Woodbridge, N. J., Friday AfteffloonrNoownbor 22, 1929 PRICE TWO ( LINTS ST. MARY'S AND OUT FOR VICTORY ANNUAL LEGION™- Gi™ TO DEDICATE] utmnsrms MAYORGKEtia W. H. S. CLASH Life SHOW OPENS I "Jimmy"" l.oukldet, son of Mr. AVENELCHURCH nnd Mrs. H. L. Loukldes, of James FIRST STEAMER ON TURKEY DAY street, was said to be getting along THIS EVENING very well at the Rahway Hospital 'this noon. The boy's father gave THIS SUNDAY TO DOCK HERE Annual lnter-schola*tic Grid :_ iL *• »» n .• !Rboabou"t a pint ot blood iinn « tranifu- Classic to be Played at HI the Air , KomanhC slon la*t Friday evening and "Jlmm Profra- m It Announce^; Hit- S. S. "SliiriEV6,022 f«i, Musical Comedy , Includel s <§<)ow n tltMdd yl lDlprovemei11 t o r y of drganintion 427 Fed UOI, Welcomed Cutter's Field. l C £^ The blood traqifuilon was dacld, Best Local Talent. ed upon u a result ot a sugiitRvtou Shows Great Shuffle. .1 Sh.ll 'Shlrak", first ,,,„„! eleven, ot Perth'Amboy, will >VinR miifllcal comedy, will be pre-conference the early pert of last church In Avenel, th* Avenel Pree- fusel to tie up at a local dock' was thls evening for the first of byterlan church; will be laid with , ,1,, the local krW season with we"ek. The boy is suffering from an quietly moored to the pier ol thu ]l l| two performances at the Wood- attack of osteomyolltU, u bon* and appropriate exercises at 3 o'clock Eastern Shell plant In Bewartn, , iinniiill classic pn the St. Mary's bridRe Hij;h School Auditorium un- musde Infactton. Bunday afternbon. The program, Tuesday afternoon at 4 14 o'clock. ,1,1 near the Perth, Amboy City <1IT the 'auspices of Waodbrldge which will be brief, wilt be held at The boat, In charge of jCaptaln Al- ThankBglvIng Day. One Of the 1'nnt No: R7. directed by Cliff Brown, the new church site, on Woodbridn ticrt Kdwsrd Calver, was gaily of iIIP John B. Rogers Producing avenue, near Ayenel street. Hev. IIIlill! t Ht crowds ever to Witness the decked out with Hags and bunting, Company, t'ostoria, Ohto.- The secFIR- E COMPANY H. K. England, D.D., of Koselle, Including its own and its ewntrs, .,'nniml fiicounter ll expected to be mid and last performance will be Clerk of the Elliabejh Presbytery, ,.,; i ml nt two o'clock to see the thf Baltic Trading Company, ot KIVPII tomorrow night. will be the principal speaker. Liverpool. I It«ln of th<> Wiblri AH the scenes, stage Bettings, mu- OUN nwKlr H|>proay u point and. the second by finch, the master of'the house, Grace ent. at Nine O'clock men Jacob Grauaam, George Apple- Now Under Way persuaded John M. Clark, of Avenel gute., Bernhardt Jensen, William urn points. Van Pelt;. Henry Bullfinch, the The annual election of officers waB to succeed Mr. McKentle. worm that turns, Selmar Christen- held at a business session in the fire Campbell, Joseph GUI and Robert Doth teams are expected to ha In Mr, Clark took up this work and Thanksgiving Day Battler, were at the pier and nuii condition for the fracas Pastors of loeal churches ot allsen; Willie, mother's boy, Charles'house which preceded the banquet. served continuously until 1835, be- 1 watched the hawsers as they were ;naeh Runyon said yesjexday that denominations wen unanimous In Mess(ck; Scarneck Al, a bootlegger L. J. Zehrer, the new Chjef,-was ing absent only three Sundays on about the bitts at the - hoys were in great shape, only their endorsement of the' Red CroBs and Somebody else, Edward Trost; ducted Into office at Up banquet; account ot UlneBa In the twenty-two The annual Thanksgiving service in>' of them suffering from any In Gyp, the Dip*, a gunman and some- Retiring Chief Allgsigf was present- years as faithful leader. Annual Roll Call Drivo, when asked body else, Edward J. McLeod; Rose, ed with an ex-chlejp badge and a. |jM y . . . . • loose tooth . •. . , at for a statement by a reporter for It waa during his term as super- g. in* limp Rice said yesterday that who guides the Omaha Hiking Club, trumpet, by President Charles the Lwto |«nt evening, intendent that a building fund was national Chur<«n here next Thursday rflJ,.' • v>>ral of his charges were recover Ruth Miller; DoHs, a hiker, Flor- Brown. • : started! A tbr«t day muaar was Innpnlna aatt Q9 A'AIAAo'clockL . RevDnv. H*E .C3 vOtU. Rev. E. 8. Abbott, First PreHby- ence Nussbaum; Marian, a, clinging roywte, ^1,780 mlleB re- lir:- from minor hurts and that he Among the speakers were: held and four hundred dollars was Abbott, pastor-of the Cunniegatlun- ( ulred BeT9n Injected the whole outfit would be terlan church: _ vine,) Margaret Dal ton; Mike, an al ChuKh, will speak on "Th« ' ">a one-half days. Fire Chief J. Dunn, of Plalnneld; raised. The sum grew until It to- The .consisted or 7,663 tons of |in shape In the week that Is left. "1 spoke to. my parishioners last aviator, Rudolph Voelker; Patience, Assemblyman-elect M. I. Dirniarest; talled one thousand dollars In 1894Meanin. g of i Sunday from the pulpit and' asked a Quaker maiden, Dorothy NUBK- Members Of The Woodbridge boys held a Mayor William A- Ryab, Township In 1895, the DemoreBt Union Super Shell, Shell uiik of tough scrimmage sessions them to support the Red Crou In baum{ Prudence, another Quaker MethodlBt and Presbyterian niuiden,1 F t-«-re n c e , Jellynmn) Committeemen Robert Sattler and Chapel was built on a plot donated and nfsday and Wednesday afternoons their drive. There U no need to JacoJ b GrausaS;GS 1 memberb s ot the i by the Realty Trust Company, ot are Invited to attend. argue for It that I can'aee, It is HOSpeedkr, 4 flivver doctor, Thomas Rev. Mr, Abbott will address the!(barrels would be required to hold_ |ut the Parish House Field with the Board ot Education F. T. Howel)|New York. It cost about $2,500. the fluid stored In the vessel's tanks. Ir.uirret High varsity furnishing the obviously a needed thing and theDunnj Wanatah, owner of the curio pe Red Cross In doing men a worthy shop, (Arlme. Heiselberg, and Tomah, and James Filer; Supervising PrlniSuuday School waa held there for a }£„.;, . °P™ °.' Engineer Lawson Bam- lonioHition. The Black and Red out- clpal John H. Love, of the Township -. the leader- work that there should really be noher aV«H»nt, Martha Sprague. Sunday evening. -His was In. charge of the hook- hied out a few new plays . ilfejnlwni vt the thorns Public Schools; Thomfce A. Kane, ship ot Thomas Lindsay, of Rahway, Ing up the flexible hose from the ,• iioro aggregation Tuesday after-' roawm for having 4e-uwe-aayoiie to ; v will be" The Meaning of the co-operate in this, drlrtr" Hike™: Madallne Mundy, Joseph- trustee, Boro of Richmond, New who .succeeded Mr. Clark, the latter I ™ ™ * 1 port on the Shlrak's tnaln deck to mil and chalked up three touch- resigning on account "of poorHBttlth^; j ^,J^, .. The Young Men * Rev. J. B. Myers. Trinity Epis- ine $O»*B, Helen Wilfon, Marie York City; Preslctent John J. Oann. L will meet on the pier. The Leader reporter; ap- IWIIK. The visitors failed to score of the New' Jeraey State firemen's After some time, Mr. LlndBay re-1 " "*"" proaching the officer, asked his copal church: Qlbrlak; Mildred O'Neal, Ethel 1 (continued on page five) Assottatlon, of Newark; Thomas b\ signed to take up Sunday School l*^ ™ name. "I .have been associated with the Remlnar, Louise Morris, Hilda usual raid-week service will Blan«y, trustee, B&rt> of Quwna, work in Rahway and he was fol "Why do you wish my naraeZ'" Red Gross Organization In war Jacobs. New York City; Teter FHsen, .presi- lowed by S. N, Greenhalgh, B. b\ be Op Wednesday evenlnt; at 8 work, during* the WorM'Wf*atort AViutors: Harry De Russy, Vln- o'clock, five seivlce will include 11 asked the engineer.. dent of Protection Hook and LadElliso- n and others, "You seem to be In charge* of the- after the^lforld' War, I know It*, cent Battman, Edward Jochen, An' ^en Qompany, Perth Amboy; Chief Sunday School was discontinued Thanksgiving sermon. .easbey School working froth th'& inside and from drew Silts, George Ross, men hooking up the line," replied Phillip Jame.s Seerey and Mm AitBlBtant until about ten years ago when Wil • : ~ the scribe, tin- outHide. 1 made an announce- Bell, Donsl* Push, John pi k*. ^ Ohitt f.-SAWfda^^erth Araboj llam Gardner, of Woodbrld^e, see- FIREMEN WILL AID "And you a newipa- ment from my pulpit last Sunday aa LitUe DTJi^ Xorni. c Ktre Departtieiit. ,_^. riIX Ili: 11 Leads all Others reminder to my#Wtrtahlon?r|. Ing the need, of a Sunday Schflfll |p " ' ""** «"* perman,' bh "•»;•»;nWKiilr.-ItwWf.S. Abbottr Avenet, took up the. wow#fiwh. he *aUilwf, as though I don'milnlMlSy n'OMedft. adek', Ev Eleanor Bev. A. Boylan FlUGerald; Rev. J. SANTA CLAUS HERE *«, r*iiy m My congregation and other residents carried on so successfully. New jSoft •wWi to Grlmley. B. Myers; Charles Zanzaleri, Becre- trustees were elected and a building you see, so wfly in Attendance of this community should not need Quakers: Erraa Fredericks, Mar- Members of t)ie Uulformtd Fire- publiBh'my namey^which really doe% tery, Local' No. 286, International fund started for a new church 1 any stimulus to contribute to the i men's Association, of Fire Company not * matter, anyway?" garet Olbrick, Emily Trojan, Marlon | A88OCA88OC»aatlont i ot Firefighters, ot Perth 1 only nationally organized relief or- Schode, Loretta blraonson, |No. 1, will repair or recondl'.'on "You are the Chief Engineer,". Ki'iisbey' School pupils lead the Schode • Loretta blraonson £mily£mily]] AmbOy. D I, TT . sspencer . MichaeMihll Union Chapel, on St. George's ave- •Ii i-ii of the Township in altend- ganization W" have." Catano, MaHha Sprague, discarded £oys or playthingn sent said the reporter, tryiag a new Helen Fltzpatrlck; LouiB Scheldneagel, of nue, was disposed of an account of I |n -, last month, according to the re- Rev. W. V. D. Strong, .Congrega- Cotley. them during • the coming holiday angle. '. _ Trenton; Rev. John H. Finn, ot St.the danger to children, due to theeeaBon and will redistribute them "Yes,"'aame the admlselon. i of Supervising Principal John tional church: Moonlight Ballet, Lady of Ro- Mary's, South Amboy; Attorney An- heavy traffic. Love, submitted to he Board of "Everyone should help in this mance, Miriam Berry; Dreatn Girls: through local charitable agencies, Ii "I " am glad to know you, Mr. drew Desmond; Rev. WK V. D. Arrangements were made through was announced yesterday. Discard- Bambrough," said the scribe, otfer- liM'ittiou, at their meeting Monday good cause. There U nothing like I^orence Nussbaum, Dorothy NUSB- Strong; Police Chief P. W. Murphy; the Board of Education to hold | • tiing. The attendance at Keas- It anywhere, It In different from any bawni, Florence Jellyman, Madeline Harry ' Slmmdns, of Rahway; Fire _, . „. toys may be left at the School toB hl» hand. y Eervices in the Avenel Public School, street firehouse at any time and "The captain has told you my :• waa 99.3 per cent and the at- Everybody knows It Mundy; Moonbeam Glrla; Martha|CMf = McGuriey o[ Kast Orange;'.Several superintendents have been local charity. every effort will be made to gee thut "lie, \ aee; Well, It s .all right If »nitauce In all the Bchoolt vyas 95.7 will aid on a moment's notice and 8 r k M U charge since Mr. Gardner ve- relief in,time oflgreat dis- SKSSchode, S/Loretta^^ son±, Emil^l?y Cutter, Farmer., toyor get UtQ the hands off some ded- |ti cent. bring , (continued *on page eight) Incident TiiK toUl enrollment at the close It's ..a very worthjr cause and Louis Neuberg, of Sewaren; R, A. f chlld). ^ ^^ ^K tress. Trojan, Margaret Olbrick. Hlrner; James J; Voorhees, trustee The paid firemen did b Hie montli was 5,844 titudenU. 1 know It i s recognized by all peo- Amelia Earhart Uirls: Joyce Win- Uniformed Firemen's Association; hundred ninety-two children. work on toyB last year, but tttie ple as the fluent natioiml -and field, Helen Cortey, Emily, Catano Pettmaster Stanley Potter, D. V. Miss Dorothy M. Galbraith e(roeffornt wl|wil1l Mmar k ^thei r ftrstfirst g that the last o the Buld waa tardy during the mouth. .organized charity." Jessie Brookfteld, Miriam Berry, Rush; Township Engineer George not pumped ashore until last eve- The per cent of attendance for Weds .jOUth AmbOV Mail attempt to handle any large amount Rev, A. Boylan FlUGerald, pastor Katlierlne Olbrick, Evelyn Deter, Merrill; Chief W. J. Bond, ot Ijerth otTuch woVTork. ' P'ersons^nl^dlnPersons Intending "ing.ring." UnderUUnded r 4ordinar ordadi y circumstances school was as follows: 4lan c w Methodist Kpi»co|»al church: Catherine Smith. Amboy; Arthur Baggen. to send In articles are BBked to do,and *lth » «l « *"n.Hlar aabey, 99.3; Hbi>e!5wnY~9».<; "The R*d3; Fords No. 14country, . I know, for I was' forWeaver, Fred Witheridge, Arthur dinner were: - Galbriiltli, of Iselln, and John Ryan, hours. '. :- 'r, Iselln No. 10. 95.6; A Port work properly, years associated with tthe Junior Morrlssey., Rudolph Voelker, Joseph President C. Brown,, vice- Jr./aon of Mr. and Mrs. John Kyou, Among those who boarded the >iullng, 95.4; Avenel, »5.0; Wood- Red Cross, I told my parishioners Silas, Charles Anness. president, Leon McElroy; re- of South Amboy, were married at a "Shlrak" at quarantine were: H. A. mij;* No. 1, 94.9; India No. last Sunday to geet the canvassers cording secretary, John V. Hunt;- pretty church' wedding at 3t. Ce- Browne, general, manager v of' the |i-, Sewuren, 93.7; Woodbridge with a. smile.and suggested that If nnancial secretary, K. M. Sattler; clIVi's church, laelin, last 3'iturCay. Car Crash Injures Asiatic Petroleum Corporation,] at 11, 91.7, and Hagaiuau Heights, they were not 'called upon to sub-1 s e 1 i n Developer treasurer, E. H. Hunt; trustees, Rev. Henry .Faber, ot St. iiary's BoBton; Captain A. C HowelT, ot 5.6; • . scribe, that they send in their sub- Ferd Kath and Charles Farr; mem church, South Amboy, performed the ,the tug "Dalzellea"; Fred B. Dal- scription. I aui gl^d to have this bers ol relief coninilUtie; Chief Wil ceremony. Rev, Thomas Camubell, zallea, • owner ot the tug; R, J. opportunity to make the same sug- tiam Allgaler for two ypars; A. cf V'lainfleld, celebrated the, mii'Hul Metuchen Woman iWaugh. Saudy Hook pilot; Captain Commits Suicide 1 1 gestion to every resident of tlie Markowski, for one year; steward, high mass which followed. J. Kelly, of the tug "Systematic." Township." R. R. Moore; excuse committee, Miss Eleanor, Galbraith, slater oil Sara F. Pealt, of 219 Main street, 12 Act Vaudeville Henry Brown. John Meldex, Thomas the bride, was bridesmaid. Francis I Metuchen, wan cut about the ha* ShJrak aalU at Brooklyn Home itath\ Ray Holihelmer land Stanley Kuhn, of South Amboy, was th«|and bruiaod. about the head and LOCAL BOY ENLISTS Osborne, grooru'B attendant. The ushars were body when the car which she was The "Shirak"; first ocean goint; to Aid St. James' Heiii'^ Kuntz, Khrewd, enterpris- L. J. Zehrer, chief; Fred Mawbey, Joseph Smith and Francis Ryan, of driving collided with a second car lnnUpr tn tie uo at the new Eastern IN UNCLE SAM'S NAVY ing ex-lawyer iinij real estate devel- first assistant chief; William Mes Soutn *ih_ AmboA 1 y Aann Ad CharlertU.fl s nGalbrattli.lannlkiin(Mi l«mJd a^ ttruc ^1k, o^n- tl_th«e »Lincol !„„„!n„ Ul»lHlgh. - HtUIVCl \V *PV >•** w 1,**. hart ll oper, who built over 500 houses In 1 sick, second assistant chief;; >]red tf Iselin, brother of the bride. jway, In Colonia, last Friday evening. "J this morning, bound Parent - Teachers G. Drelsback, Chief "Electrician's iBelin, was found dead In his Brook- 'The couple are now on a' honey The Injured woman was treated by. ndle Mate, U, S. Navy, announces that Jo lyn apartment on Saturday. The Zehrer, truck foreman; Thonias lor Curacao, Dutqh West Indies, the moon tour through the south. On Dr. A. L. Ellis," of Metuchen. port from whlclMsbe Bailed with a seph Silagyiei of the Township of authorities announced his. death Kath, assistant truck foreman; 1 Jack (jaUeisliy, roiiiifH) of Ous Jamea Zehrer. hose foreman; Johp theh return they will reside in The other car Involved In th« 'col- cargo of gttsollnq consigned to the 'i's MiiiKtKflii, will be master of Woodbridge has enlisted, Jn the U. due to Huiplde. Though some news- j South, Amboy. " lision wks owned and driven by Wil; S. Na»y for four years on November papers said that lie had died of in-Haborak, assistant hose loreman. lecal plant about ten days ago. ••monies at the twelvu act vaude- The entertainment program given Hum Rosenblutt, of Butter street", • program to be Staged for the12tu., at the Post Office Building, haling Illuminating gas, others say Philadelphia. The truck W»B owned he took poison. during the dinner ' included selec- • lit of the, St. James' Parent- New Brunswick,' N. J. J. Silagyie, tions by the Goodwill Band, of Perth BULLETS~MTANT FOR by Lltnowitz and Son, ot "Trenton. LITTLE WO .II-IHTS' Association uuder the aua- 1B now at the Nuval Training Sta- Funeral services were held at theAmboy, of 2 5 piecesi . ThThe PkPumpkiin 10 U C K' KILLING DOG It wan driven by John Baker, of 37 WILL AID NEEDY CASE, • , of the Pumpkin Center Trip In ion, Newport, R. I., where he ia re-Kresh Pond Crematory, Middle- Center Trio, including Henry Dun- Randall street, Trenton, school auditorium next Friday ceiving his training In naval eti- Village, Queens., The deceased Is ham, Nick Langan and Michael !)e INTO RESIDENCE •, The affair, which will b« quette. This training consists ot in-survived by a brother, Abraham, and Joy, put on a vaudeville sketch. — Mrs. Louise 11. Kayser — i'he Little Woman 'y CluO, ot i • d as a revue, will Include song. traction In seamanship, gunnery^ a nephew, Edward, both of NewThey were assisted by Watler Cahlll, Woodbridge, will make Christmas York. Dr. I* V. Kunt*, of Perth A tshot, intended tor a dog that '•••(• and comedy numbers. signals, Morse cod* and flags, and of .Newark, soloist, und Miss Peggy killed two ducks, entered the home The funeral of Mrs. Louise B. cards! to send to the children con- drilling under anus. Men who comAmboy, 1B a cousin. '-Herat dancing, will follow the Vanderboven, of Rahway, dancer. of Fred Rotola, of Chain-O-Hlll Kaysery, , 33,, was held from the late fined In the children's wai 1 at tne '">ridge Post, Ambi'ictin .Le- ith' hl >36 weakB; his propositions, firm In demanding pal Cpapel In New York City, on street, Woodbridge, attended the George ' Seibert, all ot Woodhaven, Elizabeth; were the guests ot Mr. "'" Drum and Bugle Corps, will coppersmiths' school, >36 fullnllment of a contract tq the let -November 12th., it became known funeral of his brother, John H., at bvilerraaker schoQl, ?6 weeks; bug' Long Island. . und Mrs. Joaeph McLaughlin, ot: "••i'l'te in the conteats «o be held ter, he nevertheless had the reputa- here yesterday. Judge J. J. Me-. BJoomneld, laBt Monday evening. Grove avenue, recently. 1 ''I'HTUtown, on November 30th., ler school, 16 weeks; aviation car- 1 1 tlon of having a warm heart foricormlck performed the ceremony, Services were held from the home What liaraum Missed '•'iimectlon with the three day pentera, S4 weeks;, aviation metal- those who were In need of help, The couple returned here on at 68 Wlllard avenue. Interment | 1 smlthB1 school, 24 weeks; aviation WANTBB ''liiatlon to begin there J^rlday Hard times, unemploymentlt , famf - Wednesday, after a brief. wedding WEB at Bloomfleld. _ g ther rat then adopts "vriuber 29th., In commembratlqn general utility Bchool, 10 weeks, and Cat klU m8 1 ily tragedies found a ready response, trip. Mr. and Mrs. Drewa will make The deceased was born In Wood- h,ttI1 n)lce^Detroit News, Qtrl< to work in reitaurant. ""• 150th. anniversary of the ar-torpedomana' school, 22 weeks. and u.pon the newB of his death, the the^r hi»me on North street, Wood- bridge and lived here for many | ; The above najned schools are open Apply'Main Lunch and E«ita.urant,. F-'.il uui) oncatnpnient ol Genera many Iselinites who knew him re-brldge. The bride recetred her edu-years. His Wife, the former Kale 100 Main street, Woodbrldge, KH Washington and the Confor the flrst enkistw«nt men andcalled Instances of kindness, com- cation In the Township 1'uNtc Mawbey, of Woodbridge, died about ^il Army. men are sent to these schools who passion, charity, aa people will. Bcbooli, Mr. Qrewi)1 Is an office seven yearB ago. 'The local man Is are found fitted for them after com- after a man 1B dead. manager In the New York offices of the only sui-vlvor, '<• petitive examination. Hr. DreU- It J&hu«m.' ' J. BLAKE / Apex Club Cvd Party baoh, at the POBL Offlee Building, PLAN I'AUTY HARDIMAN'S Nfi* Brunswick, will be glad to give Hunting license Istoed Tl1 PHARMACY • " Apex 3ocl»l glub, Ol Por information To" any' yodtfr W*U» *e- theTiftdwC iiijailary inhf con- "»»i. will hplff I pubtle card tweetr the -ages ot 17 and 36 years trafllc Sergea B gregailon Adath Israel will hold a Bid. L. Hurdlman, formerly ol SHELLS SHEUS SHELLS '"x In the D. B. S. Kall^ to P<"t ot age. whb are looking forward to the loeal police department, Is rest- benefit card party In the lecture Seaman's Perth Amboy ull"g, on Tuesday eveninj, pecem- the advantages offered the men of room of the Synagogue on Wednes- 100 Main St. 1 3r lug comfortably and getting along ana the usual game* will bi newly ehKWd offioere, Mr*. Joseph ol Incorporation Hospital, according to word received 16.6! | found Sunday on I Illny. *' at noon today. Sergeant Parsons Main street, Woodbridge, by Thomas Klein, president; Mrs Harfcy Barn Prescriptions . ' " committee la charge of th will not be able to eemo home (or BaHmM, of Berry street, ,wai re-stein, rtw-WWid«Lt; Mrs. Harold l>v"i Include* Rose Ri owner, Wm Row B«*«, ojf 41 Bernstein, awetary, will be In QENURAL A Agent tOhnrge Oeo J Ohwtttut strfet, Newark, ttauuan charge ot the etent. allow him to Cor. Rahway Avenue IIBAL WAII UT authoTiwd The oflfcier was about two turned the vUela or»r to poU«e at , Plans (or the affair were com- 000! pleted at a nutttlaf held In the hvwe and Green Street SffWtre*, N. J. of Mm, Willfctt Tgbrowtty, of 'Bel IN Woodtortdg*. If. i. f«tefcea Jean thur Brown. Wo»4hrldn..tytjrxw Jto »trg»t, Hurt w««k. Telephone Wogdbrtd««n» •torn, t , ' ' ^r .."•''. . THE WOODBRIDGE LEADER, FRIDAY, NOV. 22, 1929

