The Woodbridge Leader an Independent Newspaper Published in the Interest of Woodbridge Township >
GRADE CROSSINGS Ml$J GO 1 t THE WOODBRIDGE LEADER AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP > Woodbridge, N. J., Friday AfteffloonrNoownbor 22, 1929 PRICE TWO ( LINTS ST. MARY'S AND OUT FOR VICTORY ANNUAL LEGION™- Gi™ TO DEDICATE] utmnsrms MAYORGKEtia W. H. S. CLASH Life SHOW OPENS I "Jimmy"" l.oukldet, son of Mr. AVENELCHURCH nnd Mrs. H. L. Loukldes, of James FIRST STEAMER ON TURKEY DAY street, was said to be getting along THIS EVENING very well at the Rahway Hospital 'this noon. The boy's father gave THIS SUNDAY TO DOCK HERE Annual lnter-schola*tic Grid :_ iL *• »» n .• !Rboabou"t a pint ot blood iinn « tranifu- Classic to be Played at HI the Air , KomanhC slon la*t Friday evening and "Jlmm Profra- m It Announce^; Hit- S. S. "SliiriEV6,022 f«i, Musical Comedy , Includel s <§<)ow n tltMdd yl lDlprovemei11 t o r y of drganintion 427 Fed UOI, Welcomed Cutter's Field. l C £^ The blood traqifuilon was dacld, Best Local Talent. ed upon u a result ot a sugiitRvtou Shows Great Shuffle. .1 Sh.ll <Vi Whirl. li,,. Woodbridge High Hehool ! made by Dr. Fred Albtt! of Colflnla, i,l,irrs and.the St. Mary's High "l li In the Air", a glittering, faat- eminent bone surgeop, following a The cornerstone of the first Thi> 'Shlrak", first ,,,„„! eleven, ot Perth'Amboy, will >VinR miifllcal comedy, will be pre-conference the early pert of last church In Avenel, th* Avenel Pree- fusel to tie up at a local dock' was thls evening for the first of byterlan church; will be laid with , ,1,, the local krW season with we"ek.
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