LW1 S15/2968 Target Decision Date:2nd March 2016 Committee Date:8th March 2016

Applicant Mr Peter Stephens, The Manor House, Road, , Agent Mr Philip Butler Pba Ltd Top Cottage 7 Top Road Proposal Alterations to outbuildings to form annexe following demolition of garage and erection of double car port Location The Manor House, Ropsley Road, Old Somerby, Grantham, NG33 4AF Application Type Householder (es) Old Somerby Parish Council

Reason for Referral to This application has been referred to the development control Committee committee as the applicant is Councillor Peter Stephens. Recommendation Approved conditionally

Key Issues

 Effect on the character and appearance of the built environment  Impact of neighbouring amenities  Impact on the ecology and archaeology of the area

Technical Documents Submitted with the Application

 Historic Environment Assessment Report  Plans and elevations  Arboricultural Report  Ecology Survey

Enquires about this report to: Lee Walsh Planning Enforcement Officer 6463 [email protected]

98 99 1.0 Description of site and application

1.1 The site comprises of the Manor House, which is grade II listed building with substantial grounds. In the northeast corner of the curtilage of the main dwelling is a dovecot and two bay single storey garage. The property is served by a gravel driveway to the south and yard between the Manor House and the outbuildings.

1.2 The buildings form a rectangle around the open courtyard. The dovecote and garage are bound to the north by a moat, which is in a 'L' shape and to the east are modern farm buildings. To the west of the dovecot is a gravelled area.

1.3 The proposal is to demolish the existing modern garage and replace it with an extension to the dovecote to provide a bedroom and en-suite. The extension will remain within the same footprint as the garage. The proposed roof will increase in height from 6.5 metres to 8.5 metres, with the ridge running centrally, east-west. The dovecot will be converted to additional living accommodation with kitchen/ dinner and toilet at ground floor and study at first floor.

1.4 There will be new openings in the structure of the dovecote to provide access to the proposed extension, a small window to the north and doorway to the study at first floor to the west. A new external staircase is proposed to serve the proposed first floor study. The dovecote and proposed extension will have conservation rooflights in a pantile roof.

1.5 A free-standing wooden framed carport is to be sited three metres to the west of the dovecote.

2.0 Relevant History

2.1 No relevant planning history

3.0 Policy Considerations

3.1 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Section 7 - Requiring good design Section 11 - Enhancing the natural environment Section 12 - Enhancing the historic environment

3.2 District Council Core Strategy Policy EN1 - Protection and Enhancement

4.0 SKDC Corporate Priorities

Grow the economy

5.0 Representations Received

LCC Highways & SuDS Support No objection subject to a condition tying the use of the property to the main dwelling so as to not increase the number of vehicle movements.

Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust No Comment Received.

Historic Buildings Advisor No objection subject to conditions

100 Parish Council a) The accuracy of the redline plan and concerns over the potential for overlooking windows; b) Archaeological on the site, and; c) Impact of potential wild life.

6.0 Representations as a Result of Publicity

6.1 The application has been advertised in accordance with the Council's Statement of Community Involvement and no comments have been received.

7.0 Evaluation

7.1 Principle of the use

7.1.1 There is no objection to the use of the building for primary accommodation.

7.2 Impact of the use on the character of the area

7.2.1 The proposed conversion of the existing dovecote would not result in any disproportionate additions to the structure, and the replacement of the garage with a new extension of a similar size building in terms of mass, scale and volume would not impact on the character of the area.

7.2.2 There are restrictive views of the dovecote and the existing garage from Ropsley Road. It is largely screened by trees to the north and by the structures of the adjacent dwelling and outbuildings to the east.

7.2.3 The slight increase in the roof of the extension will increase its visible, but it will remain subordinate to the dovecote. The external additions to the dovecote will not be readily visible from the street. The use of sympathetic materials will ensure the preservation of the character and appearance of the new extension.

