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At Church's 132D the Administrative Principal Neuberger Was Feature Speakei to Dedicate the Board Awarded a Contract Beers, New Shrewsbury; Mrs

At Church's 132D the Administrative Principal Neuberger Was Feature Speakei to Dedicate the Board Awarded a Contract Beers, New Shrewsbury; Mrs

Weather Diftr&atioo 7 uo. , «!* thigh • » book **. L.w to- 7 Red Bank Arm 25,375 •fcbt «bo« H. Chance «| early BMmlBf chower* Sunday. 8M Copyright-The Red Bank Register, Inc., 1965. DIAL 7H-0010 MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS

VOL. 87 NO 227 thtomh riidij. «««m4 CUM FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1965 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE it K»4 BIIX mn4t JUMllooil H*UlB» How Do We Now Get Out? • By WILLIAM L. RYAN American forces left suddenly troist elements to plunge the "Uncle Sam, what now?" a of the extreme left to seize a Perhaps, one h^ars, U.S. sup- may have averted a civil war AP Special Correspondent now. nation into turmoil should the young lawyer asked me in San- constitutionalist revolt. port for the rebels when they here and another Cuba. Some opportunity present itself. Few staged their coup April 24 might worry whether it might have SANTO DOMINGO, Domin- It may be a long time before tiago, the nation's second capi- All this may have been a cal- doubt that arms are being have averted the leftist infiltra- started a new Viet Nam. Ali lean Republic (AP) — U.S. all of the 21,000 or so U.S..per- tal, whose middle class is cow- culated risk which weighed the smuggled regularly into the tion, once arms wen passed out that is lacking, some say, is a forces occupied Santo Domingo sonnel can leave. They are all in ering in dread of what may hap- probable adverse impact In Lat- northern provinces, among thousands of civilians. guerrilla movement. with stunning speed and. effi- Santo Domingo or at the nearby pen there should the Yankees in America and the rest of the San Isidro Air Base. But their leave. Military intervention probably ciency. Getting out will be a One factor which may yet world against U.S. interest in Thus, it is argued, at least presence seems enough to dis- was the only answer in a situa- much bigger problem. save the Dominican Republic is averting at any costs another some U.S. forces may have to courage any attempt at a full- Cite Revolt tion critically important to the that, as of now, there is no out- Cuba in the Western Hemi- remain in Santo Domingo for a 'A consensus of informed per- blown revolution. The question is on many lips U.S. sphere of influence. »ons, interviewed during an ex- standing leader on the extreme In tormented Santo Domingo. sphere. long time, with all that means tended tour of the country out- Into Turmoil left who is able to capture the The. intervention of American The question whether such Virtually overnight the U.S. in impact on the rest of Latin fide the armed camp which is Around the country it seems imagination and loyalty of the forces may have prevented a massive intervention was neces- military built up a force on this America and the image of Uncle the capital, is that the Domin- evident that there are sufficient' restless young men who are bloodbath. It may* even have sary now is academic. It has island rivaling that now in- Sam reverting to the days of fCMr Republic would explode if Communist-leaning and Cas- thirsting for radical change. . averted an attempt by elements happened. volved in South Viet Nam. It half a century ago. ge Supports Clerks Ballot Positioning FREEHOLD — Regular organ- for state Senate, attacked the "in." It all grows out of the new and Thomas Muccifori, organiza- Honmouth (or Ocean) county,— Izttton Democrats in both Mon< clerks' decisions to line up the1 Senate reapportionment law tion choice in Ocean. had indicated a desire to run to- mouth and Ocean Counties held governor with organization candi. which puts Monmouth and Ocean Fearful that this would give Mr. ;ether. on successfully yesterday to the dates and put all other Democratic together in the tenth Senate Muccifori »n advantage, particul- This was so, the defendants ar- CMitails of Gov. Richard J. aspirants in another column. district. arly in more populous Monmouth, gued, even though the slogan Hughes in,a court test of primary Judge Simmill had little trou- Each party may nominate only the Braun faction sought a legal 'Regular Democratic Organiza- •lection ballot positions; ble disposing of me main argu- one candidate from each county, remedy. His concern was that tion" filed by Mr. Braun and his Judge Elvin R. Simmill ruled ment but hours were spent on the though to get the nomination all even though neither Muccifori nor running mates also had been positioning was discretionary with legitimacy of slogans candidates candidates nave to run at large Braun could represent them, Mon- filed by Gov. Hughes. Cbttnty Clerk J. Russell Woolley employ to identify themselves. in the district, that is both coun- mouth voters could decide y "There is no question," Judge in Monmouth and Edward R. He finally threw out some and left ties. will represent Ocean. Simmill decided, "that the 'party' Blrdge in Ocean and that good others with some amusing results. Governor's Request But during the court arguments, candidates wanted to be grouped judgment had been used. For Monmouth County the ar- Gov. Hughes had requested that it was shown that more or less together. . .that Gov. Hughes An insurgent Ocean County gument has little' effect, but in his name be on the same -line in accord with law, the governor wanted to be grouped with them Croup, led by Julius Braun, Lake- Ocean a favorable court order with John J. Reilly, unopposed and the organization candidates- and with Muccifori and Reilly DOMINICAN PEACE APPEARS STALLED — Santo Domingo Rebel Leader Col. Fran, wood attorney who is a candidate might have.helped the ''outs" get Senate aspirant in Monmouth, called the Democratic Party of "Though every 'I' is not dotted cisco Caamano Deno, left, walks along street in rebel-held lector of the Dominican or every T is not crossed, the acts of the county clerks took into capital with a guard at hit side as peaca negotiations in the strife-torn country ap- consideration these desires, even peared stalled. Reports held that rebels did not send an emissary to meet with repre- if inarticulately expressed." sentatives of the military-civilian junta. In center is Associated Press Correspondent The judge agreed with the in- Robert Berrellei. UPWirephoto) Wilson CourlBattle Loomssurgents that the slogans "thi Democratic party of. ."wa: FREEHOLD — The Lucy, Wil- Jersey Supreme Court opinion, as no conflict had occurred. And a jury, hearing the case on ap- ion — Long Branch Housing Au- the judge said courts have been even U there *4s a conflict, he peal from the condemnation com- an attempt to delude voters into thority five-year old court war cautioned to grant summary judg- added,, "it does not mean that mission award, increased the sum Die belief that these candidaes On the Same Night will go full blast in the week of ments sparingly. she is not entitled to fair value to $144,000 Mrs. Wilson attempted had official backing. June 7, Superior Court Judge Her- "Plaintiff s claims," he said, tor her property." to use her influence in council But so, he said, did the slogan bflrt Hbm.tnnounced yesterday. "perhaps are quite thin or maybe to have the authority pay off "Regular Democratic Organiza- Edward F. Juska, special coun- tion" used by Mr. Braun. On that day. » struck — or non-existent." But he concluded and not appeal further. sel to the Housing Authority, said 'Some Shenanigans' spteMry (elected -Jury will be that under the circumstances, it the magnitude of the profit should The attorney cited testimony "Obviously, some ihenanigarji Dumoiit, Sandman chotett for .retrial of an appeal would be best for all concerned be 'closely scrutinized and the by Councilman SsmueKMark* In rttpm t $114,000 award a eon- to take it to trial.' Judge replied: depositions. went on down there in Ocean detanatian commission had award- The boat yard wai purchased In "It had done a gross annual 'Certain Favors' County," he observed, "though ed to the Long Branch council- 1944 for $8,000, so that the con business of $132,000 and the con "Wh»( idamage resulted?" the only know, what I read in the woman and her hustond, Harry, demnation award under fire rep- demnation commission .awarded judge jilted. "Let's not be naive newspapers and that isn't too (or a Shrewsbury: Rivef boat- resented an apparent $132,000 her that sum. She was not an ofr enough to ignore the facts that much." J© Battle in County works. ' '••• ••-. . profit. fical at the time and had no more members of councils get certain He then ruled that in Ocean By WILLIAM HENDERSON The previous day, Friday, May belStones will cost $5 a person. The On conclusion of that case, the Fair Value to do with the commission's ac- favors and considerations extend- County all candidates with the MIDDLETOWN — Sens. Wayne !1, Dumont will attend a cocktail primary candidate will be intro- Judge said, another jury will be Judge Horn said he saw nothing tion you had." ed to them." "party" label would lose the la- Dumont, Jr., and Charles W. jarty in Little Silver and then duced by Mrs. Alice Maxwell, 154 drawn to hear the to-called con- wrong with such a profit as long Mr. Juska said that on the day (See WILSON, Page 2) (See JUDGE, Page 2) flict, of interest suit. Sandman, Jr., tough rivals in the »o to the River House, Rumson, Conover La., Middletown. This I« an action brought by Republican primary for governor, for a dinner supported by the The Sandman address will be Fred R. Marra, a city resident, will climax their hectic cam- Rumson Republican Club.. broadcast over two local radio la which the Housing Authority paigns in Monmouth County—and The SandmaWdinner in the Cob- stations, says Mayor Shebell. his Joined to withhold any bene- Wants Rt. 35 Widened Now on the same night. fit* from Mrs. Wilson for three Dumont will speak at a joint properties the authority seized in FREEHOLD — "Nobody's go-of deaths in recent years, has-|_Mr. jtoll reported that Dwight repeatedly has urged the County rally in Matawan Regional High its riverfront housing develop- ing to shut me tip," Elmer J. been the target of strenuous ef- R, G. Palmer, state highway cam- Board of Freeholders and stat School on Wednesday, May 26, ment. Noll, chairman of the Monmouth forts by committee members to missioner, has said that widening legislators to push the State High sponsored by the Matawan and CornpromiseSeen Dismissal Denied County Traffic Safety Committee, get the State Highway Depart- of the Rt. 35 strip must wait way Department on the issue. Matawan Township Republican Judge Horn denied the bid of declared yesterday. ment to widen the strip and re- until after the proposed east- Jack Smiley, committee secre- Clubs. Ralph S. Heuser, Matawan, at He was discussing the proposed move the danger. west freeway has been construct- tary, reported1 that freeholders At the same time, a little more ed. The commissioner feels, Mr. and legislators have promised to than an arm's length away, Sand- On Reserve Plan torney, for the Wilsons, to sum- widening of Rt. 35 between the Police of Eatontown, Ocean Noll said, that the freeway may continue their efforts to get th man will be expounding his vir- marily dismiss the conflict case Eatontown and Neptune traffic Township, and Asbury Park have WASHINGTON (M>) — A to the issue of what the secre- lessen the' traffic burden on the job done, freeway or no freeway, tues at a dinner in the Cobble- because no proof has been shown circles at yesterday's meeting of called the stretch a "death zero-hour compromise in the tary considers to be congres- strip, and wants to see these re- stones, Middletown. Mayor Thom- that she as a property owner the committee at the American trap." It Is one of relatively few Those Skateboards dispute ,over the Pentagon's Re- sional authority. ; as F. Shebell, Asbury Park, Mon- benefited from her place on coun- Hotel: ••.-•• three-lane strips left in the state's sults before proceeding with any A new traffic hazard has ap- In his appearance before an mouth campaign manager for serve merger plan was signaled cil. The three-lane stretch, scene highways system, and carries a widening. peared in the form of skate- appropriation subcommittee Sandman is chairman of this af- today. •Citing a;soon-to published New of many accidents and a number major traffic burden. The Traffic Safety Committee boards, Mr. Noll reported. Hi fair. The principal antagonists, last month, McNamara said, "I cited particularly the practice of Rep. F. Edward Hebert, D-La.( am leaving up to the Congress Red Bank area youngsters using Fertile Ground and Secretary of Defense Rob- to decide how to handle action Tower Hill, scene of the Annual Middletown, largest municipal- ert S. McNamara, scheduled a on the proposal." Long Branch Sportsmen Make Plea Soap Box Derby, as a skateboard ity in the county is considered by joint news conference for Satur- raceway. both candidates to be fertile day morning. BRANCH - Georgel massive program of jetty and ond class citizens and while we owners that if they did not leave "These boards are a hazard on ground for votes. In a very close The Pentagon announced in a Hughes Asks Goldeobeng, 135 Atlantic Ave., bulkhead construction," Mr. Gol- don't mind using your tax dol- they would be arrested. How- the streets of any community," primary fight, Middletown, cou- rief statement that MoNamara last night charged that sportsmen jhberg noted that "more than lar, do not tread on any of these ever, some sportsmen knew that the committee chairman said. pled with the rest of Monmouth will go to Capitol Hill to join (re being denied the fruits of pub- a million dollars of federal, state, structures that protect my pri- they could not enforce these Chief Raymond Mass of the County, could swing an election Hebert to face the press togeth- Mayors To lic funds by property owners county and city funds were used. vate' property." threats, and refused to leave. Shrewsbury police department for Dumont or Sandman. er. itong the beach front. • The most distinctive and out of In addition, he claimed, the But the majority of sportsmen asked the committee to take an That is why there will be, such Storm of Controversy official stand on skate boards. Aid State Speaking before City Council, the ordinany type of protection property owners "also had the from nearby communities were feverish activity in the area on There was no tip-off as to the Members unanimously approved PRINCETON (AP) — Gov. Mr. Goldenberg said that after was built in the area south of city stencil 'No Parking' on unsure of themselves and left." the remaining days of the cam- iubject of the conference. sending letters to all municipali- Richard J. Hughes called on the "T" jetties were built 15 years Takanassee Lake. This was in Ocean Ave. from the lake to the Cites Purchases paign. However, Hebert's House ties urging them to take action mayors of the state's munici- ago, property owners in front of the form of "T" jetties:" Deal line to further restrict the Mr. Goldenberg said that Although Sandman will be in Armed Services subcommittee to get skateboards off public palities today to marshal their whose homes the jetties were Second Class Citizen* sportsman. Those sportsmen who sportsmen fishing in the city Middletown May 26, Dumont ac- has held extended hearings on ( streets. resources to attack the prob- placed "erected fences, both of Fencing of the area by prop- gained access to these structures, bring in revenue by their pur- tually will beat him to the punch. the Dafense Department propos- ems facing New Jersey. concrete and wire over the bulk- erty owners was, he said, as if without crossing private proper- chases of bait, food, gasoline and Chief Mass also urged that en- He'll shake hands at a beer and al to merge all Army Reserve heads, (hereby preventing the to say: "We consider you as sec- ties, were threatened by property (See CITY, Page 3) (See WANTS, Page 2) pretzel party in Buck Smith's res units into the National Guard. Hughes, in a speech prepared for delivery at the annual Con- ' public from gaining access to taurant, Middletown, Saturday, When McNamara announced ference Of Mayors, said a crisis structures built with public May 22. he plan Dec. 12 it set off a stag;'is approaching in New funds." This gathering was scheduled storm of controversy within the Jersey. The "T" Jetties, he charged, by GOP National Committeewom- Reserves and within Congress. ^.'afforded the private property Marlboro Sets House Size Hearing As the state becomes more an Katherine Neuberger, Middle- Hebert charged that McNa- urbanized, he said, it is becom- owners their own seaside swim- town, and other leaders. mara was attempting to detour MARLBORO - After spending "No one has the right to tell John Narzowich, Buckley Rd., didate for council, objected: ing increasingly apparent that ming pools." Before this event, Sen. Dumont congressional authority in an hour and a half, in a public a man he can't build a small first quoted the poet Longfellow "I want to be able to buile New Jersey miist remake its will stop off at a party in Free- carrying out the plan without Jetties, Bulkheads hearing on the J house size ordi-house if that is all he needs." to his leaders, and then said that something I can afford, and 1,450 cities, landscape, waterways hold where he. will be the guest legislation. Mr. Goldenberg, who said he nance, . tfce Township Council last Mr. Von Rodek contended that "The rich and their next of kin and 1,800 square feet is just some- and municipal services. of the Women's Republican club. A month ago, when Hebert ' ipoke In behalf of the individual night decided that another public the number of foreclosures is on are the only people who could thing I can't afford." Hughes said the resources are hearing was necessary,. recessed the hearings for the ;*portsnien of the city, the Mon- the; rise, and that this illustrates move into this township." The majority of the residents available. But he asked, "do we Easter holiday,, he issued an mouth County Federation of The second hearing, set for the unsoundness of buying homes Tax Load spoke out with the belief that the Mrs. Vietor Elected have the will and vision to mar- "open invitation for Mr. McNa- Sportsmen's Olubs, added: Thursday, May 27, is needed be- larger than financially prudent. Speaking out for the ordinance master plan should first b< CLEVELAND (AP) — The Gar- shal those resources?. . .do we cause of the deletion of the cellar mara to come before this com "Under consideration now is Mayor Walter C. Grubb, Jr., in- was Louis Kuhn, West Francis adopted, with zones set first, an den Club of America elected Mrs. have the guts?" requirements for homes in the •mittee and say 'Yes, we are , the construction and repair of jected that "There are provisions Ave., who said he wanted to go the house sizes following in a nal Thomas M. Wallter, Bedford township. A total of 14 lines was partners. I need your help.'" ,, GOP Majority jetties and bulkheads. When pub- for adjustments. . . .1 feel that on record as being for the ordi- ural order. Hills, N.Y., president at its 52d an- eliminated from the advertised Handle Action Hughes said the Republican lic funds: are being used for this when the master plan is adopted nance, "to help carry the tax "What we need is planning, no nual convention today. Mrs. Oli- majority in the state legislature purpose It is incumbent on the ordinance, which had required a McNamara has said he is there will be several building load." zoning," Miss Edna Netter, ver A. Vietor, Rumson, N.J. was is apparently unaware of tha city officials who authorize these seven-loot ceiling clearance for a seeking congressional authority sizes" for the township. Alfred Storer, a Republican can- Marlboro area realtor, said. elected recording secretary. resources at hand. The Demo- expenditures to assure the pub- cellar covering half the founda- for the controversial plan. But lic the right of access and use-of tion area,: with an air space of he argument has boiled down (See HUGHES, Page 2) these structures for recreational two and a half feet for the re- purposes." mainder of the basement. Board Approves Communism Study Unit Pointing to the project of 16 The ordinance /as it will read years ago, which he called "a in its final version limits the COLTS KECK — A revised out- The goals of the course are outline, the course has been re- the remaining six weeks of schoo Today's Index house size in the township to a line for an experimental unit of listed as: To enable students to vised to put a greater emphasis and Mr. Dawson said that he Free Steamers Page Page minimum of 1,450 square feet for study on communism was ap- acquire « better understanding on the United States economic plans to use a questionaire at the At each table through Saturday Herblock • a single story structure, with-a proved by the Board of Educa- of our American heritage; to de- system and the ways in which it end of the unit, in order to tes A!I«KSCOM « , to celebrate fourth year of Cap- Amusements 14, 15 Home and Garden ~ 8,1 multi-story house required to tion during last night's meeting. velope a responsible citizenry and differs from the Communist sys- the reaction of the students to tain's Cabin, 400 Broadway, Point Births. ..., I Movie Timetable —U have 1,000 feet on the first floor The unit will be presented to enable students to recognize com- tem. the material. Pleasant Beach.—Adv. • and a lota] of 1,800 square feet1 Jim Bishop 6 Obituaries 2 student! In the seventh grade munism tor what ft is and com- The board will receive,; a re- What'i New? The present requirement is for 960 To Study Vi«w» Bridge 7 Reliqlous Services 10 olass of Mr Richard Dawson, bat it intelligently; and to en- port on the course and on the square feet for the one story, The course includes a study of John Chamberlain « Sylvlt Porter • Kathryn Lowry, formerly of who drew up the outline. able students to defend the Amer- students' reactions. HollyVood .Beauty Salon, now with 1,900 for the multi-story. Communist views on religion, Classified - M-M Sports ...IS, II Severs! changes of emphasis ican way of life intelligently and Board member Leslie Filepp owner and operator of Ktthryn'j Fred Von Rodek, Rt. 78, the government, family, and educa- said that he heartily approved of Comics 27 Stock Market 4 have been made in the outline effectively, Beauty S«lon, 41 Firit Ave., At- first to voice objections to the at compared to an earlier- one, tion, and a review of (he present the revised outline of the course Crossword Puzzle -5 & 7 Successful Investing — 4 lantic Highlands. Phone 291-0732 proposed amendment upping the presented to the board last Feb- In line with comments made by status of world communism. though he had many objections Editorials .1 Televtalei : 14, IS Mytlme.-rAjiv. home *iie, said: ruary. boiurd mttnbetf on earlier The unit will be given during to the original outline. Events of Yean Ago . .1 Women's Newt U, II : ! W t 2-Frifcr. M»y 14, 1965 TKE DAILY REGISTER IJames B. Van Mater, j Judge (ConHnwd) NationhtfWorld be), and that tt»"regukr Dem- Obituaries Banfcer, Is Dead at 67 ocratic Organiuttlon libel" would RIVERVIEW HOSPITAL be stripped from Bmnn'i name. FAIR HAVEN - James B. Van Red Bank In Monmouth, he applied the News in Brief MRS. MARY A. GREGORY MRS. THOMAS \j BOYD, SR.I same rule but only, as far as the Mater, 67, of 248 Kemp Ave., vice Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rapoza A U.S. military spokesman con- UNION BEACH - Mrs. Mary Senate candidates are concerned. SAIGON, Viet Nam — South NEW MONMOUTH - Mrs. president and director of the Mon- 13 Fir PI., Hazlet, daughter irmed the Communist losses. A. Gregory, 81, of 107 Herbert Christine A. Boyd, 41, of 30 Mi- As a result, in Monmouth Gov 'ietnamese forces said today mouth County National Bank, died yesterday. He said 18 South Vietnamese St., died Wednesday at home. chael Dr., died Wednesday in Hughes will be at the head of ey killed 178 Viet Cong guer- last night in Monmouth Medical Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dudel were killed and 77 wounded in Mrs. Gregory was the widow ol Riverview Hospital, Red Bank. Column five, with the Regular illas and captured 53 in a major Center, where he had been a 157 Lee Avt., Belford, twin som he two-stage battle which began William Gregory. She moved hen Democratic Organiiation slogan ctory over two Communist bat- Born in Jersey City, she was the patient five weeks. this morning. at dawn yesterday 135 miles six months ago, previously livinj and Mrs. Kathryn Freret, will,be talions in the Mekong Delta. daughter of the late Dr. Andrew Mr. Van Mater was president Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Spencei southwest of Saigon and con- in Kearny. at the bottom of column four with Binder and Mary Townsend Brud- of the Atlantic Highlands Nation- 182 Seeley Ave., Keansburg, soi nued until late last night. Four Surviving are three sons, Ed the same slogan as a candidate er of Hackensack. She had lived al Bank before its consolidation this morning. Middletown Woman's Americans also were wounded- win Gregory, with whom she re for state committeewoman. Mrs. here for the past nine years. with Monmouth County National two oh the ground and two in tided, William Gregory of Kear- MONMOUTH MEDICAL Cecllle F. Norton, the state com She was a member of the Al- in 1960. At the time of his death, Case Is Dismissed elicopters. ny, and Albert Gregory of Sauger- CENTER mitteewoman candidate in Gover- tar-Rosary Society of St. Mary's he was chairman of Monmouth NEWARK (AP) - A federal ties, N. Y.; a daughter, Mrs. An Long Branch nor Hughes column, will have the The operation netted a big Catholic Church here, the Mater County National's executive com- ourt jury was dismissed last SaJusiri, here; 10 grandchildren Mr. and Mrs. Peter Trombor slogan "The Democratic Party..' haul of Viet Cong supplies and Dei High School Parent Teachers mittee. light after it was unable to reach weapons including Russian-made »nd two great-grandchildren. 61 Belshaw Ave., Shr«wsbu In Ocean County, the governor verdict in the embezzlement Association and was past pres- A native of Atlantic Highlands, Township, daughter, yesterda) rifles and machine guns from Arrangements are under direc- will lead off line one, with his trial of Mrs. Helen Eiven Bon- ident of St. Dominic's Alumnae he was the son of the late Charles Red China. tion of the Day Funeral Home, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid, slogan, and Mr. Braun will ap- vini of Middletown. Association, Jersey, City. and Elizabeth McClure Van Ma- 260 Oceanport Ave., Oceanport Keyport. pear on line two without the same Mrs. Bonvini, a former secre Surviving besides her mother ter. He was a longtime resident son, yesterday. PROTEST AIR ACTION slogan even though he had filed tary-treasurer of the Nutley Sav- are her husband, Thomas V. of Atlantic Highlands and had Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spadora SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican FREDERICK W. PHOHLKE it. ings and Loan Association, had Boyd, Sr.; two sons, Thomas V. lived in Monmouth Hills before 37 Maplewood Dr., New Mon Republic - The United States UNION BEACH-Frederick W Candidates tor Assembly, clerk, pleaded innocent to charges of Jr., and Walter M., both at home; moving here about three years mouth, daughter, yesterday. and the Dominican rebels have Phohllte, 56, of 142 Morningsid and freeholder, «nd for state com- alsi/ylng institution records and three^ daughters, Patricia Ann, ago. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Krass, 80 both" charged a cease-fire viola- Ave., died yesterday in his home, mitteewoman in Ocean, will hive »mbezzling about $79,000. Chris'tine Mary and Mary Fran- Sycamore Ave., Shrewsbury, son tion by Dominican Air Force after a long illness. A graduate of Atlantic High- the "regular" label just as the ces, also at home; five brothers, yesterday. The case went to the Jury on planes which bombed the rebel He held the post of plumbin lands High School, Mercersburg James B. Van Mater governor's on the line above. Wednesday and the jurors re Col. Joseph Bruder, Marine Corps, Academy and Cornell University, <1949 Photo) Mr. and Mrs. William Men: Bruno Agnoli, lost his "reg- radio off the air and strafed inspector here between 1960 am Newport, R.I., Winfield Bruder 294 Broad St., Matawan, daugl ported to federal district Judge near the U.S. embassy. 1963. Mr. Van Mater went West after ular" label when Judge Simmill Reynier J. Wortendyke late yes- of New York City; Rev. Eugene of Navesink Country Club and cer, yesterday. A U.S. spokesman said the Born in Germany, he was a res- leaving Cornell to learn ranching. noticed in a conference in cham- terday that they were hopeless Bruder of St. Francis Catholic Beacon Hill Country Club. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Alstoi United States would complain ident of the area for 30 years. When he returned to this area, bers that he was one of the plain- ly deadlocked. The jury then was Church, Lodi, Andrew Bruder of he entered banking, a field in Surviving are his wife, the 52 Newman Springs Rd., R< tiffs In the cue. to the Organization of American Surviving are four sons, Joh Bank, daughter, yesterday. lismlssed. Rumson, and John Bruder of which he has been prominent in •former Miss Sclma Elizabeth Former Judge John C. Gior- tates. Phohlke of North Brunswick, Verona; five sisters, Miss Mary Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Masi Frederick H. Phohlke of Jackson, the county for more than 35 years. Samuelson of Leonardo; two sis- dano was counsel for Gov Rebel spokesman Hector Aris- Bruder of Hackensack, Mrs. Helen He was employed by the Feder- ters Mrs. Stuart S. Unz of Darien, 355 Lowden Ct., 'Long Brand Hughes in the litigation. John Hal. ty said formal protests had been and Raymond and Lawrenc* daughter, yesterday. Welter of Allendale, Mrs. Thom- al Reserve Bank of New York, Conn., and Mrs. Harry Iszard of leran, his associate, argued the Study Bids lodged with the OAS and the Phohlke, of this place, and twi as Fenton of Clifton, Mrs. Cath- Mr. and Mrs. James Presto: grandchildren. the Atlantic Highlands National Elmira, N.Y., and three nieces case. Bernard D. Karasic; Asbury United Nations. erine Fitz Gerald of Palatine, III., 144 Lakeside Dr., Navesiri Neither Brig. Gen. Antonio lm- Services will be held tomorrow Bank and the bond department and three nephews. Park, appeared for Mr.Reilly, and Mrs. Majorie Jocham of Dills- daughter, Wednesday. For Rumson bert Barreras, head of the civil- at 2 p.m. in the Day Funeral of Prince and Whitley. He re- Services will be at 11 a.m. County Counsel John M. Pillsbury burg, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Higgin: ian-military junta opposing the Home, Keyport, with Rev. Nor joined Atlantic Highlands Nation- Monday in the Posten Funeral for Mr. Woolley, and Percy 114 Forest Ave., Keansburj rebels, nor Brig. Gen. Elias Wts- man Riley, pastor of St. John's Funeral services will be held al Bank in 1927 as assistant cash- Home, Atlantic' Highlands. Camp, Julius Colin, and Allen Po- Headquarters ier. In 1944, when his father, who son, Wednesday. sln Y. Wessin, commander of the Methodist Church, Hazlet, offi- Monday at 9:15 a.m. from the garski, for the Ocean County de- RUMSON - Borough Council had ben president, became chair- Mr. and Mrs. James P. Mui junta's San Isidro Air Base, w*re ciating. Burial will be in Shore- John F. Pflager Funeral Home fendants. last night held bids for construe- man of the board of directors, Mr. ray, 605 South Edgemere Dr., available for comment. land Memorial Gardens, Hazle here, to St. Mary's Catholic Jack J. Cohen, Newark, attor- :ion of the proposed new police Van Mater became Atlantic High- Hughes West Allenhurst, son, Wednes- Church where a High Requiem ney for the insurgents, said that eadquarters for study, lands National's president. His day. JOHN KUHN Mass will be offered at ID a.m. (Continued) an appeal may be taken. During Bids were received for general by Rev. Eugene Bruder. Burial father died in 1951. Mr. and Mm. Jack L. Watkin: cratic governor said he asked 34 Thompson Ave., East Keanj the heat of the argument, Mr. construction, electrical installa- RUMSON - John Kuhn, 81, ol will be in Mt. Olivet Cemetery, Callman Hits Mr. Van Mater was a secre- the legislature's appropriations burg, daughter, Tuesday. Cohen asked for a postponement tion, plumbing and communica- 82 Bingham Ave., died yesterday Middletown. tary and president of the Mon- until Monday to bring in some morning in Monmouth Medical committee for {5 million to set tions equipment. mouth County Bankers and Clear- FITKIN HOSPITAL additional material but Judgi Center, Long Branch, after a long up a fund for loans to munici Base bids (or construction were PRR's Train ing House Association, and was Neptune Simmill refused "becaus Illness. CHARLES CASAGRANDE palities planning sewerage sys ffered by Carusoe Construction active in the New Jersey Bank- tems. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schlech of the lateness of the hour to Mr. Kuhn was a retired printer. SPRING LAKE - Charles Cas- Co., Atlantic Highlands, $14,700; 1 ers Association and the Ameri- But he said the Republican weg, Gordons Corner Rd wards election eve." Disruptions He was born here, son of the late agrande, 77, owner of a food Charles B. Hembling and Son., can Bankers Association, serving majority on the committee Freehold daughter, yesterday. The judge borrowed from th Michael and Anna Young Kuhn market here since 1921, died Wed- Red Sank, $17,372; and Pickwick RUMSON — Mayor Chart** S. the latter as national bank rep turned down his recommenda- Mr. and Mrs. William Ben bible at another point, and gave and lived here all his life. nesday in Fitkin Hospital, Nep- Inc., Marlboro, $17,650, Callman last night advited Bor- resentative for New Jersey ir tion and Instead introduced a Cooper Rd., Middletown, credit to Franklin D. Roosevelt He never married and is sur- tune. He was also proprietor Bond's Electric Co., here, bid ough Council that he has formal- 1948. bill that would set up a $1 mil- yesterday. when, voiding some of the slo- vived by a sister, Mrs. Bessie A. of a liquor store. 1,995; Fox Electric, River Plaza ly protested disruptions of the lion revolving fund. gans, he said "i plague on botli Pennsylvania Railroad Com- Rue with whom he lived, and sev Mr. Casagrande, who lived at He also was a former directs: $2,495, and Red Bank Electric Hughes said that "it is ex- your houses." eral nieces and nephews. 209 Jersey Ave., started a pro- of the Sea Bright National Bank nc., $3,100. pany's schedule. tremely short-sighted to look a Services will be tomorrow at duce business In Belmar in 1909.Second National Bar* of Red Weather Plumbing bids were: Steven J. The mayor said he feels that 1 major 20th century problem p.m. in the Worden Funera He was a communicant of St. Bank, Community YMCA anc Gross, Inc., Red Bank, $3,113; poor equipment maintenance U square in the face and then al New Jersey: Sunny and pleas- Home, Red Bank, with Rev. Har-Catharine's Church, here. Riverview Hospital. Wants HiUstrom and Eager, here, a main reason for trains being locate funds adequate for an ant today, high about 70, anc late and sometimes "bunching vey C. Douie, Jr., pastor of Rum- Always active in civic affairs, (Continued) $3,230, and Sarbo, Inc., Middle- Surviving are his wife, Mrs. 18th century problem." cool tonight. Low 40s northwest up" a( the railroad stations. son Presbyterian Church, offi- he served as Atlantic Highlands forcement of safety requirements town; $7,272. Maria Giunco Casagrande; two The governor also accused the low SOs at coast Saturday most He said he expects a reply ciating. Burial will be in Fai councilman and was the foundei on construction jobs on state New Jersey Communications daughters, Mrs. Delzie Cheek and GOP majority in the legislature ly sunny and mild. High in foi from Philadelphia company of- View Cemetery, Middletown, of the Atlantic Highlands har- highways ba turned over to state orp. bid $5,2.4) and Mobile Radio Mrs. Helen C. Raffetto; a son, of refusing to go along with his 70s inland, 60s at shore. ficials prior to the next council bor. He also was a member ol and municipal police. The en- Dispatch Service, Inc. offered Fred C. Casagrande, all here; request for a cabinet-level de- MARINE session. • • , MRS. NELLIE McYVOOD the Atlantic Highlands Harboi forcement Is now handled by $4,496 for communications instal- two sisters, Mrs. Rose Capobianco partment of community affairs Cape May to Block Islam In other council business, Coun- : Commission. safety engineers from the De- lation. MONMOUTH BEACH — Mrs. and Mrs. Amelia Ferruggiaro, because the Republicans have North to northwest winds 10 cilman John H. Dill reported that He belonged to the Lions Club partment of Labor and Industry Contract awards will tie an Nellie MOWood. 74, of Riverdale both of Belmar; four brothers, "decided not to permit estab- 15 knots today, variable lea progress is being made in bor- Yacht Club and Robert B. Man assigned to each job, he said lounced at the May 27 Council Ave., widow of John McWood, Dr. John Casagrande of Baldwin, lishment of this department to than 10 knots tonight, Souther]; ough sewering plans. He said tell Hose Company in Atlanti Police have no jurisdiction over lession.,.;: ,. died yesterday in the John L. N.Y., Louis Casagrande, Shrews- be written in the record of this 10 to 15 knots Saturday. Visibtlt the study is in the engineering Highlands and was a membei contractors. Montgomery Home, Freehold, af- bury, Alfred Casagrande of Toms administration's accomplish- fiv« miles or more. Fair. phase, which consider aspects of ter a long Illness. River, and Albert Casagrande of ments." Citing recent accidents in Mon the proposed collection system. Mrs. McWood was born in Long Brielle; 19 grandchildren, and Hughes avoided mention of Ocean temperature at 7 a.m mouth Beach, where a three-foo 3 Red Bank Council introduced an ordi- Branch, daughter of the late Ed- one great-grandchild. Rumson Sets the broad-based tax issue. But 52. High In past 24 hours ramp over a pipe In the road nance which provides for con- ward and Mary Hennesey, and The funeral will be tomorrow at the two Republicans who want at 11 a.m. yesterday. Low 51 flipped one car into the stone Fires Put Outstruction ol, tbe- planned new po- had lived here 35 years. She is 9 a.m. /ram the Meeban Funeral his job discussed the question in 5:15 a.m. today. jetty and damaged others, he. lice headquarters building. The survived by several niecej and Home, 555 Warren Ave'., "followed Tenriis Court speeches prepared for delivery scored the contractor for disre- RED BANK - The fire whistle cod^ also provides Jo r funding for nephews. by a Requiem Mass at 9:30 a.m. to the conference. TIDES garding proper .safety warning >lew on the hour at 5 p.m. andthe program. It will be aired., The funeral will be Monday at at St Catharine's Church. Burial Senate President Charles W. Sandy Hook devices to prevent such accidents. p.m! yesterday. prior, to final passage at the May 11 a.m. in the Damiano Funeral will be in the parish cemetery Use Rules andman Jr., R-Cape May, re- TODAY-HIgh 8:14 p.m. am "They won't give us the tools The first was a general alarm 27 council session. Home, Long Branch, with Rev. of the church. RUMSON - Borough Council iterated his position that a low 2:02 p.m. to work with," Chief Mass com- calling all equipment out for a George Murphy of Asbury Meth- last night approved a resolution broad-based tax is not necessary TOMORROW-High 8:31 a.m. plained. "All the contractor needs small fire in the woods next to TRUCK OVERTURNS odist Church, North Long Branch is liability insurance. Then he he Bendix Corp. plant on Pearl CLEMENT KNOTT which regulates the use of the in New Jersey. His opponent in and 8:52 p.m. and low 2:38 a.m. FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP — A pfticiating. Burial will be in West municipal tennis courts. can come in and cause death; »t. The blaze was out in about TOMS RIVER—Clement Knott, the June 1.G0P gubernatorial and 2:44 p.m. tractor and trailer went out of Long Branch Cemetery. A rule that the court! are re he can say, "The hell with the !0 minutes. 74, of Lakewood Rd., brother of primary, State Sen. Wayne Du- SUNDAY-High 9:10 a.m. an control at the Rt. 9 traffic circle served for persons 16 years of age human race!' The time is long The second alarm summoned Mrs. Mattie Dilione of Sea Bright, mont Jr., R-Warren, took the 9:30 p.m. and low 3:20 a.m. an last night, and- overturned. or over after 6 p.m. and all day past for something to be done." he Relief Engine Company to EDGAR H. LACKEY died Tuesday in Community Me- opposite view. 3:24 p.m. The driver, Robert Hodgkiss Saturdays, Sundays and holidays Deputy Chief Ora F. Roberts extinguish a brush fire along the BRICK TOWNBHJP-Edgar H. morial Hospital. Dumont favors a state sales For Red Bank and Rumsoi of Sayreville, was not hurt, but was adopted. It provides tha tax dedicated to property tax bridge, add two hours; Se: of Monmouth Beach police, in ailroad tracks near Maple Ave., Lackey, 73, ol 18 Lark La. died Born in Monmouth Beach, Mr. he received a careless driving persons between 12 and 18 may relief. Hughes is on record in Bright, deduct 10 minutes; Lon whose town the accidents oc- across the street from the Circle Tuesday in Point Pleasant Hos- Knott was a son of the late John summons from Trooper P»ul play during these times if com- favor of a state income tax. Branch, deduct 15 minutes; High curred, agreed vehemently. Chevrolet Company. pital. He was a brother of William and Ella Knott, He was a World Ferguson of Tenrtent Stale Police peting against an adult. The contractor didn't even Actually there were three fires. : Lackey of Long Branch. I veteran, lands bridge, add 40 minutes. Barracks. - Born in Long Branch, Mr. A second ruling applies to all notify us what he intended to On its way home, the Relief En- Lackey had lived In Bloomfield Also surviving are his wife, borough courts. It stipulates tha Calls Rumor do," Chief Roberts tUted. "Then gine Company came across a Mrs. Nellie Knott; a daughter. games are to begin on the hour when we told him to comply with car fire, and extinguished that. PROBE THEFT and Cedar Grove before moving LONG BRANCH — Police are here seven years ago. He was Miss Jane Knott, here; another and will terminate at the next Larceny Cas safety regulations and eliminat sister, Mrs. Mary Etta Gaunt of hour. A game in progress which About Fort the hazard, he told us to scratch nvestigating the reported, theft a former assistant national adver- Rubman Forming of a portable television set and tising manager of the Newark Newark; and a brother, Walton may go over the time limit may our backs . . . The state did Knott of New York City. be played out. Referred To come in the next morning and some linens from a summer bun- News. False Talk Political Forum galow at 20 Grinker PI. A year ago he retired ai na Funeral arrangements, under Signs are to be posted at al made him lengthen the ramps," LONG BRANCH—City Manager LONG BRANCH-Samuel Rub- According to police, the om- tlonal advertising manager foi direction of the Woolley Funeral borough tennis courts to advise the deputy chief added. James F. Roosevelt said last Grand Jury man, defeated Tuesday for both er of the home, Serafinp Pisano, the Ocean County Daily Observer Home, Long Branch, are private. of these regulations. An official of the Department night that a meeting Wednesday full term on city council and reported yesterday that the house liter working there two years. In other borough business, 1 MIDDLETOWN - John Welsh, of Labor and Industry will be with Maj. Gen. Frank W. Moor- iie unexpired term of Thomas had been entered since May .8 by He was a member of Chris MISS EUNICE M. WEST was determined to advertise for 392 Central Ave., Union Beach invited to the committee's next man, military head of the elec- McClintock, said last night he breaking . two" storm doors' and Methodist Church, Lakewood, and bids for borough road work. Bids was ordered held for the Grant meeting to discuss the problem. RED BANK - Miss Eunice M. tronics command. Fort Mon- ras organizing a city-wide pc- some windows and cutting six the Roseville Chapter, Jr. OUAM. will Be received*at the June 10 Jury yesterday by Magistrate Capt. Henry Lefkowltz of the West of 28 Leroy PI. died yester- couth, netted the result that itical forum. screens. Besides his brother, he is sur- council session. Richard E. Burke on a chargi Freehold police suggested that day morning In Riverview Hos- many rumors of impending shake- The time and place have not vived by his wife, Mrs. Helen Council introduced *n ordinance of breaking and entering an< fires received by the county from pital. ups at the fort are false. yet been ascertained, Mr. Rub- Frint Lackey; four sons Russel to accept Popbmora Dr. as a larceny. drunk driving cases heard In Born in North Long Branch, she The meeting, in the city mana- man said, but he added he would Lackey of Cape May Courthouse, borough street. The matter wil He was placed under $1,00 municipal courts should be used was the daughter of the late ger's office, was held to deter- prefer the high school auditorium. Jean Paul Lackey, here, Warren be aired at the next meeting. bail. to buy drunkometer equipmsn George E. and Emma K. West. mine the effect of any possible The former candidate, who said F. Lackey of Phoenix, Ariz., and Mr. Walsh is charged witl for local police departments. She had resided here 50 years changes at the fort upon the is would remain neutral in the and Dr. Alvin Lackey of Rio breaking in to the Shore Elec 'Our Municipal Court turned and was a member of the First city and its economy. vnoff campaign, invited inter- de Janiero; another brother, Rob- Ironic and Television Store, Rt, over more than $2,000 in such Methodist Church, here, and the Mr. Roosevelt said that accord- >sted citizens to help him plan ert Lackey of Union; three sisters Wilson 36, Belford, on Feb. 20 and tak-fines to the county last year,' Daughters of Liberty, North Long ing to Gen. Moorman "the large ing $1,500 in merchandise. he reported. he forum. Mrs. Fred Robinson and Mrs, Wil- Branch. (Continued) majority of the rumors are not liam Marks, both of Winter Park Edward Heun, 150 Statsir PI The committee will urge adop- Surviving are a sister. Mrs. The judge asked Mr. Juska whal based on facts and can be dis- this place, and his wife, Isabel: tion of the idea by the County beautiful Monuments Fla., and Mrs. Russell Kumpf of he wanted and he replied he regarded, and there are no plans Ian Told Asbury Park; 14 grandchildren, Anna Van Brunt of Jersey City; were fined $50 each for creal Board of Freeholders. ft ilwayt carry a wtdt u wanted "her to account to the for changes that would affect the MARLBORO - It will cost this BOB of moRutneou and MfkcfS and six great-grandchildren. a niece, Marjorie A. Zimmer- ing a disturbance in a parke mann with whom she lived; and taxpayers." city to any great extent." car on Rt. 35 early1 Sunda; TWO INJURED ownship $33,520 to surface the . . . beautiful, penMnmt «MI Services will be at 8 p.m. to- opnth ami. Ml m tuarM- several other nieces and nephews. Mr. Heuser referred to a com- Another meeting will be held morning. MIDDLETOWN - Two nersons •oads in the Marlboro Gardens day from the De Roche Funeral plaint by the Housing Authority at the fort in the near future lection of the township, teed. Conwlt m without obiin- The funeral will be tomorrow at Walter Coons, Seventh Ave., suffered minor injuries yester- Don. Borne. Lakewood. - dealing with $5,200 received by to discuss the matter further, Mr. Leon Avakian, township engi- 1:30 a.m. in the Adams Memorial Hillside section of the township, day when two cars collided In the the Wilsons on vouchers for ex- Roosevelt said. leer, submitted a report for last CAItU OF THANKS Home with Rev. W. Gordon Low- drew (50 fines on two counts ol Sears Roebuck and Co. parking pense of relocating equipment. City Council had requested Mr. light's council meeting estlma- The fimlly of Clfment D. Mar.zn wlatis den, pastor of the First Methodist allowing horses from his stable lot, Rt. 35. to Uunk the Very Rev. 8. DILorenM, This now is the subject of an Roosevelt to meet with Gen. ing the costs and enumerating Rev Andernon, Dr. J. MovHlp, Rlver- Church, officiating. Burial will be run loose. Tim J. Reynolds, 26 Inglewood Tlew Hospital, the Uttle Silver Fir»t investigation by the county pros Moorman. lie needs for the development at Old First Methodist Church. Police said the incidents oc La., and Mrs. Florence G. Gar- JUcl Snuad. Red Bank Police Dcpl, the ecutor's office. iff Rt. 79. His report noted severe Jlonor Ounrd from Fort Monmoulh, the West Long Branch. curred on May 2 and May 7. rett, 38 Inglewood La., both John E. Day Funeral Home and Pall If the claims are held valid, Junk Yard Fire Call ;radings, narrow, roads and clog- Monuineiiis Beaiera for their services and Wndneia Charles Childs, Everett Rd, Matawan Township, were treated during our hereavemeDt, We also gralR- Mr. Heuser said, the authority MARLBORO—A fire at Stova's Holmdel, was fined $50 on at Riverview Hospital, Red ;ed drains. fully acknowledge the many [loral trib- COLLINS FUNERAL utes, Majaes, cards and other ex|>re«- would be entitled to return of unk Yard off Texas Rd. called shoplifting charge. Bank, for minor injuries and Residents In the area met with JOHN VAN KIRK & SON •Inm (if sympathy for our dear brother RED BANK — The funeral for :he council earlier In the month U Cooper Rd., Middletown of) Rt. 35 "Ta Ta", as he was affectionately (5,200. At the same time, he out the Morganville Volunteer Police charged him with tali released. known to his many friends. tfrs. Ann M. Collins, 54, who said, the authority continues to Fire Department yesterday. ing $4.68 in merchandise from Police said they were pas- o discuss the matter, Magistrate at Adeline M. Mazea. Sleltr iied early yesterday, in her home, hold $34,500 which had been State Police at the Colts Neck Sears Roebuck and Co., ston sengers in a car operated by l J. Harrington developed the Htddon't Corner 741-091? Convenient Terms 747-2SO 15 Fisher PI., will be held Mon- awarded to the Wilsons for another Barracks said that a few cars Rt. 35. Mrs. Angela C. Reynolds, 26 lection of some 90 homes south NOTICK TO IIIDDEK8 lay. property. He oflered to post a were being burned, and the fire Lloyd Rd. according to Mayor Pleaie tike notice that the Non- Donald F. Sodon, Texas Rd. nglewood La., Matawan Town- commlsiloned Officers' Open Mesi, The funeral will be at 8 a.m. bond for the $5,200 and asked got out of hand, but It was ship. alter C. Grubb, Jr., there are Bldg. 580, Fort Monmoulh, New Jersey Morganville, received two $10 Invllea olfera for the furnishing and 'rom Ihe William S, Anderson the court to order payment of the "nothing serious," fines for passing a $30 bai According to police, the Rey- $2 million in ratable! in the de- Installing: r,r rxtennloni to tne prment elopment. Air Conditioning duels. Plans and spf- Funeral Home, with a Requiem $3-1,600. JudgcHorn declined. check at the Shop-Rite Supe nolds car collided with one oper- fctflcatlnna can t>« picked up at Bldg. The boat works award issue Named at Rumson SRO. All bids must be In by May 2f, ilass at 9 a.m. in St. Anthony's market Rt, 35 and the Grand ated by Charles O. Schmolllnger, 1W5. Catholic Church. Burial will be comes back for another trial be- RUMSON — Robert J. Shay Union Supermarket on Rt. 36. 22 Mead Ave., Freehold. ANTHONY PAPA. 8FC E7 n Mount Olivet Cemetery, Mid- cause the appellate division ruled r Secretary as named a member of the Police said the checks were Schmoliinger was issued a tllV 13, II. 17 (SCO letown. that an expert witness testifying Oceanic Hook and Ladder Fire passed on Oct. 12, 1964. careless driving ticket. about property value for the Wil-Company by Borough Council sons was unqualified because he ast night. David Gaynor was had not seen the building and was •mmed a fire truck driver in the The Adams Memorial Home Worden Funeral Home relying on pictures and hearsay. iame company. FOR ANY OCCASION John E. Sueeanor to Mount Memorial Horn* 60 E. FRONT STREET RED BANK HOMEY BEE FLOWERS FUNERAL HOME Day and Night Phone . . . RUSSELL T. HODGKISS FUNERAL DIRECTORS 464 BROAD STREET 85 Riverside Ave 747-0557 SHREWSBURY 741-4020 310 Irood Strait Had lank. N. J. Rallabl* Site* IM7 HARRY C. F. JAMES A. ROBERT F. BY WIRE ANYWHERE Hire Coates Marlboro Soil Celli Tells Bar Group THE DAILY REGISTER fridtf, H»f 196Srr3 Code Amended To Plan MARLBORO - The soil remov Why Movies To Weigh Measures Introduced tl ordinance, adopted at the htsl Foreign MMC'BRANCH-Onlinancw council meeting, was • amendec them to the state Department School Wing last night Shut Down Appointments Jn •mending established laws regu- Conservation and Economic De- COLTS NECK - Norman W. The change eliminates the r< LONG BRANCH - Councilman County Tomorrow? Uting traffic «nd Junk yards wer« velopment by May 19. The shore- ATLANTIC CITY (AP) - A .introduced Coates, Somervilte, architect tor strictions on hours and days whe: Michael G. Celli, elected Tues- l»st night by City front repairs had been the top: resolution urging that the New RED 3ANK—Flowering shrubs, The foreign visitors are nurses the Cedar Drive School, here, soil may be removed in the town day, sworn in Wednesday, and , Council. of .a political fight within coun Jersey State Bar Association seashore 6cene, a newly plowed taking graduate studies in New will be the architect for a 12-ship. (The ordinance original! seated at his first meeting last The traffic ordinance designates cil, but was settled by compro have a stronger voice in the York universities and hospitals. room addition to the school limited soil, removal to weekda; night, has lost no time getting 'ield and other rural and resort •top streets, through streets, yield mise.' making of judicial appointments The trip is arranged by the Na- under terms of a contract ap- from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.) down to business. views will be seen by about 20 intersections, one way streets and was to be discussed today dur- tional League for Nursing 'to — Voted to authorize the cil proved by the Board of Educa- The public hearing for th According to Mr. Celli, a meet- risitors from foreign shores whp, ,street areas where parkins is ing the organization's 67th an- give the women a look at Ameri- attorney to prepare the necessa tion last night change is set for May 27. ing yesterday with Walter Reade ill be the guests of Monmouth prohibited. bonding ordinance to cover th< nual convention. County Organization for Social can suburban life, and the coun- ;-iMr. Coates' fee for the addi- Last night's meeting will Jr., concerning the lack of an The.ordinance was first intro- More than 1,000 attorneys tryside around metropolitan New tity,'s share of beachfront im tion, will be six percent of thecontinued next Thursday, whe open motion picture theater in Service tomorrow. duced in January, but modifica- were expected to attend the York. v provemeivts. The city is responsi cost which includes supervision. amendments to the garden aparl tie city, brought the explanation ; tions by the state Motor Vehicle three-day convention which be- We for half the cost, but 25 pe The board voted to request its ment ordinance will be intre that the Baronet theater is closed The group will arrive at ,4e Division, cause it to be offered gan Thursday. U.S. Atty. Gen. cent payments by property owi attorney, W. Lawrence Krusen, duced. because city residents do their MCOSS headquarters In Red Uajik now in altered form. Nicholas Katzenbach will be the Psychologist ers v*ose land is affected wi! to file a. three-day enforcement Action on (he land fill variano movie viewing outside the city. tomorrow. They will be taken joy . : The junk yard ordinance is a featured speaker at the ban- bring the final figure below $65 notice against the Arctic Equip- setting aside Burnt Fly bog fi The councilman stated that Mr. MCOSS board and auxiliary mem- compromise which calls for the quet Saturday night. 000. The remaining funds a: ment Co., Freehold, conservation, was held over be Reade told him that if the thea- bers to various homes lot lunch- erection of an eight-foot tall wall Is Hired At expected to go for further bead The request for such a mov< cause the council will meet wi ter, which will re-open for the The judicial selection resolu- eon and special side trips planned or fence around junk yards. A re- front Improvements. came from Mr. Coates, who re- David Moore, head of the stai summer, is not patronized, there tion stems from a proposal in- >y each hostess. Later in the af- cently patted measure which stip- — Authorized the filing of ported that there have been nu Department of Land Conservi is a possibility that it will be sold troduced at last year's meet- Little Silver :ernoon, the group will reassem- ulated an eight-foot block wall petition with the state Board merous problems in getting the tion, May 24. for use as a warehouse. ing by Hoboken attorney Ber- ile at the MCOSS Bodman Health brought strong opposition from LITTLE SILVER - The Board Public Utility Commissioners ca firm to complete work on its Also deferred was the applic; .Mr. Celli said the movie op- nard Chazen who recommended Center, New Shrewsbury, where , local junk dealers who claimed if Education last night hired Dr. ing for the board's partlcipatlo: heating and air conditioning con- tion from U. S. Homes for 213 lol erator told him that when Walter a new method for appointments the Bodman Auxiliary will serve the cost was prohibitive. Stanley R. Sprung, Lincroft, as in the cost of improved protectio: tract. in four sections 2A, 3, 4, and Reade^Sterling renpvated the to the bench. :a. i Public hearing on both ordi- ichool psychologist for the 1965-66 at the Washington St.-Joline Ave The board voted to offer the to the Township Council lai theater across the street, divans The Chasen resolution asked Countries from which the g'uejts nances Is scheduled for May 27. tear on a part-time basis. grade crossing. following contracts: for 1965-66 Thursday for the council's firu were installed in the balcony, for the creation of an impartial come include Thailand, United In other action, Council: — Approved the transfer of Chapman Vail, Ocean City, t< approval. free coffee was dispersed, qual- board of lawyers, judges, mem- Dr, Sprung, who will serve one Arab Republic, Iran, Japan, Fin- — Held over condemnation liquor license from Florence an< teach the eighth grade and Miss ify films were run and children's bers of the legislative and ex- lay a week here, will receive an land, Philippines, Korea, Greece, proceedings against property at In his report to council, Mayc Salinardo DeCells, trading as thi Josephine Maimone, Little Sil- programs initiated on Saturday ecutive branches of government annual salary of $2,500, half of Jamaica. Australia, Republic of 938 Ocean Ave., in the rear, Walter C. Grubb, Jr., announa Rainbow Tavern, 93-95 ' Soul ver, to teach kindergarten or first afternoons. But all to no avail. and members of the general which will be reimbursed by the China. They are studying .at owned by Gerald De Sapio, until that the state will provide $5,00' Broadway, to Renna Enterprisi grade, each for the. salary of Mr. Celli, imploring local peo- public to establish criteria for state. Teachers College Columbia, New cfty Attorney Louis R. Aikins from gasoline tax money to widei Tnc, trading as the West En $5,400. . Lloyd Rd. The township, accord ple to buy here, said Long the selection of judges and to He had been employed here on York University, Bronx Munici- determines if the governing body Casino, 719 Ocean Ave., abov Branch residents are their own Board member Melvin Willett ing to the mayor, had requester prepare an annual list of nom- consultant basis previously. pal Hospital Center and St. Luke's . few Jurisdiction in the case. the objections of Daminlck Gran $50,000. worst enemies. inees. The board approved the use of Hospital. , — Accepted $65,000 In matching Inetti, landlord of the Rainbw voted against these two con- The councilman said his meet- The method proposed by Cha- iix classrooms for summer Mrs. Harry Craver of Middle- •tate funds for the repair of three Tavern. tracts, because both teachers are ing with Mr. Reade was zen would have required the school from June 28-Aug. 6. C.town and Mrs. A. L. Register, Jetties and the stone revetment r inexperienced. He stated that — Approved the liiu° Hcens prompted by requests from a governor to nominate and ap- iavld Vanderhoof, superintendent Jr., of Rumson are in charge "of in front of the Umber bulkhead the board already has offered Mrs. Neuberger renewals of Rocco Foderaro, trad contracts to two or three be- number of citizens. point judges from the list. of schools, said there will be rrangements. Those who w,ill .between the Deal line and Taka- ing as the Brighton Bar and Grill ginning teachers for the nexi Mr. Celli is serving on the The Chazen resolution was de- three remedial classes, two typ- serve as hostesses include Mrs. Mssee Lake. The city engineer 119 Brighton" Ave., and Teres; year, and he feels that the new Praises Young council until June 30. He fills ferred until this year pending a ing classei and one class for ad- Douglas S. Marshall, Miss Laura was authorized to prepare plans Todaro, trading as Ralph's Pack salary guide puts the school the unexpired term of Thomas study by the judicial appoint- /anced research and language art Harding and Mrs. Irwin Spelling, and specifications and forward age Liquor Store, 215 Third Ave system in a good position to L, MoClintock. ments committee of the state :echniques. The summer session Holmdel; Mrs. James Y, Dunbaj, look for more experienced per- GOP Group bar. mil be completely self-support- Mrs. William Suter and. Mrs. sonnel/ HOLMDBL - Mrs. Katherira The committee will recom- ing. Mr. Vanderhoof said. Roger Power and Mrs. A. D. mend the rejection of the Cha- To Speak at Church's 132d The administrative principal Neuberger was feature speakei To Dedicate The board awarded a contract Beers, New Shrewsbury; Mrs. zen measure, and instead, offer Zelda Hamilton, said both Miss last night at a meeting in Town for fuel oil to its present sup- Leslie D. Seely, Eatontown; Mrs. another pending still another Maimone and Mr. Vail have ship Hall of Holmdel Young R< plier, Dean Co., Fanwood, low Theodore Moreaij, Freehold; Mrs. study. Anniversary Program been very well recommended. publicans. Unitarian Church bidder with, a delivery price of Craver and Mrs. Register. Mrs. Mrs. Neuberger, a Lincroi The amended resolution will (.0013 less per gallon than the Nathaniel Morganthal and Mrs. RED BANK - Rev. Dr. J New Contracts resident, is running for re-ele< recommend that the officers of mrbor price at the time of de- Ernest Lovanyak, of New Shrews- Clinton Hoggard, Mount Vernon The following contract offers School Building tion, from Monmouth County, tc the State Bar Association meet ivery. Lawes Coal Co., Shrews- bury are chairmen of the tea. ' N. Y., secretary-treasuref of the were approved unanimously: the Republican state committee LINCROFT - Dr. Gordon Lid- with both gubernatorial candi- jury, was unsuccessful bidder Department of Foreign Missions Mrs. Dianne Monteith, Free- She praised the contributions die, nationally-known lecturer in dates in New Jersey prior to the with a delivery price of $.0755 of the AJM.E. Zion Church, wi! hold, to teach sixth grade at a of young Republicans and salt education and character develop- November election. per gallon. be the principal speaker at a salary of $5,900; Mr. Richard that they are "the hope of the fu ment, will be the featured speak- At that time, the officers program commemorating the 132d Frankle, Trenton, to teach instru- The board awarded a contract 'Crowning' ture for the Republican party." er at a special dinner and pro- would seek commitments from anniversary of the Shrewsbury mental music, $6,300. 'or milk to Raritan Valley Mrs. Neuberger stressed "th gram planned tonight as part of the candidates, stating that if Avenue A.M.E. Zion Church Sun Mr. Frankie has been teaching Farms, Manasquan, low bidder importance of a dynamic part: the dedication of the new church elected, they would consult with This Sunday: day afternoon at 4 o'clock in the n Ocean Township during the it $.0549 per half-pint. Unsuccess- position" and commended the building of the First Unitariar the State Bar Association com- . church. past four years, and he expects ful bidders were Shrewsbury to receive his masters degree Young- Republican Club of Holm Chuch, 1475 West Front St. mittee on judicial appointments Otter speakers will be Red Dairy, Red Bank, and Shore At Church in music education in June ol del for its "positive manner i Dr. Liddle is now at the Uni- on nominees to Superior and Bank Councilman Daniel O'Hern; Dairies, Inc., Allenhurst, who EATONTOWN - Plans were 1966. initiating programs in the inte versity of Maryland and is diCounty Courts. Re?. W. Gordon Lowden, pastor rector of the Interprofessiona asked $.0585 and $.06 a half-pint, completed at a recqnt meeting, pf Mrs. Caroline Niehaus, Colts ests of the community." The governor would also au- of the First (Methodist Church search Commission on Pupil Per respectively. the executive board of the Con- Neck, will be the school nurse She cautioned against Repul thorize the committee to inter- Red Bank, and president of the sonnel Services. The board authorized its secre- fraternity of Christian Mothers at a salary of $4,650. Mrs. Nie- licans taking their party and com view the respective nominees, Greater Sed Bank Area Counoi: munity for granted, and stated Dr. Liddle also has had exten other members of the bar and tary, Marshall Thompson, to of St. Dorothea's Catholjc of Churches, and Ervin Sum- haus has agreed to resign from purchase Janitorial supplies at the Church for the annual May her part-time position with the she was "heartened by the stron sive experience in working with of the judiciary and require the mers, representing the Shrews- membership of the Holmd< children from impoverished en- nominees to complete a ques- most advantageous bid price. The crowning. bury Avenue A.M.E. Zion Church Monmouth County Organization board received seven bids last for Social Services, Mrs. Hamil- Young GOP." vironments. He will speak on tionnaire. The occasion will be presented The senior choir of the church, night, but rejected them all as ton said, and also to resign from Mrs. Neuberger stated, "On! "Communicating with Culturally He would also permit the com- by the children of the fjrjft under the direction of Mrs. Te- incomplete. the township Board of Health. 25 per cent of the registered vol Deprived Adults and Children." mittee to publicize any unfavor- Communion class and will .pre- resa S. Daniel, will sing. The board approved 12-month ers in the nation are Republica The topic was chosen in con able recommendation the com- cede the 9 a.m. Mass Sunday'^, Rev. Dr. Hoggard also Is edi- contracts for four teachers who but in two years half the.popul nection with plans to hold a dajmittee should make, if the gov The meeting was held in the tor of The Missionary Seer, the Kev. Dr. J. Clinton Hoggard will work on curriculum revision tion of the country will be und< camp and enriched educational ernor chooses to submit the home of Mrs. John Mastasu?, official monthly publication of 6 Drivers during the summer. They are 26 years of age. Republican program in the new church build- name of such a nominee to the board chairman. The regular . the A.M.E. Zion Church. versity, and received an honor Richard Dawson, a seventh grade need a positive program to at ing this summer for children in state senate. May session will be held in the A native of Jersey City, where ary DD degree from Livingstone eacher, Robert Ross, a fifth tract the younger voters and who the Red Bank area under a grant Francis J. Bolduc, executive new Family Center building, his father, the late Rev. Jeremiah College. Salisbury, N. C, Are Fined grade* and Mrs. Beatrice Korr can do it better than young Re- from the federal AntitPovert: director, said more than 1,000 at- Broad St., at 8:30 p.m. Monday. M. Hoggard, was pastor of St. Rev. Dr. Hoggard has been who has taught both the fifth publicans." Program. torneys were expected to attend ^p £Ax local driv- Arrangements also were corj- 'Mark's'A.M.E. Zloh Church; Rev. member of the general assembl and second grades, .will work Quoting Sen^ffhurston Mortoi Opening tha. program will be the three-day meeting. He said er? paid $l£in Municipal Court pleted for the open house m the ., ,Pr. Hoggard is a graduate of o°f_f the National '..Council 'c on a reviabtf dFtHrsbblarstudfe of Kentucky, "Mrs.* Neubergei Sacred Dancers from Orange, total registration should reach here Wednesday night for care- Family Center from 5 to 9 p.m. TRitgers University and the Union Churches of Christ in the,U.S.A, less driving. curriculum for grades 4 through highlighted several of his Mrs. Robert W. Sonen and Mrs. 1,500. Sunday. A buffet supper will he Theological Seminary, New York since 1950, serves on its general 8. Each teacher will receive 10 commandments for the Republi Tryggvie Bjornson. John Donnelly, Jr., Fair Acres offered by the Mothers' Clujb City. He has dene graduate work program, field and planning com- can party." The new church building is sit- id.; Harold R. Teset, RD 3an; d the Rosary-Altar Society. mittee, is chairman of its Africa per cent more than the salary •t Boston University and Teach- She cited the importance of en- uated on a 19'/j acre tract and Settle Suit unie H'H. Lockwood Ave; Rich- The Clique, a local music grouo, committee, and represented it at hey would have received for a er's College of Columbia Uni- lightened opposition and offering was built at a cost of $125,000. ard G. Carlson, 68 Stokes St.; will provide dance music ', the constituting assembly of A 10-month contract. positive alternatives. She re- It houses 13 classrooms, a large Anthony E. Decline, Brickyard ' An invitation has been extended Africa Church Conference i Mrs. Sarah Clements who now For Injury ferred to the value of an oper meeting room, and a kitchen al Rd., and James J. Guckenberger, to all local and New Shrewsbury is teaching the eighth grade was FREEHOLD - Miss Sally Van Uganda, East Africa, two year: primary which allows the votei on one floor. residents. offered a 12-month contract to Dyke, 45 Stork Ct., Middletown tone Hill Rd. Firemen's ago. to make his choice for a healthy each science and to co-ordinate Township, accepted $6,000 Magistrate Alexander Levdnik He also is a member of th< strong party. he science program for the en- Wednesday in settlement of anfound two out-of-town drivers not North American Committee of Young GOP candidates for Meeting tire school. Mrs. Clements will To Honor auto accident suit in Superior guilty: Mary Sloane of Toms the World Council of Christian Hohndel Township Committee be working on the science cur- Court against Paul E. Glei^z, River, not guilty of failing to re- Education. William H. Menges and Warren riculum and drawing up recom- 567 Garfield Ave., Belford, and port an accident, and Larry The local church willhave its 3. Baumgartaer, amplified oi Is Delayed mendations for needed materials Capt. Purcell G.B. Hollar, 1166 Middletown- Blackwell, Farmingdale, no anniversary banquet Saturday heir platform planks. SHREWSBURY - The monthly during the. summer. LONG BRANCH — The Knights Lincroft Rd,, Middletown. guilty of careless driving. evening, May 22, at 8 o'clock in Mr. Menges emphasized thi meeting of Shrewsbury Hose Co. Masonic Hall, West Bergen PL In addition to the 10 per cent of Columbus Council 335 has re- Miss Van Dyke was injured Candy Carter of Farmingdali No. 1 was delayed as firemen extra salary for the 12 months, need to enforce ordinances say warded Detective Capt. Joseph .ng that "no mattar how stroni Oct. 27, 1962, when a car driven paid $5 for driving with no regis- fought five grass fires between she will receive an honorarium D. Purcell with a special nighl by Mr. Gleitz and owned by Mr ration or license, and Lou Ron 4 and 8:30 p.m. Tuesday. of $300 because of the supervi an ordinance may be, it is valu set for Monday to honor his ex- less if it is not enforced." Hf Hollar went out of control and Schneider, Ritchner Pond Rd. By contrast, Chief Frank Dan- City sory nature of her new position. emplary record in the Long referred to examples of develop crashed on Bamm Hollow Rd., here, paid $30 for speeding 60 eey reported the company re- (Continued) The board approved a 1965-66 Branch detective bureau. ers exploiting the home ownei Middletown Township. She was a miles per hour in a 25 zone jponded M times during April. other items. He said they musi school calendar which provides There will be a short meeting without fear of penalty. passenger in the car. and an additional $5 for failure One was a gas leak, one was at be encouraged to come and not for 186 school days for pupils followed by a social in the club to comply. Mr. Schnieder also Mr. Baumgartner pointed tc The settlement- approved by an electric charcoal starter in be hampered by restrictive park- and 193 days for teachers. rooms at 207 Third Ave. had his license revoked for 30 the importance of strong, mean Superior Court Judge Herbert a garage, one was under a side ng regulations and by prevent- Capt. Purcell, a member of the days. ingful zoning ordinances as Horn also awarded $961 to Miss porch, and 11 were grass fires, ng their use of the "bulkhead: Knights of Columbus for 25 years, Van Dyke's father, the Rev. he said. vital deterrent to mass, uncon said today he is "delighted" that and jetties that were constructed Tolled building In Holmdel. Andrew M. Van Dyke, for ex- The company, voted Joseph with their funds." Circus Set his counci] brothers have seen pense. The Van Dykes were rep- FREE ICE CREAM He called attention to the pro- fit to honor him. ; A. F. Maria of 43 North Park He cited Deal as a community posed "antwlook-alike" ordinanet resented by Edward W. Wise, RED BANK — A year's supply Ave., as an active member, and :hat welcomes sport fishermen. "This started out as an invita- Jr., Red Bank, the defendants, of ioe cream will be given away Monday In as "typical of the meaningles; tion to speak on police training ; granted a one-year leave of ab- City attorney Louis R. Aikins political moves of the • presen1 by Thomas D, Nary, Asbury Park. at each of the 400 Cumberland i tiince to Robert Scott. told Mr. Goldenberg that his school methods," said the cap- Farms milk stores to celebrate wyi 4#36 of your neighbor*' Holmdel administration since tain. He remarked that being giv- '!. Fruft Lane reported the com- case should be brought directly Long Branch des not define what a 'neigh the chain's eighth anniversary. moderoiiing their home* whb u. pany, field day will be held Sept. to the state department of con- en a special, night had "sur- Outlets are located on Newman LONG BRANCH — The circus boring' home is." prised" him. Says Jail 28, with a rain date Oct. 3, atservation and economic develop- is coming to town. Mr. Baumgartner then asked: Springs Rd., here; River Rd., Mon'mOuth County Park, Holmdel. ment. In 1951 Capt. Purcell was Fair Haven; Broadway, Long Two performances of the "What good is an anti-look-alike named policeman of the year by , Chief Dancey announced a drill Branch, and Wickapecko Dr., Clyde Beatty-Cole Bros. Circus ordinance that can not be ap-the Long Branch Kiwanis Club. Is No Hotel May 19 at 7 p.m., and the next Sell Fasti The Daily Register Wanammassa. will be given Monday on theplied." In 1964 the city Exchange Club FREEHOLD — "The taxpayers meeting June 7 instead of June 8. Classified. ere stadium grounds parking lot, honored him, for saving the life don't run a hotel h ." said Another promotional plan in Ocean Ave. of a badly burned child by giving Magistrate Alexander Levchuk CunVberland stores will be a The shows, at 4 p.m. and 8 Squad Reports mouth^to-mouth resuscitation. when confronted by a man who general reduction in prices, mak- '.m., are being sponsored by the MATAWAN TOWNSHIP-Frank The New Jersey State Patrol- had asked police to put him in ing all prices end in the figure AND TZZUHrr COMRANV Exchange Club for the benefit of Bertulis, captain of the First man's Association cited him the the county jail for 30 days. the unit's youth committee fund. Aid Squad, has announced that same year for that life-saving Instead, .the magistrate sen- This is the seventh year the club the squad answered 99 calls feat. tenced James Penson df Tupelo, has sponsored the show. last month, a- •>, them nine In 1965 he was honored by the Miss., to the county jail for 10 Robert Cornell, president, yes- accidents, 38 t .rgency trans Joseph Finkel Lodge, here, and days for loitering at police head- irday said SO free tickets have ports, 27 transports, 14 fire; Shore Lodge, Asbury Park, of quarters while under the influ- DO YOU NEED been distributed to the Asbury and 11 community service calls. the Bnai Brith, and received the ence of alcohol. Park Boys Club and another 150 The squad's four ambulance! city's first gold medal, all for James Graham, Charlton, S.C., have been given to various traveled 2,233 miles during thi: capturing two burglars after a was also sent to the county jail :hurcnes in Long Branch for use period and members served 442 gun battle in the Bruno Lucarelli for 10 days, for lying in the mid- SLIPCOVERS? >y underprivileged children. ., man-hours. home, Elberon, last fall. dle of Center and Jackson. Sts. . The circus troup includes 150 In other squad business, An Police said he was asleep under jerformers, three herds of ele- thony Giresi was voted full mem OCEANPORT FIRE the Influence of alcohol. phants and 150 wild and domestic l>ership status at the May bus RELAX, LET US COME TO YOU OCEANPORT - Fires took Charles Hackley of Cannons- animals. ness meeting. The squad also par- both fire companies out several burg, Pa., earned his 10-day ticipated at a county-wide dri: WE'LL GIVE YOU SKILLED ADVICE Clyde Beatty is billed battling times last night. sentence at the county jail for 80 lions and tigers. it Riverview Hospital last month At 5 p.m. all four trucks re- loitering in the bus terminal NO SKIMPING ON DETAILS GOOD THINGS FROM THE SEA! sponded to a fire at the tracks while under the influence of of Bridgewaters Dr. where some alcohol. Magistrate Levchuk PIN-FITTED ON YOUR FURNITURE For the finest Lobster and all kinds of noted then that "we want to Sea Food you've ever tasted, yisit railroad ties caught fire. At 9:53 p.m. a grass fire near Myr- discourage alcoholism in our bus TAILORED WITH CARE Baker's Lobster Shanty! Strictly fresh, tle Ave. again drew all equip- station. Women and children and beautifully served in a lively, salty, ment. gather there." sea-faring atmosphere, literally on the William H. "Crow" Henderson, water, Manasquan River, where it meets REGISTRATION HOURS 15 Rhea St., here, was sentenced No Charges for Estimates, of Course the sea! For a delicious, informal din- MATAWAN — The Board of Wednesday night to 90 days in the ner and a wonderful evening, visit . • • Education of Temple Shalom county jail as a disorderly per- This would be a wonderful enjoyment In the months son. James Harley of 4 Avenue to coma and all /ear 'round . . . besides enhancing will hold registration for Sabbath School tomorrow and next Sun- "A" was sent to the county jail the beauty of your home. CALL US TODAY!! I day from 10 a.m. to noon in the for six months for breaking a lobby of the Strathmore', Ele- window and door of the Lopatln mentary School. Electric Store on. South St. M. SILBERSTEIN, Inc. IPBSFER New students in all age groups, • SCHLOEDER • Including those who will be at- CARD PARTY MONDAY INTERIOR DESIGNS • FURNITURE tending kindergarten for the first OCEANPORT — The Oceanport DRAPERIES • SLIPCOVERS SHA5V CONSTRUCTION CO. time, will be required to regis- Republican Club's spring card ter. card party will bo held Monday a CHANNKL ORIVI, POINT PLBASANT BIACH TW »-«7D0 250 Shrewsbury Ave. Red Bank at 8 p.m. in the Hi-Henry Inn, Celebrating Our 45th Year 741-2139 291-9065 House Hunting! It's open sea- Long Branch, co-chairmen Mrs. 21-23 MECHANIC ST. 741-1762 RED BANK son in the Daily Register Classi- Raymond Mill and Mrs. Clement fied now. Sommers announced yesterday. ires from €.35 million Weda**- up .1 to * Ugh UK the year.,,, __^__ iVofcu&e WM 2.57 mUHon tfeuwl Corporate boodt were ntad. %-Fridty, VUj 14, 1965 THE DAILY REGISTER Price* were irregularly higher!compared with 2.65 million Wed-jOS, Government bonds we** tin- 1- . • • Ten most active Stock Rally .. . i _.j__ «i..T • —T:_ • I » I Jiaauit l*Ao lower* . • . . The Dow Jones l&duxtrtei Aver- on the Amelias Static Exchange, jwadey. I LOCAL SECURITIES go rose 4,70 to 9UU7 — »p- Strengntens, proKMng the M0 level which Quotations from NASD at approximately 3:00 p.m. Bids are iater- me analysts hive held up as Typical Examples JMtar prices. Prices identified by • ire inter-dealer asked prices "objective" of the present Tnter-dealer quotations do not include retail markup, markdown or Trades Brisk love. Of The wmmission. Other asked prices have bees adjusted upward to NEW YORK (AP) - The stock It was the second straight day LIQUIDATORS Hundreds Of - laclud* approximate markup. market rally gained power yester- strong recovery from a consul- ENTIRE STOSE BUYERS Otfier Famous BANKS day as averages once again mov- elation period of three days dur- g which slocks were irregularly Dlv. Bid Asked ed to historic highs. Trading was OPEN 3 DAYS ONLY Brand Items Belmtr-Wall Nation*! 3.00 160 more active. wer following the previous ad- 69 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. 12 ance to historic peaks. ' Thun., Fri. 10-9; Saturday 10-4 Not Advertised Central Jersey Bank* ll'/4 Volume swelled to 6.46 million At Hi. 35, Skrawsbny—at tte IM ls«k UH Eatontawn National Bank 25^ The advance of the average Farmers & Merchants 4'A make up these indicators. ce again was made possible First Merchants Nat'l Bank .25 plus stlc 914 9% The Associated Press average selective strength among some ON SALE SATURDAY ONLY -10 A. M. TO 6 P. M. First National Bank of Spring Lake of 60 stocks rose .3 to 343.7 the blue chips which go to First National Bank of Toms River 28 gh, rails off 1.8 and utilitie OVER 1,000 PIECES TO CHOOSE FROM First State Ocean County with industrials up 2.5 to a record Keansburg-Middletown 1.40 SO Yesterdays closing stocks: Monmouth County National* (xx) .18 ACP Ind Int Bui Men 1S( LADIES'-GIRLS'-BOYS'-MEN'S N. J. National Bank 26>/« Adami Ex Int Harv 38 INVESTMENT k Air Prod :nt Nick B2V4 1 Ocean County National 375 Air Reduc Int Paper 35'4 Peoples National, Keyport 3.00 150 Alice Cp Int Tel&Tel Oa% > Girls Dresses • Boys' and Men's Jackets AHtf Lud I-T-E Ckl Erk 4814 OPPORTUNITY People National Bank of Laltewood 160 Allel Pw I9i John* Man 6114 Sea Bright National 1.25 82 AUIel Ch 55(4 Jones 4 I* PRIME REAL ESTATE » Men's Coats • Ladies' Skirts • Ladies' Shorts Aim dial 24 Si Joy JllK 58-l» INVESTMENTS IN Trust Co. of Ocean County 52 Alcoa 78 KalBer Al 3911 Am Airline 55'i Keimecott 112^ Now conttnicHon of apart- • Ladies' Bermudas • Ladies' & Girls' Blouses INDUSTRIAL Am Brk 8b 68 H Koppen 66 ments, nursing home!, etc Am Can 47 % Krcse« S3 64% Alkon Industries 3 Am Cyan 80H Kroger 41 ••>; Minimum lnvnrn»nt Am M Fdy 8% » Men's Terry Cabana Jackets • Men's Robes Brockway" 32 Am Mot Leh Port C 16% Family Circle Am Bmelt Leh Val Ind 4^ .NAT. ADV. VP TO $10.95 Am std LOF Glaas 15 TO 20% NET RETURN Laird Am T«l Tel Ub McNit, Monmouth Capital Am Tob LlBf * Mj Amp Inc Litton Ind Monmouth Electric Anaconda LuketlB SU Monmouth Park* Armco 8U 65 >i Mack TrR Armour 67% Magnavox N. J. Natural Gas- (z) Cash m Armit Ck 46>4 Marath Oil Rowan Ashl Oil 731 Martin M 22'/ Atchlson 43H MaBOtilte Spiral Metal 9 Atl Refin 321 Merck U. S. Homes 66'4 MGM •Co Corp J3Vi Minn MtM Walter Heads • Sterling Bibcock W 39 Mo Pac A Winsbw Tel. Bald Lima 18'i Mont Ward Bayuk Clg 13"i Nat Blue (x) Dividend (xx) Plus Stock Bell * How 35'* N Cash Reg Bendix 5114 Bclh Slcel 3fi Boeing Borrfen 7411 Borg Warn 91 VL Brunswk S3 Bucy Erie »•; Bulova 43K Burl Infl 23 Cut, JI 70«l, Cater Trac Successful Celanese Ches & oh Owetu 111 Gl 117", Chrysler pan Am Cltlia Sv Param Plct Coca Col* Penney JG ...Now You Can Save 10% to 40% Colg Pal 35* Pa Pw*U Colum Gia 52 Pa KR Coml Bolv 32(t Pepsi Cola 4 S Investing Con Edis 35"i Perkln Elm MS Conl Can pmer Coop Bea M14 Phil El Rojer E. Spear By ROGER E. SPEAR | Corn Pd Phil! Pel 38 « Corning (J 52 K Cm Zell 55 % Pit Steel 16!4 ~ Q) "Our three children have mend Sears, Roebuck and Easl Croc 8tl SOS'* Pub Svc EAQ 41H At ^-0.00 S' • Curtlsj Wr 59H Pullman -lust received a gift of 2,000 shares man Kodak, which seem to giv Dtere 2614 Pure Oil 5014 IT. S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. Del a Hud I8T4 RCA so small a yield?" J. C Dtnt 8up Heading Co 20 'i and 630 Sunray DX Oil. My hus- A) la view of your second ques Doug Alrc Repub SU 43H Dow Chern Revlon 43 % tand feels we should hold no tion, I'm going to assume yoi Dress Ini Keyn M«t 46V4 wore than 200 U. S. Fidelity and Dupont Hey Tob want income with perhaps Duel M Rob Ctmtroll .800 Sunray, He would switch measure of growth. I believe thai Eut Kod 2i St Jnj Lead Annual Clearance the balance into equal amounts End John 34 "i St Reg Pip over a period of time you would Erie Lack ]«•, Sears Roeb :of General Motors, Common- Firestone 3114 Shell OU do well with Standard Oil of Nev FMC Cp 8S Sinclair wealth Edison, General Electric, Jersey, now yielding 3.7 per cen Ford Mot 49H Smith. XO •Goodyear, General Telephone, Gen Accept 6311 Socony and Marshal Field, offering a 3. Otn Cigar 59W Sou Pw •Weyerhaeuser, American Can, Gen nynam 2154 per cent return. Gen Blec 3914 Sou Ry Yes •Norfolk & Western, Atohison, Na- Gtn Fdj 45 Sperry Eft Your question about my rec- Oen Motora Std Brand tional Lead, Maytag and Den ommending low-yield stocks Gen Pub Ut 10611 Std Oil Cal -'vex A Rio Grande. I'm not sure Gin Tel*El 8414 Btd Oil NJ entirely reasonable. I advise Gen Tirft 108 Studebaker That Sofa, Dining Room, Chair, that I agree. Can you help?" Ga Pac Cp Texaco 78H these issues because of their ex- Gillette Tex O SJI 64 «, • •;• ' s. J. cellent growth record, their fr Olen Aid Textron 62»i Goodrich Tldewat Oil quent dividend rises and thiei Goodyear Traniimer Bedroom... or Anything Else You ; A) Your children are very for- Grace Co Un Carbld* tunate. In this instance, I must capital enhancement over tin Gt AAP 6614 Un rae past years. The reason why thesi Greyhound 551i Un Tank O 3&ree with your husband. Di- Gulf otl 55'i Unit Alrc TVersification is one of the import- stocks are consolidating arotim Himm Pap 39K United Cp Have Desired, Is Now on Sale! their all-time highs is that each Here Pdr 22'^ US Llnei ant rules of investment and I be- III Cent Ind KM U8 Plywl recently split its shares am Inf Rand (5U us Hub lieve your husband's plan is 44 _ U3 Smelt sound. Since your children should raised its dividend—which mean; 5214 US Steel that all the good news is oul *8U Van Al m look for capital gains and ap- WalWDrth for a while. Warn B Pio parently don't need income, I Wn Un Tel . . . Dinettes! Dining Rooms! (Roger Spear's new 48-page In- We.it El would eliminate from his sug- White Mot gested list: American Can, A.tch- vestment Guide is now available Woolwth Formal or Informal, all reduced for rmmadiata clearance 1 For example this Jsoa, National Lead and Denver to all readers of this column Vn««t S>l*T * Rio Grande whidi, in ray opin- dip Ibis notice and send tl wftfi sutta, pictured, r«guUriy $399. :i_ ion, have an indifferent growth your name and address to Rog- LIGHTS OUT $utk>ok. Instead of these stocks, er E. Spear, care of Red Bank LONG BRANCH-Donald Reln- I would set op • cash reserve Register, Box 1818, Grand Cen- hardt, 34, of 729 Wayside Dr., Jo take advantage of any better ral Station, New York, N. V. Neptune, escaped injury early Now future buying levels. 10017.) yesterday when his car knocked down and" destroyed a light stand- - Q> "I have * 1,000 I would like Need Money? Sell those things ard' at Ocean Ave. and Stuyvesant "-to invest WouM you recommend you really don't need with PI., opposite the Elberon Surf •pot or two good stocks? Also, Daily Register Classified Ad. Club. may I inquire why you reoom- Call now. Street lights all along Ocean Ave. were put out of commission Danish Practicality! Add to the Value for a few hours as e result of the of year heme with accident, which took place at 4:30 • lav-test Hem* a.m. • A Sleep-Two Conwtrblt ' Improvement!* According to Patrolman Patrick G. Conte, who investigated, Mr. • A Beautiful Chair \ Reinhardt was driving north on Ocean Ave. when he fell asleep. • A Vtrsatila 3-pc. Soctional ... All our fine-line Danish on Sale Now! DAUGHTER FOR NELSONS Attory Pert • Ht SHA-T08A, Japan - PFC and Mat • ManoMUM Mrs. Ronald G. Nelson, are par- (Sectional shown, reg. $239, now $169) • Norm AUwry part • Fair Hewn ents of a daughter, Shelley Ann, • IMntfsl • BrMI* born here Sunday. May 9. Mrs. • ColtlNKk Nelson is the former Mary Mad- MMinwmi Cwnly'i it- dalena, daughter of Mrs. Mar; •MMl Bank, S* YHn


