pro- age of spedi^ization has coni© Ptirdue, Minus Stars, Walt Hazzeird of toe Hawks'took The Rams’ Bob Deane held For Eliing;ton, Court Jlarned limousine inhabited by a A 6-foot-5, 210-pound rookie - For the most part, Woodall ducts yet — as they are Na- in professlonaL/ootball game honors with 27 points. Windsor’s-Skip Gilman to only tallied 25 points and Ray Bedard stiff chauffeur and a gag­ from EJrwJn, N.C., Woodall came goes unnoticed in New York’s majth’s No. 12 — but things like quickly. Jerry West fired In 32 points three points, 17 points off of his had 11. May Be Involved gle of floppy - collared to New York from a minor sporting circles. He rides a sub- that take time, plus whatever Except when attempting Starts Title Defense and Keith Erickson 27 as the season average. Although the MANCHESTER—Bolton High kick for an extra pointer a ti- friends waits outside the league team in Richmond, Va. way Sr enters Phil Llm’ pub, else it is that makes Joe Joe. „ , . , . . . Lakers walloped Sah Francisco slick olaymaker didn’t socre, his broke a three-game losing skein ' DETROIT (AP)(—U.S: Attorney James H, Brickley goal, the 27-year-old Stenerud NEW YORK— (AV— P)— , Purdue------opens,... , defense . of its • Big1 a blistering fast-break and presence was known with out- and topped winless Cheney New York Jets’ locker room (He had been ImpUoated In a Mr. Laff’s, ■with equal anony- . “ You sort of feel empty when promises a series of special appearances by national at Shea Stadium. Several billion cheating scandal at Duke aifter mlty. "Twenty-One” and Toots you’re on the bench all the does little more than watc Ten basketball crown at Iowa tonight with two jewels moved ahead of the Warriors standing ball control. Tech in a non-league aJfalr. wild-eyed teen-agers Cling to a his Junior season and had to Shor’s are not yet his favorite Ume.” Woodall said. “ You don’t scoreboard, bounce around ■ missing from the lineup and their scoring gem, Rick into second place in the West, Leading by only four points at Boltpn upped its season mark ' sports figures during coming months before a 22-mHD wire’ fence that protects foot- leave kchool.) He does not look watering holes, feel like ‘ you’re part of the sidelines to keep warm knd ■Mount still bothered by a knee injury. six games behind Atlanta. the halfway mark, Windsor in- to 3-4 while Cheney is 0-6. * federal grand jury investigating what agents called a ball heroes and Umousines liuje Namath — a girl at Shea ' Woodall’s first' season In the team because, well, you’re not the Chiefs get that touchdown, (Joach George King said he ------Boston, behind by 12 points creased it to 46-30 entering the Five of the Bulldogs’ eight Wind ed Arizona to 3-7. toe Celtics ’fifth win In the last son and Tapper popped In 12 Bnvier (13), Sam Bastarche Jr^nson 13 first sports figure named by In- car when Dawson was arrested. He learned, to do that playing M-lllcr lace, emerges from his king­ copy what Joe wears and the scor^, he could'have dressed as a learning process . . . you Bwiaventure in the Holiday Fes- Seattle beat toe Htskies by seven games and left them only points apiece also for the win- (12), Emil Geer (12) and Bob 11 vestlgators, but he was not James E. Ritchie, ah assist- soccer in his native Norway and Sandberg dom. A few of the faithful faint. way he acts," he says, "but aifter many games without the know, building myself up for tlval final Tuesday night In New eight points, the same margin six games under. 600. ners. Henry (10) contributed to the T apper 12 among the 10 persons arrested u.S. attorney working wlto admits that he still must get Tanlsl Namath nods to his dri-ver and the opportunity.’’ York. The two ■will be out for the (Jhleftans lost by In an 86-/8 John Havllcek led the pelts flockville’s Larry Willette scoring. 0 Thursday in raids In Michigan Brickley expanded on the state- I wouldn’t mind copying him benefit- of soap. some of the football game ex­ Welch climbs inside, losing himself Just one game. ' decision last month at Washlng-s- with 23 points while Dave Bing once again topped his team in Once again, Cheney’s Ken ~ and Las Vegas. ment that national sports flg- plained to him by his American Totak) 34 8 , among the floppy collars. Mount is averaging 28 points, ton. The Huskies felt the loss of had 26 for the Pistons, who have scoring with 13 points. Greg Larrlmore topped his team and ^ RockvUlo (43) Dean was searched at his Las ures could toe implicated. wife. Shrieks are reduced to pejp- far below the 38.2 he' averaged Rafael Stone, senior guard, who lost five in a row and 10 of 11. Berger with eight points was netted only six poinU. Mel Parrirt 2 3 J .Vegas motel room. An acquaint- "Statements, made by some of Blanda, meanwhile, is 42 John>»n 2 0 ahle sighs and pumping hearts Fran Tarkenton Says last season in wlrmlng the Big Broke fils leg in last week’i' Fax ------^ - 2 4 8 ance, Fritz Lindstrom of Phoe- those arrested and seised ro- years old and has stayed in the B<‘rgor Meanwhile, 600 feet away at Ten 8ring crown for the sec-' West tCSasslc, as Seattle doml- WiUotto 6 3 ^ nix, Ariz., was arrested at Las cords Indicate a nniinnai game because of his kicking spe­ Deaut$ 1 2 the Willets Point subway sta­ V) 5 cialty. Yet he Is proud of belng,^ ond Btialght Ume. The BoUer- nated most of the game. The Acetfi 5 Vegais' where he and hla wife scheme involving feunous flg- tion, AI Woodall inconspicuous­ makero are 7-3 and ranked I7tb best the Husktea could do wa» KehcHj 1 0 a complete football player. He CanruUiera 0 0 5 were vacationing with Mr. and urea in baseball and footbaU ly stands In line to buy two 20- Vikings Will Beat Bfowns nationally to the Associated come to -within four points at the WoUa 0 0 is seepnd-string quarterback to ^ Mrs. Dean. and hundreds of trainers and cent tokens that will furnish GEORGE BLANDA JTAN STTEINERUD Daryle Lamonlca. Blanda con­ Preks PoU. Iowa is 4-4. half. The victory extended S^t- Totals/ .. 13 17 .49 Dean was the only sports fig- jockeys at race tracks through- transportation into Manhattan By FRAN TAI^KENTON But, like that famous football Also, I i expect some other siders himself a football player years when all I did was kick," In Friday night games, sev- tie’s record to 6-4. Washington ure named by investigators Fri- out the United States," Ritchie for his blond date and himself. things. I don’t think the Vi­ . . . him near the defense even In Financially, too, there has ^ South Windsor (82) NEW YORK (NEA) — Washington says, I’d like first„ a kicker second. “ I go to he said. "I was proud to be a practice bicause he may get his been ETT)ig change for special- enth-ranked New Mexico State slipped to 9-2. P B F Pts ■ day as they annouiuied the ar- said. Woodall, 22, is the Jets’ third- kings will 'risk one-on-one cov­ whipped Arizona 96-75; Seattle In today’s games, top-ranked Roy . 12 3 First off, before I get into perfectly the quarterback meetings, I tackle, and I still wanted tQi be expensive leg bruised. 27 rests and plans to take their evi- Spokesmen for professional string quarterback for the mo­ erage of Woifleld, and I don’t Ists. Stenenid signed with the upset No. 9 Washington 80-72; Kentucky opens Its told for on- Boss! 3. 0 all the details and the ’^’^e Browns win not be work the phones during the Identified that way.” ' "Sometimes,” said Stenerud, Mlason 2 H dence—including some $620,000 baseball and football deferred ment, and for the moment he think the Vikings will do as Chiefs foj- a quarter of a mll- ’e 2 game, I'm in half the plays» In As team rosters grew, from North Carolina State, rated other Southeastern (Jonference ri in cash and checks—Ijefore the comment until a report was lives like it. analyses, I think I’d better pushovers, i must admit that a much' blitzing as they did ’yoq, do feel guilty that you lion dollars three years ago. S T x r ^ SuUiA'an 2 0 practice,” said Blanda. “ I do 32 players In 1950 to 38 by 1960 16th, i>emalned unbeaten in nine tlt'e by playing host to Missis- Burerer. G. ' 4 L 9 federal grand Jury. made available to them. monUi ago I wouldn’t have pick- against the Rams. ’The Vikings’ aren’t doiitg anything else. I re­ Twenty years ago Blanda sign­ 1.^‘Vi‘Mquo 1 0 it Is true what they say: Be- come right out and say it: games by pounding Maryland slppl; Southern Oal, No. 2, en- 2 Brickley said Dean was ap- A spokesman for the Thor- ed' dleveland for much of any- 'our is so good they don’t as much work as Lamonlca. to 40 today, teams could afford member my first year with ed with the Beai;s for a $600 ad­ Bin^iam . 1 0 cause Namath ' keeps telling The Minnesota Vikings 91-67. In other games, Clncln- tertiUns No. 13 Notre Dame; I,4icy 2 0 4 proached "on evidence Implying oughbred Racing Protective Bu- thing, but they surprised a lot i'®-'’® ^ '’ iii^ i^ order to get a Blanda's field goal kicking is the "luxury” of a specialist, Kwsas City, I would Just prac­ vance on his salary, which he Buixcr. R. 0 t 0 talk-show emcees he really is will beat the Cleveland Browns nati beat Stanford 80-76, Bay'or No. 4 North Carolina Invades 0 he Kad a connection" with some reau said federal authorities of people I Sunday by beating the pass rush. And I think still dependable after 20 years It seems that Ben Agajanian, tice and practice.. It hurt me. I was tOfipay back if he made the JankonvHki 0 u going to quit after this j j payjn Sunday- in Minnesota and win defeated Wyoming 86-79. Rice; No. 6 Ohio University Is KoUy , 0 0 of those arrested. He declined to would have to name Jockeys and Dallas Cowboys so badly. Obvi- Cleveland will devise some in pro football and he had kick- who had his toes cut off in an overdid it.’ team. — ■and because secoprf^’^T’^r in g the National Football League Georgetown edged Holy Chose at home against Kent State; 82 say whether any evidence was trainers allegedly involved be- ously, they are doing something hind of zone coverage for Gene ed 142 straight extra points accident In college, became the ToKUh . 37 .8 quartwback Babe amlmium 0 0* The margin of victory was Jim the foregn-bom soccer - style during the 1968 season as Ken- ance . business In Lexlngt»n 0 tike “ you and everybody else and Al Woodall. For instance: than the Cleveland Bro'wns are. field and Gary Collins and- ex- The ,Vik*ngs’ Joe Kapp is a In frwit throughout. The Aggies, bow (Jlasslc championship at OiiMUiaiMth 0 0 Finally'Off Turner’s three field goals. , kickers, two Gogolaks, Pete and tucky’s football coach, left Fri- since his resignation. — does.’’ - Namath lives in a penthouse The Vikings punish people and callent team discipline. If there scrambling, ' unconvent 1 o n a 1 who stiotertved their record to Hono’ulu tWs week. , TiXaUi 20 9 49 "When two teams are evenly Qharley (who were the first), day for College StaUon, Tex., The former coach would srfve "I never was so shook, up In on Manhattan’s upper East wear them down, the Browns lis one trait of the Cleveland quaiterbkck, but he wins. Nel­ Bolton (16) my life like that," Dean said Launch Pad Side, surrounded by frantic fe- do not. vteam, however, that stands out sen of the Browns Is strictly a matched" said Lou Groza, ex- Ypremlan, Bobby How- where he will accept a position under Gene Stallings, ah old 3 Cleveland Brown star place- ^'®M. Gerela and Stenerud. on the Texas A&M staff, his friend, at A&M. Stallings and Rosi'r la 20 Friday in a telephone Interview. males who prowl his neighbor- . ' Quickly, I’d like to expand on above all the rest, I’d say it’s pocket passer, a good reader Bjivlor 3 ]18 "I bet on the ball games yes- The Denver Rockets are final­ kicker, "the difference In the ®°'"® ®a»®3. ®u®h St®n- wife said. ,, Bradshaw were assistants to New England Archery Title BimtatvhH ly getting off the laimch pad. hood, hoping to meet him on the my reasoning: th: ability to avoid mental mis­ of defenses and a good mixer 2 '2 terday (jrith friends, like I do In takes. game really gets down to the crud, the coaches won t allow Bradshaw quit during a 2-8 ■ Paul Bryant at Alabama. ' With Larry Jones pouring In street or In a laundry or res- The Viking front four,-* led, of of playSr*The only thing these G oer S *3 gin or on playing Irt a golf taurant. ■. course, by Cart Eller and Jim The Browns, over a 14-game skills of the field goal kickers.” ^ ^ 1 ------— ^^— T~~- Claiic 38 potots, the Rockets, who lost two seem to have in coirvmon Set in March at Local Lanes ■1 8 game. Of the 16 NfL tea-ms and 10 Rufliid 21 of their first ,32 games and Woodall lives in a furnished Marshall, was devastating in regular season, moke fewer Is -that they want to play in Hcnr>' 0 to "So does' everyoneeveryone else,” apartment In Flushing-—--\v. ington 129-133 Friday night for the team’s punter, and Wayne ounday’s game against the tribute to Blanton Collier and kings to win, I’m not going to thing else: Oakland with Blan­ to host the big^esft archery Marcks who came through (’arrimort' I Lindstrom was the only one of their sixth consecutive Ameri­ Stewart, a reserve tight end. Browns will be the Minnesota his coarfiing staff, but U also venture - a guess on the score. da, Boston with Glno Oappellet- To Crave for Victory inTilt Today money toumament In the BlaM, beautiful one point off BltMikowsk! "There’s actually nothing front four against the Cleveland shows Just how well-disciplined The game 'will probably be tl and Baltimore with Lou Mi­ Gt*rk"i» ' 3 10 arrested outside Michigan. can Basketball Association vie- the &ttfa annual New England perfect. Right down the , line to CTuftJi'r wrong with the apartment,” offensive line, which is rated so meijtaUy, the Browns really ore. cdoser than most people th'nk chaels. (Like Blanda, Cappel- ^ He was arraigned Friday and tory. MIAM I(AP) — The Plqyoff Coach Tom Landry’s Cowboys involved oa they did to their T»wiftnr Open.. Two thouuuid 20th place archera went home Gart'^aky 3 was released after posting The triumph moved last-place ■ays Woodall. "It’s about a mile ■^"‘1 toT , individual They are not flashy or toiagi- and the Browns would like noth- lettl; an offensive end, .and Mi Bowl may not be the biggest should be playing as If this were" lone regular season game, to- doUars U watting for the 'viatt- a little rictier then they aiv WjfUkor from Shea, but It’s In Flushing, matchups. I’ll be watching very native, and tliey stick to the Ing better than lo avenge that chaels, a defensive eml, are. ® $1^,000 tend. He was described Denver to within two games of . L*" post-season pUim, but both the ‘ I'®, Important game of day’s battle may be weU worth Ing pnos on March, 8. rived. which, .as yqji know. Is not quite ctose'y how well Dick Schafrath conventlonai things, but 'do not 51-3 shelling -the Vikings hand- thq. twilight of their career and plum Totals 21 6 27 as a retired real estate man. Dallas, Los Angeles and'Wooh- their careers because for some seeing. Ihey went right down to gjvery 'year ohouf thto time t Ms year the purse is doub- Matdialtan.’ of Clevelaivd does against Mar- expect the Browns to give any- ed them during the regular sea- see action on first, second or Dallas .Cowboys an'd Los An- ()ovmtry (6S) \ In Michigan eight persons ington, who are tied for seoond - - - of them It------may„ be.--- the wire before Lob Angeles tfae psns'fly In to OonneGtlicut led w:th $1,600 ca^to to Pro Men F Pts were arrested in the Detroit In the ABA’s Western Divloton. It also is noteworthy that Na- shall, and how well the Browns’ thtog away. They don’t. son. The outcome could even be third down only only in In emergen- geles Rams have ample reason Landry has Indicated substan- pulled It oiit 24-23. to vie for the purse and the in 20 places iuid $400 to Pro Pi'iixirai.i 3 ^r'area and another man In Laiis- ■ Elsewhere, the New York math sometimes arrives from-Monte Clark handles Eller. In analyzing the game, I think decided by the field goal klck-ti^cles.) to crave the victory In today’s tlal persotmel changes may be Dallas - - quarterback Craig Sti'veiwon ttf ip of New England Indoor ^om en to five places. This is a Scliintdt 0 8 Ing, about 70 miles northWesttof Nets ended Indiana’s slght- practice sessions In his newAs for momentum, I think the . there are two key areas In ers, Fred Cox of the Vikings "When I first came into pro National Football League game, made to shore up the si^uad that Morton will direct an offense M orse Open rrhawipion Jim Floen, «J1 s&ratch tournament only with 5 is Detroit. All lO were charged game winning streak 135-139,. Jaguar XK-E sports car while Vikings are convinced they can which the outcome could be and Don Crockroft of the football with the Chicago Bears The Rams, who won 11 got murdered 38d4 last Sunday that Includes super-rookie Oil- I’ em t-ohlo the 'way from Mtoneaoba, made no handicap divtoion. Top ama- ('Mnniiltduun 3 3 .with “ use of interstate commu- New Orleans held off Los Woodallr Stewart and O’NeaJ 8 ® toe way, and Uieli_cam,e- decided. The Vikings must cut Browns. i960.’’ said Blanda. “ kicking straight and had people thinking by the Cleveland Browns. vln Hill and Walt Garrison at hfo trip pAy off laot year by teura are on hand every year Boim-ert _ ‘nlcallons facilities in further- geles 94-.91. and Kentucky edged make the scene In a borrowed against the Rama erased off the Browns’ short ’ passing Mean:^hlle, the Ctowboys and was Just an extra goodie the they were Invincible, have now The winners’ take-home pay running becks and Lance Rent: sbootkM “ bresrfh-fhldng per- to compete for toe coveted TotUiLH 35 15 8* -ance of gambling” and with Pittsburgh lOA'-lOd. 1969 Ford. • any Inner doubts that might game, which Is one of Cleve- the Rarns play Saturday In the owners got out of you. I 'hever lost four In a row Including the of $2,200 Is more appealing than zel and Bob Hayes os wide re- Windham Tnch (5t) feat against oome of the tough- amateur titiea and trmdiiee. De- B conspiracy to violate federal Indiana’# loss was only the The common denominator, of l^^^e lingered. From a physical land’s biggest assets. fiTie Playoff Bowl In Miami. The got paid extrd. fot It." 23-20 Western Conference play- the losers’ cut of $600 for this celvers. eat competition In the country, fending wiunen’a New England OhurohUl 3 ■ gambling recoirds. sixth In 83 starts for the iPocsrs oounse, Is money. Namath Is'a standpoint, no team In football Browns, In turn, must stop the game means nothing and the Groza, too, was also an All--off Jolt from Minnesota. game bet-ween the conference Player of the Tear Roman When you have got the likes and International champion, / Sm ith 11 Ladd - 3 ^4 Brickley said $460,000 to cash- and the oecond at the h^nda of mUUonalre. Woodall, n toshes out as much punishment Vikings’ running game. I men- players are not overjoyed-at League offensive tackle and to If Los Angeles drops this one, runnersup. Gabriel will operate with rookie of 1/10 Berger and Stove tlolbto- Barbara Brown, will not have Li‘VP«qu<‘ • ••- 3 1 ler.’s and business checks were the Nets, who moved anead-«( . York’s second-round draft choice as the Vikings do. If anything, Uon this because the Browns the prospect play'hg In It. II this day considers himself (1) poach George Allen will have And there’s always the fierce Larry Smith and Les Josephson ■on from Ohio, Dickie Hobsst* to travel far from Ledyard to Ju»Moi*4| 3 ■ ----- », 1_1~ In CHALK UP SCORE-^Pensruina’ Keith McCreKt’y fires puck past Montreal goal- Mahou . > 1 4 confiscated at a suburban Blr- Pittsburgh .Into, fourth pis lost winter, received a moder- toey are capable of wearing the are not exactly the fougfje.H' anyth'ng good can be said about a tackle, and (21 a ploceklcker, five straight setbacks to brood pride of the pros. as , running backs and Jick from MlcMgan, aiMl Outek Jor- Manchester to set the pace for ■gj mlngham motel where Donald the' EMterh Division, ate bonus and a' salary estl- Browns down, then rolling over team In football to nm the ball the’ game. It’s this: Next year "That’s why I continued to about for the next • seven If the Rams' and Cowboy:^et S » w and JVendell Tucker as don* from - Pennsylvania on the the chaUengers. i^'Rogatien Vachon on po^er play. All Cariadien Terry Ilariier can do is w at^. Tohilrt 21 10 mated betweeii $15,(XX) and $18,- them. /against., - there won't be one. wear No. 76, iveh. In my last months. , as emotionally cmd physically wldo-outs. / A /