MANY TICKETS SOLD FORDS ROSARY CARD j J^T HK£ir . ^ Colonia Scouts FOR BEARCATS'DANCE'New Phone Cable PARTY FOR TONIGHT *^d£™ i7, tlie Danish Brotherhood. The advance nale of lirk*ta fur for Woodbridge The Itoaary Society of Our l-ady Win Eagle Badge the postponed danc to be held by nf I'eaoe church, f^rdx, will hold a card party In the school auditorium Peter Milano the Bearcats A. C, In ihp Memorial" Municipal Bulldlnn n«*t Wednesday Constru<-ttnn of more than four thlp evening. Mrs. M. F. DOURIBB at Honor Court m)lM evening, Indicates a record attend- of new telephone e*H^ he Is -chairman of the arrannementn_..„ . f ; lwi n A an'ce T»o orchestras will furnish * Ra"*ay »nrt WoodbrtdKe will All the usual games will be In play, Alexander Hruwn Bn<1 muk*« fir* continuous dancing. Both |* »M«* »lll)rt|y b>' th* Ne* /"«>, and attractive orlws will be award- MEN and BOYS Professional Stage and Film Artist nel1 1 Koti.ri Tiffany, pf Trobp fil, were nre we|| Known organtiation. Fred Telephone Company. This will M. Ticket* mar be nroeured at the APPRKrlATK d,.orflted with .he h*** honor In gWjrt. J ^.to, «i "^fr? t^^^te^n^g, Graduate the Ilov Scouts, of America, that of Bolano«, or Avenei. • oth*r ntnnmcmfh Ned Wayburn School of Danclnfc ,; the B«Kle' Scout Badge, before a President Henry 'Brown ' Includes 'County point* with th* northern! Sporting Goods rt rrowd whlth filled the Colonia Jamei Kolo Ant|,OBy Ptl'mert, and p» of the »tate and will proylde Funeral lor l ei to UM l < of New York School auditorium last Saturday eve-'jnuph Pinter. Th«y are vttn«tag,»^ »' w B¥J« »Jl/ 2*211llJ" AS \ ninu. John H. I^ove, SupervUlnn | several novel featuro*. TickBt. ' th« Train Victim l'rlnrtnal, of Woodhrldg„„.e Town»hlp.„ ...... -; b-e prorufp,.- d from any membe_._r . of.. ! In a Begs to Announce schools pre»«iied thee Badge,. ^Itpith'th«.orRanlUtloh Uie.orRanliatlon or(f aat,thet ,the,. door,. | XMAS GIHS remark*. The funeral of Han* J. Klrkinand,. mmn'm wrist, and will providp e for 68, who wa« fatally hurt wiien lio ; The Colonia Court.of Honor'was the considerable growth In the B« under the direction of John-P. Tif- amountt of"callinf lli g that 1. ecUd ** Ton™^™*^™ - the Opening ; fany. In afldltlon \o t«* B«le Thieves Take MB TO between th? .horrent.jnd tK« g^g\SSSS. ZZt from numiroua Merit and other! aectloB around Newark and Qprdon street, I'ort' SELKCT AN APPHOPIUATR were presented. ' Boat the late home PRESENT FOB •Minted "by Kranklln Oreene,', use of the ™.i .uniuiu oi j^,^ Schlottet. pastor of Sr, Alexander Brown, Hr., Joneph | —T—" B of the FATHER, SON, H. Joy. JK, all member. 41 the A thief or thieve, who broke Oi Am- Troop Committee. Scout Executive «lde window on a boat-house at Se- B lluuo BROTHER OR _.*,_....__/-.....- worAn lual ^h«iWaitsv nluhl afnln on ' «*- THE H.TIICI( W. 1-unn, of ttarltan Coun- waren last Tbufgday ^ht atolo an during the summer months, this! trifunniini Vaa er ell Headquarters served an secretary. Kvlnrude Speedltwlo outboard r-o- cable, route has become,one'of the• rft|!.|r!«tT «» inB SWEETHEART Thr following ai»ardi! were made: I tot, valued at »360, according to a 1 11 more Important telephone cbmmuul- i 'W"""shops "of the railroad for ahout cation lines in New Jersey. twenty-flve yean. Shortly after he left the shop last Thursday after- E V I N l luay a elnoOD Life's Darkest Moment noon, he was seen lying beside On- ImdufB. Joseph flocw, nremanshlpy '[ » - MILANO Barbara (whose first tooth has tracks by a brakemnn, John MH Madison Avc. liiitliflndlng; first class merit hadneH. " iTn ^-JI Un Just dropped out)—"Mummy,'muni' Chanlc, who" *ru "riding a freiKlii IVrth Aniboy 8 ray, quick! I'm coming to pieces!" | that, was switching about the yards. L ssaa rssjrsjsf. nZS&'As.'sJssr-^1'nssln - R Show (London). iThe Injured man WRS tnken to tlu> School of Dancing bugling, pioneering; V r ajj k 11 n | Gre«ne, Jr., canmlnx, uulomobtliiiK, flrKt aid to anlrnaU. woodcnrvlng; and Instrumental Music Edward Hanuiaskl, elMtrJcity, life Huvlnn, public health, ploneerlnK, IN PLANNING FOR THAT AT EIGHTEEN MAIN STREET I>himb1ng, athle.tiCH, first aid, bird Htudy, schol arship, cooking, leather craft; Jo- WOODBRIDGE, NEW JERSEY seph Jon, first aid, camplnK, leather- TELEPHONE WOODBRIDflE 1447 ci'.trt. life saving, autotnoblling, public health; Leon McMlchael, me.talwork, campinK, cooking, per- THANKSGIVING sonal health; Henry MoscitrelU, flret aid, bird study, first aid to animals, health, camping, uutoniu- PVbllfr* health; John IMntak, first aid to animals, ^electricity, pionpering, painting; Hobsrt Tiffany, Put tbt Friendly Smile woodcarvlng, cainping7~wtomoblllng, DINNER TAP, ACROBATIC & BALLROOM leathevcraft, metalwork, ploneerlni;. of COLOR in every Room bird study, civics, pathflnding, cook- Dtoi up the thibby, old piccn with — DANCING — IIIK; Star Scouts, Joneph Joh, Jotm • bright, cheefjr colon!... You on Tlntak, Life Scou[a,"Edward Hanu- effect the tiinsfoimition yoi/ntlj ind Remember BODY CONDITIONING DANCING zuHkl, Henry Moacarelll. with Ktrcelr a doi( in youf h After the Court of Honor seaslun wan over the Troop under the direc- SAPOUN Spitd Enwnel ii to limplt, tion of Benjamin F. Ellison, Sr., K) our to uie, that the work become* INSTRUMENTAL MUWCi presented a very Interesting demon i ictJ pletsuic, , Btratlon of a tenderfoot Investiture In i tingle hour'SAPOUN is dir to The Sunshine Market ceremony. touch tod ti/rihh jemr hears it n u hud and tnooth u glul! .No WO MAIN STREET, WOODBRIDGE 6uitar r Banjo - Mandolin - Ukelele During the evening there were J vocal selections by Scoutmaster Al- odor, no brush nurkt, no lackineu! and Hawaiian ^ ~" fred E. Schmidt, of Troop 41, ScrtoMen glorioiu colots from which Avenei. to choote — alto Mack «nd white. Choicest Fruits & Vegetables Tht award of the Eafile Dartgy HUB/ "Yar-lk DfWMOr", m mtit- •WUH the first in the history of the iMtel —W pnttkd mm»t\ »*w* 4MJ< PRIVATE AND CLASS INSTRUCTION Colonia Troop. wilh lk« pnfm urn at Color ia ikt Homt. Imported and Domestic SAPOUN STUDIO HOURS g.A- M. to IOP.M Backache SPEED ENAMEL PROMPT WOODBRIDGE If functional Bladder Irritation GLOSS FINISH 9 2 5 disturbs your sleep, causes Burning Sold and Rtcomntnded by; DELIVERY PHONE YOUR ORDER or Itching Sensation, Backache or Leg pains, making you feel tired, deprewed and discouraged, why not HUMPHREYS &.RYAN try the CyBtax 48 Hour Test? Don't 74 Main Street, Woodbrldge, N. J. give up. Get Cystex today at any TTTTTTTTTTTTTTIITIIlrtXTITXIjIXXXXXXXll drug store. Put It to the test. 8ee how fast It works. Monty tack if H doesn't bring quick Improvement, and satisfy you completely. Trj Cyttex today. Only 60c. Increased Business COMPELLED VS TO ADD TO OUR STORE AND SHOP SPEC'S TAXI IN ORDER TO PHONE Woodbridge Give Better Service 538

193 Main St. Woodbridge


CIVIL ENGINEER SURVEYOR mot Visit Oar Enlarged Quarters and Be Convinced That We can A Store Full of CLEAN, REMODEL & REPAIR