SAVE 20% en tofai, tablet, chairs and all fine accessories. Durmg our great clearance 1

0NLY1WWW0FFERS ALL OF THESE EXCLUSIVE FEATURES at NO EXTRA COST SELF FENCED "SAFETY FLARE" DESICN With Lock Up Skinny Prol»et» Ajiinit Uniuirdad Enby Bedrooms! Bedrooms! Bedrooms! •k REDWOODX0NSTRUCTI0N BRACED WITH STEEL it N.S.F. APPROVED FILTRATION SYSTEM Keeps Witer Cryslil ClMrAIIStuun Looi . . . with beds for the "little princess" or the NON-SLIP REDWOOD DECKS "oversized" King and his Queen ! During our With Built-in Btnches Stats 20 Adults annual clearance we've priced 5-pc. Bedroom AUTOMATIC SKIMMING SYSTEMS Ketoi Pool Surfaca Clem • Suites as low as •k HEAVY nun STAINLESS STEEL UDDER •k 10 YEAR GUARANTEE • UODEUTO On Heavy Duty Vinyl PoohMn Un«r CHOOSE FROM SWIM in 2to3 DAYS! 299. NO HONEY DOWN • 7 YRS. TO PAY I P"ICED " Low AS Only 7Oc A Day

VM> Mil Sl.op.at Hum Uric*—On $dtt Iwjlam will qhrfly i»sw vaa a tnw teak moLETaWN - James J. Robert Bl Hotley, 19,'of 14 Cher- state- compla- or.inu ntanran Laggan, Jr., 25 Stephenville Miss ry St., New Shrewsbury; Virgin' 30. Strong . ..--•'- June Stre- ment* cency wind aSR iH2 O Blvd., has been granted a teach- a, director of motor vehicles, la F. Morris, 22, of 1 Osborne lO.NonmeUOUo 8. Affected 31. Short ing-assistantship fellowship from has announced suspension of the PI., Sea Bright, and Ellen M, chemfcal manner* tsila the physics department of the GOING TO . licensgs of 31 Monmouth County Oakley, 44, of 2 JK«nneth Ter., element U 82. Simpler Jniversity of Illinois, Urbana, III. drivers under the 60-70 excessive Neptune. U. Harangue 7. Music 23. Cut- He will receive a stipend of $2,- 13. Of by one THE CITY? speed and the point system pro- ting- 28. Femala 400 plus full tuition and fees for Under the point system, Rob gnat S.Stow tools grams. horse 965-66. He will work for a mas- ert O. Perry, 42, of Casino Dr. «*» cargo with 29. Affirma- , Under the excessive speed pro- Farmingdale, lost his license foi 14. Punish 10. Sound of coarse tive vote :er degree in solid state physics gram, David T. Mcpuire, 19 of 45 days. 16. Hawaiian dis- teeth 31. Oriental t the graduate school. 11 Morrell St., Long Branch, 'los bird approval Heriberto Gomez, 25, of 20 East 2S.Poli*h cuckoo As an honorable mention win- his license for three months. 17. Congo 12. Come In general 32. City: GO BY BUS! Main St., Freehold, received « tribe 16. Garden er in the Pre-Doctora! National A two-month suspension was 27. Vexatious: Indiana Science Foundation test, be re- 35-day suspension. 18. Soak flax tool colloq. Airport Plaza, Hwy. 36, Hazlet, N. J. given Raymond A. Mulhern, Jr. 35. Humor eived offers from colleges and Suspended for 30 days were the 19. Irritate M, of 127 Shetbern Dr., Lincroft universities throughout the coun- and Keansburg Terminal licenses of John F. Mazza, 27, 20. Bestow 1 2 1 4 S 6. 21. Closes, as ry. R.T. Fare $2.10 N.Y.C. Suspended for 30 days were the of 15 Avenue of Two Rivers, licenses of 24 drivers: Alfred A a hawk's 'i & 9 Mr. Laggan, a 1951 graduate Rumson; George C. Woolf, Jr., eyes v R.T. Fare $1.59 Newark Ando, 23, of 174 Idle Brook La. //< % if Red Bank Catholic High 24, of 1237 Cliffwood 'Dr., Cliff- 23. American 10 li School, is a June candidate for 264 -9828 — 787-0066 — 787-9676 Matawan' Township; James P wood; a,60HPmlsW anil.dutt, blackmaka James J. Laggan, Jr. Gunkle, 19, of 45 Lakeside Dr. % n electrical engineering degree wood; and William H. Pitts, 60 24. Cavern 14 Free Parking Matawan; Anna M. Morton, 49 t Newark College of Engineer- honor engineering society, of Oakland Ave., Navesink. 25.Choler % of 1007 Forrest Rd,, Brielle; ng. He is a member of Tau Be- 26. Employ 16 17 IB and the Institute of Electrical and Richard Newman, 31, of 40 2LJBishop % '^ :a Pi, national honor engineering Fletcher Ave., Manasquan; Lou- Englishtown Airman of Rome M 20 society; Eta Kappa Nu, electri- Electronics Engineers. Leonardo Terminal 28. Mother: CHARTER Is F. Zucconip 21, of 111 Fifth Ends Course in jets % % R.T. Fare Ave., Neptune City; Diane L. colloq. a SERVICE Mansfield, 18, of RD 2 Shark 30. Does d' 291 - 9623 MEMPHIS, Tenn. - Aviation Bmalljoba 124 V River, Farmingdale. Machinest's Mate Richard J. 32. Merry w $2.30 N.Y.C. AVAILABLE Rietzke, son of Mr. and Mrs. A, % Abo, Gladys M. Thompson, 29 33. Century it V 284 fc9 PHONE: F. Rietzke of Penes Rd., Eng- $2.00 Newark of 12 Center St., Englishtown; plants % % 291<1300 lishtown, N. J., has been gradu^ i\ Vincent J. Jennings, 42, of 56 34. Conscious 30 it 29! -1300 ated from the jet engine school 36. Emit Want to fix up your home? Waul 291-9623 Frost Qir, Middletown; Edwin ... IS OUR at the Naval Air Technical 37. Telegraph SI to odd an eitra room 7 Loam Free Parking G. Booth, 25, of 164 Port Mon- i4 Training Ceniet here. 38. Cunning % BUSINESS quickly arranged*. Low ratari liWuth Rd., Keansburg; William 39. Pigpen S7 Sriffiett, 37, of White Rd., Bel- In an eight-week course hi % , mar] Bernie Simpson, 42, of 1001 learned jet fundamentals, je SOWN 58 54 4% ANNUAL DIVIDEND Stone Rd., Union Beach; Walter power plants operation and re 3. Oil % % COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY Sdber, Jr., 29,, of Marlboro St. placement, jet aircraft line oper- Morganvffie; Eleonore R. Brou, ations, assembly and disassenv SAVINGS & LOAN NEW YORK*KEANSBURG bly of jet power plants and pew Nu Voice Club Receives Gift 51, of 38 Woodside Dr., Farm- MARINE VIEW ASSOCIATION ingdale; Arlyce A. Boe, 33, of 45A er plant removal procedures. RED BANK - A donation tolgectomees Sunday, May 16, at 2 LONG BRANCH BUS LINE Highway 35, Mfddlttown Hwy. 36, Atlantic Highlands Monmouth Ave., Freehold. Before attending this school, he further free speech classes was p.m. at Shadowbrook, Broad • 75 Beschwoy, Keaiubun Also, John J. Miller, 69, of 605 was graduated from the two- received by the Garden State Nu St., Shrewsbury, 671-2400 29L0100 Broadway, Long Branch; Susan week aviation familiarization and Voice Club at its regular meet- DeBonis, 22, of 112 Cedar Ave., the four-week mechanical funda- Ing in Trinity Episcopal Ohurch, Long Branch; -Rita Merla, 41, of mentals courses. White St. The donation was made by iamuel Rosenfeld, president of EXCEPTIONAL BUSINESS 32d Templars Club of Monmoulh County. President Cortland Ogden pre- PPORTUN1TY sided at the meeting. John Mc- MIDDLETOWN GARDEN CENTER Clear was speech therapist. New members accepted were SWIFTS A-FRAME Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stanley of Hightstown, and Des Bogdano- Northern Monmouth County Distributor DEPARTMENT witz of Metuchen. < It was announced that any member is welcome to attend the STORE OF HOMES meeting and dinner of the Five Clubs of the New Jersey Laryn- for New Jersey Natural Gas Sell the nation's most Beautiful Line of Precision-Cut Homes. Mil FINANCING BY SWIFT for your unique traffic stopping complete A-Frame Department Store Showroom. Swift will finance the complete A-Frame franchise package for you with Community HO MONEY DOWN. LOOK WHAT SWlFTPROVIDESrHomes that ate architecturally cor- net, designed for maximum liability • Highest quality mate- Annual rial* • Design versatility—a Swift Home for all tastes—widest-" GAS GRILLS and GAS LIGHTS range of styles in the industry • Long term, permanent financing for your customer with NO MONEY DOWN • National adver- Dinner Set tising and national promotions • Local level cooperative advertis- RED BANK — The annual din- ing • Full color catalogs, direct nailers, promotional literature and ner meeting of the Community THE local level promotions • Factory and field training program from YMCA will be held Monday, May PERFECT AAA 1 D & B-rated manufacturer. ' 4, at Shadowbrook, Shrewsbury, ,.. Enjoy outdoor cooking as it should be ! Gas grills make SWIFT WILL START YOU on this profitable, lifetime business career according to Richard M. Hurd, HOST now, and finance the COMPLETE BUSINESS PACKAGE FOR YOU. All you need is a minimum of $2500 available for working d, Navesink, general chairman. outdoor cooking possible under weather conditions that capital—and willingness to devote full time to this profitable busi- Invitations have been mailed 49.00 ness. A Swift representative!wil l be in this area in person to con- to all YMOA members. Guests duct a meeting explaining the details. No obligations, no cost, are cordially invited. Reserva-, would be impossible wffrVfhe ordinary barbacue cook-ouf return the coupon and you wQl be notified of the tune and location. ions are being accepted by phone or mail at the YMCA ' IWIPT HOMEI, INC., 1 Cfilcoge Aw., EllnMtn. Pa. "" building in Red Bank. ... there's no mess and fuss involved, in fact all you do is I MM ID attain your mntlng In Red Bank, N. J. Annual dinner committee mem- bers are: Mr. and Mrs. Richard light your Gas Grill and cook! M. Hurd, 3d, Navesink; Mr. and Mrs. Bassett WinmiH, Locust; Mrs. Rachel Field Mount, Mid- City, zon«, suta dletown; Mrs. John Bell, Rum-' son. COST OF GAS GRILLS $2.00 PER MONTH UNTIL PAID AUTO LOANS THE LAZY-MAN THE PATIO LOW 5'/o BANK RATES 49.00 49.00 INSTALLED FREE! Anywhere on your property

All four lovely models come complete with matching metal post and mantels, ready to cast their glamorous CRANBROOK radiance throughout your garden, entry-way or entire 39.00 outdoor premises! There is a design to suit any type Y of architecture.