A__. \ ' l \- I TTTT A\. \ A ,7 'Ny- V \ ■« \ ■ ■w- \ \ ' V A \ M ' \ A , , ' W -'v V ''4 A Av ■VA: t . . * V A . \ M ■ \ ^ - " v r v ■ : AA . ■ PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1970 JU—' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD; MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1970 PAGE THIRTEEN BUGGS BUNNY •OUR BOARDING HOUSE '' with . MAJOR HOOPLE \ Businoss SohrIcM H«lp Wantod— Help W anted—Mole 36 Help Wonted - M de 36 :A. LET'S SEE Amwcr !• FmtIwi* I SEE A BRIGHT'FUTURE FER VER- GOWNA I SEE AN OMINOUS BAH.' SAVE OffRrtd 13 DEPENDABLE ihdn 'Wanted to FIGURE HOVEWING^ YOUR •>OUP UUBIP Fonral* , 35 EXPERIENCED nuto mechanic, VA, ELMER! GROW SOME HAIR._ CITY work at South Windaor Auto ,.,I SEE AM OVER , I DON'T BLAME - EVEM TA LES F O B F r u itf u l > CLASSIFIED 8N0\M Plowing—Private and . BERRY’S WORLR ..full-time. call after 8 p.m., Part#. Inquire in peraon, LICENSE,' y o u FOta s b a b b iN' ■THE FAINT OCEAN VOYAGE. VOU! J LAY OFF! a t h l e t e s amhll bualheaa Iota. Reuaoh- ICEVPUNGH operator; moatly 649-2384. - Schanck Rd., South Windaor. I'M TH' ONE A CpFtXlT, MAHOK HAVE TpOUBue- O F HEART.' mi/ii) l .cal 02fi-or 071), C.aer SKIIN' w jt h w \T h t h a t WE H o o p u e s able. Call 528-7588. GIVIN' TH' V ' p o p ACROSS 55 Harden, c o u u P &e SLOPE.' ITS O N L Y S K V aa cement Broa., 140 Rye 8t., South Wlnd- PART-TIME momlnga, for atore WANTED - Pull-time aervloe REAPIN'! NOW/^ laiSKIEB- THAM THE ONLY PLACE WHERE IT'S «or. and delivery work. Flexible I W AS 1 Drupa fruit 56 Short Jacket ADVERTISING station attendant. Apply In par­ J MAKIN' A w h e b e . t h e FAST' S Globose fruit . Housolu^ SorvicM , hours. Apply at once to'M an­ son,' Gorin'y Sports Car Center, SOEWALK U -TU BM OM AMBULAMC'E n a t u r a l l y of Smyrna DOWN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SPT. HOURS ager, Liggett Drug, Manche's- PUNS ON A».. I L L . OffMRd 13-A Route 83, Tolland Tpke.; Tal-. THE FPEEWAV.' SCitrua fruit 1 Pome frulta ter Parkade. .. 5WAM1 BESULAP (SOU 12 Coniumaa 8 A.M. to 4:30 CLERK-TYPIST cottvllle. - s c h e d u l e .' 2 Woolly LIGHT .TRUCKINa, bulk deliv­ • fruit 3 Speaks ery, yards, attlca, cellars ISFlih efts 4 Manuacripta (X>py CLOSING TIME FOR^CLASSIFIED 14JRoman date ADVT. cleaned and removed. Also odd “GIRL FRIDAY” DEAN MACHINE MAINTENANCE (ab.) 23Dreaa 38 Run away N^iSO P.M. DAY BEMRE PlIBUOA'nON .lobs. 644-8962. 15 Social inaccta > 5 Worry PRODUCTS 16 Greek letter DeadllneforUnVt Saturday 1 Monday la 4 ;S0 p.tn. Frida.' Interesting aprl diversified MECHANIC 6 Particle 40^v«ly.trlct CUSTOM made draperies, •slip 102 COtXINIAL RD. 17 Car damage duties with an engineering We are seeking an individ­ 16-Scottiih 7 Toothed 27Itammerhe^ covers and reupholstering. services organization. Short­ manc;h e s t e r , cx)NN. ■ail yard wheel 28Foot.ppa.-el PLfeAl READ YOUR AD . Budget terms. , Established in ual to wor k In. our main­ BY V. T. HAMLIN hand preferred but not re­ tenance department, of­ ALLEY OOP 19 Heavenly ClMalfled or - I ^ t s M a - are Uken over the phone a . a 1945. Days. 824-0184 evenings. quired./,^Cnll 289-7464 for Mas Immediate ownings days, bodlea 4S Petty quarrel fer excellent wages and convenlmico. The uveHl^tor should read his ad the FIRST 649-7890. appointment. 7 (*.m. to 4:30 p.m., nights, 4, IS TH A T . YUP! TOLRJUH UX3KITAU. lJUSTSITTIN' 21 Fruit drink 48Miner^ benefits . including paid I'D FIND I iBJGSUCCULENTy UPTTHERE “S"'’ spring DAY IT ^ P E ^ ^ a n d BSSPflBT ERRORS In time for tte p.m. to 1’ a.m. 'TH' ROOST,' VELLA-HEADS.' ^^wi»w, iM. SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL letters. Readers answer­ Will pass inspection. $360. Call and concrete work. Quality MORTGAGES — 1st and 2nd, 643-2011. CLERK T'h?IST 'MECHANIC — lor fleet work, Tuesday, January 6, 1969 enrollment sessions as follows: . L A B • ing bllniLJmx ads who workmanship, work guaran- mortgages— interim financing 'She Board Of Directors will desire to'-pkotect their Interesting position In small six -day week. Must be avail­ January 9, 1970, from 12 noon ■ rm 1HE COOK BURNED HB teed. CalLafter 8, 643-1870, 644- —expedient and oonfldentlal able for out of town work. For conduct a public ses)Hon Tues- to 3:00 p.m., First District, Reg­ identity con follow ‘his 2976. service. J. D. Real Estate department for qualified BREAKPAST THIS MORNIN0 . procedure: appolntment call 643-2373, 649- day, January 6, 1969, from 9:00 istrars' Office, .Town Office Trucks— ^Tractors 5 aW ;. 643-8129. typist. NEW’TON H. SMITH and S on- ■ 4218. a.m. to 11:00 a.m. In the Mu­ Building, Route 31—Second Dis­ Enclose your reply to Hours 8:30-4:30. Company nicipal Building Hearing Room trict, Porter - Library, Route * the box in an envelopeelope — Remodeling, repairing, addi­ □ \ JEEJP, 4-wheel drive, metal offers good wages, pleasant DfUyER and Stock Clerk, 9 jq hear comments and sugges- 44A. address to the Classified. tions, rec rooms, garages,' a.m.'s:- 4 p.m. Salary and all tjons from the public. These sessions are for party Manager, Manchasler cab, extra itires, $350. 643-9708. Privale Instructions 32 working conditions, excel­ porches and roofing. No job lent company benefits pro­ ^ore benefits. Apply to. Mr. Future sessions will be held enrollment only. At this time, Evening Herald, together too smal^- Call 640-3144. NEW art classes, 10' week with a memo lifting th? gram free parking and sub­ Katz, Arthur Drug Store, 942 the first Tuesday of each month unaffiliated voters may enroll course, small classes. ’iSies- sidized cafeteria.' Main St., Maticherter. from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in with a party and those already companies you do NOT Motorcyclos— WES ROBBINS Carpentry re­ want to see your letter. day, Wednesday and nuirs- the Municipal Building Hearing enrolled may transfer to an- BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE modeling specialist. Additions, day morning, 10-12 a.m. All Your letter wUi be de­ B icy clo s 11 rec rooms, dormers, porches, Apply: Room and the third Thursday other party. No new voters will ,MV aiENT DENIES’ I SEE. AS A RESULT OF THE HMM'...rO LIKE TO BELIEVE EVERYBODY stroyed H. the advertiser media emphasis on composi­ of each month from 6 :30 to 8:30 be made at these sessions. BICYCLES—New and used. Re­ cabinets, formica, bullt-ins, ADULT WITU J KNOWING IT WAS WHAT IS POLYGRAPH TESt I WHO COMES BEFORE ME, YOUNG MAN. BUT is one you’ve mentioned.- tion. Call Ruth Krantz, 649- FIRST NATIONAL p.m. in the Town Counsel’s Of­ Margaret E. Jacobson, A STOLEN CAR, OR YOUR SAVE YOUNS SAWYER, HHE PHYSICAL EVIDENCE COMPELS ME TO BlNPj (f not it wlU be handled pairs on all makes. Open daily bathrooms, kitchens, 649-3446% 9435 ssid r e fice in the Municipal Building. Ruth E. Benoit, J YOU OVER TO CRIMINAL COURT WHERE THE^ S :ifrc . THAT IT CONTAINED OPINION, SIR, I'M CONVINCED in the usual manner 9-5:30. Manchester Cycle Shop. STATION WAGON James F. Farr, Registrars First District MARIJUANA, JUPflE. LT.DANN? HE'S TELLING THE QUESTION OF YOUR TRUTHFULNESS / 182 West Middle , Tpke., 649- N. J. LaFlamme —Car|>enter CAN BE TRIED. contractor. Additions, remodel­ Help W onted- PARK & OAkLAND - Secretary _ Gertrude A. Haven, r m ! WHERE APE , - 10 sharpen MV A>^. 2098 AVENUES Wanted for early morning ■X: Board of Directors Frances L. Aho, ’ SbU 6 0 IN6 ? ^ i ing and repairs. Call anytime F e m a le 3 5 delivery, 2 to 4:30 a.m., 7- Lost and Found 1 for free estimates. 875-1642. Manchester, Conn. Registrars Second District EAST HARTFOllD, days a week. Mileage and Dated at Manchester, Con­ Busine:>s Sorvifos CAt*ABLE person to vyork In In- commission. No collections. LOST— Passibook No. 26-009693 ^ ^ ventory control posting and '• CONN. ‘ \ necticut, this twenty-second day O ffo ra d 13 Contact: Mr. Johnson, area of December 1&6Q. 2, The Connecticut Bank & Roofing— Siding 1o pricing for industrial supply Supervisor. ■ ^ st Co., savings department. YOU ARE A-1. Truck Is A-1. BIDWELL Home Improvement firm. Modem East Hartford lo­ NEWSPAPER A Application made for payment. cation; Salary and fringe bene­ SALESGIRLS for evening' shift, Cl im hr NtA. kw., Tii UJ. M. M. Cellars, attics, yards, drive­ Co. Expert inatallation of 7 p.m. «to midnight. Full or 875-6286 >, ways sealed and small truck­ aluminum siding, gutters and fits. Call 289-8291 for appolnt- FULL-TIME CARRIER "Gee whiz, Janie! Whan you said you .were cramming FOUND Bro-wn' and white, ijient. part-time. No experience nec­ male, Basenji dog. Call Bolton ing done A-1 right. Call Tre- trim. Roofing installation arid essary, will train. P le^e ap- DEPARTMENT C) & for an exam I .thought you meant study!” mano Trucking Service toll- repairs. 649-6495. 875-9109. Wanted o'lfeAL Dog Warden, 649-5900. ■•ply in i>erson or call Mister EXPERIENCED first and aec- M A N A G E R free., 742-9487. Donut, 649-8277, 265 West Mid­ ond men and dependable ROOFING and roof repair. F O R T O Y S At Once MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD AL MARINO Sendees (former­ Coughlin Roofing Co., Inc. 643- ATTENTION dle Tpke.. drivers for shade- tobacco in Fountain ViUnge Automobnes For 5ale 4 ly M & M Rubbish) Attics, cel­ 7707. farms. Attractive houses avail­ No Experience Neqessary AND I ’M AFRAID THAT IF THE HOUSEWIVES NURSE’S Aides In East Hart­ Apts." on West Middle SHADESV'ILLE POLICE G E T HIM lars, garages, old bams clean­ able. Write Box “DD’’, Man-' Tpke. Boy. or girl over STEVE CANYON BY UnLTOI liN / j c CANIFF A J ,1966 PLYMOUTH, 4-door ford, 11-7 shift, full or part- Chester Ilerald. We WUI Train OMIGOSH! — HE tVOMT BE TAKEN sedan, automatic, V-8, radio, ed out. Light trucking, appli­ Roofing and time, top' rates, good benefits. 12. GALL ------'q ances, furniture. 644-2615. Would you like to work JEPPARDIE /S OH, YES, MISS ;TEVE,WE PERHAPS BUT STEVE WILL NOT HAVE LONO power steering. Good running ______* C h im n e y s 1 6 -A while your children are In on bus line. Burnside Convales- FUEL OIL Driver, must be ex- M onchattar YOUR LUTHER.' EXPECTED THE SHOULD HAVE TO WAIT... condition. $900. 643-2880. SHARPENING Service — Saws, school? We have openings cent Home. Phone Mr. Kelly, perlenced in fuel oil deliveries. ROOFING — Specializing re­ W. T. GRANT Evmring Horakl KILLER TO HIT ALLOWED THE knives, axes, shears, skates, In our store’s accounting 289-9671. Top hourly rate. Call 643-2463, Manchester Parkade M 7 -0 M fi BEFORE THIS MIKE IN THE NEED CAR? Credit very bad? pairing roofs of all kinds, new department for experienced Wyman Oil Co., 484 East Mid­ Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ rotary blades. Quick service. - . . , u, —t------NURSES'CALU G.P1M E,«,pm.nt Co., » ~ 15"“; ..riL /»mpu,p..,„. op.,.U,r. ,o NATIONAL concern has open­ dle "ITlte. BUZZER To. est D ouglai accepts lowest cleaned and repaired. 30 years’ work part-time from 9 a.m.- ings for pleasant telephone, ■ I dpwn, smallest payments, any­ Main St., Manchester. Hours daily 7:30-6, THursday, 7:80-9, experience. Free estimates. 2:30 p.m. Wages coinmensu- saleswork. Downtown Man­ SERVICE station attendants, where. Not small loan finance Saturday, 7:30-4. 643-7968. Call Howley 643'-5361, 644- rate with ability, free park­ chester. Part-tlnle, morning or must be experienced, good company plan. Douglas Mo-' 8333. ing, subsidized cafeteria. ' evening hours available. Con­ pay. Call 643-2463. Wyman Oil MOLD MAKER tors, 345 Main. SNOW PLOWING — Side­ Apply employment office. venient parking. Hourly wage. Co. 484 East Middle Tpke. MAINTENANCE walks, driveways. Reasonably Phone 646-0725 ^or appolnt- 1st class mold maker. 1967 AUS’nN-Healy 3000; Mark DRIVER— Warehouse mari, for priced. Call 649-0638. H e a tin g a n d P lu m b in g 1 7 mertt. MAN Immediate opening, ni, silver. Fine condition, Ask- FIRST NATIONAL electrical distributor, 6 - day good benefits, good ing $2,600. GaH 643-0047. FLOOR cleaning and waxing, SAM WATSON Plumbing and STORES INC. FILE CLERK — experienced, week, .646-2830. Foi- New Addition janitor service. Call Suburban some typing and duplicating, wages growth potra- Bank Heating. Bathroom remodeling WE, ARE growing and you cart At Manchester Mianor tiaL MR. ABERNATRY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY Floor M^ntenance Service. and repairs. FYee estimates. PARK & OAKLAND 3714 hour week, fringe benefits. 649-5361. ^ "______■ . grow with us. Expansion has APPLY REPOSSESSIONS FYee estlnhrtes. FYUly insured- Call 649-3808. AVENUES ^ created an linmedlate opening Nursing Home 649-9229. ^ V r t ( '69 ^Pontiac Bonneville, 4-dr. GRANTS EAST HARTFORD, NURSES — RN’s and LPN's In in our repair department. Good IONA MFQ. 0 0. Plumbing .sendee, starting pay, company bene­ 385 West Center St. 1 hdtp. EXCAVATING — Trenching — quaUty woi 'k, fair prices, (tall CONN. East Hartford, . 11-7 shift, full - Unit of Owwml ..WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALLI •68' Pontiac'Catalina, ' 2-dr. h^p Bob Cat machine, snow plow­ for free estimates. 643-^1. 'or part-time, top rates, good fits, good hours. You will be TeL 646-0119 Signal- Oorp, POLLY, I . ,you ^ '68 Pontiac Grand Prix ing driveways and parking benefits,.on bus line, purnside' trained. Apply in person at The Begent St,, d o n Y l i k e sHouLDKr hdtp. lots, tree removal. Reason­ •* Convalescent Home. Phone Mr. Singer (Jompany, 866 Main St., rr WHEN PIOC. OOMPLAIN— I'M ALL FDR PCOTEST eSWAU-l '68 Buick Sport wagon. able rates. 643-6169, 872-0647. M o v in g 1— ^Trucking— GENERAL Secretary — must Kelly, 289-9571. Manchester, to Mr. Moore. you PERCH IT COULD DBMONBTRA'nONS, be good typist and take short- — ------^ *, '67 Pontiac Bonneville, 2-dr. Jit o r a g e 2 0 ON MY BEALOT .BUT THATS <30tN& hdtp. SNOW plowing, residential and hand C ^ d starting rate. WOMEN for Hbusecleanlng, and FUEL OIL driver, full time. Al- HEAD. VK>R5B. ltX > FAR.' '67 Pontiac Grand Prix, 2-dr. commercial. Also trucking. MANCHESTMANCHESTER -Dellvery-light Apply Coca Cola Co., 451 Main caring of children, daily. Five so lubrication man ^ Reasonable rates. 646-1974. ER -Delivery-light I P hdtp. *trucklng,ar‘ trucking andid package delivery.'delivery, St., East Hartford. Mr. Dick days. Call 64tr5334. . C Cen^/ St! ‘ '67 Pontiac Lemans, 2-dr. Hdtp. Smith. riarty ■ Bros., 301 Center St., Experienced... DRY WALL — remodeling — Refrigerate ra, washers and SALESGIRL wanted, for full­ ’67 Pontiac Bonneville. 4-dr. Manchester, see Scotty. , paint, repair, or replace cell- stove movi ng, specialty. Fold- AGE BETWEEN ONE ^ time days. Apply Youth Centre ‘k R 'w ^y hdtp. ' Ings and walls. Reasonable ing cHalrs for rent. 649-0762. Manchester ■ Parkade. ■TgyHcy <3" iSsr .C *"l •66 Pontiac Catalina, 4-dr. hdtp. rates. Call 649-5764. AND ONE HUNDRED? t i r (66 Pontiac Bonneville convert­ LINOTYPE PRISCILLA’S POP BY. AL VERMEER ible. SNOW PLOWING — residential P aln fin i}-*Pap«ring 21 Interested In cqsi cqsmetics?T Like Superintendent '66 Pontiac Lemaqs, 4-dr. hdtp.; ard business, very reasonable. meeting people? 'Then use your (T'S MY NEW W b w !! T H IS ■PAINTING — Interior and ex- spaife time selling AVON CE •66 Ford Mustang, 2-dr. hdtp. 616-1829. Wanted .SHOTSUN TO H E F T B A B Y 'S 4M4W 643-7361. available, part-time mornings. body needs some work. Asking ^ J 7 Apply Bess Eaton Donuts, 150 PRODUCTION U>ta, driveways, sidewalk*. CONTRACTOR — Interior, ex­ Center St., Manchester. ARE YOU THE MAN? RY ROB T.TTqpF.IIH $300 or best offer. Call 649) ’ ROBIN MALONE 9260 after 6:30. apartments, store*. Al*o *and- terlor painting, paper hanging, ing dotie, Bea*onable, rate*. Discount on wallpaper. CaU MATURE person to work Sun- .To Join our fast growing reataurant management teoni. SKIUED and UNSKILLED ' wE^Goins pack?\ v.'g've fcunp oop '&Re,-fAfixey-' HAIRY ONg 2^ fHArewor half what weteocuMs daiyr* and three evenings week­ I We will teach you *U about this exciting ‘'people” \ ( we LOOK NO MORE ) FLOWgfP PgPI, LOVe.' PLixrHesE- SKINS TKIPe -'7\rO TKA6|e 7M1£>UNaBMUSHfi i^ltAND PtllX hardtop 1967, CaU 643-0002. - 646-3048. buaineaa. I Good savory whll^ leai^ilng. -M excellent condition. Power — ------. ^------_ ■ ly. Apply In person! Swiss j Openings in all departments offering penranent MIKeAWLCWe ISA -TFA^IOUNG 6CXX> FO KTU N B ! IFO K .' CHEeKIO, CHieFlE/ brakes, windows. ODD JOBS, light trucking, m SID B ^utalde palnUng. Spe- OLOTHeS OM TKAPeiSSCWP/ ^ -----—----—\ y ------— ^ steering, Colony, Manchester Shopping I oup WALKIWO u!zHSui».fx«!r!!rri Vlnyl top. OUl 872-3467. . carpentry. miscellaneouB clal rates for prople over 66 Parkade. TOP COMPANY BENEFITS full-time employment. Good wages, overtime, com­ e O L P M IM E / pairs, etc., good service CaU my competitors, then c a l l ______1966 FORD custom, 2-door, V-8, low prices. 643-7218. me. Estimates given. 649-7863. %ABY SITTER needed for boy, OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT plete benefit program. Excellent opportunity for LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON standard shift, rebuilt engine, five-years old, 8-4:30 p.m 1/3 TURF good condltlop, $700. 643-0290. UQHT trucking, odd Jobs also EDWARD R. PRICE-Palntlng preferably Miinchester Hos Intorxiews hold ^ ly at the store, 501 Middle Tpke., training ond advancement. HOW TO >4PVI50RY $ 2 bets moving large appliances. Bum- exterior and Interior. Pqper .. . Qan 646-2984 West, Manchester, bertveen I the hours of 9-11 a.i’.i,. AiViPiCAP 1966 CHEVROIET Impala Ing barrels delivered. $4. 644- ^ hanging. Ceilings, etc. Insured., ^ 2>6 p.oi., 7>0 p.m. SF/NP £ convertible, 8 cylinder, $926. 1776 649-1003. LIVE-IN, dependable person, , ALLIED BUILDING SYSTEMS WINNERS I 1968 Dodge, $1,400. 196^ Ford J f age no problem,. pleasant Falriane 600 8 cvllnder. auto; TWO handymen want a variety .IMMEDIATELY available. In- home, own room^ Two school- 260. TOLLAND TPKE. — MANCHESTER A ■ S ? c ^ l . Z C oX et the Sav- of jobs by clam or hour. Rea- ferlor painting and decorating. age children. References. 643- b u Wg e r c a s t l e ■i ‘ lng« Bank of Manchester, 646- Bonable.' (tall 6305. Call Everett Van Dyne, 246- V Mr. ReynoldB 478f after 8:80 p.m. "2977. •' 1700. / YOUR business Janitor, depend- SYSTEMS, Inc. ^ • able night service, dally, week­ CLEANING lady, two momlnga, An equal .ppportupity employer ly or monthly baslp. C*U 644- or one day a week., New' Man­ 1962 VOLVO 4-tfoor sedan. $325. Read Ilerald. Ads chester home. 643-4224. CaU 742-7484 after jl p.m. 0629. J. \;