•Jfl!5 MADISON AVENUE, YOUR ENTIRE WARDROBE 1'KKTIt AMUOY l'lionu r. A. 2000 - 2501 Good Merchandise WITH MODERN EQUIPMENT THOMAS MEACHAM Manager Suited For Christmas Gifts Let Us Be Your Valet! ~ DINE AND DANCE AT THE LIBERTY HOTEL SOMETHING I'ltK KS AS' IX)W AH (IUOD MKIU-HANDI^I: AND FATHKK, MOTHEH, Pete The Tailor > RESTAURANT " «U HWTEIt CAN UK HOLD 0. \ PHONE 658 * lWoins By ftay Or Weak 56 Main St. Woodbridge - Wm. Haug, Proprietor U&li Amboy Avenue Phone 115 j) Woodbridge I ~ INC.1 • Phone 142 When Qualify Rules", Dorsey Motors Wm. F. Murphy 158-160 Smith St. \ Perth Ambqy,N.J. INCORPORATED SHEET METAL WORK Tin •• Copper -- Sheet Iron Routtug A Hot Air Uctttfcitf 99 WEDGEWOOD AVE. Tel. Wf>odbriiiK« TB7-W THE WOODBR1DGE LEADER, FRIDAY, NOV. 22, 1939 Thre» CHURCH NEWS Rainbow Colors in Bathroom Young Wives Shouldn't Interfere St. Janet* With "In-Laws," Says Virginia Le* M R M V HINT ReVB. J. O'Famell, pastor IWB.IKVAOT fcCENTI.Y 1 ploaclril In thi* I he wlshea It. Aowmr, according to ' column lor ninth?™ m letth*r<«> Tow* lUcon MHI Kgg* own problem* without Interference • • • Sunday School after 9:00 o'clock I'attet Milk. from thrin. ' LONESOME; No need to try to Mass. Now It Is the find out whrthw the man Is In lore DIKXBK w Baptism! at 3:0« P. M. Bakrd Ham with Apple. turn of the young Mh youy , Lc*t"«mec. . HHee wUlaljr Evening Devotions—7:39 o'clock. Sweet Potato** en Oajnirroto woman tn have a wouldn't let«»« or thru months go Week-day Services—Masses 7:30. (taams Onfall* scolding. '} b/..*UI>}»t »»ektat » daUuU hi wa* nmr't try to wtflfi f Ibt epnd much time Holy Day Service*—Manes 6:30 Molde* Hated on t*tt«ce «W mK d h «nd 7:^0 O'clock. Bread, Btfttet Mixed Pickle Krilsb run your In-laws, '"I about him, my dear. Perk ap First Fridays—MM* 7:10 o'clock. MarnevUm Kin». They man- •»< W itat eap for sone other Confessions heard tm Saturday Code* Milk idfrt to worry chap. H* mar detd* to cone back along before you " *»« act u If yen dMa't ear*. It A afternoons and. evenings S to S and w 7 to 9 o'clock. Eves of First Fridays rnterfd the fam- soWMImt* happens M>. ~ * Potato *mp lly, and probably » • • • and all Holy Days ot Obligation as r«rA«rs Celery theme on Saturday!. csi> do so now. A BLONDE: My dea/ girl, doa't Head Lett*** Mad I You'll only get he a door tut for the boys or yoe/l! Parish Societies Canned Peach** MarpKrlU*1 Rosary Society: Communion "First youraeif disliked. nev»t have hoy frleada. Keep your Ooans- "-' ,. f Run your own Pictures until someone who realty Sunday ot moath.. This U a Sunday menu for rour| home and Insist 8a** for you wants on*. De«'t sir Holy Kama? Communion Second per%ons. Any eaaned fruit or baked that, DO one med anything to the boy friend about MM Sunday of month. , apples may i can't forget Him. at least • • • 9:4& A. M.—Sunday School.' ... 11 A. M. —. Morning Worship. until ham Is tender. J LINDOLA: I think you »re mak-'i 3 P. M.—Junior and Intermediate Hltid-Hnn Myw Christ I aa Endeavor Society meeting 7 P. M.—Young People's Church. 7 P. M.—Senior Christian En O—37T—0- s de&vor Society meeting. By KIXKN V. \V ANON Kit Midweek service Wednesday eve In the larger house, where the chll- the use of other furnishings Whlc When tender, preas vegeubles „ , , nlng 4t * o'clock. dren have their own bathroom, the.combine these colors In one fabric. thtl lt none of your bUB nnMi nn t'ut (or Applatu* Kdltor The American Honw through a sieve and add stock andlha t M tni relations between you came- advantagpi distinguish this Shower curtains and rugs ot a broad le Troop 31, Boy Scouts of America, line, Written for Central Tress pulp to three pups of milk. Bring:.S Ms famMv aw so harmw»m«t Salesma*» n . showing customer some -will meet In the Parish House Frl decorative scheme and sanitary sys-; striped abBorbent fabric of rainbow porti 'HE family bathroom, In which to a boill and add a heaping UWe-i^ hat you will do wStarlo i ! skinns)—"Just the thing day evening at 8 o'clock. tiMii. | coloring serve this decorative nee spoon of butter and sprinkle with Zn .1"" y U wl" ao Botnln!> l0 for rov,. Worth double the money. the private property of each p p P .1 as. well as a practical one..., Th h LLatest pattern, fast colors, hole- member Is represented In a different WMe Color Ilange wallo of so colorful a room should be chopped parsley. This soup may be! | proof, won't shrink, and it's a gond color, is a new development of the slightly thicken*, ^desired; by dls- p _¥ , Mtthriitt Episcopal The range of delicate colors suit treate. d ,as background, ., , . - A ..wate. ,r ZLED AB Y not yarn." ogue for color. The rainbow deco- 00 ln ackan d solving a tablespoon of cornstarch In', "? " K . u able tor UBe In the bathroom la now P'. ' P*?" . "! 'white I a' small amount,of milk and addins;^'1 pMe"'8 f0!1 lh and i Customer (politely)—"Very well ilev. A. Bojrbkn Flti Gerald, pastor atlve scheme, thus suggested may be so wide''that every member of a sober, yet Interesting. JU'll told, too."—Wall Street Jounmft imartly supplemented in shower cur- large family may be accommodated Because plain, colors and striped you tel1 them 9:46 A. M. — Sunday School. tains, window draperies and rugs, in with air Individual color. Solid col- Mokletl Salad — Soak twoitable-. r " nw"filw Never Mind (he Kar-MuRx have been used exclusively for the ls> 11 A. M. — Morning Worship which all the pastel colors used for ored hand .towel s. in..- peach. .•, wit. h, bath,. !i furnishings, a pattern may b spoons gelatin In one-fourth cup '* I It was necessary for taxation accessories are A | purposes to decide which side of Sermon topis; "Thanksgiving". combined. Multi- and face cloth bordered In the chogen ,or the Walls. Jrarlne motifs cold water. Wh-en softened, dissolve 7:fS P. M. ^- Evening Service colored striped fabrics, .which are same color, label the rod at the!,, ^, d an extended vogue, and a this In one- cup boiling water. Add LOVESICK BOBBIE: I. suppose 1 the Canadian and United Statea border a farm, which an old lady Jr. O. U. A. M. will attend, Ser- either waterproof or absorbent, are south end of the tub as Marys. pattern of this type which appeals one teaspoon salt, .ooe^lghth tea- the usher likes the looks of you, as especially pleating for thhj.pujj you do him, Bobble. You'll probably had just purchased, actually lay. nion topic: "Thankfulness As Abov..e .I t a small shel,f of ,thick ,. , un. - especially (o chlldi#t. and which is spoon pepper, one cup cooked peas, b Habit". because where, so much color Is one cup cooked and diced carrots, have several ot these little affairs tr Surveyor. s finally. announced that It Is best to limit spaced patterns to reakable opaque glass hods her Btln uncommon> ta that ot Venetian two tablespoons chopped parsley and you live to grow up. They are not the farm was Juit on the American sponge soagdlsh with cake of peach-, gondoUe 8mftruy silhouetted, on a t he walls. four tablespoons vinegar. - Pour Into very serlousJ__l_jLiin. t know. I'm side of the border. The old lady Confrefational Children find it easy to be carelesB colored ^soap in it, her bath salts in CTeamy ground. Por the floor, a wet mold and let chill over night, sure, how you oould get to know smiled with rellte, "I'm so glad to a matching color amd a matching plUn dark green llnoieum |S a serT. in remembering which face cloth or marble jar of bath-powder. lceable and appropriate background slice andvswwon lettuce lea'ves with him unless you have mutual ac- know that," she said. "I've heard Her, Win. V, D. Strong, pastor towel was used last time. In order .salad dressing. quaintances to Introduce you. It Is that winters In Canatfi are terribly Joan's fatgrlt*. color is orchid, andlor the gaily striped rug. his Place to seek the Introduction If severe."—Philadelphia Star. o be sure of not using another's her soap, tWels^ and face cloth are DtlB A. M.-"8unday flehool. jji»n», » child chooses a fresh towel color htb«ted 1» this hue.. Grew .From ceiling to floor this gaily SVnoSiTitON 8 11 A. M.—Morning Worship. oh every occasion of doubt, thus In- marks John's personal possessions, decorated TWfflrcom pietBrcfl H u 7 P. M.—Christian Endeavor. creasing the laundry unnecessarily. practical as It is attractive. Every- The kitchen is no more the drab If his linens are1 selected In his fa- thing one could touch either sheds place it used'to be, but a center of ' 7:45 P. M.—Evening WoTshlp. r Wednesday, 8 P, M. — W orite color he will have no difficutly charm—and color. Even kitchen •tudy of the Bible. a remembering which are his. araJSJry meals are a pleasure In the modern the family. Father may be mascu- kitchen, with Its gay llnelfium on the Where the family Is large, and there line with black and white accesso- boating motif'OfRie Venetian gondo- s only one bathroom, this method lier wall covering, and these pat- floor, its window shades made of cre- from ries. Trinity Episcopal of distlgulshlng the possessions of terns are tn harmonious contrast to tonne or with a colorful . design various members of the family has This use ol nsmy^colors In onethe striped fabrics used shower painted on them and its fluffy cur- . , mi, 3. B. Mien, pastor been known to work out faultlessly..! bathroom may be made logical by curtain and rug. tains of voille, just such as might be used in & bedroom. The table and lrs may be ot green or-lavendar 8 A. M.—Celebration ot Holy Eu or orange, and even the range, the •chartst. < ; sink and the cooking utensils may Factory 10 A. M.—Church School. PETER'S ADVENTURES lend themselves to the color scheme. 11 A. M.~First and third Sunday The up-to-date kitchen of today has ot MOB month, celebration ot Holy Over the Top air was filled with a thin mist of a little book shelf for the recipe Eucharist and sermon; second and blue smoke. books, and this shelf may add a re fourth Sundays, morning prayer am IFFER, you keep guard," said For a moment the would-be at- fined and cheery look and contradict .sermon; fifth.. Sunday, mornln B hla father, '.'and watch that, our tackers stood stock still. Then they the thought that the kitchen is just prayer, litany and sermqp. became panic stricken at the sudden direct couBina don't comft^ upon us un- a utility room. There, may even be 4 P. M.—Evensong. awares. Olverfhe alarm when first and ^ entttabta unexMctsd. AU&fik. a pretty plate Bafl11 of ilock shelf, T. Troop No. 38, Boy Scouts, meets you see them, so that we may have Turoiifg t£S$e. Oteyran from the itself decorative, and pictures may •In "the Parish Hdhse every Friday ur guns andd our gas readdy for haunted hole ln the ground as taut hang on the walls of the cheery, liv- evening at 7: IB tfcloek. hem. If we scare them, they their «"U leg* would carry them. able kitchen of today. It has become . •- i i .t.jt...••".;•' "Hurrah, we have scared them more ladylike 'since milady herself St. Andrew't Off, just aa I thought we w&uld." does her own housework, with the to cried Father Beetle. "Now we will aid of a home economics education frighten them still more. Follow and modern conveniences and no me, every one. 'Over the top to- longer relegates that delightful.task (AVENEL) gether.' '•' •••>•• to Bridget—of whom "There ain't Giving the yell ot the beetle clan, no such creature'1 anymore. B*v. B. ?. O'Ftwell, pastor the nierry fellows,scrambled up the Services at Public School. Mass sides and over the edge of the trench At JL AL_M;. fttnday morning;. and scampered after their flying Every Kellwr'H D«mb Friend cousins, who never onee looked back A Chanute Ice-cream mauntactur- to find out who their tefiElble. ene-? er advertised that hr would give a mtes could be, but made for their cone free to every boy who called home at the .foot, of the rose "bUBh at the plant and bnoueiht along hla at the top of their speed. dog. One dog was report!;'] near col- pastor It took the boy longer to scram- ble up the trench walls than it did lapse after assisting all the boys In the gun beetles. When Peter'finally" one neighborhood to obtain their Buy here with Confidence Mai clambered eut'he «» much diaap cones.—Topeka Journal. pointed to find the pursuers so far ahead of him. 'H-> ran on as fast as Mrs.i. (laclabout and Save the Difference he could, but could not catch up Mrs. Benham—"A man may be BANG* WCNT down, but he Is never out." Avenel Prabyterian 6 AT6NCE. with them. Disappointed and breath • For tbe convenience of my neighbors, friends and cus- AU less, he gave up the chase at last ' Benham — "Well, It's different un, and we shair go after thfyu and with a woman; she's always out."— tomers of the Township, after eight years In Avenel, I ' Rev. O. A. Morrow, Pastor chaBe them all .the way home and Detroit ]Xewa. have decided to selL at retail all kinds «f fur* and fur lien they wiH see how they like — DINNER STORIES— By SIME. IJS1SETH nanuonta at the same wholesale prices prevailing at my 10:30' A. M. Sunday School. their hunt. As ray grandfather JLEVEK panels form the volumi- . . No Stond-Patters? New York factory. Repairing and i-emodeUnc at lowest ,111:30 A. M. Morning Worship. uaed to say, 'th« worni will turn.' " His Fault * nous skirt of this lqyely Hart- The first thing we' read this morn- price*. Best workmanship guaranteed. Appointments by Services at the Avenjel Schopluouse. Soon- Biffer called: Little Etuily rain in the house, nell robe dp style. The decolletage Ing was the comment of a noted ed- telephone, I *all be pleased to call at your home wllli Here they come, hot foot. Is crying as though her heart would is-low, and the bodice short, ending ucator i*ho said'there.are twe kinds a line of samples. . jveryone ready? They are only break. at tlie normal waistline. It is ex-ct colleges lu America. about nVe beetle lengths away." . "What'B wrong, dear?" asked her quisitely beaded, \ Undoubtedly there are — those (I'OIIDS) « "Rinfi. Bonaon. . 'You have donedonai yyour* mother. These fluffy frocks of tulle and that wish they, had fired the coach duty," said Father. Beetle. "Now you "My dolly—Billy broke It,", sheother diaphanous fabrics1 are .espe- taat fall, and those that wish they take your pface In line and when'l gobbed, • *ev. A. Papp ft Rev. A. Stlm, pastors cially becoming 'toUhe younger Bet. hadn't.—Camden, (N. J. Mornint! give the wori-y'ou fire with the rest How did he break it, dear?"' . They are essential* youthful, ljut Post. and blind them with a gaB attack. I hit him on the head .with It." 8 A,' H.—Bunday Mornlng^Mass. the truly' sophisticated, be she young Here they ace, right at the edge of or old-er, often, chooses a tailored Louis Toke 4 P, M.—Ye«pe*f- the treftch. Ready! Fire In their treatment in lame ' or velvet, with FURRIER faces 88 our cousins peep over the ibng, clinging lines. top. They cannot Bee who Is tiers The mode is truly fluid this sea 666 53 Mtinzer St. Factory Chrittim Sdaice Sodety f you are swift enough." 18 a Prescription for Avenel I BO Wettt 28th. St. son ln that it sponsors both types of New York 8EWARBN "Bang, bang, bang." went all the gowns and many others. .__ Phone Wilge 770 guns at once as the beetles obeyed Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue their commander and fired blank at A Branch of The Mother Church, Kiiuil-Ijlne Trench ^be First Church of Christ, the big beetles, peering down into the Bilious Fever and Malaria trench, and ati the same Instant the Buggs—"Where, In Chicago, do Scientist, In Boaton, Mass. you live?" * Sunday Service—11:00 A. M. It la the most speedy remedy known JJuggs —• "Only a bomb'sthrow \Sunday School—9:30 A. M. •The Pathfinder. \We4nesday Testimony Meeting — from the loop!" ft * (kfl P M •niursday Reading Room — 3:00 to 6:00 P. M^ THE PERTH AMBOY St. i4nfW« (PORT RBADINO) GAS LIGHT COMPANY

Ilev. CGalawi, pastor 206 SMITH STREET, PERTH AMBOY .Church on "woodorldge Avenue Masses at 6:30 A. M. antt 9:30 A. M. Sunday morning. " Evening Service, 7:45 P. M. Heating and Cooking Appliances Oar Ufa of (FORDS) Try CANDY Road Automatic and Storage Wrier HtatetL Tin* ilt-iiu-HL bund be- Rev. O. B, Reagan, tween « mill ttml woman IK a IOVIHK fi'lwJMlshliJ Masses on Sunday morning at 8 for dessert bulH -up by klutl words Hew Proem Gat Rangei and 10 o'clock. Sunday'School fol- ami ooiiHiderrte actions. lowing first Mass. Sympathy ami Masses dally at 8 o'clock, iieas mean more It's .compact* In the e*l*blW»- to digest, ready meji! of such a union. ~ Off jrt«f«mer •yVa are always ready to advise you regarding serv- L. COB-DM-RU Radiant Log* ifoftDS) * to serve ices here or at distant Odorle**—Efficient—ln«p«n»iv« Rev. A. L.K»«ylWt. I*«tor points.' And we will help you plan ft moderate cost. Evangelical Lutheran, Porda Ave- ftua and Fourth Street. Our carfdies are of the best 8:80 A, Jfep-Sunday School 10:4B A. II.—Morning Worship. THE FUNERAL HOWE •UaT. CANDY KITCHEN A, F.' Qrelner — H. A; Hirnw Ay to PlflMe Phone ytToddbrldge 43 Eat. 1904 Telephone 3510 Perth Amboy ' Nell—"M»ple, ^u look down- WOODBRIDGE, N, J. QBEBJT ST. * BARROM AVB. hearted." " I wish I wera d«a<» Tel. Woodbrldge U* V mui£d. fbly tb« latter." # N«ws. THE WOODBRIDGE LEADER, FRIDAY, NOV. 22, 1929