7.2.4 It is therefore considered that the proposed development accords with planning policy EN1 of the Core Strategy, and section 7 of the NPPF

7.3 Impact on the neighbouring properties

7.3.1 The parish council raised concerns over the impact of the proposal on the neighbouring property, which shares a boundary with the Manor House. They questioned the red line on the location plan that seemed to include land not within the control of the applicant and, the impact of windows on the adjacent property.

7.3.2 There are no windows proposed in the scheme that would lead to the overlooking of the adjacent property, and nor could any be inserted with the express consent of the Local Planning Authority. In terms of the red line plan, the agent has apologised for the oversight and provided an amend plan with a revised red line.

7.3.3 The increase in height of the proposed extension will have a negligible impact over and above the original garage, but this has a very limited impact on the amenity space of the adjacent dwelling, well within what could reasonably be expected.

101 7.4 Highway issues

7.4.1 The Highways Authority has raised concerns that the new accommodation could lead to additional traffic and have recommended a condition to tie the accommodation to the dwelling house.

7.5 Impact on Ecology

7.5.1 A report has been provided on the applicant's behalf by suitably qualified ecologists who have inspected the site.

7.5.2 There is no evidence of Great Crested newts within the adjacent moat. There was also little in the way of potential habitats for great crest newts within the area.

7.5.3 There was evidence of bats on site, but not as permanent roosts. Some of the cracks in the building where used occasionally by bats. It has been determined that the proposed development would not impact on the ability of the bats survive, reproduce or rear their young. The ecologist has provided a 'bat method statement' for dealing with the bats within the locality.

7.5.4 The ecologist identified the potential for nesting site in the buildings and surrounding shrubs. They have advised that a search for nest should be conducted if works commence in the bird nesting season, March to August. Evidence was found of swallows nesting in the garage. The carport offers an opportunity for swallows to find an alternative roost, within a building that offers shelter and ease of access.

7.5.5 There was also evidence of barn owls, which are not a protected species. A further survey of the buildings took place on December 2015 and no evidence was found of any barn owl activity.

7.5.6 A suitably worded condition requiring bat and bird boxes and the construction works to be carried out in accordance with the ecology report received on the 15th December 2016 is recommended.

7.5.7 In conclusion, there is evidence that the buildings on the site provided habitat for a wide range of species and the provision of alternative roost sites, and the control of works would mitigate any impact of the development. The development therefore accords with section 11 of the NPPF.

7.6 Impact on Archaeology

7.6.1 The site has archaeological importance as identified by the Heritage Lincolnshire and the Parish Council. However, this would only be exposed during the ground works. A suitably worded condition requiring the works to accord with the method statement provide by Heritage Lincolnshire received on the 27th January 2016 would address any concerns and comply with section 12 of the NPPF.

7.7 Impact on Trees

7.7.1 There are several trees on the banks of the moat to the north of the site. None of the trees are protected by Tree Preservation Orders or within a designated Conservation Area. The applicant proposes to retain all the trees except for one, which lies next to the dovecote and double garage. The reason given for the removal of the ash tree is that it is at the end of its life and there is weakness in the partially submerged root system. Providing a suitable replacement tree is planted there would be no objection to the loss of the tree.

7.8 Conclusion

102 7.8.1 It is consider that, having regard to the scale, mass, design and character of the proposed alterations to the dovecote and side extension, the development would not have a significant detrimental impact on the amenities of neighbouring occupiers or the character and quality of the surrounding area. In addition, the imposition of condition would overcome any objections to the proposed development. As such the proposal complies with section 7, 11 and 12 of the Nation Planning Policy Guidance and the adopted local plan, namely the Core Strategy Policy EN1.

8.0 Section 106 Heads of Terms

8.1 This application has no Section 106 requirements

9.0 Crime and Disorder

9.1 It is considered that the proposal would not result in any significant crime and disorder implications.

10.0 Human Rights Implications

10.1 Articles 6 (Rights to fair decision making) and Article 8 (Right to private family life and home) of the Human Rights Act have been taken into account in making this recommendation.