1 / •' .

J,.;:-...... :T ■ \ \ T \\ a ; V \ 7 v’ V ' ; ^ V ( V\ ‘ I .A , ' '' \... PAGE FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., SATUROa V, JANUARY 3, ^97^ > MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD,, MANCHESTER,^ CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1970 PAGE PIFTBaiIN H o u m s For Sa!« 72 Household Goods 51 THERF OUGHTA BE A L^W BY SHORTEN and WlIJPPLE Houses For Sole 72 Houses For Sole 72 Our of Town Wanted— Real Estale 77 $28,600 — Immaculate Raised For Sa!« MANCHESTER — 6-room Cape, MANCHESTER — 8 - iw m 7 5 ABLE, ACTIVE buyers watting SINGER automatlo . »lg- Ranch. Family kitchen, finish­ Armstrong Named Newsmaker of Year Ttl06E l4A«D-^ELL AlKJLINE f\V^, B jT THE HlTTV-uRlTrV, MllVEH IH MlCKOSl^PIC garage, treed lot, central loca- Ranch, city uUlltle*. full b w for single and multi-family lagr. with cabinet, convert* in­ ed recreation room, two fire-. VERNON — 1968, 3 or 4 bed­ TVPE THAT^ THE TAV-OFF \ tl°n. quick occupancy. Bel Air ment, treed lot, walk to bus homes. Immediate service. ,By NAOMI ROCK CLASSIFIED to portable, ' button holes, IM BANKER, CAlTlON^, Ak!E THE COME-.C places, garage. Huge treed lot,’ room Ranch, recreation room ______\ R eal Estate, Vincent A. Bog- and schools, aluminum storms Warren E. Howland, Realtor, AP Newsfcalurcs Writer monogram*, hem*, etc. Hutchins Agency, Realtor*, with fireplace, 2-cur garage, and screens. Only $18,800. 643-1108. Originally over |300. Full price THAT^ V/A3M" » 2 0 S ,° ? . FOLki6' ^ 1 , Realtor, 648-9332. 640-6324. large trbed lot, city water, tk -X Can’t beat it. Keith Agency, Nell Alden Armstrong,' the shy nOw 352. cash or monthly pny- OH 1,000 PEKWHS TRAVEUMG sale price $33,900. Call Mitten THE BAu*::;.. MANCHESTER — 8-room Rais­ 646-4136, 640-1032. ALL CASH for _your property youth wt>o preferred books' to ments. 523-0476. lE^ROH A 30-RAV GROUP ed R s^ h , four to five bed- BiXCELLENT 6t4-room Ranch, Agency, Realtors, 643-6930. within 24 hours. Avoid red tape z . MABEL' iiE K m h ? football and grew up to bo the CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS lNCLUl5lV6^ garage, nial, 2V4 tiled baths, 2-car ga­ and television stations. Deadline for Saturday and Monday la 4:80 p.m . Frlda;i ing Center, 24 Park St,, Hart- rage, 2 fireplaces, bullt-lns, new 6-room Contemporary AltU-*' park-Hke yard. Imme^ate oc- n EW 6ti-Room Ranch, large Began Quietly Armstrong, who Was reared In lord. utilities, large lot. Priced for Cape. Three bedrooms, for­ cupancy. Only $24,900. Nayes treed lot, move-ln condition, a parade of small Ohio towns, quick sale. Charles Lesper- mal dining room, living (Continued from Page Onej TOUR COOPERATION WILL g j n 9 7 1 1 Agency, 646-0181. ' twin sink In built-in kltcjien, became fascinated with olr- 4EWTNG MACHINES — singer once, 649-7620. ‘ room with floor to celling BE APPRECIATED I I large living room. All electric. fireplace wall, unique kitch­ top echelon of these extremist planes a* a child, began collect automatic zig-zag, excellent EIGHT beautiful acres, 7-room To A home for the young at heart. en with bulU-ins. two baths, groups Ing flying paraphernalia os a condlUon. Makes buttonholes, Ciistom, built home. Aluminum OXFORD Street — Seven-room hems, embroiders, etc. Orig­ I p ' , Asking $22,600. Keith Agency, Colonial In choice area. Older atbached garage. One acre Lak July the FBI chief pro­ teen-^er and at age 16 began ling, double ' garage,' In- nounced the Black Panthers Continued From Preceding Poge inally over $300., 6 monthly / ^ ^ b a s c o 646-4126, 640-1923. home completely rebuilt. wooded lot. 10% down, $31,- flyi^l^essons. At 16 he carped swlmmlng pool, bam. ______"the greatest threat to the In­ payment* of $8.60 each or pay- Three rooms down, three up 000 . , hlS pilot’s license—before he y . Hutchbia Agency, Realtors, gpRuCE St. flat* conBisting ternal security of the country” $51 cash 522-0931 dealer. plus finished attic. Two full had learned to drive a car. HelfTWanted—Mole 36 Articles For Sole 45 'O- 640-5324 of 18 rooms, comer property, among all "violence-prone. Described by one high school MEDIUM sized crib and mat­ - i S l . needs work'. Mortgage can be baths, inodem kitchen. Only U & R REALTY CO., INC. black extremist groups.’’ FOREIGN car mechanics full­ MANOTESTEr'X t Duplex 6-6, teacher as a brilliant student fOneiGN AFFAIRS SPORTS WOMAN OF THE YEAR IF CARPETS look dull and tress, used very little. 646-4481 arranged. $26,000. Principal* $27,300. T. J. Crockett. Real- . ______HHe e wwent ent on to say: time. Apply in person. "Gorin's separate fumace*>xtlle baths, tors. 643-1677: with a restless drive to learn, dreary, remove the spots as after 3. only. Call 640-46^.______643-2692 “ Schooled in the Marxlst- .(harles I)e Gaulle Joe Namath Jacqueline Kennedy Onassls Bishop ilame* A. PIk* Sports Car Center, Route 83, newly 'painted, poMiM. Armstrong decided to major In they appear with Blue _ Lustrej^ FIRST Offering — Excellent ft- ROBERT D. MURDOCK Lenlnlst Idealogy and the teach­ aeronautical cng(lneering. He Tolland Tpke., Talcottvllle. block from Main St. Ownbr 648- MANCHESTER — Reven-room ings of Chinese Communist Rent electric shampooer Si- room Colonial, t'le bath, ulas- 1 REALTOR entered Purdue University and Charles DeGaulle, whose per- Knowles, director of the Massa- special and have discussed re- Night” won the Pulitzer Prise Musical Instruments 53 6046. Colonial, three bedrc«i|M, 1V4 leader Mao-Tse-Tung, Its mem­ GENERAL cleaning,- part-time, Pinewood FJumlture Shop. 1 -3 tered walla, full Insulation, 643^6472. joined the Navy’s Air Cadet pro- sonalized politics emphasized chusetts General Hospital, was turning In a series with another and the National- Book Awaid, ' 3^/iy baths, fireplace, closet .space bers have perpetrated numerous two hours mornings. Manches­ SrtORTeiJ CHESTER Drive, 6-room Cape, fireplace, hot water oil heat, gram. At the end of his sopho- Ihe^grandeur and independence offered and quickly accepted network. and when he ran unsuccessfully LARGE electric food mixer > leq U S fdi Ofi MIAMI, FLA. gklore, 2-car garage, Numer­ ter area. Call 643-9470 after 6 BUNDY tenor sax, excellent I feo'u'* Sredgat*. Inc new kitchen, roof,, paint, like attneh-'d garage—dtv utilities, have envaved” In violent con- y®®*" ^**® Navy tapped him of France at home and personl- the post of assistant secretary Joe Namath, the shaggy- In the New York City Democrat- p.m-. with bowls and stand, excellent ous ej^as. Morrison Realtor, condition. 643-1920. new condition, fenced In yard, near biM line, shopping and v e i^NON - 6H-roo'm~Rki^h. frontatlons^wlth iJollce In cities duty. He went fled his nation for the world, of Health, Education and Wei- haired quarterback of the New Ic party primary for mayor, condition, $16. 643-4366. 643-1015.' garage, $22,900. Hayes Agency school. Owner anxious to sell, heated rec room, treed lot throughout the coo^rv ’’ through flight training, and at was the odltors’ choice as for- fare for Health and Scientific Tfork Jets who has become the . The 46-year-old author of sev- 646-0181. Help W onted- FIVE 14" slotted chrome rims Antiques 56 Apartments^—Flats— Aportments-r^kits— Out of Town ASSUMABLE mortgage, Charles lesperance. 649-7620. walk-out basement, excellen Another indication of the tern- combat elgn newsmaker of the year. Affairs. darling of the miniskirt’’ and era! successful novels, a play, and lugs for Ford and Chrys­ ST. —Ten-room sin- monthly payment* $118. Cen­ location. Only $21,600. Hayes per of emotions within the od- over Korea. DeGaulle—the largely un- Within days, however, it be- '***^'® hi® Pl®®® three movies and Innumerable Mole or Female 3 7 Tenements 63 Tenements 63 For Rent 66 sv MANCHESTER Suburbs — 7- ^ ministration towaid the Pan- I>uHng 10 months of combat known man who flew to London came known that the appoint- ®"® P™ football’s premier essays, knew he had no chance ler products. 613-1920. Best of­ CIVIL WAR sword, brass han­ gle, room* down and four trally located 6-room Oo- k Agency. 648-0131. rt)om Split, tip-top condition, ------thers was a statfement, at- he flew 78 missions, was shot after the fall of France In 1940; ment of the 43-year-old admlnls- pansena, mode headlines both on of winning the primary. He GENERAL light cleaning, part- fer. dle, steel blade, stamped in FIVE ROOMS, 3 bedrooms, HEBRON New two-bedroom up. 2%. bath*. Needs redecor­ lonlal. C3all now. Bill Wolcott, fireplace. Family room, gar- SOUTH Windsor—Large 7-room tributed to civil rights division once and lost a wing Up who sundved the vicious infight- trator to what is In effect the *he field. - campaigned hard, though, ex­ time. Apply In person. Holi­ TWO, almost new, Volkswagen 1853 by Inspector A.D King MANCHESTER— 5 rooms, sec- heated, $150 monthly. Avail­ apartment with wall to wall ating. Immediate . occupancy. 568-1663, Pasek Realtors, 289- acre day Lanes, ' 30 Spencer St., and General J.W. Ripley, ex­ ond floor with garage, central carpeting, GE appliance*, Pine resldmUal area. Sensibly 7476. age acre plus lot. Mid 20’s. Ranch, 3 bedrooms, 2 bates, chief Jerris Leonard, that "the another time. ing among rival French factions most important medical job In ^e passed the Jets to a 16-7 plaining that he hoped to illuini- cont'ne-tal tires; two tire rims able immediately. 646-1418. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. recreatlon room, garage, large Black Panthers are nothing but After returning to Purdue and and the disdain of President the country, was being fought over Baltimore In. the nate and to Bugget^ mean* of Manchester. cellent condition, $45. 643-4365. location, $110 monthly, two heat aiid hot water. Quiet lo­ priced at $2^8Q0. T.J.Crockett, for Volkswagen: also 1969 front lot. $26,900. Phllbrick Agency, hoodlums and we’ve got to get graduating In 1956 with an Franklin D. Roosevelt during by the powerful American Medi- ^UP®® Bowl, then r.etlred and combating New York City’s dl-; adults only, no pets. Refer­ cation. Call 228-9300. Realtor, 643-161 SCHOOL BUS drivers wanted. and rear- seats fit' Volkswagen. HEAR THIS — Nine room Co­ Realtors, 646-4200. them." ' aeronautical engineering de- the war; who emerged as4®oder cal Association. ' imretlred In a heated controtver: verse and overwhelming prob- ences and seOurity deposit re­ Furnished lonial. Four bedrooms, foyer, Experience not necessary. We 649-5833. Wearing Apparel— Luqol Noilcas Hay Miller, director of tee U- gree, Armetpong went to work his country’s provisional gov- Knowles had more than ample Commissioner Pete Ro- tern*. quired. 649-0694. COVENTRY— 4-room house in MANCHESTER — \Juat Usted country kitchen, paneled fam­ will train during Christmas Apartments 63-A Ilnols Ertvlslon of the American the National Advisory Coun- errunent when FYance was 11b- credentials for the job. But. he. zelle over his ovmershlpownership of M3oUer, who bos a reputaUon 25” SNOWHOUND. Toro. 6 h.p. Furs 57 good .condition, $160 per month very clean, well p la te d 6- ORDER OF N O T I C E ___ ily room, paneled recreaUon vacation. Ctdl 646-0363. AT A COURT OF PROBATE, Civil Liberties Union, said In on cll on Aeronautics In Cleveland, erated In 1944; who stalked off outspoken critic of .^1, a swinging East for heavy drinking, brawling good condition, $95. Call 643- MANCHESTER — Northwood FURNISHED or unfurnished, 3- includes heat and water. Keith room Cape, fireploced Hiving room, 2^ bates, double ga­ SPORTS Jackets—navy blazer, hold at Mancheator, within and for SOUTH WINDSOR Interview that Leonard mode He later transferred to the coun- the political scene in 1946 when many current medical prac- night spat reparfedly fre- and using offensive language, 6648. Apartments. Available imme, room apartment in private Agency, 646-4126, 649-1922. room, built-in kitchen, the District of Manchester, on the rage, 200x300’ wooded lot. UTTERESTING part-time job green plaid, rust, summer 29th day of December, 1969. the statement shortly after the ell’s High Speed Flight Center he felt hie role a* undlspxited tices Including what he called gamblers. " won the two literary awards for diately, one and two-bedroom home. Pleasant, convenient baths, garage, deep treed ; Close to everything. Hutchins Interviewing people. For ap­ jacket, size 14. Pair ski boots, BOL’TON —3-room apartment, Present, Hon. John J. Walletl, Birch Hill Estates—Custom indictment lost March 21 of at Edwards Air Force Bose, leader was threatened; who 12 exceOTlve doctors’ fee*' and he Bike, controver- his accotuft of four days In Octo- pointment call 875-0067,. 289- split level apartment*, central location. Working adults, 643- close, to everything. Come see' Agency, Realtors, 649-6324. 9U. 646-4481 after 3. 2880. quiet neighborhood. Refer this one. Mid 20s. Keith Agen- x, late of built 9-room Colonial with elght radicals, including Pan- Calif., and began what he has years later was colled hack to had propased an all-inclustve Episcopal Bishop of ber 1967 when thousand* of ontl- 0588. air-conditioning, l%*'baths, car­ let decea^-, Household Goods 51 port, private basement, balco­ cnoes required. $136. monthly . cy 646-4126, 649-1922. 70 MILE VIEW, 9-room con- four large bedrooms, fam­ ther Leader Bobby Seale, for since called ’’the most fantastic power when the French army health Insurance designed to aid ®P®nt most of hi* 66 war demonstrators marched on TWO-ROOM furnished apart­ 643-5983. ily styled kitchen, large Model Home B^imiture Wanted— ^To Buy 58 ny and other luxury features. temiwrary. Four bedrooms, conspiring to cause riots last time of my life.” and French settlers in Algeria tee poor. The conservative AMA f " ^ troubled search for the Pentagon. ‘ Siniorions Wanted— J.D. Real Estate Associates, ment. Heat, hot water, stove, MANCHESTER — two fireplaces, two garages, living room, dining room year at the Democratic conven- After flying the X15 rocket were In revolt; and who thrived leadership was oppo*:^ to what "®'"°"®®"®® meanings In church George Meany, president 3 ROOM HOUSEFUL refrigerator. Apply Marlow’s, flat, 5 down 4 up, and separate den, two fire­ WANTED —. AN’HQUES, used Inc., 643-5129. two acres. Superb landscap­ tlon in CSiIcago. plane as a test pilot, and after on controversy during the next jhev termed Knowles’ too liber- ®tructure, rellgimi, doctrine, life the AFL-CIO, was credlted/tn Fema'e 38 867 Main St., Manchester. Business Property places, spacious rec room, 19 PIECES furniture, partial or complete has been compleitely remodel­ ing. Hutchins Agency, Real­ Desprite tee professed pallcy the success of the' early Mercu- n years—tec man who last ^i medical phllosoohv Five ’t®®!