THE WOODBRIDGE LEADER Perils of the Turkey Hunt Charles B, PublMhea Brerr TTUMJ br • C. B. D. THE WUuUBRIDOK PRWTBRT, IM1. At 104 Main Strwt, Woodbrltfge, H. i. Ui.rtd .1 th< P...I Oflie. «t WoodbH4|«. N. J.. .. S.eood Cli« M.U Mattel Bluffing It Out , HE ot(ier day 1 met a man who, his Intimate associates told „„ never had an idea In hla life. A worth-while. Wort»bto Ids, 1H Repoblieatlon of n«wi"*nd vdltui ml matur in these eoL- T When I met him, he wan talking about hla worries, fce wanteri nmu U permitted pro'HItd credit 11 fitpa to Th« Wood- vest ten million dollars In a certain kind of properly,' but all the ow '" bridfe Leader. ^/ or that kind of property were stiff-necked and unreasonable. They «,„.,","'' Gorrmondenot from readers, WRjMfft opinions op sell »t a fair price. , ""'"' interest ire Incited, but no anwymous lettew will be published. He told of his tnagnlftclent mansion In Calltor his association with mltllonairei during a year or V; "' W««dbrid««, N. J., Friday Afternoon, NOY«WDW 22, W39 tary retirement* from business, and of his darllns hi I"1 and von In airplanes to grre his export opinion i,, !"r nnri that seeker after wisdom. " After this man had gone out, the men whi Woking Into the Future Inuchfd heartily* •* "Well, he:B the name old George, Isn't he' „,y, Great rilen diflEef from the ordinary run of human beings one to another. ' • ' y s'"1' largely because they can look fifthor ahead. It make* little • • • * HFN (hey told me a mnrrelouV etory of difference whether tjfia^ be leadm in industry, finance*«duca - a Itlll II •-!• T Oeorge, It geems, hain't' any million* at all tion, or politic"! Unless they possess vision beyond the horizon haon'i any mansion. I n ffactH , he't «|ut "of a lob H- nini of today, they will lead the people into a Fog; living on air—and ntove. t ( Possibly you "have met such fellows. Big talk lini no Ideas and 'no accomplishments. Shrewd leaders realize that the world'i*. forever, changr forever lying picturesquely abeut the great i,, ing; they know that prosperity today may change to poverty they know, the big 4«al> they have put over the i i" lions they have by tl>*. neck, and the great Mscontpllshments that an> ,", tomorrow, unless protective measures are taken. over there In the offing. Always,-these- bluffers are persons without ability.. If they hud ,, The stock margin, panic has "been "explained" by financial ability they wouldn't hare to li« so much. *nd industrial leaders as a "speculators' panic." R has been CJ POTTING the bluffqr Is easfjto a person who knows something aimnl pointed out that the condition of U. S." Industry i» "fundamen- 15 human nature. But there Is a certain type of business and protminn tally sound". Thwt is undoubtedly true—today. Will it be al man thai It peculiarly liable to be imposed upon by the bluffer. Us'iuiu this Is the slow-thinking. tonservatlTe, forthnlght type, not much Riv,,n true tomorrow? to the exeroUM of the critical faculty In relation to people. This km,i of a man can be fooled by the bluffer, and the bluffer makes hh R-,v Europe is fast recovering from the ravage's of war, and through the world by preying upon this type of cltisen. has developed her export almost to the pre-war point. But doesn't the bluffer lead an unquiet UfeT I should think he WOUM nt-ver sleep well, and that his dreams would be all about the'dtsgrarv .: America, with high wages, a high standard of living, can- being found out. 1 Hhould think his waking hours would be trouhini u. not compete with the low-cost manufacture of Europe. Will the threat of exposure. t her own population be able to consume (i.e., buy and pay for) It's so much more comfortable to be genuine, whatever you art'. the things America, produces? Is the present state of over- How're Your Teeth? _ HooAkeeplng Servl™ production in automobiles and radios indication- of what For Sal* — 100-year-old White When mothers are temnninrii is liable to happen in other lines of industry? ingllsh Leghorn HBHS.—De Queen disabled.and unable to take. rar,< Ark.) Dee, their 1>omes fend children, the .|,.W^ Those are questions which should engage the attention of Home Finding Society, t>f flhkvr ..industrial and financial, leaders; they undoubtedly do. But Dolling Up the Man sends a housekeeper to look rffl, Gentleman's Wardrobe, including fne family Instead of removiin; u what is the solution ? There is only one solution. wo overcoats, 2 new lamp-shades. children to temporary fBJti>r i,,,ln,, American industry must find foreign markets for her fu- —Montana Standard. This service' has been in opcrmm for five years, and In 192K the nu ture products. America will have to'"sell the world". But, Feels Fine Now ber of children so cared for vnw -yv unless America is farsighted enough to adjust the debt anil, Want to exchange Restland Me- This method Of temporary car.- h norlal lot for furniture, or car, or proved so successful that the smiH tariff equitably, the rest of the world will no% have any money- useful.—Dallas Newa. I* exttndlog It to long-timp i^si with which to buy our manufactured products. and has Suggestect that the i>ri>hi<- Dull Bald In UK> Poultry Market of caring lor the children •WSty-three men, manning two widowers may be solved in tlu> S;IM A bargain sale—where the sweet buy arid, buy.-rChristian nachine-gunB and dozens of rifles,!manner, 1 xnirrd pulleti at thtt window*. — Science Monitor. " s . LOBBYISTS PREFER THEIR POSITIONS ,ethbridge (Can.) Herald. I Head Leader Heniitailjn -1 A luxury is something that usually costs more to sell than BECAUSE OF INDEPENDENCE AFFORDED it does to make.—Louisville Times. OVER SEATS IN CONGRESS - RAINEY • <<» • • v New spted-cars have two horns on them. Probably one Uy CHARLES I\ STKWAHT for Gabriel to blow.—Norfolk Ledger-Dispatch. Central I'ress Stall Writer ASHINGTON, Nov. 21.--Why (TO No stocking is yet advertised as best in the long run. W lobbyists prefer to tyirk outside Congress' portals? Gorgeous Arkansas-Gazette. Not the small fry, who remain , .putalde because they cannot got in;, the high uower chapa, who pull real Our dictionary is funny. It says the dumb can't talk. — strings, ~th,at dozens of lawmakers actually dance lo. Like old Joe Kan Francisco Chronicle. Grundy, the master tariff lobbyist, i Such lobbyists as old man Grundy 1 Chrysanthemums .. Incidentally, one of the1 best, ways to put an end to all could be , representatives themselves, if they chooBe; In fact, they/could be wars is not to begin any.—Judge. - . "' senators. Why, ' then, da they not become YOO ARE INVITED TO CAll AND SEE boualois, or. at least representatives? As everybody already knows, a bee dies when it stings —With comfortabte seats, in and out •you. And a friendship acts.that way, too.—Louisville Times. of the wet. It seems as if it would be more dignified. Would it not also be more convenient —to be ri^ht in The packing-house industry is still the largest in the the midst of things, rather than looking un from the sidelines? United States* It seems to have no difficulty in making both ends meat.—Weston (Ore.) ^Leader. ) ROBABLY no member of Congresa BAUMANN'S P understands lobbyists better than Kepresentatlve Henry T. llainey, of •Man wants little heVe below, but he'd like to have enough Illinois. ' . The House- of Representatives' to keep up with the Joneses.—Philadelphia Inquirer, Ways and Means Committee frames all the tariff bills. It has first Chrysanthemum I ctack at them, for the Representa- The only dependable jack of all trades is money.—Kay tives take precedence over the j Featutes. Senators, in .the matter of" financial legislation.' And 'tariff bills, of all bills, have the greatest attraction of The father of twins is always proud. Puts on heirs, you lobbyists, because they offer the most magnificent opportunities fur SHOW might say.—Palm Beach Post. gravy. Representative Rainey Is the old- est (though a .minority) member *o( Household hints says table scraps can be converted Into the Ways and Mgans Committee. many thirtgs. Including divorces.—Arkansas Gazette. Now Ready "IN my opinion," Bays the Illinois 1 Representative,' "a big lobbyist The country is really getting drier. We. mean there prefers the lobby because he is more independent there than he would be hasn't been much rain for a long time.—Judge. in either Congressional chamber, Over 80.000 Blooms "A political boss often -weakens himself by accepting officte. Other endurance records don't impress the man whose, "He needs to be free to threaten "So long as lie'is able to keeh on J'Uncle Joe Cannon's strict ob neighbor has a pup that gets lonesome at night,—Boston Post. offlcehold.era, if need be. The wise running, ahead of the others, he con- jiervaiice of tills'rule made hiui.ttu 300 Varieties boss hesitates to place himself In,a tinues to be recognized as leadei. But let anything disable him—let suceuss he was. Did you ever hea: position where one of them can of a Cannon 011*1?" No, despite hli There's aboufc-forty years difference between being young threaten back at him—which alwaya him, break a leg *— and the. rest of Is a possibility if he has an office of the wolves immediately tear him to record length of service he: left no' ahd being youngish.—Arkansas Gazette. his own at stake."' pieces, In favor of a new leader, '-" a thing'to remember him by. Hi 'For the birthday party, the anniversary, or "A Representative'is like that. He i did exactly nothing, BO. escaping ,a' OREOVEH," pointed out the II- is the leader in his district. Gener-'rlBk of branding hlma*)f a failun any occasion, decorate youc/home with these A lamb satisfied Mary in the old days. Now she isn't con- 1 M llnoisiin, "a Senator, at any ally he remains BO—until he breaks, —exdept uniformly . to oppose a magnificent mums. tent until she gets your goat,—Vancouver (B. C.) I'ate, IB rather unpleasantly in the a le». Then he's don• e for." " • Ubera|'""--' ( legislation, thus winning thi limelight these tlmes^that is, un • • * organization's warm approval." pleasantly so if his activities are of "THE way a Congressman oftenest » • ' • Whether' or not you come, to purchase— It is called a finishing school on account of its effect upon a sort to appear to best advantage I • breaks [his leg," said RepreBen- "DUT the Senators^ Cbnstderabl; with a minimum of illumination. Call anyway .and see our exhibit of these papa's pocketbook.—San Diego Union. tatlve Rainey, "is by attempting ** lens than a fourth as numeroui I gorgeous fall flowers. "In the olden dayB of the election something here In Waihington and .as the Representatives," conclude* ot Senators by the state legislatures, failing at it. . I the Illinois Congressman, "do stanc If the" saloon ever comes back it is doubtful, if the night it did not matter so much. "Supposing it to be something that out conspicuously, each with an la club will let it in.—Norfolk jjedger-Dispatch. "Now, chosen as they are by popu- he absolutely must attempt, it be-1 dividual record; to account for — lar vote, -tbeir house has become hooves him to have the organiza-1 record of accomplishment as we Row* %t and $3 pet Doz. more responsive to public opinion tlon's friendship! Consequently he as of negation. than the Representatives' ~ chamber has to be a goud 'organization man.1! "Their campaigns, for re-election A man was sentenced last week for stealing half a ton of —and the more liberal, , That's why the Lower House is BO I begin as soon an they are seated, •;• CHRYSANTHEMUMS scrap-iron. It is not known whether the crime was premedi- The Lower House has grown so easily managed; the management be-iSU years of It!—always mindful ot tated, but it was certainly not done in a weak'moment.—The large that th« «l«w«nt of personal Ing normally conservative, the the home folk, 13 $4 IS * jSpttQoz. responsibility has practically van- House is likewise. "As tor a. lobbyist —' well, he Humorist. ished." " "However, the cautious represen- would be pretty effectively lost in » * * tative never attempts anything un- the House of Representatives; en- All Color, 'Oc U know how It Is," remarked less It is imperative, lest he fall and tirely too noticeable In the Senate. The most obvious Unk8;b,efween town and country are golf "Y the Congressman, "with, the attract unfavorable attention to him- The lobyy seems tq me to be the courses.—Arkansas Gazette, s leader of a wolf pack in Alaska. self in his home district. I logical place for him."

This is the time of year when a man discovers that his seem to discard the legend of Santa It he role we nominate Oliver Hardy, Plant Tulip Bulbs Now Claus has caused the move . . , Be- Kudolph Schlldkraut, Paul Muni and vest no longer matches his suits.—Jackson News. lief is that seeing Santa on the Wallace, Beery We have a It is. not too late and think pf ths beautiful Star Gazing screen In a convincing costume will sneaking notion Beery would like to. BY C.K. vJ create a deeper Impression than did play that rgle:—W. H. R. blooming flowers you will have next spring. Funny batiks. Trust Half a million to crooked messenger- the old Santa Clause's who looked Hi« Hoy no more like Saint Nick 'than you do boy, and won't take an honest man's note for fifty:. — Los Rev. and Mrs. Richard I^orlng Angeles Times. •..•': UOLLYWOOD, Calif., Nov. 21. —; Clara Bow If this tdgft spreads (Helen Dexter) of Waban are re- Foor old Santa CIBUB! The to othef stores \ ' •oteef" - talklea are after hU job, too!' . , . . ties It looks as though ' the store' on October 23 of a son, JUchurd A big fhsh bit a man in the face the othe^ day, it is report- Incredible an it may be, talking plc- Santa is doomed And there, is no Loring^ Jr. — Concord (Mass) turee. miiy cost Santa Claus one ot reason wh John R. Baumann the idea shouldn't JouVn&lX/ ed, because he was watching its antics with bated breath.— his Jobs His post iu department spread . . !f . , Hollywood with, its Florida TimeifUnion. , store* where lie meets and discusses make-up facllliles • can turn out Rudy Voice's Rivals GreeohouM*: St. George and Hazftlwood Avenue what they want for Christinas with enough film Santa Clauses who re Singing of the 1930 assessment small children in threatened by tbt ly look like the post card Kris* roll will be carried out this w,a»k at . R A H W A Y It is mifiSjty hard Ho make a spendthrift understand that- chattering «hln#irJi 4 . . One of New Krlngles to supply ever* toy »tore in the OUy Hall hv th« City Court pf York's larger depWtment stores hua America • . . Utt- etch studio tu*n Revision. — viaokoria .(Can.) Dally to make money last he must make it nrat—Louisville Times. already Installed a, miniature movie;out a short Bant* CUus talkl« Times. theatre within its confines, and as I The Idea might-not make a million Phones 711-712 Christmas draw* nigh short- tajkje dollars for anyone, but the pictures Words come easy to hlm-%ord! That wood, accused of choking his wife subject* with Christmas angles will,; wouldn't be flra^wes ever made that that have * ,ruu*|cal sway, words Fr« DtiftryAnywktre inVnion may just have been trying, out a new gag.—New York Evening be shown the little fellows who visit did not pay . . ! And there are lots that come from an active mind, not there with Mom and Pop . . . The I of Hollywood actors who would maritol words but those ol ' or Middlaex Countifi f«;t that more children e««h year >inake baaK-up Sajat Nicks . . ; For •*••

tHE WOODBR1DGE LEADER, FRIDAY, NOV. 22, IMS ST. MARY'S AND S CHAPTER OF Opens School of Dancing W. H. SLLA5H CARD fJUtTY DEC 20th NEW METHODS OH OLD;.JLAND : MM. John On,ton, chairman of ON TURKEY DAY Ihe committee In charge of the card (continued from page one) !m J l1 be *lren fn 'he Craftsmen's —-— Club, by Amerlcui Chapter, Order int. ln ;l poini. Ric"•"e» jjjlppeBuppeda bacDBCkK tlo the °"f' "»" « easterEasternn stargtar,, oon MondaMonday pve- ,,l,l plays on Wednesday and the nln*. December 2nd., has completed mrloret boy« scored two touch- P'an« 'or the event. All' th« usual ,i,,#ns against ft single six pointer BM^es will be In play and attractive mr the localslocaw. . . ,prlii>r»w wiwilnl boe awarded. The other Hire• haIIBBs fouIUUrI subBHOBs availabl*TBuaDiee fotor member"""""">s• o01f thmee committee are-: MMn ' in the Thanksgiving Day tussle.'A- M. Jellyman, Mrs. Alice Pomeroyi *<• Ouniphell and Sherman may go 1B «;$*"• ArthuT Hunt, ' Mrs. Thomas ,.,,d« to replace Schmidt or Fuller- Wand, MriTW fc. Oriswold, Mrs ion. HsWWns or Markous win be'Don^d Msnsbn, Mm. 9. H Wyld for tMka and guard' posts MISB Lillian Richardi, Mrs. Fred • Lockle will be ready Baldwin. (or bacKiww 4uty, • ' "• — The probable line-up at the CT .start: • -31' Schmidt SAVINGS LAST WEEK left «nd 1 E Koslc SchulU ' 1"c»tlo^al Thrift collection tak- en up by the Woodbrldge Natlnnal anlf trom lh A q ul lft Bydroleskl ? ' « several schools on left guard ^ November 6th.. 1929 were •« '-fo!' Uo Harrington Port -'Reading „._ $155.7:! " center A bamu o> thi Su(« Oipvtmtnl of Ar The wmt («Run9 wire d fucclola Darsheskl St. James' 12(>!96 right gunrd Jselln No. 15 >17.JI ihe tcL-phbne by which the/ Dayer, Martin No. 1 114.85 right tackle No. 11 ,_ 110.27 f.n4 «nrf dtvtloO IH«rVctt- Arenel . Kullrfton Walsh' 101.69 jfEfiSEV f«rm*r» tr«3 td* wofld in mojfin right «hd Twlln No.. 6 58.74