COST OF GAS LIGHTS s 1.00 PER MONTH TIL PAID CHARM GLOW CENTURY CABILDO 29.00 34.00 24.00 NO HIDDEN FINANCE CHARGES ALL MODELS ON DISPLAY ON OUR PREMISES! UP TO 36 MONTHS TO REPAY Auto financing it big at Keansburg-Middletown because people know that they make real savings when ws do the financing. If you are ready to buy a new or COME ON OUT TO OUR WONDERFUL DAY OF FUN! good used car come in today. You'll get quick service and helpful advice and you are welcome whether or not you are already a cuitomar of our bank. KEANSBURG-MIDDLETOWN COOK-OUT SUN MAY 16 NATIONAL BANK FROM 1 P.M. UNTIL 4 P.M. KEANSBURG MIDDLETOWN Church & Carr Ave; Kings Hjghway 787-0100 471-2800 LINCROFT BELFORD MIDDLETOWN GARDEN CENTER Ntwman Springs Road Leonardvllle Road 747-0900 787-6200 HWY. 35, MIDDLETOWN PHONE 671 -1050 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Store Hours: Open 7 Days a Week 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday evenings 'til 9 Hang Jury The Register s Jim Bishops Reporter •;';*?.*;•:, A Man Nbmed $ LOUISVILLE, Ky. — There Is a half mile run up t country Keeping Pace in Raritan road between the black fences which surround Hermitage It might be argued that Raritan Farm and, on a knob of emerald grass the Georgian bouse • The Democratic administration in stands alone, the round white columns at attention on the Raritan continues in its efforts to keep can "make do" with its present facili- front porch. This, and the 800 acres around It. belong to t ties for another year or two. Such leathery-looking horse breeder named Warner L. Jones, Jr. pace with the township's population delay, however, would only increase It is one of the most successful In the country. explosion by adding municipal building . Across the rolling hills, dotted with white the cost of capital improvements and dogwood and slowbudding oaks, are 240 facilities. reduce the efficiency of office staffs. racing thoroughbreds and an assortment of Former Republican Mayor Harry P. In the past five years, Raritan's bewildered foals. There are 18 miles of black Seaman showed foresight in adding to fence—four broad boards high — and IS population has increased by 3,000. In. 15 big barns, painted in black with red trim, . an inadequate township hall at the the 10-year period before that, it Every stall in every barn is raked out and time population growth started. His jumped 12,000. swept out every morning as,the tongue of administration effected economies in the sun licks the lime Jello of the landscape. The Seaman administration saved Breeding thoroughbred racing horses is this area to the benefit of all taxpayers. many thousands of dollars by building a delicate business. Jones started his in 1936 The present administration, under for future as well as current needs, with one barn, one fence, one m'are and no stallion. He had one additional asset: a the leadership of Mayor Marvin Olin- at a minimum cost, without "frills." farm foreman named Scipio Napier, a short sky, is ready to expand the township The present administration is follow- BISHOP man who wears his hands in the hip pockets hall and build a new municipal garage. ing the same course. It already has of his slacks, a hat low over his eyes, and a face like a gross These two projects, along with library cut library costs, by deciding against of busted shoelaces. Scipio knows horses as few men do. He is mother, father, renovation, will cost an estimated construction of a new building, and physician, worrier, friend, obstetrician and disciplinarian to $180,000. The governing body will will utilize present garage facilities for 229 mares and 11 stallions. When he thinks a. colt is reads to seek federal aid to lower the cost. expansion of township offices. run, Napier gentles him into the first saddle, "the. iirst ,bridl»i; and the' flrsi boy on, his back and, makes tym' run a narrow, spongy track !sevenjeighths of a mile long. : c- .' The yearling may not want to do it; but Napier knows;; ECOM's Future Gets Top Attention more than the baby and he knows that the baby is bred to," run fast and steady. He talks to him, strokes the flanks, buf As this newspaper goes to press, gressman Howard are deluged by let- he never gives him a lump of sugar,- And yet,- papier is so,; Republican U.S. Senator Clifford P. ters from their constituents, many of afraid1 mat the boys who work for him might forget to ieed? Case is meeting in Washington with which are founded on rumor and the a horse that he orders feed bags filled and hung outslde-;b(;- every stall on the farm hours before mealtime. • .,--..,• VC Maj. Gen. Frank W. Moorman, com- personal desires of employees at the Then he drives his dusty station wagon from barn to barn'? manding general of the Electronics fort. to barn, just checking. The Jones system pfoduces wiiyrinj'. , Command at Fort Monmouth, and two The main questions to be an- horses. In 1953, Hermitage Farm's Dark Star beat N«tl*tV Dancer • to win the Kentucky Derby. Last yeiuvwhen d)*i= Democrats who have expressed con- swered are: What is best for the v cern about ECOM's future: U.S. Sen- Army? What is best for New Jersey? farm's yearlings went on sale at Keeneland, Mrs. Velma.$4oiv ' rlsori paip d $170,000—a world's record-for''a :son of .BoldRtffer;': ator Harrison A. Williams and Rep. What is best for Monmouth County? named OnO e BolBld Bid.Bid - • [ ''"S^S\-. James J. Howard. By asking his Democratic colleagues There is a tanbark barn for mating brood mares'.: The'; We're confident the meeting will to join in questioning Gen. Moorman, thoroughbred is cinched to one side of a board fence. A inale- horse named Trigger is tied to the other sid8 of the fence, be beneficial. Gen. Moorman's forth- Sen. Case is giving us the type service He Is called a teaser and hfs sole function is to find outifv rightness is certain to help our repre- we have come to expect of him. the brood mare is ovulating. If she is not, there will be'to-' sentatives in Washington separate For our part, keeping ECOM at pregnancy. She makes the decision. Fort Monmouth and increasing its Trigger flirts, reaches over the board, rubs muzzles and facts from fiction, which is so neces- Sylvia Porter: Your Money's Worth sometimes nips her on the neck. If she shies away, kicks at sary to their embarking on an intelli- functions at Fort Monmouth are mat- the boards, or tries to rear or hurt herself, she Is led back, to gent course of action. We know that ters that are of vital importance to her'stall. If she succumbs to the blandishments, then Trigger Sens. Case and Williams and Con- Monmouth County. 9 is led away and a thoroughbred is brought, in, .To datet the The Business of 'Fun teaser has been rejected two thousand times. Gestation for a mare is 11 months. She averages one foal As we move toward the peak recreation —Our growing interest in rehabilitating per year. All horses are one year old on January first, no mat- season of the year, the soaring profits-and- the physically and mentally handicapped. This has led to an urgent demand for "recreation" ter what the aotual birthdate, so mating at Hermitage goes on Robert S. Allen, Paul Scott: Inside Washington paycheck importance of "fun" in the U.S. from Feb. 15 until June 15, so that the babies will be bora emerges with brilliant clarity. therapists, psychologists, nurses, —Our longer life span and the resulting between January and May, and will be ready for sale as year- Last year alone we spent $24 billion on lings the following January. • recreation, up more than formation oJ clubs and organizations for re- 500 per cent since 1940. It's tired people. This has developed a need for Most of the stallions are mated once a day throughout the ; Poll Dominicans on Leaders a certainty that 1965's total a wide range of specially-tailored facilities Spring: There is an old gaffer named Royal Gem, who It 23- WASHINGTON - The Centra* Intelligence the country, and that an honest election would will be billions above this and specially-trained personnel. years of age and who becomes a potential daddy every other restore him to power. all-time record. —The steady expansion in company rec- day. Throughout the pregnancies, the mares roam pastures Agency is playing a singular role in the exclusive to mothers-to-be. In fact, all horses of given age and kaleidoscopic Dominican upheaval. When one Midwestern governor asked Today's surge in travel, reation programs for employees. These in- clude after work facilities for sports, games, condition room together and run the fields together. The huge, worldwide intelligence agency whom the administration is supporting, sports, vacations, etc., has Humphrey replied: steam baths, etc., and growing numbers of When accouchement approaches, the mare is placed in a Is polling Dominicans on whom they prefer become a major creator of small corral of blue grass by herself. She is watched by "No one. We're keeping hands strictly jobs — going far beyond the resorts for workers' vacations and weekends. among the various military —Our national concern about our physical Napier's men and in her stall the corners are rounded so that and civilian aspirants to off of that. Our responsibility is to see to familiar categories of camp she cannot try to give birth to her baby against a wall where It that a cease-fire is achieved, a provisional counselor, lifeguard, park unfitness. This is spurring new fitness pro- head a new provisional gov- grams in schools, on the job and in retire- it might die. The Messrs. Jones and Napier attend the birth, ernment. government set up, and order, and normality ranger and the like. with a veterinary. The mother is an expensive animal and the restored so a free election can be held as PORTER A new survey by the ment. r —The 1964 Wilderness Act and Land and foal is a potential stakes winner. , ... The unusual soundings quictoy as possible. That's our only purpose." Interior Department's Bureau of Outdoor^ Water Conservation Fund Act. These are Babies from two days old to nine days old.try thel^ Iegs.,'n.,, are being made on tfie per- Despite this avowed neutrality, Humphrey ReoreMiorf'tists 60 separate occupations de- sonal orders of President f adding.millions of_acresjn national park lands out in a pasture exclusive to niare and foal. After the ninth _; went out of his way tik emphatically deny «nanding increasing numbers of *'profession- to our eidstfog1 expanses'of parks and wilder- day, both are permitted in pastures "with other mothers and. '",' Johnson, a strong "con- that Bosch is a leftist or has such ties. ally trained workers. Among fhein — and sensus" believer. ness areas. Another aspect here is our mount- youngsters. Horses nurse for five months before weaning. Humphrey did characterize him as "naive," this list of "recreation workers" may as- ing awareness of the importance of measures If the mother dies in giving birth, a nurse mare Is rented for Publicly, the administra- but contended. that with the "right kind of tound you — are: biologists, architects, tion is insisting it is not to combat smog and water pollution. $350 for the orphan. ; I people around him, he would be all right." nurses, historians, psychologists, chemists, Scipio Napier stood in the warm sun lifting his hat and supporting any of the rival geologists, economists, archeologists, social- —The $1.1 billion law to aid Appalachia .. ALLEN hopefuls. But the President Observed one governor, "Isn't that his and dozens of smaller but similar programs scratching his head as he watched the little ones, all legs and trouble? He's so naive that he invariably ogists, therapists. ears, frisk around their mothers. "I was just wondering," he apparently hopes to get some indication of Right now there are an estimated 35,000 to rebuild depressed regions. In a rising num- attracts the wrong people. That's why he ber of instances, abandoned farm and coal said, "how many foals we have this Spring. Darned if 1 know the tenor ot Dominican sentiment through the was booted out." full-time, year-around recreation workers and because^they're being born faster than I can count." about 100,000 part-time workers — plus.mil- mining areas are being turned into recrea- CIA's polls. SOFT TOWARD COMMUNISM - This tion havens to attract tourists. To date, the Hermitage Farm costs $404,000 a year to run. Last year, Exactly how and where they are being lions whose jobs are indirectly dependent on the first 11 yearlings sold for $422,000. As a soldier. Warner Is exactly the judgment of a report shortly recreation. These totals are up 125 per cent Commerce Department's Area Redevelop- conducted, and who and how many ere being to be published by the Senate Internal Security ment Administration has invested approxi- Jones, Jr., was a cavalryman. He was in a tank, and never ' questioned is the CIA's in the .past decade and are due to rise at aaw a horse ... - Committee, headed by Sen. James Eastland, least 50 per cent within the next five years. mately $70 million in 66 recreation projects secret But the first results D-Miss., Others signing it include Republican in underdeveloped regions of the U,S. seemingly are In — on the Moreover, says Ago Ambre, chief of the Leader Everett Dirksen, 111., and Sen. Roman Labor Department's Occupational Outlook Says ARA Administrator 'William L. Batt basis of what has been pri- Hruska, R^Neb. vately communicated to Service, "This field offers a big ray of hope Jr.r "Federal agencies are working over- Events of Years Ago members of the Senate The report characterizes Bosch as an for this summer's army of teen-age jobseek- time to create new tourist attractions and Foreign Relations Cbmmit- "ideological Trotskyite," whose return to ers." facilities all: over the country to meet the power would mean "another major victory Of course, obvious factors behind the surging demands for virtually all forms of /^ tee. for the Communists." dramatic boom in recreation employment and recreation." "^H They have been told the "Juan Bosch is definitely an ideological profits are our climbing incomes, our in- Recreation; in sum, is becoming, a .big,, 50 Years Ago ^^H CIA found only 5 per cent Trotskyite," declares the report, "and there- creasing leisure time/ ttte building of highway booming, professional business—dazzling even ^^H of Dominicans favor Gen. fore, by definition, an ideological Communist. ; networks and our love-affair with the auto- the most optimistic projections of a few years Edward McCormick of Shrewsbury sold his cow. ; - SHH Wessen y Wessin, "strong Evidence of his softness towards communism mobile. But there are other'significant forces ago — and it'll become bigger, boomier and SCOTT man" leader of the forces is ample and convincing. WhHe Bosch was- behind the trends which are not so obvious. more professional year after year. James LaBau of Fair Haven, chauffeur for Senator Saxe ' that fought the April 24 revolution. President of the Dominican Republic, not only of New York, was having an open body fitted to the senator's . WHAT THE POLLING returns will be weie the Communists allowed free rein for car. ' , • . '• on Juan Bosch, the elected president ousted all their activities, but the real power was by the military in 1963, Col. Francisco exercised by known Communists whom Bosch John Chamberlain: These Days Caamano Deno, rebel leader who claims to obviously either could not or did not wish to be "constitutional provisional president," and control. 25 Years Ago Brig. Gen. Antonio Imbert Barreras, head "Exiled Communist leaders from all over of the "counter revolutionary" military junta, William E. Smith was elected chief of the Matawan fin Latin America flocked to the Dominican Re- department. is anyone's guess. public under the Bosch regime, and the Com- Sen. Dodd Challenges the Press In fact, it's highly conjectural if these munists began a drive having as its long- Senator Tom Dodd, the'Connecticut Dem- told you so" when the Congo summoned A. new stamp commemorating the Pony Express pleased CIA findings will be revealed. range objective not only a complete Com- ocrat, has been taking out after the press Tshcmbe, as the only available Congolese a Red Bank woman. Receiving one of the new stamps from munist take-over in San Domingo, but also because ic "has created a public image of leader of any ability, to take charge of the a postal clerk at the Red Bank post office, she remarked. Foreign Relations committeemen were the conditioning of the people of that island "I am so glad that horse racing is coming back. It's a fine greatly surprised to be told about Wessin's the situation" in Vietnam "which is in cer- country as a whole in its efforts to pull itself : republic to such an extent that this Com- tain respects inaccurate, in other respects out of a quagmire and fight off Communist- race horse the artist has pictured." low standing. They didn't even know the munist take-over would have majority sup- CIA was making these polls. imbalanced and in still suppcrtcri subversion, port among the people themselves." other respects inadequate The Public Utilities Commission denied the application of. Dodd has all along set his face against the Central Railroad of New Jersey to discontinue operatiop . MYSTERIOUS PROSELYTING - Adding These Senate committee findings differ or even blank." These harsh particular interest to the CIA's singular Do- what he calls the "policy of conciliation." of the Blue Comet, deluxe Jersey Clty-Atlanti« City flyer. The. -. flatly with Vice President Humphrey's con- words are from a Dodd He objected when we pressured the govern- minican polling are views being voiced |by speech at the Cleveland railroad claimed the train was operating at a loss, but thit Vice President Humphrey in telephone talks tention that Bosch is not a leftist. ment of the Netherlands into ceding West commission held that the public had not been made "reason- '' Press Club. They produced New Guinea, a "territory that was in no with Democratic governors and state leaders While defending Bosch, Humphrey, in a an adverse reaction ably aware" of the service offered. ••'•. throughout the country. talk with Rep. Frank Horton, D-N.Y., warned, sense part of Indonesia," to Sukarno. Our among some newspaper- "conciliationism" toward Sukarno, expressed From accounts reaching intrigued con- "We must be prepared in the foreseeable men, mostly sotto voce. A future to have the Communist forces in the in 'erms of money grants totaling almost a gressional leaders, Humphrey is displaying Midwest editor, hearing billion dollars, has resulted In Ihe seizure of world test us every place where there is any about the speech on a visit marked friendliness toward deposed President weakness or they feel there is any possibility USIA officers and the confiscation of Amer- Bosch. of success. In the present showdown, fortu-. to New York, shook his ican-owned industrial establishments inside Long friendly to the Dominican, Humphrey nately, the Organization of American States CHAMBERLAIN head and said, "Senator Indonesia does not go so far as to. advocate his re- Is backing us and seeking forces to help Dodd has been reading the eastern papers." Dodd, however, as this columnist has The "policy of conciliation" toward Nas- turn. But he does maintain that Bosch is police the Dominican Republic until a new ser's Egypt, also denounced by Dodd, has unquestionably the most popular leader in government can be elected." good leason to know, never ppeaks of foreign pnli-.y without considerable meditation based bough*, only contempt for us in Cairo. "Since on l combination of personal experience and the close of the War," says Dodd, "we have exhaustive research. His remarks on the pumped into Egypt almost one billion dollars treatment of news about Southeast Asia fol- in aid, including $715 million worth of PL THEDAILY lowed a trip to Siagon where, as an aide 480 food shipments. Without these shipments BEGISTER who went along with Dodd put it, "things ths Nasser regime could not possibly have ( look twenty-thousand per cent more hopeful kept alive. Nasser has repaid us for all this 40-U Broad St., Red Dank, N.I. than Ihey do when you read about the war in coin very similar to Sukarno's." 171 Rt IS, MIddletown, N.J.—JO East Main St., Freehold, N.J.—279 Broadway, Long Branch In the United States." Because of his record for accurate analy- Since a visiting Senator would naturally sis and prophecy, anything that Dodd has Established IS7S by John H. Cook and Henry Clay receive red-carpet treatment in Siagon, the to nay about the progress of the war In 'Viet- Publlihed by The Red Bank Register Incorporated "twenty-thousand per cent" figure Is un- nam, and the reporting of it in the American W. HARRY PENNINGTON, President JAMES J. HOGAN, Editor doubtedly subject to discount. Even so, Dodd press, is certainly worth thinking about. The has had an amazing record for being at least Senator couldn't have been talking about the M. HAKOLD KELLY, General Manager ninety per cent right in his prophecies in the whole American press when he let fly with rtomai J; Bly cucimv* editor William F. Sandford and Arthur Z. Kamln MUXM. Editor* foreign affairs field. '« his criticisms the other day In Cleveland. Frank W. Harbour waduunm Bureau Mp. Charles A. Johnston rre.noid Bureau an. Thus thf senator was among the first to For he has had his own newspaper Informants say outright that the Gana of Prime Minister on the state of affairs in Southeast Asia, '• Member of the Associated Press Kwams Nkrumah, the "redeemer," was a notably Marguerite Higgins who was born . Tlu Aaoetaud Pn« 11 entlllwl axcluilvelr moothi—JlS.80 S montha-Ji.M /later found himself In a position to 1 of animus. May 14, 1965 X' A second heart, defeatinf the data. nine of hearts for a finesse, coo-]dl»coveT a fit la a major suit U What MVgbt Hart fee* time .with. the queen o< hearts there Is a St to discover. South lost his sUm wben belaud then with a tow heart YOB Fw SktowoWs 36-page book- Column rutted with a low trump it the Uke the entire heart suit w»& let, "A Pocket OtAJe to Bridge," second trick. Try pitying th* art fe»rir>g a ruff by ml » ceaU to Bridge Book, A simple uobtocWnj pUy, nev- of apeiles, discovering the bad hand after ruffing the second dia- DAILY QUESTION Red Beak Register, Box 3318, er made by the average. pUyer, break. He cashed the queen of mond with the nine of Grand Central Station, New York Is seconds nature to the expert. spades and then led the nine. Partner opens 'with one club, You cash the king and queen 17, N. Y. Once you learn It you can make West was alert enough to cover and the next player passes. You of spades and then lead the ten. It without thinking, just llk» your with the jack, forcing declarer hold: Spades—A 8 4 2. Hearts— If West plays low, you let the favorite big-name star. to win the third round of trumps Q 8 7 3. Diamonds-^ J. Ciubs- Bob Farrington, 35, national ten ride and win the fourth in the dummy. J 10 9. What do you say? harness racing champion three South ruffed the second round trump with dummy's ace. If West of diamonds, alas, with the five Answer: Bid one heart. With of the last four years, was a Declarer could not afford covers with the jack, you win of spades. If only he had read two four-card' suits, respond in bricklayer until driving his first draw the last .trump since he the third trump with the ace and the cheaper. If partner has race in 1955. this column he would have ruffed the fourth with dummy's eight. with the nine of spades. Hie dif- was in the dummy for the last hearts, he can raise at once. If ference was considerable. time and had to try ttie heart In either case you draw four he has spades, he can bid them at his second turn, and then you Sel DatI Re ister South continued with the. king finesse. One heart finesse was rounds of trumps ending in the at his second turn, and then you > ,f y 8 not enough, and. West ruffed' the [dummy. Now you can lead the will raise. Either way, you will Classified. The Hand THE MUNICIPAL OFFICES can b» housed in our %,/iJ South dealer present Borough owned buildings at a cost with- PLANNING DANCE — Th« Lincroft Democratic Club will tpomor a dance *o- E»st-West vulnerable NORTH in the financial ability of th» taxpayers to pay night at the Bamm Hollow Country Club, in honor of Township CommiHeeman • * A842 for th* renovations. Edward J.Roth. The dance it scheduled for 9 p.rm, and there will be a midnight 0 KJ buffet. Mrs. Alfred E. Ruieio, left, program chairman, goei over last minute detail* with, from left, Mn. Howard S. Tarabour, Mrs. Robert R. Nim'on and Mrs. William FIRST AVENUE can and must be revitaliwd and Himelman. O 10 9 873- ; rO AO652 that this project is on* of prim* importance to *8J2 ••••••• *7643 our community today. BODILY SERVICE SOUTH to Speak at Ad Clinic CHICAGO1 (AP) - Health and welfare agencies of the Method- • of , THE THINGS that ara important to the daily A ist Church served a record 1,- Sooth Wert No«l, liv*l of the people — such as sewers, streets, 7*3.067 persons during 1964, the 1 • Pass 3 * •< NT ' Pass J 0 and water — should be brought into first class lurch's Board of Hospitals and 4 4 Al| Pass ' tomes reports. ' Opening lead — condition before new public buildings are to be considered. BELIEVE THE RISE in r»al estate taxai must be curbed as much as poitibl* and that all unnecessary and non-essential items of expense mutt be elimi- nated and avoided. William H. Armstrong Norman M. Krisburg ATLANTIC CITY - George theater as a 'director and has Mayer, classified advertising acted professionally. He, his wife THE VOICE of th* people must be heard and manager of The Daily Register, and three children reside in North heeded by th* elected officials of the munici- Red Bank, has announced the Plainfield. He recently received names of two workshop leaders the New York Times award In TOUR LARGEST pality. lor the classified advertising best classified advertising com- clinic Which begins today at the petition. Claridge Hotel in the 14th an- Mr. Krisburg attended Univer- LIFETIME PURCHASE! THAT ALL appointive positions must he filled nual 'advertising conference of the sity of Tennessee and Naval by competent people who wiH put the public New Jersey Press Association. Academy Preparatory School. William H. Armstrong, presi- He served In the Naval Air Force welfare ahead of personal interests, who will dent of Shelling and Shelling Per- in the South Pacific. Buying a horn* it by far th* work for all the people of Atlantic Highlands. sonnel of Morristown will conduct • workshop tomorrow morning most expensive purchase you •nd who will accept the responsibilities of the om'Tlie Great Manpower Grab.' will males 1 Ba sure to set - positions to which they are appointed. , Norman M. Krisburg, North Law Will Plainfleld reator, will lead a ses- us for a mortgage Loan I sion on "Realtor Results Through Classified." Limit Penalty Mr. Armstrong^, has operated On Tax Filing SnfclBng and Snellihg in the Park ARTHUR P. LISTANDER EDWARD G. WALDER ROBERTS. LONG Square Building, Morristown TRENTON (AP)-Gov. Ridi- Mainstay Federal Savings •incests opening in March, 1962 ard J. Hughes signed into law FOR COUNCILMAN FOR MAYOR FOR COUNCILMAN He associated Wednesday a bill limiting pen- with Jtje , Newark felling and altles for the late filing of prop- Snelllfig. agency as administra- erty taxes to $10. and Loan Association tive placement counselor. He is The bill, sponsored by nine , 36 MONMOLJTH STREET REGULAR REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES . a mamber of th« board of direc- senators, provides that if 1964 tors of the New Jersey Associ- property tax returns are filed TELEPHONE 741-0663 ation of private Employment before June 15 a late fee of 10 Agenpes. , per cent will be charged. How- Red Bank, New Jersey FOR ELECTION JUNE 1st In World War II,' he served in ever, the late charge cannot ex- the Army in the Philippines, ceed $10. Insured Savings — Mortgage Loam Okinawa, and In Korea after V. The measure was one of six J. day. signed by the governor. A resident of Morristown, he Another bill, sponsored by Paid for by Atlantic Highlands Republican Club l> a native of Philadelphia, and Sen. Thomas J. Hillery, R-Mor- te a graduate of the University r|Si appropriates $980,000 (or Of Pennsylvania. ,construction of an addition to Mr. Krisburg is a member of the State Highway Department the. Hoard of Realtors of the building in West Trenton. PlainfieM Area, board of realtors When the measure cleared the attendance chairman, publicity Assembly on May 3, Assembly chairman and _ on the advisory Minority Leader J. Edward Cra- committee of the Board of Real biel, D-Middlesex, said the addi tors. He is a past chairman of tion would lead to greater eld the.board's education committee. ciency In the operation of the He is a member of the state department. Association of Real Estate Assembly bills signed by the Boards, National Association of governor, listed by sponsor: Real Estate Boards, and the Beadleston, R-Monmouth—Pro- Brokers Institute. vides that no election need be He also is chairman of the held to fill council vacancies In North Plainfield Board of Ad- municipalities operating under justment, past member of the council-manager plan "D" If the Citizens Advisory Committee to vacancy occurs in the last year of the Planning Board on Urban Re- a term. newal, trustee, Businessmen's Beadleston—Validates the Is- Association of North Plainfield, suance of bonds of a school dis- member of the North Plainfield trict despite the fact that notices lions Club and chairman of the relating to a school district meet- North Plainfield July 4 parade. ing or election were not published He is active in community, as required by law. DAILY CROSSWORD r "I ACROSS DOWN 15. Fuel Bflua HEHH Jersey Central Power & Light LTalk 1. Glazed 18. Divi- HHffiHH nHwcaa 6. throw printed sion New Jersey Power & Light O. Place cotton of Dusk-to-Dawn Lighting Dept. fbrbees 2. Nuclei of a play Room 214 JCP* NJP*L 10. German starch 19. String i cmt««L . river grain P.O. Box 55 ' ' 14IIBHT NNEIIIUtNT / 11. Troubled 3. Affirm tin tXNecemry 4. Boy* plate Morristown, N. J. ' nlcknama 22. Newt ..':••• •! ./ . - ";. !''','.'!•'-• , ' IHKITOR-OWMEDStEeimceOMPAHIES S.Crlngv 23. Metal " li. Growl 6. Style of contain ei 18. Muffin Eng. 28. Herd of 16. Syllable furniture whales 35. Reach of Kale 7. Place 26. Bare across Gentlemen: - . ITL Football 8. Sign of an 27. Prizes 36. Mother position: earthquake 28. Fencer's 37. Baking abbr. 11. Location cry chamber I understand that you're offering to install automatic, dusk-to-dg,wn, outdoor area lighting 18. Swiss river of Taj 29. Skillful 39. Constella- W.AaWst Mahal 30. Falsehoods tion at my business, plant or home for as little as 12 cents a day. I'm particularly interested in SO. Indians of 13. Skating 32. Topic of 40. Female Mexico area discourse P"S the fact that there is no investment or down-payment required, and that the low monthly S Fux. \ 2 i b B U. Astern VA <^ 28. Fish 9 rate covers all materials, installation, maintenance and electricity. Please send me full W-BnUco //< %II I information. r l tfne 14 r Ib Ib i^ r^ • . of rye 17 IB r^ 13. Greek 20 i\ letter Ib NAME- 84. Fr. article ft S5. Timid V 50 36. Act /^ ADDRESS- sullen 54 38. Arrange clotfiin » 5b 56 5/ folds % m TOWN. -N.J.. 40. Keeps 3B 41.Unltof .measure 41 43. Hebrew '/A I >V.'. m M»y 14, 1965 THE DAILY REGISTER to Fair Haven. Charlex A. DM- that tiie new polk* fmdquttton rah, $tin lutangtt \ot WaScer Police Week will be opes tor tows by tdooi & Walker, vA tort. D«rr*h pur. children and resident* from 11 MJ. this tome M their per- tjm. to J p/n. Oariof tbe poUct sons! resilience, Events Slated week celebration. The new hes&putrters It tttoat- HOME and GARDEN Mr. and Mrs. Charles Root, ed In a wing of the townihlp tocmerry of Roosevelt Cir., Mid- ForMayl9i22 executive building. The depart- dletown, have purchased proper- ment moved into the new quarten ty at 61 Maida Ter., Middletown, MHXXETOWN — National Po- son, Pompton Plains, have pur lice Week will be celebrated here last month. chased a home at 90 Hillcres formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Simmonds. who from May 19 to May 22. List Red Bank Area Rd., Fair Haven, formerly owne< Deputy Police Chief Raymond Sell Fasti The Daily Register by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Magi have moved to Virginia. Francis T. Walling announced yesterday Classified. who have moved to Runisor A. Miller of Walker & Walker, Sales Through MLS Mr. Harrison is with Union Cai Middletown, made the sale. bide, New York City. Mrs. Jan Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Leon RED BANK - The Cape Cod Margaret M. McVey of the El-Harper of Walker & Walke; ard have purchased the home of residence at 121 Kemp Ave., Fair len S. Hazleton Agency, Rumson, Shrewsbury, handled the sale. Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Blitzer at Haven, has been purchased by negotiated the sale for Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. H. Bruce Mon 23 Highland Avenue, Red Bank. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Taylor of Mrs. Charles Harken, who have gomery traded in their home Mr. Blitzer, owner of Colorest in Moorestown. Mr. Taylor is an moved to Tyson La., Rumson. 124 Robinson PI., Shrewsbury Red Bank, is moving with his editor for Sports Illustrated. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. David K. Harri- through Walker & Walker's trade family to a new home on Holly in program, and purchsed a homf Tree La. in Rumson, built by 1 at 815 Little Silver Point Rd, Robert Lee. Mr . Leonard is agen- Little Silver, formerly owned b; cy advertising co-ordinator for Red Bank Mower Service Mrs. Henry F. Clark, Jr., wh.the Prudential Insurance Com- HOLLY TREE FARM on Seven Bridge Rd., Little Silver, built a new home on the adjoii pany. The sale was negotiated OPPOSITE MOLLY PITCHER ing property. by Cecil E. Crowell of the Crow has been purchased by the Robert Norman Construction 53 MORFORD PL. 741-2300 RED BANK Both transactions were ma< ell Agency, Red Bank. Co., which will subdivide the 19 acres into a horsestioe- by Charles A. Darrah of Walk The Leonards' former home at shaped development of 18 custom-built homes, with lots Three weekends and your pool ts • FEATURING • 12 Park Ave., Rumson, was pur- doit completed. Wt give yop easy tofal - & Walker, Shrewsbury. Th varying from Vi to I'/> acres. The existing residence low, step-by-step instructions and • Inttmarlonal Horv«ttr Tractors and Iqulpmaiit Montgomery's former home, list chased by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest everything you need to InstaNyour wiN be told separately with I Vi acres of ground. The • Jacebs*n • Hemke • Hohn Eellpu ed with members of the Ret F. Harnden of New York City, yourself Spartan Pool. Tlw complete Spartan through Edward J. Dodd of the • Arimi • Pioimr and Paulan Chain Saws Bank Area. Mutliple Listing Ser property was listed with Red Bank Area Multiple Listing Krt Include* galvanized steal pttWs vice, was sold by The Dowst Joseph G. McCue Agency, Rum- that never rust or corrode—simply • And other well known makti Service by Mr. and Mrs. William A. Guerry, who are Agency of Red Bank. son. Both houses were listed pool bolt together. Heavy-duty vinyl through the Red Bank Area MLS. living in Japan. The sale was negotiated by Lawrence interior never needs painting or WE REPAIR ALL MAKES Little Silver NU.HEiirT.iim. reconditioning. Hundreds of "&*• ' Also reported by the Crowell J. Schilling, Liftla'Silver Realtor. Also reported by Walker yourselfere" buy Spartan Klta entry Agency was the sale of 8 Ava- Walker was the sale of 134 Littl year. No money down, few warn so Ion Ave.,. New Shrewsbury, to only pay. Phone us today (or al tna fad*. Silver Point Rd., Little Silve have moved to Newark. Sgt. berson, who are remaining li Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hodum of formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs Crawford is in the Radio Divi- Red Bank. Mr. Kirkpatrick is Middletown. Mr. Hodum is pro- Here's the one that does John Kennedy, who have movec sion, Fort Monmouth Signal with Montgomery Ward.' The sale • 1,265 STEELIQQU prietor of Hie Five Star Super- was reported by John L. Keel- market in Port Monmouth. Mr. School. Mrs. Crawford is the for- just about everything mer SaHy Ann Frost of Tintoh an, Jr., of The MoGowan Agen Crowell negotiated the sale for cy, Red Bank. New Kansel Perm Savings & Loan Associ- Falls. They have two small sons. Feeds your lawn and J. Lester Rigby of J. Lester Rig- Clears Out 16 ation, who had listed the house with MLS. by Associates, New Shrewsbury, does four extra jobs handled the sale. 3WIMP00L I Common Lawn Weeds Miss Kathryn McEheaney, ad- fKOZICKY SERVICES SUPPLIES, INC. Prevents crabgress, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Camer- vertising executive with J. P. Nursery Specials foxtail, goosegran Stevens, New York City textile on, Fair Haven, have purchased S04 SHREWSBURY AVE., NEW SHREWSBURY, H.J. D77S4 1 property at 93 Lincoln St., for- firm, has purchased the former 741-3000 Clears out dandelion, home of Mr. and Mrs. William merly owned by Mr. and Mrs.HYBRID 00 2 plantain, buclchorn Harvard at 211 Beechwood Dr., Kenneth Coleman, who have TEA ROSES 1 Shrewsbury. Miss McEneney and moved to Fair Haven. Mr. Welch! Controls chiclcwaed is associated with Stephen J-i her mother have been living in Evergreens 1.00, up 3 clover, seedling Icnotweed Red Bank Manor. The Havards Gross, Inc. Mrs. Marti Locilento CASCADE - BUSTER CRABBE are building a new home in of Allaire-Farrow' Agency, Red Protects lawn against Shrewsbury. Mrs. Harvard is theBank, arranged the sale. Hedges 5c ea. ants, grubs, chafers daughter of Frank Patock, build- OF 4 Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Kirk- er. Mrs. Mary Ella Gaunt of the Ported Pachysandra TOMORROW Redden Agency handled negoti Patrick of Red Bank have pur- ations, in co-operation with Walk chased a home at 92 West West- 100 for $8.00 4.95 9.95 er & Walker. side Ave., formerly owned by 10W St. H. 2500 Sq. Ft. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lam Chotia for Exhibit ot Die 1964-1 til Mrs Gaunt also reported the MYRON KOZICKY sale of 89 Willow St., Fair Ha- ven, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Bnai Brith Unit New York World's Fair still time to NURSERY Kelly, Jr., who are living in Lit- Installed at House of Good Tesre IxHblt • Dandelion e Ground ivy Installs Officers > HALT crobgross tle Silver. Mr. Kelly is with Peat, HWY. 35, EATONTOWN • Plantain • MaKhwtsd toy tram' tM fnwfr did uvti ly Swimming River Poah of EarentowB • lackhom • Purslane Marwick & Mitchell, accountants, ATLANTIC CITY (AP)-Mrs. and Save Regional Award Wlai»r 1»M • ChickwMd e Seedling in Newark. The former owners, Charles Rausch of Hillside was Mr. and Mrs. Bart Eradus, have • Clover knotweed elected and installed Wednesday • Black medic e Shepherds moved to Highlands. $200 • Engllih dally pan* as president of Region 3, Bnai Mrs. Fannie H. Beebe of Fair INSTALLID OR e Fllaree • Yellow Brith, at the groups 30th an- Haven has purchase property at DO-IT.rOURSIlf e tool-all rocker 230 Hance Rd., formerly owned o Henbll nual convention. on Halts by Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Bar- nett, who have moved to Oak- She succeeds Mrs. Harold Re- from 2.95 5.75 hurst. Mrs. George B. Cortelyou, fowich of Bethlehem, Pa. $ 2500 sq. ft. 5000 sq. ft. Jr., of the John L. Minugh Agen- Region 3 comprises New Jer- Halts Plus cy, Rumson, arranged the sale. jey, Pennsylvania, West Vlfgin- 845 Staff Sgt. and Mrs. George A. ia and Delaware. Crawford, who have been living Some 350 delegates attending to Full Line of Garden Supplies in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, have passed a resolution calling for purchased a home at 181 Park the abandonment of literacy FAIR HAVEN Rd. in Fair Haven from Mr. andtests in determining voter qual- '3995 CERUONE'S GRBENHQVSE Mrs. Martin Reichenbecher, who. ifications; - , • •. • No memy dowa HIGHWAY 3* HOLMDEL HARDWARE r (l*f«WM MIMhtawe aM Hakr) .*

Town House luxury. Surfslde excite- ment. Private terraces in every apart- Swarming ment All at the newest Hamiltonian residence, HAMILTONIAN at MON- MOUTH. Typical Hamiltonian appoint- ments include color-coordinated KEL- VINATOR refrigerator-freezer, oven and range... individually-controlled heat TERMITES and air-conditioning...dazzling fash- ion bath (1V« baths with built-in vanity in 2-bedroom apartments)...master TV and FM antenna system, plug-in tele- u U from... phone outlets... built-in clothes ham- are a warning Between the Atlantic and pers... teen-age rec room plus adult party room. You're less than an hour the Shrewsbury... from Newark and Manhattan via the On one of the choicest quarter TERMINIX Garden State Parkway, express trains or miles on the New Jersey coastline! BECKERS To one side is your private marina express buses. Just a few minutes from * Floor Sanders * Rotetillers Downtown Red Bank and the Mon- ... just a few hundred feet to the Call mouth County Shopping Plaza. east is the pounding surf and your * Floor Edgers * Power Rakes own private beach! It's the year-round vacation idea... - * Belt Sanders * Lawn Seeders It Costs Lest to Control Termites than to Ignore Them! at the near-town location! ; It costs you nothing to find out if hidden termitas (so-called "flying ant»") art * Floor Waxers * Lawn Spreaders destroying the understructure and woodwork of your home. * Rug Shampooers PHONE or WRITE now a complete FREE inspection by a trained expert. Over 600,000 * Lawn Rollers - homes serviced, pur termite work is GUARANTEED by (1) Bruce-Termlnlx, (2) E. L 4 and 5 rooms from .Bruce Co, Thii Guarantee Is INSURED by American Employers' Insurance Co. Written * Oscillating Sanders * Lawn Aerators guarantee available for lift of building. $ NEW LOW COST PROTECTION AGAINST TERMITES 135 ..: for Infftted wtd tonlnftted houtw - old horrm, new homei and houtta under eon* struction. Ask i» for details about our S5.000 damag* guaranteed protection on qualified including heat, hot water, building* and contents — only small annual cost. EXPERT REPAIR OF TERMITE DAMAOE. BECKER Descriptive folderon request . . *~ -. air-conditioning and off-strert parting! Unique Y-Shape Concept I r-Completa professional past control service for residential, com—i l Architects-Engineers! : —m«rclal, and Industrial propertlei. Estimates without obligation.—! ' ' BfNOOT 4 COlDflfRC. Union, NJ. gives every apartment a private ter- hardware race and a water edge view! 197 Shrewsbury Ave., Red Bank BRUCE-TERMINIX SERVICE CORP. DIRECTIONS: Follow Rumion Rd. (County Rt. 520) east to Soa 559 Main St., East Orange, N. J. 07018 - phone 674-7683 Bright; then louth on Ocean Ave. to Park Rd., Monmouth 747-0465 in Red Bank, phone SH 1-4344 Beach; right to the Hamiltonian. Asbury Park: 7750117501111 Freehold: 462-0292 Open Daily 8 a.m.-6 p.m., Fri. 'til 9 RENTAL AGENT ON PREMISES AT All TIM DUTIIMU A nUMb aiue.-T«rmlnl« Tfrmllt GKirancii *r* luirV rr ]rrrr z OPEN SUNDAY 9 a.m. to NOON ~rrrn~ ~ ~ WORLD'S LARGEST IN TERMITE CONTROL THE DA1LY:REGISTER Fridty. hUy 14, 1965-0 *f]A {^i*.] Be Careful In Selection Of Sprays ver FR13H JHSEY ASPARASOS IZBBSHLziVto m *s* to tap jww jiiar tawd««ni. imp [n mind tint of til to seltct lnnecttcHa which ut Title ^on By fttOWH ON OUR OWN WUIM relatively sate to bundle «nd tr« "ASTRO-GUIDE" ByCeean ROWER ond VEGETABLE PUNTS recommended by your state unl- For Saturday, M«y IS • Hruio rrruHiAs • HARDY GERAHIUMS verfity and county »gricultur»] Area Student • ALL VARIETIES UDDINO PUNTS (gent, suggests Louis M. V'u* PwiinMtr You and Yours.... Curb impul- NEW YORK — Linda Leadi, • IURPIC OMI BIG IOY TOMATO PUNTS < nt mmr criwr florwJ plonti vary, extension entomologist it sive moves, You can do this without losing your 14 Turner St., Eatontown, N.J., Rutgers University. COMPLETE LINE BAUGH'S FERTILIZERS enthusiasm for the project—just be i little cautious, has )ust been chosen Mid-Atlantic For most home ornamental in suggest cosmic powers. Health may need some atten- egional winner in the High sect control, the general all pur- tion now. If so, don't put off a visit to the doctor. School Cover Girl of 1965 Con- SICKLES FARM pose spraying, is most suitable. Some pressure from young people in family is de- test. AT GREENHOUSE Such a mixture should contain noted. Be firm, but not dictatorial. RUMSOH ROAD CALL 741-9543 LITTLE SILVER a residual insecticde as DOT, The annual national contest is SEE THE HOUSE YOU WANT? Sevin, or lindane, to give sever- The Day Under Your Sign sponsored by Co-Ed magazine al days of lasting action; a and Noxrema, the makers of Cov- er Girl cosmetics, to select the phosphate insecticide, as ma!a- Ariti. Born Mir. 21 to Apr. 19 Libra. Stpt. 23 to Oct. 22 thion, to control insects auch as A call to ft lonely i^rnnii will The .practicnl Application of in high school girl who best typi- he wrtsiutA, to tike ilic lime idea you %el from a new*[>«per sphids, lacebugs, and scale fies the American ideal of per-^ CMC Shrewsbury—74I-5212 Mlddletown—471-3311 te plione. article miy pay off. Scorpio. Oct. 21 to Nov. 21 fect grooming and fresh good Conirruction crawlers; a fungicide, to aid in Taurui. April 20 to M*Y 20 plant disease control, and a miti- A new way to lupmtiii your IUMC family iietdi dtmni'l at- looks. Machimry income miv »citatf(l. Presentation to Linda of the tions is important if you hope C«nllt(ni»l, DUphiurn ^ to control particular insect prob- Ctnetr. Juna 22. to July 21 Capricorn. D«c. 22 to Jan. 2D 1965 Certificate of Award and a Pick your way carefully, ai There may IK more roniieiuinn $25 Savings Bond will be made GOODALL » lems. Different Insects are of h««te could take ill loll of health than you anticipilfl but it will importance at different times of •nd fin»ucet- incrtmte your efforti. by the principal, Thomas Brad- il RUBBER CO. -^ the year, so your control spray Uo. July 22 to Aug. 21 Aquariut. Jan. 21 to Fab. t? shaw, at a special high school Water and Ynu rin craw in all way* from Millers of tlie litart are pre- assembly today. Air HOMI must be timed accordingly, adds •omethinjr, you ex|wrieneed dur- dominant and much h*|>p:nf*» County Agent Marvin A. Clark, ing working tiotiri. in in itore for you. 20 Court St Virgo. Aug. 22 to S«p(. 22 Piictt. Fab. 20 to March 20 Concent me u|»n ltarniiitr mw« You *re in a singularly a-Jvart- Some insects can be controlled about t subject which inter**!* tat;eoua} insition, ao make «\ery Name Director I ZOflVflfAuodatesInc mornent count. by insectides only if the insect- you greatly. CONSTRUCTiOH, INDUSHUl EQUPKENT J SUPPLIES icide comes in contact with tfv 1963, Publiiheri Newii>li*r Syndicate 42 Birch Av«nue Little Silvtr 741-4152 insect in an unprotected stage of Of Marine Study the insect's life. LONG BRANCH - Dennis W As an example, scale insects Mamciiur, a biology teacher al can be controlled with a dor' Hasbrouck Heights High School mant superior muscible oil spray during the dormant period or Aid to Needy Familieshas been appointed co-ordinator with an Itisectide spray at the of the lifth annual advanced sci LINCROFT NURSERY time when the young scale crawl- mce seminar in marine biology FOR ALL YOUR GARDEN NEEDS ers are moving on the plant and Proposal Gets SupportHerbert A. Korey, director of the EVERGREENS — SHRUBS are not protected by their waxy scale covering. SHREWSBURY - Kenneth L. For the very low Income fam- Long Branch Summer H1 gh TREES — ANNUALS PAINTS; WALLPAPERS Walker, Jr., president of the ilies, Mr. Walker said, the as-School announced this week. ^^A, MATERIALS FERTILIZERS — PEAT MOSS Monmouth County Board of Real- sociation suggests a combination Mr. Mamohur succeeds Rollo POTTED PUNTS and CUT FLOWERS Close Mowing tors, has announced that the di-of Section 221 (d) (3) submarket E, Galbraith, who will be at rectors of the board had apinteres- t rate housing and a lo- tending a National Science Foun Can Kill Lawn proved the housing plan to aidcal rent certificate disbursed dation institute this summer. needy families which had been through welfare agencies. ROSE BUSHES JAPANESE YEW FREEHOLD — Tlie height at The marine biology program devised by the Nation Association The proposed amendment to which you are mowing may very, of Real Estate Boards. has been developed lor high REG. UPRIGHT and 1 2L well determine the life of the the present program, Mr. Walk school students who have 1 grass in your lawn. The national association esti er added, also would provide in- achieved honors in their science 1.4? 119 SPREADING 4«>T5 mates that its plan would cost sured repair and rehabilitation steps from Mowing the Kentucky blue- studies. Opportunities are pro- only about one-half of the curloan- s of up to 90 per cent of es grass—refl fescue type lawn clos- vided for interested students to rent public housing program and timated value after such repairs study marine forms and func- WE ALSO DO SMALL LANDSCAPE JOBS er than V/j inches gradually half that of the administration- and rehabilitation. weakens and eventually kills the tions, to learn how to use ma- NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. LINCROFT proposed rent subsidy proposal rine exploration equipment, to everything grass, cautions Dr. Henry W. being considered by Congress. 741 • 6750 OPEN 7 DAYS 9 • 7:30 learn various classification sys- Indyk, extension turf manage- OPPOSITE LINCROFT ESSO • Private swimming pool and play area right on the ment specialist at the Rutgers Quoting from the testimony be- Keyport High tems and to gain a well-rounded premise*! . . College of Agriculture. The en fore Congressional sub-oommit- knowledge and practical under- tees on housing by Ed Menden- standing of marine life and prob • CornpUte shopping facilities on and adjacent to result is a thinned out lawn in fested with a variety of weeds hall, immediate past president of Slates Concert lems. the property! ' . the national association, Mr. Close cutting neither look In addition to the oo-ordina • But and train connections to Newark (40 min.) and Walker said: "We believe that more, attractive nor lessens the the best answer to the need for For Tonight tor, a number of outstanding ma New York (55 min.l 1 number of times a lawn must low income families for housing KEYPORT - The Annual rine biologists will serve as gues . • Fin* schools within walking distance I be mowed, he says. Evenness lies in some form of subsidy in lecturers In the program. of cut rather than closenes Spring Concert of Keyport High • Excellent highway connections including Parkway volving non-government owner- The seminar is open to students makes a lawn attractive, ac- School will be held tonight at 8 and Route 351 ship of shelter, with major em- who have completed a course in cording to Dr. Indyk. phasis on rehabilitation of exist- o'clock in the school auditorium. biology at the high school level, He adds: "Close cutting does The band will be directed by „ IUPR0VI ing structures." who have achieved an average not permit the lawn to manufac- During the Congressional hear- Robert Pastore. mark: of B or better, and who ture the food it needs for build- have the recommendation of miles ahead of ing strong deep root systems and ings. Mr. Walker said, NAREB The concert also will feature their science instructor. Students a dense sod. spokesman recommended that the the Keyport Grammar School interest rate formula under Sec- Chorus and the Keyettes, under in any public, parochial, or priv- "For the Kentucky bluegrass YOUR HOAIf tion 231 (d) (3) be revised to per-the direction of Miss Roseann ate school are eligible to apply. red fescue type lawn, the mower mit a lower interest rate, thus LoPresto. Tuition is charged each regis- should be set to cut the grass bringing the rents down to the trant in order to enable the pro- at a height of 1# to V/, inches Highlighting tlie program wil When it comes to remodel* Lunuripuj aparlinenh just stepi aw«y from schools, capabilities of families within the gram to be self-supporting, but a This includes Merion Kentucky, be the premier performance of ing, we are the answer to )Ing; and:commuting.' 1-Seh apartment f««ture« eligibility ranges of public hous- number of scholarships »re avail- bluegrajs. The 2>/£ inch heigh the Keys, a newly organized, boys a mcrm bemittful home. JiSAT,Q^!jr«friaerator-Freeidr, oven and rang*,g, ing and that a reservation be able. . is especially desirable during tie chorus ain directed by Miss Lo- Here at indiWdually-cori+roll«ycorvrrolla:d heart anandd aircondftipflmgotb •ma


why keep up with Jones when you can be Mr. Jones

Chancel are you've noticedihim. He live! in your community. Could be your neighbor. When itftomet to yard care he doei it the relaxed way—expertly—on hil rViem EMPEROR riding mower. No chance for ilip-up eitber. The Aricni Flex-N-rioat rofiry mower moves with the turf—float* In every direction. Mowi linen lawm... cull lou|rwt 16'x32' READY To SWIM weedl. And the Arlem EMPEROR performs seasonal chore) with 1 • • mighty selection el y«ar 'round attachments. Why keep up! ft M«, Completely INSTALLED Iwiti. See • dfmoniiritlon lodiy. • ' Inclodit: Excavating, Jotunl Filter, 1,995= $995 Cypmt Wotls, 6oedy»of Unit, Pool • ONLY GARD-N-YARD'EQUIPMENT Coping, Qtromi liritt and (hratit Opin Daily V Sunday Main Drain. Dual tatlon Monlfold, $9990 (omplelely CuoranlHd. 3 or 4 Bedroom Ranchers Authorised Dealer . . . *57MOKTWY FIRST PAYMENT OCTOBER All Stone • Brick and Aluminum NOTHING DOWN CERUONE'S GREENHOUSE Completely Built Ready to move in HIGHWAY 35 HOLMDEL Tell me more about your 1 Between Middle-town and Hailetl Call 549-4200 or mail POOL. No Obligation. -i IN UNION COUNTY 1998 RouU 22 ( Aerou from Mattel Toy Co. ' now for colorful • P. O. BOX 171, METUCHBN, N. J AREA CALL Scotch Plains FREE littraturtl " rU NAME Distributor: S. P. LUMMUS SUPPLY CO. ADDRESS ... IN SHORE AREA CALL IN NORTH JERSEY CALL CIIY ...... STATE I 774-6622 1917 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. 19103 261-6873 796-1818 PHONE Mutuuu fton* (Ana Cod* 215) LO 3.7550 May M, 1965 THE DAILY BEGISTEE Schedule of Religious Services

ST. JAMES CATHOUC ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CONGREGATION BNAI ISRAEL TRINITY EPISCOPAL AJW.E. ZION REFORMED h Copy Deadline Red Bank Red Bank Red Bank Rumson Red Bank 8 . Colts Neck Students The fourth Sunday after Eastei Sunday Masses are celebrated Late Sabbath eve services ' All religious news for iaclu- Holy Eucharist will be cele- Sunday school meets Rt 9: Services Sunday will be be! will be celebrated with a Sun] at 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 a.m. ar> night will begin at 8:30. Rabi «loa in the Friday Schedule of brated Sunday at 8 a.m. Church a.m. Rev. Thomas H. Coiirsi at 8 and 11 a.m. Church schoc Mass at 10:30 in the church. Othei noon. Jack M. Rosoff will preach on ' Religious Service! must be In school and Morning Prayer will will preach at the 11 a.m. fi is at 9:30 a.m. Rev. Samuel L To Conduct be at 9:15 a.m. Morning Prayer Masses will be recited Masse: Daily Masses are celebrated Time of Decision." Cantor Sidm The Register office by noon of ternaf.day service on "The Pei Penta will preach on "The Fifl and sermon by Rev. Canon1 with hymns at 8 and 9: IS a.m. am 7 and 8 a.m. Scharff will chant the liturg; the preceding Tuesday. pie Had A Mind to Work." Commandment." Charles H. Best will be at 11 Services noon in the church, plus recitet Roberta Friedman, daughter Rev. Dr.- J. Clinton Hogga Covenant Life class meets The sacrament of baptism CHRIST EPISCOPAL a.m. The young peoples "Deltas" Masses at 5:45 and 6:45 in Ui< Mr. and Mrs. Harry Friedma, will be the principal speaker 8 p.m. Monday. MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - Stu- administered Sundays at 12:4! Shrewsbury will meet «t 7:30 p.m. dents of the religious «chool of church and 8:30, 9:45 and 11 a.m will celebrate her Bat Mitzval the 132d anniversary celebratic p.m. Holy Communion will be cele- Marlboro State Hospital visi Temple Beth < Ahm will conduct and 12:05 p.m. in the auditorium and will chant the prophetic po: The Womans Guild' board meei of the church Sunday at 4 p.m A fattier-son Communion break The sacrament of penance tion of the week. Candle lightin brated Sunday at 8 a.m. Semi- are Thursday at 10 a.m. the Sabbath-Eye. services tonight administered every Saturda; ing is Tuesday at 10 a.m. Tt Calendar for the week: 2:30 p.m. fast sponsored by the Holy Nairn time is 7:45 p.m. narian Harold Jenkins will preach Womans Guild will meet at 2 ps at 8 in the auditorium of the;Mat- Society, will be held in the Moll from 4:30 to 6, and 7:30 to 9 p.m at the 9 a.m. parish Eucharist Tuesday: 8 p'.m.. Rev, D Communicant's class will mee awan Regional High School. Holy Eucharist will be ce Pitcher Inn following the 8 o'clocl The Novena devotion in hono Sabbath morning services an and the 11:15 Holy Eucharist Charles E. Bourne, pastor Saturday at 9:30 a.m. The churc David Alexander, son of Mr. and brated at 6 and 10 a.m. • Mass. of the Miraculous Medal, is he at 9:15 for the junior congreg; services on "The Resurrection." Clinton Memorial A.M.E. Zi will hold an auction and bal Mrs. Al Alexander, 47 Idlebrook every Monday night at 7:30. tion and at 10 o'clock for th Rev. Ronald G. Albury will Wednesday. The service of hea Church and former pastor of th sale at 10 a.m. La., will act as rabbi and deliver The sacrament of baptism wi senior service. Rabbi Rosoff wil ing will be at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m The Perpetual Novena in hono conduct the Eucharist services. church, will preach. a sermonette entitled "Our Sure* be administered at 1:30 on Sun preach on the portion of the weel The Sewing Group will meet ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL of St. Anthony is held ever Mr. Jenkins who will be spending Wednesday: 8 p.m.,. Rev. D ty." • day. Cantor Scharff will chant the li his last day in the parish, will 11 a.m. Navesink Tuesday night at 7:30. Charles S. Webster, pastor of tl The invocation will be gjven by The sacrament of penance wi urgy. be honored at a coffee hour in Sunday Is Rogation Sunda; Red Bank First Presbyteria; Ronald Levine. The Kiddu* will be administered Saturday from Classes of religion for th Sunday morning services are al the parish house following the 9 HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN There will be a celebration Church, will preach.. be chanted by Keith Gross. The 4 to 6 in the afternoon and 7:30 grammar school children are coi 9 o'clock followed by a Talmui o'clock service. Red Bank Holy Communion at 8:30 a.m dosing prayer will be given by to 9 in the evening. The sacra^ ducted every day from 3:30 class. The high school classei Sunday services include Sunda; Thursday: 8 p.m.,, Dr. 0. At 9:30 a.m. there will be a sp Holy Eucharist will be cele- Andrew Kazen. ment is also administered dail 4:30 p.m., and Saturday mornin, will meet at 10:50 and 11:50 a.m school and family services at 9: Goodwin, pastor of St. Stephen cial outdoor Rogationtide, servici brated Friday at 9 a.m. from 7:30 to 8 a.m. and after tlv at 9:30. The Bnai Israel Tweeners wi a.m. The sacrament of baptist A.M.E. Zion Church, A«bur followed by the serving of n Other students participating Novena service Monday evening Classes of religion for the higl leave for New York at 12:30 p.m will be administered at the Park, will preach. .; freshments in the parish hous will be: Steven Blair, call to-pray- ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL The Novena Devotion in honoi school students are conductec a.m. service. Friday: 8 p.m., historical pr< At 11 a.m. there will be Mori er; Barbara -Schachter, RoWa Monday afternoon at 3:45 th Eatontown of Mary's Miraculous Medal wi every Monday night at 7:30 in thi junior high school will meet. Thi Confirmation class,, meets ti gram. ing Prayer with sermon by thi Schneider, Lynn Moshen and be held Monday at 8 p.m. TJII Holy Eucharist will be cele- Maria and Sherd Biinln, Intro- church hall and the school housi Bnai Israel Tweeners will meei morrow at 10 a.m. The picni Saturday: 8 p.m., aiiniversa: rector. service of Benediction of thi brated Sunday at 8 and 10 a.m. ductory Psalms; Renee Myer», on Chestnut St. at 7 p.m. The board of educatior sponsored by the Lutheran Churi banquet. Blessed Sacrament will follow. Family service and sermon by At 7:30 p.m. Sunday the n> Sabbath songs; Kin Levey and The crowning of the Blessed will meet at 8 p.m. Women for the confirmation cla organ will be dedicated and Daily Mass is offered at 6:25 Rev. Stanley M. WoolJey, Jr., at Samuel Spiegelman, Sat*ath Virgin Mary will take place Sun The Sisterhood board will meet and youth choir will be held PRESBYTERIAN recital given by David Hewlett, 7 and 8 o'clock. 10 a.m. Church school meets at : Psalms; George Moshen, Richard day at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at 8 p.m. noon on the church lawn. Shrewsbury organist and choirmaster at th The Grammar School of Re- 10 a.m. Glickman, Robin Gross,' Ctry Thursday "^t 12:30 p.m., thi Matins service is held daily Rev. John R. Collins will prea> Church of the Resurrection, Nev ligion meets Saturday morning a' Wednesday: 9 a.m., Holy Eu- Klein, Jerome Wolf and Michael FIRST METHODIST Golden Age group will meet. 10 a.m., with the exception at the 9:30 and 11 a.m. servid York City. 9:30. The High School of Religioi Weiser, Sabbath evening- Me** Red Bank Daily evening services are charist celebration followed by,| Thursday and Saturday. on "Christian Daily Work." Eldi will'be taught Thursday evenin] Thursday, the Feast of the As ings; Jeffrey Bernstein'and Mi- Rev. Kerry Robb will preach :30. healing sacrament of unction. John L. White will assist. Chufc at 7 in Cabrini House. cension, at 10 a.m. Holy Com chael Zaretsky, "Shema;" Mit- at the 9:30 and 11 a.m. service; . PILGRIM BAPTIST school will meet at 9:30 and munion will be celebrated. chell Teres, Larry Rlflein, and The children's confirmatioi Sunday on "The Complication ST. GEORGE'S-BY-THE-RIVER PRESBYTERIAN Red Bank a.m. The adult Bible class wi class meets Monday; to Friday a Eatontown David Kaplan, Sabbath com- Simple Faith." Rev. Ear] Rumson Sunday school meets at 10 a.m meet at 9:30 a.m. ST. CLEMENTS EPISCOPAL 3:30 p.m. in the gramar school Sunday service will be co mandments; George Moshen, Hampton will assist at the 9:3 There will be a celebration of Rev. Henry Morgan will preach Belford ducted at 11 a.m. by Rev. Rob- Calendar for the week: Sui Kaddish; Todd FrankenthaJ, •!- PRESBYTERIAN service. Rev. W. Gordon Lowdei Holy Communion Sunday at the 11:30 a.m. service. Rev. Joh Holy Eucharist will be eel rt W. Reed. Church school meets day: 6:30 p.m., Junior and Seni lent devotion; Miriam Hyman, Red Bank will assist at 11 o'clock. A servio a.m. H. Goodrum will preach at th brated tomorrow at 9 a.m. At 'R'Tseh;" Susan Ritz, "Sjhatom t 9:45 a.m. Fellowships meet; 8 p.m., boa: "Energy and Vitality — When of Holy Communion will be of Family service and address by 7:30 p.m. ordination service. of deacons meets. to 4:30 p.m. the sacrament Aleichem;" Ian CarruJ, "Aieinu," [he associate rector, Rev. Robert Calendar for the week: You Can Find Them" will be thi fered at 8:30 a.m. Calendar for the week: Tuesday: 8:15 p.m., session e> penance will, be administered. and Steven Blafr and RenH S. Baker, at 9:30 a.m. sermon topic of Rev. Dr. Charles Calendar for the week: Sunday: 8 p.m.. United Pres- Sunday: 6 p.m., BTU meet: ecutive committee meets. Sunday at 7:40 a.m. Matins wi Myers, "Adon Olam." S. Webster at the 9:15 and 1 At 10:30 a.m. Robert D. McKee ivterian Youth meeting. Monday: 8 p.m., Bible'clasi Sunday: 7 p.m., the Methodisi Wednesday: 9:30 a.m., Mor be read. At 8 a.m. Holy Euoharis a.m. services Sunday. Rev. M- ill play a carillon recital. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., prayei Youth Fellowship and Interme- Monday: 8 p.m., session meet- ing Circle meets in the loung and sermon. Sung Eucharist an CENTRAL BAPTIST bert T. Woodward, assistant mln Morning Prayer and sermon by meeting and new members' clasi diate Youth Fellowship meet; af ng. Martha Circle meets in the hom sermon at 9:30 a.m. Church schoc Atlantic Highlands lster, will assist. he associate rector at 11 a.m. Friday: 7:30 p.m, Sunda: follows. p.m., the membership class and Tuesday: 8 p.m., Gleaners of Mrs. Ralph Adams,, 33 Wei Sunday school is at 9:45 i.m. At 9:19 and 11 a.m., church school teachers meet. the Wesley Fellowship meet. meet. Services this week include M; achool through junior high. EMBURY METHODIST lington Dr., New Shrewsbury. Pastor Harry W. Krdft will Today: 8:30 p.m., the Film Thursday: 1:30 p.m., Aftemoo tins and Holy Eucharist on Moi preach at the 11 a.m. service on At 12:11! p.m., the Young Adults Little Silver •Wednesday: 8 p.m., Bible ST, LUKE'S METHODIST Festival series will feature 'A Circle meets. day and Friday at 8 a.m.; Tue: "The Joy of The Lord—ard of trustees will be installed Vijta Ave., Fair Haven. except Saturday, when Masses day, at Kingdom Hall, 58 Forma There will be a yputh rail; idministered on Saturdays from Church and Sunday school meet The religious school will meet, will be at 8 and 9 a.m. St., Fair Haven; 10 St. Mary'i unday at 7:30 p.m. in Calvary J to 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 to 9 p.m CHURCH OP CHRIST at 11 a.m. omorrow at 9 a.m. The sacrament of baptism is PI., 1 Cedar St., 37 Drummond Baptist Church, Oceanport, Rog- and on Mondays at 8:30 p.m. Red Bank Testimony meetings art at 8:15 The Sisterhood consignmen administered Sundays at 1 p.m Ave., Red Bank; 114 Springdal, er Miller, youth director of the The Miraculous Medal novena At the U a.m. service Sunday, p.m. Wednesday. iale opens Monday. Hebrew Confessions will be heard Sat- Ave., New Shrewsbury; and 27 First Baptist Church, As bury t conducted Mondays at 8 p.m C. J. Kirkpatrick will preach on lasses will be held at 4:15 p.m urdays and the eves of Holy Delaware Ave., Riversidi Park, will direct the singing. OLD BRICK REFORMED "Hie Great Commission," and al ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL The board of trustees wii Days at 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. and Heights. Young people from Northeastern , Marlboro the 6:30 p.m. service on "Joel, Red Bank leet Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. 7:30 to 8:30 p.m., and before daily Thursday at 7:25 p.m. the min Collegiate Bible - Institute anc a book may Rev. John Hart will preach a the Prophet Quoted on Pente- Services on Sunday begin with The confirmation class wil Masses il requested. istry school meets followed tv Brookdale Baptist Church cost." (M 11' a.m. service Sunday on Holy Eucharist at 8 a.m. Family ieet Thursday at 5 p.m. Thi Calendar for (he week: the 8:30 meeting. Bloomfield, will participate. James Elliott will lead in pray- service with Choral Eucharist and [en's Club will meet at 8:30 p.m Sunday: 5 to 9 p.m., open house "The Meaning of Brotherhood.' bd unday school meets at 9:30 a.m. er and read the Scripture for the sermon and Sunday school are at and party in the family center, REFORMED The 67th annual Monmouth morning service. Charles Whittle, 9:30 a.m. Evening Prayer will not Confirmation class meets at 5:15 UNITARIAN Tuesday: Miraculous Med New Shrewsbury Baptist Association meeting wil will preside at th>» Communion be held because of the Medford thai can Lincroft al novena in honor of the Blessed Peter Paulsen, student-assistan held Sunday at 3 p.m. in the .m. service, assisted by Joe Lindner, Conference of Episcopal Young Calendar for the week: The morning service Sunda: Mother after the 9 a.m. Mass from New Brunswick Theological First Baptist Church, Freehold Jr., Glenn Cope, Ray Woodrough, Churchmen which ends Sunday. 1 Sunday: 6:30 p.m., Youth Fel ill be a service of dedication and at 8 p.m. Seminary, will preach Sunday a tev. Stanley E. Mugridge, mod free yon and Albert Emmons. Wayne Sli- The Episcopal Church Women new lowship. ir th« church building, the 9:30 morning devotions anc rator, will preside at the busi- fer will lead the closing prayer. will commune corporately at the Tuesday: 1:30 p.m., adult study lembers will participate In FIRST BAPTIST the 10:30 a.m. service. Rev. Isaa less meeting. Rev. Mr. Mugridge At the evening service, prayer| 9:30 a.m. service on Sunday. The ramatic presentation of words Red Bank :lass. fromfewr C. Rottenberg will accompany pastor of .the First Baptist •nd Scripture will be by Ron Women's United Thank Offering nd music expressing the pur- Thursday: 7 p.m., Couplet Club Rev. Stanley E. Mugridge will group of members of the parisl Church, Red Bank. - Km may Henry, and the closing prayer by will be taken at both services. dinner meeting. ise, past and future, of the preach at the II a.m. service on a retreat to Warwick Estates, quiet pa., _^_» _ Kenneth Noland. Holy Eucharist will be said lurch. Church school will be Sunday. He will be assisted by Warwick, N. Y. At 7 p.m., th "Beloved Enemy," a film pro-j Wednesday at 7 a.m. The con leld through grade two. All other CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MYeneverenteredt - Midweek services are Thursda' the Rev. Lee A. Morris, associate Senior Hi Fellowship will meet luced by Films for Christ Asso- firmation class will meet at 7:30 lasses will attend the service. SOCIETY in this peaceful rami,i»*(tf at 7:30 p.m. pastor. Church school meets at in White Hall. iation, Peoria, III., will be shown p.m. Atlantic Highlands for you to read, isslwoktbil "The "Introduction to Unitar- 9:45 a.m. Xay leaders meet for Confirmation class I will meet the First Baptist Church, As- CONGREGATION St Monica's Guild will meet Church , service and Sunday iss freed many thousand* .nism" discussion group will prayer at 9:30 a.m. There will Monday at 6:45 p.m. The Consis iurv Park, tomorrow at 7:30 BETH SHALOM Thursday at 8 p.m. chool are at 11 a.m. Wednes- rom fear and worry-lut» eet Monday at 8:30 p.m. in the be no youth meetings Sunday tory will meet at 8 p.m. Red Bank m The presentation is open tr lay's testimony meeting it at fives them renewed connga ome of Mr. and Mrs. Edward evening. Thursday at 7:30 p.m.. the hip; he oublic. A free-will offering nd strength to go forward, Candlelighting time tonight is FIRST PRESBYTERIAN earl, 41 Imperia PI., Matawan. The Women's Fellowship execu- J: 15 p.m. Reading room .hours 7:45. school confirmation class w i 1 be taken. t can do this for you. Rumson The religious education commit- ive board will meet in the par- ire Tuesday and Saturday from Junior services tomorrow are al meet. t'he place is the Christian Sunday services will be held at ie will meet Tuesday at 8:30 sonage Tuesday at 8 p.m. The to 4 p.m except holidays. 8 a.m. Senior services are at 9:30 The Junior Hi Fellowship meet: Rev. Isaac C. Rottenberg, pas Science Reading Boom; the 9:30 and 11 a.m. Rev. Harvey CJ. m. church school teachers' and work- a.m. Rabbi Henry Leiberman will Douie, Jr., will preach on "The1 Friday at 7:30 p.m. or of the New Shrewsbury Re FIRST PRESBYTERIAN iook, Science and Health Dr. David Popenoe of Rutgers rs' Bible study class will meet 'ormed Church will accompany Atlantic Highlands lead the services. Christian and His Funeral Ar- iniversity will 6peak on "The rith Key to the Scripture* t 25 Alexander Dr., River Plata. CALVARY BAPTIST group of parish members on Rev. Richard B. Anderson will Sunday school is at 10 a.m. rangements. " Sunday school will Impact of Automation on the Pres- ly Miry Baker Eddy, The annual church business Oceanport retreat at Warwick Estates breach at the 9:30 and 11 a.m. Teenage discussion group Is at meet at 9:30 and 11 a.m. through et Values of Our Society, and itop at a Christian Soen«# meeting will be held Wednesday "The Key to Life" crusade wil Warwick, N. Y., on Sunday. lervices Sunday. Church school p.m. senior high. The adult class will People's Sense of Personal teadingRoQmsofflijntditingRoQmsofflij a r t 8 p.m. conclude Sunday. Evangelist Bil Tuesday at 8 p.m, the congre- meet at 9:30. orth" on Wednesday at 8:30 will meet at 9:30 a.m. The commltee of Christian wit- jibleandSdanceuirt gation board meets. Senior High Fellowship and in. Shade will preach at the 11 a.m Calendar for the week: thhe qriet^midiatarberitdi t CALVARY BAPTIST Service on "Let's Test Your Ex- less of,the Monmouth Presby- Tomorrow: 6 p.m., Couples Junior group meets Wednesday Junior High Fellowship meet The current affairs discussion Mwphere provided fbrjrWL' Red Bank perience" and at the 7:30- p.m tery will meet Tuesday at 4 p.m, >ib progressive dinner.. at 3:43 p.m. Sunday at 7:15 p.m. roup will meet on Friday, May Rev. Robert P. Ball will preach service on "Crossing the Dead- the Lincroft Presbyterian Borrow this book, fret of Monday at 8 p.m. the Inquirers' ', at 8:30 p.m. in the home of Tuesday: 8:30 p.m., Bible Study •h&rge.OrbujitforyotiMdt HOLY COMMUNION class will meet. it the II a.m. service Sunday, line." Bible school meets at 9:45 hurch. Iroup will meet. iss Janet Wennik, 385 Ocean iunday school will be held at 9:30, library Edition $•. Ptper- EPISCOPAL Tuesday at 10 a.m. Prayer Fel- [vd., Long Branch. Youth Fellowship group: Thursday: 8 p.m., deacons uu* Edition $1.95. Fair Haven lowship will meet; at 1 p.m. m. BTU and BYFwill meet meet at 6:30 p.m. There will be aj The Junior Young "Episcopal ieeting. t 6 p.m. Churchmen will have their an- Holy Communion will be cele- lydia Circle will meet in the FEDERATED youth rally at 7:30 p.m. Friday: 8 p.m., hootnanny for Calendar for the week: c^ifnrence Saturday in All brated Sunday at 8 o'clock. The home of Mrs. Charles S. Callman. Ilolmdel ie benefit of the choir robej Christian Science Monday: 8 p.m.. Virginia Club 'aints Episcopal Church, Prince- 9:30 family service will be Morn- 38 Circle Dr., Rumson. Sunday school services are held PRESBYTERIAN nd. ill meet. Ing Prayer, Litany and sermon Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. Faith- 9:45 a.m. "The Believer and Lincroft n. READING by Rev. Charles R. Lawrence. Hope Circle will meet. s Worship," will be the sermon Wednesday: 7 p.m., Bible Class; Sunday school services are held METHODIST ROOM The il o'clock service will be ipic of Rev. Thomas H. McNally p.m., midweek prayer service. at 9:30 a.m. Rev. William J. Mills, Rev. W. Maurice Fain has been Sea Bright Holy^ Communion and sermon. GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH t the 11 a.m. service. Friday: 7 p.m., weekly teach- will preach at the II a.m. ser- anied pastor of Manhattan Bap- Church school meets Sunday at Wednesday morning at 9:30 will Freehold rs meeting; 8 p.m., Deacon vice on "Communloations-Receiv- st Church, New York City. The a.m. Oscar Benson will be'in The congregational committee lon c 209 BROAD ST. be (fat midweek celebration of, Rev. Wllllim E. Cox will rill meet in tht parsonage Tues- ' ' »rr will conduct a four n«." ncroft Baptist Church (South- [large of the 11: IS a.m. service. Hoty Cetmmwrfon ted netHnf. << i«rvic« Sunday. day at I p.m. W«*k VtcMion BW» School Mm- The Westminster Youth Fellow- •a Baptist Convention) Is an if- Bible srtudy Is Tburiday at 7:30] Mon. thru Sat. lulr. ihip.will meet Sunday at 7 p.m.l Illatt of th« Manhattan church. •an., -. . Abo Friday Ey». lUMED KCUXAMY <1 Qi Omtgt todtl dub *t OH*- THE DAILY REGISTER- Frity, -8% J4,, OTTAWA, Ktw. - Edwin Fort Unit SpotWs wi. Vnivmlty, Ottawa, Kara. BJ- Stanley, It KatlfWot Pt., Mid- VISTA Now Annual Conference dtetoW-#.•• X, »" recently wfn, t »rjphoi?iW!8, I; the son o On Campus ATLANTIC OTY - Approxi- elected Mcr«Uuy of the Deltt Mr. tad Mra. Edwin R. Stanley Seeks More mately 1,250 representatives of POULTNEY, Vt. — A fresh- government and Industry in the KEYPORT, N. J. man »t Green Mountain College. Volunteers United. States and .tilled coun- tires are expected to attend the Miss Pamela G. Scatuorchlo, RED BANK — Postmaster Fred FURNITURE CO. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An- 19th annual Power Sources Con- WEST thony Scatuorchio, Littleton, A. Crlne announced that appli ference opening at the SheHmrne 264-0101 Colo., recently of Gail Dr., Mon- tloiw for VBTA— the Volunteers Hotel, Atlantic City, May 18. mouth Beach, N. J., was elected in Service to America — are The conference, largest of its to the Green Key. Members of available at Red iBank Post Of- kind in the world, is sponsored (he honorary serve as counselors fice. by the U. S. Army Electronics to next year's incoming fresh- Command Laboratories' . Power men and act as official campus VBTA is President Johnson's Sources Division in co-operation DOWNTOWN guides and hostesses. A gradu- program to recruit and train vol- with the Interagency Advanced NEWBERRYS RED BANK ate of Red Bank Catholic High unteer? to live and work among Power Group. the poor in the U.S. and ter- School, she is majoring in ele- Arthur F. Daniel, technical di- Open Mon. and Fri. evenings *til 9 p.m. mentary education. ritories as part of the war on poverty. rector of the Electronics Com- mand Test Equipment and Pow- Miss Janice Kerr, daughter of Applications for one-year tours er Sources Commodity Manage- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kerr, 185 are being accepted from persons ment Office, is conference chair- Maple Ave., was crowned queen 18 years of age or older. man. David Linden, deputy rf the Inter-Fraternity Weekend A year of service includes a director of the laboratories' Pow- festivities held recently at Laf- four to six-week training course er Sources division is co-chair- MUSCLE'S lyette College. William' Gaslau, after which assignments are made YOUNG FAMILY to such areas as Indian reserva- GOES Shrewsbury, a senior at the co is now featuring . lege entered lier name as a Can tions, Job Corps Conservation Need Money? Sell those things idate for the honor. She waMiss Pamela G. Scatuorchlo, Centers, migrant worker com- you really don't need with a :hosen from 60 entries. An munities, hospitals, and schools • EVERBLOOMING ROSES • ANNUALS OFF THE DEEI for. He received the Sons of for mentally retarded. Daily Register Classified Ad. omplished dancer, now with American Revolution Award. Call now. • third win on the Ted Mack Ama Volunteers may indicate a pref- • PERENNIALS • EVERGREENS eur Show, is a student at tfa erence for a specific assignment. American Musical and Dramatii Miss Jcanle Comber, Wilson The pay is $50 per. month plus Academy, New York City. College junior, Chambersburg, living allowances. SPECIALS! Pa., was recently appointed to FUEL OIL the editorial staff of the campus Twenty-eight Rutgers evening newspaper, The Billboard. HEADQUARTERS 00 students won membership in theDaughter of Mrs. Gladys R. Tyree Serves AZALEAS University College Honor Socie- Comber, 39 Willow St., Fair Ha- 1-YEAR-OLD for high academic achieve- ven, she will serve as a memberAt Fete As ment in induction ceremonies of the editorial board. LARGE last week on the New Brunswick campus. Local students included Sophomore Fathers' Weekend Toastmaster DELIVERED TO EGGS 45*dot. 2,0,89' were Mrs. Bertha C. Alpine. 28! Broad St., Keyport, undergrade at Vassar College was attended NEWARK - Earl G. Tyree of. YOUR HOME WITH ate, New Brunswick Division; by Aldo Barbierl. father of Tlr. Fair H«ven served as toastmas- AUTOMATIC reU Barbleri, 74 Rivington Ave.,ter at the annual Robert Wood FULL LINE OF GARDEN SUPPLIES John Joseph McGulre, 4 Ja; PERSONAL CARE Dr., Port Monmouth, alumnu West Long Branch; George E. Johnson Humanitarian Award din- Htadqtiarton for Scott and Greonftold Produeti Newark Division; Mrs. Doroth; Horr, Jr., father of Marcia Horr, ner of the New Jersey chapter of Call Today! B. Rice, 16 New Brunswick Ave., 66 Gillespie Ave., Fair Haven; tfie Arthritis Foundation for 900 •MIIC^I E9C WATERMELON BAR Matawan, undergraduate, and Robert G. Potts, father of Nancy persons in the Hotel Robert Treat FREE ESTIMATES IVlUdVLE 9 & GARDEN CENTER William Louis Salmon, 82 Broad Potto, East Larchmont Dr., Colts Tuesday night. Neck, and Philip D. Slater, fa- HWY. 36 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS St., Freehold, senior, both in the The honored guest was William ther of Eve Slater, 225 Lorraine OIL DELIVERY Mew Brunswick Division. F. Schniteler, secretaryitreasurer Ave., Spring Lake. INCORPORATED 291-0613 of the AFL-CIO, who received a 3 HUBERT ST. RID BANK telegram of congratulations from 741-0610 OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY Among those receiving K< Peter deK. Dusinberre; Jr., 95President Johnson and a personal ,.»frorii their living room! serve Officer Training Corps Buttonwood Dr., Fair Haven, welcome from Mrs'. Florence (ROTC) awards at the annual and Bernard Maslow, 116 Sa The swimming pool at EATON CREST CLUB Bowman of Belford, who once tarards Day Ceremony at Fish mara Dr., Shrewsbury, were was his elementary school teach- /tyD APARTMENTS won't be quite in the living er Field at Lafayette College, guests of their daughters Mls» er in Newark. room—but it won't be very far away, either. was Cadet Sgt. Ma). James F Lynn W. Dusinberre and Jane I. Suest speaker was George F. This unique new idea is a garden apartment and Blllett, Jr., Shrewsbury, a junMaslow, students at Wellesley, Smith of Metuchen, president of country dub all rolled into one, complete -with Mass., for the 18th annual Soph- the state Board of Education and omore Fathers' Day programs. private' lawns, terraces, trees, .pool, shufHeboard, former president of Johnson and tennis courts and sun deck...all within strolling Johnson. distance. Miss Marcia Towniend, daugh- • The 3V4 and iVz room apartments include G-E ter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Townsend, Locust, was chosen Congolese Music electrical radiant heating with thermostat control as one of 12 junior advisers at Heard My Choir in each room, air conditioning, humidity control Denison University, Granville, •plus a full complement of G-E appliances. Ohio. Junior advisers live in the NEW MONMOUTH — At a You'll be living in Eatontown, moments from Ireshman dormitory and assist meeting ol the choir of St. Mary's the beaches, Boardwalks, state parks, and the giant the freshman women in waking Catholic Church, Raymond Berto- Monmoiith Shopping Center. And just 40 minutes the adjustment to campus life. lelte played a recording entitled "Missa Luba" — a Mass sung by irom • Newark, 55 from N.Y. C. Ask those who, -LEGAL NOTICE a choir of Congolese men and already live at EATON CREST CLUB AND boys. Rev. Charles Kelly, spir- APARTMENTS — the young marrieds, the people NOTICE TAKE notice '"al Lircar, Inc. t-ituaa l moderator, briefly ex- 'With' children, the business' couples, the retired The Riven hu applied to "» MM"plained the background of the and Council of the Borough 61 Sea folks — they'll all say: this new idea in "year-round Brlrht tor the PleiuM-yReUtU Coniump- music. 1 Son C Ucen»e tor pnmuee ««u»««> rejprtijiy&g" i! " ; ' it 1300 Ocean Ave., Sei Bright, N. }• Refreshment committee' mem-1 •• • Officer. •<- ALAN JWONft -ters for this month were: Mrs. Mildred Leber, Mrs; Alma Boeh-| Mieni'< shopping, for'a"morfgage loan-... AUanlic HUWMds; ,_ . Eleanor Laraon-Secretary, Treasurer ler,' Mrs. Anna Hart and Mrs. | it's-what?" 58 E. Lincoln Avenue, Anne Van Cleve. Atlantic Highland! . consider our plan... which provides: Objections, It any, should »• made Tlie final meeting of the season | V.: i :. i ,.; - Immediately In writing to Mrs. Mary DIRECTIONS: Rout* 35 *o (hi Eafontown Circle (Mon- It's so good it's guaranteed. iireon, dark ot th» Boroulh ol 8«awill be held Tuesday, .June 1. Bright meu»hi;,5hppp.lnj Center); than weit on P«rkw»y feeder . You'll like this bread or (Signed) reld•)* Hop* &<<• 6 block Mor» •''•wv. entrant'• -i ALAN S.1 LARSON you'll get your money back. 58 E. Lincoln Avenue, • No penalty for prepayment rifjlil 'I block to Pint Brook Rd.; right '/« mil* to EATON Atlantic. Highlana«, N. J. Delectable with meals... Ma? 14, 21 tll.SO PRICES delightful for snacks. (Ideal NOTICE, Take notice U»t Sycamors LaiJ". • Open end provision for improvements. for toast and sandwiches, Inc. T-A Bycamors I*m> by* applied Lo the Mayor and Council of the Boff- of course.) . oujh of New Shrewsbury. N. J., REDUCED for a Ptaiary Retail Consumption Li- cense, fir premUM iltualed at 800 • Attractive rates ^ Sbr 5J0 'of •"" m"" Surely. Doted Vay 7th, A. IV IMS. DIRECTIONS: to Boundary Road, Turn l«ff, go two miles louth. LEONARD FINKELBTEIN, 32B Highway No IS Old Bridie, N. 'J. Call 4MO07* or writ. . Assignee-• JERSEY SHORE BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION CO. Leonard Flnkelsteln, Esq., FOR INFORMATION: 118 Timber Drive.'Berkeley Height* Counsellor at Law, . SX Highway No. 18, LONG BRANCH, N. J. Old Bridie, N. j. May 14, 21, 28, Jum 4 ft- Y THE DAILY REGISTER [ l2~*niUy. Maj 14, 1965 FiveTraditional fanntiy Homes \ GMGEft IN OMELET Kreafc. ginger root available? On Eighth Annual Maytime Tourt Mince t little of it and add It to an omelet for a delightfully dif- Eighth annual Maytime Tour of Homes, Visitors are asked to wear kw&eetod ferent flavor. Serve the otnele sponsored by the Marlborjo Hospital Auxiliary, to protect grounds and floors. ' < with a bean sprout salad — will take place Tuesday from 1 to 5 p.m.. The Marlboro Auxiliary's Newsletter, con- drained canned bean sprouts Five homes in Middletown, Holmdel and Lin- taining descriptions and sketches of the' five dressed with salad oil, vinegar homes,, has been mailed to more than 1,000 and seasonings. croft will be open to visitors, with tickete available in advance at Steinbach Company county residents and also will be available to stores in Red Bank and Asbury Park; Town tour visitors. Cost of printing has been under- DOROTHY TOLAND and Country Shop, Red Bank; from Mrs. written by the Steinbach Company, a practice Laurence Toole, Little Silver, and at the door of several years' standing. E. Burke Malone, DANCE STUDIO of any featured home on Tuesday. Elberon artist, contributed four sketches in the publication and the fifth was drawn by The tour, which may be begun at any Mrs. Nelson, whose home,will be shown on point, includes the homes of Mr. and Mrs. the tour. Stephen J. Gross (Four Winds), Lincroft- Mrs. D. Louis Tonti is chairman of the Middletown Rd., Middletown; Mr. and Mrs. annual Marlboro benefit. Newsletter chairman Philip F. Nelson, (Rock Maple Farm), Sohanck is Mrs. Harry A. Pujals, Rumson, and Mrs. Rd., Holmdel; Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Rea, Robert Bruguiere, Shrewsbury, is in charge (Cannon Hill Farm), Bradevelt-Holmdel Rd., of the tea. Holmdel; Mr. and Mrs. Maircus Daly, Newman Marlboro Auxiliary members ivtio will be Springs Rd., Lincroft, and the guesthouse at stationed at the tour homes as hostesses to Cheeca Farm, home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Twatchell, Longbridge Rd , Holmdel. point out Items of interest are Mrs. James Wyer, Locust; Mrs. George Ruding, West Tea and refreshments will be served on Allenhurst; Mrs. Pujals; Mrs. dark Vogel, Rumson, and Mrs. Leslie D. Seely, Eatontown. * „ > f * V* A^° ^=s! the terrace at Four Winds after 2 p.m.

