
Constance Clay.” Miss Bennett's more re- Murder Murdered Signs cent screen appearances were In Cycle has signed a “Topper,” ",” long-term contract with Columbia “Topper Takes A Trip” and “Tail Some Bad Dramas Pictures. This marks Miss Ben- Spin.”* By nett’s return to the screen after OP MAY 26 _WEIK J_ SUNDAY_MONDAY_ TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY an absence of several months dur- which was Broadway’s Newest Academy "Four Wlvei" "" "The Frlvate Lives of "pe Private Live* of "Main Street Lawyer” “Main Street Lawyer" "The Covered Trailer" ing she appearing on __ Ellaabeth and Essex Bliaabeth and laeex” Mystery Play, 17™'.' _H „„ *nd, and “Smaahln* the and “Smashing the and the stage. Sth and Q Sts. 8.E _Mercy Plane._ _Mercy_Plane.J_ and Nt^Place to Go. and “No Place to Oo." __Money Ring," _Money Ring." “Haunted Gold." ‘At the Miss Bennett made her screen Stroke of Eight,’ the Third Ambassador ^2d JtSSBEJ, W8 *.nd and Jamei Cagney and- VlrginlaBruce and vIrslnia~Bruce and- ln Ann Sheridan In Dennis Morean In Dennis Moraan In debut in “Cytharea." Her first IStni«fh andum Columbiae-nin^ihi* Rd.■><• Torrid !.n Torrid ?.n A,2J? }n Not Met Too Zone._ Zone.___TorrldZone.;_ Tottld Zone. 'Torrid Zone." "Plight Angela." "Might Angela." starring role was in "Sally, Happily AdoIIo '* Walt Disney’* Mlekay Rooney Mickey Rooney Ann Sheridan and ‘Ann Sheridan and "Light of the and Some of her ".” "Pinocchio." *“ In In Jeffrey Lynn in Stera" and "Mve Llt- Mary.’’ many TOta«* Hh St.at n ■ Tom _.. By Mark Barron, N.E.- ---- _Youn* Edison/' “;’ "." “It All_C*m*_True.; tie Peppera at Home." early vehicles include, "The Goose MMIIUI Ashton Walt Disney'* Walt Dianey'a Mickey Rooney Mickey Rooney “Viva ci'eco Kid” and Gene Autry Screen. "Blondie'on it Hangs High,” "My Son,” "My Wife Auociatxl Pre*i Staff Wrltar. Plnoechlo. Plnoechlo. In "Ms! He's lr, Arlington v. „„_Jn Making Budget.” Stage. Em- and “The Goose Youg.g Tom Edison." ‘Young Eyes at Me." "Rancho Grande.” eraon Mountaineers. I,” Woman,” TEAM I a.... "H5u»~Aera.rw^-» JToreEdlaon/' I 7; NEW YORK. Bluebird •Three Faces East” and "Common Since the Atlas "Ch“'. McCarthy, "Chi”.' McCarthy, liSl' ?luebly<1" and “Too Mgny HET -Too -m Many HuE "I.lF-of-DEtlny" days when A1 Woods, Edgar Wallace and a few other t8 te S and J*»LH «,N*- “,n^‘ # producers playwrights discovered that the quickest way to make a Srr^*ndMWd °r^wn?.0*1 ^CS?edM0°^_ ^.Yo/^SurV "Croo/ed^oad.” *mkm • tMlwW* Avalon Ooorga . Oeorge Mickey Rooney Mickey fortune on Broadway was to pop up with a murder mystery hit, the Rialto MacMurray in'Tw jStcUuTT^ i?dErS2 ^ilnett- Rooney jihn Wayne and- —* STAGE — usually is overrun at this stage of the season with dramas about Iff grim C^TKEITH'SHa washiiioton wrrrruTioM who committed the distardly deed. jfVwlw r«*' HUM 1MY I;. ” oirla smit/wis is^mus; •■w»-w;sr Girl in Sweet Little But, despite the fact that cost less to £r*jiu;„G;°,nd — ““foaawar. on •assta;1. I The the. they produce than most any** ^roadway. ‘;Northwest Paaaag*/' “Northwest In "Stag* Door." Budget.’’ "Curtain Call.” J __