* mid God. 1969 ■with helpring bt^ng about ed, fine residential area. Both 2% baths, two bar garage.. EXPERIENCED , baby­ $297 estates. Call 633-2300 days. 64B 414 ROOM apartment, free THREE ROOM nicely furnished For Sale 70 tors, 649-6324. of a lo o fn ^ toward the Block ry space flights, Armstrong api- - April made good his threat to months after he was offered the storms he generated and the defeat In the Senate of Pres- apartments vacant upon sale. A high lot with a view. $47,* sitter would like to care for Interior Desig^ier wants reliable 0004 after 7 p.m. heat, hot water, parking. Ap­ Parfther"Farty, there is an ac- plied for and -rtras chosen In the reslgp the French presidency If pob tee Nixon administration along the way were ident Nixon’ Supreme Court apartment, centrally located, MANCHESTER — 20,000 square T.J. Crockett. Realtor, 643- ASSUMABLE mortgage, 6^ soq. Uve legal batUe plan In prep> second selection of astronauts, voters rejected a reform bdli on b M k e ^ ^ ^ ^ d e r * h e ^ ^ ^ ll^ severe and wide—a near heresy nominee, Clement F. Hayns- your children. Call' 647-1377. family or newlyweds to accept ply Manchester Garden Apart­ near bus line. Call 843-6846. foot masonry industrial build­ delivery of complete Model Dis­ HOUSEHOLDS lots — Antiques ments, 16 Forest St. 1677. per cent, 7-room Cap>e. Modem/ aratlon within the Internal se- He moved to the new Manned administration and tee Senate. ^al pressure and annolntod Dr *^ring: certain worth. ing, 114 acres, central location. laving ex- < basic Christian doctrines, the Meany, who irocsLlized ofgan- play of. Quality Furniture just bric-a-brac,-. locks, frames, n account 1“ *"' U & R REAtTY CO., INC curWy division for prosecution Spacecraft Center near Houston other-newsmakers in The As- Roger O Egeberg M dean of glassware. We buy estates. Vil- 3*/4 ROOM apartmeht, furnished Court for three bedrooms, finished rec of Panffier groups. to begin training for the Gemini gociated Press poll are: Dr. U ^ n lv erslty of SouteenToall- crushing loss of a son by sul- iz ^ labor’s opipxaition to tee Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 removed to warehouse for Pub­ Business LocaHons Including commercial lage Peddler. Auctioneer, 420 or unfurnished, quiet residen- room with bar in basement. 643-2692 Two lawyers ^ spaceflight program. John H. Knowles, aclence; Wll- fomla M edici School. cldCk attempris later to talk with nomination, accused Hayns- lic Sale. Modem 3 complete For Rent 64 Hayes Agency, 646-0131. I90i d ^ of E SIAMESE kittens — Seal blue rooms with the $1,000 look. 8 Lake St., Bolton. 649-3247. tial street with yard, parking. clock fore- Acre lot. $22,900. Phllbrick' Yoagley reeearched the possi- March 1966, in a mission liam H, Donaldson, Finance; William H Donaldson 38 is the i. youth ^ beyond te® grave worth of being anttlaboTs Indlf- ROBERT D. MURIXXK, and chocolate point. CSS regis­ pc. Convertible Living 643-4680. OFFICE suite for rent. Excel­ lee In -the Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. blUty Invoking the Smith Act that because of mechanical fall- Tom and Dick Smothers, enter- president end chief exectklve of^ two divorces ferent to the hopes of Negroes, WANTED — Antique furniture MANCHESTER ' —Center—Pos­ laid Mon- REALTOR tered. Call Storrs, 429-0762., Room, 6 pc. bedroom, 5 pc. lent Center St. location. Suit­ Is asaign- against Panther iootlvlsts. ure was cut short In mld-fllght, talnment; Joe Namath, sports; fleer of the brokera<-e firm of I” m ^ a g e s , resignation and lacking In etedcal stand- glass, pewter, oil paintings or FOUR ROOMS, one-bedroom. sible office and residence com­ at $24,600 with a $13,000 as ______NEW RAISED Ranch, 6 rooms,, 643-6472 Dinette. $10 down, you may able for doctor, attorney,, real allowance ”We o b v l^ I y have some Armstrong completed the first former Episcopal Bishop James Donaldson, Lufkin* Jenrette. ARRIVING from Florida New other antique items. Any Heat, hot water, centrally lo­ bination. Six-room (Colonial, 2- sumable FHA mortgage. Im- daysof said before administration the day of saidaccount hearing, with plus garage and large lot. $26,- purchase any room indi­ estate office. Ground flc»r. All car garage. Bus line. $24,900. m edinte opciinnncv T I andsaid *>y estate, mailing ascertalnmentXpf on or before January helra pyroblems In the Smith Act ap>- successful docking of two -vehl- A. Pike, religion; Norman Moil- Donaldson la considered mn«ldBr»A tnto iwlbe **'''*' In “ *Jhe belief s^***?* he could be wc aa, Teatlfylng x^uiyiui^ before w iw e the Senate Year’s Day, Himalayan kittens, quantity. The Harrison’s, 643- meoiaie occupancy. i. j . g certified mall, a copy 000. For full details call tee vidually. Immediate deliv­ cate.!. Adults only. 643-2171 utilities, parking. Call 649-1680. all utilities. M any possibilitie*, MANCMESTEH — 6-room Cape and order of distribution,______ahd______this JJjooch,” said one government g]gg space. space. He He served served as as er, er, llterfiture; llteteture; George George Meany, Meany. the firm’s chief strategist Judiciary Committee, Meany 643-5943. Hayes Agency, 646-0181. Crockett Realtor, 643-1677. of this order to Emily DeCampos. Mitten Agency, Realtorst 643- ery or free storage. 8709, 166 Oakland Street. days. or 649-3649. ’ .U .. . . j .11. 1__ . Court directs that notice oK the EAST HARTFORD — custom ®‘tttIain St. . Hartford NICE bedroom for gentleman, SMALL STORE near 100 per Duplex dwelUng, currently be- day of December. 1969 cy, e48-013D years old. Call 1-745-9163. peting, appliances and utilities cent Main Street location. Ap- ■— ------__ ------. Present, Hon. John J. Walletl the District of Manchester, on the '______objective.” Phan^'a desert. An extensive olr-land she did, but merely by tee fact 522-7249 good references, private home, Ing operated as rooming house judge. 29th day of December, 1969. ALTON- ST. ^\Vacant home COVENTRY — Five-room Pom tee standprolnt of plure search turned up his body Sept, that she Is. : etc., $185-$160. J.D. Real Es­ ply Marlow's, 867 Medn Street. Present, Hon. John J. Wallett, (former Fuller Brush bldg.) very near center, 21 Churchy with annua] gross rentalof E.-itate of Wllllom John Vennard that owners want sold, Eight Ranch, 2-car garage. Approx- rhetorical -violence, the Pan- JPUblto wmertelp of member 7 ^ ^ Around the world 4n 1969 176 Pine St. Manchester tate Associates, 643-5129. Vennard, IMe of Estate of Walter C. Lawrence, late firms could restructure the se- Articies For Sale 45 St. 649-4966. SPACE available for business, nearly $7,000. Y ou could oc- M^ch^e8Ur"ln d^ceaS^ „,'"SSJ,cheate? rooms in all. 1% o a ;^ . alum- imately 2 acres with fruit thers would seem to have left rocky ledge as he groped to- Jackie watchers remained cu- 646-2332 In said District, de> PRESIDENTIAL Village — We commercial or storage use. cupy half of the house and still ed coased. Inunrit siding, two-caK^arage, trees. Only $14,900. Pasek thomselveB eui easy mark to law comes to clvlllmUon. rious about the elegant young ALUMINUM sheets used as (former Norman’s Fum.) LARGE CLEAN, furbished On motion of Rose M. Lawrence, have rented over half of our Main St., near center. $35. 646- en joy a gross rental o f $3,500. Hollister St.. Manchester, Ct., ex- oversized lot, etc. e tc .\ This Realtors, 289-7476, 649-6827, enforcement officials. pass, huge Institution^ Inves- Norman Mailer made news In woman who was once First printing plates, .009 thick, 23x room, gentleman only, kitchen 26 Edison Rd., Manchester, Conn., Warehouse beautiful apartments. Come O f course the roomlns: house ecutor. executrix. home is loaded with e: xas. 568-1663. ’. . . Dynamite! Black Power! tors Mch as p^rion funds, mu- jggg «xnnloB of the Lady of tee United States. privileges, free washer, dryer, 2426. ' iiao V j ORDERED: That three months tual funds and Insurance com' 36’’, 26 cents each or 5 for $1. at comer of Pine & Forest Sts. visit our model ■ one and two- use tjould be eliminated ar.d from the 29th day ORDERED: That three months Use the gun. Kill the pig ev­ parking. Palmer Realty, 643- from the Mth day of December, Drive by 73 Alton and see ponies could . become exchange 648-2711. Mon.-Fri. 9-9. Sat. 9-6 bedroom apartments. Conser­ this ideally located hom e 1969. be and the sasome are. limited (,e and the same are limited erywhere,” appealed former 6312. ^ outklde, teen call and let members. As such they could vative living at It’s best. Com­ would provide fine living. facll- “"hich tT brtog In the?r™ riteiilater 'o f education George LOST bright carpet colors. . .re- CLiEAN, US^ID refrigerators, Houses For Ren/SI show you through. Chance to SOUTH WINDSOR save large sums they are now THE THOMPSON House—Cot­ pletely carpeted, Complete GE in es for 2 fam ilies. Robert J. against said estate, and said ex- against said estate, and said ex­ make a tremendous buy. T.J. Murray in a speech at Fresno store them with Blue Lustre, ranges, automatic washers Smith Tnr Ti/fatn Qf cao ecutor Is directed to give public new in and out, you paying out in commissions. tage St., centrally located, kitchen, two air-condltloners, ATTRACTIVE Five-room Cape am itn m e. 963 Mam St. 649- to the creditors to bring in ____ecutrix_ is directed to give public Crockett, Realtor, 643-1677. Sta/te College. Rent electric shampooer $1. with guarantees. See them at 5241. notice to the creditors to bring In move into this Im- A major issue in entertain­ Paul’s Paint & Wallpaper Sup- B.D. Pearl’s Appliances. 649 large pleasantly furnished 1% baths in two-bedroom cod, with electric range, frost- tholr rtalms within said time al- mpir claims within said time* al- “In order to stop the slaugh­ apartments. Master TV anten­ free refrigerator, washer, alr- — ------lowed by publishing a copy of this io.vcd by publishing a copy of this POUR-PAJIILY —* consisting of maculeJte 6%-room «Ranch ter of the people -we must ac­ ment In 1969 centered on control ply. Main St. Call 643-2171. rooms, parking. ; Call 649-2358 — ------order in some newspaper havit^ a order In some newspaper having a witeout'-a thing to do. Wall na. Coin-operated laundry In ponditioner, big lot and garage. circulation in said prolmte district circulation In said probate district 5-6-4 and 3H rooms. City utili­ celerate the slaughter of the and censorship of television, for overnight and permanent to wall ^rpating, kitchen and no one In the Industry per­ IT’S terrific the way we’re FRIGIDAIRE washer', like basement. Large storage area. References and security. $235 U nilCAc p A r T 9 I*'***'*'' days from the date of within ten days from the date of ties, handy location at tee low, Trigs," entreated Eldrldge Cleav­ guest rates. nOHSVS ror aon /a this order and return make to this mis order and return make to this with bulU-lttB, 3-bedrooms, sonified that more than TDm selling Blue Lustre for clean­ new- Coldspot upright freezer. Schools, shopping a n d monthly. Call 875-5485.' court of the notice given. court of the notice given. low ptrlce cJ $26,900; Phllbrick er, the party’s minister o f In- ______JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge. JOHN J. WALLETT, Judge. Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. tile bath, sorroned px>i^, and Dick Smothers. Their out­ ing rugs and upholstery. Rent, Best o«er. 646-3239. CENTRALLY located room for churches convenient to Pres- . $21,900— - COLONIAL, 6 rooms, fomieitlon. ’’Those who can’t FOR RENT or 'sale, Tolland, 2-car garage, bam, 2 acres attached garage\|leduced to spoken insistence on making electric shampooer $1. Olcott gentleman only, Private bath Idential Village. On bus line. LIMITATION ORDEB LIMITATION ORDER stand the sight of blood, es­ SOFA, living room chal^^ two compact 514 room Cape Cod, beautiful open land. Hutchins $24,600. their program on CBS a reflec­ Variety Store. and entrance. No pets. Park­ Thompson Rd., off Center St. a t a o t u r t o f pecially their own, should stay rugs, chest of- drawers, lamp fireplace, basement garage, A g ^ y Realtor. 649-5324. held at Manchester, within and for held at Manchester, within and for home.” tion of their beliefs and opinions ing. Call 649-9704. Open\l-7 p.m. daily or by-ap­ Ul^^rtct of M^chesmr, on the me District of Manchester, on the Lots For Solo 73 U & R REALTY INC. ALMOST NEW Penn. Panzer table, large mirror. 643-4774 af­ pointment anytime. 846-2623, $170 monthly.. Evenings 876- 30m day of December, 1^9. 29th day of December, 1969. There Is also this excerpt led . t o a long and bitter dispute FALKNOR DRIVE — Six-room Present. Hon. John J. Wallett, Present. Hon. John J. Wallett, Garden tractor, 10 h.p., with ter 5. . La r g e pleasant room In resi­ 643-1023, 643-4112. , 9329. CENTER of Town. . .approxi­ 643-2692 from the Black Panther, the with the network that ended in dential area for gentleman Cape. New roof, siding, fire- of "Martin J Judge. mately 2% acres, all in ” B” their being fired last April. snow blade and rotary mower. a p a r t m e n t plze kitchen table FOR RENT or sale, Tolland, movement’s magazine, last Nov. only, t’hone 647-9615. MANCHESTER —Two - bed­ place, enclosed porch.' Excel- of‘ M;;,cheZT“h,“‘Ltrd gls?Hc't,‘de^^ a k a n h om a 7 '’r “l!e/mS;,“ l ^ r T f zone. All utilities' on tee site. ROBERT D. MURDOCK, The Smotheia brothers, T>ar- 649-5833. and four cliairs, $30. Call 649- . New 3-bedroom all electric 16 In an article on how to make room deluxe Garden type lent residential area. Near Manchester in said District, deccas- Ideal for multiple dwellings. REALTORS • tlcularly Tom, refused to stay 06M. ROOM for reflt, double or sin­ house, family kitchen, 1% 0nn rtrtrt TV A oiotlon of Cathcrlnc M. Regan, ed grenades and bombs: apartment. Available now. schools. $23’000. Hayes Agen- le Ctoleman St., Manchester, Conn., 6n motion of Martha M. Leemon, T. J. Oockett, Realtor, 643- 043-6472 ’’Now, to make an actual gagged and spoke out repeated­ gle, kitchen privileges, gentle- ^ Heat, appliances, carpets in- baths, large basement, base­ cy, 646-0131. N. rm, » *1. N(‘^vman Street, Manchester. 1677. ly against censorship oif the air­ man only. Call 872-6226^ j ment garage, $225. monthly. ^ ORDERED: That three months Conn;, executrix. grenade, a weapon that kills, " eluded. $186 monthly. Paul W. 4 rooms Is?* D ecem ^r ORDERED: That three months the following can be done; NEWSMAKER OF THE YEAR waves, whether by the govern­ Dougan, Realtor, 649-4535. Evenings 875-9329. 1 iuuiiio, 1969iBBa,^ i)ei>e and tnethe same arc limited from the 29th day - of December CHOICE of several bulldl^ lots COLUMBIA - Six-room Bunga- ENTERTAINMENT Pixie Boots first floor vacant, separate fur- and allowed for the creditors within legg, be and the same ore limited “ Take a used, empty aerosol ment or within the Industry. Side-Pleated with city utilities. Ranging In low. Oil hot water heat. Pri­ Nell A. 'Armstrong ROOM with kitchen privileges. naces, 100’ frontage. Invest- '*'blch to bring fat their clalnu and allowed for the creditors within can, pull off the little plastic 'They are preparing e television Tommy and Dick Smothers LQOKING lor anything, in real . _ Against said estate, and said which to brin^ in theli* dAimfi price from $5,000 and up. Phil- vate lake privileges, ^ acre ■' Centrally located. 14 Arch St. estate rentals — apartments, m ent property. CaU ow ner, administratrix is directed to give against said ^tate and said ™ brick Agency, Realtors, 646- spray de'vice, ahd ■with a ham- ^ ^ ^ -Out of Town 649-19U9 between 11 a .m .