ON THE PATIO oj Four Winds, former Classical Ballet Technique estate oj the late Hattie Carnegie, stands Contemporary Jaiz the present owner, Mrs. Stephen J. Gross, Tap - Acrobatic - Toe The white-shingled house is, a reproduction 201 East Bergen Place oj the original pre-Revolutionary structure. 741-2208

MINT'S CLOCK, below, in. the entrance hall oj the Lin- Maytime Engagement crojt home oj Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Daly dates from the DIAMOND VALUE! early 17th century. Atop the DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT clock are gilded wooden stat- 14K GOLD RING ues oj St. Mark and St. Luke. No Money Down STC00 $1.00 WMkly '7* * 5"* DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT 14K GOLD RING No Monty Dawn ,00 12.00 Wetkly *135 DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT 14K GOLD RING No Monty Down 100 HOT WHkly *!95 BACK GUARANTEE DINING ROOM of the guest SM our largo election ef fln« diamondi horn $40 to $2,000. house at Cheeca Farm has pale blue walls, blue and REEDS JEWELERS white German, china dis- 60 (ROAD ST., RED BANK played in the hutch and a 717 COOKMAN AVE.. ASBURY PARK OPEN WED. and FRI. NIGHTS pewter chandelier hanging Little Silver PTA Plans over the round oak table. Installation Program LITTLE SILVER - The Par-| An additional feature will be a ANTIQUE MIRROR above ent-Teacher Association will hold display of the Science Fair win- ning exhibits. right, hangs above desk in its installation meeting Tuesday at 8:15 p.m. in Markham Place * Arrangements for the meeting, living room oj Cannon Hill which is open to children, wpre School. Farm. The small mahogany made by Mrs. Harold Kornar Installing officer will be Mrs. piece was once the dressing and Mrs! David Linden. Re- John L. Polhemus, past presi- freshments will be served. table oj Robert Treat, an. an- dent of the Monmouth County Flower? are an important Council of PTA's. Also attend- cestor oj the present owner. CLOSING OUT OUR part of any wedding plan- ing the meeting will be Mrs. Thomas E. Frostick, president of EARLY AMERICAN ning. We would be happy the council. to go over your needs for Officers to be installed are: church, attendants and president, Mrs. Dominick San- HOMESTEAD oj Rock telle; vice presidents, Mrs. Har- LAMP reception. Our years of 100-YEAR-OLD poster ad- Maple Farm was begun in old Komar and Edward Perkins, DEPARTMENT experience will assure you vertising the sale oj Rock 1702, added to in 1791 and treasurer, Mrs. Frank Miller; of satisfaction. corresponding secretary, Mrs. Maple Farms hangs on the remodeled in 1850. Mrs. Donald Johnston, and recording SAVE wall oj the old Dutch Colo- Philip F. Nelson is photo- secretary, Mrs. William Robbins. Come in for a copy of NOW Leading the flag ceremony and 40% nial homestead now owned by graphed, at lejt, in her "Your Wedding Flowers" devotions will be girls from Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Net- kitchen. with our compliments. Mariner Ship 43. Girls from Ca- det Troop 311 will be standard bearers. Phone 747 -1832 FOIL FOR FREEZING The program for the evening If you want to use aluminum will be a special preview per- CAMP foil for wrapping packages for Former Opera Star to Speak formance of selections from the 159 SO. MAIN ST. the' freezer, use the kind that is forthcoming production of Gil- NEW SHREWSBURY — Miss marked "for freezer", of "heavy bury for senior girls of Mon-1 and Hie concert world followed. bert and Sullivan's "The Mika- NEPTUNE, N. J. Helen Jepson, former Metropoli- mouth Regional High School. When Miss Jepson developed a do" by the Monmouth Civic 774-0047 tan Opera star, will be the speak- In private life Mrs. Walter swelling in her vocal chords, she Chorus. LITTLE SILVER er at a tea tomorrow, from 2 to Dellera of 141 Cloverdale Cir., retired from her operatic career of course Dice bacon slices and partly 4 p.ra. in the First Aid House. the former star will give the and began to give singing les cook; sprinkle over a pan of The tea is being given by the senior girls a glimpse into "The sons. A psychiatrist in Teaneck OCEANPORT AVE. LITTLE SILVER cornbread just before it goes Woman's Club of New Shrews- Many Words of Helen Jepson." told her of a child with a severe into the oven. ' - speech problem and asked her to help reach this child through VASCO music. This inspired the singer to become a student of speech therapy. daGAMA At the age of 90 Miss Jepson registered at Newark State Col' was the first to carl around lege. Today she commutes from FOR YOURFURS and New Shrewsbury to the New Jer- the Cape of Good Hop* sey Orthopedic Hospital in Orange where she is a speech . . . you won't have to WINTER WOOLENS therapist. Miss Jepson has married daughter, Mrs. Richard hope for the best at PROFESSIONALLY Tennant, who has one child, and Shrewsbury Decorators • • • a son, Richard, in the service. Cleaned and Vault Stored Guests will be Miss Charlotte all work done in our own Hohenstein, vice principal of Proper storage of furs and woolens MRHS; Miss Lois C. Harfcloz of workrooms. '• the business education depart, keeps them smart and young seasons ment of the high school; Mrs. longer. Our modern vaults provide Robert Quinn, president of the maximum protection from moths, theft Eatontown Community Club, and SHOP-AT-HOME-SERVICE A Car'ooi of Hoimmcklng Mrs. John Schmitt, youth con or other dangers. Freed of bulky wool- servafitn chairman, will be 747-4422 ens, your closets can hold more sum- Excitement has lust Arrived Miss Helen Jepson guests. mer garments. —we show yoj lull a lew of Born in Titusville, Pa., and Mrs. Frank SteckJwhn, youth DAILY 9 to 5:30—FRI. "TIL 9 our beverage mugs* china raided in Akron, Ohio, Miss Jep- conservation chairman for the •Garment* are Inspected, cleaned carefully and vault son got her first musical train- New Shrewsbury club, is chair- 468 Broad St., Shrewsbury itortd on Individual hangtre until nettled. f pottery, enamel ing in a music store. This led man of thhe tea. •In the fall wt carefully prats and Inipeet your gar* •notably low priced from 29c to a scholarship for singing with menfi to Insure fmh perfection. the Curtis Institute in Philadel- phia. Paul Whiteman signed her HARBOR LIGHT BEACH CLUB I 812MainSr.,TomsRIver *] for his radio program. The FILL-A-BOX Metropolitan Opera heard her and she made her debut there THE ONLY BEACH CLUB IN NEW JERSEY WITH THESE FACILITIES STORAGE FOR WOOLENS opposite Lawrence Tibbett in All the family woolens you can fit 1935. Stardom in stage, screen | WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING RESERVATIONS FOR THE 1965 SEASON | into our giant storage box . . . VAULT STORED ALL SUMMER Husband, wife and two children, additional teenager or child M 4P> ON HANGERS In same family $10. Including beach, pool, tennis, dressing * I IK NOTHING «395 facilities, activity field, etc Mil TO PAY ONLY 3 PER BOX flut uiual Fer Farriwr Information 'TIL FALL Insurance protection up to SI 00 cleaning charge. ALL THIS AND MORE Swim rroqrmt—All UvtU Dtpeilt of W mvtt accom- CALL IOI OJOOODBY Children1!, Activity Program Foundar of lob Osgoodby'i LAUNDRY and HUFFMAN JO BOYLE Frm to Mcmbtri pany application. All oppll- Football Training Camp 10 o.m.-4 p.m. at Harbor Uajit bach Club eotloni uib|aet to1 approval UNION-IMPERIAL DRY CLEANING FINE HOME FURNISHINGS and BROADLOOM Why Pay For A Camp? SEAIM9HT Wat*r Skiing luttmcrioi by MRibtnMp commit!**. 1BO0 Octai AVOTIM 741-2228 And Tewing 500 BROAD STREET. SHREWSBURY Rt. 35 Circle, Eatontotm — 542-1010 C»ot-o.H, loMbtll, 1414231 — I42-I42* lAetfWttM 74M1I4 H TOE DAILY REGISTER Friday, May 14,

Buffet Supper Followi Service RED BANK -Edward George Clinton, son of Mrs. Anna M, Clinton and the late Edward Clin- ton, Lincoln St., Middletown, re- sently received his first Holy i)mmunion in St. Anthony's ^atholic Church. Following the Church Hall Calendar seremony Mrs. Clinton was host- :ss at a buffet party in her home. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cake Sale At St. James Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Tackett, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Oryll RED BANK — St. femes Ros- PLEDGE SERVICE retary, and Mrs. W. Lester Whit- and Mrs. John H. McNaUy. ary AH»r Society will conduct a EATOOTOWN — Mrs. Kenneti field, treasurer. Also, Dorothy and Edith Clin- cake sale after all Masses Sun- Wharton, treasurer of the Nev Also, the following secretaries: :on, Peter, Don and Jeff Miller, day, outside the church. Brunswick District bt Woman' Mrs. Franklin Gifford, member- Donna Miller, Shirley and Don- Member* will attend the so-Societies of Christian Servic< ship cultivation; Mrs. Leslie D. ild Tackett, Linda Biernacki, ciety's annual theater party at was guest speaker at the annua Seely, missionary education; Mrs. 3ail Mears and Lee McKinley. ia matinee performance of "Theplege service of the local societ Elbert H. Stein, spiritual life Greatest Story Ever Told," June held recently in the Methodis cultivation; Mrs. Fred Borne- MIDDLETOWN AUXILIARY to feyihors Hospital under- Fresh pears make a delectable Church. is. Dinner will fallow at Pa- mann, Christian social relations; goes a changs of administration »t Mri. Edward J. Roth pie. Give the pears subtle flavor The worship tervice was con Mrs. William F. Vital, Jr., cam- t>y adding grated orange and tricia Murphy's. of Lincroft, left, takes over presidency from Mrs. Irving The closing meeting of the ducted by Mrs. Eldrich C. Camp pus ministry; Miss Virginia Zin- lemon rind. year wiU be June 7, when the bell, assisted by Mri. Charles gale, program materials, and Bartlott, Middle+own,' at installation in Bamm Hollow nominating committee will pre- Dowen. Mrs. Roy A. Pritchard, supply Country Club, Middletown. sent a slate of officers for next Officer* elected were Mrs work. year. A. covered dish dessert Campbell, vice president; Mis; The office of president will be will be served. Barbara Dowen, recording see filled at a later date. Installa- tion will take place Sunday, June IN SHOCKING PINK silk 20, in the church at regular serv- ices. sheath with puffed-sleeved The program, "A Portrait of lace bodice, Mrs. Sanford Christ", was presented In the for all Gold, Eatontown, models one form of living portraits of home and foreign missionaries. Tak- of the selection! at Elegance occasions ing part were Mrs. Lester W. East, MonmoiitJi Shopping Armitage, Mrs. Ore S. Ralston, Center, for Mrs. Alan Silver Miss Henrietta Hermann, Miss at ... Dowen, Mrs. Stein and Mrs. of Lincraft, chairman of the Seely. annual installation luncheon The society is sponsoring a bus BORDEN'S scheduled by the Greater Red trip to the World's Fair June 19 FLOWERS "A Look at Ourselves as Chris- Bank Section of the Council tian Women" will be the pro- • trusted name In flowers of Jewish Women. The event gram at the next meeting, June 447 BROAD ST. will take place Monday at 1. SHREWSBURY 741-6440 noon in The CobbleStones, HELPING HAND Middletown. Other models FREEHOLD — The Helping Hand CHAIRMEN of the Red Bank will be Mrs. Morton Selig Society of the Reformed Church First Aid Squad and Auxiliary man, Mm. Sanford Emhoff, met recently in the home of Mrs Herbert Griffin, South St. Mrs card party John Higgini and New Shrewsbury; Mrs. Herb MNELIUS Roland Semmendinger, president Mrs. Dominic Clements make ert Gandel, Little Silver; Mrs. was co-hostess. plant for the event. It wil Richard Pimley, Red Bank, Plans were made for a lun- X)BB, Ltd. cheon to be held at Forsgat* take placa Monday at 8 p.m •ml Mrs. Irving Cotanoff, SUMMER SUITS are the answer for almost any occasion from May to September. Farm, Jamesburg, June 18. Mrs n the First Aid building Eatontown. Modeling fashions from Wilhelmina Dobbins, Middletown, at the annual SPCA benefit Semmendinger will be chairman. Spring St., Red Bank. Now Being Displayed for Your Pleasure A luncheon yesterday in Shadowbrook, Shrewsbury, are Mrs. G. A. Williamson, left, in The next meeting will be held May 28, in the home of Mrs. a black and white three-piece fibranne suit, and Mrs. Ray Smith, wearing light blue George R. S. Roome, South St. New Selection of Lamps ottoman cotton, also three-piece. with Mrs. Kortenus Schanck as Benefit Dance onhostess. For Scouts foci wrought In tht fine tradition of tarly Americana. WHY PAY Inline* Ik* d«cor of any room wit* Imps COMMUNION DAY FARM1NGDALE - An adult from HI* unique collection. Juniors to Install New Officers FREEHOLD - Court St. Rose square dance will be held tomor- MORE? of Lima, Catholic Daughters of row at 8:30 p.m. at the Shrews- LITTLE SILVER — Mrs. Rob- The dub has entered reports by president; Mrs. William Wikofi BRIDAL AND SHOWER GIFTS America, observed National COA bury Presbyterian Church Hall ert Hayes and Mrs. Lawrence its president and department first vice president; Mrs. Raj Communion Day recently, with GIFT CERTIFICATES Sycamore Ave., Shrewsbury, as Leitu, president, will serve the chairmen in the annual contests. mond Lynch, second vice pres: attendance at St Rose of Lima fund-raising event to help de- Junior Woman's Club as dele- Also entered is the club's scrap- dent;. Miss Smith, recording sec Church and breakfast at the fray transportation costs of 22 gates to the 38th annual conven- book, compiled by Mrs. Za- retary; Mrs. Lawrence Mihlor Trotters and Pacers. . ROUTE 34 COLTS NECK Senior Girl Scouts selected to at- tion of the Junior Membership kanych and Miss Gail Smith, andcorresponding secretary, a Rev. Boniface Cunningham, di- tend [he National Senior Girl < (Jiirt South af Freehold Read) Department of the New Jersey publicity book, the work of Mrs. Mrs. Richard Kerwien, treasure] rector of St. Joseph's Shrine, Scout Roundup in Idaho this State Federation of Women's Szymamki and Mrs. Leins. CALL 462.1716 Opml9tol-Frldarto»-CI


THE DAILY REGISTER DANCES ^ 14-Friday, May 14, 1965 HMMsfwirW CotMtry CMD television Highlights •JVOIB^W* many w«wvi •> • wpm •nd the "unconditional lurrender" terms the twrht^ tfc* forty alt* i Bowling Tourne; 7:53 - to eonclusloa (I) - BaiebtlL New •my We* tar fafo IS r ETilS; 12?J0; stnilt A DAY OFF-DO YOU? Jacket 10:4S. 9—Flirt—The Medium- 11-Best ot Oroudio^Juli , Think it over now . . , when was the last Marl* Powers—$0 mln. eVSI BRADLEY BEACH I3-Amerlcon Shrines J-edlhrlal-Mlctr- Keating •-News and WeonW 'ALACE- time the little lady had a day away from the 1:10 7:01 " 13-HoWo Espoi»l-Languo(H SAT.—David * I/isa 4:10; 7:00; 10:45; *—News—Walter Crrnklte 4-News-Geo(frey Pond Orjanlwr 2:00; 6:40. kitchen? Surprise her by asking her to the 4—Newsr-Huntley, K'l^kley 7-Fllm—The Choppers- BUN.—David ft Lisa 2:00; 9:50; 9:35; 4-News—Floyd Kal'twr J-Souoy Sales—Variety Arch Hall, Jr.—to mln. Orfanlztr 3:40; 7:30. Lincroft Inn where she can relax and get l:N 7—McKeever—

Cocktail Hour BEST STOWAWAY VARIETIES TO HUWM'1BK0M-MMhMiaUim Hors d'eeuvres 9 CHOOSE FROM HOTEL Table one) Tokt-out Service EVERY AFTERNOON 4 - ? SATURDAY. MAY IS GIULIO'S DANCING • MUSIC HIGHWAY 34 •y: NICK end ?h* VELTONES Open 4:30—Show Starts at 7 PIZZERIA • STARTS TONITEI BRANCH AVENUE HOLMDEL 946-8626 KICK ADAMS Near R.R. Slatlen SPECIALIZING IN WESTERN STYLE STEAKS MTTL! SILVER ATLANTIC IN J Complete wedding and banquet facilities THEATRE Coll 741-0561 AtlFlnlli' llichliinils—Ti'l. 2'PMilH "YOUNG DILLIN6ER" Open 11:30 to 11:00 RT. 36 AT THE BRIDGE HIGHLANDS — ALSO — NOW - THRU TUESDAY Friday and SaturdaAlu y -HI 12 PHONE 872-9760 CONCEIVED IN LOVE L 41 LEONARD AVI. LEONARDO EVININGS ONB SHOW — PLUS CO-HIT — DEUVERED INTO HATE!' Sorf at 7 - CfcereiM at 1:40 Jean Crawford . Mafinet Sunday at 2 Step "UP" to the new In CHEYENN•JOHNfOROB E 'STRAITJACKET11 tDUlTS ALPINE MANOR AUTUMN DSB1A0CS OHIV Hwy. 36 872-1773 HIGHLANDS MwniuuM Located directly under historic Twin Lights with UHHUBIHHB an unsurpassed dining view ol the Shrewsbury KwmujiiU River and Atlantic Ocean. The relaxed atmo- MAYFAIR sphere will please the most discriminate. Food for Dancing PLUS 2nd HIT EXCLUSIVE LARGE SCREEN TELECAST LUNCHEON TAI HUNTER TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 25th to the FAIIAN li Every Taste NOW BEING Champion Challenger • Continental "Gentlemen" 9 American SERVED DAILY FRI. and SAT. Cassius Clay v/s Sonny Liston • Oriental NOON TO Pluth Atmosphere ENTERTAINMENT WORLD'S HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP FIGHT 3 P.M. at moderate price* NIGHTLY NO HOME TV — TICKETS NOW ON SALE urday, Sunday Television TV Ma THE DAILY BEGISTErt MJ«r, )*, UTIMMY MMWUM 1I:M «-mm—Jock and toe BeantMk- Prime Ribs of Beef 4-Jehnoy Canon-Vanity Abbott and CosMI*-l hrv By STEVEN H. OPEN THIS H-CMtHMMM «*•—Tes >-U Mllvon-Vorlety QMttttt - I think all of Per AH9 M/frVri* THAM t¥t* *:m l-nim-Captaln i,l,i CasHle- (-On«t Wor-Oocmnenhiry ry Como's shows «re the great- AU JUS Tyrane Power—1 Krs.# 4S mtif. J—Sunrise Semester est. I seem to recall reading that lematiMiti new rides ... new skill games 7-Pro|«t Know —(duaitiMi 11:10 item J-The Won)-»lbl.' study Wchiro—Army 7-Broadslde-Camedy • well known singer, was really refreshments everywhere .. . Kiddieland . 4—Modem farmer 1—Bold Journiy—Travel Perry's brother, but that he Complete dinner, Including 7—Brottier Bun •—News and Weather plenl/ol free parking it all times T.M - 1:M . lone—Drama didn't want to cqsh In on Perry's J—News—Peter Hyams 4—Bonpn IO—Western fame so lie changed his name Tht Phee for Fun for Etftryont chelct of soup, salad, po- 7—Film—Lay Thot Rlflt DOWTH* 4-Fllm—The Invisible Mon— S-Repertory Theatre $350 July Canove-W mln. Claud* Ro.lns-1 hr., » mln. 7_Fi|m—The Facts of Life— Could it be Eddie Fisher or is and dessert* . 1:11 Bob Hope-J hrs. it Vic Damone? P.C.F., Daven- >-Mlittr MoW-CMidren *-«lm—Rood to Morocco— t-Open Ind-OavM Susklnd OLYMPIC AMUSEMENT PARK <-Crutodtr Robbtt •Ins Crosby—W mln. t:>g port; Iowa. l:U 7 •—Film—Kanai— Answer — Perry Como has THE NEW •—News and Weather 7—Film—Tomorrow Is My Turn— Tereso Uewsko—M mln. I:M Charles Ainovour—J hrs. 1I:M been erroneously tagged as the n •—Fllrr>-Cressflre— I-Condld Camera »—Community Dialogue brother of many famous singers (H> iMfon (ttrfa Mty 12—Pod ofitnt M*y 29) Bitty Furimt-60 mln, 4—Roguis— Drama HARRY'S LOBSTER HOUSE »:•> S—Community Olaloaut inoluding Dean Martin, Vic Da S—Alvln-Cartowis *-Fllm—Rhapsody'in Blue- Robert Alda—I hrs., 40 mln. mone, Eijdie Fisher, Steve Law- 4—Top Cat—Cartoon »-Whot'» My LlneT 1124 OCEAN AVE. SEA BRIGHT 5—Opinion In fte Capitol 11:00 rence, Tony Bennett and even J-Wat«rfront-Oroma "A discovery 7—Oavty on* Goliath >-News—Harry Reosoner 3:15 Dinah Shore. FOR UURVATIONS CALL 142-0205 11—Passing Paradt—Niibltt 4-News-Merrlll Muelltr *-Fllm-0ur Hearts Were ttrowlnng Up 5—Smote Report—RlblcoH -Call RUSMII-1 hr., 40 mln. in good eating" J-Ttnnnwe Tuxedo 7-News-Bob Young <—Htctor Heotheole IUNDAY Question — I have become a M0RNIN9 •-Film-The Last Missile- 5-Cortoons—Children Robert Logglo-vo mlln. big Humphrey Bogart fan after Seefood-Sreaki-Chopi ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7—Cartoons—Children 1—GUM! S.Mt—Interview seeing many of his old movies »-Senlor CIHiens II—Dovey and Oollnth 7:«0 on TV and I would like to know Atth. '—Christopher Program 5—Opinion In the Copltol "All food cooked to order" 7:11 U:1S the name of his first movie. My 11—Communism—Lecture 4-Weather-Frank Field Pisno «nd Org«n 4—Modern Farmer girlfriend says he was a silent 1t:tt 7:10 11:11 FRI..SAT. 2-Qulch Draw McOrow 5—Christopher Program !—News—Ounn, Gilford film star but I don't think he 4—Underaoj—Cartoons 4—News—Jim Horrz SUN.. MON. Jack Nolan's «-CocMng-lantomrl> 7—THIS Is the Answer was that old. M. V., Paterson. KNITTLES 7—Film—The Young Land— COCKTAIL LOUNGE 11—This li Iho Lira—Rellglan 7:U 5-Llght Time—Religion Pot Woyne—1 hr., a mln. Answer — Bogart was brought 1I:M II: JO to Hollywood In the thirties to 21 WEST RIVER RD. RUMSON J-Mlnnty Mouto-Cortooni J-Around tht Corner t-Fllm—FUoht to Hong Kong— 4-Rratell XL-S-cniUren Rory Calhoun—1 hr., 45 mln. s—Just for Fun—Sonny Fax -Folrh to Falfh-Rellglon repeat his portrayal of "Duke 7-FolHi (or TOdoy-ReilglMi 4—The Saint—Mystery • TOM DALTON • SAM BALDANZA 7-Lon» Ranger-Western II—Encounter— Religion Mantee" in the all-talking screen 11—En prance—Language 11:15 version of the hit Broadway play 11 :M 4-Agrlculture, U.S.A. . Cedar Inn and hit BANJO an tht PIANO Il-Chrlstopher Program S—Boiton Symphony J-Llnus-CiirtooM ' 11:08 "The Petrified Forest." He be< RISTAURANT and COCKTAIL LOUNGE , 4-Dtnnli tht Monaco 11-Word of Llfa-Rellglon came a star with this film's re- Evtry night Is Saturday Night 7-Co»ptr-CoTtooin •' - •—Newi and Weather ' f—Fllm-Gervalse— l:ts lease and remained one of the at Jack Nolan's. •-Christopher Program 4—Man ot the world LUNCHEONS - DINNERS Maria Scholl-M mln. •—News and Weather biggest until his death. 11—Film FMturo CwdM «r* III, llglits or. low (not J-KIng and Odle-Cortwns 11:U roolly Hint dart), ploytr BIOIU li tun- S-Fllm—Ruthless COMPLETE BANQUET FACILITIES J-Jetsons-Corteon' 7-Feu Thou Art Wim Me ing up, Sum and Tom an ready to -Oospel Time-Music Zochary Scott—1 hr, 45 mln. Question — Iinda Darnell'* re- ploy your tovorlti tongs . . . ling 4—Fury-Drama M!von,g.el Hour-Religion ROUTE 36 HIGHLANDS along. 7—Porky Pig—Ororria 7—Film—Our Town— cent tragic death made me re- II—Word of Life-Religion Jbrary Lions-Education William Hoiden—l hr., 43 mln. call some of her big films and 872-1351 Wo'vo finally addtd Iwllfi nmit V'M liomburaori and stick sandwiches lor' ~ SATURDAY I was wondering if any of them -Wonderamo-Sonny Fan ofttr ttisctsr, «|tor party, aftir dlnnir AFTERNOON Closed Thursday -•Jllnv-The Son ol Rusiy- are shown on TV. The titles are . . . any HIM you'ra hungry. Ted Dsnaldun-40 mln. nlm-Tlit Will-Groomid Brfd»—. "Forever Amber," '—Leglslotiv* Hearing »-5port«-Klntr s-sandy BKker-CMldren Answer - Hardy Kruger was Bungalow . . . 2:00 11-OperaHon Alphabet II J-Doctor» Today—Discussion SUNDAY 1:15 the star of "Sundays and Cy- Rumson-Fair Haven •—Film—The Thief- t-Cartoans-Chlldren tale," but he did not appear In We Invite the ... Roy Mlllond-90 mln. AFTIRNOON I:M 5—Film—Dork Corner- 11:0* 5—Romper Roam—Children "Decision Before Dawn." Anoth- Regional High School Mark Stevens-wmln. —Newsmakers—Interview 11-Cartoons-Chlldren er fine German actor namec 7-Baseboll-Anmli vs. White Sox 4—Youth Forum—Gordon 1:40 »-Boseboll-An.ti. v». Rodt 7-Dlscevery 'M-ailldren 11-Kukla and Ollle-Puppets Oskar Werner played "Happy" SLACK SET I—Code Threa—Polloe. tickets at door in the film drama. Werner is one to din* Informally In our J-As Ohm SM ui" 11-Cartoons-Chlldren . J-News-Mort Dean " •:00 of the many stars who appear in Monmeuth Room, whtre tht 3—Repertoire Workshlp 11:M adults 2.00 2-Love That Bobl—Camedy the forthcoming film "Ship ol aMietphara li relaxing! 11—Film—The Flying Deuces— the Natlon-lnltrvltW 4-Blrthday House-Children Laurel and Homy-M mln. . Wizard-Science 7—Gale Storm-Comedy Fools," and his performance i 7-Youm Wants to Know 11—Jack La Lanne—Exercise students 75 cents J-*luilcol Theolre' •—Golf Tips definitely Academy Award 4-Fllm-Trie Big Wheel- Il-Radwt Sauad-Pollce »:11 7—News-Bill Owen stuff. Mlckiy Roaney-M mln. U:4J J-Fllm- Mr. wise Guy— • •-SporH—mner t:» | Leo Gorcey-«o mln. I'M 7—Gale Storm-Comedy For an answer to your ques- 4:0# J—Film—Run tor the Sun—' •:M *— International Hour Richard Wldmork-15 mln. *-Jock Benny—Comedy tion about any TV program oi 11—Roller Derby -Recital Hall—JWUJIC 5—Topper—Comedy actor, write to Steven H. Schue 4:10 5-Fllm-Llttlt Miss Morker- 7—Film—Holf Angel— Shirley Temple-1 hn. LorettD Young—J hrs. in care of Television Mailbai J-tlorie Race—Aautduct It—Racket Squad—Police 542-0800 9:90 7—Directions '6J (this paper). J—Love That Bobl—comedy ,»-;<|»«w«-Mets vs. Reds lJ-N«w York Metropolis ' 4-Fllm-Chorile chon at ttn Rocitroclc II—Mlk» Hommer-Mystery »:M . —Warner Olond—<0 mln. U-Jclence Ub^-educatlait PLAYING AT FAIR HWY.3S <-Sondy'i Hour-Children •: • • • «-Comollc Hour-Rellglan 7-Wlde World bl Sporh 7-l«uei and Answers . 4-Niws-Bab Wilson KEYPORT" — The' Keyport 1—Sports Highlights 10:M 11—Peter Potamus—Cartoons J-Newi-Mlkt Wallace High School band, the Keyette opposite Fort Monmouth ' 1:41 5:11 4—Truth or Consequences—<>ame 1-Yankee Wormup and the Keys, will give a concerl •-Sporti-Klner 5— Film—He Married His wife— J:JO Joel McCrea-1 hr, M mln, in ther New Jersey Pavilion ol TV's Biggest Wedding J—Prwkneu—Plmllco *-Oetn' Mlnd-Olseuulon li-cado Tnree-ponce •—Film—Gervallft— -New-James Van Sickle the New York World's Fair Mon- Maria Schell-W mln. 1-Bostooll-Yonkees vs. Orioles 10:11 day. The program will be the Minions of guests will crowd Peyton Plact 11—Rocky and Hli Frlendt tits ll-Parlons Francau I same as that of the annual sprin IVININ4 One—Interview 10:25 Inn for TV Magazine's cover-stray wedding 4:M »:u IJ-PIOCM In the News oncert, which wiU be presentee Tuesday. See the full-color pictures of the J-Fllm-Torion and the Huntress 10:N 'riday. May 14 by the school Johnny Welumuller-M mln. *-l Love Lucy—Camedy bride and groom in this happy moment beJ 4-New York Illustrated J-Fllm—Combal Squod- 4-What's This SongT-Gamt 5-Soupy Solej-Vorlely Joho irelond-M mln. 11—Stor Theater—Drama tween the painful years of the past and uncer- TRINIDAD 11—Superman—Adventure 7-New York, New York 10:4) tain ones of the future. •" ' 1:55 13-Muslc lor You—Warren LUIGIS <:M 4-Newr—Bob Teaoue 4-Loeal N«w*-Gabt Preumon 10:50 You'll like the other full-pare color picture! • . >:*> FINE T-Reb*l-W«f

May 14 and 15—1 P.M. to 9 P.M. REFRKHMENTS WILL » SERVED Before or after the game...or for a tasty snack A btnuriful, coiy Mitourail anytime... bring your date to McDonald's. It's always 4em IR celMl«l d«lgn, MIV> a pleasure to dine here. Our Hamburgers—made with Ing tfc* flmst •< stafoetf and 100% pure beef ground fresh daily—are served hot OUR GRAND RE-OPENING •leak dinntn . . . • compltt* off the grill on toasted bun. Our Shakes are the good RMIUI. Also ntvlng Martinson old-fashioned kind. Our French Fries—crisp, golden coffw. brown and piping hot—you never had 'em so good. OPEN HOUSE Corns in today for the tastiest food in town at prices MAY 14TH AND 15TH FROM 4 P. M. TO ? that please I • BUFFET • REFRESHMENTS OPENING FOR BUSINESS took tor the golden arches MAY 17, 1965 COME IN THIS WEEKEND AND ENJOY OUR GALA CELEBRATION, CELEBRATING OUR Hours: 8 am. -8 p.m., 7 days a wetk COMPLETE RENOVATION. yOU'LL ALSO ENJOY Me Donald's THE CASUAL RELAXED ATMOSPHERE. COLONIAL VICTORY HOUSE Coffe* Shop and Rtsrauranr HIGHWAY 35 MIDDLETOWN LOCATED IN HOLMDIL VILLAGE (Just North of Five Comers) 231 BAY AVENUE HIGHLANDS 400 tat north of Rout* 520 M.I •» HihMtl ft*** Tht put) win p> toth e fair Suspended Sentence May 14, 1»5 THE DAILY la cWrt*red buses, tatvlng Steinbach 7:45 ».m. One bus will le«' For Abusing Policeman from Hie Brick Township stoi EATONTOWN-Joaeph A. Bus- Visit and three from the Asbury Pa store. One of the Asbury Pa edo of 217 Cortland Rd., a Navy buses will stop at the Red Bank leebee stationed In Rhode Island, Fair Sunday store to pick up passengers from Irew a 30-day suspended county ASBURY PARK — One hun- that area. The return trip wil ail sentence and 34 days' proba- dred and eighty employees of the be made at 9 p.m. ion in Municipal Court. Steinbeck Company, members of Instead of paying the regular Magistrate David Resnikoff im- their family and guests wiU at- fair admission of $2.50, the partj tend the New York World's Fair losed the penalty when Bastedo purchased the discount tickets Sunday. ileaded guilty to using loud, of- which had been available at thi The trip was arranged by Mr$. ensive and profane language to The Locker Room at J. Kridel accommodates Virginia Levohuk, personnel di- Steinfeaeh stores as a courtes; 'atrolman William E. Hut- rector for the Steinbach organi- to their employees, • customei ing, the complaihant. He warned sports and sportsmen alike. zation. and friends for 51.35. he young man that .maximum lenalties for such an offense in- lude a year in prison and up to FINE ANTIQUES-BEST QUALITY HOUSEHOLD 1,000 fine. PUBLIC AUCTION Charles J. Garrison, 24,,a Fort Tat Thaw's Sold Beautiful Home rlonmouth 'soldier, pleaded guilty 84 RIDGWOOD AVE., GLEN RIDGE, N. J. o careless driving and was fined CHECK TERMITE DAM AGE TUESDAY, MAY 18—9:30 A.M. 15. .. ' • (Rain Dal* Thursday. May 20) SPECIALIZING IN EXHIBIT MONDAY, MAY 17-12 TO 6 P.M. "ELM COURT" —This is the Adams Memorial Home at "310 Broad St., Red Bank. It House Hunting! It's open sea- 35 ORIENTAL and HOOKED RUGS on in the Daily. Register Class!- TERMITE CONTROL ONLY Nitt 1775 Curly maplt slant top desk; fin* Curly custom high- has long been known as "Elm Court." The memorial home marks its 100th anniver- ied now. ' '. boy; rara'dainty 1795 Shtraton sofa; rare 1725 gata lag table; sary tomorrow. For Other Insects—Call an Exterminator small hutch; nice mahogany, maple and Pembroke tables; 14 early liddarbaclc, Windsor and

Further progress reports will be issued, in the mean- AdamsMemorkdHome time, your inquiries are invited. To Mark Anniversary House House DUNCAN THECKER ASSOC. REDfcJIANK — The Adams Me founded May 15, 1865 by the late morial Home — one of the oldes Robert R. Mount. The home READY-MIXED CONCRETE funeratthomes in New Jersey - called one of the most beautifu PAINT SMI will observe its 100th anniversary buildings in Red Bank, is at 310 1205 HWY. 35 WANAMASSA tomorrow. Broad St. It was known as "Elm Court." l The> establishmen.t; now owne< Mr. Adams, who became owner 531-4884 by Frederic K. Adams, wa C&D prepared of the memorial home in 1953, be- came associated with Mr. Moun In 1917. At that time, the funeral One Coat home was known as R. R. Mounl and Son. Mr. Mount died Jan. 6, HOUSE PAINT 1922 and his son, William B. Mount, died Dec. 28, 1922. Mr. white and colors Adams theh became manager. Self Priming EM0KT8W CIRCLE Name Changed Later known as the Mount Me Sole R.H. b*ev>ca,Ma morial Home, the establishmen Priced was at 135. West Front St. Thi $589 HOUSE PAINf Available in white only move to the present location was BaW pen filL. made in May, 1951. Two years + --- PER GAL, THE MOST ADVANCED HOUSE PAINT later, the name was changed t Compare the Adams Memorial Home. ON THE MARKET TODAY Serving as assistant manager tc with other* telling at $7.59 per gallon Mr. Adams is William J. Corinel SALE PRICED AT ly, 111 Smith St., Oceanport. H became associated with Mr C & D OUTSIDE PRIMER alto Adams in 1948. Mr. Adams has long been active in many local organizations. He SALE PRICED AT is a member and past president of the Red Bank Rotary Club. In GAL. 42 years of Rotary membership, he has achieved 100 per cen Bring in your Bring in your meeting attendance. He is a life member of Mystii C&D paint coupons C&D paint coupons Brotherhood Lodge, F&AM Hiram Chapter, RAM; Field they are worth they are worth Council, ' Royal and Selec Masons; the Elks Lodge and the American Legion, all Red Bank. He is a member of the Red Bank Methodist Church. He belongs al- so to the Mortmouth and Ocean Funeral Directors Association. Mr. Adams was born in Chews Landing and came to Red Bank to live in 1919 after serving in SHERWIN JUNIORS LOVE THAT the Army with the rank of ser- geant first class. He is the son LOVERLY LONDON LOOK of the late Rev. and Mrs. Wil Think White WILLIAMS jam Adams. Rev. Adams was a IN DACRON* AND one time the pastor of the Calvary White aluminum will beautify your home. Guaranteed not to HOUSE PAINT COTTON VOILE BY Methodist Church, Keyport. His daughter is Mrs,. Dale H. OIL BASE chip, oeel or blister for 15 years. JONATHAN LOGAN Shick, Sycamore AveM Shrews bury. Her husband, a retired WHITE ONLY Army Signal Corps lieutenant colonel, is chairman of the 7.89 LIST Physics Department at Mon mouth College, West Long Branch. They have three chil- BIG M White INTERIOR A emy puwy cat how all polka dren. dotted, criip white collar and cuffs Mr. Adams was graduated from Our heavy duty storm and PAINT SPECIALS • the Renouard Training School for $ looking Teddy, vedd"y proper — screen combination win- whet could be more British mod- Embalmers, New York. He re- ceived his funeral director's li- RED DEVIL ern, what oould be newer. Two cense in 1921. dow. InstaDatlon optional. dim layer§ of eheer Dacron* poly- Mr. Adams has traveled over- 4: 55 CEILING WHITE eater and cotton voije made to skim seas frequently. He has made nine ONE COAT rips to England, Denmark, Ger- I lightly over a junior's young fig- NO DRIP many and Switzerland. • OLD RELIABLE WHITE 4.79 VALUE ure. Red, brown, pink, powder Other Associate 3 blue, maize for sizes 5 to IS. Mr. Connelly, who is married, Aluminum storm and screen Is a member of St. George's By- The-River Episcopal Church, door. An old favorite of thou- 95 KEMTONE Rumson. He is a member of Long CALL OS 1-2500 OR WRITE. Fi» dally, sand* of folks, now in beautiful REG. err I' New Jtmy and within our deliv- Branch Lodge, F&AM; the Red IN5T. Bank Rotary Club and the Ocean- OPT. 6.99 ery ereas la N. Y. and Pa. Ctltbrlty white. Installation optional. 39 port Planning Board. He served Jailors (Dapt. US), Moll Uval, Bam- his apprenticeship under Mr. btrgtr'i Monmoulh. And at Paramui, Adams. 32 Broad St., Red Bank, 741-7500 Mralo Park, Ntwatk, Morrlifown, Plain- Also associated with the Adams fltld. Prlncaton, Chtrry Hill. Memorial Home is Aubrey M. Opt* daily « A.M. lo 5:30 P.M. Smith, West Long Branch. Wednesday andF Friday 'HI • Mrs. Chester B. Adams, daugh- Fra* DtHwry e Mdtrt and Ckaraa Acceanh ter of William B. Mount, lives PROWN'S at 210 Broad Si; t• •••••••••••••••••••••••§•••••••••••# For Quick Results HOME DELIVEEY Use Our Want Ads RAINORSHIJNE Dial 741-0010 DAY 741-1110 NIGHT Copyright—Hie Red Bank Register, Inc., 1965. 741-0010

