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e Price of This Paper is % cents everywhere—Pay no more four Page Colored 28 Pages Today Comic Section CARTERET PRESS Four Sections No. 2 CARTKRET, N. .1., FRIDAY, NKI'TKMBKR 27, H>29 PRICE THRKE CENTS Car Inspector Fatally Women Visit New York Lvenel Hermit Killed Injured at Port Reading Hermann Low Bidder Lose Way Returning Nathan Hale Addition Martin May, of 433 Magnolia ave- A party of local women went to nue, Elizabeth, a car inspector em- On Bergen St. JobNew York Tuesday where they at- In Traffic Accident ployed in the yards of Reaflini? Rail tended a Prudence Penny meeting in road Company was caught between Local Contractor's Figure* Carnegie Hall where demonstrations Is Planned By Board Shiriofen Lived Alone With Score of Dog* and Three two cars and fatally injured Wednes- and a lecture were given regarding day afUrooon in th* yards in Port, Well Below Those of Com-various foods and household matters. School Commissioner* To Call Election To Pass Upon Plan To ,r,es—Skull Fractured and Jaw Broken When Auto Reading. He was taken to the Alex- petitors—Fire Company To After the meeting they had dinner Relieve Congestion In Primary Grade*—Eight Class M»«$»Hi» Buckboard—Horse Escapes Injury. ian Brothers Hospital where he died and attended a show in the Roxy Wednesday night. Get Hose. theatre. On the way home they visited Rooms and Auditorium Proposed. May's legs were nearly severed territory not on their route. They m. Shirinisn, a hermit who ha« Efforts were made by the Fahway :l The Herman Brothers Construction Rot off a Pennsylvania train at Scott 'Jut the lower end of Home- police to locate relative)! of the un-from his body; his arms were crushed The voters of Carteret school dis- :welve room addition could be nad* llVin|f Company was the lowest of three bid- avenue instead of the Rahway station •- <1 Avenel. died Wednes- fortunate man and a cousin was final- and he had laceration* and bruises trict will be asked to pass upon a the school and still leave a strip ders who submitted bids Monday and had some trouble finding out vacant ground thirty feet widt ..I >••• from injuries ho receiv- •all over the body. Coroner J. J. Ly- proposition to build an 8-room and imllt ly located. The body was taken in night for the contract to construct where they were. In the party were: , night when a buckboard charge by Coroner J. J. Lyman, of man was notified and gave permission auditorium addition to the Nathan ilong the Lincoln avenue frontage of ir,J , riding was struck by for the body to ge removed to Mit-curbs, gutters and walks in Bergen Mrs. F. X. Koepfler, Miss Nellie Mur- Hale school, at a special school elec- he plot. wa Carteret, who removed it to his mOr- nane, Mrs. C. H. Byrne, Mrs. William ",' i demolished. Shlrinian's ffUe. Through the cousin arrange- chell's undertaking establishment in street. The Hermann concern bid $3,- tion to be held soon. Decision to sub- The board has selected Simons, !, fractured, one jaw wasments are being made to hold the Elizabeth. May was single. 726.60. The Metuchen Contracting j, Tjawi0I. and Mrs. Morton LeVan. mit this proposition to the voters wa? heridan and Janoson, architects to make the plans for the addition in *'..„,) he received numerous funeral sprvices this afternoon in the and Trucking Company bid $4,003.50 _ reached Tuesday night at an adjourn and the United Construction and Sup- the event the proposition is sanc- nml lacerations with feasible Methodist Episcopal church in Car- ed meeting of the Board of Educntion ply Company of South Amboy bid tioned by the voters. It is estimated " was knocked un- teret. and came after nearly two hours of regained con- 14,479.30. The bids were laid over hat the cost of the addition with an The police of Woodbridge and Post Issues Statement for action at a meeting to be held on Drops On Street discussion. The measure was support uditorium will be about $33,000. Health Offlcar P«U . PaUnoa took Mmwrfcy night-of next week. , The. idea of a .twelve room addition which struck the buck- over the problem of disposing of the Plans for the sewer system to be John Cselle, Theodore A. Bishop, Jos- was opposed by Commissioner Mit- driven by Louis Madg- animals. The matter was Anally put On Rahway Campaign On Way Home •,VJH constructed in the lower section of eph Mittuch, Albert Welblund and tuch and there was much lively dis- I Ijiwrence street, Rah- up to the Society for the Prevention Chrome to relieve drainage condi- Oeorge Yuronka. The other members cussion over this and other matters , Statement to the police of of Cruelty to Animals. Some of the'Local Legionnaires Have Nn tions in Warren, Mercer and Bergen Lewis Street Man Ha* Attack f the board passed when the matter during the meeting. Saturday night following the dogs are savage. One that appears to Connection With Drive To street, have been completed and ap- was put up to a vote. Those ••ho pass- On recommendation of Supervising t Mndgyessy said that he didhe part German police dog is the lead- and Goes To Hospital Fol- proved. Engineer Oliver F. Mitchell ed are: President Edward J. Heil, Dis Principal Miss B. V. Hermann, teach- ',!