-l p.m . [“ ‘ ‘■•If- to the creditors to ecutrix Is directed to give public treed, lot. $17,900. Pasek Real­ nomes, multiple dwellings, no 4200. mer and noil pound the little Chicago Dally News reporter L. don’t think tee white people can ^ wX\ V _ ROOM for woman only, kitchen ^ ______bring in their claims within said notice to the creditors to bring In tors, 289-7476, 647-1183. plastic nipple down Into ’the F.'Palm er Jr.: put it out of business — but fees. Call J. D. Real Estate For Rent 66 shop- I,f"this"^der*’ m‘’"-^^^ their claims within said time al- Voter Sesaion _ 1 privileges, parking, laundry EXCELLEarr location, S H O P - or this order iti sornc new^aper lowed by publishing a copf 'ot this can . . .” the article describes “ . ; .When efforts to coax the ft think they will try.” T l facillUes. Call 649-6129. .Associates. Inc. 643-6129. COVENTRY — 4-room Ranch ping, commuting, near Wad- circulation in said pro- order in some newspaper having a VEPNON Officials MuU Changes t Out of Town the manufacture of simple Panthers out of their offices fall- in Washingtoil a top fed- A two-hour voter-making | THREE-ROOM apartment for with or without option, $135. dell School and East Patholir district within ten davs from circulation In said probate district RAISED RANCH ' 1 ROOM for rent, gentleman only, ‘ and hjaat CainollC date of this order tmd return within ten days froA the date of For Sole 75 ” anti-property and anU-per- ed, the G-men took the sledge- ®ral law enforcement official ob- session has been scheduled , - n r rent, stove and refrigerator, monthly. Call 628-0586. High. Many extras in this 3- ‘"is court oI .the notice this order and return make to this $26,900 sonnel bombs” for tee maga- hammer route, rushed the head- se^ed:. “ The Panthers can’t for Wedesnday In Manches­ 1 central location, free parking, Big—really big. Seven excellent neighborhood, $100. 7 " JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. Judge. VERNON zine’s readers. quarters and took Into custody survive these arrests, these ter. It will ■ be from 6 to 8 In Local Draft Qnotas _ J references required: 643-2693, ROCKVILLE’S finest — Rock­ rooms, garage,' 1V4 baths, monthly. Adults. 644-8184. owner, w4o*0v40. One government offldal here ^ without reslstence— eight Ui® thett lead- 649-8150. land Terrace Apartments, LIMITATION ORDEB VA ASSUMABLE ., fireplace, bullt-ins, carpet­ p.m., In the town clerk’s of­ WASHINGTON'(AP) —t Draft the boards calling; up roug;hly AT A COURT OF Pr o b a t e , ■commented on all this: ' Black Panthers, two of them fe- The movement Is bound MANCHESTER — 6 room du­ -Highland Ave. 3^4 large rooms MANCHESTER - Six - room ' held. arMirchSter, within ^ d for That will only coat you ing 2V4 acres. Don’t let this 444ai4W4i,^ \ML wAio. DiuuR jTunLners, iw o oi m em le- •* fice In the Municipal Build­ LARGE furnished room for INVITATION ing. officials are considlerlng same lottery numl^rs dt the plex apartment, excellent lo­ wiyi plenty of closet .space, Colonial overlooking ' Center n’t’ District of Manchester, on the $179.00 month -with PITI one get away from you. "What can you Imagine the male. By tee time tee (J-men ^®^® away, rent, parking, male only, $16 Park IJ. hntha December, 1969. included.' This 7-room Co­ reaction of police will be when left, revolutionary posters had changes in the way they alio- time. » cation, immediate occupancy. heat, hot water, refrigerator, Park. 1 Datns, two-car Present, Hon. John J. Wallett Everything about this home Ellgibile apptioants must . ^ AJiauKSach A/uoancv pan cy, Havp*?n ay es Ap’pn*Agen Frank 9^ Mqrrone FranR John • aka Morronc.Francis Start tee New Year right. Snow Pickup residents of Manchester tor to local boards If necessary to share of the manpower based on at the office of the Director of baths up. First floor family This Is the first group that has contributors and other support- at least six months, and breakfast If desired, very oen- Private terrace and swimming cy, 64S 9131. Morronc, late of Manchestei- In said Mr. Lewis, 649-5306. make sure lottery numbers are H* draft pool, because It would pool. Immediate occupancy. District, deceased. 1 General Services, 41 Center room. % bath off kitchen, b^ed Its appeal on the gun and ers had been confiscated. Busies Crews must be U.S. citizens. tral. Phone 649-KH3. THREE-ROOMS lor rent, heat, On motion of Mildred C. Morronc, called uniformly throughout the be given an annual quota to stove and refrigerator, no_ Only $155 monthly 875-3775, SIX ROOMS plus Cape — 3 bed- Street, Manchester, Conn., un­ much more. $32,900. J. Flor­ 19 Ai*i St., Manchester. Ct., ad- B W "Office equipment and some nation. meet—8^ over the whole year, pets, $115 monthly. Near bus 875-7486. rooms, ’jpTus partially finished minls^atrix! til J^uary 15,' 1970 at 11:00 ence, 649-6306. , Town highway crews have ph>p>ortldnal allocation would three months weapons were carted out. and A spokesman said there were line. Call after 5 p.m. 646-1098. room, that can be made Into "29th a.m. for BARROWS and WALLACE Co. Admlnisttratlon official, who re- petlttons ”^th~ mo"re^'*thM' 9 * ^ eipbarked- on a snow-pickup still be respected. W anted— Rooms*— ROCKVILLE —- new 3-room small study or anything you i'969,' bi" andTihc** ^m c' a?c 7imUc'(i SEVEN ( (7) PASSENGER Manchester Parkade no definite plans and officials B &L W quested teat he not be named, g,matures seekTng an appeal '^>'ich Is expected to Tomkiel Helps The Idea-is ’’still 1n the plan­ Board ' 62 118 MAIN ST. — 3-room apart­ apartment, wall to wall car­ please. Flreplaced livlng.-roqm, And allowed Jor the credltors5wlthln CARS. Manchester 649-8306 wont to see hoW the new lottery « p r e s ^ a fear that thefor jailed'Illinois Panther "®’‘‘ ning stages dnd could be ment , Peat and appliances, peting, stove, refrigerator and upstairs attractively ft'nlsh- ^a?nst “said*^ "fsta^c, ‘ ^ d Bid forms, plans and specifi­ BARROWS lind WALLACE Co. Instruct Clerks system actually ■works before WANTED —Large room' Ip Manchester Parkade COVENTRY - -r New custom Itoe forays ii^to the ghrtto Hamptbn (later kill- '^®®‘' ’ highway department dropped ten minutes from $'25. Security required. 648- dishwasher, $146 monthly. 876- ed In knotty pine. Full base- administcatrix is directed to give cations are available at the' ‘ deciding whether changes ore private home by gentleman, Manchester 649-6306 ■’built ^6%-room Ranch with 20 against Panteer heWquarters y^e December shoot - out) now,” the Selective Service 2426, 9-5. 5979, 876-6732. meni.ment Excellentluxceiiem, area.area t^ Con- n - 1’“.*’"''bring in their 'o claims,‘n« creditors within said to General Services Office, 41 was strengthening the organ! He sjild that the crews tire Manchester Town Clerk, EJd- needed to the monthly allocation limited kitchen privileges. Call mile view. Walk-out basement. had disappeared. Cash — some- spokesman emphasized; venlent t o . schools and shop- time allowed by publishing a copy Center Street zatlon. concen^rating their efforts on word ’Toonklel will be one of the method. 649-1847. ROCKVILLE, 8 Regan St., 4- of this orderM t in W% some n» _ _ news] sphper »_ .. * * SOUTH Windsor —* 6% room Built-in range. Only $22,900. thing more than $1,700—. was He estimated that no deci­ ping. Immediate occupancy. Town of Manchester, Critics have expressed fears -:aiA— ------:------f room, 2-bedroom, second floor, a pro- Ranch, one - third down- as Gail Green; 647-1673, Pasek Whoever you a rr^ a group taken. Food for the PanUters’ narrow streets, on d^gerous participants to a seminar to be. sions would be made'until at JAN 15TH Good buy at $23,900. Call Paul hate district within ten days from C onnect^t intersections, and to business that local conditions could cause new, apartment. Total electric, the date of this order and return sumes 5-^ per. cent mortgage. , Realtors. 289-7476. breakfast fot* poor children pro- least F'ebruary. W. Dougan Realtor, 649-4636. Robert Weiss, £lrc«is. conducted - Jan. .14, from 0:30 some draft bdards to reach'high Aportments*—Flats—- built-in oven range, refrigera­ make to this court of the notice Immediate occupancy.' Rec Iftevltably help to .build It up,” g^am had , been trampled and The lottery is to be applied for Xiven. he, said. "The Panthers actual- The spokesman said that his am. to noon. In tee Secretary up the list of lottery numbers OCCUPANCY g a r r is o n Colonial — All the Genejdl Manager room, double garage, $23,900. slung around the office.’ the- first time to the January Tenements 63 tor, disposal, basement laun­ JOHN J. WALLETT. Jud^e. __ T . 1. .. department Is receiving many established In a drawing here rooms are exceptionally large. ___ Z-I ___ Hayes Agency, 646-0131. ly have not been that Impor- of StaJX’s offloe at the State draft cull of 12,600, currently dry and Storage area- One BOLTON D ec.'1, while other boards slUl COZY- 4 rooms, first floor avail­ 4(4 room ToWn House apjirt- 24’ living room, 24’ bedroom, tant. But they are becoming the sear^and^the ,''°'"®°'^"®"® ®°"’ ‘ Capitol. being processed. child p'ermltted, no pets, $136. SOtrTH WINDSOR—Birch Hlh so now.” ' I ______. . .. f • plaining that the »now-pickup are tapping lower numbers. able, $120. monthly. Call 649- ment, 2 baths, air-condi­ etc. Formal dining room, fire­ Just listed, fh's Immacu­ The seminar will be a Pro­ The February call has been per month. Call James J. Ges- Raised Ranch, modem kitch­ Though hundreds of Pante- j, - ^ ® program is pushing snow onto Draft officials, the spokeainan 1919 between 5-7 p.m. tioning, stove, refrigerator, place, porch, garage. Beautlful- late 5^ roqm Ranch. Three gram of Orientation for those announced by the Pentagon as say, ,at 876-0134. en with bullt-ins forma] din- b“drooms, living room with ers have been arrested and se- ,,, , Ihelr sidewalks. He explained said, are taking this fear seri­ TWO-BEDROOM duplex In two- disposal, patio with sliding ■ ly 'landscaped yard. Custom p JU L& id sL ' Ing room, cathedral celling town clerks elected Nov. 4 to 19,000. glass doors. Beautiful, beau­ fireplace) dining room and yeral leaders have been killed word of the raid got around, that ,the pickup process Is not ously enough to be considering ■ family. Stove, garage, tiled 3V4 ROOM furnished apartment, built for present owner. $29,900. and fireplaces in living room their first term to office. tiful, beautiful. Call k’.tchen, wall to wall car­ In police shoot-outs, and the de- '^® Panther party perfect and that it must, of nec- ways of smoothing out such heat and. utilities, stove and K- Phllbrielt Agency, Realtors, Center St. & Thompson Rd., Mancheste. and family -ropm, ‘ two full 'The new town clerks 'will be bath, modem^nd quiet. $165. peting, basement garage mand for ball money has near- Bobby Seale attacked essity, leave some snow In the differences If they should occur. Industrial Fra|n*ance heated. Security. Norman Hoh- frigerator furnished. 742-8161. 646^00. baths, two-car g;arage, three- ly exhausted the party’s slim ^® ’’fascist FBI pigs” of its operation, told of their duties and respon­ At present, the Defense De­ Luxury Living As You'd Design-It plus large In the ground sibilities -with regard to tee ad­ enthal, Realtors, 646-1166. zone heat, woodfed lot. Phll­ coffers, the Indications are.that charged that the massive He said that. In addition to partment sdts a yearly quota of WASHINGTON (AP) — The 649-6651 649-2179 swimming pool. ‘’Terrific mission of electors, tee tosq>6c- One & Two-Bedroom Apartments brick Agency, Realtors. 646- serfes of arrests represented picking up snow,, lUs depurt- men to be drtifted, then Issues magic worked by a modem al- value at $26,600. the war will escalate. tlon o f voting machtoes and NOW Renting — Three and five ' 4200. > nothing more that) Richard M. oient Is busy sanding those ley monthly calls aimed at eventu- chemist called the Industrial Pixie bouts of yesteryear There are also indications that oteer matters relating to elec­ room large luxurious apart­ MANCHESTER — One-bed­ Free Heat and Hot Water Nixon’s operations of attempt- areas reported by the police ally filling teat quota. perfumer-k^ps American prod- form a colorful pair of Spe-ROOM Cape, located on U & R REALTY CO., INC. to tee' ghetto — which has never tions. Set the .style in this side- ments' with heat, etc. Charles room Garden type ajlartment. K*..- „ ™ii*. . . •* destroy the national and and by. town residents. "ITte monthly. Pentagon culls UL-ts smelling imd selling better felt boots for today’s lei­ ,^iivi nniR' twa acres of land. Ideal loca­ been a political tower of gf^jg sure moments . . . so cosy lijented fa sh ion with a Lesperance, 649-7620. Available now. Heat, and ap­ Rental Also Includes 643-2692 level . Black Panther Tomkiel Is executive vice are divided up among the states than hot dogs at tee World 8er* s o ft , flattering c o lla r ! INDUSTRIAL ZONE tion for pony or horse. Only strength to this administration leadership.” president of the Town Clerks’ and comfortable to wear; pliances included. $146 and All G -Ei KitchenK itf |E<^uipment — there is Uttle credibility to by the national Selective Serv- igg. 9. sa ea sy to make., No. You’ll find it'equally WE HAVE customers waiting $17,900. Paul W. Dougan. Real­ ROBERT D. MURDOCK. ■\ Sams' was turned over t^ the Association of Connecticut. ^ $150 per month. Paul W. Dou­ tee government’s cla^ teat'It Resigned Ice headquarters;' state direc- Besides |enllyening soap and piecesi Iiretty i,n a jirintor solid- for the rental of your apart­ Range with ^If-Cleaning Oven • Two-Door Refrig- tor, 649-4636. REALTOR FBI by Canadian authorities4 I on Alsi^ participating wll^l be color. No. 8137. with gan, Realtor, 649-45^ tors then further allocate the detergents, fragrance* add nd fplll directions for\ ment or homt. J.D. Real Es­ erator-Freezei^ e Disposal e Dishwasher • Two Air 643-6472 is ^ot part of the natldnal crack­ Aug. 7 and later, implicated William Jenivings Bryan re­ other officers of tee associa­ PHo-ro-cnfif; is in .New HEBRON — 6V4-room Ranch . down on Panther chapters. ctflls to each local boards whiffs of pleasure to floor wax- small,'medium apd large tate Aeeodatea, Inc.; 643-5129. 3',4 ROOM, downstairs apart­ FOR LEASE Seale in the New Haven murder signed as secretary of state on tion, Secretary of the ^^te sizes inclusive. Si'zes .'i8-.')0 (bust 42-.’'>4). Conditioning Units • Traverse Rods • Venetian Blinds on heavUy wooded lot, f u l l ______One of the damaging blows to At both levels, the allocution es, diapers, and lighter fluMs. Size 40. 44 bust . . . 314 ment, on bus line. Newly e Wall to Wall Carpeting throughout. Two bedroom case. FBI charges of helping to Juno 8, 1915, lifter di.sagree- Ella Grosso 'and members of her is proportional to the number of The perfumes and aromatic* basoment, rear porch, many t o LLAND Four - room ex­ tee government's case was a conceal a fugitive that A-ere ment with I’re.'ildcnl Wilson on staff. decorated with beat, hot -water Block and brick commercial builjSing. 3700-sq. ft., apartments include one and one-halif baths. extras Included in the sale men in 'each state's or local used to commercial goods far included. Single person pre­ pandable Cape. Breezeway, at- raid by FBI agents last July 4 placed against the Chicago Pan- I .illcy arising out of the tor- price. Fine residential area. board'.s draft pool —that Is, the exceed the quantity applied at all utilities including; 12 x 20 office, central loca­ Ample parking, individual basement storage, master tachedr garage. Large-lot on on Black Panther headquarters Ihej- lieadqu.'irters occupant.'; pi-doin'g I'f the liner Lu-sllanla. ferred, no pets. Security de­ T.J. Crockett. Reoltor,


