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“Networking is not a game of who can hand out the most business cards.” Lien Yeung, page 15 DECember 2013 • VOLUME 53 • NUMBER 12 THIS ISSUE Hillary Clinton coming March 2014 A Consul General’s thoughts on CETA · 2 Event sells out following dance records and making this event the largest in The Vancouver overwhelming demand Board of Trade’s 126-year history. A closer look at from Board members Elio Luongo, National Manag- BC Hydro’s Site C · 3 ing Partner (Tax) for KPMG, and By greg hoekstra the 2013-14 Chair of The Vancou- Compensation planning ver Board of Trade, said hosting a for 2014 · 6 The Vancouver Board of Trade world-renowned speaker such as is thrilled to announce its March Clinton is a huge honour for the BCIT appoints first 2014 keynote address by Hillary organization. female president · 10 Rodham Clinton, Former U.S. “There’s no question — this Secretary of State, sold out just will be a once-in-a-lifetime op- SFU launches community two days into a Members-only portunity,” said Luongo. “I think service awards · 11 presale. that’s reflected in the unprec- Due to overwhelming demand edented enthusiasm we’re seeing Economic Outlook Forum from Members, the organization from our members. People are to kick off 2014 · 11 had to call off the general public excited to be in the same room as Hillary Rodham Clinton, Former U.S. Secretary of State and Former U.S. Senator from New sale scheduled to take place on her, and to hear insights from one York, will speak to members of The Vancouver Board of Trade March 5, 2014. Spinoffs that create Nov. 23, making this event an ex- of the world’s most accomplished shareholder value · 13 clusive opportunity available only and admirable women.” also a testament to the Board’s Circle, said the group is ecstatic to to Board of Trade Members. Iain Black, President and CEO reputation and history of suc- be presenting such a high-profile In other words — Membership of The Vancouver Board of Trade, cessfully hosting world leaders, speaker. The most common mistake has its privileges. added that the Board of Trade has including (former U.S. President) “Throughout her remarkable on social media · 14 The Board of Trade officially been working to secure Clinton Bill Clinton twice.” career, and in her roles as mother, announced the sell-out crowd on as a speaker for more than six The March 2014 event will daughter, First Lady, senator $2M to advance women in Nov. 21, following two of the most months, since learning that she be presented by the Women’s and Secretary of State, Clinton’s business leadership · 15 successful sales days the Board of was planning to accept a very Leadership Circle — a signature steadfast focus on the political, Trade has ever recorded. In fact, limited number of speaking en- program that aims to elevate economic and social empower- hundreds registered for the event gagements in North America. women through meaningful ment of women has been an @boardoftrade within hours of it going online. “I think the fact that she chose connections, leadership develop- inspiration,” said Schnarr. /VancouverBoardofTrade All told, there will be more our organization is a strong testa- ment, and advocacy. For more information, visit than 2,700 attendees at the Queen ment to Vancouver’s reputation Jill Schnarr, Vice President of Elizabeth Theatre on March 5, as an internationally recognized, Community Affairs at and For sponsorship enquiries, email 2014 — shattering past atten- world-class city,” said Black. “It’s Chair of the Women’s Leadership [email protected]

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