SECTION TWO FRIDAY, MAY 14, 1965 7c PER COPY RaritanSets gram RARITAN TOWNSHIP - The governing body Drive-In Theater access road, is divided into three The township hall addition, to cost an estimated last night introduced ordinances tor the greatest tracts. Benjamin F. Weikel, owner of one tract, (72,000, will be started but not finished in 1965, he Township Committee expenditure on capital im- totaling 12 acres, with the two buildings on it, has reported. provement projects in the municipality's history. refused to sell for the commission's valuation of All the work will be put out to bid, he noted. Public hearings on the two measures were set $53,980. : Bids probably will be received sometime next month. for June 2. Township Attorney Philip J. Blanda, Jr., said The township hall facility will consist of altera* The total amount of money: $321,000. last night that two new appraisals are being made tions to the garage on Middle Rd., converting it and that the property might have to be condemned. As a result of state and federal aid, however, into 12 offices, and the addition of a public meeting Whether by negotiation or condemnation, the local taxes will account for no more than $250,000, room at the rear of the garage, to seat about 100 committee figures the amount will be no less than and possibly fees. persons. Proposed is the expenditure of up to (180,000 $53,980 and no more than $90,000. for a new municipal garage, added township hall The attorney explained that the bond ordinance Robert J. O'Neill, Perth Amboy, is the architect. facilities and the already-renovated Phyllis Olinsky includes the amount of federal and state aid (to be There are no present provisions for jail cells Memorial"Library-and up to $141,000 for Middle used to retire part of the bond issue) and is based to be constructed. Mr. Olinsky said that if the state Rd. land acquisition for recreational purposes. on the highest possible land price, with uimeeded requires cells, they can be added to the rear of the Although the committee hopes not to spend more funds, if any, to go into surplus. garage building since there is enough property than $31,500 for the recreation property, the township H« said the township plans to close title to the there. share could go as high as $70,000. Middle Rd. property, except the Weikel tract, within A special committee meeting will be held Wednes- Originally, the estimated total for the 34 acres six weeks. day night to add four men to the police depart- of Middle Rd. land (including a house and 30x60- In regard to municipal building facilities, Mayor ment. Committeeman James G. Brady, police chair- foot storage building) was $105,000.: Of this amount, Marvin Olinsky reported that construction of the man, said that for the time being, until Civil Service the Recreation Commission already has commit- new garage, on Leocadia Ct, (the Mauies tract), to classifies present department members, the four ments for state and federal aid totaling $73,500. cost about $100,000, will be started in July or August will be appointed as "temporary specials," but will The acreage, adjacent to the Middle Rd. Loew's and be completed by the end of the year. work full-time (eight-hour-day) schedules. LION HEARTED — Dr. Leo C. Rocco of Red Bank, center, is the new president of the Red Bank Lions Club. Pictured with him are, left to right, Edward Torre of Little Stiver, second vice president; Alex McClendon of Rumson, third vice president; Evan 48-Day Jail W. Jahos of Red Bank, secretary, and Harold Millward of Middletown, first vice pres- ident. - Sentence Nun Among Dinner Winners] RED BANK — The Community Chamber of Commerce Rosati, 1 East Front St., Red Bank; and Mrs. M. B. Zelik, 27 For Driver has announced the names ol the 30 women who won 60 free Park Ave., Rumson. dinners in the Red Bank merchants' Mother's Day contest, Dinners for two in the Molly Pitcher Inn, Riverside Ave., Rocco Heads Lions Club LONG BRANCH — Magistrate were won by Mrs. R. H. Mueller, 696 Hopping Rd., Belford; Stanley Cohen yesterday sen- including a nun from St. James convent here. RED BANK - Dr. Leo C. Rocoo, a Alex McCleadon, third vice president; Evan Mrs. Joseph Rada, RFD, Matawan; Mrs. Shirley M. Hicks, 42 tenced John Thomas, 35, of 572 -W. Jahos, secretary; William H. Wikoff, Jr., John D. Bolduc, executive vice president of the chamber, South Bay Ave., Highlands; Mrs. Everett Brower, 34 Drunv physician, of 75 Maple Ave., was elected Joline Ave. to 48 days in the last night explained the inclusion ol the nun; Sister Virgine. treasurer; Charles A. Doremus, lion tamer; mond PI., Red Bank; Mrs. Peggy Donnir, Rt. 516, Matawan; president ol the Red Bank Lions Club Tues- county jail on five motor vehi- Harry I. Greenwood, tail twister, and Ran- "I contacted her," he said, "and she told me she filled Mrs. E. McSorley, 6 Center St., Rumson; Mrs. R. H. Bar- day evening at the Molly Pitcher Inn. cle violations and 30 days in jail out the contest form and placed it in the box. I told her dolph M. Bailly, and Joseph T. Grause, di- mann, 145 Park Ave., Shrewsbury; Mrs. P. J. Tomaino, 135 "'•• Dr. Rocco,' a member of the club for 18 on a disorderly persons charge. its selection would entitle her to be our guest at dinner. rectors to July 1, 1967. North Lovett Ave., Little Silver; Mrs. William Roswell, 55 fears, has served as a vice president for the Mr. Cohen reserved decision on "She obtained permission to be there. It will be our The new officers will be installed Tuesday, Peters PI., Red Bank; and Mrs. J. 0. Ingram, 517 River Rd., past ^hree-years; a director for one. year; has ;wo charges of driving while on first opportunity to entertain a Catholic sister on an occasion June 29. Fair Haven. been chairman of (he civic welfare and special the revoked list until a check is like this." Edward G. Strohmenger, 174 Winding The Shadombrook, Shrewsbury, will be host to Mrs. Robert events committees, and has served on the made with the division of Motor Way, Little Silver, a partner of the Albert S. Vehicles ih Trenton. Dining in the Old Union House, Wharf Ave., will be Mrs. Craig, 11 Collins Ave., Port Monmouth; Mrs. J. H. Patterson, jjpajor activity, health and welfare, boys and Miller Shoe Company of Red Bank, was ac- Charles Hayden, 775 Rivk Rd., Fair Haven; Mrs. H. B. 101 Oceanport Ave., Little Silver; Mrs. Betty Baine, 46 Crest •pris, sight conservation and blind, attendance cepted as a new member of the club. Arnold The disorderly persons charge Batchelder, 68 Garden Rd., Little Silver; Mrs. M. F. Whalen, Dr., Little Silver; Mrs. J. R. Warren, 155 Cloverdale Cir., JSuestion, membership, program, Lions infor- T. Anderson, River Plaza, was introduced as resulted from an incident April Manor Parkway, Uncroft; Mrs. F. H. Eberhardt, 252 Hance New Shrewsbury; Mrs. John E. Richards, Daverns La., West 3, when Mr. Thomas cut his left mation, and dinner committees. a guest. Rd., Fair Haven; Mrs. John P. Ray, Jr., 92 Belshaw Ave., Keansburg; Mrs. E. W. Laboissonniere, 113 Borden St., wrist with a pen knife in an at- V He will succeed William A. Magee, a Students of the Red Bank and Red Bank Shrewsbury Township; Mrs. Evelyn Kraut, 3 Silverwhite Ave., Shrewsbury; Mrs. R. C. Healy, Jr., 17 McLaren St., Red Bank; tempt to take his own life. partner in the clothing firm of Clayton & Catholic High Schools will be honored at the Little Silver; Mrs. Leland Gay, 33 Carpenter St., River Plaza; Mrs. Betty Koraek, 89 Washington Ave., Highlands; Mrs. John Magee, here. Olher ] officers elected were: annual Scholastic Achievement Night, Tues- On April 15 he was charged Mrs. Frank Federovitch, 55 Park Ave., Belford; Mrs. Anna Chappell, 114 Forrest Ave., Fair Haven, and Sister Virgine. Harold B. Millward, first vice president; Ed- day, June 1. The annual Children's Night with careless driving, leaving the scene of an accident and driving "jfttni F. Torre, second vice president; W. will be held Tuesday, June 8. without a license, after being in- volved in an accident on South Broadway. <*1^^ f $150 Fines Tourine, On April 19 he was mixed up in another accident on Lippincott For 3 Boys Ave. where he was once again Nesline charged with careless driving, leaving the scene of an accident In Car Theft Held by FBI and driving without a license. RED BANK — Three youths Mr, Thomas was set to Marl- were fined $150 each and each JJEW^YORK - The FBI an- boro SUte Hospital April 22 al- received' SWay suspended Jail nounced yestenlay*'th1fafrest of ter he turned himself In to po- sentences yesterday from Magis- two :inen—one a native of Mata- lice, who were searching for him rate William I. Klatsky. in connection with the April 19 All three were charged with wan, NiJ.—accused of operating accident. » plush Maryland gambling casino nlawfuJly taking a car belong- He pleaded guilty to all of the ing to Robert Holmfleld, Rt. 35, purportedly patronized by wealthy charges except driving on the Middletown, from the parking lot «nd well kl from Army Ready "This situation could lead to sisters lived in classrooms of the Atlantic Ave. bridge upstream to wholesale violations of the prop- school. Joline Ave. Bridge. The plan- For Visits erty rights of individuals, since Years ago the church had a ning took into account the prob- the boards of freeholders of the HIGHLANDS — The Highlands convent, but it was torn down to able size of boats which would counties involved could bring the Air Force Base will hold an provide space for the school. use this waterway and the re- power of eminent domain to bear open house here tomorrow from The ceremonies are scheduled strictions imposed by the fixed in situations which traditionally 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. In line with for 4 p.m. bridges. It is considered (ha have been resolved by voluntary military observances of Armed Bishop Ahr was formerly pro- the channel as planned and con- agreement of all parties con- Forces Day. fessor of dogmatic theology at the structed meets the navigation cerned, " Mr. Pierson stated. Immaculate Conception Semi- needs ,of the area. The public will view Army andj Air Force facilities. Tours of He said this amounts to "pure nary. Darlington. "There was considerable dlffi (he medical, dining and living socialism." Rev. George M. Albano is culty in carrying out this work in facilities will be held. A bus Mr. Pierson sgreed steps should pastor of Holy Trinity Church. that it was necessary to pump tour to the upper level of the in- be taken to enhance the attrac- Architect for the project was the dredged material to the stallation will take visitors to tiveness of New Jersey as a place JThomas H. Moran of Princeton. ocean. The deepening of the the aircraft control and warning for industry to locate and be- DEED PRESENTATION—Rev. Richard A. Weeden, pastor General contracting was done by channel has apparently accentu S. J. Day Associates of Asbury area, where radar and other come established. of the Cross of Glory Lutheran Church, accepts a deed ated the problem of the exposure search equipment may be seen, Competition Issue Park. of the mud flats. The solution to [The equipment is part of tine to a 4.4-«cre church site from Ernest Hurwiti, left, this problem would be the remov- Mr. Pierson laid the way to do Please Come Back-We Miss You ADVANCE PLANNING—Planning the initial gifti dinner Air Force Semi-automatic Ground this is to reduce, rather then In- manager for Levitt and Sons, Inc. The ceremony took al of the mud flats from shore Environment (SAGE) unit. Beagle, "Lucky," 10 months. for the United Jewish Appeal in the Greater Red Bank to shore. The funds for the work crease, the competition of govern- place at the site on Cambridge Dr., Strathmore, Mata- Tindall Rd. area. No tags-broke Army personnel will conduct a ment with.private enterprise, Area are Dr. Israel Sonitzky, Lift I o Silver, left, general; that wps, accomplished were on y p wan Township. Looking on are Karl Baer, vice president collar. Call 671-0865, before 8 and a 50-50 matching basis between tour of itit s MissilMiil e MasteMt r siteit . | The candidate explained that after 5.—Adv. chairman, and Morton Winer, at whose home at 201 the state arid the municipality Keansburg Voters the citizen's advisory committee of the congregation and Mrs. Fred Reid, secretary. The hjarding Rd,, Rod Bank, the dinner will be held Tuesday, and were appropriated in the last Leonard Belleira, Alphonaus of the recently created Division congregation hat established a $140,000 budget for its Go Go Again May 25, Dr. Bertram Feinwog, New Shrewsbury, is initial fiscal year. There are no addi- McGrath and Harry Graham wish of Commerce Of the Department initial building program. Construction it to get under Sleepy's Invictas, The Fountain tional state funds available at: to thank the voters for their sup-lof Coniervstloh and Economic Lounge, Long Branch. Tonight gifts chairman. . , this time to expand the project." port In, the recent election.—Adv. Development — whose function way by early fall. .... -Adv. r 4 Shore Conference Track lfl-fnd*y, May 14, 1965 THE DAILY REGISTER Mrs. Mount Wins Three-(M Phy 'B' Team Race Takes Spotlight At Beacon Hill LEONARDO — Mrs. John By JACKSON CUNNINGHAM Clarence Oliver, another Nep- year-old record of 12 feet, % in- and Henry Hudson's Charles Mount and Mrs. Gordon Van- What may be one of the tight- tune mainstay, will take a crack ches set in last year's meet by Canty have run in the 52s, but est Shore Conference track meets at the :R7 and :20.1 hurdle Freeholder's Ron Surgent. Both neither is a heavy title choice. horne were winners yesterday in in history is listed for tomorrow marks set by Toms River's Nor- Fontanez and Woolley, who's just In the 880, Smith of Henry Hud- the women's golf competition-at when the small but mighty B Di- man Frank in 1960. Oliver sophomore, have been over 12 son would be one of the heaviest Beacon' Hill Country Club. = V choices of the day, but he pulled vision schools tangle at Lakewood matched the high timber in the feet this season. In a dual meet, Mrs. Mount posted a 44 net a stomach muscle in a meet May High School. Newark Boards and Wednesday Woolley won out, but Fontanez to win (three clubs only) for the 5 and hasn't had the chance to While the "B" meet looks like a ran 14.7 again in the highs and upposedly was bothered by gusty nine-hole group, while Mrs. Van- work out the way he usually thriller, most A Division fans wiil cleared the lows in a blazing 19.7. >reezes on that afternoon. home scored a 31 net to cap- does. take a "ho hum" attitude to Neptune sprint ace Ricky Hop- Four Records Safe ture first place in the 18-hole odd Although the Shore Conference Freehold Regional's cinders kins, defending champion in both and even competition. ; The only records that appear hurdle records appear safe from where Neptune shapes up as a A Division dashes, needs only a :afe are the B.F. 1964 220-yard Mrs. James Gre"en was second shoo-in title choice among the good start to better the 100-yard the challenge of the B Division itandard of 20.9 by Point Pleas- entries, the timber events at In the nine-hole event with a 45 eight competing "A" squads. mark of 9.9 set in last year's ant Beach's Harris, last year's net, and also had low putts of 14. Should Neptune win tomorrow meet by Bob Harris of Point Lakewood should be great races. 168 foot, 3 inch discus throw by Mrs. Wally Spencer was sec- — if the Fliers don't, I'll expect Pleasant Beach on what may still Pourchier of Pt. Pleasant Beach, Harris' teammate, Dennis Ha. ond with a 34 in the 18-hole snow in July — it will be Nep- say was a too windy afternoon. Point Pleasant Boro's Pete Hatch, n; the shot put mark of 58 group. Mrs. Alice MoCabe had tune's third straight champion- At the "B" meet, Fred Kuehl of Southern Freehold's Clarence eet, 6J4 inches set by Frank low putts, 29. ship, which is how Asbury Park Rumson-Fair Haven, favored in Lida, Rumson-Fair Haven's Bob Mazza of Long Branch In 1939, Broidrick and Hamilton of Mata used to treat Shore Conference both sprints, also has record po- and the 1962 javelin mark of 198- MIDDI.ETOWN MONDAY NIGHT foes when it was a league mem- tential. Kuehl ran 9.9 in a dual wan have all run 15.4 seconds or MIXED DOUBLES Yt by Toms River's Greg Kuntz Midalftono LM>e> ber. meet a week and a half ago. better in the highs. Lida, at- At Lakewood, Point Pleasant In the jumping events, neither Topping the shot put field is tending Freehold Regional, won BULLDOG MAINSTAYS — Three aces who Rumson - Fair Haven Regional will be Jack Preston Builders 6514 36)4 consistent John Shirk of Shore, Middletown Travel Agency -65 57 Beach's defending champions the 6 foot, 1% '"eh 1962 high the A Division low hurdle crown counting on tomorrow for points in the Shore Conference B Division track meat are, The Klrwan Company . 57(4 4414 jump record by Keyport's Bruce who has 56-6'/4 and 56* tosses to in 20.6 seconds last May and Middletown Lanej J» 47 hold a slight title edge on the left to right, Fred Kuehl, Bob Moncrief and Bob Broidrick. Kuehl is.the favorite in the Btephan 3. Oroai, Inc. 31 81 basis of three performers — Jeff Jackson or the broad jump mark his credit this spring. In the dis- was second in the lows. Bea Btar Swim Club -51 51 cus, JTon Lieng of Manasquan has It's the same story in the lows Shore Electronic* .-—4B14 B2H Patterson, Bob Pourchier and of 21 feet, 11% inches by Nep- daihes while Moncrief was second in last year's broad jump event. Broidrick is entered Johnny's Cycle Shop j>» 52*4 Bill Ambrose. tune's Arnold Taylor in 1947 are the best throw of the year, 157 where Fred Keyes of Rumson- T4M Landscaping Co. _. .46 86 in what should be outstanding hurdle competition. ______The JASP-«r« *" H you're looking for a chal- out of reach. Bruce Hewitson i: feet and a few inches. FH joins the field and makes it lenger, you might try unbeaten a consistant sixJfooter and Ed Those two boys are just two even harder to pick a winner. H Matawan Regional. If not the mund Hamilton of Matawan has reasons why the B Division meet you'd like to handicap a winner, 35 Coming In Huskies, then you can look to also attained that height in dual shapes up as a classic. figure out these facts: Lida beat Croydon Hall Manasquan, Lakewood, Ruinson- meets. Kuehl of Rumson-FH looks like Keyes, Hatch beat Lida and Fair Haven or wen Henry Hud- 21 Footers the best of the "B" sprinters, but Keyes turned around and beat Rapped, 16-8 con Regional, a team that has As for the unpredictable broad when you move into the 440-yard Hatch. Who'll win? SOUTH AMBOY — Croydon won just a single dual meet this jump event, Hopkins and Hewit- dash it's hard to find a favor- The same goes for the team Porter Defends Hall Academy's baseball team season. son of Neptune have both been te. Don Hansen of Manasquan race. went down to its fifth loss of the In weight man Patterson, hur- over the 21-loot barrier this sea- dler Pourchier and half-miler son. The B Division broad jump season without a victory when it Ambrose, Dave Oxenford's Point shapes up as one of the most was defeated, 16-8, by Hoffman Pleasant Beach team has a solid Golf Title on 78High of South Amboy yesterday. wide open events in both meets scoring trio. Patterson and Ed Shattuck of Central Region The only bright light for the Pourchier, defending champion in NEPTUNE — Mike Porter, Play was held up for approxi- losers was Lou Saker, who drove al, the state's premier Groups lately an hour when threatening both hurdles, could take all the 1-2 cross country runner, has Monmouth Regional High's out- in four of Croydon Hall's runs marbles — and 29 points — in standing student-athlete, defended skies and lightning moved over- with a three-run homer in the bettered the mile record of A: 32.8 head. tour events while Ambrose may a bundle of times this season his Shore Conference individual second and a run-producing doub- golf championship by firing a 78 Top 15 Soorei come up a winner in the 880. At the "B" meet, he'll get mosi Mike Porter, Monmouth, 78 le in the fourth. Croydon Hall (8) • Honman (16) Nine Records? of his competition from a sopho- at the ASbury Park Golf and •Ituas Walling, Neptune, 79 Country Club yesterday. Dick Davis, Neptune, 79 AB n H AB It H Looking at the record book more, Henry Thomas of Rumson- Bruce Fotsythe, Monmouth, 80 0 1 RClayton.cf S Joel Waldman, Tjpng Branch, 80 0 0 Pellcan.l! _ _ one wouldn't have to be dream- Fair Haven, a youngster who Porter, who spends most of Dennla Walters, Neptune, 81 1 ozallskl.p 0 3 Call Sears learned his distance running by his spring time playing catcher Roger Vincent, Middletown, 82 1 o Wood.lb 6 1 Ing to realize that as many as Bob Brown, Middletown, 83 3 0 Dohan.lb 0 0 nine records — all but four — spending a year at Christian for the Falcons' baseball team, Don Fornoft, Wall, 83 2 0 Pauloakl.rf 671-3800 shot a one-under-par 35 on the Curtis Kemp, Central,. 83, could fall. Two that almost Brothers Academy (where else?). John Lange, Lakswood, 84 Ext. 242 surely will go are the 440-yard Dave Munson of Matawan, who back nine to win the crown over Pete Smith, Pt. Beach, 85 Anderson.cf 3 0 Don Pray, Pt. Beach, 88 Murphy.ph 1 0 mark of :51.2 and the oldest rec- ran 4:35.8 to beat Thomas a pair of Neptune High sopho- Tom Prank, Lakewood, 80 Korpon, r( 3 0 Wednesday, Is another threat. mores. Mike Welner, Wall, 86 D'AUev*,phl 0 ord in the book, the 1939 time of 'Won playoff. 2:00.1 in the 880 by Bruce An- There are two milers with rec Headed for Princeton Univer- Unofficial Team Scorn 37 8 3 derson of Rumson. ord potential in the A Division sity in the fall, Porter, a football Neptune (327) ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS BAY8I1ORE tackle and basketball rebounder, falling ..._., TAVERN LEAGUE Bill Findler of Neptune, the in- meet and both, surprisingly, are lav In ^ -••.•...,--,-,„ ,, L door Group champ, ran 50 sec- freshmen. Russ Taintor of Brick shot a birdie four on the 14th falters Homestead Inn 82 46 hole and a one-under-par two on ralt Stansbury Square Bar ~.~. onds flat at the Newark Board heads the field of four-lappers off Lakewood (351) Oilp'ft Tavern of Education meet. The only a 4:37.5 dual meet clockings with the 16th hole to offset a bogey on iange Bachstadt's _J 68 racK'f Inn .63 doubt in that,event is the lack the other yearling, John Carlson the 10th and finish with his fine teve Blader Atl. Hlds. Rec 61 of competition for the big junior. of Middletown Township, rated 78, which was six over par on be Moore — — JolKa Dot Lounge - - the 36-36—72 layout. Wall (352) Conner's Holel 59 The B Division half-mile field just a shade behind with times 'ornoff ~~t —. Rumaon Yacht Basin . 58 is so strong that three runners around 4:40. His front nine score ' soared Paul's Tavern - ~ _...50 'ete Glbbs 200 Club: Red Lynch 265, Al Falson could possibly better the old rec- Freshman Carlson's brother when he took sixes on three holes 210, Art Runge 203. 235; Sam Poston Lon Brltton .— ~. .. 205, Bruce DIershaw 233. Foo Marchet- ord. Henry Hudson's Artie Bill, a sophomore, stands high in finishing with a 43. Monnwcth (353) tl 20B, Tim Whitman 225, Stan Nor- 'orter 1 wood 221, Ray shugard 216, Ron Car- Smith, the defending Group 1 on the list of half-miters In the Wins Playoff •orsythe 80 hart 316, Charlie Dllllone 215, Tom La state titlist, has a two«ninute flat "A" run. He has run under 2:05 till Swedwa. ~ ; , 91 Pare 213. RlLSS Walling and Dick Davis, oe Lanzetta - ~- dual meeting clocking and Poin despite a season marred by in- ADMIRAL ACE — Artia Smith of Henry Hudson Neptune's sophomores, tied with Hlddleiown (360) Pleasant Beach's Ambrose has jury after being "run down" by rown - i~-.~ 79s with Walling winning the 'incent . done better than that, running a a youngster on a bicycle. Regional carries the Admiral's hopes in the 880-yard playoff over his teammate on the laul Wagner 1:59.1 dual meet half. Not to be In Southern Freehold's Carlos run in tomorrow's B Division meet at Lakewood. The second hole by shooting a par >aul Makeljf .- forgotten is John Wentz, the () Fontanez and Steve Woolley of senior ace, state Group I half-mile champ, is returning four to Davis' bogey Jive. Both uy Knlerlem .84 Raritan Township ace who ha Shore Regional, the B Division oe Fragale •— 87 ITS CLENt shot par fours on the first play- barren Beebe 97 been under 2:02 on two occasion meet offers two pole vaulter to all-out action after pulling a stomach muscle in a off hole. Walling missed third ike Fraeale — 98 this season. with the credential to erase thi IM4 But (313) UKEN d°u*f m»»f May 5. place when he last a ptayoH in Win Kusler ...u.....^..... last year's tournament.,;,;,, rim D«vlne . ; Xm Steep U Bruce Porsythe of Monmouth Terry Beftneft JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS Ttoms River Old) DePonti Tops Singles Event Regional, who posted the low )m Weaver score of even par 36 on the front :&rk. Mansus CRUISERS INC., SEA SKIFFS Individual Evenl m Rink Anselo DePonti, Red Bank ____ 159-20O-215.57M41-71 nine, tied for fourth with Joel [arold Solomon — John Btrmlero, Mlddlelwn — .177-Z48-222-S47- ST—7 Pine Tree Moblls Village, Eatontown _84M19-85&-2,527-«7—3,001 Wttldrrian .v Neptune, unbeaten leader of Richard Wood 1 97 BOTCH'S the Shore Conference League, lohn Albertl -.104 Satisfaction Guaranteed AJan Bernstein ...... , AUTOMATIC was the unofficial team winner Henry Hudson (399) or Your Money Back Tom Petraglla —- 87 ENTER NOW FRO! on a 327 total. Lakewood had a lack Ahem , 99 351. [oho Fisher .104 'ell Stoll J09 GAR WASH SEARS Central (401) amp '. - „ 83 179 E. NfcWMAN SPRINGS RD. MIDDLETOWN Chip Peterson 103 Steve Martis 109 RED BANK, N. J. 1500 HIGHWAY 3$ CBA. 4-2 lohn Sherba T - _...~._...1O Victor Over MAKE LAWN AND GARDEN WORK EASY MUSTANG ROAD Mater Dei LINCROFT — Four unearned runs gave Christian Brothers Academy a 4-2 baseball victory JUNE121965 over Mater Dei yesterday. CBA is currently 8-4 on the campaign while the Seraphs are 3-7. . Christian Brothers clinched the verdict in the top of the seventh RALLYE when Mater Dei's Jim Corridon threw wildly to first to allow two runners to score. OBA's Ned Car- A driving event for all car owners - any make or model ton had led off with a single and went to second when Ed Hanley was hit by a pitch. Charley Frie- drich then bounced back to the SPONSORED BY YOUR LOCAL FORD DEALER box and Corridon follcnyed with his costly miscue that allowed Carton and Hanley to score the Over 240 prtic awards: Philee portable TV decisive markers. Rallye ends at the luxurious Concord Mater Dei answered with WORK HORSE POWER HORSES LAWN RANGER single tally in the bottom of the Hotel, Kiamesha Lake, New York. Extra heavy duty model with Pick a winner from our line of It's a real tractor In looks, In sets ... Bell & Hewell movie camera and seventh. The Seraphs had the ty- 6 to 10H.P. models. New feel, in power. 32" rotary mow- Far additional information, contact Rally* Central ar tele- ing run on base with two outs, 10 H.P. englna. Designed for Wheel-a-Matlc Drive gives er with twin blades and 12- projector sets .. . valuable trophies . .. phew ana cade 201, 288-0024. Fill In and mall this entry but Tom McDonald popped up to Industrial, commercial, insti- Instant automatic speed gauge housing Is standard changes—forward or reverse equipment, Geared, tractor- term now) Applications accepted on a flnt come, firit short to end the game. tutional users and home — without shifting gears. type transmission provides 3 plus a brand new Mustang 2+2 given free! strvt, basil. ' Bob /Ballweg, who had two hit; owners with larger grounds. Standard equipment includes: forward speeds up to 5 mpfi in the game to extend his hitting Entry Form Mustang Road Rally* — June 12, 1965 Extra heavy frame, axles and Dial-o-Hite control for attach-' and 1 reverie speed. Combi- streak to nine games and raise transmission. 2-way hydrau- Ing tools; fenders; complete nation clutch and brake pedal. his batting average to .390 (12- hitch system; perking broke; Soft riding pneumatic tires. lic lift for attaching tools. for-31), started Mater Dei's sev tool box; upholiterad.contour- Roar towing hitch for attach- INTRY FORM enth with a triple to left field. Extra-wtds "turf-t avar" tires. ed bucket seat and back rest ing tools. After Charley Boyle fanned tor Driver's Name the second- out, Tom McGorry 36 ATTACHING TOOLS FOR 4-SEASON USE ; singled to drive in Baliweg. MAIL TO: Address Mater Dei picked up its first A Wheel Horse lawn/garden tractor is an investment in 4- ,; run in the third with two outs season usefulness. With 36 optional attaching tools available •, RALLYE CONTROL City when Boyle singled, McGorry there's virtually no limit to the 4-season versatility you get f walked and Joe Dlscavage singled from a Wheel Horse. It tackles toughest gardening, lawn { County State to load the bags and Ken Du- FORD DIVISION gan earned a pinch hit walk to care, and enow removal jobs with power to spare. Come and Navigator's Name force in Boyle. see the many quick-attaching tools that can be used with ' FORD MOTOR COMPANY CBA «> Slater Del (t) AD R H AB It H a Wheel Horse. Address . Frledrlch.cf 4 I) 1 Hanley.si 4 0 Chrlsto'r.lL 4 1 1 Keough,2b ' 3 0 U.S. HIGHWAY 46 Bume,3t> 3 1 2 Baitweg.o 4 1 Ennli.rf 4 0 0 Boyle.cf * 1 Ask us about the famous full-yaar Wheel Horse Guarantee Make of Car LaufeMf 3 0 0 McOorry.lf 3 0 TETERBORO, L'frWikl.p 266 D'cavagcrt 3 0 Distributed by ELMCO DISTRIBUTORS, INC. Panipf>any, N. J. Kenney,2b 3 0 0 Malavel.c 1 O Carton.lb 2 11 ...... 110 Dugln,pti 0 0 FREEHOLD MATAWAN NEW JERSEY Warrack,lb 0 0 Stlmpson.lh 1 0 Sin < Morfcrd Lawn A Oardm Eqpt., BIIKK-RIM Lawn Mowtr, 10 Fltrro An. CHECK IF HUSAND and WIFE TSAM Hw>. 1) plthkelhiySb 3 0 MIDDLETOWN 07608 a W.C'rMon,31) 0 0 ENGLISHTOWN Monmoutti Mowtr Mop, Ut Highway JJ J.Co'rlrton.p 2 0 JoKph SicHponlk, Union Vallty ltd. Wtn. H. roller * Sun, Rid Hill Road it « B II 1 HAZLET CBA _ -- a oo 3 0 0 a- iwortnl'i Farm I Onrdtn Cirtir., I4J RED BANK Htlmdil ftd. •••••••••••••••I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••» •••••••I "S&SL&r »0IO»01- Hmlrlclu-Mnrin Mart. Co., M Mtdimlc SL HtiwksWhipped, 10-1 Lincroft Koufax in 3-0 Triumph THE DAILY REGISTER Fruity, May 14, 1965—W Tennis tuned nine tad issued thm fw* TytM flpwts wiwtr Jick Stnford got the victory, Gene Alley hit a tfcree-rua If*** Textile Institute League "Tfcey bvtvt Mm Is liniment hii third agalmt one lou, withhomer u thhe Pirates buililt a ikuded pusw. Sophomore leMaader 1 g «tl tettn Mickey Kbuimed.c , whhpo had bbroo- before a gnat and soak him in Frank Uray * relief help. short-lived 4-0 Itad after two its second straight setback by ken bis ankle before the season V L ice water after a game, but in Torre, who lifted bis average Innings. Packers , pounding out a 10-1 verdict over started, made his first appear I between he's still the'same San- to .380, drove in a run for the The Phillies won it in the 10th Buccos Win 9th Wildcats _____» the Hawks yesterday. ance as a starter and worked I dy Koufax." Braves in a three-run sixth-in- when Dick Stuart drew a walk Ramblers ; t 1 Cincinnati Manager Dick Sit- ning rally that tied the score, The game was shortened to the first five innings for Mon- off Jim Duffalo and moved Red Bank posted its ninth Double. lets „'. : _._ !l 2 ler said it last week — andthen clinched it in the eighth MaedonlM ind Rich (R-1H) dal. seven innings when Monmouth's mouth, He was touched for eighi around to third on a wild pitch •, S-7, M. Travelers 1 straight tennis victory yesterday Taylor and Blumenthal, bus broke down on the New Jer- runs , and nine hits in five in- Koufax proved it against Hous- inning when he singled home and a grounder. Then, with two Aumick and Jim Farlley (K-FH) aer. — — —-- ---— - -^ , . *.v» 4 buiij , UMU iUll^ £1110 tfcl Uf^ 141 A'« „ .._ ; t by whipping Toms River, 4-1. Sllvert and Bon Davldo>f«l», H>, «-7. sey Turnpike en route to the con- mugs' before being lifted in favor ton Thursday night with a three Frank Boiling. Boiling stroked a out, Thomas laid down a sur- test. LAST WEEK'S RESULTS bit, 3-0 triumph wrapped up in a two-out double and moved prise bunt and Johnson pegged Other scores were Monmouth Latetrood <3) — So. FralnU (I) off WayneR Rooney, another soph. Singles The Hawks are currently 12-3 Packers 7, Jets 1 13-strikeout package for the Los around to third on Hank Aaron's it wild, Stuart racing home with Regional 4, Long Branch 2; Rum- Vie Hartvood ISF) def. Art Sobin, Slosmoutti (1) PUladelpliU (10) Angeles Dodgers. infield single. 6-0, 7-6. on the geason while Textile is AB B B ABB Wildcats II, Ramblers 4 the winning run. son-Fair Haven Regional 4, Free- iton Schurgin (L) det. Ray PoliBg, Chrzan,2b 4 12 Clymer.Jb 3 0 Travelers 7, A's 1 It was the first shutout of the hold 1; Shore Regional 3%, Nep- 6-2, 6-0. Flschbein.cf 3 0 1 Sradlnx t 0 Koi» Snyderman (L) def. Ptla Ray, Mqamouth's only marker came H'derson.lt 3 0 0 Reardon.cf 4 2 Ramblers It. Travelers I season for the ace Dodger left- tune V/i, and Lakewood 3, South- 10-8, 13-11. VlnPelt.lb 3 0 0 Mollneux.3b 1 3 hander but the strikeout total Ilounlei across in the sixth inning when HIpp.r! 3 0 2 BennetUf 3 2 lets 10, Wildcats 2 ern Freehold Regional 2. Harwood and Poling (SF) def. Bobltl John Chrzan singled, Ed HenNanna,- c 8 0 0 H'dsworthJ! 0 0 Packers », A's 1 was no doubt the most convino and Schurxln. ti-4. 6-2. G!ord'o,3b 3 0 0 Greevy.lb 4 1 The winners for Red Bank were Bnyderman and Handy Zinn (L) del. derson walked, Dennis Van Pelt Grucs.ss 2 0 0 Hebdlnff.se 3 1 Wildcat! 12, A's 3 ing statistic for those who ques Doug Raynor, Bill Kroll and Jon Ray and Bruce Lockwood, 6-1, 8-1. Abarb'l.Abtrbl,p a- 0- 0 Kroejser.rf 3 1 tioned Koufax' ability to pitch forced Chrzan at third and Bob W.Rooney.p 0 0 0 Flne.p Packers 7, Travelers I Tigers Rout Frederickson in singles and the KKANSIHRr; LADIES MONDAY Hipp singled. BlaU.ph -1 0 - "0 Ramblers 2, Jets t effectively every fourth day duo of Tom McCrosky and Gor- Ml.HT LKACitJE with the arthritic condition In W Al Fine limited Monmouth to •n ion PIONEER LEAGUE don Hodas in the last doubles Keansburg Bowl five hits en route to his fourth Monmouth . -.0 0 8 0 0 1 0-1 w" L his elbow. match, Kcansburg Bank Philadelphia ...0 0 0 3 5 1 X—10 The 13 strikeouts represented Lead Bottoms it triumph in five decisions. He 2B—ciymer, Ke&rdon, Hebdtnf. Volks BUMMARIK: Mwlern Pharmacy 47 Vi a high for the season in the ma- MMunoaUl (3) — l.ong Branca (2> Sylvette's to Tiger* .—.—. . Stnlles Crown Tlra 50H jors and Koufax' best perform- Washington B4W Auto M'l Rams „ : Joe R«.der (Ml del. Dick Lawn. 8-1. Beavers ance since he fanned 14 in -2. Morrlsey 4 Walker 51 Vi NASCAR Champs Slated Two weeks ago Detroit's Wil- "I've been feeling a little woo- Jerry Jliello (M> der. Dave Teppe, Golden Nuggets . 52 S3 Valiants _-._.._ game against Houston on April H, 0-0. John Ryan's 50 M lie Horton couldn't breathe. jy because of my nose opera- Gary Rubman (LB) dtf. Tony Kazules Bandy's Market 50 59 Bears 19, 1963. It also returned Koufax Klnlln's Louneo IS Now he's got American League tion," Horton said. "But I've5-1, 2-6, St. 57 LAST WEEK'S RESULTS to his usual position as the Doubles Benson's Furniturnit e _ - 48 57 At Old Bridge Oval pitchers gasping for air. been drinking a lot of juice and Jleeiier and Jlrelle uMj del. Lawn Empresmpres HoteHtel .4.488 59 Beavers 7, Bears 0 jors' No. 1 strikeout artist with and Teppe. 5-7, 8-1, 8-1. ! DoDo n QuixotQuixote'Qite s' IInn .45 OLD BRIDGE - Additional to fly as first time winner, Dick 61 in 54 Innings pitched. The young outfielder, who un- I'll be strong again." Rubman and Jerry 8chellln|er (LBt Bowne'B' a OiOill 4444 Valiants 12, Rams 8 Srm SeriesSi : Loretla Furtnan 503. lighting and stronger barricades Lewis leads the big field across derwent surgery for the remov- def. Kazules and George Frankljnanklln, Volks 12, Tigers S The liniment swabbing is rou- Horton followed Al Kaline's 17S Club: Belma Mlldenburg 175. have been installed around the the starting line, when starter al of growths from his nose ear- Thelma. Knam 187, Eileen Slnnsky 187, Rams 4, Beaven J tine before a game, the soaking two-run homer with a solo shot l.oretla Furman 193, 177; Roberta tricky "fifUwnile" track for to-Ray Sullivan drops the green ly this month, slammed two Short ()M) — .Vrplunx Milrl' ' Hertiborg 211. Tigers », Valiants 0 in ice is routine after a game, off reliever Pete Richert in the Smiles ,"' night's wild, foreign compact flag. and the side^armed curve balls home runs and a double, driving second and then exploded a Len Schneider (8) — Toms Elver (1) WORLD WIDE The sportsman-modified roster Jays .0 edged Cleveland 3-2, Los An- Singles p.m. motor action on the half- two doubles, raising his average Americai n League battini g headed by Jim Hoflman lists LAST WEEK'S RESULTS geles nipped Minnesota 4-3 in 10 DIMIK Raynor (RB» def. Frank Pell, jnile speedway. to a National League-leading with a .345 average, He 6-1. 6-0. ACCIDENT NASCAR sportsman national Eagles 17, Hawks IS (7 Innings) innings and Chicago downed Bill Kroll (RB) del. Don Jump. 6-0. The three divisional stock car .387 in San Francisco's 6-3 victo- slammed four homers and 6-2. champ Rene .Charland, Pete Owls 10, Orioles 9 Kansas City 6-3. gpeedfests, showcased for dual ry over the Chicago Cubs. drove in 10 runs against the Jon Frederickson (RB) del. Mark INSURANCE Frazee, Don Stumpf, Tommie Robins 14, Jays 7 Horton's hitting surge has giv- TaK. 6-2. M. track action at the' Madison Elsewhere, Joe Torre's fourth Senators in the three games. Douhltn LOW COST! Elliott, Walt Donakt, Elton Hil- Orioles 4, Robins 4 en him five homers and 12 runs Fell and Jump (TR) def, Jon Mafilow Township auto grounds will be single drove In the winning run dreth, Dick Havens, Joe Kelly, Eagles 18, Owls 18 batted in for seven games fol- and John Hatlack, 0-6, 0-4, 6-3. hampfof IS day*, $25,000 climaxed with four feature main in Milwaukee's 5-4 victory over Tom McCroskey and Gordon Hodaa dtath btmflt, $2,5(10 radical Richie Massing, Parker Bohn Hawks 23, Jays 4 lowing his operation. (RB) def, Taff and Ed Russell, S-l, 6-3. events. Two, IWap headlines Pittsburgh and Philadelphia Substitute Match eiponu—$13.25. and Bill Chevalier as the new Mrs. Goeb Set The Tigers' lusty, hitting made •re on tap for the novices, a 25- edged Cincinnati 7-6 in 10 in- Jeremy Grayzet and Arnold Howltt Phono 741-2240 far a point leaders ready to roll to- Hank Agulrre's fourth victory (RB) def. Hell Neumann and Steva Upper of eighteen fastest quali- nings when Deron Johnson Goldstein, 6-1, 6-1. quote lor your trip. night. * without a loss easy, Aguirre fiers will wind up the pro has- threw away a bunt by Frank Track Records To Toss 1st Ball permitted seven hits including a Rumson-FII (4) — Freehold (1> •les, with a 2(Map small track Thomas. The New York Mets Singles 100-yard dash (:09.9) — Bob UNION BEACH - Mrs. Rich- homer by Doug Camilli, Ron Macdonsld (R-FH) def. Jelt Tay- WEART - NEMETH contest serving as the finale of Harris, Pt. Pleasant Beach, 19M. and St. Louis were not sched ard Goeb, president of the Little lor, 7-5, 4-«, 6-3. the night for the foreign car AngeloDePonti uled. Yankee Manager Johnny Dick Rich (R-FH) def. Jeff Blumen- AGENCY 220-yard dash (:20.9> - Harris, League Mothers' Club, will have Keane hoped Whitey Ford could thal, S-l. 6-1. Jockeys. Koufax, bringing his record to Olenn Sllvert (F) del. Ken Aumaclt, 102 W. Frenl SI. Ktd lank 19S4. the honor of tossing out the first halt the Yankee slide but the7-5, 2-6, 6-0. Small track racing has really 440-yard dash 051.2) - Brad 4-2 while lowering his earned- ball in the opening game here been accepted by the grand- Takes Pin Lead veteran left-hander was tagged Braddach, Matawan, 1940. run average to 2.17, got the only tomorrow. for a bases-loaded triple by Fe- SHREWSBURY — A few ^O^' ^^^^ -^HV -^H^ ~^^pv ~^ilW ^H^r ^^^T ^IBl^r ^^iir ^M •«tand buffs. Close running packs 880-yard ran (2:00.1) — Bruce run he needed when Lou John- The Cubs Dodgers game will "highs" were marked last night lix Mantilla in a four-run Boston •ind fender sparks are expected Anderson, Rumson, 1939. son hit his first homer of thestart at 1 p.m. at Wesley Field. in the 23d annual Monmouth third and Dave Morehead made GENERAL ASPHALT Mile run (4:12.8) - Bill Rellly, season, a solo shot off Houston Managers for the Cubs, spon- the lead stand up. County Bowling Association Long Branch, 19(1. starter Bob Bruce in the second sored by the Union Beach Busi- Morehead, who had lost three PAYING, INC. 'STOCK CAR championships at Red Bank Rec- High hurdles (:14.7) — Norinning- . nessmen's Association, are Fred straight, fired a five-hitter as reation Lanes. man Frank, Toms River, 1960. Johnson was forced to leave BLACKTOP PAVING OF RACES Lonardo and Robert Gutowsky. the eighth-place Yankees dipped Angeto DePonti of Red Bank Low hurdles (:20.1) — Frank, later in the game when he was Managers of the Dodgers, spon- below the .400 mark. Drivewavs • Parkina Lots • Roads took over first place in the indi- 1960. hit on the helmet by a Bruce sored by American Legion Post, Boog Powell slammed an ,W*WWN~VS CALL FOR t^VWWWVW Modified-Sportsmen-Novlce vidual event with 159-200-215-574- Shot put (58* «>4"» - Frank fast ball. Johnson was able to are Bob Holland and Chippy Sidi eighth-inning homer off reliever 141—715. Bob Kenner of Belford Mazza, Long Branch, 1959. walk off the field and the injury FREE ESTIMATES ;en. Luis Tiant, giving the Orioles recorded the tournament's high Discus (168'3") — Dennis did not seem serious. Saturday, 8 P.M. OtBer teams and their man their victory. Tiant's first pitch CALL 222-8268 game with a 267. Donald Mac- Hagln, Pt. Pleasant Beach, 1964. Mays led an extrabase bar- agers in the league are the Fire- to Powell was ruled a ball by Laughlin of Middletown is at the Javelin (193' 414") - Greg • 30-LAP FEATURE rage for the Giants, with Jesus balls, Kenneth Davison and John plate umpire Bill Haller, who 280 CHELSEA AVE. LONG BRANCH top in high net with a 668. Kuntz, Toms River, 1962. • 25.LAP NOVICES Alou and Tom Haller also con- Roche, Jr.; th« Hornets, Michael said the Indian pitcher's jerky, The best effort of the night in High jump (t'1%") - Bruce tributing homers, Jim Hart Mosco and Rocky Morea, and the hesitation move was illegal. • 9 SPECTACULAR the doubles event was posted by Jackson, Keyport, 196], smacking a triple and Willie Me Tigers, Jack Dayback and Tiant didn't hesitate on his RACES John Zagaja and Andy DeNucci Pole vault (12'Ti") - Ron Covey a double. Seven of the Charles Kelly. next pitch and neither did Pow- SEE America'! molt popular of Shrewsbury. Their 1,307 gives Surgent, Freehold, 19(4. eight San Francisco hits went sport—Stock Car Racing—on ell. The Oriole left fielder's them sixth place in that division. Broad jump (21* 11%") — Ar- for extra bases against Ernie on* of America'* basing fourth homer of the year nold Taylor, Neptune, 1M7. Broglio and three successors. Custom Builders... tracks. See the big nonwi: Jo* Leonard's Market of Middle- Host Club Golfer snapped a 2-2 tie and gave Milt Kelly, Tommy Elliott, Pete Fraj. town "A" League rolled a 2,812 Pappas his 100th major league ee, Porker Bohn, Wolly Dalltn- Development Contractors series to take the tourney's net decision. bach, Jim Hoffman, Jack Hart, lead. Leads Tourney you can get a Chubby Hower. Don Stives and .Last night's results: The Angels pushed acr^"" a many other*. You «an't win MANASQUAN — First round run in the 10th inni- when you spend Saturday sight play in the seventh annual pre- snapped a five-game M LARGER MORTGAGE FASTER at Wall Stadium. Yankee left fielder Tom Tresh seniors Championship tournament winning string. Coston *. ..;- and make Coming Memorial Weekend played 159 games as a rookie in opened yesterday at Manasquan ley's two-run homer off Camilo Pro and novice stocks, foreign 1958. Thirty-three were with River Golf Club. Pascual tied it in the seventh your own payment schedule! compact stocks and ARDC ntld- New Orleans and 126 with St. Bob Riddle of the host club and Willie Smith's infield single qatt. Two big days of speed Petersburg. posted the low score of 76 for the delivered the winning run in the If yea art planning to build wnral hundred hunts . . . »r and thrills. By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS opening 18 holes of the 36-hole 10th. |uit uvtrol, com. SM ut. W. finanet a larger ptretntatt ol AI Lopez is heading for his tournament. The White Sox bunched four your money requlranwiits. No ddayi- Land and atvtbpmMt WALL STADIUM American League ninth season as manager of the National League lit Bound Sc«rei hits, a walk, an error and a wild money available XT. 34 KLMAR W.L. Pct.G.B. Bob Riddle, Managquan River 36-40—76 «hicaeo White-Sox W.L. Pct.G.B. Ed Novak, Colonll 39-38—77 pitch for four runs in the second Los Angeles 19 8 .704 — John Corte, Twin Brooks 39-38—77 Chicago 17 .680 — Harmon Wide, Rarltan Valley 3711—78 inning with J. C. Martin's single | Minnesota ... 16 .667 «/4 Cincinnati - 16 10 .615 V/x Bill Manrln. Alpine 41-38—76 and Danny Cater's double the DOLPHIN MORTGAGE CO. Houston _ 16 13 .552 A Norman Abtami, Twin Brooki 38-12—80 Los Angeles 16 .593 John Folk, Mmasquan River 38-12—80 key bits. Gary Peters, with 1207 HIGHWAY 35 & ALUNHURST AVE. Baltimore _ 15 .517 Milwaukee -.. 12 11 .522 JuLcf Qateay, Twin Brooka 42-3D—81 ninth-inning help from Eddie Pihila .500 Carl I*«wta, Jumping Brook 40-tl—81 WANAMASSA ' S31-0200 Detroit 14 .560 3 13 Wm. Feuwlck. Beacon Hill 39-12—81 Fisher, won his third against San Fran. 13 .481 Don Corwln, Deal «-39—82 RENT A CAR or Cleveland ... 11 .500 4^ Vie Gerard, A«bury Park 41-38—82 Chicago 12 .462 Boston _ 11 .458 5" Minnesota at Kansas City Houston at San Francisco 90 Day or 4000 mile Guarantee EDEE Towing, Road Ttst 2-lb. U.S.C.9. blade; 3" iMrilnplke. New York at Baltimore, N St. Louis at Pittsburgh ri»*et Inipecllon Approved. $2.71. Ironcldd Guorontt* ond Available Manny Senerchia Named LIFETIME GUARANTEE $4.95, SM/LIM U.S.C.6. Approwd CAGC "Coach of the Year" AAMCO Llf» Vert aid Cvthlea-rrp* Csvtr. Prottctad vest In —M QUALITY WEST LONG BRANCH—Manny en, Bloomfield, outfield; Tim TRANSMISSIONS Sta/Un* loot Hot $S.« 2-burfon rtlteut f^T^ Senerchia, baseball coach at Mon- Wissler, King's, catcher, and Rick ieuschkel, Bloomfield, pitcher. Slit, non-ikld »l«. cevtr. Doubhi « mouth College, has been named Opm C a.m. to S p.m. Coach Senerchia is a graduate 1M E. NEWMAN SPRINSS RD. Whit, .navy trim. Sine nun's chart COM. Coach of the Year" in ttwCen - RED BANK-Ccll H1-2SM 1 )f Barringer High School in New- IM Rollrood Avi., Aibury Pork i'/i to 12. Women . 4 to 10 Complete $4.95 m tral Atlantic College Conference Call 774-UN RETREADS »rk. and Montclair State Collece. (in V] ttiti) Com only: $2.50 | for 1965. • N/•" 3,500 lbs. 7Vic ft. field, third base; > Don Lawrence, Sea/Una Rope 7/14" 5,000 lbs. lO'/ic ft. loardlng Ladder Vi" 6,800 lbs. 13c ft. King's, outfield; Bob Roughgar- SERVICE Dupont Nylon rope •/•" 10,000 lbs. 2l'/jc ft. W 14,000 Ibi. 30c ft. Dodd Fischer, a senior from Frank Porter't 4 lurnieM teak itepi Vi" 19,000 lbs. 38c ft. MIDDLETOWN GENERAL TIRE CO Eugene, Ore., posted the best S12.*5/Kit $9.?S 1" 24.000 Ibi. 10c ft. tf. 36 and AY.. D Uonurdo Individual record for .Yale's 1964 Red Bank Tire Co. golf team. He ia back this spring Stop in for your free West Catalogue 291.9291 Opm Dally *•« after winning nine of 10 matches SHREWSBURY AVENUE 747-3404 lift7£r '" Oji Monday thru Friday—4 to I p.m.; Sat. to 3 p.ni. MJTOS lORSaVLE AOTQS SAW THE DAILY REGISTER M-Friday, Mtj 14, 1965 ANNOUNCIMIim AUTOi FOB MIX AUTOt FOB SALE AUTOS tOi SALE WAOOK voLcnrAoen - vm. Km. LM< oiznuMi cotfvxKmi* IW VOUEfKAalK — Bad, •mnot •« au*i- I*M cunowt- tuut, AaboaUr, eiMUtnt AIM* FOt SALE AUTOS FOKIALB '. On* Can aaur < p.m. JJl-aan. TJ» atiiaa Meraifflfr Oarrotat, ul TZ d« Pa •«rtU£» UM CJLTJJlijLC «*3XL» td VOJLje— ejul nr» aett Air cordttlcartna, MI aower, an iW. iota BUnWtTtMBRACABL* Wlt Like sew. I bold tba orlBeeJ Mite tM- — —— CATCH — Brudat VTf. la* TtOlato an DiLun riusoN WXOON —tract, C4JI aiter « P.M., MI-TIM. Call aranlcp. C Cadar Ins. Ui&Hn&M. XmlJ. 2M- JTord-onMUio A-1 tondtttoe, HIM. oau MZ UO CIUIVT NOVA — TiVdoor halt- CHCVROUBT, *ai Air, wagon. too, nni|M auet. nut. afocuuhj HT-IMl alter « MB. Indei atsaoard, radio. (Utt, Me OKt - Boor In* tc*. Ticlnltjr of ChCTrontTiM-UOl. 1KI FAIJCON — Two-Joor, ataidaril >T geTTOIet »|.1101_ — Tour-door ladan. •onarto. Amwen to aama oc "T1WT-" transmlsaloo, raw, haitar, wtiltawaU lull cell 281-lltt alter 4. ltd PONTIAC CATAUNA CONVURt- tires. Iicallant condition. Call Jil-lOet. 1MI. OLDBMOBILI — J-2. Three ear- Bank will finajea lip* a mini IS my imail (at blici puaej IBU — rmij equipped, power braku, buratora eixellent rumUn( condltloiL a wen Call collect PA 1'TlOO, at, I loea, Inch off end of tier tall •tearlna ul aerial. ExcaUeat condition, CADILLACS Four now tint, plua anom. Hew In- MOTOB8. M. », larrarme. ItU UIPIRIAL — Four-door hardtop, «d coUar, mlstinc (rom Brookdale low mileage. T8T-4337. terior, radio, beater. HUM tall. HOO white. UM or beet offer, (1 W»U 'arm, Unentt, May Jt Raward MrUM CHEVROLET - Brookweod iu AH yeara and modela. HcCAJUhy or beat oflor. &72-1292. UQB - Full? loaded, tjromorilhe Tar., New IConmoulb. OllOU after 4 lUptul Information. «. Knapg, MHKtt, oo, powtr tilde, radio, V-J, (We. Mo-Chevrolet. 5S1-1I5L 1X1 OUMMOBUA HolMlJ coupe. Hat MOO. •»!• 0rtM£«« '« >m U-M97. Sblthy ChiTrolrt. 8M-U0L VOLVO 1M3 1211 — Four-door, radio, Automttlo and power (tearing, tit**. a m. to «:«> P.m. 1963 SORVAIR, Sfydar Coupe, foor- UM FALCON — llx-ejlinder, daiina. hatter, wWtawalli, four-apeas. llxeel- McCARUiy Chirrolet aw-um. " iM I1TN, ifcOARuur CtterroieL 2>l- BARGAINS sumtrd t&UL New Urea ud baxtarr. lent condition But olftr. SM-TUI. 1982 TIM TBIUJJFH — itcnace. Mint FORD OONVEMTBLI — Al 5m. AUTOMOTIVI V.rt rood condition. But oHar. Pbom " and neater. Power atear- AUSTIN HBJtt»T—SporU ni, 1MBctKiduion. . while, many axtnu. Call — after i n-ni; 1M3 FORD FALOON — Matlon rnnn. Haw paint, top, tlraa, eOiauat aratem. 232-3STS aflar ft. •tick abut orlflnu owner. Excagant ARE IN AUTOS FOR SALE 1M0 CHBVBOLTT. Impala. low-*>or family oaf. AjJm H75. W6-71S8. VOLKSWAQIN, 198S Mar UupMtloo. Aiklni 1700, Call M6- 1963 PONTIAd CatatlM eenrertibje. RED SEDAN, PlUVATB. hStSpT]Rw«-a1l4a,^llo. Vrl, ••»• lHtt CADILLAC, lour-door naidtof. I57J «H DODOE DAJIT QT-V-t—Purohaaal tnU or iiioMS. uur T p.m. automatic mna aowar eUcmuc. f»w SCOARW Charrolat. JM-1101. lew Auiuat, UM. 7.SXX) milti. oj.- .j PHONE m-MM 1»O UHXVT n Warn. Aotamiacu u M PONTIAC CONVEKTIBLS — Slue, MM. M3-23OT. let, 2M-1101. «—™^ IBM TIMPrtT IXMAN8 — Convert- Uwt ace to ippreclUi. $1,400. Call cower tteannf and new brakaa, radit lbt>. Xicallant condition. Low mllaega. alter 8, M1-2S7B. , FORD UM, ««I 5U..I0. "*»l» •all, belt o»er. Call 7U-»1»7. 1W2 CHEVROLET MPALA - T*o- Muat atcrtllce. Oil 871-17H attar < p.m. FORD - UM, door ham top, wtilte, red Intaiior, alx 1963 AUPA ROIUBO, Sprint coupe WOO iii iltlonT r 4 l 1EO4 FORD — Four-door. Body, motor, AUTOS FOR SALE cyllDder. power-ateerinf, powar-gllda, 1M1 CADILLAC - lUu da villa, air tlt». MtaMU^raelt UUUJ or 4SS-98H. end Urea food. Neadl blttery. (para radio and beater, whltewal] tlraa mu conditioned, slx-wijr eatta, power win- I, Koira four-door aadto. wheel and tire. Aa la K0. T47493a, new. Call Hl-l&a. U69 CHEVY dowa. McCARtt? Ciievrolet, 181-1101 1MI FORD — 3tt Oonvertlbla. M0-». -ivrolet. Kter I p.m. NO ONE REFUSED Four epeeA. Low mileage. Excellent AUTOS FOB SALE AUTOS FOB SALE condition. Beat oiler. W-latl, — UN, ocotarUMe, blue, (Mora CUttlfied Adi 1961 HKTItOPOUTAH HARDTOP — limits, radio, baaiar, CREDIT Rad and wblle, radio, haittr, »,M0 miles. like new. On HM Next Page) Art you hovlno ony credit pnMams i. ma oen m-uu. —Ilka betas beWno" en poymenta or AUTOS FOR SALE balm ovar-extenead? Hsva you Wan AUTOS K» SALE AUTOS FOR SAUE rafutad credit aluwtiaraT NEW 1965 Well - Try Us 1964 RAMBLER $1895 Our Strong Cradlt eonnectloni ond Station wagon, 330 four-ifoer, automatic, ttx-eyl!nd«r. occMtlbinty to ovelloble funds for ftnondng ond rellmnclng nwka in VOLKSWAGENS a leader In giving averyont tt» op- 1963 BUICK $1795 portunity hi purchasing on outomo- Spaclal deluxa, V-t, automatic, power ilitring. MIs. "1200 A" SEDAN Wt cm alia consellaala your Icons or Trade. You Down - or - |l« 1963 FORDFAIRLANE $1795 you an outomoblle PLU* CASH. 500 station wagon, V-8, automatic, pewar ttttring, vinyl Wn>. Clva Our Cradit Caunitlar 1963 MERCURY COMET $1395 A CALL Cuitom four-deer, lix-cylindtr, automatic, v«ry clean. IN FACT — CALL NOW 1495 1963 RAMBLER $1395 741-6700 ALSO LADIES;. Two-door hardtop, 440-H, »i»-cyllndar, twin (tick shift. Rod and whita. "1500" Super Sedans $100 REWARD 1962 RAMBLER $1395 |{ Wa Can't Gat You Sam* $2135 Ambaitador station wagon, V-8, auto., PS and PB. Kind of Cradit prtfar to thep «t a n«W ear riiaUrihip wttf 1962 METROPOLITAN $ 695 NO ONE REFUSEDI "1500" Super Station Wagons an .utifalamhhad and •*t«blM»d raputatlon. Hardtop, two-door, 13,009 original mil.*, vary thin. . Th« riiton, of couru. i« »'»mpl». Th»y want Ovar 109 Car* Ta> CIIMI* $2343 to b» anurewi that tK«y e«tr dapand com- 1961 RAMBLER $ 995 From • • • Meny Priead lalow pMaly on wti«t tha ulaimin toll thwn and ?-pmengar wagon, lix-cyllndar, auto., mediant condition, Whot.iala ORDER NOW AT Mat any problomi will b* mtt with and taun I960 PLYMOUTH $ 795 eara'of in tha mott equt+abl* mannar. 2-door hardtop, V-8, automatic, powtr steering. BRADLEY AUTOPORT U.S.A. Ladiai . . . w« at Ruuall O4dtmobil«< MANY OTHERS TOO NUMEROUS TO LIST! DISCOUNT CENTER Cadrllie Co. invita you to »top in. Wa'ra 363 M.pla Ava. (Rt. 35) confidant wa can maat your standard of 60 S. BROADWAY 222-1461 iONS BRANCH 872-0500 Rid Bank. N.J. •thici whan it comas to naw car daalarihips. Rt. 36 & Scenic Dr. Highlands VVa'ra also sura that you'll gat tha most ralua lor your monay whan you buy a I9i5 Olds- 4 TO 6 '\VEEKS DELIVERY mobila hara I