- r .'1 ./ {• t

\\ V;,:V. \ '■ I.'" s ” • '■■■■ - - V"-V" SATIIRDAY, JANUARY 8, 1970 PAGE SIXTEEN liattrlfpHtk lEitpnttto Bfwalft A:'





A.-!-, *7

t. 7 7 BATH TOWELSW Hand Towel.. 57 ‘ Washclotb.. 27* Multi-color prints blended to enhance the decor of your bedroom. Thick 'n thirsty 100% cotton terrycloth. RIVER’ BROADLOOM NOW! RAYON-POLYESTER MUSLIN SHEETS AREA RUGS! O

BLANKETS REDUCED ‘A! \ / 1st Quality Your Choice! The ideal weight for great winter comfort! A dur­ Stock up now! These sheets are made of famous • 18x27 in. able blend of 55% rayon and 45% polyester , . . "Dan River" long staple combed cotton with 130 • 18x30 in. b'ound with 100% acetate satin . . . guaranteed threads per square inch. They're all heavy duty against moth damage. Choice of attractive high muslin, bleached snowy white to stay that way. shades of green, blue, Orange, pink, gold. 72x90 inch • Twin Fitted size fits twiu or full size beds perfectly. 81x108 inches 87 •PiowO.Q'Tc from high quolify corpet! Mill sample serged Fii Fitted . Cases £ A t ^ | • 72x108 broodloom with heavy double {ute and tricot 1 backing. ^ We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities While They Last inches


Compare at3.9S SAVE 1.54 'f 63”, 72" or 81” long Bright new beauty for your bedroOm. Save now! Choose chenille Velvety corduroy chenille comes in a poHerns ond multi-floral wide range of lovely colors. Lint-free prints with a permonent fin­ ish that's a dream to care viscos^ rayon tufting. Enriched with for! Just wash ond hong ENKA Skybloom rayon . . . 'for no-iron . . . no-ironing^ no stretch-, ing, i)p starching needed! core. Twin or full size. -

■ ■ 2 EXTRA-SPECIAL BUYS! ■ SCULPTURED AREA ST A R T EX HAND WOVEN RATTAN ' RUGS KITCHEN TERRIES PLACE MATS Comp, A ■ at 2.98 49cea. ^ ^ |r j f e 4 9 9 ® 'A FOR 1 m 1 w w COMPARE TO 2.98! BED PILLOWS L4^ge 24x42 inch site in new ottroc- Re{uUr 39c (a. First quality towels dry spark­ 100% buri-fibers in dimensiontil weaves with Super-special buy! Large 21*27 tivo designs, new decorator colors inch site in acrylic or acrylic and ling clean and lint free in half the time. I bound borders to prevent raveling. Oval Mochine wasKoble. non-slip back foarn with durable cotton tickings. Non-ollarganic, rMiliant, lioM- ow- design. ^ wDight. ing. ... 1 Manchester Parkade Open Sunday—Fridayl0A.M j-10P.M

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IHattrl??0ti?r nH'WT' C^W * c»«miB ifwaia JAN. rthru JAN. 9 JilattrlfrBtrr 1 y onOW S Enming Iperalit


