. Braceby . Humby chapel . . Lenton . . . Sapperton

Pew Sheet – March 31st Mothering Sunday Today is a special day for Mums, but we also give thanks for all those who ‘mother’ us, including God! Caring about and caring for each other is what makes our communities good places to live.

Please remember in prayer

In the Church: • That we show the love of God in the way we live our lives. • For the enjoyment of our worship and fellowship on this special day.

In the world: • For all parents and children, especially those living in war zones, refugee camps, and with lack of food, shelter or basic medical care. • All those affected by the cyclone in East Africa, and for the work of the rescue teams.

The sick: All who are suffering within our own communities, especially Charles Ojeh, Rita Handley, Phil Wilkinson, Liza Grenfell.

Those who have died: Mark Gray (Monika, Sheila & David), David Graham (Rebecca and family), Geoff Durham (Valerie and family). Rest eternal grant to unto them, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon them.

The Collect for mothering Sunday: God of compassion, whose Son Jesus Christ, the child of Mary, shared the life of a home in Nazareth, and on the cross drew the whole human family to himself: strengthen us in our daily living that in joy and in sorrow we may know the power of your presence to bind together and to heal; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. this week’s Diary: Events are in the relevant church unless otherwise stated. More information on anything in this Pew Sheet is available from the Priest – Anna Sorensen, 01476586991 [email protected] Sunday 31st Fourth in Lent – Mothering Sunday 10.00 Ingoldsby All Age Worship 18.00 Ropsley Communion

Please note return to summertime timetable for weekday services Monday 1st 10.30 Sapperton Morning Prayer 17.30 Humby Chapel Evening Prayer 18.30 Rectory Exploring our Faith 8 19.30 Rectory Benefice Council

Tuesday 2nd 10.00 Ingoldsby V Hall Coffee Morning

Wednesday 3rd 10.00 Ropsley Communion & Prayers for Sick 17.30 Old Somerby Evening Prayer 19.30 Rectory Choir Practice

Thursday 4th 10.30 Ingoldsby Morning Prayer 17.30 Braceby Evening Prayer 19.30 Rectory Lent Group

Friday 5th 09.30 Ropsley School Easter Service 12.00 Boothby Pagnell Interment of Ashes: Joe Shannon 12.00 Old Somerby Funeral: Geoff Durham 15.30 Lenton* Lent Group 17.00 Lenton* Evening Prayer * Manor Farm Barn, Lenton, NG33 4HG. Please note time of Evening Prayer

Saturday 6th 10.00 Ingoldsby Messy Church 17.30 Boothby Pagnell Evening Prayer

Sunday 7th Fifth in Lent 10.00 Boothby Pagnell Café Church 10.00 Ropsley Communion 18.00 Rippingale Deanery Evensong

A note about the content of the Pew Sheet: You may have noticed that the electronic version is longer than the hard copy. The first four pages of the Pew Sheet are the pages that are printed each week, and include new material. Rather than delete copy that is still relevant but not new, it is retained on the subsequent pages.

Coming Soon

Messy Church Saturday 6th April, 10.00 – 12.00 at Ingoldsby Church. Crafts, story, song, food – great fun and not to be missed. For children of all ages. Please bring a well-behaved adult with you. gardens restore our well-being GROW is a charity founded to improve Hospital Gardens. They are raising £15,000 for their first project – a beautiful garden outside Ward 6 at Hospital. You can support this project by attending a Cream Tea at the Seventh Day Adventist Church, 1 Dudley Road, Grantham, on 15th April between 14.30 and 16.30. Or donating at crowdfunding.justgiving.com/hospitalgardens.

The Passover meal Ingoldsby Church invite you to join them as they prepare for Easter with a Family Passover Meal Thursday 18th April at 7 pm in Ingoldsby Church

Share in a simple meal of lamb, or vegetarian tagine, salads and fruit; and remember the events of the special meal that Jesus shared with his friends.

Please book with Hilary (01476 585979). There is no charge, but you will be invited to contribute some salad, fruit, a soft drink or a bottle of wine to the meal.

Creating the Easter garden Saturday 20th April, 14.00 – 15.00 at Ropsley Church. Come along and help to create a beautiful Easter Garden, as a reminder of the amazing Easter story, for all those who visit the church during Easter. Donations of spring flowers in pots gratefully received – on the day, or beforehand at the Rectory.