Regular rehearsals are belnf; held Total8 ...!«=... 3075 2191 67 iiv the caste preparing for the |>>"e- st'titatlon of the "Untangling Tony", ' Dnrn That Florist! :XXXXITXIXXXXXX: to be given in the lecture room of The bride was attired in a sown I'cto Mllaiio, of \Yr- of Exercising, Says Teacher "Have you aujflliliiK to "say, prls- ••• • oner, before I pass sentence?" asked WurT! Wuffl the Judge. ... I Dancing, and games were enjoyed "Dancing is the most pleasant, enjoyable, and benefiMfti "No, your Honor—except that It!by all IncTulRhg hot dbgI"WTilcTi'wftfe takes very little to please me." — j supplied hy the North Reading mem- exercise in the world," said Pete Mliano, of Woodbridger stage Boston Transcript. ' bera.—Reading (Mass.) Chronicle. and screen hoofer and musician, in an interview with a Leader Try Chloroform. Handm>me Compensation |reporter yesterday afternoon. ; ; Subject—"Have I the right ex- "Wfiat did father aay 'when you Mr. Milano, whose talents are well known throughout the preBslon?" n told him you were going to take me Photographer—"Perfectly natur-^owny from him?"' Township, has jflst opened a school of dancing and instrumen- For Thanksgiving al, sir." He seemed to feel his loss keen tal music at 18 Main street, opposite the' Municipal Building. Subject—"Then b© quick; It hurts ly at first, but I squared thlnga with He Is a gwluate of .the famous my"—Pearaqri'j. n Kood clsar." Tlt-Blts. Ned Wayburp School of Dancing, wliere many of'JthebeBt perfor,merB on the vaudeville stage and Bcreen received th«Jr early training. Speak- SALLY'S SALLIES THE HOUSE OF SILENT PICTURES SEGAL'S ing of dancing as a body-building exercise, Mt. Mllano said: " "The reason why the Greek ath- letes in ancient times had such re- Fruit & Vegetable iiaikulily beautiful bodies, was be- caiiM' of the m^ny rhythmic and] M•reinonlal danqes which they took Market i.jri in j*nn^i\(yfJ"tf^iftn4i twnh"Tri 'IHincIng *aS responsible for the 84 MAIN ST., COR. SCHOOL ST. uiiii'i' and beauty which still sur- vive on the Greek vases, statues and WOODBRIDGE piiiiiiliiKs that adorn the ruins of I tlieir teiupleB. | "Other countries have recognized ihe health and beauty building Phone 72 and 73 qimlitit'H of the dance, and children LAST LAST air taught the old folk dances that i TIME TONIGHT TIME 1 have been revived. | "Not only children, but adults j should have expert instruction in Buy your holiday vegetable needs in a vege- j dancing, ajid.^tffBse who are natur ally lalfiited uliould especially de< VAUDEVILLE'S SENSATION! I velup their talents, by learning the table market. We carry a complete best line of fundunientals first, Dancing,' bend' Tin- World'* <• rent cat .tlikgli'liin * iiiu and stretching exerciaea to mu- sic, tuke the drudgery out of reduc-( seasonable and other vegetable and fruits. Let im; and are far more Healthful j than tli© "18 day diet" or afly other "The Great Huber" I Rind of ft diet, . ^ . > . .s hislhe heighth of ill manner* fw i nua our excellent quality merchandise put the finish- j "Musides urodweing a Bymetrlcal- to deep while his wife u talking, but a man Ami Hi- Monstt-f Mafjlc Slum jb developed body, dancing gives bi lo deep rahielim I'HOTO -- I'l.AV 1 KATIKK posture and carriage to a ing touches to your holiday table. Phone in your p all of which are qualities that form social and business as- BILL1E DOVE in "MAN »I H. MOMENT- sets." order early so as to be assured of the best. WIAIIOV 1 •'KATl'KKTTK Third Degree Overheard as a somewhat flustered young thing descended from thei NOW IS THE TIME Russ Farrell in "SKY RIDER" hf;dan: "Say, Mayrae, I see you been TO I'KKIWliK VOUlt LAWN i Fresh 1929 crop of dates and figs, Brazil ou the rumple seat,." — Boston FOR THK.I.ONO W1XTKII Saturday Only, Nov. 23 2 — Features — 2 Herald. nuts, almonds, hazel, pecans, walnut and hick- You' JfcyeFTfth""T6n Vlssly—"1» my fftce dirty, or is TOP SOIL it my Imagination?" ory nuts. Also No. 1 mixed nutsJSs. a pound. MONTE BLUE WtgglyWYour face ls,n't; I dqn't TUT ON NOW WILL (ilVK know about your imagination." — YOU A l'KRFBCT LAWN IN IN Western Chri3tlan Advocate. I\ XllK SPKIX(J Delicious apple cider. Fancy baskets done up GRAYHOUND LIMITED' 'The Million Dollar Collar' Fried or Boiled? reasonably. SKNSA'IIOX Made with a. yolkfront and French pantle style either lace trimmed or LAST LAST tailored.—Ad in an Orlando (Fla.) NICK LANGAN TIMES TIMES paper. \V(M)D»KID

Sunday, Monday, November 24 - 25 Don't Be Deprived November 15, 1929 of The Right to Drive IN On and after November 15th., 1929, the Motor Vehicle Lawt of the Stat

COLLEEN in MOORE "WHY BE GOOD" qdiled INO. KenMaynardin "ROYAL RIDER" 4 Green Street Phone ^950 Woodbridge, N. J. SPECIAL THANKSGIVING MATINEE AT 2:30 P. M. THE WOODBR1DGE LEADER, r"RIDAY, NOV. 22, 1929