10.2 It is considered that no relevant Article of that act will be breached.

11.0 RECOMMENDATION: that the development is Approved subject to the following conditions

Time Limit for Commencement

1 The development hereby permitted shall be commenced before the expiration of three years from the date of this permission.

Reason: In order that the development is commenced in a timely manner, as set out in Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended).

Approved Plans

2 The works hereby consented shall be carried out in accordance with the following list of approved plans:

i. Location Plan No.060116 PA1C (Received 06/01/16) ii. Block Plan No.141215 Rev C (Received 06/01/16) iii. Plans and Elevations No.091015 PA4B

Unless otherwise required by another condition of this permission.

Reason: To define the permission and for the avoidance of doubt.

Before the Development is Commenced

3 Before any of the works on the external elevations of the building(s) hereby permitted are begun, samples of the materials (including colour of any render, paintwork or colourwash) to be used in the construction of the external surfaces shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

103 Reason: To ensure a satisfactory appearance to the development and in accordance with Policy EN1 of the adopted South Kesteven Core Strategy (July 2010).

4 Prior to the commencement of the development hereby approved, a photographic record of the dovecote is to be carried out, both internally and externally. The record is then to be submitted to and for the approval of the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To ensure that an appropriate record is made of the building of historic significance prior to the development hereby approved taking place.

5 Before the development hereby permitted is commenced, details of an archaeological watching brief shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In order to provide a reasonable opportunity to record the history of the site and in accordance with Policy EN1 of the adopted South Kesteven Core Strategy (July 2010) and Paragraph 141 of the NPPF.

During Building Works

6 The development hereby approved shall be carried out in strict accordance with the Bat Method statement included in the applicant's Ecological Survey received on the 15th December 2015.

Reason: In order to mitigate the loss of the bat roosts lost due the proposed development in accordance with Policy EN1 of the adopted South Kesteven Core Strategy (July 2010) and Section 11 of the NPPF.

Before the Development is Occupied

7 Development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the archaeological watching brief approved, as required by condition above.

In the event of important archaeological features or remains being discovered which are beyond the scope of the watching brief to excavate and record and which require a more thorough rescue excavation, then all construction work on site shall cease and details of a further programme of archaeological work shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Development shall not re-commence on site until the investigation works are complete and written confirmation that work may commence is received from the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In order to provide a reasonable opportunity to record the history of the site and in accordance with Policy EN1 of the adopted South Kesteven Core Strategy (July 2010) and Paragraph 141 of the NPPF.

8 Prior to the development being brought into use, details of two nest boxes for swallows and their proposed location shall be submitted to and for the approval of the Local Planning Authority. The nest boxes shall be installed in accordance with the approved details and retained permanently thereafter unless otherwise agree in writing with the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In order to mitigate the loss of the bat roosts lost due the proposed development in accordance with Policy EN1 of the adopted South Kesteven Core Strategy (July 2010) and Section 11 of the NPPF.

9 Two bat roosts shall be installed on the Dovecote, one each on the north and south elevations, prior to the accommodation being brought into use and retained permanently thereafter unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. For the avoidance of doubt, the bat roosts or bat boxes shall be of the specification as detailed in Appendix 3 of the Ecology Report.

Reason: In order to mitigate the loss of the bat roosts lost due the proposed development in accordance with Policy EN1 of the adopted South Kesteven Core Strategy (July 2010) and Section 11 of the NPPF.

104 10 The proposed extension and conversion hereby permitted shall not be occupied at any time as a separate dwelling or any purpose other than those ancillary to the residential use of the dwelling known as The Manor House, Old Somerby;.

Reason: The establishment of a further independent dwelling on this site would give rise to conditions detrimental to the amenities and privacy of both the existing dwelling and proposed accommodation.

Standard Note(s) to Applicant:

105 106 107