Coma in today and ask for ona of tha "Ruisall Man" . . . Cliff Coring, Frank Raad, MAY TIME Fr*d Koaiar or Bill Holsay. If you'ra looking for a top notch usad ctr, ask for Bill Daekar. FRIENDLY Ha's our usad ear managar. BUY TIME SELECTION ALL STOPS ARE OUT! «•: RUSSELL OLDSMOBILE-CADILLAC CO; MOUNT-ENGLISH IS SELLING MORE SPECIAL SPECIAL 100 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. RED BANK SOLID, SILENT '65 FORDS '64 CHEVROLET '63 RAMBLER American This is a elaan Biscavna. 741 -0910 SlaXyl., auto., twe-ofaor.' THAN IN ANY PftEVJOUS MAY! Whlta with rad interior. LOW, LOW PRICES $1688 $988 EASY, EASY TERMS BIG BIG ALLOWANCES '64 VALIANT '63 CHEVROLET Impala I-dr. looking for aeonomy7 4-ir., « rail sharp ona. Hara II ii. Standard trim. FORD DEALER Whita with bin* interior. GALAXIE 500 lalanca «f J.yr.. 50.000- HARDTOP OR SEDAN mil* warranty tranifarabla. Full pewar. USED CAR SALE Par Month Racord-thattorifli WliKa Car Sties hava loadtd cur lots with Uta-modil tndst Eviry om Rad Tigjed to movi fist Hurry! '60 CHEVROLET $ OOR '61 FORD ._,, ^^ - . .. w7*a»» teat. , . eounleountrr y Mdm. • 995. FAIRLANE 500 P '63 DODGE Polara '63 CHEVROLET Monza Kyl.# *Hir.» r.wi.» r»« FordonwttfflntomoHcc. i stM HARDTOP OR SEDAN '60 CHEVROLET Impala $ OCQ '61 FORD '1095. J-Jr. HT, klaelc with tti . Snulre, FOM, PS. TTili 4-dr. h burgundy with «-dr. hordlor. Powaroilde. .#*#»*#• ary ^^ interiar. lalana* of C-ytir, '61 MERCURY Monterey $ OOC '62 FORD matching, interior, rt has tpou. dry. aadon, POM. •1150!. 10,000-mil* warranty «r. hordlop, MOM. PS. * ' ** * 4^,. ^^y, , auto. trim, end It sharp. tramfarakla. '62 MERCURY Monterey $ I I OR '62 FORD 4-dr., MOM, power Itaarlng frpou. country Squlra, »I395. IJI, UAU Mtunr ataurlrwi • I * W» ajjw*« r/udf, HT. hydro., power itefring * 1595. ' M395. HARDTOP OR SEDAN M495. 50 f Par Month '61 CADILLAC • '59 GAUXIE . *48 4-dr. HT, olr conditioned. *2195. '63 CADILLAC DeVille '63 BUICK Convertible J-tfr. aadon, FOM, PS. 650. Sadan, whit* with black Would you tattiar hav* a '62 LINCOLN-CONT. $ 1 '60 FAIRLANE "500" 4-dr., air conditioned. »2795. litttriar, ipatlau luick? Black with raej 4-dr. aadon, Fordomatlc. PS. 650. FALCON 2-DR. Imida and out. Interior. Full powar. '63 LINCOLNCONT. '61 FAIRLANE $ 4-dr., olr condltlemd. *3595. Mr. aadon, Fordomotlc 750. '60 COMET '61 GALAXIE MOO.-. 2-dr. aadon. Fordomotlc. « 595. $ <-dr. HT, FOM, PS. * 950. 00 '61 FALCON '61 CONVERTIBLE M4 Par Month Over 30 Other Top Quality 4-dr; aaoon. Fordomorlc 795. $ FOM, powir ttttrlng. '1095. Used Cars to Choose From '62 COMET '62 GALAXIE XL Cuitsm 2-dr. sadon, 895. I-dr. HT. FOM. PS. M395. MUSTANG HARDTOP '59 FORD a-noit. country sadon. '63 FAIRLANE "500" FOM, power ataertng. * 595. Mr., FOM, pewar steering. M295. MOO DOWN '60 FORD $ '62 GALAXIE XL toots, country sadon. 695. '1395. FOM, power ataerlng. Hardtop, FOM, power storing. PER MONTH 6 H '63 GALAXIE XL '1695. MAURICE SCHWARTZ '58 RANCH WAGON » 350. 44r. hardtop. FOM, PS. * RONS, INT. '63 FORD SINCE 1919 '59 CHEVROLET '1695. MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE Vi ton pick-up. * .595. Country Sadon, COM, PS., 9-p. '61 FALCON '64 GALAXIE "500" '2095. MOO DOWN J-dr. angon. * 750. Mr. HT, FOM, power itacrlng. '61 COMET '64 GALAXIE "500" '2195. notion wgon. ' 750. Convertible, FOM, PS. PER MONTH RED BANK HEADQUARTERS FOR '62 FALCON $ '62 THUNDERBIRD '1995. Dalwca *4r. wogm. FOM. 995. Full power. - CHRYSLER • PLYMOUTH • IMPERIAL '61 FALCON '63 THUNDERBIRD '2595. All figure! based on 48-month contract with local bank. . FOM. * 895. Full power. '2995. INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS '64 THUNDERBIRD MONMOUTH COUNTY'S LARGEST FORD DEALER MONMOUTH COUNTY'S LARGEST FORFull poweD DEALEr R i 141 W. Front St. Red Bank MOUNT-ENGLISH Call 747-0787 MOUNT-ENGLISH Una* 1104 Monmouth and MapU Ava, Rad lank 741^000 Opan Daily 8 a.m. to « p.m. S«4ur4 IMS atUITAHO — V4, attet law — aim, tttttM Friday, 'titf 14,1965^-21 *», _t:» mi or,, ratortd to oritfssJ raadl- OL S71A. Call ^i'V tU Ln Urn, tow lla EUlexe. R3M. ldOluai OwrraUt, leHaat coMteusm.a XjinM. IB IVi, B*dtn*, MSAm auin. Tltt VI* TOmViG-fmt-taorar- -srtra. Twti iw* CHXVB-OUT — tnu n*i«*tr UM 1W.MB0 «. braM new teootll to. trw line, aort iroMportul&n. tiM>. .Aosamoiar U6T CHlVIUMJBr—Fow-OOW, 1MI mtli — tot. lour-door, »•*». KM, ]steC*Jaaiy CherroitLCiH aider. Power OUde, elccUent MMUo cloe. toil tmtM vork. Beat «tler. «71' i.utonatl«, %\t, radlA. O wnvurcuu aiiirn In4er, nuek, lair tan. Ceil Perfect seco&d car. Best brier retj 11. zfeS). 11*1 L*JUC - 8lx-tyUuiu autuuJUcT 1 1MI ALLWATE—Kotor JMOOt*r> red, 1H4 COKVAIR HONZA — Coupe four-door udejt. Ne«4e peiut Good 1*41JUUCBUBR COHVER-TIBU: — II** l»»l FORD COHVWmBL* • oii 7«-«iw or urim UU AJ< — Rapier, condition, la* orttlou tmieife, tnuuporUUon. Beet offer. 74J-OJ47. dlo, heeler, power eteertog. Ceil after Oood COQCltloa *JW 1MJ CHEVY II NOVA — ConrertlWc. CALL white, black tcj>, re4 trim, 1 1 K vertlMe Pmverffllde, power sUerlor, mHOL power steering, power brejtet. auto- JSM. McCARlhy Chevrolet. Call ' 1967 rORD COUNTRY SQUIRE — dition, ma. luiia TRUCKS FOR SALE glloder, tow mlletje, »soo. Cell 74 maUc, A-l condition. 7U-O7H. J91-UW ' Whltewalla, power eteerloc, brand new UM CHEVROLET — New Dltteir, IMS UOHT BLUE CADILLAC — Fuil slurter, generator. Two new tlree. Fair 1958 PLYMOUTH — Two-door elation IBM MERCEDKS — BKNZ 190 BIHAN bitter;. Oood bur. 1250 or belt otter. 1981 VOLKSWAOIN VAN — Completi CaJI alter 6:30 p.m. 14I-40T0. power, also IMS Pontlac. Oood condi- with bullt-ln racki. Oood for plumber condition. HO. T41-1217. wacon. Oood runnlor condition, la uae— Yellow, red leather eeaU, Becker- tion. Beat o«v. MXM now. CaU uiytlme fa-iSOS, , Meiloo Aif—TO radio. Motor reMUIL IKS).RENAULT OARAVKLLE — Con. or electrician sorvlce. Oood shape, call 1961 CHRYSLER — New Yorker con- BxeelleM Ur*t. UUMt. AUTOS FOR SALE vertible. Absolutely DO eejti needed. 10S5 MERCURY — Two-door hardtop, vertlble hardtop. Two new tlret. Radio, CHRYSLER SARATOOA — lttt) bard- 19M CHBVROIJCT — H-ton Pick UP- MOBILE HOMES heater. M3JM1. toil, In food condition. Call SIx-eyllnder, Hlt& McCARthr Chevro- Low weekly bulk ps.ymentiJ10.35. Can excellent condition, automatic, power 1951 CHEVROLET BROOKWOOD — M4-M0T. collect PA 1-7100, OA8IS MOTORS, Rt •tearing.. Call Victor Burtfcifl, IJM30O, Waion, >T99. Call MeCARUiy Ouwoiet. 1M> TEMPEST UCHAKB Sport Coupe. let. 2B1-UCT1 1 6, flsjrrevflle. eu. 485. J91-1101 - »1M5 McOARUiy Chevroltl. Call ISM CHEVROLET — J«8 powered. 1965 OMC WRECKER — I.00O miles.IT TROTWOOD — Old. bat In food 2U-U01 Ttiree-sceed gtlok. Ooot condition. tl23. Little money down, tajce over pay- condition. Bleeps four. Stove, aink, Ice- Call 787-3S81. ments. Gill HJ-M17. AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE 1WI STATION WAOON — Rambler box. Artlnc »'5 r«l-<3«G. FREEHOLD olaaele. Automatic transmission., nirw VOLKSWAOBK — Convertible. i«6i STOP IH TODAY — And aea the tlrej, trailer hitchi »750. or but offir. (2,000. Call brand new M. aerlea International I960 DETROITER — 34x10, one bed- Call 7113557. Metro Walk-In. It's "out-or-thls-world." room, furnished. C&U OLD3M0BILE — 1B83 Bts.rtlre, white OORVA1R CORSA 1»65 convertible. In fact. It's on our lot at M. Schwartr, 8724710. hftrdtop, food condition. U,(65. Call Ik Sons, Ml W. Front St., Red Bank. DODGE M2-4218 Ask tor sun 1963 CHEVROLET BEL AiR - Nine 1M1 AUSTIN HBALY — MOO deluie 1983 ECON-OLINE — Van. Oood con- (More Classified Ads pajeeoier waixiQ. Loaded. tlSfift. Uo- roadster In excellent condition. Fully dition. Aaklnl M3O. -SPECIAL — CARUiy Chevrolet. 291-1101. equipped. lll». Oil M4-11U. On The Next Page)

'62 TRIUMPH AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE Two-door. For Ihe LOOK AROUND BBSS •conemy minded. SHOP THE TOWN . . . GET THE '62 FORD GALAXIE BEST PRICE . . . THEN COME 4-dr. sedan, stick ihiff. HERE AND SEE HOW MUCH THE RED CARPET PENNY '61 VALIANT V-200 BETTER YOU CAN DO! 4-dr. "din, stick shift. DAYS SHOP THIS SIGN! '61 CHEVY BROOKWOOD IS STILL HERE... AT , Irookwood ifi. v/gn., auto. 'and we're ready to give you the BAYSHORE EXTRA SPECIAL ChryjUr-Plymouth '61 MERC MONTEREY best deals possible on every Monterey 2-dr. sedan, tuto. 1964 VOLKSWAGEN BUY YOUR BRAND NEW and USED CAR IN STOCK." J '58 CHEVY IMPALA Bahama blue. Heater and defroiter. NEW 65 PLYMOUTH Impale 2-dr. HT, full power. Friday and Saturday only 1 Don't wait ... buy now and save $$$! OR '65 VALIANT $ Then ehooie ANY or ALL of '61 MERC MONTEREY 1395 FOR THE DEAL OF YOUR LIFE ... the following 4-dr. hardtop, full power. OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT you want for '64 CHEVY BELAIR 4-door, *-eyl, Powerglide. '63ALIA ROMEO $1795 '61 FORD $895 STOP IN THIS WEEKEND Sport roadster, R4H, vary clo«n. c Ranchtrs piekgp,.new white paint. '64 PLYMOUTH FURY '62 VOLKSWAGEN $1295 4-door leden, full power. . 9- >ais. fta. wgn, haatod and defroltar. '60 VOLKSWAGEN S950 Grey, radio and heater, very clean. 1 Dark blue. FOR EACH '64 VALIANT V-100 '64VOLKSWAGEN $1595 '59 VOLKSWAGEN $895 • HEATER AND DEFROSTER 4-door lodan, automatic. Java green, (unroof, WW, defroiferl. Sedan, heater, defroster. e FRONT SAFETY BELT e ANTI-FKEEZE '61VOLKSWAGEN $995 a UNOERCOATINO '63 COMET DELUXE Black, 2-dr. ledan, radio, heater. '62 VOLKSWAGEN "$1095 Sunroof, black, radio, heater. a RADIO 4*door t«cJan. aufomatic. FANTASTIC DEALS '63CHEVROLET - $1450 e SIDE-VIEW MIRROR Corvair Monza, < utomatic, R4H. '63 CHEVY II $1395 e SPRAY GLAZE '63 CORVAIR MONZA 2-dr.' sedan, auto., RtH, very clean. DURING OUR a BACK UP LIGHTS Convertible, automatic. '61VOLKSWAGEN $1095 e PARKING MAKE WARN I NO Two-door ledan radio, heater. LIGHT. '61 FORD $1150 e COURTESY LIGHTS '63 CHEVY NOVA 4-dr. country sedan, automatic. '61VOLKSWAGEN $1195 PS, PB, radio-artd heater, clean. 4-door, automatic. Station wagon, radio, heater. GIGANTIC REMODELING * NO MONEY DOWN '62OLDSMOBILE < $1795 '59 FORD $ 395 * S YEARS TO PAY '62 CHEVY II Cutlaii, auto., R&H, exceptionally clean. Station wagon, deluxe 9-oeisenger." • BANK RATES 2-dr. todan, standard lhift. • HUSE ALLOWANCES '62 RAMBLER CLASSIC SPECIAL ON TRADES 4-door, air conditioned, I960 VOLKSWAGEN ,Jfr*riZtt*. SALE! BAYSHORE BUSINESS WILL CONTINUE TO SO ON AS USUAL , FREEHOLD Plymouth - Chrysler FOLLOW YOUR j$/.=NDS TO Iff Are. ' Ar/anfle HioMano1! DODGE SHREWSBURY MOTORS, INC., 29I-720O South St. at Rt. 9 SHREWSBURY AVE. 741-8500 SHREWSBURY 462-6234 CIRCLE CHEVROLET CO. YR-MAKE MODEL BODY STYLE $3,500 up