1 I southerly along the easterly sldoSff and 361 to 393, Inclinnlwu , on mapthence (3) westerly, In a line paral- —M9T.AL ADVERTISEMENT— —LBGAt I'Mlillr Nrvlci (irons l*r«»flt» lel with the first described course, Slum linpr»>«pilvc InrrnM* JAtiftt Avenue approximately 260 f»at of Woodbrldge Terrace, made by A, TOWN INVITES to a proposed manhole In the north L. Eliot, Civil ErtRlne«T, ddatedd Vb 'one hundred (100) feet t« a point In «rly tine of Warwick Street; thence ruary 5, 1907, and filed In the th» easterly line of Gordon Avenue; SHERIFF'S SALE SHERIFF'S SALE PT 1 Tf TrV IA1AT A oomparntlvf statement of com- eriy tine of Warwick Street; thence ruary u, ivvi. ana nieu >n me o»i« ttresce (4) southerly, along the east- S I A I T 111 fUlN hin«. mult* of operation for the'a 15 Inch concrete sewer extending,of the Clerk of Middlesex County erly line of Gordon Avenue, fifty end| n, y g y IN CHANCERY OK NEW JERSEY (50) feet,,to the point or place or IN CHANCBSYOITNEW JK|( Ol/VlLi IV JV/Ill twsUe |g end| n,, easterly .long the northerly tide of February 16, 1907. conveyeBeing dpar tot o fthe —Between Clara Siuca, Complain- I"" i^»^ *»• I*«»»lfc Service Cor- WarwH* Street mpWrtmately 175'the itnt BEGINNING, i, SKSKV III rTl mm TIAXI i.i.rm'lon o\fc N'i- w Jersey. showi s Cforlfee WarwHt to *• proposeStreet dmpWrtmate manhole withl 175'ththe saied itnM»rt y p^tiUeH conveyeby thed nam toe othf e ant, and BWstus Uberke; Defend- Between Great I' ! 11IN1 IVL»JL.LJU1VT M r KKA& 1I IIV/1I In1l necWary"*itch basins. manholesiMary Lendacs, by Barnard W. Kar- Bounded orfMie nortr, by Lot No. ant Fl Pa tor sale of mortgaged pany, a corporation ot N,. ','"' thc corporatiorp n and Us snbHidlary h bi hlM Ln 43, on the Aflt by Lots No*. 20 and W ni roaa earnings of $O$O5,5 -and appurtenances' therefor. ikus, single by deed dated December premises, dated October 22, 1929. »ey, Complainant, and i> (companies 5. The location Ot any part of 8, 1923, and iccorded in Book 76fc' Jl, on the south by Lot No. 46, and Annivor«arv nf Wa«h- 065,2.10..59 as against »123.172.041.- on the west by the easterly line of By virtue of the above stated writ Ryan, et als., Defendants said system may be changed or the page 22t of Middlesex County to me directed and delivered, I will . Anniversary 01 nam- , ending Gordon Avenue, all as shown on lor sale ot mortgaged n ington's Encampment to Onobe41 for 4W31 .twe)v 1929e . monthan Increase of I said plan's departed from by reeolu-' Deed*. said map. ' I expose to sale at public vendue JBJL dated October 9, 1129, $11,893.1*9.18. Itlpn of the Township Committee SECOND TRACT: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER ' E within tbe limit of the appropriation'MORTGAGE 630187 Bftiag the same preir' es con- By virtue of the above stat be Observed. , Known and described as Lota Noa. veyed to the said Chris Rasmussen FOURTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED to .me- directed and delivered , I $n Rwt for Uhe Wicked i herein provided for, so far as may et iix, by deed trom Wllk Realty and eseafy In the-sWdain and,2 In Block 859 M on a map AND TWENTY-JKINB... expose to sale at public T(. MORR1ST0WN N J TJOV Jt— She—"The world is fuJl.'pf ras- „_..,,...«be foun, d necewafof thy e proposed lm- entitled "Man** Avenei Gardens Development Co.. Inc., bearing date WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER All New Jersey In Invited by Mayor «als, this morning, the milkman gave carrying out January 3, 1S2S. 4at two o'clock, In the afternoon ot provement because of difficulty qr In. situated' In Woodbrldge Township, said day, at the Sheriff's Office in TY-8nyBNTM, NINETEEN Clyde Pot^s, to be present on No- me a counterfeit Walf-dollnr. -««-«-the work. o*t» construction. . Middlesex Coynty, New Jersey, No- Decree* amounting to approxl- vember 30th., when this town <*l« . He—-"Where It It, my dear " n1atelyK.lD0.0tl. the City of New Brunswick,, N. J. • DRBD AND TWENTV.M ; «. All the work «f said Improve- urates the 160th. anniversary of in* "Oh, I've alread..y go. t„ rW„ of it— e- vtinber, Ml" To^etltfcr *H1 all and -singular All the following tract or paroel De- ment is to be Bone In accordance /BfeQINNING at the point of Inter- •at two o'clock In the afterm n, arrival tad encampment here of luckily the butcher took It. I with the plans and profile of thesection ot. the northerly line of the rigbta, priTtleges, hereditamentsof land and premises hereinafter said day, at the Sheriffs on General George Washington and his ir».a Ncwn, ^ Iseiin Storm Sewer.Improvement asAvenei Street with the westerly line and appurucances. thereunto be-1particularlyJmH\bed sitUB», lying the City ot New Brunswick, N I longing jorr In anywiw appeWappeWalnJngJ . ,d being In the Township of Wood obwrvance art^pUwned "but Nov-m- —1.M1.U, lOVKUTlNOMKNT— hereinbefore described;' made by.ot Rahwiy Avenue; thence .running All the fbllowlng tract or u" &* R. MilMerrilll , ThTownshii p BBnglln northerlthyl alonl g saiid RbwRabwaa y Avenue BERJtlARD M. CANNO CANNONN , _.«l|e. In the County of Middles**of land and premises herein', ber 30"tn., Is. especially Intended for —i „ jr. —'— Bherlh, afl(. eer, ind the specifications therefor, 50.04 feef, thence westerly 104.19 and State-ot New Jersey. - • tfartloularly ddterlbed, sltuaT . mate- partlelpatmn. Every American JW GOLDBEROETR, which are now j ». S River to the Kenllwortii-Sprtngfleld boml.-lBi shal] be determined by the ... —Between .Perth Amboy funding Beginning on the Easterly Bide at the Intersection of P. j' ytted by Mayor I'otU to review the mately $«,TOO.O lian i.iiucnem. • - line. Included with Section 4 arejchat.uian of the Township Commit-1 TogethW with all and singular. and Loan Association, Complain- of Howell Avenue, distant Northerly with the southerly boundary n tee, the Township Cterk and Town-ithe rights, privileges, hereditaments ant,, arid Chris Rasmusse'n, et als property now or formerly f ii' n[ A special Invitation has ncen ex- the OarwoodiWeiitfleld and' Roaelle of eventy-flve teet (75') trom the O Park lateral trunks. Section 4 inshi-hi—p TreasurerP.AH«..MJV» , M.I*whMo ar**ex herebviuutK*y. auAH- lutin>; • Bugle and Drum Copra, to partici- eludes approximately 9 miles of 15- thorizsd to execute and issue said ing or in anywise appertaining. mortgaued premises dated Octo-|,er8^cMon of Mapie street 'and southerly line of property of pate in two competitions for which inch to 54-Inch aewer. Up to andtemporary notes or bonds. BERNARD M. OANNQN, her 29, 1629. Howell Avenue; running thence ID wood Terrace north 56 d^rcr, 1 [.rues ranging from fl&O to |60Including 30 Inches In diameter, the 8. Auld Improvement shall- be Sheriff. By virtue ot the above stated writ ^^ ^ an_d_ paralle_,... _ l with the minutes, west, 4(3.98 tfn |,i [ will be awarded. pipe Will be vitrified tile. Alter- made and completed under the su- point; thence (3) southerly n j,* MARTIN 4b REILEY, to toe directed and delivered. I will Nor,|ieriy line ot Maple Street one Visitors to tlit) town will be di-nate bids will be taken on vitrified pervision and direction of the Town-140.74 Solicitors. expose to sale at public vendu- on hundred and fifty feet (160") to grees, 24 minutes, west 67;i.n i,.,, rected by directional sigils to I he tile, precast re-inforced concrete, ship Committee and according to To be advertised November 22nd., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER ELEV- a point; thence (2) Northerly and to a point In the northerly ln,-in,; altes of Washington's headquarters I and re-inforced monolithic concrete the provisions of an act entitled, 1929, November 29th., 1929, De- ENTH, NINETEEN" HUNDRED parallel with the Eaaterly line ofary line of lands formerly o[ K;irkin and the damp Biles of the revolu- pipe, for 36-inch pipe and on re-ln- "An .Vet Concerning Municipalities", cember 8th., 1929, and December , J.ND TWENTY-NINE Howefl Avenue seventy-five teet Heights where same tnter>ci.s WlM, tionary brigades by markets erect forced precast and monolithic con- hereinbefore described. 13th., 1929. the afternoon 1 (75,} t0 a polnt; thence (3)-Wfiter- the westerly boundary line m iilmll crete pipe for larger sizes. Bitumi- 9. This ordinance shall take ef- of said day at the Sherfff's Office in ly and parallel with the first de- etl for the occasion. now of Woodbrldge Estate; f •.. en nous proteotlve coating will be used fect Immediately upon Us adoption -LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT— the City of New Brunswick, N. J. scribed courUe ' one hundred and All this has b<-' planned us a. All the following tract or parcel V4) la-a westerly direction ii, n,.. tribute to the memory ot the rnlll- oh the, Inside ot concrete pipe.' Cast and advertising as required by law. fifty feet-U&O') to the easterljMlne point or place of beglnnint; i•„'„ tia of New Jersey and of Washing- hbft ' pjppjpe or concrete-pipppe with aoe- . B. J. DUNIGAN, of land and premises hereinafterlf Howel, AvenUe; thence (4) talnlhg approximately ten unv 'jit d i t ill •...,...... •.'•*>»!""" TownBhlp Clerk. SHERIFF'S SALE pa,tUQ.ul»x|y described, situate, l> ing 6outneriy and along the Easteriy ton and his men for the part they cka'r'joints encased in concrete will "Bounded on the north by i»i<.t..-i t Introduced and passed first read- and being In ,. riKtowu for two winter.-*, 1777 andj certified check for $50,000.00 pay- To be advertised November 15th., —Between Thomas H. ' Flynj and State of New Jersey. henlnnln,g. 192J, and November 22nd:, 1929. Being known and designated as .Port Reading right ot way, m, n,,. 1779-80 but the bulk of• his forces able to the Rahway Valley Joint Complainant, and Patrick JR.. Bounded on the North by lot No. south by lands now or rorm.-iiy ,( spent but one winter. With him Meeting as a guarantee that the con- et vir., et als., Defendants. 'Fi Fa LotB NOB. 46 and 47, B1K. 181B, on a "Map of Heights, Sec. 132, on the East by lot No. 145, onKarkus • Heights, and Isaac i'h,,,j during the 1H7, encampment were tractor will execute tbe contract, it -:,i:<;\ii ADVERTISEMENT— for sale of mortgaged premises - South b, tot No. 1«4 ani onand on the east by 800 New Jersey militiamen, repre- awarded, tailing which the said Dated September 23, 1929.|w No. ,: developed Perth Company, ..„«- In ihe West by Howell Avenue as laidJEgtuteg, Being m the IOWB?!,.,, I( senting every county in the state, check shall be forfeited, and which By virtue of the above stated writ down on ld ma who had been oh guard against the check shall be returned to the bid- SHERIFFS SALE . to me directed and delivered, I will Woodbrldge Township, Middlesexi ?» P- 'Woodbrldge, County ol Midili ^ to prevent the seizure ""of der on the execution of the contract. expose to sale at publlc vendue 01, bounty, N. 9." Tract jV.y Beinip - g known and..-.,. deslg-'and _State of New Jersey. Beg'lnnlng at a point in the east- ated as tot No. 152, and the south- Powder...... Mill from wb.,ch COLlea.aJ ttlan*. proposal forms, IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER ELEV- tot Decrees amounting to ai>pni\i- came Washington's supply of gunspeciflcationB and forms Of BBftfl and -—Between ticeftt Inv#¥tnwit Com- ENTH, "NINETEEN HUNDRWD 1 trly line of Gordon Avenue, distant erly half of lot No. 150,, on the mately »8,100. contract oan be seen at the office of pany, a corporation (of New Jer- southerly two hUflarett setentynve above daaerlbed map. . ,' ' -t powder. Ten thousand men marched AND TWENTY-NINU Together with all and Into New Jersey in November, 1777, Clvde Potts, Consulting Engineer,,. ,»ey, Complalnknt, and P. Joseph fti from the southerly line of "beginning on the easterly side of at two o'clock in the afternoon WiSdranTAvenuertroin thence, run-j Howell Avenue, distant one hundredthe rights, privileges, hereditaments and went into winter quarters here SO Church St., New York City, or at- Ryan, et tils., Defendants. Fi Fa and appurtenances thereuntu be- on December l.« Oeneral Washing- for sale of mortgaged premises of said day at the Sheriff's Otiice in .iWg (1) eaaterly at right angles to [and fifty (150) feet northerly from the offlce of the Joint Meeting, 37 the City of NPW Brunswick. N. J. longing or in anywise apperlainine. ton with Mrs. Washington and Elm Street, Westfleld, N. J., or may dated October 9, 1929. Gordon Avehue, one hundred (lOO)jthe northeast corner formed by the Generals Lafayette,. Steuben, stark, By virtue of the above stated writ All the following tract or parcel teet; thence (2) southerly, parallel j intersection of Maple Street and WILLIAM S. HANNAH. be obtained by prospective bidders of latfd and premises hereinafter • • ..Sin-riff. Green, Mad .uiihony Wayne and upon depositing twenty dollars to me directed and delivered, I will with Gordon Avenue, fifty (60) feet; Howell Avenue; running thence (1) Colonel Alexander Hamilton, arrived ($20.00), which sum will be reexpos- e to sale at public vendue on particularly described, situate, lying thence (3) westerly, parallel with easterly and. parallel with the north-DAVID T, WILENTZ, and being In the Township of Wood B later funded to Contractors who submit WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER EIGHT- the first described course, one hun-erly line of Maple Street two -hun- $29.40 ' 'Solicitor. afew da/ ' EENTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED bridge, In the County of Middlesex dred and twenty-five (225') feet to To be advertised November 1st The winter was an exceptionally bids, on return of the plans within dred (100) teet to a point In the ten days-after the contract has been AND TWENTY-NINEi - and. State of New Jersey. easterly line of Gordon Avenue; a point in the Southeasterly corner 1929, November 8th., 1929, W>v™i- hard orfP and Washington wae T Beginning at a stake in the east- of lot NOf 160 as shown on said map; forced to depend upon patriotic Jer- awarded, If the same are in good at two o cfock in the afternoon of thenoe (4) norlaerly along the said ber 15th., • 1929; and Novtmbtr the said day at- the Sheriff's Offlce erly side of George's Road «t the thence JZ) northerly paTattel with 22nd;, lieymen tor contributions to keep condition when returnedt Gordon Avenue, tlfty (50) feet to the Army in food, it is a happy The deposit will not be refunded In the City of New Brun»wlck, N, J,Intersection of the easterly side of the point or place of beginning. • the Easterly Une of Howell Avenue commentary upon the steadfast to parties who take out plans and All the following Jract or paroel George's Road with the southerly Bounded on the north by Lot No.and along the westerly line of lot —LEGAL ADVKBTI8EMKNT- patriotism ot those early residents do not submit, proposals. of land and premftes hereinafter Bide of a street called Flood Street; .. 00 the east by Lots NOB. 22 andNo. 149 as Btrown on said map sev- " «« art J that the Army, rested ana re-invi- The Joint Meeting reserves the particularly described, situate, lying thence an by a survey made July ZS, 23r°n the south by Lot No. 48, and enty-flve t75') feet'-, thence (3) gorated was able to march away In right to reject any and all proposals, land being tn the Township of Wood- 1910, running 11) along' the south- on the west by Gordon Avenue, all I westerly parallel with the first (le- SHERIFF'S SALE the .spring better equipped than ltahway Valley Joint Meeting, bridge, in the County of Mtddlesx erly side of said Flood Street, as as shown on said map, in said block | scribed course two hundred and ever before; '. • ROGER C. AIJDRIOH, and State of New Jersey. now located south seventy-six (76) Being the same premi con-itwenty-five (225') feet to the east-j Remains of the-huts thai the sol- Chairman. BEGINNING at a point formed by degrees thirty two (32) ' mlautet, y to the said Chris Rawnuweison.'wln y line of Howell Avenue; thence;NEW JERSEY 8UPREME CO1RT - the Intersection of the southerly east one hundred (100) feet to a i'altv (4)> southerly alonge the easterleasterlyy JACH1N GOCRLJAK, I'laintin vs. diers occupied, their wens, Fort GABRIEL LARSEN, et. ux., by deed trom Wilk Realty 1 No«MJUi«, the old parade 'ground Secretary. boundary line of property now nail and arrowhead on top of p&t,and Development Co., Inc. side of Howell Avehue seventy-five JULIUS NEPSINSKY, dffendam. and the oamp sites' remain here to-: Westfleld, New Jersey. !owned by P. Joseph Kyan with the file northwesterly corner of lands Decrees amounting to approxi- (75') feet to the point or place of l"l fa tor sale of premiss dated easterly right of way line of th»|ot James Dooley; thence (2) along September. 24, 1929. d«y"-J»».t-M they -*«ra lelt by Wash-j Dated November 7. 1929. , . , mately $6,000. beginning. Port Reading Railroad;-thence IU,ithe westerly Une of said Dooley's, lngton'a m«n. It I» to see these. Advertised November 15th., 1929,!Port Reading Railroad; thence Together will all and singular Decrees amounting to approxl- By virtue ot the above stated writ thingB as well as to see the paradef <} November 22nd.. 1929. in a northerly direction along theljand.^ south ^teen (151 ffe^reeH'the rights';T privileges,'Hereditament* -— • — — .delivered. I, will an twenty-three (23) minutes west one mately to me directed and to hear the speakers that Mayor |. ,„ righrlgut of way linln« of PorP t Readingg and appurtenances thereunto be- Together will all and singular expose to Bale at public vi-ndno oa Potts has extended his invitation to ADVEHTIHIIMKNT— ! Railroad to a point in the northerly hundred (100) feet to a stake at alonging or In anywise appertaining. the rights, privileges, hereditaments I WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER TWKN- fenced corner In line of lands of the state. ; -tiMHindary line of lands of P. J. Ryan BERNARD M. GANNON,* and apputtenanieB thereunto be- TY-SEVENTH, NINETEEN HIN- at the intersection of P. J. Ryan W. A. Ryan thence (3) along the Sheriff. longing or in anywise appertaining. NOTICE with the southerly boundary line ot|Hne of said lands of said W. A. DRED AND TWENTY-NINK LEO GOLDBERGER, WILLIAM S. HANNAH, At two o'clock In the after muni ot TWELVE EAGLE SCOUTS property now or formerly of Green- Ryan, north seventy-four (74) de- Solicitor. Sheriff. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ^ ; hence 2 along the grees fourteen (14) minutfes west 27.30 Bal* day at the Sheriff's Oiho.- in tbe TownshlD Committee wl hold a * 1 To be advertised November 15th., DUBROW & SELLYEI, the City ot New Brunswick, N. J. IN RAR1TAN DISTRICT ne ol property of Green- one hundred twenty-eight and sixty- i t th Mll Miil 1929, November 22nd., 1929, No-140.74 Solicitors. All the right, title and Intfrcst-or meeting at the Meraoriul Municipal ^ T^TI 1089) -and—Oacwntwr JEa_ the dotondaat, Jullnn Two Colonla Scouts are among a on top ot a poet in the east- 6th., 1929. , November, 1929, those awarded the Eagle Badge erly side of said George's Road; •In » lnl , the nortnerly ber 22nd., 1929, and November through the Harltan Council Boy the afternoon, to consider thence (4)' along the easterly side premises, to wit: " lnl , dth e nortnerli yt —LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT— , 1929. Scouts, of America, during 1929, final of said George's Road north thirty- ALL that certain lot, trad or par- announcement dlnancnww.oe f the following or- fe - d u" ot ,andB formeriy ot two (32) degree* two (2) minutes according to an ce,, at which time andp placa e ob- ^ * Heights where same inter- —LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT— cel of land and premises herein- made by C. H. Kalqutst, chairman jeetlon. thereto may be presented k e&st one hundred (100) feet to the SHERIFF'S SALE after particularly described, situate, ol the 'Coum;U Cottrt-'ofHeaof Com- Thl place of beginning. lying and being In the BormiKh of mittee. Twelve Scouts have been ••• Bounded -on-^4ae north by- -Flood . - i-=....i-_:._- .Roosevelt (now known as l!inuu;h Street; easterly by lands ot Jamea SHERIFF'S SALE decorated with the highest merit IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY IN CHANCERY OF^ NEW JERSEY oTCafKretTiir tire Cw^mr uf HW-- honor awarded by the rNatlonal approximate- Dooley; southerly, by landfs ot W. A. —Between EQUITABLE LIFE l Ryan, formerly i of . I&aae Flood. —Between .Anna M. Spencer, dlesex and* Slate of New M>i> Council. The list Includes, Scouts B. J. DUNIGAN, '** ° ASSURANCE SOCIETY OP THE 'BEGINNING at a stak^ planted at in all districts ot th« Rarltan Coun- Township Clerk. Containing 256-1000 acres ot land. UNITED 3TATES, a corporation Complainant, and Helge Chris ten- BOUNDED on the nortlvby prop- sen, et ux, Defendants. Fl Fathe Intersection ot the south-ily cil: Troop 6, Perth Amboy, Eflward erty now or formerly known -as Being the same premises conveyed of New York, Complainant, and line of Rahway »venu« and the w.-»t- Smith, Harold' Hall, Fred' Lake and for sale of mortgaged premises AN ORDINANCE Greenwood Terrace, on the'west by to Patrick J. Ryan and Helen F. MARGARET MEYER, et al., De- erly line ot RooBeveit Charles Bacha; Troop 91, South Ryan, his wife, by deed'of Richard fendants. Fl Fa for sale ot mort- dated October 4, 1929. the Port Reading Right ot Way, on By virtue of the above atated writ thence running (1) in a wesuiiy >u- Amboy, Scouts William Peigelbeck the south by lands now or formerly P. Grace and Julia J. Grace, his gaged premises, dated October 22, and Andrew Peterson; Troop 2, Provide for the Construc- ,1929. to me directed and delivered I wni'rection along the said BO«th.ri> \w [of Karkus HeightB, *nd Isaac Flood, wife, dated April 8, 1916, recorded <= »i yuuuc vcudW on •- Aahway Avenue 44.2.1 fw-t w . r'tet th Amboy, Sheldon Safran; tion of a Storm ttewi-r to be in Middlesex County Clerk's Office, expose to sale at publlc vendue on [and on 'the east by • Woodbrldge By virtue of th» above stated writ WEDNESDAY ,, NOVEMBER TWEN-Stake; thence (2) In a BOU"I'TI> J'" Troop 10, Perth Amboy, Craig Knoun ak Iaeltn Stonn Hewer, |Estate,B. Being in. the Township of In book 586, page 429. the tHnancing' and to me directed and delivered," I will TY-SEVBNTHI , NINETEEN HUN- recllon 100 feet; thence (,:i i" •»» Boyce; Troop 61, Colonla, Scouts Woodbrldge, County ot Middlesex Decree amounting to approxi- tu Alexander Brown and Robert Tif- expose to sale at public vendue on DRED ANin? TWKN'f.v.NTMiiTWENTY-NINE' eaaterleastery ddirectior n ra-98 fwi and State ot New Jersey. mately $6,800. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER TWEN- point in line ot lands of th fany; Troop 82, .Garteret, Scout •lie It Ordained by the Township Together will- all and, singular at tWo o'clock In the afternoon ot Karl Grohman arid Troop 83, Car- Decrees amounting to approxi- TY-SEVENTH, NINETEEN HUN- Bald jay at the Sheriff's Offlce tn the Marsac Co, being also the ea.-t.Tiy Cowmlttee of the Township' of mately $8,100.00. the rights, privileges, hereditaments boundary line of lands coiwemi w teret, Scout Bernard Rosenbleeth. Woodbrldge, in' the County of DRED AND TWENTY-NINE City of New Brunswick, N. J.'- Together with all and • grngular. and appurtenances thereunto be- at two o'clock In the afternoon of Mary M. A. Sheridan and l*n* *• Before a Scout may becoms an Middlesex; longing or in anywise appertaining. All the following tract or parcel the ,rlghta, privileges, hereditaments aaid day at the Sheriff's Office in the of land and premises hereinafter Sherldait, her husband, t»y Eagle Scout he must have bein a •I. A sewer as hereinafter de- and appurtenances thereunto belong " BERNARD M... GANNON, City of New BrunBWick, N. J. Cotherlne T. Reynolds et ul-s'il Flrst CIUBS Scout for at least 1 one|scribed, to 'be1 known': as Iyelin particularly described situat*. lying Ing ' OE In anywise appertaining, Sheriff. All the following tract or parcel December 15, 1910, and -w» •year and q-uallfl»d for Merit, Badgea 1 SAflrm Sewer, shall be jconstructed BERNARD M. GANNON, THOMAS H. HAGPRTY," &;nd belnjj In tlw» TownBhlp of Wood- (IlliOli l of land, and p/emlses hereinafter brldge, ID the County ot Middlesex, the Middlesex County Cltrk in flrift aidaid, Jif© savinsavingg , psrsdnal as a" loca'"""l' improvement*"^.'»^-"Aw.«'-fr;' unde..n^»_r «-^anJd £1.9.2 . Sheriff. .Solicitor. particularly described, situate, ly>g in' Book 470 of Deed., |'^ health, public health, athletics by virtue ot the provisions ot an To be advertised No'veinber 15th., au& State of New Jersey, situate on DAVID T. WILENTZ, and being in the Township of Wood- the northerly side of Copernlc Ave- thence (4)" tn «"' norther-l.v d. physical development,, pioneering, act entitled, "An Act Concerning S31.0-S.. Solicitor. 1,929, November 22nd., 1929, No- along ,the said line of laml- M[ tlli cooking, camping, civics, bird study, Municipalities",'approved March 27, vember 29th., 1929, and December briuge, in the County of Middlesex rtue.ln the Township-of Woodirrdge, To be advertised- November 22nd., and State of New Jersey. County of Middlesex and State ot King ' Marsac Co. and ali-o Bwimming and in ally 1917, the amendments thereof and 1929, N6vember 29th., 1929, De6th.- , 1929" p uin t- bupplements thereto and other laws BEGINNING at a point in theNe, w Jersey, and known as Lots Tert Rahway Avenue 100 teui to Hi- nine others. cember 6th., 1929, and December or place of beginning. H>"! This Is the first year in the his- applicable thereto, to provide for southerly line of Gordon Street, dis- (10) and the westerly half of Lot 13th., 1929. ADVERTISEMENT— tant westerly one hundred -fifty feet most northerly 100 feet carnm tory ot the Uurltau Council that the drainage of burpjus water in Eleven (11) on map made by Jen* 1 tllilllt from where the westerly side ot entire width of the tract ti"" - Eagle Badges hive been awarded InIseHn on the streets Bhbwn on the Sbrensen, and particularly described .•veil -LEGAL ADVKltTlSEMENT— Uerry Street Intersects with the of a certain tract of laud emu South Amboy, Colonia and Carte'ret. plans and specifications compiled by SHERIFF'S SALE aa follows: ' 1 i;iviil' j George R. Merrill, Township Engin- Houtherly side ot Gordon Street; Beginning at a point on the north- to Mary M. A. Sheridan .a J. Sheridan, her husband, i-y ,'. il <>i eer, which abut, adjoin or are In thence running southerly and paral- erly Bide of Copernlc. Avenue four ,t ;il» l'ublic Service Vorporia SHERIFF'S SALE IN gHANCEUY OF NEW JERSEY said Catherine T. 1 DDeclaiml s QuiuterlQt y Dividtiuls the natnral Btonn 'drainage area lei with Berry Street eighty* andhundred and three and seventy-alx -^-Between Perth Ahiboy Building thirty-four one hundredths 180.34) dated December 15, and «- The Board of Directors of l'ublic contiguous to said streets, as sliown|IN!I CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY hundredtha (403.76) feet from the 1U11 and Loan Association, Complain- feet to lands ot Freeman; thence easterly side of Crows Mill Road, corded in said Clerk'a Ottice m J» Service Corporation of New Jersey on the pjana and specificationsi aboveabove{ 1 —Between Woodbridse Building ant, and Chris Rasmusaen, et ale., running westerly along the norther- at its meeting In Newarjt on Tues- mentioned. & Loan Association, Complainant, and thence running northerly, part <7Q, page 549. 4 Defendants. ' Fl Fa "for Bale of ly line of lands of Freeman and allel with Bald Crqws Mill Road, one • • Being the Bame premises n.^ , day, declared tUe regular quarterly', 2. The cost of said improvement! and John LendacB, Mary Lendacs mortgased premises dated October Bonry, one hundred eighty-flve and dividend of 96 cents a share on thu and George Smith, Defendants. hundred and fifteen and twenty-two to Julius Nepilnsky by Anting' < ; shall be assessed upon the lun^s In I 29, 1929. titty-nine one hundredths (185.69) 1 1 1 rt outstanding no par value common the vicinity thereof benefited, or in- Ft Fa for sale of mortgaged hundreds (115.22) teet; thence east- and GeaeU, KU wife, by d' ' ,' ' L By virtue of the above stated writ feet to a point where the northerly erly at, right angles to the first June 19, 1917, aad stock, payable' December 31, to creased in value thereby, to the ex- preuilaea dated October 16, 1929t.o me directed and delivered, I wl\llln« of land ot B,erry loturwctg with ('l)HI stockholders of reooM Decembef 2,tent of the benefit. By virtue of the above stated writ course. fhlrty-aBvan and one-halt Cieikls Ofiee of Middlesex to medlrecte ftnd 1 oxpofee to sale at publlc vendue on the southerly side of Gordon Street; (37H) feet; thenbe southerly par- In Book,6I« Ot Deeds at I'"' : u] 1929. The regular quarterly divi- 'i. The sum of Eighty-live Huu-! d -delivered ;. I will WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER ELEV- thence running easterly along the ALL those certain lots, "l l dend ot }1 per share was also de- died (¥8,500.00) DolUrs or so muchiexDOse t0 sale at publlc vettdua on allel, with the Brat, course, one hun- AL ENTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED southerly side or Gordon Street onedred and two and tWo-tenths* (102.2) parcelruiia ontf lanlonrdi and nremlHi», <>' clared on the eight per cent pre- thereof as may be necessary iB!WEDNESDAY, DECEMBEft EIGHT- ;' AND TWENTY-NINE hundred seventy and nine pne-hun- feet to Copernlo Avenue; thence after particularly d ferred stock, 91.76 on the seven ptsr hereby appropriatep d to meet the EBNTH, NINETEEN HUNDIlED at two o'clock In the afternoon dretiiB (170.09) teet to the point or , cent preferred stock and fl.2S.on. t f AND TWENTY-NINE place of BEGINNING. westerly along the northerly Ride ot lylpg and being in the cost of .carrying out said improve- of said day at the Sheriff* Office ID Copernlc Avenue thirty-nine and six Woodbridge, In the 6«un y the no yar value $5 preferred stock. ment. ,~ .,, . at two o'clock In the Afternoon otthe City of New -Brunswick, N. J. The regular monthly, dividend gf 5(1 v said day at the Sheriff's Office Bounded easterly by lot number hundred and seventy-five thou- dlesex an'd State of New J 4. The vae,wer to be constructed All the following tract or parcel 7, soutlterly \ty lands of Freeman cents a share was. also declared 011 hereunder is described as tollowB: in the City of (few Brunswick, N. J. sandths (39476) feet to the point Ing known-and deaitmi of land and premises hereinafter and lands ol Berry as shown .on or place of .beginning. No«. 447 and 448 on a map > the 6 per cent cumulative preferred Beginning at the easterly end ot All the following tract or parcel particularly described, situate, lying said Map, and northerly^ by Gordon stock. All dividends are payable as of land and premise*- hereinafter Bounded westerly by lot number ot Home 'Gardens dated ^ a culvert on Meredith Road, Ba(d and being in the Township of Wood- Street. Being known and*designated J4, 1913 made by A. L. ^ll • of the same dates, culvert being distant northerly ap- particularly described situate, lying bridge, in the County of Middlesex 9, and easterly by the remaining as lots 8,.9 and 10 as laid down on part of lot number 11, and} southerly engineer, and'flled in the proximately 140 feet from the north-and being In the Township of Wood aud State of New Jersey. a, certain map entitled, "Map ot Cuu Revised Vn erly line 01 Middlesex' Avenue and bridge, In the County ot Middlesex by Copernlc Aveaue. ' tbe Clerk.of Middle** '" Being known and designated as Central Manor, situated In Wood- Being tbe same lands and premises ber 11. 1912. Sonny—"Must I sleep ID the trom said culvert a H Inch concrete and State of New Jersey, • •' Lota Nos. 44 and 46, Blk. 181'B, as bridge Township, Middlesex County. p dark:1 sewer extending southeasterly along FIRST TRACT; d that were conveyeonveyed to Jn.e said Being the name h "M off DDunham N. J,," dated January 16,1916, made psinsky . Mother-—"YeB." Meredith Hoaff approximately TIB 8g ah own on a "Map rson and FOIL Civil Engineers, Helge Christensenn andd IneI Chi Chrlsl - to Julius Nepsinsky d Helgata, Sec. Uo. X. ttwijjieji M4 Sl Steve Vlbnn "Oh, then, let me say my prayers feet to the proposed manhole ID tbe BEGINNING on the eaaterly Bide C Smith Blreetf Perth '«"?? > « by Rosa Ko»trye oveer agaiauln-^-morn more carefully.carefullv "—D6" r easterly Bide of Middlesex Avenue;'0' Marriott AvWUMj at a point there- veloped by Perth Realty Company, idnRWor uircn n situated in Woodbrldge Township, IB, 1929, and recorded In tbe Clerk's 14, l*2t, and recorded iv in trolt Neva, thence a 24 Inch concrete sewer ex-|i distant southerly 90 feet from the Said premise^ being also tnown ot the Clerk ot Middled "".,. tendinig southwesterly along tfid |lntt;raectlon ot the same with the Middlesex County, N. J." • Offlce of Middlesex Co.upty In Book Knows Her Oatalog BEGINNING at a point in theai No. 13 Gordon Street. 958 ot Deeds, on page 24ft. Book 806 ol Deeds at easterlly side of Middlesex Avenue 'southerly line ot Edgar Avenue; easterly line at Oofdou Avenue, Decree amounting, to approxi- Judgment' amounting to "You oan get anything at a mall- approfclmitely 266 feet to a pro-|from thenoe running uoutherly along Decree amounting . to approxi- order house," . remarked t|ie lady " manhole tn the northerly slde>a-d easterly aide ot Marriott Aye-which point Is distant northerly mately f4.500.00. mately (2,000. ' . . mately 11,800.00. Five Hundred Twenty-Bix and Thir- Together with all and singular next ftowtj _. • ,' of McLe»n Street" ; thence a, 21 Inch nue 90 Jeet; thence easterly parallel Together with .all and singular Together with -" " ; ty-four One-uundredths feet from the rights, privileges, hereditaments the rights, privileges, hereditaments the' "Bvei7tntB r~feWv..)HU. a male;' concrete a«wer extending easterly with Bdgar Aftme and at right the point of intersection formed by and appurtenance* thereunto be- sighed the old m&td.' "- CTnc'llinatl along tpe northerly side of McLean angUps to MarrftHt Ayebue 110 teet and appuitenanem thereunto 'be- and Euuulrer. • , *' tc the weiurly llpe of Blandford the northerly llnW.of. King Georges longing or Is anywise appertaining. longing or In anywise appertaining. longing Btt approximately 580 feet to a Post Road w^h th$ easterly line ot WILLIAM S. HANNAH, piopowd PMAhQle lti,t)M» ewterly I Avenue; northerly ajpng said f- . WILLIAM S. HANNAH, Keduclng ItectM - Gordon Avenue, .thence running (1) Sheriff? side ot tttfh Awouei tnwoe a 16westerly U,n« o| glandford Avenue 90 easterly, at right angles with the ft MoLEAN, Moat of the women who are war inch coaer*te Sewer extendyis east- feef, ttw»«* .waiterly oaraUel with WILLUM A. SPBNi 1NBLEY,. eaaterly line., at Gordon Avenue, one$31.5, 0 Solicitors. $80.24 rylng about being a few pounds erly «U11 along the northerly eWto ofEdgar Avenue 140 te«t to the east- hundred Uol) fW to -a point; Do b» advertised November 1st., oyerVeight could solve the problem McLean Street approximately 346 erly line ol Harriott Avenue, the th,enoe (2) flortterly, In a tine 1929, November »th., W9, Novem- , Jj ^.advertise.'advertisedd NovMnW.«., ea«Uy by doing, their own cooking. t«et to a proposed manhole} also tri-plut or .place ot BEGINNING. fly, m». Novemberb . 8tb.. till, Novew- November 8th... iW- parallelll l i tfttfet saiid Gordon- Ave-ber 1 Sib., 1»J», M« N nd IS inch epftbrete gewer eitwdlng Being lot» numbers 80S to 311,u«e, fifty (50)- feet to » point; JJnd., 19J». lin ;6tb.. mi, a " THE WOODBRJDGE LEADER, FRIDAY, NOV. 22, 1§2» Page 3er«i LEADER SPORTS

