Dino Grandi Ouits Mussolini Cabinet
in , WWmwi^ei’-lfc-S Wi 5 3 6 4 w of ttae AMlt 1 r ^ ' r "• ' Fair thpw.ftNrr ■•t;' ctiCbteoMom. VOL. LI., NO. 248. (ClMiMed Adrarllilac <m Vftfe 1S>X SOUTH MANCHESTER,. CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1982. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICEa * IflEBB▼ CENTS. a. - . ! i In lim eligh t of Inquiry Into Prisonei^o D eath w m IS TOLD DINO GRANDI OUITS ♦ Hera art osntral figures in tbs In- vestigatioh of the death of Hyman WATER SYSTEM MUSSOLINI CABINET Stark, youthful prisoner, who died after hours of questioning by Nassau County, N. T., poUoe. Coun CANByOUfflT ty Detoetlvc Joseph Hizenski is ■bowB above at Nassau Hbspital, Foreign Hnuster Resigns h 3DEAD,8HURT Mineola, X* L, as be vlsitod tbe bed •A side of his mother, Mrs. Valerie Sdedmep To Confer WiA Hizenski, who was severely beateD Shake-Up Whidi Reidaces during an attempted robbery in (S(y of Beribi A l l P n w i^ FROM EXPLOSION which Stark and three others were O10119 Brothori On Pnr- President Postpones R re Ministers and 11 Un suspsetod of having a part Hizsn- Of BradcoiNttg Ihiicr skt and twelve other police officers d n ie — Would Indnde euepen<M pending the out- Signing R elief Bill der-Secretaries. Four Men Mistmg When of the Inqv South Sewer Haitt Abo. M irikl Law To Stop Pofi- Djmamite Goei Off At Washington, ^ y 20.^(AP) — Young, Industrlflllsi and Wilson ticai Rkrti WlwA Gaoiod Rom*, July 20.— (A P )— Dino aoMo thsrsu srs woumwould osbs amstims for svsry- W. Mttle, Detroit- banker, bad been OruuM, Italian foralfn miaiatar, ra> TIm advisability of tbs purchase body to g it sst, ineludlBg tbe thirty discussed Ity otbers.
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