The Queen’s celebration birthday lunch Saturday 20th April, 12.30 for 13.00. Soup, cold meat salad, apple pie and custard. £7 per ticket. Book by 12th April to avoid disappointment with (Angela, 01476585765). Worship north – April 2019 3rd - Wednesday 10.00 Ropsley Prayers for the Sick with Communion

6th – Saturday 10.00 Boothby P V Hall Messy Church

7th – Fifth Sunday in Lent 10.00 Boothby P V Hall Café Church 10.00 Ropsley Communion 18.00 Rippingale Deanery Lent Evensong

11th – Thursday 10.30 Ingoldsby Pause for Thought

14th – Palm Sunday 10.00 Old Somerby Group Communion & Procession of Palms, with the Choir 18.00 Edenham Deanery Lent Evensong

15th – Monday in Holy Week 19.00 Humby Chapel Compline (Night Prayer) & Reflection

16th – Tuesday in Holy Week 19.00 Ropsley Compline (Night Prayer) & Reflection

17th – Wednesday in Holy Week 19.00 Braceby Compline (Night Prayer) & Reflection

18th – Maundy Thursday 19.00 Ingoldsby Passover Meal – Remembering the Last Supper An All Age event – free, but please book 585979

19th – Good Friday 14.00 Ropsley An Hour at the Cross 19.00 Lenton Stations of the Cross

20th – Holy Saturday 19.30 Sapperton The New Fire – Easter begins here! An All Age event

21st – EASTER DAY! 10.00 Boothby Pagnell All Age Easter Communion 10.00 Ropsley All Age Easter Communion 11.00 Lenton Easter Morning Prayer 11.00 Humby Chapel All Age Easter Communion

25th - Thursday 10.30 Ingoldsby Pause for Thought

28th – Second of Easter (Low Sunday) 10.00 Lenton Group Communion with the Choir

The Journey of Holy Week In the of Boothby Pagnell, Braceby, Humby, Ingoldsby, Lenton, Old Somerby, Ropsley & Sapperton

The week between Palm Sunday, when Jesus arrived in Jerusalem, and Easter Sunday, when he was raised from death, is a very special week for Christian people. By sharing in the special events, we come closer to Jesus, and to understanding why the Resurrection is so fantastic and so important. God became a man in Jesus Christ, but he was still God. He died to show just how much he loves us. He rose again to show that his love is powerful, in our lives now, and that everlasting life really exists Sunday 14th April – Palm Sunday What the Bible says: Crowds of people carpeted the road with their cloaks, and some cut branches from the trees to spread in his path..., and raised the shout, ‘Hosanna to the son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’ How we remember it: 10.00 Old Somerby Benefice Communion & Blessing of Palms We receive blessed crosses made of palm leaf.

The Days of Holy Week What the Bible says: Day after day I have been with you in the Temple. How we remember it: Monday 15th – Monday in Holy Week 19.00 Humby Chapel Night Prayer and a Reflection Tuesday 16th – Tuesday in Holy Week 19.00 Ropsley Night Prayer and a Reflection Wednesday 17th – Wednesday in Holy Week 19.00 Braceby Night Prayer and a Reflection These are times of quiet worship, when we can pray and ponder.

Thursday 18th – Maundy Thursday 19.00 Ingoldsby The Passover Meal – remembering the Last Supper A family meal, helping us to understand the roots of Holy Communion. (There is no charge for this event, but please book with Hilary – 585979) When the hour came, he took his place at table, and his followers with him, and he said to them, ‘How I have longed to eat this Passover with you before my death.....’ Then he made his way to the Mount of Olives, knelt down and began to pray, ‘Father, if it be your will take this cup from me. Yet not my will, but yours be done.’

Friday 19th – Good Friday 2pm Ropsley An Hour at the Cross The Way of the Cross in words and music. 19.00 Lenton Stations of the Cross Following Jesus’ walk to the Cross in words and pictures When they reached the place called The Skull, they crucified him, and the criminals with him... Jesus said, ‘Father forgive them; they do not know what they are doing....’ Jesus answered the penitent thief, ‘Truly, I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise’.

Saturday 20th – Easter Eve 19.30 Sapperton Lighting of the New Fire – Easter begins here During the Easter Eve service at Sapperton, we shall kindle a new fire and light the new Easter Candle. There is an opportunity to renew our Baptism vows The women who had accompanied Jesus from Galilee followed. They took note of the tomb, and saw his body laid in it. Then they went home and prepared spices and perfumes.

Sunday 21st – Easter Day! 10.00 Ropsley Easter Communion for All Ages & blessing of the Easter Garden 10.00 Boothby Pagnell Easter Communion for All Ages 11.00 Humby Chapel Morning Worship 11.00 Lenton Morning Worship

Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, he is risen!

Who’s who in the North Beltisloe group of Parishes: MINISTRY TEAM: Rector Designate Rev’d Anna Sorensen 01476 586991 07793544238 Assistant Priest Rev’d John Spriggs 01476 585756 Reader Ken Mann 01476 585574 ALM Colin McGarrigle 01476 585909 ALM Fred Mann 01476 585905 ALM Diana Burrows 01476 585513 ALM Tony Clayton 01476 585711

CHURCHWARDENS: Boothby Pagnell Tom Blake 01476 585898 Andrew Usborne 07901 511976 Braceby Rick Clegg 01529 497273 Ingoldsby Kate Welbourne 01476 585812 Hilary Gilbert 01476 585979 Lenton Tony Clayton 01476 585711 Peter Dobney 01476 585766 Old Somerby Len Watson 01476 568439 Simon Bond (Acting) 01476 562797 Ropsley Helen Sloss 01476 585433 Sapperton Fred Mann 01476 585905 Jonathan Tesh 01476 585348 Humby Chapel Colin McGarrigle (Chair) 01476 585909