WILL TELL OF FIRST Her Riding Wins Vanderbilt (up BarronsDefeat ****«- iW. H. S. BATTLES HADLEY HELD COLLEGE GRID CLASH AERIAL CIRCUS John W. Herbert, of New York Carteret Eleven JISLANDERS TO City, wh6 at the age of sixteen, played in the first football game NEXT SUNDAY ever staged between two Amer.can in Friendly Tilt SCORELESS TIE colleges, will telt thp story ot the _ ! game over Station WOR at 7 o'clock Fire week* a«° the Kvdand Black Stillman Play* Fine Brand of Races Ua Features 'Monday evening. Mr.,Herbert, who p|t>ven, of Woodbridge, lr»ve|pd to i d Carteret and was swamped 13 to 0 Football Afainst Fort WWere Postponed Because ci^lfr m^aa^rVtolTtwl'u- In the 6r»t, seven minutes of -play. ty-flve members of the Rutgers i In a frlenflty scrimmage between Richmond. of Bad Weather^n 17th. team which defeated Princeton at !the two teams Tuesday afternoon, .. .. , . . I New UrunBWlek, on November 8th., at the Parish House Field, the Bar | I' Woodbrldg* Hlth Khpol grMdert is from all sections of* th*| 1889, in the contest which marked ron outfit scored three touchdown'*' •Journeyed to Staten Inland last Sat- States will come to Hadley, the beginning of intercollegiate foot in twenty minutes. Carteret wa» i urday afternoon to battle the Port mi. nn Sunday, to participate; tall in this country. on the defense throughout yie en- i Richmond High School eleven to a , contests and racing events The speaker will tell in detail the lire time of play. scoreless Me on the Pioamr Field, at i, will he held there from 11 , story of the game; of the player Woodbrldge was unstoppable on -eilfton. The two outfits were- trwtr ly matched, the Islanders having ,k in the morning until 6 who kicked the bull In the wron* . ili wide end runs and! trick plays. !( in the afternoon In connec-J direction and gave the opposing i Carteret was baffled and seemed to the rdgai it superior weight Is any with the air meet under tl.e] team a goat; of "Big Mike", star o( be in a daie a» Stlllman skirted end advantage. ' ,,,-s of the Hadley Field Air: the Princeton team; and of a piece for generous .yaios. He accounted I The visitors outplayed the home for two of the scores. Dhfcock add- uttrt'Mtlon' in nearly every anile Incorporated. 0( strategy on the part of Rutgers to poor neld conditions and which resulted in the victory. ed the other. I of play, the Barroni taking credit, I however, for only strAi first downs Hying conditions the races The captain of the Princeton Several times during the scrim- postponed last Sunday. A mage, the Blue and White boysi •1 ssalnst the opposition's thirteen. team Is Chief Justice William M. T|if Woodbridge eleven showed far f 15,000 persons who braved ]Guramere,"oI the New Jersey" Su- rrom the boro and Coaeh McCarthy. j to nee the events had called time out and worked out a| KiH» nor ability ia gaining yardage, preme Court, and the Rutgers cap ,ninii'ietinK passes and In defensive mined away. However, If the tain was the late William J. Leg- defense to stop the oncoming Wood-1 bridge crew, but each defense failed j ! phiy Coach Nugent, of the Island- it predictions corns trueUett, for many years a prominent |eis, made plenty of mibstilutlons In arranged for this, week j minister In the Reformed church. as the local eleven plowed into (tie heary Carteret line. I the lust half in as attempt to score, ,,,n i,.. staged with all the brilliant' of the ten surviving 'members of the Mini Suwmn" Stra»lnirci'r thrilled thousands In th# fjuhlnnablf I hut without suecew. ,:.,! noted flyers of the country en- two teams, six are Rutgers man, and ainlienff ai M«'li"on Siiuan' Oaril>n by her C«P«TI horsemaoihip whfn Wednesday, Ctfrteret again came over to scrimmage with the Ban on ! stillman, Barren quarterback, ,.] t ho various contests: four Princeton graduates. • •he won th- Vaml»rbii t I'up. symbol o' thf juvi>ritlf equwil nun rham- took individual honors, making A r.ti II. Smith, Doug Davis, j Dr. John M. Thomas, president of p.omhlp This was one of thf outstanding evi nls of Ihe 44th Annual boys. This time.-the boro eleven had possession ot the ball. With;"*." th<\ maJn of the rlghtY yards on end runs. He made .. ! nooks, George Zlnn and others'Rutgers, will preside at the broad. Horw Show which haa JuM »ounAjner-' Rogan's corner, Fords, $100 or the well known "Gray-Log p 6 or SSTst"SJorstree« t In I ThanksgivinThkiinan* Bi g DayDay . I ing what Kuixe»..wiKuUHa«IU do against Itits picked him up and carried him back lira's ranking pilots, performed the| »ts when arraigned In Metuchen "-r-"famous for Its food'', on Sfjusft nort«^i?h ooff street, in told rival. New York University,'about five yards Just as he recov- co Bpite of the Injured hand, he built difficult of all flying stunts, police court Saturday morning on a the Shore Highway—Was one of the when the two elevens clash tomor- ei'ed a fumble, |an outside loop, making the dan-'charge of cruelty to animals. Ho first to answer the challenge. a log .cabin, sturdily constructed of row afternoon at 2 o'clock at the| The, line-up: Jersey pine, facing the high, main loop with a stock model 1 Hoe shot and fatally wounded a dog When the big stfrap was over, So. Amboy Caseys Yankee Stadium, New.-.York City.'Woodbridge Port Richmond 'Curt" Gray wast among those who artery for shore traffic. A hugei |stiind»rd biplane equipped with an owned by Andrew Salaki, of Loretta'j fireplace of field stones occupied al-' Scarlet rooters are a bit optimistic Schmidt I.e. Swartout fuel tank under .the motor, street, Hopelaw'n, in Rarltan Town- brought back more than a souvenir last Saturday's decisive 14 to Kosic l.t. BlUerli p from the battlefields. His right most the entire south wall. supplied gas to the carbure- last Thursday, after Salaki town Fords A. A. 0I victorS y ovfer Lehlgh, but in the Aqulla l.g. __._...„ Hannan d hand was mashed by- shrapnel, and This was the realization of an lue breath they are asking them- Dign ™. t. . - Georges Itor while it was upside down. There ghouted a warning, Haying his hunt- Idee the young couple had; a log • only four other pilots In Itto^nv; dog was in (he brush. - rfaderftd practloalliu unfit -for use. *he question ol- whether--or Cacctohi • -• .TIT" ^-""g 1 Was the ex-doughboy discouraged? cabin restaurant of the better class. not their sopTiomore team can turn Dayer .. hvni id today who have dared the out According to the story told Re- with nistic furniture, a cheerful Football Team r.t, Consenting I.Mdi' loop and have been successful. corder Bowers, Salaki "and his Not so you could have noticed It i(he veterans of University Heights. Kullertoh r.e. Merrell In the, lrst place, he met Mrs. Gray fire in the hearth, and flickering jnclude Jitntny DoolHUe, brother, Henry, a policeman in Me- candles. A forward pass, from St. Denlsto| The team that beat Lehtgh looked stillman ; O.b. ,Rob* [ pride of the Army flying corps, who tnxhen and a party ot six friends who before her' marriage was a Monaghan, In the final minute of more like the Scarlet teams of 1923 tockle l.h.b. Keltlng. The Gray-tog Cabin is a success, Cublslno ... expected to visit the airport onWere hunting- pheasant. Salaki sent .nurse in the hospital where Curt (continued on page eight) play gave the South Amboy Casets and 1924 than any eleven that has mmock r.h.b. Sunday afternoon; Alford Williams, |,|B &o% |nt0 the brush afld it raised i was recovering from-his wounds. a S-0 win over the Fords^A. A. represented Rutgers aince. The po- RuHdy f.b. Baldatsano 1 I iln> Navy's racing champion; Fred- a pheasant. While the dog was out griddcrs at South Amboy last Sun-jtential power that has been evident) Officials: Cantor, \ Bates, refer*e.....;. ii: Lund and Mackle, '„( 8|gnt and his position was known day afternoon. A drop-kick by St. at intermittent intervals during the Bowe. St, Lawrence, umpire; Sullilli- The Btunt ha* been performed Ohly by a stirring of the bushes, Ho Denls was blocked. season became a reality-lust week Tani head rtaeeman. • [jinviou&ly In high powered planes Hoe'and a party ot six friendB came OUTDOORS The alx-pointer came after a and the Rockafeller-ooached team( Time, twelve minute quarters, Tin; march down the Held of over fifty!played hard consistent football for[ Substitutions: Woodbridge: Camp- ••ally built for the perfornamce, | aiong. Ho Hoe'raised his gun and Smith's performance in his pointed it at the moving bush Just yards in which three *rst downs!the entire sixty minutes. bell for Schmidt; Hawkins for ; model plane equipped with, a salaki called to him. Disregard- were marked up and the ball | If Rutgers keeps its stride and Koslc; Koslo tor AquUa> Sherman u Kor.Jhe benefit of our sportsmen friend* we are reprint ing .ht Whirlwind motor shown that,|ng the warning,-Ho Hoe fired. The, brought to tbA-Jords' combine's plays the kind of football against ror Fullerton. Port Richmond: Fit can Be done~ With TtfairerTtsrtfjiib^-WaT^inl-bttdlr-iM^ K. f. book. ''Gun and HWe Pacts"; eighteen- yard line. Expecting to N. Y. U, that it displayed.igalMLBak*r for Leng; Mancuto tor vv day. It came unannounced ghot having entered hlB hind-quar- hear the ref's whistle any second, j Lehlgh, the Violets willbe In for a terli; Power for Conserrtlno; ' 3t. Denis passed to Monaghan. The merry and exciting afternoon. N. for Hobb; Johnson for Cublslno; the program and won him the terg and stomach. One ot the menu Departing now from the chemical of 10,000 wildly chuirtaK DePB Of the Salaki party put the Caseys scored eight first downajY, U. Jias won three succeesive Taylor for Robb. Cleaning Your Gun to the practical, all the "shooter against the opposition's six games from Rutgerb, and although' 1 animal out of Its misery. If you can obtain water, soap and needs is plain water, a cleaning rod, opening event at 11 o'clock Ho Hoe refused to show his li- Both teams playeld d a hhard game the Scarlet still holds the edge with I Ltke as Not a Truck v dry rags, there Is not the slightest Iaom e cloth for patches, and some tuns• MtM Irow'o sumo will bo th» ttweaty-mv. "wnnutTmmt i ami -on for his -arfert:—©ft various patent" uoilrum's for exercls cleaning process wilt be a bombing contest Baumgartntr, of the Society for the • enth between the tw,o institut|onR, ing the demon rust, and known as ,lt the arm 1B one which permits I The line-UD" 'one having resulted in a tie. out ;m altitude ot 500 feet. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals gun oils and nitro cleaners, but it barrel cleaning with wa^er without At 1:15 o'clock in the afternoon j j, complainanlintt tonte A. A... Bochaieiier will start hi« stro«B-|| wa a t e ia the truth. wetting the breech parts, a swabbing | «Warre> n„ eaett 'team,-whictpmn which means that eigheltlitlt I l Service - :- first racing event will start,! Several yearB ago toe Bureau of of the bore with soap and water, a Wilner hen the civilian pilots in planes' | spsophomoreo s will be In the line-up Mines, largely urged and much thorougfa drying, and a. coating with left end C ( ) AFT£R t'[nipped with 0X5 motorn will aided by my old friend MaJt Gen. the neutral oil or grease is all that Doukas Anderson Couraen and Jul(en will be on Ituku-off In a 27H mile,speed con- Junior Class ! left'tackle wines; Knauss and Sm'oyerS' , tacklestk ; YO€ HAVK BOUGHT F. C. Ain|*orth, U. S. A., retired,! U called for. Lard'and salted but- Baker Karakao —amt-r Andwabn, r-«uanU; [Tniile "extenslve"Te8t8 to see ter are not rieulril greases, OTbnnor' At 2 o'clock planes equipped with left guard Captain Crowl, center; Gree'nberg, about the firing of a gun, io invited Where the .use of wet patchet s is Krauss quarterback; Horton and Jury liimtors not having' more than 510 Has Promising red rust to come and settle down in not advisable through the nature of Chulll entile inches displacement will be cenHer Cronin, halfbacks, " nud Cross man, for Christmas the polished bore of the -weapon. the gun, then' I would recommend • Wagner tullback. Of these taen, Crowl, [*n.-n in a speed contest which will j It has been definitely proved by either Hoppe No. 9, a special, oil for Korkey We Offer Super-Values IOW the relative power of the aver- Court Aspirant^ •; or else B. S. A! SateUpaste. right guard Knauss and GreenbengW'e the only the experiments ot Dr. Huff, of that I Balint veterans. \ -r commercial plane. institution, that rust is caused, not, pfugging Voth ends of the bore Im- Mortensen IN At 2:45 o'clock the atunt pilots . The Junior Class will furnish right tackle , The varsity game, will follow a by the powder fouling, which in the j mediately after firing the last shot, Sproch preliminary contest between the /•ill take to the air for fifteen mln- most of the material for the varsity service'rifle cartridge at least, has With grease will prevent rusting—it Qelainon COLONIAL kites each. Following this event quintet at the Barren Avenue High right end Hutgers. and N. Y. U. freehnian no effect whatever, but by the conv r \i a matter of keeping the * Klsh teams wf||ch will start at 12:41 LYRIC Bhe free-for-all race In which the School during the coming . season, ponentpouents pof ththe pprimer Jtself, the of- molsten-lade|stenlade n air oout ot ththe boreb . Monaghan fastest planes in America will b« according to Coach Orian Rice. In- My own method, which I have quarterback o'clock. fender, being the potassium chlorate Handerhau' STEINITE m in action will he held. This la terclass games have been'held dur- which by ita decomposition becomes found Batlsfatcory, is merely to coat McDonnell race of 33 mites in which some ing the past week to bring out the potassiu—_ m chloride.' In combination bristle oor brabras;s ; or steel wire -ieft.lultback Worse Than Cricket BRANDES ••'»• speeds for commercial aiid rac- candidates and th« Class ot 1931 r a Lagonia| Scott, right eud for V. M.. I. took with \he moisture of the air this cor , DrUBh—for rifles andd otheth r spiraill fit. Penis u .planes are expected to be de- has been trouncing the beat that the Irodesthrodes'tn*e steel of the bore—-tubore—th«e Efe(-- '^^ arms—witarmswithh Safetl»MteSafetlsaate, and wight halfback / 'a pasB from Williams and raced BBCKIV1SU SETS . Nelson thirty years for a touchdown. — t-lftped. • school has to offer. ' fect, to put it in plainer, • more, lay ghe the bore a dozen pr more ghe the bore a p Ralelfih Times. 1'arking reservations can be |iro- TJie favorites Include Campbell, English, being much.aa tt J'ou'd care- strokes with this paste-laden ^brush. fulbask Your Credit Is Good -ijed at the Woodrow Wilson Hotel Sherman', Stlllman* Pugh, Montague fully sprayed the-'liiside of the bore Thre is no preliminary' swabbing or Tlie score by periods: Sorting 'Em Out or the Hotel Klein, New Brunswick, and Cacciola. A team picked from with salt water. Other cleaning necessary. With the ihe Hark Hotel, Plalnfleld. ' this sextet downed the. freshmen by.] The rusting cannot take place un- Ctiseys _.„.. 0 0 shotgun I wipe out the loose pow 0 "0—Uiproached the house: "I see jour Bon a, _78^3 jcore Monday afternoon' less there As A certain amdunt of jler-with. a...niteli. Vhen nasj_ through 0 0 RADIO the Low-Down „„„' "markekdd UP" thirty-eighthirtWtght humidity 'in the air to furnish the a swab coated with Satetipante. U Touchdown, Monaghan. Substltu-irand aaughteravrsttingr us -oa tlw lovesick Nephew—"Ubcle, s and Cacciola eighteen during! water for, th'e process, which, ex- the hore 1B leaded, then either the lions: Caseya, Horahuntf f , for Doukas; 'porch." "No/ said the host, "the) <• l>est way of finding out The seniors "' why guns do not readily rust brasfl ' Tomlinsou cleiiner,. OP else Vail for Horahan; Boukas for girl in the short frock is my mother' and the ypunr fellow In knlckera is SERVICE ii' thinks of me?" the sophsophs to the tune of a «• * . climates. It must not Carter's Lead Remover,' or its Brit- Triggs; Trlggs for Wllner; Wilner e Weekly. liuchelor Uncle-V'Marry her, my scor»»nrae onnn. ththfet same afternoonafternoon-. Tn ib"e ...__...tqrgotte'n ittha,^, t oeve,,^nn n,*the A«uartdesert ish equivalent, Leadens, both com- for fil. Denis; St. Denis for Gelsinon; I \ t O It i' O It A T E 1) that «>."—Manchester News. latter victory indicates at ^,. - ^ do Dyt lake d neBB tor pounds of mercury amalgam which Tackey Wr Sproch{_Rotella 77 Smith Si. Perth Anibo.v ot 1930 will come through |'e|teiultiig; ou a l'al Class granted, Likewise th e molBturmoisture i8 remove the lead, followed by Safetl- fov ugonla; l*«onia for Warren; to! absent from air below freezing and paBte but the water method is just g h for Tackey. Douglas had been promoted New WetCinVarni Hellef with second high honors proc the position of monitor in his nuw! Tor Sale—Not trying to point you A faculty Quintet Is being organ- a gun wont rust as long as It 1B kept as effective and probably cheaper if j ll farms, highly fertilized with me early in the morning. Shall we! PII>A >nd Tamboer, tonraraB, two}» i..—. „it indeflntel,_j.«_to|yv oointiaiHongp a»s thpe terntem-- I know of nothing better for pro- truck farmers.—Kd In a Tyler say a quarter to eight?"—Tlt-Bila. I'f'-Mia) paper. BOU, center; Werlock and White, oerature ia low enough to keep motB- tecting the bore than the new prod- Read Tlie trailer It«gu\arly guards. The team will probably Keep tvre out of the air—but don't bring uct Staton, once the bore is oleaned meet the High School varsity jas Hands Tied it\into a heated room unleis you i boyy thme watew»ioir an»uud swa=..—b process„.-•»„-.,, bu---t . ( soon as it Is organized. The school >M Mose Parker was pretty sick, »eek grief. it is not like Safetlpate In that it l five will begin work the first Mon- "I the darky doctor promptly P« Inasmuch as the best solvent of | can be used without preliminary! day In,' December. this primer salt is plain water, the cleaning. Fit! Inn to bed and laid down all sorts cost of keeping a gun clean tiajs ... ties and regulations as to sleep . / Tip for Inventors When the shooter reflects that diet. After he had gone, Mose have dropped quite a bit since this dis- Regular exercise and Automatic refrigerators covery. about 96% of the mined .22 call- "•(! to his wife and complained: reached a high state of efficiency all bra rifles are ruined not "through how does dat dere fool reached a high state of An alkaline paste, such at.'the healthful recreation right, >rut they won't be perfect un- shooting or wear, but crass and , ! ..ckon ah's gwlne to eat soda cream sent to me at the Bal-, ignorant neglect, maybe he will de- U| til you can persuade v. ,16 fort Richmond Away SSrel/to the faS thai husaidity of, preparation Ounlrid, which cuts out N<>V. 28. a. ^U9^*•*-r~r~r~:' ***? the air d d not »«wli th»t point, lS»p«r but won't wen polish ste«l MAKKOT. OOK. MADISON ,60* or more wWeh »ft»r