1 I1 ..2 7 ' > th« decor 0% coHon

Bob Newh^, center, (is host to ‘A Last Laugh at the 60’s,” a George Schlatter, Godfrey Cambridge, Don Adams and Dick review of Sixties’ humor. Others on the panel are, from left, Benjamin. The show will be on Thursday hight 9 to 10 on ABC. LOOM A So-So TV Year-Except for That Moon Walk tUGS! By CYNTHIA LOWRY Qlen Campbell won popular broke into the elite group of hit and urban blight, drugs, youth, in the history of TV series: One racial problems and politics. NBJW v n n ir “ a mid-season re- shows, and a iB-year-oId west­ broadcast followed by abrupt o ♦ placement but a lot of entries ern, “Gunsmoke” which had dancelation. ' d^of a television year has it dlp{^red briefly and were mer- And then, of course, on the once been cancelod and re­ week-ends there was football, clfuUy forgotten—who remem/ prieved became one of the most Network censors cmtinued to golf, basketball, football, hock­ r Choice! A year when the greatest pro- about “My Friend popular programs along with ban mild expletives from early ey, baseball, football . . . gram, perhaps the greatest TV Queen and I” ? Bob Hope and “Bonanza.” Jim evening shows but there was ev­ 8x27 in. idence of increasing permissive­ A year, just ^bout like 1968, show of all time, came on a bui Cosby with a new NBC Nabors quit “Corner Pyle” but ness in language and, particu­ except for that moon wallr. 8x30 in. mid-summer night with 125-mil- comedy series finally proved kept his high Nielseu ratings in a variety show. larly, subject matter in the lat­ lion Americana and more mil- that Ed SulUvan on CBS was not er-evening programs. The news lions around the world watching unbeatable. The Smothers A comedy - variety hour, and actuality programs were as the first human took his first, Brothers defied the network es- “Tum-On” had the shortest run preoccupied with environmental Robert Culp ample ser9«d bounding footsteps eople still liked against Johnny Carson, the day, Jan. 23. TV’s movie broadcasts. champ and Merv Griffin, him­ Culp, star of the current hit Viewers did have some unu­ self a newcomer to the ^late filrn “Bob & Carol & Ted & sual treats. There was a Brit­ night sweepstakes. David Frost Alice,” cam am national and in­ ish-made documentary - that after a late season start became ternational prominence as star showed the royal ^family in in­ a force to contend with. of the three-year NBC-TV hit formal moments away from series, “I Spy.” He also starred “The Survivors” didn't sur­ for several seasons in the.West­ t o public gaze. There was live cov­ vive in spite of a soap opera sto­ erage of a splendid medieval ern adventure series “Track- ry and Lanh Turner, but the down.” ceremony in which the heir ap­ day-time soap operas spun on parent to the throne bcame and proliferated as the vogue Prince of Wales. ■for games and panel shows di­ minished. ' ‘ Adult viewers of educational MINI-MOTORS —now called “ ‘public”—televi­ SMALX. ENGINE, sion became hooked on a BBC SPECIALISTS adaptation of Galsworthy’S '.‘Forsyte Saga,” and were cha­ ELECTRONICS CHAIN SAWS grined to find but they had been watching soap opera in Victo­ ledroom. SHARPENED LABORATORIES nes in a rian dress. Aj children's Merles REPAIRED called “Sesa|ne Street” won Lint-free .such acclaim when it appeared 277 BROAD ted with We Are Not SaUsficd on the educational stations that r no-iron '. - . Until You Are! some of the commercial stations ' 649-8705 started showing it. STEREO An old-fashioned doctor ser­ 188R W, Middle Turnpike ' ies,' '“‘Marcus Welby, M.D.” TAPES ; FOR AHanfic Fueloil CARS Brandon Cruz in: a scene from *11ie Courtship of L. T. WOOD CO. TV-Radio Sales and'servloa Turn UMt from MiUn Sfc at Theater on to BlsaeU Elddie’s Father,” Wednesday 8-8:30 pan. on ABC.

)WS ,-p PAGE tH B E B MANCHEffUDEt EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1970 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1970^ PAGE TWO MONDAY JQ PROGRAM Steinberg TUESDAY JU PROGRAM PROGRAM Morning rt <0> t ,m (3) Olri Talk Eddie OoUin*. „ > Trath or Goaeeqaeaeoe (G> (8*) HaaUey - Brlakloy ^ (88) At Home wttk Kitty (S) - Honkeea - , Sparta aad Featare (C> (I*) AmericM B«wl 1:1 (S)"'Here’s taOT ’ „ <8) Trath or Ceaseqaeaees BowUbs (C) (88) Hastley-Brlnkley Report (84) Divorce Cesrt <0> (IS) Csadld Gamoi* 7:34 (M-88-S4) I Dream of J e a a i^ NEW YORK (NEA) — May- ' (49) All My CkildrcB (G> (8ri4) Mod Sqoad (C) (8) Get It To*ether (C) (8M8) News — Weatker u d (Monday — Friday) *(883*3*) Nhws — Weather — 1:34 (I) Ai tke World Taraz (C> (t^M) J»mbo (C) Snorit ' (44) AU My ChUdrea (0) trta sad Foataro (G) (13) Movie ' be the SmoUiers Brothers should (14-88-34) LUe with Liakletter 8:44 (8*-18-S4) Debbie Bcynolda l*:8« (S) BFD 7:88 3) Jackie Gleason ^C) 1:8* (8) As the World Taras (0) 7:8* (8*38-3*) My World aad Wol- (84-1334) LUe 'with Llaklettar ______(G) take a small leseon irom David (8-44) Lel’ e Make a Deal (C) Shew < 0 (8) TBA ^ (88-8M8) Andy Williams Shw I (8) Sanrbe Somoeter (3A8) Newlywt^ Game (C) I (8) Yonr Cemmnnlty tO> 8:4* (8) Love b a Maay S p lead*^ (8-«) ECAC Bnoketbnll (8) My Three Sons "Black Water Gold” Made- ( 88 ) Batman (8MM8) Adam 18 (8) Morning Beflectlsns (C> (8»«Ul4> Days of Oar UvM Laash-lB <0) “ The Mubw Scene" (wlucn real­ (848) Lawrence Welk Show 1 (83*) Tke Now People "Dlno” ’BT. Sal Mlneo. Brian I (3) Mayberry BFD S:M (8-44) Dating Game (G) Bradford DlUmon, Ricardo Kellli. „ (88-88-38) Movies _ . . __ (84-88-38) Today Show (O) }Oj (8*-88-M) ■ ovIos V berg Scene”) on ABC and bo "(3iambcr of Horrors” 4a (8-44) Dadag Game • (C) "Caiarlle Bubbles” ’68. Bngll^ S:M (3) He Bald, She S ^ (G> Montalban, France Nuyen. "Namu, the Killer Whale _66. 8:48 (8) Capt. Kangaroo (C) far the whole thing has be^ (8*-88-S4) Another World (0> • :** (8*-88-S«) First T a e ^ y (C) Lilli Palmer, Leslie Banka. Robert Lansing. John Ander­ (48) The FltaUtones , comedy3rama with Albert 3:4* (3) He Said, Ske Said (0) Finney, BlUle Whitelaw. Liza (8-44) General HozpMal (G) 1. An In-depth study of the 1:80 (8) Jonny Qnest U.8. nuclear-defeiue complex (84) Batman (O) 9:88 (3) PetUcoat JnncllM (C) 9:H (8) Hap Rickards Show (O) (834) Oeaeral Hospital (0) Minnelli. . (84-88-34) Br&hl Fromieo (G) Includes details about a $45,- 8:44 (8) TBA (348) HoDywood Palace (C) (8) The Movie Game. (C) S;SS (3) Gomer Fyto — U8MO (O) (83*) The Sarvlvere (O) (18) DeUa Beese (C) ”’i'he network has been good (8-M) One LUe to U ve (G> 000.000 fire at a factory that (88) Movie _ 18:88 (8) MaanU produces plutonium parts for ' "Lost Horizon” ’37. Fantasy. 18:88 (8) Movie ^ (88) David Froot Shew (0> (8-tS) Oae Life to Live (0) 1 (3) Deiiz Day Shew about what i can say,” he says. 4:44 (3) Banger Statton (O) I ”iBut 1 have a siratagein. i put weaternliaUon of Russian stu­ 8:88 (3) NFX P re-G rae Sfcow (C) Schneider, Jean-Loula Trintlg- (48) Leave It to Beaver (8-M) Love Amerleaa S M e (8) Mine Doaglas Saow (G> (8*38-34) Name Droppers (18) Tea O’ Cloek Beport TC) • In soiiieuung ouirageotat, wiudb (18) Sewing (G> dents Is surveyed. 3. Highlights 3:44 •(3) NFL Play-Off Bowl (C) 4:15 (3) Yogi Bear Show (3) M be Doaglashbow <0> of a contest held by filmmaker (8) Movie ^ gh t Monster” ’48. , 9:88. (8) Lacy Show (M) Dark Skadoan (46). Dark Skadeora (0) I (33-883*%) Newk — Weather I wouldn't say even if utey 4:14 (U) Underdog (C> . - Everett As vid and Jullh Eisenhower look- of famed magician Harry Ho^ Erickson. _ (IS) Tempo 18 (C) aad Sperto <0> let me, and cnen they take it 4:34 (3) Hnael (0> (88) FUm 4:84 (18) Sewbig (18) Bomper Boom (G) alikes for a' movie spoof. X dinl. Tony (^irtls. Janet Leigh. (44) Here Come The Stare (88) Nows . . (18) Movie out. But the tiungs T ready People aref pouring into QuU., (84) Film (48) Tlmmle and Lassie 4:3* (I) Hazel (G) (84) My U tile Margie I (8-M-88) News — Weather u d (13) Bomper Boom <«* Morv*Orillta Show hut not all are welcome. 6. A (88) Movie Sports , 11:3* want to say they leave alone.” plea for continued corporal "Son.>i of the Desert’ 34. (84-18-88) It Takes Two (C) (8*) My LltUe M a ^ (8*-833*) Tealght Shew Jolm- (34-M) FllBtotoaes (G) Comedy with Stan Laurel, (88) FDm ^ ^ , (88) MUce Doaglas Shew (G) ay Carsea <0) 5 :N (3) Ferry Mason punishment in Engliah achoola ) (8) Saturday Spectaejdar (8) David Frost Shew <0> What he wants, in the future, (18) Della Beese (C> Oliver Hardy. 18:85 (88-8848) News ' (3*-4*) FUatotaaes (G> (8-4*) DIek Oavett Shaw (11) Dcaalt the Meaaee ”A Hatful of RaW’ ’67. ^ a 5:H (3) Ferry Maoaa (84) Big Flotore 1:1 (I) Movie . . _ . is to have creative concrol over 11:88 (88 88-38) Sale et Century (C> (18) Deaab the Meaaee "The Confession of Ina K a^ (34) Maneters ' 1*:(* (3) 4* Mlnatoi (C) (84) Skippy Leslie Uggams is a ny Francioea. „ ^ (8*) FUm his shows, whenever, wherever, (M) OllUgmi’a Izlaad the fiftn, “Red Moun­ (8-M) Sfareas Welby, M-D. (44) Movie "Rogue River” '50. Western 11:85 (48) News (C> ■64. Elizabeth MueUer, Curt <3*> Maasters Rosemary Prinz stars Jurgens. whatever. 5:86 (M) Weather tain,” Wednesday 9- (18) Newe ••Sherlock Holmes^ Pursuit to Sfuest on NBC’s “ H ie with Rory Calhoun. Peter 11:38 (3) Love of Life (C> (4*) GUllgaa’o blaad 11:M (S-M8-S4-M) Newe — Weather • Algiers ” ’OS. Basil Rathbone. (8438-88) Hollywood Squares (8) Nowscepo 5:84 (8) S ^ p the Stan (O) 5:8* (8) Stamp the Stars (C) in the • new daytime (S*> Nows aad H p (13) iM v e It to Beaver 11 p.m. on ABC. Sports aad Featare (C) 4:88 (88) TBA Andy Williams Show” CiaM)^ College Basketball <18) Leave It to Beaver serial, “All My Chil­ (4*) News HoadUam — P S j^ (84) FUm today 7:30-8:30 p.m. 13:84 (8) Twelve O’Cleck Report Bellgbas Film sad Sba Off what I want, O.K., I’U be a (34) ODltgaa’i lelaad (84) Sea Haat 5:88 (8-18) Wide World of Sports (88) Movie , . _ (M) ^ S lb a a ’s Izlaad . (I) Newt aad Weather— Mo­ (M) Tratk or Goaeoqaeaees 11:34 (3) Merv Oriffla » o w (C) (88) Film - •Tight LltUo Island’’ ’« Come, (84-88-34) Jeopardy (G> dren,” starting Mon­ 8:6* star,” he says, "tmt that’s not (8*> FDm (84-18-S*) Tealght Show M a ­ dy with Basil Radford, Cath­ (8-44) Bewitched (O) (4*) Trath ar GeaseqaeBees ment of Meditation and Sign-. 6:44 (M) Weather — Spprto » d Brinkley (88) Schools Match Wits (C) Profile day 1 -1:30 p.m. on Newt „ _ -<®> (88-3*) HaaUey ny Careoa •:** (33) Weaihqr — Sperte Md on the goal. Maybe it once was. < G ) (8-M) Dick Cavett (C) 8:88 (8) News with ••Singapore’^ ’47. Adventure 18:84 (8) Search far Tomorrew (0> News _ with Fred MacMurray. (84-88-34) Wh^, What or Where (18) My Favorite MarUaa ••Rawhide” ’61 Western with port (8-44) That Otri (C) <8*) Bat Mas to rose have my own TV show — all (88) HIghllghte (88) FOm «) News — Weather and 18:1 » (88) Spetlight • <0) (34) McHale’ a Navy '"** ‘’^erythSag I Have la Youra’’ 'Tyrone Power. (88) TBA 18:55 (84-834) News (C) (88) HlgUlghto TV film ot a World War n SIS {5?’ N*S‘w’;“ titk waiter Grw. la. a ' amaah aucceaa — unUl Bellgloao Film sad Sign Off *:l& (4*) BawUde ____ •;45 (84) Local Newt goal Is to get into film, which 1 Pam ela leam a that aho la to 8:M (3) News aad Weather — M o­ 7 :t t (8) After Dtaaer Moyl* , bomber that crash lands In kite 1*^' become a moUier. Msrgf • :3* (3) Nows ortth Walter Crea- (8) News wUh Fraak B ct- ment et-MeditaUoa aad Sign kite (C> ■•'DrumB Along the Mohawk desert, with Richard Baaehart love.” and Gower Champion. W) ’89. Portrayal of 18Ui - century * . aelds on (8) News with Fraak (18) Dick Vaa Dyke (8*) HaaUey - Brlakley Be- Educational Bsids (C).. life In New York’s Mohawk and Vince Edward*, »-ll p.m. He'a a Canadian boy. He says (18) DIek Vaa Dyke VaUey. Claudlne CMbert, Hen­ on CBS. PROGRAM (8*> FUm ry FVmda, Edna May Oliver, .. where he grew up — Winnipeg TV —“the folks used to go to k'ar- (88) Nesrs — Weatker ^ go, N.D., for exettemenf..’’ WEDNESDAY JO PROGRAM (80) Agrlcnltnre on Faradp- Spurta (WEDH, Channel 2 4 ) (30) This Is ‘ •*®.“ ** „ T46) I Sdt 1*:M (8) HawaiiUmwtoll IMvBtoAF lv e ^ 0 (8) Sign On and Prayer 7:30 (8) To Borne wl^ (84 8834) Wonderful World M 1:1 (3) Girl Talk <®> (84-88-34) Project 8* (®) (8) The ChrUtophem BREATHTAKING COLOR TV (84) Film ■The West of Charter Rus- (8) Salnta for ChUdrea iC} Disney ...... "Yelldwstone Cubs’ 63. Oome- ■ Sanday, Jaaaanr < (88) At Home with Kitty (C) 86ll" (80) Heckle FM viewing is yours with this per­ Lee Lived (34) Divorce Conrt (L) (18) Tea ©’ Clock Beport (C) (C) 6:44 AaUquea vn TV RECEPTICK^ SIMULATED sonal size 102 sq. in. screen por­ (8) TBA 1*:3* (18) Tempo 18 " (C)- !l! £ire"y‘ - 5 6:34 Fnach Chef (M) All My ChUdrea 1*:45 (8-M) TBA _ (8) Awake (C) table. 3-stage I.F. amplifier en­ (S-8-88d»-M) Nows — Wonthor (C) ' Hot Turkey Ballottlne To See His 1-34 (Si As tke World Tam e (G> 11 :M (88) Oral Boberls 7:44 Conaecticat Iiine - •** ( M - 8 ^ ) LUe vrith asd Sports <®> (44) BlWe Story 8:44 Black Jontaal sures sharper pictures . . . more (8-M) Let’s Make a Deal W (18) Movie 8:45 <0) G ary Ow ens 9:40 (8) W orld Around Us 4:44 F o r ^ e Saga pleasing sound. Has Sylvania’s WiQ Enjoyed 8:M (3) Love Is a MtUiy Spleadorod (84) Sea Hnnt (8) Faith lor Totoy (C) Conflict Thing .'t'' 11:3* (3) M erv Oriflia Show 9:15 (44) Sacred Heart ^ 6:00 FUm went over to IJberace’s house 8:34 (8) Oaldlag Light '66. Yvonne Mitchell. Sylvia (40) This Is the Life happened,” said Gary Owens. Cold Turkey Galantine pact plastic. (84-88-34) Aaother Wortd (C) Syma. Anthony Quayle. (8) Sacred Heart “We were canceled.” 8:44 World Frees on (C) in’’—not “Laugh-In” of course. 14:84 •(3) Look Up and Uvo P inoetry (8) Mike Doaglas Show (C). (8) This Is the Life (C) He thinks “ Letters” was suc­ 7:44 Techaology lor. Tomorrow Pittsburgh. One night, he slept (18) Sewing (34) Church Service cessful but fell victim to the 7:34 Inglro Paras Todos In lus iiressing room. ’There (M) Dark Shadows Catholic 8:44 ConaecUcBl Iitne 4:14 (18) Underdog (C) (44) Christophers crossfire ■‘betwzen NBC and 9:44 NET Festival Noel Harrison appears He’s still the busiest man alive. 6:34 What’s New tecrachioriide. 244 b r o a d s t r e e t (8) Perception JJ;' He Is (a) probably the most 7:44 Labor Taraover Mer Jr. is the guest, 1-1:30 on Sam Riddle is the host (BeMnd Dairy Queen) on CBS” “Mission Imr 7:3* Sex Edaeattea As Lee slept, he inhaled the (8.44) Discovery successful disc jockey in Los NBC . . . "The Glen Campbell on ABC’s new rock 6 4 0 - 4 ^ (88) Championship Bowling possible” Sunday 10-11 8:0* Foarth Estate deadly fumes. He would have 11:45 (SO) Jewish LHo <«> Angeles, and he just signed a 8 3* Book Beal Show,” Walter Brennan Is the show, “Get It To­ SpMdallztag In 9:** News la PerspecMvo (C) died, except someone woke him 18:40 (8) We Believe (O p.m. new three-year contract “for a guest, 9-10 p.m. on CBS. gether,” Saturdays 12- Front Ektd Geometry (8) Opinionated Man 19:99 NET Festival , Carolyn Jones. monies; and (g) a husband and 6:34 What’s New „ „ „ desperately set about putting Alive and Well,” the comedian (40) Conversations with . . . 7:44 Fl'i-’lng the Galtar w. F. Nead (8*) FUm .> ■ , . (49) Alfred Hitchcock father. i hiS affairs in order. He thought at the University of Alabama, (3*) OUllsan’s Izlaad Authorized! Dealer t;S0 (8-44) Issues and Answers (C) 6:90 (44) 18 O’ clock Higk 7:3* Bridge with Jean Cox 6••ft To Save Toniorrow 9 p.m. on Channel 24. ' (M) Trath or Coaieqaeaee* (80) Film , 7:44 (3) Lassie , <0) he was going to die, so he wrote 6:*0 (3.8) Weather — Sporto M d (88) Movie , , „ (8) Land of tke Olaats <0) It’S a good life, for a kid from 8:Sft Crfuitive Per»«B ^ Make a Difference Where You Save! "Love In the Afternoon 57. (8034) wad Kingdom (G> South Dakota. It may even be 9*ftft NRT PUjrhfMis* (C) IT DOES a will. TUESDAY: Black Water N«W! Aubrey Hepburn. Gary Coo­ 16:36 Prospect! for tke 'Ik’s (18) Mv Favorite Martian Gold,” TV film on h^mt for . / (8*) Father Nadolny per. a ’’gooder” life. ’They want him “I still had three-quarters of sunken treasure, with Kelr Del- 0 (88) HlxMlghtz <0> (84) Movie , . to do a pilot film with him play­ a million left,” he said, "and I (3*) McHale’s Navy "Eagle Squadron” 42. Robert INSTANT lea' and Bradford DUlman 8:30- Stack. Diana Barrymore. ing a Harold Lloyd figure who decided to spend It. It was dif­ (M) Newe 10 p.m. on ABC . . . “ First Tues­ 6:*5 (M) Rawhide ___ 8:40 (8) Film _ <®.'. keeps getting Into trouble. Stars Named 6:36 (3) News with Walter Cron- "While I Run This Race EARNINGS ficult to spend that ipuch from day,” .segments on the nuclear Charlton Heston narrates this SAVINGS a hospital bed, but' li didn’t kitft documentary. After y^ears of rtsual anonym­ For C'^S Dramp community a i^ a David and (8) News with Frank Bc^- ity, ”Laugh-In’’’^ s m ^e him LOAN! 5% Dividend paid want to take It with me.” Julie Eisenhower look-alike con­ noldi _ , dy-drama about a family of (18) Dick Van Dyke black bears in Yellowstone Na­ famous. Uta Hagen and Martin Bal­ \ s s () i I \ r I () s test, 9-11 p.m. on NBC ... “60 (84) New Horizonz from day of deposit., He bought cars and cloithlng (88-34) Huntley - Brinkley Be- tional Park. h sam, two of the most distin­ Minutes,” Interview with Eld- (3) Ed Sullivan Show vey when yon build or mod- (80-88-30) Bonanza Retiigemtlon and (Mi** Hagen). To friends and . Arkansas In quiz show, 6:30 - 9:M (3) Medical Center (C> 11:15(40) Movie ^ ^ “ My World amd Wel<»me to it,” ~ THURSDAY: “NET Play­ (8*-8M4) Mazic Hall ahead, but Lisa is gradually of her notion* about herself and ■%e Irtai Curtain” Story Prey,” Sunday 9-11 her relaUonfhip* with other*. ■of the activities of Soviet mtes narrowing the gap. opera^^ng In Canada. Dana p.m. on ABC. • y