„. buckboard until his carer. The whole string of dogs prompt- Raise Fund* Originated By called attention to the fact that War- lowing Fir»t Day'* Work Af- trict Clerk William V. Coughlin vice ing staffs for the regular night school i i,, it. The accident happen- ly charges any one who approaches n Rahway Group. ren street is about to be paved with president Robert Jeffreys and Com and the night school for foreign born h intersection of Randolph the house. One small brown dog which ter Long Illness. concrete. He pointed out that cross missioner Charles A. Conrad. residents, were named. Hiss Clare ','n«l Railway avenue which is seemed to be the plumpest one of the To the residents of Carteret and pipes and catch basins to connect The plan to build an addition to Monohan will be principal of the reg- ,;,, .lary between RfJ>way^and lot was found industiiousl catching Pasquale Cialli, aged 50 years, of in vicinity who have been approached by with the proposed sewer system Nathan Hale school is the result o ular evening school and will receive After the death of Shir and eating gTasshopprrt. 17 Lewis street, had been ill for sev- phone from an organization in Rah-should b« laid at onie in order to efforts upon the part of the hoard t $6 per night. Her assistants who will eral weeks. Recently he recovered remedy an acute condition of conges- receive $4 per night are: Miss Loret- ,.,inosday morning, the police way, whose purpose is the solicitation avoid ripping up the new pavement I somewhat and \yent to work Monday ,1V Innk Madgyessy into cu»- of funds! for another organization of tion in the local schools, especially in ta Powers, Clemence Allen, Miss Mar- in Warren street later on. The coun-1 at the plant of the Benjamin More the primary grades. There are twen- garet Prentiss, Miss Ethel Decker, -, technical charge of man veterans, the position %f Roosevelt cil concurred in this view and gave | Company. He put in a hard day and Post is as follows: ty classes, approximately 800 chil Miss Mildred Haviland, Miss Doris Lewis Street Resort authority to proceed with the catch was on his way home Monday night dren on part time session at present, Lubern, Mrs. Catherine Hughe* and ,.',lfh the buckboard in which We have no connection with this basins and laterals at once. when he was seized with a sinking „ ,,i was riding wa* reduced to drive for funds, neither do we share according to a report recently made John Czerniewiez. Tht teachers for The Board of Education presented spell and fell on the street. to the board. A majority of these the evening classes for foreign born ,,,, «»od, and the driver | in the work as announced by -their a request for $60,000 to meet cur- In filling, Cialli's chin struck a injured, the little horse that , , I representative in her telephone com- classes are in the Nathan Hale school are: Mrs. Mary Dowling, Miss Mary rent expenses. The council granted corner of the pavement and he waswhich IB a primary school. Ziemba and Mrs. Elizabeth Connolly. avunir the vehicle escaped with Proprtetor and One Girl Fined j versation, and any person who con- knocked unconscious. The police the request by a resolution and also During the discussion which pre- Commissioner Conrad reported -,-Kilch. tribu e81 u d r the im were notified and the man, still un- —Re»ort Clewed Permanent-1 ^ ° *•• ***• " f . " authorised a note to raise the amount. ceded the adoption of the plan for an hat a considerable portion of th« rinu,n lived alone in a one-room i pression that the^ are helping any Broom and Newman company man- conscious was brought to head quar- •oof of the Washington school is in ,,t hi,use at the foot of Home- : ters where Dr. J. J. Reason restored addition to the school, Commissioner Legion work are misled. ufacturers of shirts with a plant at Bishop raised a question that for a need of immediate repair. He recom- r,,,„,,,. alone as far as human I We have no quarrel with any other High street and Washington avenue, consciousness and attended the .,'„;.,n< were concerned.