BayYoar Excellent Values "Opportunity" USED CAR SALE for as Low as opportunity far ,.. t. pick ,k, c.r y.. w.n. .. the price ,.» w»t to PV. -J "«» - *—** " " "•"""* • JteHatfe Dealer $15 per Month oat any obligation. Select the Cm You Are Interested Come and See These and REAL BUYS, Every One Of Them in and Atk lor Demonstration Many Other Values

No. 1338 LNp. 1378 No. 13B7 No. 1047 i Just the Car to Take, This Is a Dependable One Thousands of Miles of Real This Car Will Make 1925 Dodge Sedan. This is a Some Young Man Happy You to and from Work real bargain. Look it over Pleasure in This One $125 19&7 Dodge Coupe. Wonderful * 193« Chevrolet Roadster with thousands of 1927 Chevrolet Coupe. Another buy. Ask us to demonstrate it $250 miles of good unused-— (JJCA excellent car throughout transportation : No. 1386 No. 1354 No. 1308 For the Young Man or Woman No. 1368 A Bigger Car 1926 This Will Make You With a Moderate Income Just the Thick lor Your Buick Brougham

a Good Second Car 1927 Chevrolet Cabriolet. Run only 7,000 1925 Mojlel Master Six. Paint and upholstery miles. You will be proud of COCA Farm 1925 Chevrolet £edan. Use this instead' of t in wonderful condition. ~—" this one your new car to run around tlOC A real bargain ...! 1927 Chevrolet Truck. An all in purpose body. Sides removable $250 No. 1355 No. 1212 No. 1373 Let Us Demonstrate . We Are Proud to No. 1327 This Is a Good Opportunity We Offer a Ford Sedan Studebaker Sedan. Reconditioned This One Demonstrate This One and de-Dttcoed. A real buy $125 Overland Coach, six cylinder. A very 1926 Chevrolet Landau. Thoroughly re- 1926 Ford Sedan. Model T. Splendid fine job. " 1 condition and looks ' tAA conditioned and looks 117 No. 1345 1927 model ,. .good' : good : No. 947 For an investment so small that it wilt amaze you, we can provide you with a car We Just Painted This One i,that will give you dependable and satisfactory service. . . light Delivery Truck 1927 Chevrolet Landau. Your opportunity for a good buy '.. 1025 Chevrolet Panel; in $200 excellent condition ;

Jefferson Motors, Inc. ASK ABOUT OVR H LET US EXPLAIN OVR H USED CAR GUARANTEE 160 New Brunswick Avenue ii^Fli PERTH AMBOY, N. J. RED "O. K." TAG M

Advanced Harmony support of the request. After hear-1 care of a committee of three elders, CXRTERET MAN HURT iWar "Now," said the leader of the Rev. H, K. England and Rev. J. one from Rah way, F. E. Mintel; 1 IlniBlivlUe band, "we'll play 'The To Dedicate L. Ewlng, D.D., further with regard one from Woodbridge, W. H. Gard- 'SMITTY'DOES WHEN Hit BY AUTO "*" Stars and Stripes Fpreverl" to the matter, Presbytery referred ner; one from1 Carteret, W. H. "GoshJ" excl&med the cornet- the request to the, Committee of Thorn. Rev. C. M. Davis, was mad.: Joseph Wolandic, 44, of Salem Wounded Hand player, "I've just played that!" — Avenel Church Home Missions, with power to add moderator." OUTSIDE LOOP uvomie, Carteret, was cut about tfte Manchester Evening News. to the number of that committee if A drive to provide funds to built! ii*Klit side of the face, the right side This Sunday desired." a church was made in the Spring of thf body and right leg when struck no Handicap Next! At the regular meeting of Presby- of 1929. It was managed by Mr. AT AIR MEET (continued from page 7) The little boy was In church for (continued from page one). tery, held In the Greystone Preaby- Dawson, of Bast Orange. Pled^i's by a car owned and driven by John the first time. When the choir, alii iterian Church, of Bllzabetlyon Jan- were signed amounting to over J. Sharkey, of 21 Chrome avenue, In Trtilte surpltees, entered, he whis-1 signed. Arvld Wlnquist served !i uary Ut,».hu 1928 there/occurs the JIB,000.00, payable in fifty months. Daring Pilot, Formerly of 1 Gray, whraoo lovelovess outdooouiaoorr ^«sports• |pered Carteret, Sunday evening. The acci- A uhoarsely .„.„, «/«"Oh. , .see„ . T*AA«Daddy.|faithfully ,..,.,_,..„... A. B. Schmidt, the pres-1following record: The church, noy under construction. has never admitted that he is Hanoi-1 .j^., t t thi hi Fords, Gets Big Hand at dent occurred on Woodbridge ave- all going to get their hair ent superintendent has raised the "Avenel Church OrganfMd— is on the ground, owned by the lat<- nue, near FTrstTS'reijJf,*?'off "tteaTnSgr capped and he Is not. cut! "•—BostonTranwrtpt. membership to over JQO. John M. Clark akd deeded by B. i;. Hadley Fietd. m~1&:~ta.m1&ta enTrt ".TJifi-TSMrt fil^tfefi.Jteyj. H._K^ Wolandic was taken to police head- angler, and goes shooting every fall. "The action" dfpTeiolrtery pfiiiiliza- England, for the Committee on g The best methods of fire preven- belli, in co-operating In the con- quarters where he WUB treated by >More, hft brings home the tion is to do your work satisfactor- Hojne 'Missions and Church Exten- The Board of Trustees of th? Captuln Warren B. Smith, for- What's ( struction of the new- Mrhreh Is self ehurch is as follows: Dr. B. W. Hoagland. He was lat- game. H e and 'Dlls'DllD " NoeN , former ily.—Boston . sion, that the Instructions of Pres- meily from Fords and now from 1 Woodbridge Higi h Schoohl l footbalftbll erplanatory. At a remlar meeting bytery relative t.o. th...e. ..organizatio_ n J. B.^Ubat, prtWdent; A. Win Tfteiboro. N._ J., accomplished the ter taken home In the Sharkey ma- W of the Presbytery, li tlliab«th, on of a church at Avenel. had beeniquiet, secretary; H. Ayres, treasur- chine. player have a fine record of trout to most difficult stunt in aviation at their credit. Gray uses only one Passing Ociober 4th., 1927, the following,carried out, was received. This op-ler: A. Smith, J. J. .Donlgan and I.. Hft being Dad Says: 1 Interest in Every Issue climb. Meftlniwy spoke, "You know planned, and from the looks of .... 1 tliluli 'Smitty' is gonna try things the P. B. A. dance will be a "A pessimist is a man an 'outside loop' and then 'again 1 regular "Broadway Melody", what- who's • forever looking don't think he'd try It In that ship. 'ever that may mean. , through the wrong end of Only eight pages—but oh my! You gotta have plenty of power to Three staunch and well \ known of Woodbridge's Finest the telescope." ) entertainment committee, Our High Quality Bhoes The Leader is primarily intended as a newspaper for Woodbridge Township. Thoafh f Hmi Id turn ail)1 pessimist Into aii optimist. The latest Hl We have subscribers in Raritan, Metuchen, Carteret, Rahway, Plainfield, and scattered Jowr dWeWmlthf motor tldl ground M,in street taat thesj, and readers throughout the state—the Leader is written and printed for onr own home town! open and the .hip heading toward \ tojUV .evenings, Jpe Grady, the cop the ground at more than foO. miles' *«* ''f ^eerfUl g^"' ^trevee 4n hour the spectators gwped and Sundquist the popular motorcycle Imported irom Germany The Leader is not a part of any chain of papers. It is content and happy to serve its rose on their toes, women scramed, Pu55her ,from ^f own community with the kind of home news that is interesting and accurate. * *

rolled the shju on its Chenille Berets There's plenty of variety crowded in these weekly eight pages: Last minute spot newt back and pulled her up for an "out- tern especially designed to make the side loop". He had just enough P, B. A. fete "blggab an", bettah Reg. 98c. value ef general interest. Fraternal and society news—Municipal and school events— Wai speed to make the top of the loop than evah!" and then fall off. , He dropped about sports—Hunting and fishing dope—Vital statistecs—Topics of current interest to wotnei two hundred feet before lie regained JCnthusUatic Bncoi-e —Bedtime stories—Editorial that are different—Accurate account of local deeds and doc- control of "the plajie. Rescuer—'"I'm glad to 'have be«n .NOW 85 CENTS Smith pulled back the "stick" of some assistance. Can't we meet Nunn-Brush Fine Shoes uments filed at the county seat—Human interest stories—Fashion news, the very latest and again climbed. This time to an again Bomewhere?" altitude of 3,000 feet. Again he The Girl—"Yes, rather. Save me (Central Press)—Suggestions and advice to iiome buHders-^Etc.; etc. threw the ship in^o a long power I""here1'"- tomorro'?»""•'•w» abou""V"t 1 ,,""then ;» ""'"' same dive. This time Inverted. With thel«m«!"—The-HttBtbrlst (London), Hannah Shoes motor roaring, wires acreamin'i and] ~ jpbclatorg walling for the wingii to 1 Chilly be torn loose, the ship shot up and) Paeet.ioUs glootny. for Ladies Aid AM for 2c. per Copy -A Dollar a Year YOU CANT AFFORD NOT TO SUBSCRIBE! •round, through a perfect "outside,oldd chapchapT! " ; loop". * Bedlam hroke lo»jse. Five Gloomy One — "Ju«t hbard my FULL LINE OF thousand automobile^ horns had, uncle has cut me out of his will, heavy hands resting on their but- He's altered it tirA e timeti s In thth e laslt Gift Handkerchiefs ton a. And many of those stune two years." heavy hands had to u»e"|t\e "Arm-1 "Ha-! MrWentlr a fiesh-heir Christmas Notelties .•Uqng'V, starter aftej* the . showjfteld."—Musltogee Phoenh closed CHOPER'S The Woodbridge Leader Smith, was formerly with th« Penwla, Pacer Aircraft Corporation, «t Fords Servant CHrt -«- "1I»*MB, DEPARTMENT STORE And was fvell kuown throughout'the! lie* unconsclouf #«• *•»( MAIN STBKBT "JOST AMONG OURSELVES" He was one of toe oMt'Ple«e ot paper In W| b»o4 »"d a CORNER of the Pacer Klying Seme* on'iwge tfox alongside" Si. George's avenue, new'Awnei. " Mw». X. (Joyously> — «O*,- my wmum A Home Newspaper With Faith in the Home Town '^',,i>r. BMT ^at ha» uHitW >- ~ • Woo4brid««, N. J. Th» liWKfcr *Wwtart| 'OtttWltar.