45 Cadillac Sixty-two Convertible 325 MAPLE AVE. 741 -3130 RED BANK (4 Bulck Rlvirla 1 Door Hdtp. M.Codllloc Sixty-two Convertible ii Cadillac DeVllle 4 Door Hdtp. 63 Cadillac Sixty-two 2 Door Hdtp. 63 Cadillac Sixty-two 4 Door Hdtp. $2,500 TO $3,500 MOIds n i Door Hdtp. 63 Olds 98 1 Door Hdtp. 63 Old* 78 4 Door Hdtp. 63 Olds Suptr tt 4 Door Hdtp. UOId) M 4 Door Wagon 63 Pontlac CatctUna 4 Door Wagon 62 Cadillac Devllle 4 Door Hdtp. 61 Cadillac Devllle 2 Doar Hdtp. 62 Cadillac Stxty-rwo 4 Door Hdtp. WE'RE OUT TO 62 Cadillac Slxty-tm> 2 Door hdtp. 61 Cadillac Sixty-two 2 Door Hdtp. 61 Cadillac Flettwood 4 Door Hdtp. BREAK ALL $1,500 TO $2,500 64 Triumph Spitfire Convertible 63 Olds II 1 Doar Hdtp. 63 Olds M 4 Door Hdtp. 63 Chevrolet Nova 400 Station Wagon 62 Olds U Convertible SALES RECORDS! 62 Olds ?8 4 Door Hdtp. 62 Pontlac Bonnevllle2 Doer Hdtp. 62 Chevrolet Impalo 4 Door Hdtp. 62 bulck Electro; 225Converllble NO WAITING IN THE WOODS ... ' 62 Pontlac Bonnevllle Convertible 62 Chrysler 300 4 Door Hdtp. f\ NEW RAMBLERS 62 Olds Slarllre 2 Door Hdtp. 62 Olds It 4 Door Hdtp. 62 Olds M 4 Door Hdtp. 61 Pontlac Bonnevllle Convertible 5 61 Cadillac Sixty-two Convertible II READY FOR \J IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! $1,000 TO $1,500 63 Renault R8 4 Door Sedan •*• Convertible! * Sedam * Station Wagoni * Hardtopi 62 Olds F-U 4 Door Sedan k THE BEST DEALS OF THE YEAR NOW! 61 Olds BB 2 Door Sedan 60 Olds Super 81 Station Wagon 60 Pontlac Starchlef 4 Door Hdtp. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S OLDEST RAMBLER DEALER 60 Olds suptr 88 2 Door Hdtp. 60 Olds 18 Convertible 59 Cadillac Sixty-two Convertible 1964 CORVAIR Monia .... Save 1961 FORD $1095 Coupe, floor shift, radio and heater. Galaxie, Z-door hardtop, automatic. $500 TO $1,000 Low mileage, like new. Radio and heater, power steering. 62 M.G. Midget Roadster 60 Chevrolet Impala convertible 60 Mercury Montdalr 2 Door Hdtp. 1963 RAMBLER : $1295 1961 RAMBLER $ 895 60 Plymouth Fury Convertible 4-door sedan, automatic, radio and heater. 60 Volkswagtn HI 2 Door Sedan Two-door hardtop, radio and heater. 59 Olds Super III 4 Door Wagon 59 Chevrolet Irrpola 4 Door Hdtp. 1961 RENAULT $ 375 59 Olds Super II 2 Door Hdtp. Power Irlln wmmnfd tor 2 yetrt or 24,000 m//e» 1963 PONTIAC ...1 $2395 51 Lincoln Premier 2 Door Hdtp. Radio and heater, 57 Cadillac Sixty-two 4 Door Hdtp. Grand Prix, automatic off the floor. 57 Cadillac Fleetwood4 Door Hdtp. Radio and heater, full power. I960 CHRYSLER ...... $ 995 54 Cadillac Sixty-two 4 Door Sedan Drive It through when the road throws you a curve. Windsor, automatic, radio, heater, full power, No slldes.no splnouts wlth front-wheel drive, up-tront engine. 1963 RAMBLER ...L $1195 UNDER $500 t Two-door Clinic, radio and IfoaUr. I960 FALCON $550 S9 Bulck Electro 4 Door Sedan Wagon Two-door, radio and haatar. 51 Chevrolet 210 Even when the going gets rough or slick. Enjoy rock-stead/ 57 Bulck Century 4 Door Hdtp. .1962 RAMBLER $ 850 57 Chevrolet Bel Air 4 Door Hdtp. I960 RAMBLER $ 575 57 DesotO Flrtdome 4 Door Sedan stability In gusts that blow others about. American 2-door, radio, haatar, on* ownir. 55 Olds 98 4 Door Sedan 4*door sedan, ona ownar. 55 Olds II 2 Door Sedan 54 Cadillac Flettwood 4 Door Sedan *• 1962 VOLKSWAGEN $1495 I960 RAMBLER $ 775 the lottgert lovelier, livelier ... Just $1985 PO Station wagon, a raal beauty. w.w.Uruixtrt Ambatiador 4-dr., automatic. 1962 CORVAIR $1150 Radio and heater, full power. TESTDRIVEITAT Monia 4-door, automatic, radio and haatar. 1959 RAMBLER $ 495 1961 RAMBLER $ 975 Claiiic wagon, automatic, radio and haeter. Ambatiador, 4-door, automatic. JEEP UNIVERSAL $1275 CADILLACOLDSMOBILE Radio and haatar, full powar. With • now plow. HOW-LOU MOTORS We've Sold and Serviced far S3 YEARS HIGHWAY 36 EAST KEANSBURG So you cen buy with confidence TWIN-BORO RAMBLER Ireadway tt Fourth Ava. LONG (RANCH CALL 787-4585 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. 747-0040 RED BANK 222-1234 HELP WANTED-MALE THE DAILY REGISTER BOATS AND ACCESSORIES BOATS AND ACCESSORIES «OATS AND ACCESSORIES HELF WANTED-mUlE HELP WANTED-miAtE ltd — ir 4- caua cttArr cRUuaai — «s mai, cuwtrUUt tw. mr tut July, Uous worlurl . MMtudd y *n»l„. wood Kitalei, Box 273, Banntat. N.J. mouth Beech. 2323492. 1 BUSINESS NOTICES ditions. Union ihop. Toy discount* to tender. Apply In penon, Pleasant VaJ. 1962 CHRIS CRAFT 32 STAT1BTICAL TYPIST all employeti. Five-day week. ley Inn, Rl 31, Holmdel. M0V7N0 — Must tell 24" cajbin cruller, CLEAN CELLARS, VAKDB, OARAGES I.B.M. Typewriter, Borne ateno, fur local SALESMEN AUTO PARTS-REPAIRS excellent condition. Owner. 711-3472 CUSTOM CORINTHIAN — Have truck. Ughl hauling. Call after C.P.A. office. Bend resume to P.O. Boi Days, 7:30 to I. Evenlnei, 4:30 to 12:30 WHY COMMUTE ? MACHINE OPERATORS Two IBS h-p. Chrle Crafti. under 50 p.m. 741-2149. 917, Red Bank. 1969 FORD TRANSMISSION — Auto- 18' DOUBLE ENDER BOAT — 1664 noura, hot and cold preuure, 6b Wat Apply Monday-Saturday at our Person- matic. Excellent condition. Call alter Johuaon motor. Good seta family boat. PROTECT VOUR ASPHALT INVEST- nel Office from &-3 p.m., write or con- Milling Machine Call 781-1605. Apelco radio and depth under, aleep MENT. Seal your driveway or parking Are you infarotted in a prof S p.m. 542-2171. Blx, fully equipped, immaculate boat areas now. Guaranteed protection from STENOGRAPHER-CLERK tact your local Bute Employment Of Turret Lathe UQHTNINO NO. 4814 — Sail boat, No rot or rual Spring make-ready an lestructlon by gaj, oil and othec harm- fice. irabU career in ttoekt and Punch Preis excellent condition, dacron lalis, ex- launch tncludeil. Ask Ins (11,500. Wl ful materials. Call today for a free To work In Keyport arta o(/lc» Power Shear BOATS AND ACCESSORIES tras. Boat In Rumson. 212-MA 4-3589. bargain with aerloua proapecti. 74 estlma'e. 141-3227. of prestige business organization, bonds? We offer a com- Drill Press 364{ Muat be • high school graduate HUBEltT JOHHB0N CABIN SKIFF— LUHRS — 1960. 53' hardtop 109 tip TOP SOIL with minimum of three years MATTEL INC. plete training program. Experienced, set-up preferred, perma. 39'. Clinker built. Twin Chrysler en- Ship to shore. See Joe, Chris's Landing. MUST SELL—17' Lap8lr*lt« mnabou stenographic experience. Initiative, nent positions, day ahlft. Apply Xavole xlnta. (OTJJ 300 noun use.) Hud. Sea Bright. ^^^ 50 h.p. electric Mercury, trailer read, BULLDOZING ability to assume responsibility and TOR ADDITIONAI, INFORMATION Laboratories, Inc., Rt. 79, uorganvllle. Ssh-boxdj_L I- __ ,«_• ! *iHBl4automatia w*tatv*l%i c m «pumpt erfe* A A area , outriggers, • r water, »1.<93. 671-1M8. appearance Important, TOY MAKERS Call rod bolden, chrome trim throughout, RUMSON YACHT BASIN An Equal Opportunity Employer ! M' MOTOR YACHT—Bal»«d neck. del. [REPLACES A SPECIALITY — All Bolmiel, N. J. new Nsugahyde cushions, oak, teak* , First St. Rumsoa •ej powered, 2-1 reduction, ihlp-to 40 hour weefe, Monday to Friday. 531-5178 DISHWASHER and Honduras mahogany construction. typea of masontryw.. CHARLEw,.**.. S BOWER Start $75, progression to $93. Liberal 7 (201) M2-230O ehore. 22' of open deck art Can b« Contractor. Call 747-1479. Experienced, apply In person at: HAR- All equipment Included. Aaklni 13.790. used for charter. Newly filled out, ol«an fringe benefits. BOR RESTAURANT, TACHT BASIN For quick axle. Aak for Mr. Hill 35' Haqi Pedentn 1857, fly bridle, and neat. In water and ready at Van OR0W1NO PAINST Call Ever Oreen WOMAN — For oredlt collection office, Atlantic Highlands. ' 741-768& two 193 h.p. Chryalera (re- Dyke'a Yacht Basin, North Long Landscaping. All phaaea of landscaping Reply must give complete back- age 2&-*0, high achool fraduale, experi- SHEET METAL WORKERS — Qualified DOtvtred) tll.SOO ground, including education, and ence preferred but will train, Full EXPERIENCED GARDENER - Handy Lone Star 15 13 Sailboat Branch. Eacrlllce $3,650. Owner, 222 Including maintenance. Weekly, month- benefits. Write P. O. Box 118, Red and UdCn 25' ChrU Cralt, 130 h.p. (re- 3335. ly or season. F. InlarmesolL T87-081B dates, names and extent of busi- man. One day per week. Call (975 I.ob. built 1961) • 3.KX) ness experience. Replies will ba Bank. 8(2-1882 II you think there le nothing really New 23' Bllverton Skllf (1864) ir 787-3240 nEbPONBIBLE PKK8ON - Working 15 H. P. MERCURT Outboard confidential. Write "A.J.". Box Bllr BOOKKEEPER — Complete charge, nlgt'a. to work daya, part-time UAN — Over 30, ta help Install awn- new In dais aajlboale, consider and 150 h.p. Chryiler, lacrltlci ( 3,395 motor. A-l condition. AIirriNQ UNLIMITED — Exterior Red Bank. try tilts flberrlas entry from Lone Lllhtnlng lall » ISO M«5250 and Interior. Neat, reasonable. For faat account! receivable, accounts payable, lot out septic tanks. 228-2853, ' li. CaU Bur, Cape Cod ilyle, Hoop rig: S3' SLEEP IN HOUSEWORKBR — Motlv payroll reports, typing. New alr-con- aall, 13 length. SI" biam with pivoting 38' Pedtratn Viking IKS—Fly ervice, dial 787-2800. DRIVER FOE GARBAGE TRUCK - 7*1-1559 bridge, two 210 h.p. »' CABIN CRUISER—Sle«M two. 61 er's hfrlper. Age 30 lo 40. With driver'. dltioned office of old established firm. Drive and pickup. With traneporUtton. 3ALESMAN—Pu» to adrapeaaent ot fcllgebuarda for greater room and ef- h.p. arty. Standup head. Fullj .TTICS, CELLARS CLEANED - Llfhl license. Must have references. Experi- JJOO plui far fully qualified lady. 7(7. Chryalere. fully equipped »18,500 aullnff. Free estimates. Call after I 1 Call bttwem 4 and 6 p.m., 8H.-0148. preient man am frowlrtf use o( oor ficiency. 20' Sklir, SO h.p. item drive equipped. $1,000 or beat o«»r. 291-2526 ence preferred. $160 per month. MA " product, national company, has ojenlng Volvo I 1,750 .m., all day Saturday, Sunday. 747-3002 AWAN AREA. &66-90(7. EXPERIENCED ONLY - CHEF AND Demonatrator ft Bantala 13' FIBEROI4ASS MFO Boat—35 b.p. TWO WAITRESSES — For weekend SHORT ORDER MAN — Apply In for outside, direct •aleimati (or tspnr MONHOCTH MARINA 36' Custom CruUer, twin Evlnrod*. and trailer, S29O. Also 12' COMPLETE LAWN MAINTENANCE— work and banquets. Call MonmouUv County area wUh an ofnee Chryaler Crowna I 7,000 MOTHER'S HELPER — Permanenl person. Martini's Diner, Hwy M, H Wait St. MonmoutH Beach plywood runabout, S25. 74T-32OT. Lime, fertilizing. Weekly, monthly. Call- Live-In, care for four small cbildrei 842-298S < Keansburf. In Aobury Park. Sales ability emaUa). 233-34 M OTHER UBED BOATS ON HAND ati given. Reasonable ratea. 741-0848. light housework. Own room tnd batl We are not looking for an order taker. FINANCING ARRANGED IS' THOMPSON SEA SKIFF—With Call 842-3223. BEORETARY — Mature, write (Iving BREAKFAST COOES — ExpertenMd. Above avenge income (tlO,ea» based If BOAT — 18 h.p. Johnton outboard h.p motor Fully equipped. Excellent TREE REMOVAL - Freo eatlmatel, ate, experience and qualUicallona. Meals and uniforms fumiahed. Com- on salary, commission and bonus. Com- motor. 1200. Excellent condition. Idea) LIOHTOTNO MAST — (Like new.) condition. Good for family fua S« call H&M Tree Removers MATURE, RELIABLE PERSON TO •UK." Box 511, Red BanH, for teenager. Call 711-5201. Only »ra. Call 787-7235. pany Benefits. Houri 7 a.m. to > P.m., pany benefits and advancement. Osil 77(-655J Call after 9:30, 7U-4HB. WORK — Five days a week, 3 p.m.BEAUTICIAN—Experienced. PART or six days. Apply In person or call PA 1- 6OD-691.272S lor Mr. Roberts. MARINE SUPPLIES 3S' Owena, twin 138 h.p., dinghy, FURNITURE RBPAIRRD AND RE- to 9 p.m., In coin-operated dry cleaning FULL TIME. 229-1057 3340. ' Everything /or the Boatmen. New Jer- CHRIS CRAFT .- 27' aeml-crulier, S to 8, generator S FINISHED to original beauty. Odd laundry. Apply 117 Monmouth St., Kr DIMITRI BEAUTY BAT/ON, 65 Brighton CARPENTERS — Carpenter's helpers, aey'i lsrgeet marina aupply houet. fully equipped, Bhlp-to-shore radio. 26' owflna, twin 100 h.p., bow pieces of antiques for aa.le, reproduc- Ave., Long Branch. MACHINIST framers, etc. CaU Ml-Iltt after f Evlnrude Sales and Servlctt Sleepa twn. K000. Cull 741-58M. rail, windshield wiper, top S2.9O* Ions made to order. C. E. Jackson, p.m. THE BOATMAN'S SHOP 27' 1900 OWENS CABIN CRUISER— 26' Chrla Craft Sedan, pump, T87-7781. 30 Division St., Keyport. SECRETARY COMPTOMETER—Operators. Local of- Automatic pcrew machine poaitlona. Top 34 WhaH Ave. 711-J784 Red Bank wlndehleld wiper, stern aeat S1,S5< fice In Matawan. For national retail wages, overtime, benefits. Trainees also EXPERIENCED (Open Sundaya and holldayi, s a.m. Uany extraa. Special bargain. 13,500. .SYSTEMATIC LAWN MOWING — chain. Excellent benefits, including needed. AUTOMATIC INDUSTRIES, to 1 p.m.) FAIR. HAVEN YACHT WORKS, 741-8260 23' Tobln akiff, 109 Bray, hard- Weekly or monthly ratts. Call D.N.A. Work In atln.ula.tlng atmosphere whe profit sharing Muat havs transporta- INC. 3B2-3555. " top *l,650 altar 7 p.m. 747-5113. good steno and typing (IBM) skills am tion. Call 66^8222. AUTOMOBILE »• CHRIS-CRAFT — (1853). Triple NEW «' PRAM — Include* oara and IS' Terry outboard, M h.p. Evln- flexibility are more important thai AMBITIOUS SALESMAN — For auto oarloclu. Call anytime. WILL CLEAN — Attics, cellars, yurdi years of experience. Secretarial traltiinj screw, Chrysler Crowns. Sleeps 8, 3 471-OC91 mde, elect. S 4 NURSES AIDES—Relief or full time supply store. Salary, commission and fceadi, lull galley, alr-condltloned, TV, Iff Crulaeri, Inc., DO h.p. General clean up work. Call 747. beyond high school helpful, must havi employment. Modern Nursing Home. oth«r frlngt benellte. Drifters not wel- MECHANIC lua many extras, 918.500. No money SLEEK FIBERGLAfl BUNABOUT — Johnson $ 4L 2915. experience in telephone contact. For Interview call PA 1-9200, between S come. Applr ta tenon only. Tht P»P Sown. Call la Eeal 531-1817, Mart Man Wltli rebuilt 35 h.p. electric Svlnnide. PAIR HAVEN YACHT WORKS, INC. LANDBCAPINQ AND LAWN SERVICE a-m. and & p.m. Boys, 42 W. Front St., Red Bank. aenera] Motors background prelerred, ginelli. S. Muat aeU. 741-SM8. ft. DeNormandie Avenue A. R. Dial 7412360 To apply, call Peter Hallack at 2S4-87I but not neceasary. All company bens* Fair Haven 747-301' or apply in person Monday thoufl REGISTERED Nurses—Relief or full- EQUIPMENT OPERATORS — Loaders fits including paid vacation, Excellent 127 Oakland St. Red Bank Saturday from & to 3 p.m. time employment. Modern Nursing asphalt pavers, truck drivers also working conditions. Also new car "get a- CHRIS ORATT SBA SKIFF — GENERAL CONTRACTOR—New addi- Home. For Interview call PA 1-8200, be- truck mechanic. CaU 77B-12M or write ready" man. Apply In person it Russell AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS TOR SALE Bbelter cabin, haad, E>5 h.p. Inboard. tween > a.m and s p,m. Box 119, Bllroar, N- J. H.200. outboard trade a possibility. tions, garages. Cabinet maker. Antonio Olitumobils-Cadlllac Co., 100 Newman Call 711-6010. Olasjl. 14 Arbordal Dr.. Olllfwooj Beach EXPERIENCED WOMAN TO CLEAN Sprints Rd., Red Bank. Ask lor Mr. INSTALL WINDOW AIK CONDITION MATTEL INC. AND IRON — Three afternoons' per William Orelg. 1S61 CHRIS CRAFT SEA SKIFF — ERS — Call after 3 p.m. week. Must have own car and refer- EXPERIENCED PAIHTXR — For IS- Flying brldf*, 189 h.p., V berth:, head, ences. Call after 7, 147-9378, PART TIME new radio, new point, ready to go. 7U-214D terlor and exterior work. t24 per (' Sea at Irwlafl Yacht Work*, Red Bank. TOY MAKERS SEVERAL GIRLS WANTED - For Steady work, 3 to 6 a.m. 6-day week. Call CARL B. 10" 741-0003. F.t. 33 Holmdel. K. cleaning and domestic work. Full-time If you own a car and can work T dayi 747-3041, AFTER 9 P. M. NO I EMPLOYMENT work available, 812-2777. a week, you can quality tor a news- NEED APPLY. 2S' KINO 8K1TF — Chryaisr Inyperla paper rout* In the local ana. 150 a 340 h.p. New two to one Packard. r( HELP WANTED-FEMALE HOUSEHOtsD COMPANION — Hel BABY SITTER — Evenings and week- week and UP. Call 774-7&T& bttwwn 10 SHORT-ORDER COOK -r Mermaid ductlon. 11500 or best offer. 7*1-011: wlfa and two-year-old son. Live in ( end!, Atlantic Highlands. a.m. sod 4 p.m. Monday through Frt< Diner, Hwy. 39, Leonardo, Apply la out. Write Mrs. John Webftr. 66 Rtv«: 872-1523 person only. N W GALBIUUTH CABIN SKIFF 165 AVON SELLS IT SELF - Full or lawn Dr., Fair Haven. day. part time. Territorial open for women HO&TES9 — Part time.. Apply In per- SUNDAY ROUTES ONLY alio avttlabll GIGANTIC als-cyllnder Oray, 17S h.p. ileepa two, who are Interested in having a good GENERAL PACTORY enclosed head, 8,250. Call 787-US2. SLEBP-IN H0UBS1W0RKKR — Retei son. Pleasant Valley Inn, TA. 34, steady Income. Experience unnecessary. ences. Call Holmdel. l»" THOMPSON — Lapstralu wit* 5 Call 741-4343 or write Mrs. Margaret 812-3040 HELP WANTED ri.p. Johnson outboard fully equipped, 3ulotta, Box 190, Red Bank. AMBITIOUS WOMEN—Part-time work OPPORTUNITY FOR SALESMAN — l. A variety of pottltloai excellent condition. SffiO without trailer; HOUSEWORK — Experienced person near hom«. No experience required We Must havt talei background. ,8end avaJltble. SI,050 with. 531-2244. Two mornings. Tuesday and Friday, train you. Car helpful. Call 222-ST99. reaumi V. Curclo Co Inc., M2J Ktn Z. Muat work rotatlnc ihifu. , . OPERATORS to 1. Own transportation. 741-9177. nedy Blyd., Jtrgty City. 3. High school gruuttti and 23' aEASPRIT!! SLOOP - Sleeps fou JEW1NQ MACHINE OPERATORS - WOMEN — For doughnut shop and cof- men preferretl. Palmer Inboard engine, galley, head Worlw on coats. Shore Coat Company, TAKE ORDERS FOR — Young Loo! fee counter, Experienced. Transporta- AUTO'MBCHANIO — For Dodae deal- 4. Applicant* must have tboroufh phyff* daoron sales, Genoa and splnnakel Incorporated, 23 Bridge Avenue, Rid cosmetics. No canvassing Involved tlon necessary. Call 542-J55(. er. Experienced men only. Preferably Bank (Eisner Building), Good pay. Mrs. Adams. 741-1639. on Chryiler products. Must have own cal «Jttminkt!oa. MAY SALE! fear Full crultlni equipment and trail tools. Good pay and fringa benefits, 0. Company will train. er. Call 74W4O93. WOMAN — Mature, reliable to help MEDICAL SECRETARY — Full time. PART TIME HOUSEWORKER Call M2-1UL Afllt lor George Campbell Please apply «t your nearest N. J. 22' OWENS EXPRESS cruiser. Bunks, rking mother and care for one child. Middletown Bpeciallst's office. Trans- Afternoons, Monday through Friday. To Stats Employment B.rvlw Office. railey, stand up head, bow rail, canvas ivft In, own room, TV Driver's license portation required. Salary open. Wrlit look after ranch house on Red Bank- elpful. Call 031-4BM, alter 3 p.m. particulars to E. W. Bor 157, Middl YOUNG MEN American Can Company ALL PRICES SLASHED oovera aad other equipment. Priced town. Sea Bright bus line. Call B42-32S2 Bat. 34 ner cent below book value. Sacrifice or Sun. afternoon. No eipirlence necenarj. General fac. Olaii Dlvialon CHffwood, U,l at 11.000. Call 671-2116. CLERK-TYPIST — PuH time. Expert WAITRESSES — Experienced. The tory work. Start 11.10 per hour. Bene- An Equal Opportunity Employer ence helpful but not required. Ct fits, holidays, vacation, overtime. Apply MAN — To operate imall locally-owned HIHM SSA SKIFF — 20'8", sheltel 787-6000 8 to 12. Poet's Inn, state Hwy 79, Matawan. ready for work Monarch Bteel, laman I WEEK ONLY oabtn. Head. Boat In excellent condition, SEWING CaH 666-33111. auto aupply store. Experience vital. Sal- Ave. off Avanel St., Avanel. ary and commission. No capital re- fully equipped. 05 h.p. marine moto ASSISTANT HOBTESS—Pleasant work HOUSE CLEANER — 9 to 3:30. In- Selling because of Illness. Cays 74 Ing condition!, meals and unKormo fur AIR CONDITIONING) — And refrlgera. quired. Writ« mil detail* to "A.O," formation 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Hdver- Box 511, Red Bank. 64 VOLVO 4-dr. sedan, blue $1995 T900. Branlncs 291-048<. MACHINE nlshed. Chance for advancement. Ful creat Nursing Home, 31 Chapin Ave., tlon mechanic, Experienced In com' THOMPSON 1960 Seallne aklff. Twll time. Apply In person or call PA 1*3340. Red Bank. mercial and domestic work. Must have 63 MG 1100 2-dr. sedan, immaculate $1095 40 h.p. electric Evlnrudei 1963. Twi WAITRESSES - Three shifts, 7-3, 3-11, own toola Top rate. BAT&HORE RE- bunks, head, galley, frifrctrle rerrl«era. OPERATORS 11-7. Meals and uniforms furnished FRIGERATION CO., Mlddletown, 671. tor. 52 ral. gas, 20 sal. water, liianj Expanding department In our modern Pleasant working conditions, Comp*tr HELP WANTED-MALE 2926. extras. feiCO 747-2373. new plant. Should have experience on benefila. Apply In parson or call PA 63 VOLVO two-door, blue .....$1795 industrial single needle machine. KITCHEN HAN—DISHWASHER — Ir 23' Luhri. 1953 hardtop, 109 Ore.: 3340. AIR CONDITIONING SERVICE MAN eel lent year round position, Apply In 1 — Qualified and experienced. Call Kooi condition and equipment, read BENEFITS INCLUDE: BOOKKEEPER — Full charge, general person only 2-3 p.m. or after 8 p.m. CARPENTERS 63 RENAULT R-8, blue $1095 to launch. 671.1026. 222-3038 Howard Jobnaos Restaurant, Rt. 35, « Full time, steady work. ledger, all Journals, etc. GM new car Mlddletown. No phone call), please. 14' RUNABOUT, flberglajs, J150. Call • Regular raises. dealer. Auto experience preferred, hut 63 VOLVO 544, white $1495 222-7395, after 8 p.m., or Saturday, • Parking and cafeteria on piemlsei. not necessary. flaJary open. Give de- ARE YOU BORED BERV1CE STATION ATTENDANT — all day. a Paid vocations and holidays. talla and experience. Write "A.F." BOJ Full-time, experienced. Apply Red Bank • Paid medical plan. 511, Red Banfc Es&o, Eaat Front and Spring BU. 63 VOLKSWAGEN Karmann Ghia ....$1695 1»57 CABIN CRUISER - New engine. • Other excellent benefits Including WITH RETIREMENT ? Steeps two, 23'. Good condition. *2,19C union *hop, SECRETARY — For public iccountini PLUMBERS ~ DM! Offer. OaM 7U-31B.T, office, accustomed to neat and ac- WOULD YOU LIKE Mechanic! and helpers FRAMERS curate typing, IBM machine, sonic Call ESM421 63 RENAULT Dauphin; r»d ...J...... i.t.$ 995 — MAJtlN-E KNGIN'K. Ker . Monday-Saturday at our Person- *t*oo. Qood opportunity far • qualided A CAREER IN II math reverse. First reasonable offer. nfflc« from 9-3 p.m., write or con* and mature incHvlduaJ. Writ* P.(X*B«i 62 RENAULT Dauphine, red $ 695 Also 120 h.p. Oray Marina 2-one re- act your local State Employment Qt- 047, Red Bank:, N.J. STOCKS AND BONDS ? EXCITING SALES CAREER duction. Ml-lMfl. ce. Expanding sales force In central Jer SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS — Call 531 -5177 sey. Opportunities for management 62 RENAULT Dauphine, white ....* 750 Full time and part time. Red Bank No travel Mature person. College trad AUTOS FOR SALE Clothing, 210 W. Front fit, Red Bank. WANTED NOW MATTEL INC. 747-4066. EXECUTIVE SALES — Nationally or sales experience. Guarantee- to IT6Q known company Interested In ambitloua monthly. Daytime, call 5(8-7575. Eve- 62 VOLKSWAGEN sedan $1195 BEAUTICIAN — Experienced only. man delirious of high' paying career. nlngs, 747-0161. Mais Oft da Beaule. CaU Pleue submit reaume' 'to "A.H." Box OIL BURNER SERVICE MAN —Yearly TOY MAKERS 8(2-0044 511, rted Bank. 61 RENAULT Gordini, 18,000 rnJUs ....$ 550 •Manufacturer's Suggested Retail . 35 Holmdel, N. J. position, benefit*, large oil company. I Price P.O.E. West Coast for Opel HOUSEKEEPER-COOK — For mother- BXl.-ELLENT OPPORTUNITY — For Write 'A.K." Box 511, Red Bank. See Steve at Levitt Job Kadift Sidan. Price, include Federol WANTED — Woman for factory otfica, less home In Rumson. Two school-aged 61 VOLKSWAGEN, blue $ 995 Must have car. Bookkeeping and steno- children. Write, itatlng salary required experienced aalesman. Must be full YOUNO MAIN — As a clerk and de. Franklin Township off Easton I Excite Tax and suggested dealer de- rap hi: ability required. Address P.O. ana references,, "B.T7" Box 511, Red time Including som« evening! and Sun- livery man. Full time. Call In person livery and handling charge Oronspor- Box 66, Marlboro. Bank, N.J.: or tall 842-3630 after $ p.m. days. Real Estate experience not e«- only. NEIL SCOTTIB MARKET, 301 Av»., or Phone 61 PEUGEOT 404 sedan, grey $ 895 I tatlon chorgiif acceiwrlti, optional •entlel. Phone NAVESINK ASSOCI- Shrewsbury Ave. •TES, INC., 671-0600. (201) 828-2000 I t<(Uipmtnt. state and local taxes ad- MORTGAGE 1 dltlonal). AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE CAU WASHERS — FULL TIME — 60 TR-3, red '. ..% 895 Experience not necessary, but prefer* REPRESENTATIVE red. Good cay. Apply Country Budnr Large mortgage banking Institution Car Wash, MtddlMown. See Hr. McCre- has excellent opportunity open, as ale. commercial field representative. Sales ORILL MAN — And car hop. Full background very desirable. On the lob J1MLEW or part-tlmt. Call in p»rion at Three training provided. Rewarding career In $' Seasons Drive-In or 291-3035. mortgage business for right man. Salary RED BANK AUTO IMPORTS plus expense allowance. Send reiume CONSTRUCTION ROUTE DALESMEN — Snack Items, AUTOPORT U.S.A. five-day, no Hack, vacation, sstablished to "B.D." BOX Ml, Rtd Bank. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S IMPORT LEADER route. Salary or commission. KI 6-9(78. RETIRED GENTELMAN — In 5C/I, AUTHORIZED DEALER for companion In exchange, for room COMPANY 119 E. Newman Spring! RrJ. , 741-5884 Rtd Bank 1738* OFFICE MANAGER and board. CaH 7JT.HSB. FOR THE ALL NEW Bxpfirlanced . In manufacturing and VAN DRIVERS — Experienced li For th.t drop In th. production. Good opportunity lor aggrea- handling household goods. Apply An- jive man. Write only, Monarch Steel, Make Rlf Honey Bellini buclttt you git • car mad* by derson Brothers, Inc., 61-53 Mechanic Avanel, N.J. 07001. St., Red Bank. SOFT ICE CREAM Gsntril Mereri in Germany Here Is a challenge to any man wto with AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE needs a lot ot money and la willing BERTONE to work long houra. Take over ss- YOUR INVITATION Bucket l««h tatdlsned local route now netting JIM per week. Can be doubled. Salary while ' 4->p««d floor ihift SPORTS CAR BY SIMCA training. Afe 25 to 50. 54 tip origin* AND 741-7672 Mornlnga only for appointment. TO TEST DRIVE BRA1ZKH — Sliver Solderer. Excellent All-vinyl trim opportunity ror experienced bralzer THE WORLD'S Electric wiperi HOW ABOUT qualified to silver solder heavy brail to copper. Permanent employment Windihiald wtihart with established company. 40-hour week, clean working conditions, liberal Padded daih SIMCA company benefits. Fhone 462-1M0 tot 100,000-Mile Durability appolntmmt. Padded tun vliert A NICE THE FAMOUS ECONOMY IMPORT COMMUNICATION PRODUCTS CO. Staeting wheel lock FROM CHRYSLER Marlboro CHAMPION 10.2 cu. ft. trunk Full-flow oil filter WITH USED CAR? 12 MEN Heater and dafroitor 5 YEAR/50,000 MILE , IMMEDIATELY Hinoad raar-quartar windowi Due to increase in production our com- GUARANTEE pany rieeds 12 men to start work im- Front teat balti mediately. No experience necewary, IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BUICK we will train you. PHONE 872-0500 $90 PER WEEK SALARY SCENIC DR. and RT, 36 HIGHLANDS DOUBLE USEtf CARS PERIODICTRAISGS i Call Personnel Director 741-4D14 BARBER WANTED — DODGEtyr U$ 595 Call 132-3175. or 1 FACTORY FRESH Down Payment. PAY PER MONTH Hardtop 741-2441 AUTOMATED CAFETERIA 1960 RAMBLER $ 495 Dellrea ambitious man to service vend- VALIANTS ^AiV M-91 ing machines In ahore area location. W.gon fjojpltlllzatlon and uniforms suppled, OPEL PLYMOUTHS Lift far $44.24 Will train. Must be bondable. Oalll "COMET 1965" $1095 Pilgrim 8-0800 for appointment. 1962 FALCON MAN TO WOHK SUNDAYS — Mechani- CHRYSLERS fill ft*" S60.54 Fulura two-door cally Inclined. 21 or over. »!5. Apply $1095 O'je/al Supply Company, 10H Hwy A KADETT WAGONS •' S53.55 1961 CHEVROLET dletown N.J PART-TIME HDLP - Relreahment 1963 FORD FAIRLANE ?-pa>ienaer wagon stand-boat dock. Willing workera onlr. $1695 Ayply Saturday ana Sunday 11 to X 1962 BUICK CONVERTIBLE 1962 BUICK BUlder^s Boatu, Red Bank Electre four-door TBACHBR — Day Camp. Water lately by 1962 FALCON FUTURA $1595 lnitruotor preferred. Phone 671-0B&Tbe- 1963 FALCON CONVERTIBLE 1962 BUICK tween 7 and 0 p.m. BUICK! 1962 COMET S-22 Hardtop $1695 HELP VAMTED-Male • Fem.l* 1964 CHRYSLER 300-K 1962 PONTIAC -, REAL ESTATE FUTURE - lales per. son to join established agency. Ii> 1962 RAMBLER WAGON Catalina four-door hardtop $1395 perlence not necesary. PAUL P. BOV*. All-new styling, rich interiors and extra-value fea- VISIT US TODAY XtiL O712544 1961 RAMBLER WAGON 1962 CORVAIR '.V. ATTENDANT _ Red Bank, aftet turet make the price of this mid-seri»s COMET 404 Menu, two-door, four-spate] $2695 noons only, Monday through satuMay. 1964 PLYMOUTH «4-DOOR HARDTOP ?jfj?ry ,vct"u» coraml»«lon. Call CH* sedan particularly pleasing. With \h formal roof 1M1, collect. Between 10 and 4 Monday 1961 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR IMPALA 1963 BUICK through rrlday , lint and wide choice of luxurious interior! — either BOB WHITE Riviera gray $2595 BARB EMPLOYMENT AOENCX I 1964 CHEVROLET 4-DR. IMPALA ..ualltled Personnel Kor Quality OrUera two-door or four-door — has the *l«gence of much 1961 CADILLAC 210 Broad Long Branch fa-tm 1963 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN DOME8TIC COUPLB - RellaoircoiS mere expensive sedans.. Convertible JU wanted for household. Pour In tarn- 1963 PLYMOUTH CONVERTIBLE i "60 VOLKSWAGE-SPECIAN SunrooL f $895 ly. Man to do some outside worn BUICK- I960 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN oood private quarters, axcellent sal. «ry References. Call' 747-2806. IMMSDIATB OPBmNOB - in a chali MANY, MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM! lewur work enenince (or those will* initiative and a liking for children. Cot. SEE IT—DRIVE IT—TODAY! tage parents, both male and females OPEL in a children's Institution. Orientation, NO MONEY DOWN — UP TO 5 YEARS "TO PAY BOB WHITE training and supervision while worknn i'liaaant lurroundnjB.^ Hospllal l)«nn SHREWSBURY AVE. Ills. Paid vacations. Mist live In. Tali- ihone S3J.53H between » a.m. and a p.m. Monday through Sunday. NEW SHREWSBURY REAL ESTATE — Salen person. LI. cens<:d and experienced. Casey') ENGLISH MOTORS BAYSHORE BUICK-OPEL n ii i>1 uitin Hwf SHREWSBURY AVE. ^ i&i?i' g£asr ' "- 34 MAPLE AVE. 747 - 4545 RED BANK 741-6200 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH NEW'SHREWSBURY hf Avo. 291-9200 Atlantic Highlands 741.6200 (More CltiMifled AtU On The Next Page) HEX? WAVm>-M»fe . FO» SAtB FOftSAU! FO* SALE FOS SALE ATiUtlMENTS DAILY REGISTER I7HXHT a-IMENCT LOVELY TO LOOK AT FLOWERING SHRUBS Atantle MgMandi Mir 14, 1965-23- 'Halt, ftnbuah, Hmtzit, turplt mist EASY TO OWN ) tor H. outers t tor IL MHRI. Die Highlandia • goKKMH AMD KIRSCH CURTAIN HODS MRS. ROBERTS ON THE OCSAN FOR ONLY $3 WEEKLY* TrkverM or ajoy other klA4 •Bl be »*ry hawy to Kelp yen MM S2 tS$* 1-E24 - i, week. 3 p.m. la U a.m. flixc UAPLX BSD - Bureaus, maple dlran Bin $288 on Birch, Over SO lineal feet. Four and chtlr, three anelved fluorescent 1 (CDFtOOW »PT. IFURMISHED)-»297 RUMSON — au»«e aptrtmeot, un- w>|H. Write "B.Z." Boi 511, formica tops. H00 part or all. Call ' {MINIMUM 1-YEAR LEASE) furoleried. Badrooni, Itrlnc room, kitch- Bank. N.J. Ughi plant stand, walnut table andirons AND A FAMILY SIZE REFRIGERATOR, TOOI H-0110 between e-T p.m. .nUque mahogany chest and aideboard. SUMEK SEASON RENTAL: en and bath WitarfroM cronrty. Couple or nu preferred. 841-3371. RBTTRKD BOOKKEEPER-AUDITOR— e » pc. Living Room Outfit RAD£ IN your old furniture with no " ,ny oilier Inlereetlng articles. 741-18*4. Completely Furnished-) bedroom-«1200; J bedroona-llSOO • Have opportunity lor you to relieve a e pc. Bedroom Group own payment and get a new parlor HfJMSON — Three rooma, beith. (at boredom on locotmt allcd. Reasonably priced. OAHOAHLG1 R new condition. Price tit. MS-4IE6. RED BANK LUMBER TrtmaQdoui aavlsia. doora and win-IRO8., South St. Holmdel (oppoalti HOWARD JOHNSON'S RESTAURANT MOVINO 1IUST SELL — 30" gu range GREEN GROVE Corner Pearl and Wall SU., Red Bank d AND DISH MACHINE OPERA- 17" WESTINQHOUSE — Portable. Ooo( SWAP OR EXCHANGE TORS. KUOTRIC HOT WATBR HKATBR- condition. C&ll after 5 p.m. CLOSE TO EVERYTHING FREE MAT. COOKINO OAI, HOT Automatlc. All glaia lined. Si gallon 222-1962 WATER AND AIR CONDITION1NO SINGER BARGAINS TRAILER WANTED — Utility. Two or Group Iniurance Beneflta capacity, only a.' year old. HO. Call anytime, IW2-0629. PIANO — Bplnet, Muiette, »3S5. Oi :our wheelil,. larglarge heavy duty. U-haul Exit No. 129, Garden Stato Parkway, begins at Parkview. Nawark'i T.V, and phone outleta. It eu. ft re- raid Vacation Bertolo Mualc. On Used Sewing- Machlnea type tralleir: . Cash or awap. T87-3SM. frigerator, parking and walk-in storage Uniforms and meals furnished Friday 2-DAY BALK Baturda 10 minutei away. Manhattan's 40 minutti away. Shops eloie by. facmtlee. Spaelous rooms. Urge eloeeta. Pleasant working condition!. ONLY RENT A TV KALE — Victorian marbletop, tablea, Schoolt nearby with FREE BUS SERVICE. walk to ahopplni plaxa, buaes, eohcola. 115. Glassware, china, etc. Dally, 1-fl, MERCHANDISE WAVTED Apply In person or call "M-mi. Portable da; week. BAYSHORB TV SINQER, Zlg-Zar. BPARTEN M0. Olrtotlona: oarden Stale exit 11T to Kt. 38 Church- i Keanaburg. 187-1100. 117 Main St., Port Monmouth. 30«, Zig-zag, I8»!5o. CASH for old toy trains, trolley can So, East on 39 to 3rd trafflo light, fen KITCHEN CHAIRS RECOVERED—And N1HROD — Bprlns •pedal. Fna canopj BINOBR. t2S.teI PORTABLE. and cast Iron toys made before 1M0. and 2 BEDROOMS to Oreen Orova Ave. on RL 38. lo Hex- SITUATIONS WANTED, Female dinette seta at loweit prlcea. Monmoutb with each trailer. Oeacbke'a Bport Cen- ttBW, Singer VSMsole. 7U-1989 after 5 p.m. let Ave.. turn left on Middle Rd. Dinette Co., 116 Uomnoulb St. Hadter, 1CO2 ASbury AT«., Aabury Park. AND many "MANY many UORH From $118 Straight ahead, Model Apt Mtlltt RXLIABUC WOMAN-WIihtl to talu BiniL ni-BSJJ. ^bargains. ACT NOW I Top dollar said (or electric VAIL HO11BS - For modems. Bl. ears of children lo her home. Will alio and all pre-1940 traioa and toy catalogs. PRE-HUNG DOORS 774-3710. Included. Centreil air-conditioning, private terrace, gai for cooking, level, co-op, nicely deoorated, two bed- board II desired. Call 717-awe. They are LUAH ready with lock lilni rooms, living room and kitchen. 1300. STAUFFER REDUCING TABLE — heat, off-itreet parking, mailer TV antenna, Hotpoint refrigerator- HAMMOND aiaombled and pre-mltred culnii. In* nllu price, 1225: sacrifice »7o. Ca OLD HOUSE SHUTTERS - Pictures, •SB.SO a month. 542-4135. •tall one or two youraell In t (aw after 5 p.m^ Irajres rouno oau taJHes, fat Irons, freeier. etc. Write 117 Main St.. Port Monmouth ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Four SITUATIONS WANTED • Male momenta. DIRECTIONS: N. J. Turnpike to Exit II. South on Garden State Park- rooms, unfurnished, beat residential 2/9i6/8 , tlS.OO ea. REFRIOERATOR — 8 cu. ft. Westing • ODD JOBS — Willing to work, run ORGAN house, $50. Bhopamlth, Model ER, flM, WE BUY — Household furniture, rugs, way to Exit 120 (Laurence Harbor). Lelt on Laurence Harbor Rood to section. Call IB1-1030. 2/818/8 ilt.tl «a. glsjsware, jewelry. Prompt action. Call model apartments on right. Or Route 9 to Rauti JS (Keyport Rd.) ] errands, deliveries, personal favors, 2/816/8 il9.it (a. PROSPECT TBRRA.CE APARTIUBNTS anything for anyone, clean cut. Ref- OFASBURYPARK 776-1726. miles to Laurence Harbor Rd.. right to model opts on left. - In atoclc at TWO DORMEYER FOOD MIXBRS- — Four rooms, 1108, monthly. Heat and anneea Write "B.A.". Box 511. RedTHE LARGEST OROAN AND PIANI Completv set bathroom fixtures, sftow- llot water. Excellent location In Long DMPLAY IN THE 6HORE AREA. RED BANK LUMBER er. Hand lawn mowers. Need room. good condition Sand for frat brochure—Dapt. P Branch. Near shopping and school*. 7. All In excellent condition. 462S42I. rooma, 25x1(1 recreation room, •treened (lea building and equlppment for S42,- r K*.tontcrwn, N. J. the West date ot Fort Honmeutli . . . 400. Convenient terma arranged. Call Low u S29. Ssrplco'a. 101 Monmoutn Four light doom, 2'4' «T8", 13. Foul Eitelle, Brookdale Fafra, Newman OOINO AWAY? porch, cellar, two car garage. Priced •t. Next to theater. 747-OtM. storm iuh, 2114 "»4'6"; five full alii A few tlirte room apartment! lett. Un- within walking dtalanee or expnas for appointment. Iprlngs Rd,, Lincroft. Boarding, bathing, grooming. . iurniehed, $120 ft month. And (urnlihed, .-ell below FHA appraisal. buses to Newark ami Maw York city. screens, 2'5'x4'6"; two full-size screen BRIQGSON KENNELS, 7(1-3110 TRBMIiKDUUB SAVINGS — On I'S"x<'9'; two-panel door, 2'»"xo"8' MODERN THREB-PIECE KROEHLEF 1145. Hot water, gtvt cook In f, air-con- J. LUSTER RTGBV, REALTORS ' • AU^-El.ctrlo kitchens with OB SMOLKO AGENCY type doori and wlndowa. Oall 666-B080. two-panel door, 2'4."x6"8", an tl each LTVINQ ROOU BET - »0. Call (71 COLLIES — AKC, two months, sable dltloning, and heat Included. Call 542- 741-7741 range. OE relrlgirttot. OX Ant CON- Real Estate After o pm S8I-1671 3629. 1192, or 229*1238. DrfloNINa. Ample sB^tnat llgHUd S42-262J. and white, Bellhaven and Ladynuk RED BANK — Three-room apartment parking areaa. I Mai. St. Keanaburg WBL1. ROTTED COW MANURE — lines. Wonderful pets. 741-8860. HAMMOND OROAN—C-3. An attached 'IAH0 — Wurlltzer Bplnet In good cor %. 3^, and eftlclfltic/ apartmento. coDvenluntly located on Spring St. (74.50 No odor. Alio bay, alraw and mulch dltlon. Atklng C25. Call alter 5:30 p.m. DOO AND BUNNY HOUSB - Free. S130. JIM, and 190. per month Including water. THE MEL hay. Dellverlea op all. 264-OC2t. Solovox. Excellent condition. Purch&at IK-ROOM A.PXR price, 12,700. Afklnc |l,400. Altar 741-4020. Call STRICH AGENCY, 741 -5888. MORTGAGES COOPER MANOR END YOUR TROUBLES p.m.. 797-6242. RUSCIL'B — County store of value 842-1319 RED BANK — Five room unfurnished FIRST AND SECONU UORTOAOES ONI FRENCH PHONE! — Llit prlc_ fafrazlne rack. 12.78; corner des BOSTON TERRIER — Brlndle and apartment. Call AVAILABLE - Edwin 8. Stark, Real Takt down the wood gutteri and re- 112.50; bathroom scale, S2.T5; walm Cooper Avenue, corner of orant Ave- -747-03JJ. place with aluminum gutteri. New (9S Sale price, $30, chrlitmaa carlam 'hlte. AKC registered, two years old. nue. Overlooking ocean. Ljong Branch, BiUte a. Mortgage Consultant. 2W 1)333 with IHM», 81 lectlont, (3 elch. M8-M72 ival coffee Uble, 14,79; coal grati Male. Kor aaie or tor stud. 842-2797, low prices. You'll never have to pui .7.50 clothea wringer, s-4.75; playpei New Jersey. SSA BRlaHT — Threet room unfur- HBO MONTH KOR ANY • TYPE OP BUSINESS up guitars again. Call AKC POMBKAN1AN PUPIKS — Bl: Included: Heat, hot water, gat cooking, nished apartment, private entrance, 4.75 maple cricket chair, S7.M; pad HEAT * HOT WaVTSB LOANS —.Small or large, /'Let George LAMP BARGAINS ing: trunk, $10.50. Also china, gluawm weeks old. Temporary shots. Can blmaster T.V. antenna, parking, launder- heat and hot water. £65. Call 842-0525. Do II." Call 261-SSM. ing facilities. PROWN'S No need to pay fancy prices for dec-and brlc-a-brac. 2S E. Front St., Redseen at 385 Plnehrook Rd., Eatontown. MODERN — beautiful thne room,. fur- Renting Otflee on Premlsea. orator lamps or shaidea. Largest Inquire on site. 2-8, dally, 11-7, Satur ; 32 Broad 8t. Red Bank 741-7500 Bank. BEAOLE PUPS — Nine weeks old. nished apartment, garage. Also near lectlona and Bale prlcea right now, day and Sunday, Telephone 222-8773, or Fort Monmouth. 747-1647. 711-3213. TIL: lanit INSTRUCTION SODA FOUNTAIN. LUNCHEONBTTB [•WO-WHEEL GARDEN — Tractor wll Oil 22&-&760. — Equipment two yeara old. Down- PROWN'S attachments. 57 Winding Way, Llttl 74H689 TWO—Three-room furnishftd apartment! DIRECTIONS: rron Bed Bank, Koute town Red Bank, very reasonable. 741- ATTENTION NEWLYWEDS — WEST 3o to Tlnton Avs., turn right on Tin- INTERNATIONAL CORRKBPON S2 Broad Bt. Rjad Bank 741-75Q lllver. Saturday, 10-4 p.m. BEAGLE PUPS — AKC pedigree, END apartments, furnllhed. Modern All utilities. Adults only Hwy 39, TiL- -D&HCL SCHOOLS—Build or improve mu. champion line and temperament, won- 3014, after 4. ton Ave., spproxlmaialy 1,000 ft to three rooms Near ocean. Yearly. Hea- Country Club Apaitmsnti and swim your future. For Information phone 4*62- MOVINO TO FLORIDA-Selllng house SCREENED TOP SOIL $18.88 derful peta and hunters. Call 642-22flg, sonable. Available June. 1 W«it JBjrd SPAOIOUS nva noon APARruiiNT ciub 1067 or write IC8, P.O. Boi 1(2, Colts hold Items, toola, garden, auppllea, etc, Blue atone, road gravel, aand, fill dti ThaVi right only 118.88 (or a _. Court, Long Branch. 232-2648. — Convenient Red Bank shopping, Sail- ——- Neck.. 1-5 p.m. 1W Proapact Avc. Red. Bank. etc. Eckel's Trucking. Morganvllla, Inch thick aluminum " eotnbinatloi AKC BEAUTIFUL FIVE year old sliver road Station. Two bedrooms Heat and buff cocker spaniel. Must find rood UNFURNISHED APARTMENT — ... Call Ml-8707. storm and icteon door, complete will ome. Adults preferred. Call mjasM. water Included. Couple preferred. Call WALL. MIRRORS — Two; alia all hardware, framlnj, automatU room*, convenient Red Bank riverfront 5C-3KJ. Available July 1. COMMERCIAL RENTALS HELP WANTED-MAIE closer itorm chain. Caah and Carry. location. Available July 1. T4I-518*. after HELP WANTED-MALE <3" x Si", 32" x 33". Excellent cond HANDSOME, STANDARD-BRED Horse MIDDLETOWN — (even-room, almMl uon. Call 7(7-0919. —Can ride, drive, snow or race. Ch O. THREE ROOMS — Furnished or un- 2 07. Won m 000. In training now. Sell furnished. Half block trom bus and new ranch, In excellent condition. 1145 PROWN'S KEANSBURO—Three rooms and bath. storei. Reasonable. S(2-K)68. month. Avaiiabla June 1 Call Ofto- for 1275. Eatelle, Brookd&te Farm, New. Hot water and heat. Adults only. No covir and new (liter, tso. Call S3 Broad fit. Red Bank 741-750: man Bprings Ra., Lincroft. WEI.L AOENCY, Red Bank, ltl-4030. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS 741-3029 HAMMOND CHORD OROAN — Blondi peta. Center or town. Reference. Avail- THRBK ROOMS FURMBHED mahogany Model M. Excellent condl BEAUTIFUL. HEALTHY PUP&—Make able June 1. Rent |S5 per month. Call 42 Rector PL, Red Bank MIDDLETOWN PROTBUIONAL WITH ESTABLISHED COMPUTER MANUFACTURER O 11 BIX CUBIC FOOT REFRIOERA. lion. Best offer over $500. 671-1810, 7810012 Call Mfl-OIB BUILDING - Now under construction. TOR — Ideal for cottue. Call excellent watch dogs and pets. 12" at Tlndall Rd. Call now to Inetlre con- maturity, short hair, 13-S7. Estelle, BEAUTIFUL UNFURNISHED THREE TWO ROOMS AND KITCHEN — For • GOOD SALARIES 741-2W1 RUMMAGE SALS — Friday, 10 A.MBrookdale Farm, Newman Bprlnga Hd., struction to mast your naeda. 6T1.MS5. • TOP BENEFITS Many antiques. 33 Hlghvltw Clrcl ROOM APARTMENT — AJ1 utilities two people or couple. Vicky's, Rt. M, ACOORDIAN — Pancordlan B-l, li> Lincroft. Included in the (100 rent. Calt 222-2400 West Keanaburg • EXCELLENT FUTURE baas, three treble, two basa switches, Mlddletown, oEf East Rd. R«ajonabl AKC BLACK CHIHUAHUA — Poodle from » to 5 weekdays. 400 Morrli (More CUMilfled Adi After »:30 p.m.. 228-0708. 'UNO — Brand, reasonable. Call alter, RED BANK APAiRTMBNTS — Three grooming, toys, $6, mlnialures S8 andAve., Long Branch. rooms and bath, unfumLshed. With full standards HO. All other breedi, small ACCOUNTANTS ... BUYS BVERYTHINO baby needs, 7S7-9I23 HIGHLANDS — Three-room apartment, attic tor etorage. AU ututtfea Included. On The Next Pif«) Crib, carriage, b&thlnette. Everything Ir 98, large, (9. Affection free. 671-1B62. furnished, al! utilities. B72-9B&2. 26 Nav Near Broad St., Call before 5 p.m. BUDGET, AUDITING and excellent condition. OaJI 7»1C11. TRUCK TFRJCa — (Four 700x20). $2* CUPPING AND BATHINCt cilnlc Ave.. Rt. M. TIMD91 IV TRAILER — Seoul. CcmplMelJ Good rubber. Estelle, Brookdale Firm, AU breeds. Margie Schmidt, br &D> GENERAL ACCOUNTING AREAS K Srplnca IU., Lincroft. TWO Three-room furnished apart- UNFURNISHED THREE-ROOM Apart- APARTMENTS elf-conuirrtd. Excellent condition. Ca polntmenL 787-MS6. Red Bank . narea, with all utllitlitleal , ment — HeU and hot water. Phone DEGREE, 1-3 YEARS WIW anytime. MAOIC CHEF—Piattop ru ranse Ex- up. 462-9397 even In alter • p.m., 741-2860. EXPERIENCE PREFERRED rvuuutw - raiiiuniii. N j.Atlas. ctllent condition. Four burners, oven, Qststea purehaaed and appraised. T4?> DOUBLE WINDOW — Frame and storage apace. Reaacrna&le. 747-23M be- MIDDLETOWN AREA — Three roomi APARTMENT FOR RXNT — . 1M screens 6"xS', two over two pants, J10. tween 6 and 7. 2003. The Hudson Shon Inc., Sll and bath. One or two persons only. Shrewsbury Ave., Red Bank. Oill alter .jftad 8U. Shrewaburr. For appointment call 747-4365. 5 everr day, Saturday, all day Sunday. •/ SHEET METAL WORKERS ends. Prestige SIX OVERHEAD . DOORS — 8'x7'6" 'BONIE8 — Large clumps, pink and Citrus «3pruce, 1%" thick. Max'a bar red, (1.50-S2 each. French lilacs In GELDING — Six years old. English B£AKE OPERATORS 90 Maple Ave., Red Ban. 741-5160. bloom. You dlBT, bring shovel. Old cowv Wsstern. 100 percent sound. Must APARTMENTS APARTMENTS Address manure Sue your bushel basket. ' ell. Asking £150 with tax. 671-2923. • Must rtod and work from prlntf VISIT THE HOLMDIL ANTIQUE MAR' ILKP. DAIRY FARM, half mile south . In • Know btnd allowancn Everything reasonably priced. New dis- Mlddletown railroad atatlon on Llnoro] BEAUTIFUL CYPRESS DOO HOUSES • First or stcond ihift play every Monday. 10-5 p.m. dally, — Slses for all doza/ King's Kennels. • Will alio conilder ttiou tmpleytd Main SL Holmdel Village 9<6-(41< New location— Rt 33, % mile west of Monmouth • . \ . , vlMwhir* wider flexible shirt "NEVER used anything ]lki It," sr Freehold Tra/flc Circle. Phone 402-0340. UNPAINTED FURNITURE uiera of Blue Luatre for cleaning cai \ * orronotmvnft pet. Rent electric ahimpooer (1. Shor GLEN GARDENS County 2»% OFF CASH CARRY DISCOUNT Drapery A Upholstery, 11M Ocean Ave, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT ,:,•'.'.:•• : WELDER RED BANK LUMBER Sea ErlshL 90 MAIN ST., MATAWAN Cantral air conditioning, The Low Overhead Lumbar Yard MOV1NQ — Westlntfhousi dryer, gow APARTMENTS FAMILIAR WITH WELDING 0P Corner Pearl and Wall Red Ban! coudltlDQ reaaonnble. (RIGHT IN THE HEART OF TOWN) gai and altctrl* and terraca vorlout tvpti of mitati 7I7-51W RED BANK — Brancn and Madison Included. Doormen service. ,'~ < APPLY IN PERSON OR CALL OLD FURNITURE - Antiques, chin Ave.. ipaclous one and two-tudroom MR. P. ARGYRIS AT 329-1109 tlasaware, art objects and brlc-a-bric NEW—At SYCAMORE OKBENS, AN Karden apartment Apply apt. 24, Molly AIR immediate cash for anything aod every- TIQUES. Pine chest, old "Gone Wl Located sn a superb itfeat OR IF MORE CONVENIENT EVEN INC AND SATURDAY Pitcher Village Court or call Mr. 8am CONDITIONED thing. Ruidl'i, 20 But Front Et., 741'the Wind" globes, street lamps, act Lomazra. 741-9115. overlooking Daal Lake if INTERVIEWS CAN BE ARRANGED 1693. ties, Avenue globes, pine stools, m hogany highboy, cherry lamp table, M LONG BRANCH — Furnished four PIANOS - Save »1QO or more off 11 lollca breakfast set for one. More BJII rooms and bath, heat and water, sup. 3%-ROOM 'ELECTRONIC ASSOCIATES, INC. price on brand new pianos. Come aei More. Rare china, glassware and brie Piled. Ocean front, private beach. New* save. Lifetime warranty. Ten»r' a-brac. RUBCIU'0, Bycamoro Ave., ' iy decorated. 2IB-15M, I-BEDROOM Music Store, 30« Main 81., Lakewooc! $ tie Silver. , ' 185 Monmouth Park Highway BUTTON PARK APARTMENTS — CARLTON WE BUY AND BILL anytnlng an. Branch Avenue. One bedroom apart- ' I West Long Branch, N. J.) lv Ji^PS?. ?.«•_ ° » "» highest price ENJOY YOUR PORCH ment. Rent Includes all utilities except 4V2-R00M An Equal Opportunity Employer this summer, Let Mr. Howe 11 give yi electric*?. Call superintendent, 747-2685. a free estimate on enclosing yon 2-BEDROOM from HOUSE porch or breezeway with no msJntei WATERFRONT iPARTMiiNTa — NSW anct aluminum screens. three-room furnished garden apart- 110 ments. Patios, air conditioning and TV. GARDEN APARTMENTS '« MONTH 510 Oaal Lake Dr.. Aibury Park PROWN'S Weekly monthly rates. NAUTILUS tPAh'rMJBNTS. Dial S42-0SK. Includes heat, hot water, FEDDERS air conditioning, Saa the Model Apartment! tttli wteK- 32 Broad St. Red Bank 741-751 BATONTOWN — Deluxe three-room individually thermostatically controlled heat and fea- NINE STORM WINDOWS — Assorted md. Opm doll/ ond Sunday from apartmsnu. Priced right • Kitchen with tures Kelvinator refrigerators and V/all-Bullt ranges. sizes, 24 screens, assorted sizes. Price pantry and eating area. Parking and 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. For Information CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY 13 each. Call after 6 p.m. 58US7! laundry facilities on premises. See these phone collect 77*4(54. MAHOOANY DROP LEAF TABLE before you decide. LINDA LANE For Further Information 566 - 5509 A HANDY GUIDE OP BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS I Four chalra and china closet 642- APARTMENTS, 191 South BL, or CSJ1 1TO9. 222-1347. FREE HORSE MANURE Call alter t ties. Residential area, call alter S p.m. Adding Machines — Typewriter! Diamonds' Bought or Restyled Painting and Decorating 747-5320. RUO APARTMENTS — Higblande, ISO per ttil2 Orlsntat type, •». Call ?tl< month. All utilities, Iniulre Apartment STUDIO ADDINO MACHINES - Typewriters Let us buy the dlamondi you don't _ H. HHJ. - Painter Interior and 13, Huddy Ave. 872-1831. sold, rsntid. repaired. Serpico'i, 101 wear or let us testyle them lor you 0247. exterior. Mo lobs too large or totoo Meemmth SL, Bed Bank. f47-O4i». personally. ReuaalUea, 89 Broad BL small. Very reasonable, Call ~ GRAND 22S-1383. I & 2-BEDROOM PAPER HANOINO AMD PATNTINO APARTMENIS APARTMENTS Asphalt Paving Entertainment Complete renovating, Interiors aid ex- teriors. Home ana commercial and OPENING religious Institutions. Trained special. APARTMENTS OBNERAL ABPHALT PAVINO INC. Tickets avaluiblfl for latest Broad* Ists. Member of A.LD. Serving all of Blaoktop driveways and parking lota. way Sheywa and Major Sporta Events. Nsw Jerasy. Call tor fret estimate 5M-82C8. 178 Monmouth St., Red Bank. DARR1 JM-J143 GRAND OPENING! 1 "ComforHz»d" INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR paint- General Contractors Ing. Also decorating. Our prices are Auto Body Repair cheaper than theirs. Call Stack Paint SECTION 2 In; Ca lor trie estimate, 7tl-4M0 L. BMITH BUILDURS — Pallos, al- EXPERT PAINTING and body re- teratlona, additlone, 'rangea. Call 291. CARL B. JUNES — Palnung and pair. Moderate prices. McCARthy 1115 or 7U-733D. trallpiperlng. Fully Insurad. For tre* Chevrolet, AtlanUn Highlands, 2ai-030& MOVE IN RIGHT NOW estimsK call 7»75w41. CANNON Home Improvements Ante. Trtngmlsslon Pearl and Bead Restrlnglng HOME OWNERS—Contractor, altera- tions, addition*, painting, maaonry. Expertly on braided nylon. Il.BO a ALL-ELECTRIC Small Jobs too. G91-D714. strand. sterling clasps form 7fta POINT REUMffiLBS'. \l Broad fit FROM X .V-/ MO., NET APARTMENTS Moving and Storage AAMCO Plumbing & Heating • Radiant Electric Heating LIGHT HAUUNO - Furnishings, INCLUDES ALL THIS! 239 SPRING ST., RED BANK refrigerators. Fragile Itema. W1U haul PLUUU1NO — Heating and bathroom with individual room anywhere. Call 512-1403. remodeling. [TRANSMISSIONS' PF HEAT-HOT WATER II CANNON POINT VILLAGE is situated in a quiet thermostat! CORRISAN'S rural area, yet. convenient to all necassitiei. With* Nursing Home 127 Oakland Bt. Bed Bank 747-2706 • Air-Conditioning FREE Towma LL AIR CONDITIONING II in walking distance are public and parochial 193 B. Kewmail Springs Rd.. • Lerge Closets Red Bank 842-2500 HOLMDXL NimsiNO HOME - Ac- Rooting, Siding and Insulation ichooli . . . Shopping Center! . . . and Newark credited for skilled nursing home Pr PRIVATE ENTRANCES II care. Hwy. 84, Holmdel. MUM. OUSEN CO. INC. Rooting, Biding * and New York bum. Houiei of worship, lovely • 12 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator with Auto and Track Rental tnaulatfon Inatalled and jruaramnd LL SWIM CLUB - PARKING 11 lakes, swim clubi and golf courias are nearby. for 10 yeata. T7M708, 2M«M0. Separate Door Fraaiar Nursery Stock ALL THIS, TOOI Eat-In kitchem with cuitom wood cabinet!, 10 — Biding, remodeling ami • FLAMELESS ELECTRIC AW Rent a new car or truck. Low contracting. 12 cu. ft. KELVINATOR refrigerator-freezer. Walk to two • Ceramic Tile Baths rsus. Maple Ave., Red Bsnfc T4T- IN SEASON — Blrie spruce. Taws, HEATINS tow. 174.5ns. Bally f a.m.-ia p.m. ichooli, shopping, buiai to Newark and New York. Hemloolu. HOLMDEL NURSIRIBS, PROWN'S • Modern Laundry Facilities Newman Springs R4., Holmdat • MODERN ELECTRIC S2 Broad Bt. Red Bank 7U-7500 LUXURY DIRECTIONS: Norlh on Rt. 3! COOKING • Plenty of Off-Street Parking Bran PolUhlng ''GARDEN APARTMENTS to Rt. 36. Follow Rl. 36 toward Odd Jobs Rugs Cleaned-Shampooed Keyport to 3rd traffic light and ran ANTIOUK OENTEH - 317 w. make U-turn. Come back on • FLAMELESS ELECTRIC MABONRY - Patioa, seeps, sidewalks, Front at. ll-fi dally. Frl. avanlnga FL00H8 CLEANED WAXED - In Rt. 34 to lit traffic light (At- WATER HEATINS HI 9. 741-5331 for estimates. H0UBE PA1NT1NO, carpentry. Rta- amable Rites, 717-iMl or 842-0370. your borne or office. Call 291-2437 for lantic St.) and turn right ID appointment. Work Insured. MODEL PHONE STATEWIDE/MST. CORP. Building Contractor Keyport Gardens. Painting and Decorating 741-3953 . 487-2700 • Tel. Answering Service ra/* e#*^' OPEN DAILY I SUNDAY BUILDER — New homes, room ad- DIRECTIONS: Broad St. to Red Bank.,to Harding Rd., east dltlont, buamemt aad aitlo roomf, «UTX * BRHR LET UB BE your secretary. Ho need 251 Atlantic St., K»yport .Noon to Dark • J64-J3I3 kitchens, rarmga, repaJrj auid illera- a^alntlng emd Peeoratlni to miss ulls. 34 hour answsrlng to Spring St.; right to Cannon Point village. •lona. uferberTlllenmuch, 7(l-0i(" Insured. 741-4IM. W4mS. aervlca. 141-4700. THE DAILY REGISTER COMMERCIAL RENTALS HOUSES FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS HOUSES FOB SALE HOUSES FOR SALE I HOUSES Ft)R SALE HOUSES FOR SALE — Spuctoui Una bed ROOM 121 QUtZiT HOWE — Ou *JI May 14, Interior to room borne OOQQ % t-ert-ertt TTwoo iaiaJOm, fuil reuoD&bie. 57 BfcLrtwsbtiry Ave, k. 747-5305, ' b&cemeol, iiwwzewayay, »iUcbt4»iUcbt4cbt4 ffcruffcree. Basic 7U4U4. ALLAIRE - FARROW AGENCY N xhf/As tXnverj.tfcJil wkft 7-41-7669 OKKIOK — JAKAL FOR ONE WiU . _ IBM. JIM) p*r m^uiii. BCHAKOK Ft. Uonmouliu Referencea. 291-LtiOfi ' 199 Broad Street, Red Bank — 741-3*60 Operation, one mile north Red B«Ji AGENCY. Realtor, 8 linden B,, Bed Member Multiple Listing Servtc* WEU. IjOCATED older Irause convened o-i Hwy 35. parKing space, sign apace. Bank. 7*7-0397. EUNOLJ. ROOMS — Clean and com- Member Multiple Listing . to offices (or Uiree lawyers. Sizeable Call 747-4365 for appointment. fortable. Reasonable rates. Gentlem r HOLMDEL—Estate cottage. Six rooms feirfej. 82 Wallace St. 741-539:. LITTLE SILVER — Flowering shade trees and Shrubs surround library, five Bit conditioners, ample Ft UNISON — Professional building. 8ui IV baths, oil modern kitchen. Adults. LITTLE SILVER CUSTOM BUILT RANCH - Three bedrooM, parking space. Asking H2,m> — or will ably sltuaied. One story frame. Aval Available now. $175, 946-4567. THREE SINGLE KOOMb — .In this comfortable ranch home, foyer, living room with fireplace, rent. THE DOWSTRA ARENCY. ncaJ- able about Jtwie 1. 1965 Lease, 112; vate home Near shopping and trani dining room, sunny kitchen. Three bedrooms, two tiled baths, cov- two baths, fireplace and built-in bookshelves is living room, tor, 91 East Front St.. ReLY 1 - Three-bed- portatlon. 'SH Waverly PI., Red Banl W. River Rd., Rumson. 8*2-1150. ered terrace, basement, quality construction. One block to schools, separate dining room, modern kitchen, full cellar, garage, half LEJU3E OR SALE — 70x100. Reason- room, two-bajh, Cape Cod. Fine loca FURNISHED ROOM — Gentlemr acre plot, shade trees and flowering shrubbery, near school and able Suitable and zoned for any busi- MANUFACTURING PUANT — Grou m Fair Haven. $230. 741-65S5. Call after 6 p.m. and all day Sund bus and stores. Asking $22,900. ness. Three big overhead doors, ample floor, containing G.O00 sq. fL for tease, stores — asking $22,900. parking area Call £72-1773. SIX-ROOM — Bummer houae for rent light manufacturing. Immedlata pos- Ship Bottom. J96 per week. Call ONE LARGE PLEASANT room, PENNY'S PINCHER'S PARADISE - This nearly new home offers HAZLET—HOLMDEL — Professional l 717UM 74M830. fined woman. Call after 5. four > bedrooms, living room, dining room, eatin kitchen. Two MADE TO ORDER FOR THE JUNE BRIDE - LITTLE SILVER building, main highway, up In S75 MI- FT. LIGHT manufacture 747-4457. rt. Paved parking. Sultrd for doctor, 25,000 SQ. CHOICE SUMMER RENTALS — Oi tiled baths, den, basement, attached garage, two huge patios for cute two-bedroom Cape Cod, living room, separate dining room, lofts fo. Ifi .se Can be leased separate- or rear river or ocean. Two to seven ROOM NEXT TO BATH for buslnei lawyer insurance, advertizing, etc. 261- 3500 iq. ft. pel supimer cook-outs, hot water heat, plus it adjoins a lovely park BATH AND POWDER ROOM, modern kitchen, garage - $16,500. S200. ly, contain rt f $1.2(K) up. OLAZE- man. Refrigerator. 20 Waverly I floor. 71 MR BROOli REAL ESTATE AS5OC INC., (First house from Broad St.) 741-26' that is ideal for the children. Call right away. Asking $19,900. Low Itumnon. 842-1700, , down payment if qualified. LITTLE SILVER FOUR-BEDROOM - Two-baiUi Cape Cod, eat- STORES FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT RUM SON — Three-room, bath unfur- in kitchen, garage, carpeting in living room and hall, asking $19,- nished bungalow. Available at once ta REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 900 — owner has bought new home. WIDE SKL£CT1ON OF RENTALS - couple only. S75 monthly on lease RUMSON ON QUIET TREE-LINED STREET — Eight year old JOHN' MINUGII, owner, 842-3500. ROUSES FOR SALE A & P SHOPPING CENTER Furnished and unfurnished. Immedi- home, near bus, schools and stores. Holy Cross Parish, living room MIDDLETOWN — Four-bedroom Colonial, two baths and powder ate! occupancy. SAMUEL TEICHEK NW SHREWSBURY — FURNISHED^ with fireplace, dining room, modern kitchen, three bedrooms, den, Newman Springs Rd. AGENCY'. Oceanport At-c. Oceanport. 3-4 HEDROOai, RECREATION HOOM, BEACH EXCLUSIVE room, closets galore, fireplace in living room, den and game room POOL.KOOM, J5O WEEKLY. 5J2-1S6! 114 baths, basement with gameroom, attached garage, hot water 542-3500. on first floorr-two-car garage, awnings — transferred owner ask- Shrewsbury $95 to $175 Per Mnnlll OR B92-827II. VETS NO MONEY DOWN heat, top condition throughout, won't last long, asking $24,000. High THT, BERG AGENCY SIX LARGE ROOMS mortgage available if qualified. Call today. ing $33,950 but anxious to move. Suitable for bakery. 33 Mlddletown Double house. Inquire 134 Maple Ave., IF YOUR CHILDREN RENTAL J200 PEJt HO. 571-1000 Iloci Bank. THIS ONE WAS A SURPRISE — Four bedrooms, two baths. RACING SEASON, summer, yearly and RED BANK — River Plaza area. Three COME FIRST COUNTRY ESTATE IN TOWN — Choice Shrewsbury area. New Ranch overlooking valiey, fireplace in living room, lovely play- winter rentals. ELLA WILTSHIRE bedrooms, 2Vj baths. Modern split level. Only two blocks to school, three England cottage with large rooms, plus two acres of trees and room and workshop, carpeting and drapes included, two-car ga- AGENCY" Realtors. Open seven days. Family room, full , basement. Three four bedroom adorable Cape Cod shrubs, foyer, living room with fireplace, paneled den, formal dining Little Silver USD Ocean Avp., Sen Bright. 8120004 iiPtetf to train. Short term lease choice 75x200. All large rooms. Im rage — owner transferred — asking $24,900. available. $200 monthly. Call 741-63C5. room, brand new kitchen. Three bedrooms, 1>4 tiled baths, base- Shopping Center mediate possession on closing. All othei RENTALS LITTLE SILVER — Three-bedrooms, buyers only $400 down. Hurry to si ment, attached two-car garage plus huge storage room. Walk to 2,61X1 SQ. FT. AVAILABLE la-rge living room, den, new electric this rare buy at train station. Hurry, Hurry, Hurry. Asking $33,900. WHOLE OR WILL DIVIDE 291-0488 kitchen, bath and powder room. Base- ment recreation room, outdoor patio. $12,900 RAY VAN HORN REALTORS CALL 741-5860 21-Hour Telephone Service. Convenient to transportation, schools $99.00 PER MONTH PAYS ALL F. A. Gehlhaus nd shopping. $175. Option to buy. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED—In 222-2292. " BEACH ASENCY OVER A QUARTER CENTURY brand new modern office space, COTTAGE — Rumson, four rooms and 1400 Hwy. 35 Middlctown. N.J. THOMPSON AGENCY locatcsl IP Cle center of Red Bank, con- }ath furnished, Reasonable Call 741- Dally to 8 p.m. Sat. and Bun. to 6 p.m. tact us for further Information. THE THREE BEDROOMS and bath, June 157. 671-2727' MULTIPLE LISTINGS DOWBTRA AGENCY. 741-8700. 1. S130. Dowstra Real Estate Asency, All payments are approximate am Farms - Homes - Riverfronts 7UB700. OAKHURST — Pour rooms anrl sun parch. Adults. Yearly. $85. 531-3165 or subject to VA-FHA approval. ATTRACTIVE COLONIAL ON TREE SHADED STREET — large SUMMER RACING SEASON—Charm- owners HU 5-5946. Since 1935 Call 74I-070O living room. Fireplace. Dining room. Den. Kitchen. Three bed- HOUSES FOR SALE ing ranch, furnished, three bedrooms, SOMEBODY CARED secluded patio, $1,500, available now, HOLMDEL — Seven rooms, fireplace, Many trees, special artesian well I 81 E. Front St. Red Bank rooms V/i baths. Full basement Rumson-Fair Haven School!, A*k- K42-0528. :creened porch. New stove and refrlE- this putting Rreen-like lawn that su ing $19,900. . ••"•lor, modern kitchen. $185. Call 946- rounds this Immaculate home. FOU. SEA BRIGHT — Five-room liotise, un- 4810. DISTINCTIVELY DIFFERENT — Gracious English Tudor home RUMSON furnished. \o utilities. $90 a month large bedrooms, THREE full baths, pit SPACIOUS RANCH IN LITTLE SILVER — Secluded but near ACRE ON A HILLSIDE Call after 7, 741-1144. KEAN'SBIJRG — Furnished cottage. garaeroom with fireplace; plus den, twi in Rumson. Four bedrooms, two baths, recreation room in cellar. Beautifully planted. Walking distance Ideal for couple Four rooms and bath. zone baseboard heat: brick and coi Double garage. Living room with cathedral ceiling. Flagstone everything! Living room with fireplace. Dining room. Eat-in kitch- to schools, bus. Big ranch with RUMSON— 3 Mflplewood AIVR. Four- References. Call 787-0317. crete (10x26) patio; anrt a twn-nar g; en. Three bedrooms. Two baths. Beautifully paneled family room sleeping quarters arranged for maxi- room bungalow, bath and garage, $35. rage. Sacrifice $26,950. STERLlNt terrace. Spacious grounds, formal gardens, boxwood, hoUy, shade Ownor on premises Sunday 3 lo 6 p.m JtACE TRACIt, BEACHES, FISHING. THOMPSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. (or fourth bedroom). PLUS a fabulous recreation room. Trnwur mum privacy. Three bedrooms, one Overlooking Sandy Hook Bay. Fully Hwy. 35' (opposite CohbleStone Ret trees, shrubs. $26,500. with fireplace, iVa baths. Foyer, den, fi BANK — Half or two-family /urnishnl, sleeps 10. $350 per month. taurantj, Mlddlelown, N.J. Call 74' garage. Asking $37,000. living room, fireplace, dining room, house, six larcp rooms Yk baths Cornelius Agency, MIrtrtlctown. 671-54M. 5600. large modern kitchen. Basement. garage $145 a month plus utilities. EXCEPTIONALLY SPACIOUS - Colonial in fine section of Fair PRICED TO SELL—Luxury Rumson ranch. Four bedrooms. Three Excellent condition, 741-9566. ENJQY THE SUMMER — Cull us Haven. Pleasing design, solid construction, plaster walls. Three WANTED TO RENT see thla Colonial Cape In Little Sllvc baths. 30-foot cypress-paneled family room. Air conditioned. Beau- 842 - 0464 swim pool, cabana with built-in barbe bedrooms, V/3 baths. Paneled den, paneled game room, full cellar, tifully landscaped. V/i acres. Just reduced to $65,900. HOUSES FOR SALE TOVR OR FIVE-BRDROOM HOUSE— cue, refrigerator, cabinets, showe fireplace, paved driveway. Nicely landscaped grounds. $25,500. On or near water, needed for aumraer bath; evergreens Insure complete poo rental. Call 671-2300. privacy. Home has three bedrooms, tw 804 River Rd. 747-4109 Fair Haven tile baths, living room with fireplace WATERFRONT COLONIAL — Modern decor. Brick and frame A Distinctive Colonial Community SHORE REGIONAL HIGH-SCHOOL full basement with playroom; attachec construction. Ample closet space. Double garage. Center ball Area — Furnished home. Three bed- garage. Perfect home lor $30,000. rooms or more. Yearly. 531-3153. with hanging staircase. Picture windows with, view of river. • Pan- HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE WJC HAVE an overflow of bona fide RAY STILLMAN eled den. Deep channel will accommodate good sized cruiser. prospects looking fur two or four bed- "Our 47th Year" Private dock. Four bedrooms, V/ baths. $33,000. rooms CaJI us for fast action to have 618 Broad St. Shrewsbury T41-E6C z RUMSON — One of our most jour homo rented. THE BERQ REDDEN AGENCY AGENCY, Rt 36, Middletwn. 671-1000. FAIR HAVEN charming homes. Huge living room with three exposures, fire- WE HAVE an overflow of bona fide Three-bedroom ranch type home. Li HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE 741-9100 irospects looking for two or four bed- Ing room. Large, modern Kitchen (wa place, formal dining room, den ooms. Call us for fast action tn have oven, counter top ranee). VA or FH, FAIR HAVEN — Older home ii Realtors — Insurors with bar, functional kitchen with -FAIR HAVEN. N.J. voiir home rented. THE BERG terms available. Sia,9W, The McQOW RUMSON — Very desirable resi- AGENCY, IU. 35, Mlddletown. 671-1000. AN ACENCY, Realtors, 258 Newnia ^d condition. Two bedroom dential local. Spacious* custom Member of Red Bank dishwasher, powder room, Distinguished Custom Crafted Homes, individually Springs Urt., Red Bank. 747-3000. and bath on second floor, living screened porch and patio over- styled and bufjt to order . . . from $30,000 built brick and framesplit level Multiple Listing Service MIDDLETOWN — Four-bedroom, -IV looking the formal box-lined gar- (Immediate occupancy available on modsls) FURNISHED ROOMS room, dining room, and kitchen residence. Living room and den bath ranch, two-car garage, wall-t on first floor. Offered at $13,000. RUMSON CAPE COD — Attra dens and orchard. Five master DIRECTIONS: Broad St., Red Bank to Harding Rd. (J. H. Kelly Bldfj.) GENTIiEMAN — Fully furnished sludto wall carpeting, air condition I ntr, ful have fireplaces, dining room, turn on Harding ond continue straight ton to Ridge Rd,, turn left on cellar. 100x150 lot. Beautiful trees am game room, three bedrooms, 2'/ live eight year old home on < bedrooms and four baths. Two room, private entrance and bath. Red shrubbery. Enclosed yard with 40' p, LITTLE SILVER-Two bedroom, 2 maids' bedrooms and bath. Ad- Fair Haven Rd. to model homes. Bonk residence. 542-0477 after 6, 741-4762 tlo. $20,900. Call owner, mornJng3 o baths, maid's room, hot air gas street. Living room with evenings, 671-5220. 1%-bath two-story home. Separate heat, air conditioned, attached place, dining room, pleasa: ditional two bedrooms and bath FOR INFORMATION CALL 741-1200 dining room, maintenance-free- HOUSES FOR SALE RUMSON — Four bedrooms, 2"^ bath two-car garage, swimming pool kitchen with dining area, thr< on third floor. Two-car garage. walking distance to Holy Cross X32,fH>C work aluminum siding. Wall-to- bedrooms and den or four bet Convenient four-acre plot. $115,- Call 842-3162. with equipment and cabana, V/2 wall carpeting, attached garage. acres. $6i;5OO. rooms, 1V4 baths, full basement 000. SACRIFICE SALE — Llncrort ranch, Offered at $16,500. hot water heat, carpeting. Im three-bedroom, knotty pine recreatlor FAIR HAVEN - Choice living RUMSON — 2>/ -year old bi level room, air conditioner In master bet! mediate occupancy, $24,000. 2 ] 1 NEW SHREWSBURY — Immacu area. Attractive new frame Co- Colonial on sewer line. Fine con- TREES TREES TREES room. On i acre. $16,990. 5710 belo lonial. Beamed ceiling living FHA appraisal. 7*7-0302. ate four-bedroom split with threi ONE OWNER HOME - Bri struction. Acre plot. Near ocean, SHREWSBURY — Rlx-rnom hungaloi ull baths, 23x15' paneled game- room, dining room, large family bus and parochial school parish. Near bus and walking distance room with fireplace, four bed- and frame Colonial on love Stop by this weekend and see qualify stores. Present GI mortgaKe. Anyon room, jalousied porch, patio with l landscaped plot in Fair Havei Five bedrooms, 2% baths, 17x24 may assume. Full price $7,900. Cal barbecue, attached two-car ga- rooms, l /i baths, full basement, living room, 15x23% garaereom homes in picturesque sotting. Three 542-4108. hot air oil, attached two-car ga- 24' living room with fireplaci rage. Well landscaped with large full dining room, den, moder with fireplace, separate dining LITTLE SILVER — Three-bedroom trees. Offered at $28,500. rage, ample grounds. $35,400. room, 12x26 kitchen with break- bedrooms, Vh baths, paneled recre- ranch set back over 100 feet from FAIR HAVEN—Very convenient .kitchen with dishwasher, thn road. Lot 125x*75' with completely auto- double bedrooms, l'/2 bath! fast area. Extras include six- matic 20x40" swimming pool. Prestige ly situated. Compact frame dwell- burner gas range, refrigerator, ation room, family size kitchen, base- location, $32,999. Owner H. A. Caruaoe, WEART-NEMETH ing. Four rooms (2 bedrooms), screened porch, full basemem 74M676. wall-to-wall carpet, air conditior freezer, dishwasher, washer and ment. __.. _ - modernized kitchen, basement, dryer. Hot water gas heat, gsu AGENCY pipeless "gas fired heater, oven er. Many extras; Priced to sel FOR SALE $28,900. rage. Inspection invited. Call us, REALTOR sized lot. $13,000. $55,000. AHOY, BOATMEN —Immacula $17,990 102 WEST FRONT ST. RUMSON DENNIS K. BYRNE four-bedroom home situated oi OLDE SHREWSBURY - Four- REALTOR-INSUROR waterfront with dredged channel bedroom ranch on acre plot, on Pick your own lot fhis weekend. New two-story brick ond frame Co- 741-2240 Sycamore Ave. near. Christ lonial. Settled in a picturesque, 24-HOUR SERVICE 8 West River Rd. Rumson Living room, dining room, kitch I wooded acre lot. Four very large Phone 842-1150 en, family room, 2!4 baths, twt Church.' Combination living-din- bedroomi. Master bedroom has dress- ing room with fireplace. Kitchen Ing room ond walk-In closet. 2'/a tiled Member of Red Bank MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING car garage. Owner transferred 10x13. Enclosed porch. Taxes on- ' | baths. Living room with fireplace, Multiple Listing Service reduced to $35,900. formal dining room, knotty pine pan- ly $355. Excellent spot for a ren- ! tied family room leading to slate OUT OF THE ORDINARY ovator. $25,000. patio In rear, huge kitchen with din- SPRING LIST VRfctEY-OAKS ette area, custom birch cabinets, GE Shrewsbury ranch home on beau HOUSES FOR SALE Mon mouth County, farms, acreage, I dishwasher. Caloric 5-burner, 2-oven home and commercial property, llany tiful landscaped lot. Large com JOHN L. MINUGH AT NAVESINK cooking unit and exhaust fan. Laun- res.} good buys. bination living roonvdining room dry room with Norge dryer and laun- REALTORS-INSURORS dry tray. 30"x6' front porch. Two- MORE LISTIN&S SHOWN MERRITT R. LAMSON, INC. modern kitchen, three bedrooms cor garage with finished Interior. Gas DIRECTIONS: I mile rait oi Atlantic Highlands traffic light. Turn left MORE LISTINGS SOLO Realtors paneled den. Also paneled famil Members of Red Bank , two-zone hot water heating system, I West Main St. Friab room with fireplace. Three bathi 6n Sean Avc. (next to King James Apts.) ond continue to models. j Sampson double hung wood windows Multiple Listing Service and aluminum screens. Many other 452-OUO Many unusual features. $41,500. 35 Rumson Rd. Phone 842-3500 Salei Agents: The Kirwan Co., 787-550Q | quality construction features. INTERESTED IN GARDENING? ThlB four bedroom ranch home Is a garden- Rt. 35, 301 Maple Ave. Builder: Noree Const., Co. Model phone 291 • 3866 $49,900 er's delight, with specimen shrubbery Corner Bergen PI. COOL, SHADY ALSO AVAILABLE and an enormous covered perch for RED BANK outdoor parties. Pull cellar, recreation GENTLY SLOPING ... RUMSON room, two baths, attached garage. careUee aluminum aiding are other Call or write for a . . .Comer lot In Niveslnk. tt «« of I Half acre Id and T/j-ccre lots. Es- features. You don't need a green complete brochure beautiful trees and shrubi -furronna tate area. Will build to suit. Thru The Red Bank Area thumb, the garden is already thriving, Blx-year>old modern ranch, new!/ | Call builder: E. F. MILTENBERGER $23,900. ' decorated five monthi ago. Secludtd, Multiple Listing Service J. LBBTKR. RIGBY, REALTORS Evenings and Sundays yet only 3 minutes from N.Y. bus. FAIR HAVEN 7il-77il Three bedroomi, Vh tiled battle, din- COMPUTERIZED REAL ESTATE Sat Pag* 200 in t^1* 741-9204 ing room, wall-oven kitchen,, raised CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. fireplace. On heat, storm wlnjows, full 291-2200 Ydlovr P«g«. weather «trlp. Fenced play-yard. W,- FOR SALE LITTLE SILVER 50O. Principal* only. Call 201-3090. A younr Hnely constructed home. Thn bedrooms, two bath«. Living room wll A BARGAIN fireplace, dining room, den, attachi two-car garage. Basement with fam For a four bedroom home. Now lx thi room, Separate 12'x3O' guest hou time to take advantage of thli fine buy. complete with kitchen and bath. 18'x3 Two baths, and all llvs-ble rtnmi In •wimmlng pool. Nicely landacapi this etx-year-old Caps Cod. Full prfct corner lot. Call lor appointment, JM only $14,000. Call I 500. • 787-5500 The McGQWAN AGENCY, Realtor The Klrwfln Company, Campbell'e 258 Newman Springs ftd., Red Bi Junction, Belford, Member! Multiple COLTS NECKTOWNSHIP, N. J. 7(7-3000. Listing. FOUR—BEDROOM. MODERN CAP F-REEHOLD-LAKEWOOD AREA COD — Tiled bath, fireplace, detach FOUR-BBDROOM RANCH, on Ur(e garage, patio. Beautiful yard wl landscaped lot. Alumlum 'Itorinl and •hade trees. Two blocks to Rt. 35 an. screens. Walking distance to highway One of Monmoirth County's loweit Mlddletown. 85 East Roosevelt Clrc and New York buisei. Only 1429 down J17.100. Call Owner. 281-22SJ. to qualified buyer. Selling It FHA ap- tax communities HObMDEI^Three bedroom ranch w! praisal oi $13,375. two bathj, two-car garage and basi • A community of minimum ana acra ment. Large shaded backyard, locate Weisgold & Krupnick, Inc. at 25 Chestnut Ridge H'i. Most co Brokers zoning venjent to Indian Hill School, shoppi centers, etc. In Old Manor nrea. wa 2219 Hwy. t Lakcwood 3KJ-3M0 to-wall carpet In living room, dinii RED BANK-nUMSON »nd mile! 10 Minutes from Red Bank room, hall and maslcr bedroom. It around. Complete listings, homes, dudes storm windows and the advan farms, businesses. Member multiple ages of Holmdel Townships" low ta listing service. Large private parking 15 Minutes from shora resorts rates. Owner being transferred to Bo lot. ton. Call 284-2JU4 (or appointment Inspect on Saturday or Sunday, Ma] RAY STILLMAN, Realtor 8 Minutes from Bell Labs, Holm del 15 and 15. . "Our 47th year" MARLBORO DUPLEX — Lloyd Rd MB Hwy. 35 Shrewsbury 141-8M0 near MaUwan - Freehold R<1. Broker KEYPORT - Brand new, two-ramUy, protected. Ezra W. Karkuj, 264-1211 three-each bedrooms, modern country Terms can be arrangeil. kitchen, brick front. 60x150 lot. City PAIR HAVEN — New England Hewers. Occupancy about July, OaJl'SW- box. Three bedrooms, den, two bath: 4000. living room, and full dining room, r< NEW I MONMOUTH — Owner tram- cently carpeted. Attached garage, patli ferred, must sell. Four-bedroom split. pretty yard wllh flowering trees. $24.50 Large playroom, two-car garage. WU Call 747-5150. below FHA Asking $18,60U. 671-3272. PORT MONMOUTH — New bi-lcvi [EKE IT IB That three-family how* eight rooms, 1!4 balhs, garage, re In Keyport. Two three* room apart' tlon room. 516.000, 787-2805. merits on second floor will pay th* IDEAL BEACH - Two-bedroom, mortgage and taxen. Live In nlca two- year-round houae, furnished. Call bedroom, first floor apartment, AO •Ask Computer—Pat. Pend. newly decorated. Table top range, wall tween 7 and 9 p.m. 767-1140. oven, dishwasher, red brick kitchen,. or rent all three unlti. Nice met Ion, low taxes. $23,600. SHOREWAY REAL- HOUSES FOR SALE TY, INC., Highway 35, Holmdel. (Ju*t WHAT HOUSES... north of Lily Tulip) 284-7010. ^^ NEW -SHREWSBURY — Large four Fit Your Personal Needs, Have the Extra You Want, The Price You Can Afford A House Full of Value . . . lied room, three-bath modern split. M acre. Low FHA appraisal. Lowar $2*)'J. ^ll 542-0172. HIGH VIEW SHKEWSBUKY TOWNSHIP — Three* ASK US* room co-op. Completely remodeled. Oc- ctipancy July 15. $300 down and 164 per Our computer can locate every home sale that suits your personal needs in ESTATES month includes all utilities. 042*31ie. WATERFRONT seconds, saving you time and offering you the assurance that EVERY home of IN MIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP Two .ota, unlqiio, woodiey. Easy main* tenance nhruba and trees. Panoramic interest to you will be presented. Review the results—then we'll be happy to FOUR-BEDROOM view of Rarltan Bay, Sandy Hook, and show you through each home you wish to see. Visit our modern offic* facility New York skyline from 100' elevation. COLONIAL AND Older three-bedroom, two bath nous*, today—in the heart of Middletown. fireplace, new kitchen, dlihwuher. 291* BI-LEVELS HOMES 1804. i POUT MONMOUTH — Th.-ee-bedroom NO OBLIGATION OF COURSE Everything about this new community of elegant homes stirs your imagination . . . FROM $22,900 ranch. Llvlng-dlnlng room, eat-In kltoh- tlled bath. Recreation room and VISIT OR PHONE TODAY . • • the naturally rolling landscape . , . the abundance of lavish trees on every home site Many quality features odd to the ex- garage. Asking $18,500. 7*7-8134, &•• . . . the spacious one-acre lots . . . the serenity and beauty of the surrounding land- ceptional value = of Ihese homes. tween 3 and 6 p.m. There's easy living In modern kitch- LINCROFT BOTH MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICES scape including a large picturesque lake which adjoins the property and the con- ens, formal dining rooms, mahogany BUILDER'S MODEL paneled dens, 2 - ZVs ceramic tiled SACRIFICE venient location only minutes from N. J.'s shore resorts • Every Phalanx Farms baths. Custom-built Colonial; thro or four bedroomi; one-acre alts. $34,800; 10 Mr home is nn expression of your personal tastes and requirements. Choose from our , SOME READY FOR cent down Greentree Terrace, off J«w« IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY man Springs Rd., • next to Cbrtitltn vast collection of designs by the nation's leading architects, men who know best how Brothers Academy. Builder STS-2418. to impart a perfect Mend of benuty, originality of design and family living conven- 10% DOWN pplebrook Agency ience to suit your needs . . . from 834,000. Or the builders of Phalanx Farms will 30-YEAR MORTGAGES REAL ESTATE WANTED construct your home from your own plans and specifications. MODELS OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY NOON TO DUSK AND BY REALTORS APPOINTMENT WE NEED YOUR MARVIN K. BRODER, CUSTOM BUILDER DIRECTIONS: From Red Bank take HOUSE TO SELL Hwy. north, follow signs "Middle- Sales Ropreiontativo on premises every day. Phone 747-9700 town-New Monmoulh", turn right on LIST WITH 950 HIGHWAY NO. 35 Tlndall Rd. (near R&S itorel to MIDDLETOWN, N. J. Swartiel Dr. of High School right DIRECTIONS: Garden Slate Parkway louth to Exit 109 (Red Bank) at hfawman Spring. Rd. on« mile to East Rd., right 75' to Right (wait) on Newman Springs Rd., one mile to Phalanx Rd. Left on Phalanx Rd. 1.7 mild High View Circle, lilt to models. pplebrook Agency 671-2300 to Phalanx Farmi. Left turn to office. OR ... Rout* 34 to Phalanx Rd. Follow ligni I.E CENTURY BUILDING CO. 950 HWY. 35 MIDDLETOWN miUi to Phalanx Farms, Right turn to office. S3I-0O90 or 774-MW 47I-23OO BOUSES FOB SALE

JUST RfDUCEO Ca*oa • Mit tint*, bedtpcm home, tow mn yoong. Urgt Uving room tad gtmeraom, good sj» dining.room and kitchen. . TW» hou»e If In exceUeat condi- ••' tlon inside and out. Conveniently : located outride of Red Bank Don't lwiitate, call iw tor appoint- ment $19,900. COUNTRY RANCH

Transferred owner must sell this beautiful, vacant, 10-year old modern ranch, located In lovely Lincroft suburbs. .Three large bedrooms, 1>4 baths, eat-in kitch- en, large dining room and,living . room with fireplace, full base- ment, two-car garage. Breeze- way. On almost one acre with trees . . . And for bonus you get a dishwasher, freezer, washer •nd ,dryer, refrigerator and drapes. You can't beat (his for $23,500. Move right In, ws have the key. . UNUSUAL BARGAIN

This is, beyond a doubt, the home you will be proud to own and en- tertain your guests in. You will have to see it quickly. It has everything. Briefly—three large bedrooms, two tiled baths, formal , dining room, den. science kitch- en, full basement, with finished recreation room, two-car garage. Choice Little Silver location. PLUS—18x34 swimming pool and 12x30 poomouse, fully equipped tor all year round living. Excel- - lent landscaping. Many extras. A real buy at $30,500. LAWLEY AGENCY Established 1932 Realtors • Iniurors

Multiple Listings 741-6262

NOT FANCY, JUST HOMEY - 18x12 living room, kitchen, two bedrooms, lull basement, expan- sion attic, $14,900.