/ THURSDAY PROGRAM lit (S) airi Tmlk port (C) (M) Film (8) Troth or Conseqoeaoes (C) (U) At Home wUk Kitty (O) (IS) Candid Camera (18) Movie (3) Love b a Maay Spleadered 8:80 (3) Jbn Nabors Boar (G) Talnc (0) Gunts; Bmle Ford and Julie (38-33.88) Days of Oar Uvea Budd. - (8 ^ 1 Newlywed Oame Another World (C) Suspense drama with supei^ (8-t8> General Hospital (O natural overtones. Troy Dona- (3) Gomer Pyle — VSHC (C> hue. Joey Heatherton, B airy (38-3^38> Drfaht Promise Sullivan. (8-48) One LUe to Uve (O) ( ^ ) Bob Newhart (C) (3) Hanyer Station (0 ) Bob focuses on comedy of the (38-33-38) Name Drapers (O) Sixties. (8) Mike Dooflas now (o» (18) DelU Beese (G) (18) Vaderdog (0 ) 9:38 (3833-38) Dragnet (C) . (48) Dark ShadOsrs 18:88 (3833-38) Dean Marila Show (0) 4:38 (3) Haael (0) Guests: Petula (Tlark, Peter (18) Bomper Boom < G > Graves, Gale Gordon and Don (38 )My UMle Blargle Rice m . (33) Mili« Doaglas Show (8-48) ABC News Special (C) (38A8) jniatotoaes Review of 1969 and preview of 5:88 (3) Perry Mason the Seventlea (18) Deanls the Menace (18) Tea O’Cleok Beport (C) (38) This b tke LUe 18:38 (18) Tempo 18 (C) (38) Mansters Morty Gunty on ABC’s 11:88 (34-334848) News —Weather (48) GUllgaa’s blaad “That Girl” Thursday and eports (C) 5:35 (48) Weather (13) Mevle 5:38 (8) Hamp tke Sters (C> 8-8:80 p.m. (38) The DetecUves ' (18) Leave It U Beaver 11:38 (3) Merv Grlflla Shew (G> (38) G8 Navy PHm J - (383348) Tonight Show deha- (38) Gnilgaa's blaad kite ay Carson (G) (48) Trath or Coasedaeaces (8) Nesra srith Frank Bey- (8-48) Joey Bishop Shew (C> 8:8 (34) Weather — Sperb aad aalda W) 1:M (3) Movie News (C) (18) Dlok Taa Dyke "Stopover: Tokyo" '67. R ob­ (18) My Favorite Martba (38) Oaaadlaa Trrnvd FBm ert WaaDer. (38) ^ h w a y Patrol (3348) HanUey ■ BiiaUey Be- (3) Newscope (33) Hlghlbhta (C) pert (G> (38) Nesrs aad Sign Off (38) MeHsJe’a Navy 8:45 (38) Local Nesra (48) News Headllaes — IJ8AF (48) Nesra 7:88 (3) Cesar's Werld (C> BeUgieas Film and Sign Off 6:85 (48) Bawhide "Singapore: Croaaroads of the 3:55 (3) News aad Weather — Mo­ 8:35 (33) Ski Time w. BolUe daeeba Orient^’ ment ^ Meditation and Sign 8:38 (3) News srith Walter Crea- (38) HaaUey . IBrlakley Be- Oft FRIDAY JU PROGRAM 1:8 (3) Glri , Talk IC) (334848) News — Wealker — Vince Edwards, William Shatner and Richard (38) Fibn Sperb aad Feataree ( 0> Basehart in the film, "Sole Survivor,” Friday 9-11 (33) At Itome with KiUjr (G) 8:18 (i) Get Smart (G> (38) Dbarae Caart (0) (3813-38) High Gkapanal 8:88 (3) Good Oiqro (3) Aa the World Tanu (G) (848) Brady Baneh (3823-38) LUe with LlakleMer (3) Hogaa’o Heroes 10) (848) Let’* Make s Deal (C> (383348) Name of the Game (8) l«ve b a Maajr gpleaderad (8-40) Mr. Deed* Ooeo to Thbg (G> Tatra (G) (383348) Daya af Oar Uvea t:M (3) Movie Dick Cavett; 18-48) Newlywed Game (G) "Sole Survivor" Fainasy-dra' (8) OaMpig I^ht (G) ma made-foi'-TV. Vinca Ed­ The Dectera (C) wards, Richard Basehart, Wil­ Oame IG) liam Shatner. Vacation Over . She Said Hoapltal -(8-40) Jimmy Daraate Pres­ (3822-38) Bright Promlie (C) ente the Lennon SIslers (0) NEW YORK — (NEA) — It you'll find him. (8-48) Oae Ufe te Uve (G> (lu/ Ten O'clock Beport (C> was five minutes after the ap­ 10:30 (IS) Tempo 18 (C> Diiok, the pet of many critics 11:00 (34-334840) News — Weather pointed time for the interview for his warmth, intelligence and and Sports (C) when the front door to Dick which is not carrying his (18) Movie genuine wit, was a cinch to re­ (30) Blpcord Oavett’s office openetl, > be i>ok- turn to TV aftee the succiess of show, and where he is ex­ 11:30 (3) Movie ed his head in and Bald, "Is tremely popular, is-B ost^ "Rebel without a Chuise” '56. his summer on thie net­ James Dean. Natalie Wood. she here yet?” work. It Just wasn’t expected Someone took a poll m Bos­ "The Fat Man” ’61. J. Scott He entered, removed his,, cap that he wo^d return so quick­ ton, during the afternoon mov­ Smart. Julie London. (3833-30) Johnny CarsoD (0) and coat and said, "I kept you ly. But then Joey Bishop got ies, and asked viewers to vote (840) Dick Cavett (0) waiting deliberately. Just to im­ on Dick vs. movies for viewing. 1:00 (8) With This Bing Checkmated or something, and (30) Movie press you.” Dick was back. Movies won 2-1. Arthur Treacher is the "Gunfighter" '47. Randolph Then he crossed his office “ But to get a third of the right-hand man on Scott. He was touring Europe with (40) News Hesdlbes — USAF which, like Dick, is small and his beautiful wife, Carrie, when votes from a movie audience CBS’ 'The Merv Grif­ Religions Film and Sign Off neat and sat down at his desk. he got the word. was miraculous,” he says. fin Show” weekdays “ It’s like asking the audience He i^ s n ’t look like the kind “I had figured I would prob­ 11:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. of t^evision Uger ABC would at the opera if they wou’d Our SPEEDY Specialty ably he on in the spring. That rather hear an opera or a rock a^d out itx> do batitle with John­ was how the dickering went TRULY DELiaOUS ny Oarson and Merv Griffin, but concert and having a third of 4:00 (3) Ranger Station (G) when I left for the trip. Then them vote for the rock concert.” (30-32-M) Name Droppers (G) when we got to London there C M he Donglas Snow (G) CHICKEN Strangely, to Dick, he was (18) Sewlag were messages fOr me to call. (40) Dark Shadows recognized in Europe (Ehig- Brown in 6 Minutes •It seemed very remote and un­ 4:10 (18) Underdog (G) land particularly, where he only 4:30 ( ) Hiuei (G) The world’s “fliieat eatUi’ real over there, and we had six (18) Hamper Boom (G> recalls being on Tom Jones’ chicken” with InoompatBble days to go on the vacation. It (30) My Lillie Msrglo T shows). ^ (33) Mike Doagbt Kow (11) taste. didn’t seem they would make (W 40) Fibtetones (n) “ We were in Po~'tano, Italy that much difiference, so didn’t 5:00 (3) Perry Mnson ” CALL, IN ORDER on a twisted mountain road and (18) Dennis the Menace cut the trip short.” (30) Theatre 30 Pick tip 10 Minutes Later a native nearly fainted when (M) Monsters ELECTRONICS His trip to Europe was a' va­ she saw me. She had vacation­ (40) GOIIgan’s bland cation. “ I really h a ^ ’t been 5:35 ( 40) Weather DEGI’S DRIVE-IN ed here fd* two weeks last sum­ 5:30 (8) Stump tke Stars (G) LABORATORIES anywhere before, except to Lcai- mer and » w me on TV. Posi- (18 Leave It to Beaver 462 CENTER ST.—^ -2 6 0 0 don, which I love. Then I ght (30) GUIIgaa’s Island show." (30) Boston Blackle 277 BROAD to IMria and realized it’s foolish (6*) Tmlh or Conscqneaces to commit one’s heart so quick-, 6 00 (3-i(: Henther —Sports aad News (C) ly to Just one city.” GREETER (18) My Favorite Martiaa SHOP and Returning through custonis When Bruce Bassett, NBC <20) Sporta M ow (22) lUthlichU (C) SAVE FsMs AND AJI. was embarrassing, he says. producer based In New York, (SO) McHale*s Navy arrived on a jungle set in Trini­ (49) Newa ^ WHERE “Carrie didn’t buy clothes and (:05 (40) J^whlde ./ I did. That was a problem. So dad where he was filming 1:16 (20) Hlfhway Patrol icitewin SEE CAN was the.,fact that we really “ Dream on Monkey Mountain” <**> SU Time w. BoDle Jaeota '=S® <*> News with Walter O w T THIS bought so little. They (xnildii't for NBC Experiment in Televi­ kite /Fj) believe we had been away for sion,” he was greeted by. a 20- (8) )(ewB with Frank Bey- SION STEREO nolds „ (4, six .weeks and had so few pur­ f(X)t boa, constrictor. Bassett did (1H« a ck Van Dyke not wait aroimd to discover (33-38) HanUey . Brinkley chases.” “ po.. PLEN’S ’TEXACO RADIOS The only problem in Dick’s, whether the snake was seeking >:46' (38) Local News 881 MAIN ST. life now is one which existed an audition. i t t (3) Death Vnlby Days ______- (38) Hantley” "■ BrlaU^ TVBadIo Sales and Service. in Joey Bishop’s life—staition GORMAN BROS. clearances. The major area AT HARVARD ' (!i)''c25«d 770 MAIN St. Peter Haskell, who plays pro- ducer Kevin Grant on NBC’s ;------SPEtlAL! KITCHEN CARPET, WALL-TO-WALL "Bracken’s World,’* entered 1 1 4 8 * ■ IBh , tea RUBBER BACKED CARPETING |«.M per sq. yd. installed Harvard University in 19(» but A I f OII wvILlBltei VCNVQO RESIDENTIAL — COMMERCIAL CARPETING did not graduate until 1962. The 1 1 # . SPEOIAUBTS IN reason: he kept dropping out to llilii 1 ^ WHEEL ALIGNMENT AND u t DAIGLE CARPET COVERING, INC, see Uie country and the worid. |li BRAKE SERVICE A L I G M I N I 10 SPENCER COURT — 28»-iS48 — EAST HARTFORD Peter finally CTaduated cum jiHii “ GENERAL AUTO REPAIR laude In EnglWf literature. •4D-4B81—18 MAIN MANCHESTER

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