feETIREMENT HOME — Easy to maintain large enough for gar- den, living room, kitchen, two bedrooms, hot water heat, full basement, many extras. $13,900. A. FRED MAFFEO REALTOR 735 BROAD ST., SHREWSBURY 741-9333 MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING $10,590 Be a Sunday driver. Come see our model home. Three bedroom ranch: cabinet kitchen with, built-in oven and range; color fixtures In bath. Living ' room, dining mom. BIG LOT, BIG HOUSE BIG BONUS TOO I Clotbca dryer free with every house. (Hrden State Parkway to Exit 80, then Rt 9 lOUtB to SYLVAN HEIGHTS HOMD8 it BAWILLE, N. J., OR call 3M-2040 • B8S.2300 «50 DOWN PAYMENT To qualified buyer. Ranch on deafl* •nd itreet. Walking dlitance to school •nd transportation. Three bedrooms, lovely eat-In kitchen, living room with dining area. Pull basement and at* tached larige. Asking tie MO. Call (or appointment. ROL8TON WATERBUKY, Realtor, IS W. Front St., Red Bank. 747-3500 ONLY MINUTES FROM RED BANK— Roomy- splluievel on acre: gamerootn with bar. cozy den, tiled powder room, bright living room, dining area; com- pact modem kitchen; three bedrooms, ful tiled bath; lots of storage; attached farage. Asking $28,000. RAY STILLMAN "Our 47th Year" (48 Broad St. Shrewsbury 7il-8600 GRACIOUS COLONIAL MIDDLETOWN ' Three or tour bedrooms, iwo bathi, Otnter hall, formal dining room, large 'family room, ipacloui kitchen, eat*ln arsi. Pampered house, Immaculate In- Urtor and p-terior. Extras, Private. 67M2M. C7,8O0. LOOK WHAT 1700 DOWN BUYS - Buy direct from owner. Ranch house, three , bedrooms, full bath, living room, din- In* area, kitchen. Downstair* extra bedroom. Urge recreation room 24x30' plus utility room and half bath. 14x30 patio with full aluminum, awning. Storm windows and doors. Sewers. Nice «l2» lot. Close to Bchoolx, park, shopping, All transportation. Can assume 4& per ' cent 01 mortgage or FHA with (700 down, gull price 116,800. Call 747-0852. OUTSTANDING VALUE — Mlddletown Village leotlon, three-bedroom spilt level, ground level foyer entrance, 1M baUu, full sized dining room, 21' living room, family room with sliding glass doors to patio. All cedar shades. Plush ' waJl-to-wa-H'carpeting, House Immacu- late throughout. Walking distance to full lesilon school. New York and Newark trains and buses. 15 minutes to ocean. Picture book Scotts lawn, on vone acre of park like setting. Don't miss this, 124,600. Call 666-7B50. Prlncl- ' pali only. , RED BANK COLONIAL — A-l condi- tion, 00x125' lot, throe bedrooms, 1H ' baths, 27* living room, fireplace, large dining: room, modern kitchen, wall-to* wall' carpet, 2^-car garage. Many ex- tras. 124.800. 741-7593. ' CAPS OOD HOME — Living room 13x15, fireplace. Four bedrooms. Shade . trefcs FHA appraised |lfl,9O0. Asking '. $18,900. 6 per cent down to qualified - buye«. 8CHANCK AGENCY, IteaUor, 8 ' Unden PI., Red Bank. 747-0367. 1ATTUE 81LVBR — Split level, foyer, family room, sliding glass doors to patio. 1U bathJ, three bedrooms, storm windows, Excellent ahrubt and wooded Jot..Save JQrokera fee, coll now. 74T-&169 > prlnolp&li' only. ,, HAt&UST — Seven room split-level 1H baths. Excellent condition. Reason' able. 384'3776 UTTLJD SILVER RANCH—Living room with fireplace, dining room, modern kitchen, tfcree bedrooms, two baths, basement, garage, »22,IH>O. BCHAMCK AQEWCY, Realtor, 8 LIndtn PI. R«d Bank. T47-C3&7. UVBJ RENT FREE — In your ovrn flve-bsdroom apartm.«nt with $175 In* come from apartment and carriage house. On attractive acre, 100' on river and on New York and local bus Hoe. $23,500. Call 229-4SB4. NEW SHREWSBURY COLONIAL —E* • oellent conilltlon. Four bedroomB, three baths. Large rooma, $27,500. 747.5380. MIDDLETOWN* — Three-bedroom Birections from New York via New Jersey Turnpike: Go South on New Jersey Turnpike to Exit 11 "Wood- ranch. AJklng ti5,5OO. CaU 787-7956. Jbridge—The Amboys" to U. S. 9 southbound. Stay on Route 9 to the intersection of Route 34. Turn left on BIRD WATCHERS PARADISE - In Olde Shrewsbury. Overlooks twenty acres. Three bedroom Cape. Eat-in Route 34,1 mile to Amboy Road. Go right on Amboy Road 1 mile to LAKERIDGE. kitchen plus ' den, dining room, or nursery. Cozy living room with fire- place Only 1320 to heat, taxes $360. "Fully died dry basement. Beet offer Directions from North Jersey via The Garden State Parkway: Go South on the Garden State Parkway' over giy.MX), Call owner 741-7107, any tlm«. to interchange 127. Get on Route 9 South and proceed as above. WOODED ACHE LOT Privacy gosj along with thla three* bedroom ranch. Dining room haa floor- to-CBlllnff brick fireplace with raised 'hearth, sliding glass doon to patio, 4)nlntr room, kit oh en with butlt-n oven -i-and range Covered porch has terrazio waak. Baatment needs mlshlnir. Nave- «lnk area. Call for details. Priced In mid 2O's. Owner will consider riuon- able, offers. X. It BNYDER * CO., REALTORS Hfddtotown & Corners 671-2500 Member of Multiple Listing Bervlces. LAKE RIDGE KBAN8BUHO—Cape Cod In Beacon Beach Two nice bedroomi, large mod- •rn cheerful kitchen, living room with picture window, tiled bath, gas heat, •xptrurion attic with full dormer. It'i new for only $12,990. CHATEAU REAL- TY, Real Estate, 210 Carr Ave,, Ktuu- QUALITY - INTIOHTV • •XPMIINCI burg, 787-5S84. UNDBR CONSTRUCTION — TnrH tM .105 Old Bridge-Matawan Road, Madison Township, N. J. Phone: 201-583-ieiQ (our bedroom homn, ranch and two- •tory la Little flllver, within walking dlsUBc* at railroad station. IU.0M to B£AL ESTATE WJWTED NOTICE' — THE DAILY REGISTER 2&-FrM«y, Mty 14, 1965 BOUSES FOt SALE BOUSES FOR 8AI2 BOUSES FOB SALE HOUSES wi HZXT) Totnt auui HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE WILLIAM H. HINTEIMANN (FIRM) THE DOWSTRA AGENCY REALTORS — IN RUMSON SINCE 1905 REALTORS 33 RIDGE ROAD RUMSON UOac k WALKER JOTAT* or fcura mow, i*- RUSSELL M. BORUS REALTORS offle. MUdinawo otnot Pursuant to tH« ort« of DOH*2J> &C-0600 amb r. CUNNINGHAM, fun-roe*** « »• Member of Red Buk Area Multiple LUting Service Bounty or Monmouth, Vpm 4grg*j!» 600 RIVER RD. FAIR HAVEN, N. J RUMSON — JUST OFFERED — A neat, seven-room home only WB BUY HOMES oa the application ot the underiig»e3, f 1 East Front Street " sSd Bank. N. J. eight years old. Well worth seeing — it features four bedrooms, or Dinct from you with *ny problem Arthur L. Boden, Bole JBMCUKW oi.int 747-4532 . you have. esute of thVsaid Ruth Soden ****** - 741-8700 three plus a den, a full dining room, a large dinette in the kitchen DON'T WAIT — CALL US NOW notice is hereby given to the creditors MANLEY ASSOC. INC. of said deceased to present to ths I»J Member Multiple Listing Service and 1% baths. There's a fireplace in the living room and a recrea- Bole Executor their diimi under <*U» FOR A GROWING FAMILY' tion room in the cellar. What more could you ask for $24,000? 671-5353 WANTED: Kaw acreage (Residential) .thin aix months from tail Q«*«.. GEORGIA BOUND! Transferred owner is forced to sell his lovely Nicely located in Lincroft. Just 314 years old- Spacious living See it this weekend! Apartment house altes. Commerlcal Cane Cod home. Solidly built of brick and frame. This home has iltes. Builder and oevsloper will fl- room, dining room, family room, ultra-modern kitchen, with eat- A HOME IN RUMSON — too expensive for you — too much prop- unce and »rtct »am« on your property Box 283 Higbway No, » FOUR large bedrooms. Separate dining room. Located in most in space, Four bedrooms, 2'/£ baths, two-car attached garage: will purchsae from you. Remain a Red Bank. N«W JHM)T desirable part of Little Silver. Don't hesitate on this one. $18,504 :rty to look after? Then you haven't seen this pretty house. It's .rlner or. »ell outright. We assume Sole Executor Wall-to-wall carpeting, some drapes, dishwasher, washer and dryer •ery special, only $28,900, and the lot is just 140'xl20\ Lots of buy foreclosure. Commercial, homes. «. Pnubury. Ctrton included. Realistically priced at $29,500. _jid. etc. Principal" only. Cill now & Barn tele TALL SHADE TREES AND HOLLIES—A beautiful setting for trees, too. Includes a fireplace in the living room, a 20* paneled MACARTKUR DEVELOPMENT CORP. 95 First Avenue recreation room, a lavatory, three bedrooms and a two-car garage. 741-1144. Atlantic Highlands, New Jtriey this large, low ranch house. Four bedrooms and two full baths A-l HOUSE Attorneys „. _„ Full basement with outside entrance. Huge private screened porch. EGAL NOTICE :ay 7. 14. 21, 28 • «2T.8O Two-car attached garage. This is an outstanding buy for this loca- One of the best built and designed houses in Red Bank. Has WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED - in a brand new eight-room, 2V2 bath Colonial in Rumson for $45,000? The house would include NOTICE tion in Fair Haven. Only $26,800. iveryth/ng, including location. Asking $25,000. NOTICE MONMOUTH COUNTY a cellar, a porch, and a two-car garage. The lot?-on a quiet lane, Take notice thai Ross Mary BVRROOATE8 COURT LOW RUMSON TAXES—Plus a fine school situation. Modern PRETTY FAIR HAVEN COLONIAL many, many trees. This is a rare offering. Call us for details. lalno trading as Commuters Wine Notice to Creditor* to Preiftnl Liquor Store hai applied to the rUImi Aclutst Estate Cape Coil home. A purchase of good value, living room, dining ayor and Council of the Borough of ESTATE OF CARRIE K, SAN9ORN, room, wall oven kitchen. Three bedrooms, 1)4 baths, full base- AH the comforts you desire in this threobedroom, l'/i-bath WILLIAM H. HINTELMANN (FIRM) led Bank for a Plenary Retail Di»tri- •ECEAflED. _ _ Colonial. Large living room with interesting fireplace, dining room, ml Ion license for premises situated at Purauant to the order or DONALD J. ment. Finished game room, attached garage, nice neighborhood, 184 Monmouth Bt., R*d Bank, N. J. CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate o[ the Coun- near bus line. Asking $24,000. and eat-in kitchen with dishwasher. There is also an attractive Member of-Multiple Listing Service Objections, tf any, should be made y ot MonmouthMonmouth,, (hl(hlaa dadayy m&At, on screened porch and attached one-car garage. J28.90O. immediately In writing to John Bryan, e applicatiolii n of toeto undersdsignei„...-d, AAbD- Clerk ol tht Borough of Red Bantt. ram BBanbornb , JJr. , ActinAtl g EEieculoi r of BOSTON BOUND! Four bedrooms, three tiled baths. Large liv- the estate of the said Carrie E. San- ing room, dining room, modem equipped kitchen. 23x15 foot pan- MONMOUTH COUNTY, N. J. TOMAINO born, deceftfled, notice la hereby given eled den, brick wall fireplace, basement, attractive jalousied en- _J Allen Pluce .o the creditors of said dsceased to Red Bank, N. 3 iresent to the said Acting Executor closed porch leading to patio, outdoor -barbecue. Two-car at- The McGOWAN AGENCY May 7, 14 :helr claims under oath within §\t tached garage, large landscaped lot. Asking 128,500. BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL HOME , nonths from this date. Dated: May 4th, 1M5 A lovely, modern Colonial home, located in 4 fine reildentlal com- NOTICE FIVE ACRES MONMOUTH COUNTY ABRAM SANBORN, JR. munity. A perfectly dealened and wetl-buflt picture houBe. Large SURROUATKS COURT 165 Patterson Avenue living roam, dining room and sun parlor, two lar«;a •creeaed porches. Shrewsbury, New Jersey Just listed this week at reduced Notice to Creditors to Present Acting Executor Kitchen and serving pantry. Four bedrooms, three baths. Dressing Claims Against Eslate GEORGE V. ILLMENSEE price. Five bedroom home with ESTATE OF KARL AYMOLD, DE- iurton T. Doremus, Esq. xoom and sun, porch. Two servants' rooms with bath. FuU open 16 Mechanic Street many possibilities. Beautifully 1EA8ED. ; REALTOR basement and attic, Attached two-car garage. Oil heat. Beautifully Pursuant to the order of DONALD Rea Bank, New Jersey landscaped property. 65 fruit T. CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate ol the Attorney landscaped with unusual trees and shrubbery. Five minutes to Red County of Monmouth, this day*made, May 7, 14, 31, 28 trees. Just minutes from Red Bank railroad station and Garden State Parkway. Bus transportation. Rt. 34 Celts Ntek Bank. Give away price of {21,900. on the application of the undersigned. Bcbools and churches close by. Reasonable taxes and maintenance Joan Lee Plperno, Sole Executrix, of NOTICE Costa. An all-year-round home. Only 10 minute drlv* to th* ocean. » estate of the slid Karl Aymold, MONMOUTH COUNTY 462-3172 eceased, notice Is hereby given to th SURROGATE'S COURT REALTORS Inspection by appointment Princlpali only. Write •'A.M.", Box 511, creditors of said deceased to present to Notice to Creditors to Fnteal Oldest Real Estate Firm In Celts Neck toe said Sole Executrix their claims OltUmi* Against Estate Hed Bank. under oath with six month! from ESTATE OF ROT MBRLS IU>BI- 258 Newman Springs Rd. this date. ION, DECEASED. When Buying or Selling — For quick results call the Dated; April 21st, 1965 Pursuant to the order of-DONALD J. , JOAN LEE PIPERNO CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate of thi Coun- Realtor who knows the area, Red Bank 747-3000 HOUSES FOP SALE HOUSES FOR SALE 201 Lower Street, ty ot Monmouth, this day made, on Matawan, New Jersey the application of the undersigned, Car- 24 Houri 7 Dayt Sole Eiecutrix olyn A. RoblBtm, Sole Executrix of the CLOVER HILL AREA — Five-bedroom house, excellent condition. PAUL P. BOVA $17,990 Messrs. Parsons, Canzons, estate of the said Roy Merle Robi- Blair k. Warren ion deceased, notice Is hereby given Spacious living room with Colonial tireplace, formal dining room, 671-2544 GORGEOUS SPLIT LEVEL IB Wallace Street, to the creditor! of said deceased to enclosed porch with brick barbecue. Large family room. 2% baths. Red Bank, New Jeney HOUSES FOR SALE Evenings — 220-0042 TREES TREES TREES present to the said Sole Executrix Science kitchen with oven and range set in brick. Baseboard hot HOUSES FOR SALE REALTOR-INSUROR Attorneys their claims under oath within «lx TRADE YOUR HOUSE IN Brand new listing in St. Mary's Parish April 23, 30, May 7, 14 (28.5: month! from this date. water heat. Basement heated and finished for game room. Tivo- IN MATAWAN rra VANS LEAVE FINANCING TO US Four bedrooms, large living room, Dated:'April 30th, 1965 CHOOSE YOURS dining area and kitchen, 1% baths, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS car attached garage. Beautifully landscaped. $37,900. No I>own V.A. Low Down F.H.A. OCBANPORT — Beautiful »r«s, closs carport garage. Mortgage can ba> as- CAROLYN A. ROBISON OPEN HOUSE sumed. NOTICE la hereby given that ie] 63 Apple Orchard Drive, MARLBORO—24 acre farm with house, to wslsr. Owntr transrerred. Three .rate sealed blda for the performam New Shrewsbury, New J*Tf»? barn, corn cribs, chicken house, bedroom ranch, 114 baths, 120,900. Directions: Tlndall Rd. turn onto ol dally janltorl&I orvlces at th« Ad' Sole Executrix HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE orchard, eto. Prlcad to sell at $29,000. Swartzel Drive snd left on Marvin to VeU No Down Non Vets 1890 Dowi mlnistratlve Office Building for thi Alston Beekman, Jr., Stq. WANAMASSA — Secluded let with lovs- model. year 1965 will bt received by th 10 Broad Street ly trees. Three-bedroom ranch, fire- Visit ths latest models. BeautKul Township Committee of the TOWUBW Red Bank, New Jeney ONCE IN A BLUE MOON can CHBE3EQUAKB — Older hotna. < place, recreation room. 118,900. wooded lots. Family surroundings. of Middletown at the public nwetln, acres in slat* park. $38,000. Ranch Colonial, four extra large bed- The Berg Agency Attorney we offer a bargain like this. Five NEW — Two story Colonial four o* aafd Com mite* to be held on Ma;May "7 . 14. 2121, 28. bedrooms, 2'/C baths, two-car ga- EATONTOWN — Adlacent lo rt Mon- rooms, 2H baths, formal living room Realtor 28. 19SS at 8:30 P.M. Prevailing Urn fcr.eo rooms, two bedrooms, V/i baths, HOLUDEL — Colonial mansion. tU mouth. Three-bedroom ranch, lire- and dining room, large work-in kitch- at the Township Hall, Kings Highwa rage, full basement. Colonial acres. $42,500. jilace. recreation room, lovely patio. en, excellent paneled gameroom. Two- Middletftwn 671-10M Middletown, New Jersey. NOTICE patio, garage. In Little Silver. ear garage. You won't bs disappointed. $16,500. arched fireplace for family room MATAWAN BOROUQH—Three bedroom 118.500. Daily 9-9, Saturday-Sunday 10-7 The Information (or Bidders, Fori MONMOUTH COUNTY and living room. Excellent large ranch. Attached (arage, lull basement. turn. of Bid, Form ot Contract, Plans, SpecJ SURROGATE'S COURT 75x150' with lake privileges. City water Vtts no down—FHA minimum to Quali- fl cat Ions, and Forms ol Bid Bond am Notice to Creditor! to Preseol FOR THE LARGER FAMILY- provincial dining room and farm and sewers. Excellent condition. 120,900. fied buyers. SHREWSBURY , COLTS NECK FARM other contract document* may be o Clalmi Against Estats * Four-bedroom split, paneled rec- louse. Kitchen. Sun porch over- amlned at the said Township Ad mini i ESTATE OF ANTONIO M. BRMCU, Comfort, eon'venlnce, and location LOVELY WOODED HILL tratlve Office Building. DECEASED. reation room, patio with gas grill, looking an estate area. $24,990. Subject to V.A. and F.H.A. approval. Bruce Agency, Real Estate describe this ranch, on 50x175, well- A splendid community of superloi The Township reservei the right Pursuant to the order of DONALD 24 Broad St., Eatontown 542 - 4142 lendscaped lot, with elegant brick bar- homes by Harold Harrison, excellent waive any Informalities or to reje J, CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate of Ui« family type kitchen, fabulous area Multiple) Listing Bervlce Evenings and weekends 542-1181 beque. Three bedrooms, one bath, kitch- shopping and commuting with no loss an? or all bids. County of Monmouth, thli day made, for children, shopping and NEW SHREWSBURY - Lots of en, dining room, living room and sunof seclusion and rural atmosphere; Each bidder must deposit with hi on the application of the undersigned, churches, $18,500. room for a large family in this VAN'S AGENCY, Realtor porch. Cellar flnlehed in knotty pine. beautifully appointed homes o( thi bid, security in the amount, form am Charles L. Morgan, Sole Executor o! PAUL P. BOVA Includes regulation pool table and many finest workmanship, architecture a subject to Uie conditions provided the estate of the said Antonio M. four bedroom split. Three baths, 267 Main St Matawan 5M-1S81 extras. Close to buillne, school and detail. Several tour and Ilve-bedrooi the Information for Bidders. Brescia deceased, notice, U hereby giv- RUMSON—SEVEN-ROOM CAPE ea:-in kitchen with dishwasher. Open 7 days. 671-2544 shopping center. Low taxes and priced models open. Prices from th« mid S30'_ By order of the Town-ship Commute en to the creditors of said deceased to COD — With finished gameroom Beautiful large paneled recrea- , EvenlnfS - 229-0042 right to sell at $20,000. Erections: From corner of Swlmmini of the Township of MMdletown, Net present lo the said Bole Executor their REALTOR-INSUROR tlver Rd. sjid Rt. 637—West on R Jersey. claims under oath within six months in basement, 3-4 bedrooms, fire- tion room, base-board heating. TRADE YOUR HOUSE IN 537, % mile, right on Lakeside Ave. ti THOMAS CONRAD from this date. place in living room, 1V4 baths, Basement, two-car garage. Very LEAVE FTNANCrNO TO US AYERS-TRUFOLO AGENCY models. Townahip Cieri Dated: April 23, 1965 SAINT MARY'S PARISH May 14 S7K patio, garage. $24,000. large lot. $23,900. Seven snd a half-room ipllt, full base- 16 Church St. Little Silver J. D. ROCHE, REALTOR CHARLES L. MORGAN, ment, attached garage, 1H baths. S5O0 KEY TO HAPPINESS 741-2838 31 Throckmorton Avenue, lown, no closing costs. $17,500. This three-bedroom houae must be BALES AGENT 9JW95! SHREWSBURY BORO170H West Long Branch, N. J. HOLMDEL — 80 acre farm. Ideal seen to be appreciated. Interior com- COUNTY OF MONMOUTH Sole Executor REAL ESTATE SMALL POCKET BOOK NEW JERSEY Charles L. Morgan, Esq. for sub-division. Excellent loca- NEW MONMOUTH pletely redecorated with first Quality B B B B 862 Broadway, tion. Four bedroom, spilt level, Vh baths, wood paneling. Spacious living room LARGE FAMILY Notice is hereby given that seale< West bong Branch, N. J. ASSOCIATES attached garage, only $600 down $17,500. tnd kitchen. Finished recreation room CAPE COD PLUS — THIS six-room bids will be received by the Borougl In basemtnt. Root one year old with home has four bedrooms. The plus In- Only J2fl0 down will buy this four-bed. Council of the Borough of Shrewsbury Attorney THREE new ilding. Wall-to-wall carpeting and cludes fireplace, aluminum screens, room, VA bath, Cape Ccd home, with Monmonth County,'New Jersey at tli April 30, May 7, 14, 21 UT.K)- ROLAND PIERSON EAL ESTATE «t INSURANCE Two family homes. High gross rental attached carport, and garden-tool stoi Council Chambers In the Shrewabu many extraa. Priced right at $15,500. refrigerator, dryer and a beautiful age. City sewers. See it today am Income. $27,000. shaded yard. Priced and FHA appraised Public School, Shrewsbury, no lat NOTTCE at $16,900. enjoy ths summer on the screened p&tl< than s:00 P. M., on the 1st day-. AGENCY 127 Oakland St. Red Bank EDWIN S. STARK June, 1965 for "FltOPOHAL FOR THI MONMOUTH COUNTY PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO. 787-6600 SURFACE TBEATMENT OF VAR1 SURROGATE'S COURT REALTOR 747-3445 264-0333 The Klrwan Company. Realtora anri OtIS STREETS IN THE ROROUG1 Notice to Creditors to FretMt LITTLE SILVER Real Estate Tor 71 years Iniuron, 180 Hwy. 36, We«t Keanuburg. ilctl Estate and Mortgage Consul tint 60 White St. Red Bank 741-7200 OF SHREWSBURY, BY THE Bl'l'UJ Claims Against Estate 3M Half Mile Rd., Corner Three-bedroom Cape Cod on dead end Members of Multiple Listing. INOUS SURFACE TREATMENT AN! ESTATE OP DOROTHY B. QUEBT, IDEAL FOR CHILDREN 1003 HWY. 36 street in desirable residential area. DON'T PAY RENT! Put your rent FIVE ACRES THIN OVERLAY METHODS." Th DECEASED Newman Springs Rd. laater walls, dry cellar and beautiful money to work for you by investing In 10 miles from Freehold. 12-room. ipenlng of Bids will commence as BOO Pursuant to the order of DONALD J. Charming Colonial in wooded area m UNION BEACH, N. J. !resh Interior redecoratlon. Screened thla three-bedroom, porch, fenced-Jn A practical thereafter, and read CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate of lh* Coun- (Near Garden State Parkway) acres. Six bedrooms, ihrci car garage. atory. Six bedrooms, full fcath and twopublic. ty of Monmouth. this day made, on Very good condition, does to transpor- porch, modern kitchen recently redone, yard property. Only $86 monthly pay- lavatories. House needs interior repairs. Red Bank P.O. 741-7575 fireplace too. Owner sale because of ment All at $10,990. Subject to VA andPartially heated. Full price 911.000. Specifications, Form of Bid and oth the application of the undersigned, Jo- tation, schools and chopping. Asking growing family. Low $20'a. By ap- FHA approval. Contract Documents for the proposer seph F. Quest, Bole Executor of the 118,000. TWO COTTAGES work are on [He at the office of thi estate of the said Dorothy B, Quest MEMBER FAIR HAVEN lointment only 741 - 3M8. Three rooms and lavatory, furnished decea-setl, notice Is hereby given to HIGHLANDS Two bedrooms, two baths, gi sent lo the said Sole Executor their MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE place in living room, 14x10' LEONARDO 291-1600 MEYER MORRILL claims under oath within six months river and ocean. Clost to iverythlng. paneled recreation room, cirpet- NEW MONMOUTH 671-9611 lar business hours by application then It. SCO. inr J*IR CONDITIONED TOO- Broker to. No deposit required. from thla date. ALL THIS in a seven-y«ar-old HALF CENTURY OLD MIDDLETOWN — $500 down movei «7H South St. 432.5627 Freeholi Bids must be made on Stand a Dated: April 24th, 1MB RANCH HOUSE, ready to mova An old gracious home, well ct>red for, yiou rlsht In. fill room and bath. _ Proposal Forms in the manner desl JOSEPH F. QUEST THE 1 ly ranch. In a nice neighborhood. Kh Him SHREWSBURY — Anyone cai ^ Ideal Location In June 30. with oversized rooms. A forme! dining buy spacious three-bedroom ranch. Mas nated • therein and required by tl 22 Thome Place, NEW room (17112). a kitchen large enough year approved mortgage. $16,300. ter Has wiSod paneling, picture window, Specifications. Bids must be enclose< Middletown. New Jcrity BROOK AGENCY to cook In,—eat-In—and play in; plus 9* closet. Paneled kitchen. Large knot) in a sealed opaque envelopes bea, Sole Executor , TWO-STORY ONLY $22,900 a den Tor Dad to hide in. Four large FINLAY AGENCY pine recreation room. Unique bar. Ing the name and address of the bit David C. Furman, Esq. Realtor Don't delay—CALL today 141-9028 bedrooms. Two enclosed porches. Plui 270 Bay Ave., Highlands 872-0100 closet. Also, utility, workshop, dei der and the name of the work on t 12 Broad Street COLONIAL a two-car garage. Taxen! A low $351,981 Hwy. 38, Hazlet 26(-H40 Fireplace with hearth, in living roon outside of the envelope. Bids shall l Red Bank, New Jersey ink Bulldlnc Atlintlo BlgMands Price! A low, low $22,500. STERLING Quiet residential. FHA appraised Bu1 addressed to the Borough Council, Bo: Attorneys. With April 30, May 7, 11, 21 f?TflO big wldB entry foyer 29I-I7I7 BEAUTIFUL OLDER HOME THOMPSON ft Associates, Inc., Hwy. CUTE CAPE COD direct. Only $15,675. 741-6182 ougft of Shrewsbury, N. J., and muf **> bedroomi 35 (opposite Cobblestones Restaurant) be accompanied by a Bonding Proposi Member North HontnouUi •f you like knotty pine, you'll love this Middletown. Call 747-&6O0. Three-bedroom home. Minutes from DAiKLY AMERICAN BEAUTY — C and a Certified Check drawn to tti 2U b.UiB Multiple Listing Bervlei lorae. Six large roomt, with enclosed Red Bank. Large living room and lonlaJ with three bedrooms, 2% bath; order of the Borough Treasurer i< NOTICE I car g«r»Kt 'ront porch on a 100x100 lot An ti- kitchen, full basement, best V.A. orvery attractive paneled, family roorr not less than Ten per cent flO'ii MONMOUTH COUNTY basement B B B B ;ellent buy lor $16,000. EDNA M. NETTER F.H.A. financing 116,900. The McGOW- antiques at home here, full basemen the amount of the bid and be deliver SURROGATE'S COURT dual ftreplaet ,. AN AGENCY, Realtors, 258 Newman two-car garage. Choice location, or at the place and en the hour abo\ Notice to Creditors to Presort gun porch SAVE — Tour nerves, your tlrea and 787-5500 REALTOR Springs Rd., Red Bank. 747-30OO. fered at J33.90O, ELWOOD A. ARMmentioned. Standard Proposal Forn (lAlmi Against EiUle only" many yea a of your lite by spending Tho Klrwan Company, Cambell'i Junc- PARJIB—HOMES—INDUSTRIAL «IE8 STRONG AGENCY, Realtor, 555 are furnished with the Specification ESTATE OF HAKOLD H. BENNETT, sour lummer days at home. Near riv- tion, Beltord, Memberi of Multiple HOLMDEL—COLTS NECK PROFESSIONALS — Take notice. Spot- pect Ave,. LitUe Silver. 74I-45OO. Bids, award and contract aha 11 a DECEASED. er, schools, and traniportatlon in Fair •istlng. MARLBORO—FREEHOLD AREAS less three bedroom ranch, located on be subject to the adoption of a resodi Pursuant to thi order of DONALD J. Local*) on Ball Mile Rd., Llncrott Haven. Dutch Colonial, living room with Dutch Lane Rd.. RD 1. Marlboro choice corner In very good area. Two HEY, THIS IS NIFTY — We have (between Newman Springs A full baths, family room, large kitchen well constructed, tastefully decorate tlon or ordinance appropriating ti\ CUNNINGHAM. Surrogate of tht Coun- W. Front BtT '[replace, three bedroom*, H4 baths, P.O. Box 325, Freehold necesaary monlep by Uie Borough ty of Morrmouth, this dty mi4#, on ovenized garage with large adjacent LINCROFT RANCH Evening! 432-1670, 636-9H9 has plenty of room for breakfast, and home and well manicured grounds Bnrewsbury in connection with th the application of tha undersigned, Htr- Bilvennlnt Homea—741-1200 room, unbelievable at (18,700. Oh yes, a separate laundry. Full cellar opens to Umunsailly ndce fireplace In large llvlni Non-development. Custom-built threi spacious backyard. Made to order lor room, as a matter of speaking a work. old H. Bennett, Jr., Sole Executor, swimming pool too. bedroom home. Plaster valla. Living 462-4151 t SHLNOLE. Asking S22.5CO. The Engineer and "or the Boroug! of the estate of the said Harold H. CHARMING LINCROST RANCH HOME room with brick fireplace, family kltch rooms are good size, comfortable Council reserve the right to • requlr Bennett deceased, notice Is hereby giv- —Six years old, three bedrooms, two PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO. paneled tlen-you know, re-lax betid thi en, basement with complete darkroom WALK TO SHOPPING from this brand J. LESTER KIQBY, REALTORS elbow and watch TV. Three bedroom _ complete Financial and experlent en to the creditors of said deceased baths, living room with raised hearth Real Estats for 71 years Two-car garage. Deadend street F.H.A. new Colonial; A-l section of Little Sil- 741-7741 1 statement from the prosoective bidder, to present to the said Sole Extcutor rireplace, basement, two-car garage. Al appraised $20,500. Owner transferred ver; entrance foyer, cheery living room, l ^ bathn, space for second bath, eat, showing that they have satisfactory their claims under oath wltftln fix In excellent condition. Becluded wooded «0 Wblts 81. Red Bank 741-7200 RED BANK AREA - Young three-bed to install. Cost too much to put dow $20,000. The McOOWAN AGENCY all electric kitchen, sunken den with room ranch, two ceramic baths, dining: all extras, BO you have a aavinRa befor completed municipal work of a sir months from this date. , area. (29,000. Realtors, 258 Newman Springs Rd. fireplace; upstairs four spacious bed- room, e&t-in • kitchen, two-car garage, lar nature before awarding contract Dated: April 36th, 1965. FAMILY COMFORT Red Bank. 747-3000. rooms, master, 18' with walk-In closet; you move in. owner supervised cor accordance with R B. 40:50-6. Thi HAROLD H. BENNETT, JR.. COMFORTABLE FOUR BEDROOM full basement. Nice grounds. Shore etruction. Catch on? You guessed It Family-sized two-itory faouit. In good rear flagstone patio; two-car garage. anij 50 miles to New York City. $23,000. Give us a. buzz. We love to Introdua right Is also reserved to reject a 20 Starlight Drive, HOME—Near transportation to Newark condition. Three bedrooms, cnc]«ed MIDDLETOWN Price *32.flOO. 652-6186. and all bids or to waive any inform Morrl&town, New Jeney. • and N.Y. Two blocks Irom Sandy Hook orch. Properly completely fenced in. COTTON RIDGE ESTATES thla one. Asking 428.900. GLAZEBROO* ittes, where such informality Is i Sole EUecutor . : Bay. 100x109 lot with trees 113,300. kihools close by. A lolid home lor only RAY STILLMAN BIO FOUR BEDROOM SPLIT—Baae- REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATES. INC. detrimental to the best Interests of Ui Messrs. Klatsky and hlmelmu 110,990. Call Custom built homes on 'i acre and Realtor. Avenue D( TWO Rivers, Rum larger. Located, exclusive River Piaza "Our «th Year" menf, large hit, baseboard heat. Ga. son, (M2-1700. Borough. 3 East Front Street i BROWN & OVERTON AGENCY €48 Broad St. Shrewsbury 741-8 rage. Low J20's. 671-0097. The right Is reserved also to Red Bank, New Jersey. 787-6600 section of Middletown. Five models WEST KEANSBURG - Two bedrooi crease or decrease the quantities spec Attorneys. Inc. Tha Klrwan Company, Realtor! and In choose from. Prices In mid |3O'i JUST REDUCED. LllCe Silver. We: If led. - April 30, May 7, u, 21 NutSwamp Rd River Plaza FOR THE LARGE FAMILY — This maintained three-bedroom ranch For- Cape, 75x100 corner lot, breezewa t White St. Red Bark I41-2525 Burow, 160 Hwy. 36, Weal Keanaburg, nine-room home with five bedrooms, mal dining room. Living, room '16x23, garage, aluminum storms and screen! By order of the Mayor and Borou Memberi of Multiple Listing. 17 - 4385 or 747 . 1239 IVi baths, near Little Silver station Is fenced In yard, fully landscaped, new Council of the Borough of Shrewsbury fireplace, bookcases. Attractive pine- painted exterior. Convenient to school! New Jersey. NOTICK a fine buy at JM.OOO Beautifully land- paneled den 13x21, bullt-lns. AUached 1 TOP VALUE MODERN COLONIAL THREE BEDROOMS scaped property with many trees. Don't garaKe. Well Innd.icftped plot 110x194 churches, shopping One block to Ne FREDERIC MESSINA MONMOUTH COUNTY delay call today. ELWOOD A. .ARM- York bus. Principals only. $15,000. 78! Mayo SURROGATE'S COURT With feature! that you would expect In Customized home. Large living room, 127.KM. LAWRENCE J. SCHILLING. Notice to Creditors to Preieat Imagine a four-bedroom, two full bath STRONG AGENCY, Realtor, 555 Pros- REALTOR. Willow Drive & Parke * ' MRS. PAUL S. FABRY home, with dtn, patio, basement, and a higher priced home. Four bedrooms, kitchen with dining area, den. paneled pect Ave., Little Silver. 7(1-1500. Cle-rl Claims Against Estate acres and acres o[ free pity ground baseboard heat, fireplace In 20" living family room. Extraa too many to list. Avenue, Little Sliver. 747-4H21. OLD SHREWSBURY — Three-year-o' May 14, 19 *37 ESTATE OP NOEL R. NILSON, DE- In the rear, for under (20,000. Trans- room, two-car garage. Excellent condi- Superb condition. Offerer! in the lowEXECUTIVE'S ESTATE: beautiful bab- WEST DEAL — Sacrlllce. Reduced ft ranch In Immaculate condition. Thn CEASED. ferred owner actually ashing below Ion and rnoit anxioui to tell. Aikinf tao**. The McQOWAN AGENCY, Real- bling brook winds through l',i acres quick sale. Transferred. 75' three bed- bedrooms, ceramic t!!: bath larg< Punuant to the order of DONALD 3. FHA evaluation. •21,000, * tors, 258 Newman Springs Rd., Redof shade trees; 50 rhododendrons.aral- room ranch with that spacious Florida eat-ln kitchen, comfortable living room NEW JERSEY STATE HIGHWAY CUNNINGHAM, Surrogate of the Coun- Bank. 747-3000. eaa, rosea, Holly, Evergreens, flowera utility room. Nicely landscaped. Nea CROWELL AGENCY, REALTOR CROWELL AGENCY, REALTOR look, 1W years old. Large living room schools, low taxes, low down naymr DEPARTMENT j ty of Monmouth, this day made, on 63 Riverside Ave. Red Bank 741-4030 EXCEPTIONALLY WELL designed galore Artesian well constantly pro- formal dining room, 13x19 kitchen with 65-31 the application of the undersigned, Jes- 63 Riverside Ave., Red Bank 74MQ3C pelf water-wheel at fish pond; 2400 sliding glass door, 15x16 master bed- to qualified buyer. Asking $16,f>00 M sie W. Nllson, Sole Executrix of the Opposite Molly Pitcher. Inn Opposite Molly Pitcher Inn four bedroom, ranch, two full baths, s Dated: April 15Ui, 18«5 carpeting and draperies thrown in on Vi acres beautifully landscaped tion. Ideal for horses. Good barns, Walking distance to alt schools shi Larg« lot to play In. Asking $18,900. HroundB, two fireplaces, two-car ga 743-7141 , BARGAIN OF THE MONTH! "Housi ping, and transportation. Open Sat i sey as follows: i JESSIE W. NILSON rage, 2\h baths, all hot water but' fenced pastures. Best location Beautiful" surrounded by velvet green 61 Seven Bridge Roa4, J. LESTER RIGBY, REALTORS BOATMAN! — Are,you Listening? Deep GEORGE V ILLMENSEE, Hwy. 34lawn, . 220 ft. frontage, aracions living Sun. noon to 5. Rt. 35 to Rt." Route 39 Fireway, Section 1 board h««t. Large family room ad- water. Shrewsbury River* Owner going North to Broadway, right to Locu Parcel 55—Located on the east side Little Silver, New Jtniy 7*1-77*1 joins kitchen. Attic may be expanded Colts Neck. 463-3172. room. Dining room. Science kitchen, Ave., right two blocks to Walnut Placi Olendola Road, 139 feet south Sole Executrix ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Screened porch, picture windows, fron South. Will Include many extras. Ge dishwasher. Four bedrooms, three Alston Beekman, Jr. aboard now! Low taxes. Living room IN ONE OF OUR BEST AREAS — batlis. Family room 21'xl3' with fire- left to model. 531-0000 or 774-1"" Monmouth Boulevard, Wall Towi EXECUTIVE RANCH and back. Dry basement. Located In fascinating kitchen, three bedrooms, With Sewage systemn, four-bedrooms, ship, Monmouth County, New 3< 10 Broad Street, offers luxury living on landscaped acn m-acre zone area. Call for appoint- two-baths. Den. living room, dining place. Extra den or 6th bedroom. Base- PAIR HAVEN — New custom-bull sey: consisting of a one-story sti Red Bank, New Jersey ' - . ment, B*2-2169. Price reasonable. und bath, plus three room apartment ment. Hot water baseboard, heat. Two- with three large bedrooms. 1V4 bath* for a bonus. Unusual offering tit $35,000. room, and kitchen plus full basement, car garage. Patio I»'x26' wltJi brick •ix-room ranch. Large full basemenl co over cinder block dwelling, on Attorney 35" Ilvlmr room with fireplace, formi FHA appraised asking 110,000. Owner, near schools, shopping centers, church car frame garage and 200 lest April 23, 30, May 7, II , dinltiR room, 24' jinneleii breezeway KATONTOWN — Wickoff Rd.. neaGLABEBROOK REAL ESTATE ASSO- Broker The DoWBtra Agency. 741-8700. wall enclosure. A home you will be es. Call 741.3305. chain link fence. baseboard heat, full Basement, lwo-ca' Clinton Ave. Two story Colonial, fou CIATES, INC., Avenue of Two Rlv««, proud to own. TREMENDOUS VALUE! garage To inspect this fine home, ca) bedrooms, V/-, bathn, large paneled rec Rumson 842-1700. A REAL OPPORTUNITY — Choice S26.95O. STANLEY K, DOWNS. Realtor, The sale will be held at the all NOTICE Shrewsbury 741-1017. Buildings will be sold as indlvldu The Following Is a copy of an anil- 1C. R. finyder & Co., 135 First Av*. rent Ion room, two-car gft,r»Re Elngei $19,900. IS A LOW PRICE for m!)er of Multi- Constmctlor Co., Builder. 5124«13 home In Historic Shrewsbury. This ranch, private latoon for boat docking. nance that waa Introduced at' a regu- ple Listing Service! Ask for Mrs. Rich Olfered at J40.5O0. Shown by appoint- WATERFRONT. Little Silver. Trant The successful bidder will be r larly held meeting of the Township HOLM OK L — Bpllt level, three bed' newly decorated ranch home has a, IOR- ferred owner can give possession June CHAPEL HILL AREA — One ac: quire to pay twenty-five per cent Com ml tee of the Township of Middle* mond, 291-0900. After 7 p.m., 787-OO7r burning fireplace In Uie living room, ment ELWOOD A. ARMSTRONG building lot. Wooded location. Aakln rooms. 1 \k baths, attached garage Nice dining room. Errtclent kitchen, AOENCY, Realtor, 555 Proapict Ave., 15. Enjoy mis summer on the water. the amount of the hid In cash, or town on May 11, 1965 and passed WEST KEANSBURO — Owner tran Walk to single session iichool, Near Uttle Silver 741-4500. Two year, old split-level with den. din-$6,500. Call Nick Mil 11 aney, Tha Klrwai certified check drawn to the order first reading and was laid ov*r for shopping, transportation. Large patio, tleetrc range, refrgerator, washer and Ing room. Pour bedrooma, JV4 baths. Co., Realtors. 787*6500. JIB State Highway Department at tr ferred, must sell. Three bedrooms, lh dryer. Three bedrooms, tied bath. Wail- tlme of the sale. The balance of * further consideration upon lecood. and Ing room, kitchen and bath. Fencert-li appliances, atnrmn. other extras. »i to-wall bread loom Screens and storm RU1I8ON — ONE WOODED ACRE Basement. Two-car garage. 133 000. 20 ACRE FIELD - Lush pasture. Wei final passage to a meeting of the isJd yard. Shade tree*. SI 3,900. MorlKRK acre. Very low taxe*. Jl(t.60O. 264-1B61 jiash. Attached garage. Excellen WITH FRUIT TREES WII.L. LEAD LAWRENCE J SCHILLING, REAL- fenced, electrified barbed wire. Dalrj amount erf said bid to be paid to Township Committee to ba held at the may be assumed. 787-5S7B, after neighborhood. ONLY ONE! CALL FOR FROM DEEP WATER kAQOON TO TOR, Willow Drive * Parker Ave., entile or steers. $300 for season. Phoni Secretary of the State Highway D Committee meeting rooms lit the MM- LINCROFT — Charming and imm APPOINTMENT. STANLEY K. DOWNS 30'XI5' REAR PATIO OF EIGHT- Llltle Silver. 747-4121 M6-.S3.1 partment In cash or certified chec dtetown Township Haill, at State High- RUMSON RANCH-On Rorgeotut 1. late eiRhl-room split level, which fra ROOM, CUSTOM BUILT HOUBE. drawn to the order or the State Hlgl acre Betting In prime location. Tlin turpfl 21' living room, 15sl5 panele Realtor, Shrewsbury. 741-1017. f WEST LONG BRANCH — 100 per cenl way Department at the office of nal way 35 and Kings Highway, Middle- Z8I16 SUNKEN LIVING ROOM WITH LOTS FOR SALE — Owner Bellini Secretary 1035 Parkway Avenue, Trei town, New Jersey on Tuesday evsnlng bedrooms, two bnlhs. paneled dp BUT room, three lovely tied rooms. 24 MIDDLETOWN OWNER TRANS- DOME FIREPLACE, DINING ROOM, remodeled Cape Cod; three bedroom*, Call after 6. Mny 23, 1065 at 8:30 o'clock p.m., ui CENTRALLY A.R-CONPIT1ONED. $M, recreation room, 1 'a baths, attached MODERN KITCHEN. DEN. CUE'T 1U baths; fireplace modern kitch 264-8231 ton, New Jersey, within Uv-ree days a 000 842-1235, after 5 p.m.; any tlm garage. On iBrge lot, Pliin many ex PERREn—Eautr to Hell rour-bedroom with dishwasher and wall oven; lul tar notice by this rlepnrtment nrfau which lime all persons Interested will Colonial In excellent condition. Loti ROOM AND BATH ON FIRST FLOOR In making final pftyment within t be given an opportunity to be heard. weekend*, lor appointment. tran. Buyer can ansume 4'i per ceni THREE BEDROOMS AN[) BATH ON dlnlns room; spacious closets; oil heat. BEAimFUL ONE-ACRE LOT — Gl mortuflge. $1P.6O0. VrIvate. 6R7-7OR7 pitraa, under S20.OOO. Cnme nt* and Perfect for a growing famll/. Inoulr Okie Shrewsbury. Set It, then call 54! time above limited shall act a is j THOMAS T. CONRAD HIGHLANDS-HILL SECTION make »n offrr. 7R7-44W. SECOND FLOOR. LOCATED ON EiX- 1986, after 5 p.m. render by the purchaser to the Stai Township Clerk DON'T MISS THIS — Three inlrtlit TREMBLY CONVENIENT DEAD END at premises. 36 Norlh Locust Ave. Five minutes by cur to Sandy Hoo from Middletown alatlon. Modern etgh LITTLE SILVER*?;EM - $l«.5Of». Two We«t Long Fmnch. oF New Jersey of nil his rights In AT AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN OR- Park. Blue & While bus stnjis at itoni ti til room H, I'.j bntha, convenient loca- STREET. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. LOT FOR SALE EATONTOWN — A' to both the building snd the In it I DINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDI- room homp with quaint charm, (on {45,000. CALL OWNER. 8422078. Jacent Fort Monmtn>th. 1-3 wooded ten Realistically priced for 17,MO. 717-2MO. GARDENER'S DREAM — Love! All buildings muat bt removed froi THE COUNTY OF MONMOUTH FOR Realtor, 555 Prospect Av«., Little Sllve HOLMDEL — Thrr e-bed room spll wooded setting with dogwood II ne the lands of the Stale of New Jersi THE YEAR 1D63 AND THEREAF- 74I-4SOO. levfrl, llj baths, recreation room, pallo, MIDDLETOWN RANCH— Seven yean LOTS TER," ADOPTED APRIL 6, 1552, HOLWDEL — Old Manor Ranch. Threi on '« of an acre landncappd. Refrlgers old corner lot, three bedroomi, dining drive, built (n green houses, BOACIOU at the sole expense of the purchasi AND AMENDED JANUARY 23, 1963, larga bedrooms, dining room, yea lor, waahfr, dryer and othtr extrai. room large eat-In kitchen. Attached comfortable living room, with f I replace Holmdrll Full acre 18,80 within ten days after the State nhi round jaloueled porch, two baths, drj WAITING FOR A BARGAIN? THII measures 21x24, two twin-sized bed- glvfc written notice in tlie purchase NOVEMBER 27, 1D63, APRIL 22, 18 IT Four-bedroom ranch. Eipannivi Low taxes, excellent ichooli. 120 500 Mrage and [UU bajemenl. O.L mort Matawan Township Pull acre (4,50 to effect such removal but not befor 1064, end APRIL 27, 10W. bajemenl Low taxes Walk to school 264-0961, EiKf. Walk to achoot. Reasonable, rooma, two batha, air conditioning. Only Ten Lot Subdivision - Local Area SUM BE IT ORDAINED by the Township Low S2O'B. 261-6353. view Irom 22s 12 jaloiiRted porch. Llvlni 787-3743. • 110.000. Call now. ELWOOD A. ARM and not before final payment is mad room 20x14, fireplace. Dining roam COLTS NECK — Something a HUH STRONG, AOENCY, Realtor. 565 Pr EDWIN S. STARK which nsld notice shall be given Committee of the Township of Middle- WELL KEPT CAPE COD — FouTwo balhn, Finished Imsement piny out o. the erdilnary. Knur hedrooi S87& DOWN and |130 month including pect Ave., MUM Silver, 741-4500. nafd purchaser bv depositing the aft town l:i tlie County of Monmouth and large rooms and balh plui room and shop. At Inched two-cnr ftn Dnninh comtempory witli 3'i hath!" tojH-R and Insurance, will buy thla 261-0333 In the mall ad die sued to said pu State of NEW Jersey: attached garage, larpe dry basemen, rape. Wall-to-wall rnrprltnir, drnpr* two fireplaces, spacious family roo Ihrer-yrftr-old, three-bedroom home in MIDDLBTOWN — Carnegie Eiita Real Estate and Mortgage Consults chaser at hin last known address. Tl expandable atlc. Well landscaped lot extras. I^otfl of Htorage. Plot 145x200 forms] dining room, nclenrp kllchi. Shrewsbury. 741-O2M. . Oak Hill section. Over one-half acre to all buildings not removed withl SEUT1ON l. That BecUon 9 of the 7*7-3622, $24,000. LA WHENCE J. SCHILLING baeement, two-car garage, Couldn't be wooded area. Beautiful two year 1003 Hwy. 36 said limit of time shall reveit ab* onSinanco to which this ordinance la REALTOR Willow Drive ft Parkei (lAHI)ENER'S DELIGHT —. a-4 bedmodel home. Four bedrooms, 2',^ battts lutely to the State or New Jer*ey a nr)i;-i(i- tor :,nd supplementary be APPLEBROOK I — Three beiroomn Kin to duplicate nt JI4.D00. Shown I; mended to rend as follows: !',& ba.hs, trees and privacy. VS Brou Avenue, l.lltte Silver. 747-4121, appointment. ELWOOD A. ARM room split on half acre lot. Two carnear two new schools. Must sacrifice, UNION BEACH, N. J. such buildings may at the option Rd. JI22.300. Principals only, Cnll 67 STRONG AOENCY. Realtor, 55!, Pros facilities, covered patio, dishwasher. moving out of atate. Owner 671 """" saJd Commissioner be eluhcr resold SECTION 0. In addition to alt 1362 on Saturday or Sunday to sei WOULD YOU UKE~fo~TlVE - Ii ptct Avf . Little Silver 7O-4UH) Close Parkway, schools, shopping, BDlLDEns TERMS — Wooded demolished and all payments made salaries and Increments each reg- lovely Colt's Neck In n rour-be-lrooi Walking distance New Yorii, Newark TWO FAMILY HOUSE FOR SALE — acre, lotn, fully Improved. Marlbor account of said purchase price sh ular member of the Police Depart- PORT MONMOUTH — Cape Cod, thre Colonial, located on a wooded lot? Cal RED BANK — Expanded Cape OK buaea. Under 120,000. Call 747-3349. CALL Colin Neck area, financing arn become absolute property o( the Stat ment and the Combustibles Inspec- bedrooms, extra large modern kltchei is end we'll tell you all about om Fireplace In 30' living room, kitchen, 872-1841. 741-6114. ol New Jersey. tor srin.Il receive an annual uni- with unfinished room upstairs aultabli roomy well-equipped family kitchen, dining room, bath, three bed room i MIDDLETOWN — Brigadoon South form allowance of (200 ptyibl* formal dining room. 2'4 balhs. Lang* paneled family room, covered patfo Section. Attractive live-bedroom. 214- COLONIAL — In country setting oi 3 ACRKS — Colts Neck, Asking 10K The successful bidder ihail be for extra bedroom. On 75*200 lot tree-covered % acre. Living room with Call semi-annual ly. Each regular num- Priced for quick lale at (12.000. Ca4 paneled family room, where wa havi Call 741-7328 bith bi lev«, Kitchen »Uh built-in fireplace and will-lo-we.il carpeting. quired to raze the foundation wails ber of the Police Department shall 787-6056. enjoyed pleasant evendngn, before on appliances, wood paneled recreation Separate dining room, three bedrooms, ground level, orack the concrete < rpcelve In addition to all other wood burning firepla.ee, our pailo fo: NO TRANSPAflSINO SIGNS — Si; room, large laundry room. Nicely land- 144 baths, sunporcli, buement, g«rag«, lar floor, and (ill In Uie cellar wll ••Janet and increment* an amount THREE-BEDROOM RANCH—AU ]afg« Bummfr evenfnes. We'll mlnn Uie lot round this property mind you, not to L scaped large lot. 127.300. Call 671-8M7. oil hot water heat. Priced In very low non-deteriorating material. The su equal to one full day'* pay for rooms, two baths, fireplace, two-car ga taxen, fine school system and tht lovely mem, but to protect tiis lovely land- S20's. 671-3M4 REAL ESTATE WANTED ceaiful bidder shall be required to r*>« each of Uie following holidays: rage, screened porch. Exceptionally fin* quiet community we've enjoyed. Ca neaping from cnretefitinffid, Five rooms BELFORD — Three bedrooma, living K00 certified cheok or cam wlUi thi New Year's Day, Lincoln'* Birth- u» at 046-4627. two baths, two ataclied green house* room, kitchen, bath. Large lot. 14.000. New Jersey State Highway Depart neighborhood. Deeply wooded lot. Col 5fi Seventh St.. Beltord. CHARCOAL GRAY COLONIAL, cuBti WE NKBIJ — Flvt or alz, 2-3 benrooi day, Washington's Birthday, Qood 747-2108. plus KaraEe complete thin package I homes, fumlahed or unrumlltltd, fro: ment, whloh money will be held In e; Friday, Decoration Day, Inflepind- RL'MSON - Gracious older home wit! you want an excellent condition horn* built. P!safer walls. All newly deco- crow until the terms and conditions t ence Day, Labor D»y, Thanksgiv- RIVER OAKS — Two-story Colonial pltwi ttie many flowering fhrubn. plant* MIDDLETOWN — Beautiful rour-bed- rated. Fireplace. Wall-to-wail broad' 185 to $175 per month (or Incomin hf sale have been compiled with. four bedrooms, and two full bathi room npllt level on corner plot. Walk loom In the 23 ft. living rnom. hnl parsonnil. THE HERO AOENCY. Ft ing Day, Christmas Day. Election three bedrooms, 2',i baUin, large JivJn. Pretty, sunny and modern rat-In kitch- and treen, here Is an opportunity by lo shopping, schools, churchen, public Further conditions of sale. If An: Day, Veterans' Day, and ColumJbus room with fireplace, spacious den, i en. Sepnrate laundry area, living room. calling 842-1700. Priced at 130,000, and dining room. TUrd kitchen, electrli 55, Middletown. 971-100). will be announced at the lime of hoi Day. . professionally landscaped hlfih Inl. Fi. Den (ind lovely formal dining room OLA/EBROOK REAL ESTATE AfiSO tntnannrlnllon. enrage, pnlln. one acre. range. Breahiant room. Tiled powtfe Ing sale and Ihe right to with dm 4'j percent tt.I. Mortgage. Muat lacri- room. Three twin bedrooms, tiled hnth JOXCHANQB REAL ESTATE! basement and attached, two-cur garage, Biiflcment and itaraKe $27,500, Me CIATE8, INC.. Realtor, Avenue of Tw< Whit You H*vi said buildings from oftle Is reserve SECTION 1. This ordinance shall Uke Many extra* included. Asking price Allster Agency, Ilealtnrs, 100 E. Rlvt Rlvem, Rum Bon, Ni:e. Cull 6711530. Full dry banement Laundry. Clrcula ALL BIDS ARE SUBJECT TO TH ting hot water oil heat. Greene way • for APPROVAL OF THE STATE HIOJ affect upon fts final passage, adoption 138,000, Principal* only. Phone 74: Road, Rumiotl. 842-1884. NEW SHIIEW8RURY — 114.DOC on What You Want and publication In Uie mannrnf pre- 31M. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Four b&d- WiHIatnii Bt., Like new, four-bedroom two













On the tenth grtde credit list, •laron Anderson, W«yne Ben P2 Students r«tt, Robert Bennan, Victor 'Amico. Jane Edmunds, Bonnie On Honor ovinsky, Betty Hartley, Leslie uber, Richard Jeffery, Jane orb Paige Parker, Lynn Pat- COMPANY AHMT f AH* • *lP IANK • Mia list at RBI [ . rson, Alan Schafter, Allen Shoe- AJIU»r PARK • HEP IANK • UICK TOWN RED BANK - The third mark- n.aker, Carol Swanson. ing period honor roll and credit Cm the elevenUi grade honor list «t Red Bank High (School roll, Kevin Bracken, Robert cites these 122 students loi good Carlone, Bruce Chameroy, Char- "Flora Del Mar" by Trifari •cholarship: lotte Clement, Jeffrey Cove, Richard Parley, Mark Gettel- On the ninBi grade honor roll, son, Diana Grubb, Gerald Good- Linda Ayres, Nancy Bahr, Nancy your choice of necklace, man, EUen Hartley, Jane Kat- Bertebon, Amy Christensen, Kar- ims, Paul Klein, Kenneth Loef: en Collins, Michael Connolly, fler, Jonathan Maslow, Susan Barbara Domderd, Eileen Gale, bracelet, pin or earrings -. . . rformington, Donald Steel, Deb- Stephen Garoff, Janes Johnson, orah Thompson, Laura Zeisel. Nancy Johnson, Estelle ;Katz, On the eleventh grade credit Carole Kesster, Donna Landers, only 5.00 ; list, Jack Bagley, Cynthia Brown lois Lehman, Miohael McCarthy, Carolyn Cerini, Susan Clayton Susan Miller, Jill Patterson, Tim. Henderson, Doris Ivins, Vou'd think ttfi jawalry, co»t Kiren Schlenker, Rebecca Sdmel- Janet Kretlow, Carl Mason, Ann '•'I-7 COMBINED COMPARATIVE BALANCE NHEKT December 31 December Jl ASSE18 1881 1KB Ossn ana Invesunenu _..* s 3«i,400.18 I 344,142.11 ,Tsxss and Liens Receivable , 62,604.55 71,094.51 PropertPre-perty AcquieAcquired fo[or TaxesAssesseTaxes^-Assessed Value 4,600.00 4,750.00 Aecounta Receivable 29,765,21 30.3S3.49 Deferred Charges to Future Taxation—General Capital ._ _ 56,106.00 (0,500.00 Referred Charges to Revenue of Bucceedlni Years . 3,100.00 Spectator pumps by Red Cross* TOTAL ASSETS K4.8J5.O3 « 5H.235.1I

LIABILITIES. RESEIWEB AND SURPLUS , . . with a new look Sends and Noles Payable _ 4 10,000.00 Improvement Authorisations _ - &.63O.M 3S.615.31 ONCE-A-YEAR Oiler Liabilities and 8petlal Funds 311,330.21 271,868.61 Reserve for Certsln Assets Receivable .. W,07».7e 10e.187.00 ftirplus „ _ 1OI.6OS.42 definitely this year! 97,458.24 LEGSIZE SAVINGS EVENT TOTAL LIABILITIES. RESERVES AND SURPLUS _l U1.t7S.9i f 511,239.1 STOCKINGS 15.00 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF OPKRATIONS AND Style D.icription Reg. Sale frict CHANGR [K SI RPLU8.CIIIUIENT FUND ; Revenue (Casli Basis) Yeir iNf Year 1963 SEAMLESS Price 1 ft. I ft. Itfs your pet spectator pump — but this ' eurplus BsJs^ice January 1 — I 96,634.81 ktistiellaneous^—From other than Local I 89,032.7; (45 Second Skin* Heel and Tot C.ntr.ce 1.75 4.0S 4.S0 season with newly slim, stacked heel. Still Properly Taut Levies _, 97.311.80 Collection y rwllnati'nt Taxis 99,75263 700 Meel and Toe Dreit Sheer 1.50 1.21 3.B0 the same smart looks and easy walking 1 and Tix Title Liens M.310.4J Coliseum ot Current Tax Liivy -. 1,078,(64.15 74.05S.0S 735 15-Denier Micri-Meih 1.35 1.17 J.50 comfort.' Take yours in navy, brown and Interfund Loans Returned 10.JOO.00 1.0:8.(50.60 42S Wslkino Shear _..., 1.35 1.17 3.10 TOTA1. FUNDS' !! .ll,347,»71.22 Sl.327.721,035,620.928 white, or black patent and white, or all 950 Aailon* Sheer Stretch _ 1.65 1.41 4.20 whit*. (Brick Town in brown-white only. Expenditures (Actnial Basil) Budget Expenditures: Style Description Reg. Sale Me* j.-MunlelpsJ Purposes -. 4 297.390.00 I 33t.530.94 TOaunty Taxes - „._ — til, 308.71 166,363.71 WITH SEAM Price 1 pr. 3 pr. 'Local and Regional School Taxes _,__,„ , TW 465 42 631,525.63 Interfund Loans Made ..- t,eos!oo 52,005.49 Vogua Drasi Shear 1.65 1.41 4.20 "OUisr Expenditures -,,— 70.4( 314V Walking Shaar .1.65 1,41 4.20 TOTAL SXPBNDITUllM _..41.243,lg8.20 J1.232.5S81 AH Servica Shaar „ I.J5 1.17 3.50 UBSa: EipaBdlturel to be Rinsed 754 Service Weight .....'. 1.65 1.41 4.20 bl Future Taxes —— .•—- TOTAL ADJUSTED EXPENDITURES -.11.243,188.30 - ll.231.08t.ll V—Bril.Shrjrmeer's Exclusive Ventilated Feet •TW» product hes no eonrtaetlBi wnonNVk}}* witti Ibt Atalt Seceriil Skin-Wayne Knlltlno Mills Registered Trademark Nstlenol .Red 'Cm*. turpJua Balanca December » « 1M.7S3O) t 91,634.81

••V- •" ! ItEOOMHENDATIONK: Nona PHONE 741-4000 in Red Bank araa, or laa your directory. STEINBACH'S 5HOES, Slraar Floor, alia Aibury P.rk, Brick Town : Ths) kbov* summar. y or ilynopal,. ^ a mwais prepared rrom Uie report o| audit atlti Boroughh of Fair Bavin,, County o«f MonmouUi, for the cslendu year WIV THIS wort of audit, lubmilted by Joseph J. Seaman and Company, Red Bank •Kaittsjreil Municipal Acoounlanls, Is on tile at the Borough clerk's offlc STEINBACH'S HOSIERY, Straat Floor SHOP ' Ajibury Park Wed. and Fri Nights 'til 9 alto Aibury Park, Brick Town VII 11 IM.S4